[FFmpeg-cvslog] configure: Prevent icl being incorrectly detected as msvc.
Matthew Oliver
git at videolan.org
Thu Nov 20 12:22:33 CET 2014
ffmpeg | branch: master | Matthew Oliver <protogonoi at gmail.com> | Thu Nov 20 18:34:37 2014 +1100| [e39f8fad321fb1e0bc34dc223f915c2a17edacf1] | committer: Michael Niedermayer
configure: Prevent icl being incorrectly detected as msvc.
Signed-off-by: Michael Niedermayer <michaelni at gmx.at>
Reviewed-by: Benoit Fouet <benoit.fouet at free.fr>
Signed-off-by: Michael Niedermayer <michaelni at gmx.at>
> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=e39f8fad321fb1e0bc34dc223f915c2a17edacf1
configure | 46 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index c0aa718..c329057 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -3444,29 +3444,6 @@ probe_cc(){
# 4509: "This form of conditional instruction is deprecated"
_flags="-nologo -ignore 4509"
- elif $_cc 2>&1 | grep -q Microsoft; then
- _type=msvc
- _ident=$($cc 2>&1 | head -n1)
- _DEPCMD='$(DEP$(1)) $(DEP$(1)FLAGS) $($(1)DEP_FLAGS) $< 2>&1 | awk '\''/including/ { sub(/^.*file: */, ""); gsub(/\\/, "/"); if (!match($$0, / /)) print "$@:", $$0 }'\'' > $(@:.o=.d)'
- _DEPFLAGS='$(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -showIncludes -Zs'
- _cflags_speed="-O2"
- _cflags_size="-O1"
- if $_cc 2>&1 | grep -q Linker; then
- _ld_o='-out:$@'
- else
- _ld_o='-Fe$@'
- fi
- _cc_o='-Fo$@'
- _cc_e='-P -Fi$@'
- _flags_filter=msvc_flags
- _ld_lib='lib%.a'
- _ld_path='-libpath:'
- _flags='-nologo'
- _cflags='-D_USE_MATH_DEFINES -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -Dinline=__inline -FIstdlib.h -Dstrtoll=_strtoi64'
- if [ $pfx = hostcc ]; then
- append _cflags -Dsnprintf=_snprintf
- fi
- disable stripping
elif $_cc 2>&1 | grep -q Intel; then
_ident=$($cc 2>&1 | head -n1)
@@ -3493,6 +3470,29 @@ probe_cc(){
if [ $pfx = hostcc ]; then
append _cflags -Dsnprintf=_snprintf
+ elif $_cc 2>&1 | grep -q Microsoft; then
+ _type=msvc
+ _ident=$($cc 2>&1 | head -n1)
+ _DEPCMD='$(DEP$(1)) $(DEP$(1)FLAGS) $($(1)DEP_FLAGS) $< 2>&1 | awk '\''/including/ { sub(/^.*file: */, ""); gsub(/\\/, "/"); if (!match($$0, / /)) print "$@:", $$0 }'\'' > $(@:.o=.d)'
+ _DEPFLAGS='$(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -showIncludes -Zs'
+ _cflags_speed="-O2"
+ _cflags_size="-O1"
+ if $_cc 2>&1 | grep -q Linker; then
+ _ld_o='-out:$@'
+ else
+ _ld_o='-Fe$@'
+ fi
+ _cc_o='-Fo$@'
+ _cc_e='-P -Fi$@'
+ _flags_filter=msvc_flags
+ _ld_lib='lib%.a'
+ _ld_path='-libpath:'
+ _flags='-nologo'
+ _cflags='-D_USE_MATH_DEFINES -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -Dinline=__inline -FIstdlib.h -Dstrtoll=_strtoi64'
+ if [ $pfx = hostcc ]; then
+ append _cflags -Dsnprintf=_snprintf
+ fi
+ disable stripping
elif $_cc --version 2>/dev/null | grep -q ^cparser; then
_ident=$($_cc --version | head -n1)
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