[FFmpeg-cvslog] doc/utils: reformat doc for color syntax and add list of supported colors
Timothy Gu
git at videolan.org
Wed Oct 16 18:33:18 CEST 2013
ffmpeg | branch: master | Timothy Gu <timothygu99 at gmail.com> | Sun Oct 13 18:37:11 2013 -0700| [155a5ff00d611e7238af7becd0d99dde31b49ab2] | committer: Stefano Sabatini
doc/utils: reformat doc for color syntax and add list of supported colors
Signed-off-by: Timothy Gu <timothygu99 at gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Stefano Sabatini <stefasab at gmail.com>
> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=155a5ff00d611e7238af7becd0d99dde31b49ab2
doc/utils.texi | 296 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 290 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/doc/utils.texi b/doc/utils.texi
index 484da5f..9c9a47b 100644
--- a/doc/utils.texi
+++ b/doc/utils.texi
@@ -283,17 +283,301 @@ The undefined value can be expressed using the "0:0" string.
@anchor{color syntax}
@section Color
-It can be the name of a color (case insensitive match) or a
-[0x|#]RRGGBB[AA] sequence, possibly followed by "@@" and a string
+It can be the name of a color as defined below (case insensitive match) or a
+ at code{[0x|#]RRGGBB[AA]} sequence, possibly followed by @samp{@@} and a string
representing the alpha component.
The alpha component may be a string composed by "0x" followed by an
hexadecimal number or a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0, which
-represents the opacity value (0x00/0.0 means completely transparent,
-0xff/1.0 completely opaque).
-If the alpha component is not specified then 0xff is assumed.
+represents the opacity value (@samp{0x00} or @samp{0.0} means completely
+transparent, @samp{0xff} or @samp{1.0} completely opaque). If the alpha
+component is not specified then @samp{0xff} is assumed.
-The string "random" will result in a random color.
+The string @samp{random} will result in a random color.
+The following names of colors are recognized:
+ at table @samp
+ at item AliceBlue
+ at item AntiqueWhite
+ at item Aqua
+ at item Aquamarine
+ at item Azure
+ at item Beige
+ at item Bisque
+ at item Black
+ at item BlanchedAlmond
+ at item Blue
+ at item BlueViolet
+ at item Brown
+ at item BurlyWood
+ at item CadetBlue
+ at item Chartreuse
+ at item Chocolate
+ at item Coral
+ at item CornflowerBlue
+ at item Cornsilk
+ at item Crimson
+ at item Cyan
+ at item DarkBlue
+ at item DarkCyan
+ at item DarkGoldenRod
+ at item DarkGray
+ at item DarkGreen
+ at item DarkKhaki
+ at item DarkMagenta
+ at item DarkOliveGreen
+ at item Darkorange
+ at item DarkOrchid
+ at item DarkRed
+ at item DarkSalmon
+ at item DarkSeaGreen
+ at item DarkSlateBlue
+ at item DarkSlateGray
+ at item DarkTurquoise
+ at item DarkViolet
+ at item DeepPink
+ at item DeepSkyBlue
+ at item DimGray
+ at item DodgerBlue
+ at item FireBrick
+ at item FloralWhite
+ at item ForestGreen
+ at item Fuchsia
+ at item Gainsboro
+ at item GhostWhite
+ at item Gold
+ at item GoldenRod
+ at item Gray
+ at item Green
+ at item GreenYellow
+ at item HoneyDew
+ at item HotPink
+ at item IndianRed
+ at item Indigo
+ at item Ivory
+ at item Khaki
+ at item Lavender
+ at item LavenderBlush
+ at item LawnGreen
+ at item LemonChiffon
+ at item LightBlue
+ at item LightCoral
+ at item LightCyan
+ at item LightGoldenRodYellow
+ at item LightGreen
+ at item LightGrey
+ at item LightPink
+ at item LightSalmon
+ at item LightSeaGreen
+ at item LightSkyBlue
+ at item LightSlateGray
+ at item LightSteelBlue
+ at item LightYellow
+ at item Lime
+ at item LimeGreen
+ at item Linen
+ at item Magenta
+ at item Maroon
+ at item MediumAquaMarine
+ at item MediumBlue
+ at item MediumOrchid
+ at item MediumPurple
+ at item MediumSeaGreen
+ at item MediumSlateBlue
+ at item MediumSpringGreen
+ at item MediumTurquoise
+ at item MediumVioletRed
+ at item MidnightBlue
+ at item MintCream
+ at item MistyRose
+ at item Moccasin
+ at item NavajoWhite
+ at item Navy
+ at item OldLace
+ at item Olive
+ at item OliveDrab
+ at item Orange
+ at item OrangeRed
+ at item Orchid
+ at item PaleGoldenRod
+ at item PaleGreen
+ at item PaleTurquoise
+ at item PaleVioletRed
+ at item PapayaWhip
+ at item PeachPuff
+ at item Peru
+ at item Pink
+ at item Plum
+ at item PowderBlue
+ at item Purple
+ at item Red
+ at item RosyBrown
+ at item RoyalBlue
+ at item SaddleBrown
+ at item Salmon
+ at item SandyBrown
+ at item SeaGreen
+ at item SeaShell
+ at item Sienna
+ at item Silver
+ at item SkyBlue
+ at item SlateBlue
+ at item SlateGray
+ at item Snow
+ at item SpringGreen
+ at item SteelBlue
+ at item Tan
+ at item Teal
+ at item Thistle
+ at item Tomato
+ at item Turquoise
+ at item Violet
+ at item Wheat
+ at item White
+ at item WhiteSmoke
+ at item Yellow
+ at item YellowGreen
+ at end table
@c man end SYNTAX
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