[FFmpeg-cvslog] avcodec/x86/xvididct: Remove obsolete MMX(EXT) functions

Andreas Rheinhardt git at videolan.org
Wed Jun 22 15:28:42 EEST 2022

ffmpeg | branch: master | Andreas Rheinhardt <andreas.rheinhardt at outlook.com> | Fri Jun 10 20:47:39 2022 +0200| [b2437a45af58b0a9d726f1ee082e7d2809175b99] | committer: Andreas Rheinhardt

avcodec/x86/xvididct: Remove obsolete MMX(EXT) functions

x64 always has MMX, MMXEXT, SSE and SSE2 and this means
that some functions for MMX, MMXEXT and 3dnow are always
overridden by other functions (unless one e.g. explicitly
disables SSE2) for x64. So given that the only systems that
benefit from these functions are truely ancient 32bit x86s
they are removed.

Signed-off-by: Andreas Rheinhardt <andreas.rheinhardt at outlook.com>

> http://git.videolan.org/gitweb.cgi/ffmpeg.git/?a=commit;h=b2437a45af58b0a9d726f1ee082e7d2809175b99

 libavcodec/tests/x86/dct.c     |   4 -
 libavcodec/x86/xvididct.asm    | 411 -----------------------------------------
 libavcodec/x86/xvididct.h      |   8 -
 libavcodec/x86/xvididct_init.c |  43 -----
 4 files changed, 466 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libavcodec/tests/x86/dct.c b/libavcodec/tests/x86/dct.c
index 6e3d8f7c01..207a2bcb36 100644
--- a/libavcodec/tests/x86/dct.c
+++ b/libavcodec/tests/x86/dct.c
@@ -69,10 +69,6 @@ static const struct algo idct_tab_arch[] = {
     { "SIMPLE-MMX",  ff_simple_idct_mmx,  FF_IDCT_PERM_SIMPLE, AV_CPU_FLAG_MMX },
-#if ARCH_X86_32
-    { "XVID-MMX",    ff_xvid_idct_mmx,    FF_IDCT_PERM_NONE,   AV_CPU_FLAG_MMX,    1 },
-    { "XVID-MMXEXT", ff_xvid_idct_mmxext, FF_IDCT_PERM_NONE,   AV_CPU_FLAG_MMXEXT, 1 },
     { "XVID-SSE2",   ff_xvid_idct_sse2,   FF_IDCT_PERM_SSE2,   AV_CPU_FLAG_SSE2,   1 },
diff --git a/libavcodec/x86/xvididct.asm b/libavcodec/x86/xvididct.asm
index 0220885da6..4197551cdf 100644
--- a/libavcodec/x86/xvididct.asm
+++ b/libavcodec/x86/xvididct.asm
@@ -91,145 +91,6 @@ iTab4:  dw 0x4b42, 0x6254, 0xb4be, 0x9dac, 0x4b42, 0xd746, 0x4b42, 0xd746
         dw 0x3b21, 0x14c3, 0x587e, 0xeb3d, 0x14c3, 0x587e, 0x14c3, 0xc4df
         dw 0x6862, 0x587e, 0x979e, 0xc4df, 0x3b21, 0x979e, 0x587e, 0x979e
-%if ARCH_X86_32
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; The first stage iDCT 8x8 - inverse DCTs of rows
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; The 8-point inverse DCT direct algorithm
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; static const short w[32] = {
-;     FIX(cos_4_16),  FIX(cos_2_16),  FIX(cos_4_16),  FIX(cos_6_16),
-;     FIX(cos_4_16),  FIX(cos_6_16), -FIX(cos_4_16), -FIX(cos_2_16),
-;     FIX(cos_4_16), -FIX(cos_6_16), -FIX(cos_4_16),  FIX(cos_2_16),
-;     FIX(cos_4_16), -FIX(cos_2_16),  FIX(cos_4_16), -FIX(cos_6_16),
-;     FIX(cos_1_16),  FIX(cos_3_16),  FIX(cos_5_16),  FIX(cos_7_16),
-;     FIX(cos_3_16), -FIX(cos_7_16), -FIX(cos_1_16), -FIX(cos_5_16),
-;     FIX(cos_5_16), -FIX(cos_1_16),  FIX(cos_7_16),  FIX(cos_3_16),
-;     FIX(cos_7_16), -FIX(cos_5_16),  FIX(cos_3_16), -FIX(cos_1_16) };
-; #define DCT_8_INV_ROW(x, y)
-; {
-;     int a0, a1, a2, a3, b0, b1, b2, b3;
-;     a0 = x[0] * w[0]  + x[2] * w[1]  + x[4] * w[2]  + x[6] * w[3];
-;     a1 = x[0] * w[4]  + x[2] * w[5]  + x[4] * w[6]  + x[6] * w[7];
-;     a2 = x[0] * w[8]  + x[2] * w[9]  + x[4] * w[10] + x[6] * w[11];
-;     a3 = x[0] * w[12] + x[2] * w[13] + x[4] * w[14] + x[6] * w[15];
-;     b0 = x[1] * w[16] + x[3] * w[17] + x[5] * w[18] + x[7] * w[19];
-;     b1 = x[1] * w[20] + x[3] * w[21] + x[5] * w[22] + x[7] * w[23];
-;     b2 = x[1] * w[24] + x[3] * w[25] + x[5] * w[26] + x[7] * w[27];
-;     b3 = x[1] * w[28] + x[3] * w[29] + x[5] * w[30] + x[7] * w[31];
-;     y[0] = SHIFT_ROUND(a0 + b0);
-;     y[1] = SHIFT_ROUND(a1 + b1);
-;     y[2] = SHIFT_ROUND(a2 + b2);
-;     y[3] = SHIFT_ROUND(a3 + b3);
-;     y[4] = SHIFT_ROUND(a3 - b3);
-;     y[5] = SHIFT_ROUND(a2 - b2);
-;     y[6] = SHIFT_ROUND(a1 - b1);
-;     y[7] = SHIFT_ROUND(a0 - b0);
-; }
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; In this implementation the outputs of the iDCT-1D are multiplied
-;     for rows 0,4 - by cos_4_16,
-;     for rows 1,7 - by cos_1_16,
-;     for rows 2,6 - by cos_2_16,
-;     for rows 3,5 - by cos_3_16
-; and are shifted to the left for better accuracy.
-; For the constants used,
-;     FIX(float_const) = (short) (float_const * (1 << 15) + 0.5)
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Tables for mmx processors
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Table for rows 0,4 - constants are multiplied by cos_4_16
-tab_i_04_mmx: dw  16384,  16384,  16384, -16384
-              dw  21407,   8867,   8867, -21407 ; w07 w05 w03 w01
-              dw  16384, -16384,  16384,  16384 ; w14 w12 w10 w08
-              dw  -8867,  21407, -21407,  -8867 ; w15 w13 w11 w09
-              dw  22725,  12873,  19266, -22725 ; w22 w20 w18 w16
-              dw  19266,   4520,  -4520, -12873 ; w23 w21 w19 w17
-              dw  12873,   4520,   4520,  19266 ; w30 w28 w26 w24
-              dw -22725,  19266, -12873, -22725 ; w31 w29 w27 w25
-; Table for rows 1,7 - constants are multiplied by cos_1_16
-              dw  22725,  22725,  22725, -22725 ; movq-> w06 w04 w02 w00
-              dw  29692,  12299,  12299, -29692 ; w07 w05 w03 w01
-              dw  22725, -22725,  22725,  22725 ; w14 w12 w10 w08
-              dw -12299,  29692, -29692, -12299 ; w15 w13 w11 w09
-              dw  31521,  17855,  26722, -31521 ; w22 w20 w18 w16
-              dw  26722,   6270,  -6270, -17855 ; w23 w21 w19 w17
-              dw  17855,   6270,   6270,  26722 ; w30 w28 w26 w24
-              dw -31521,  26722, -17855, -31521 ; w31 w29 w27 w25
-; Table for rows 2,6 - constants are multiplied by cos_2_16
-              dw  21407,  21407,  21407, -21407 ; movq-> w06 w04 w02 w00
-              dw  27969,  11585,  11585, -27969 ; w07 w05 w03 w01
-              dw  21407, -21407,  21407,  21407 ; w14 w12 w10 w08
-              dw -11585,  27969, -27969, -11585 ; w15 w13 w11 w09
-              dw  29692,  16819,  25172, -29692 ; w22 w20 w18 w16
-              dw  25172,   5906,  -5906, -16819 ; w23 w21 w19 w17
-              dw  16819,   5906,   5906,  25172 ; w30 w28 w26 w24
-              dw -29692,  25172, -16819, -29692 ; w31 w29 w27 w25
-; Table for rows 3,5 - constants are multiplied by cos_3_16
-              dw  19266,  19266,  19266, -19266 ; movq-> w06 w04 w02 w00
-              dw  25172,  10426,  10426, -25172 ; w07 w05 w03 w01
-              dw  19266, -19266,  19266,  19266 ; w14 w12 w10 w08
-              dw -10426,  25172, -25172, -10426 ; w15 w13 w11 w09
-              dw  26722,  15137,  22654, -26722 ; w22 w20 w18 w16
-              dw  22654,   5315,  -5315, -15137 ; w23 w21 w19 w17
-              dw  15137,   5315,   5315,  22654 ; w30 w28 w26 w24
-              dw -26722,  22654, -15137, -26722 ; w31 w29 w27 w25
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Tables for xmm processors
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; %3 for rows 0,4 - constants are multiplied by cos_4_16
-tab_i_04_xmm: dw  16384,  21407,  16384,   8867 ; movq-> w05 w04 w01 w00
-              dw  16384,   8867, -16384, -21407 ; w07 w06 w03 w02
-              dw  16384,  -8867,  16384, -21407 ; w13 w12 w09 w08
-              dw -16384,  21407,  16384,  -8867 ; w15 w14 w11 w10
-              dw  22725,  19266,  19266,  -4520 ; w21 w20 w17 w16
-              dw  12873,   4520, -22725, -12873 ; w23 w22 w19 w18
-              dw  12873, -22725,   4520, -12873 ; w29 w28 w25 w24
-              dw   4520,  19266,  19266, -22725 ; w31 w30 w27 w26
-; %3 for rows 1,7 - constants are multiplied by cos_1_16
-              dw  22725,  29692,  22725,  12299 ; movq-> w05 w04 w01 w00
-              dw  22725,  12299, -22725, -29692 ; w07 w06 w03 w02
-              dw  22725, -12299,  22725, -29692 ; w13 w12 w09 w08
-              dw -22725,  29692,  22725, -12299 ; w15 w14 w11 w10
-              dw  31521,  26722,  26722,  -6270 ; w21 w20 w17 w16
-              dw  17855,   6270, -31521, -17855 ; w23 w22 w19 w18
-              dw  17855, -31521,   6270, -17855 ; w29 w28 w25 w24
-              dw   6270,  26722,  26722, -31521 ; w31 w30 w27 w26
-; %3 for rows 2,6 - constants are multiplied by cos_2_16
-              dw  21407,  27969,  21407,  11585 ; movq-> w05 w04 w01 w00
-              dw  21407,  11585, -21407, -27969 ; w07 w06 w03 w02
-              dw  21407, -11585,  21407, -27969 ; w13 w12 w09 w08
-              dw -21407,  27969,  21407, -11585 ; w15 w14 w11 w10
-              dw  29692,  25172,  25172,  -5906 ; w21 w20 w17 w16
-              dw  16819,   5906, -29692, -16819 ; w23 w22 w19 w18
-              dw  16819, -29692,   5906, -16819 ; w29 w28 w25 w24
-              dw   5906,  25172,  25172, -29692 ; w31 w30 w27 w26
-; %3 for rows 3,5 - constants are multiplied by cos_3_16
-              dw  19266,  25172,  19266,  10426 ; movq-> w05 w04 w01 w00
-              dw  19266,  10426, -19266, -25172 ; w07 w06 w03 w02
-              dw  19266, -10426,  19266, -25172 ; w13 w12 w09 w08
-              dw -19266,  25172,  19266, -10426 ; w15 w14 w11 w10
-              dw  26722,  22654,  22654,  -5315 ; w21 w20 w17 w16
-              dw  15137,   5315, -26722, -15137 ; w23 w22 w19 w18
-              dw  15137, -26722,   5315, -15137 ; w29 w28 w25 w24
-              dw   5315,  22654,  22654, -26722 ; w31 w30 w27 w26
-%endif ; ~ARCH_X86_32
 ; Similar to rounder_0 in MMX code
 ; 4 first similar, then: 4*8->6*16  5*8->4*16  6/7*8->5*16
 walkenIdctRounders: times 4 dd 65536
@@ -709,275 +570,3 @@ INIT_XMM sse2
-%if ARCH_X86_32
-; %1=offset  %2=tab_offset
-; %3=rnd_offset where 4*8->6*16  5*8->4*16  6/7*8->5*16
-%macro DCT_8_INV_ROW  3
-    movq       mm0, [r0+16*%1+0]  ; 0 ; x3 x2 x1 x0
-    movq       mm1, [r0+16*%1+8]  ; 1 ; x7 x6 x5 x4
-    movq       mm2, mm0       ; 2 ; x3 x2 x1 x0
-    movq       mm3, [%2+ 0]   ; 3 ; w06 w04 w02 w00
-%if cpuflag(mmxext)
-    pshufw     mm0, mm0, 0x88 ; x2 x0 x2 x0
-    movq       mm4, [%2+ 8]   ; 4 ; w07 w06 w03 w02
-    movq       mm5, mm1       ; 5 ; x7 x6 x5 x4
-    pmaddwd    mm3, mm0       ; x2*w05+x0*w04 x2*w01+x0*w00
-    movq       mm6, [%2+32]   ; 6 ; w21 w20 w17 w16
-    pshufw     mm1, mm1, 0x88 ; x6 x4 x6 x4
-    pmaddwd    mm4, mm1       ; x6*w07+x4*w06 x6*w03+x4*w02
-    movq       mm7, [%2+40]   ; 7; w23 w22 w19 w18
-    pshufw     mm2, mm2, 0xdd ; x3 x1 x3 x1
-    pmaddwd    mm6, mm2       ; x3*w21+x1*w20 x3*w17+x1*w16
-    pshufw     mm5, mm5, 0xdd ; x7 x5 x7 x5
-    pmaddwd    mm7, mm5       ; x7*w23+x5*w22 x7*w19+x5*w18
-    paddd      mm3, [walkenIdctRounders + %3]      ; +%3
-    pmaddwd    mm0, [%2+16]   ; x2*w13+x0*w12 x2*w09+x0*w08
-    paddd      mm3, mm4       ; 4 ; a1=sum(even1) a0=sum(even0)
-    pmaddwd    mm1, [%2+24]   ; x6*w15+x4*w14 x6*w11+x4*w10
-    movq       mm4, mm3       ; 4 ; a1 a0
-    pmaddwd    mm2, [%2+48]   ; x3*w29+x1*w28 x3*w25+x1*w24
-    paddd      mm6, mm7       ; 7 ; b1=sum(odd1) b0=sum(odd0)
-    pmaddwd    mm5, [%2+56]   ; x7*w31+x5*w30 x7*w27+x5*w26
-    paddd      mm3, mm6       ; a1+b1 a0+b0
-    paddd      mm0, [walkenIdctRounders + %3]      ; +%3
-    psrad      mm3, 11        ; y1=a1+b1 y0=a0+b0
-    paddd      mm0, mm1       ; 1 ; a3=sum(even3) a2=sum(even2)
-    psubd      mm4, mm6       ; 6 ; a1-b1 a0-b0
-    movq       mm7, mm0       ; 7 ; a3 a2
-    paddd      mm2, mm5       ; 5 ; b3=sum(odd3) b2=sum(odd2)
-    paddd      mm0, mm2       ; a3+b3 a2+b2
-    psrad      mm4, 11        ; y6=a1-b1 y7=a0-b0
-    psubd      mm7, mm2       ; 2 ; a3-b3 a2-b2
-    psrad      mm0, 11        ; y3=a3+b3 y2=a2+b2
-    psrad      mm7, 11        ; y4=a3-b3 y5=a2-b2
-    packssdw   mm3, mm0       ; 0 ; y3 y2 y1 y0
-    packssdw   mm7, mm4       ; 4 ; y6 y7 y4 y5
-    movq  [r0+16*%1+0], mm3       ; 3 ; save y3 y2 y1 y0
-    pshufw     mm7, mm7, 0xb1 ; y7 y6 y5 y4
-    punpcklwd  mm0, mm1       ; x5 x1 x4 x0
-    movq       mm5, mm0       ; 5 ; x5 x1 x4 x0
-    punpckldq  mm0, mm0       ; x4 x0 x4 x0
-    movq       mm4, [%2+ 8]   ; 4 ; w07 w05 w03 w01
-    punpckhwd  mm2, mm1       ; 1 ; x7 x3 x6 x2
-    pmaddwd    mm3, mm0       ; x4*w06+x0*w04 x4*w02+x0*w00
-    movq       mm6, mm2       ; 6 ; x7 x3 x6 x2
-    movq       mm1, [%2+32]   ; 1 ; w22 w20 w18 w16
-    punpckldq  mm2, mm2       ; x6 x2 x6 x2
-    pmaddwd    mm4, mm2       ; x6*w07+x2*w05 x6*w03+x2*w01
-    punpckhdq  mm5, mm5       ; x5 x1 x5 x1
-    pmaddwd    mm0, [%2+16]   ; x4*w14+x0*w12 x4*w10+x0*w08
-    punpckhdq  mm6, mm6       ; x7 x3 x7 x3
-    movq       mm7, [%2+40]   ; 7 ; w23 w21 w19 w17
-    pmaddwd    mm1, mm5       ; x5*w22+x1*w20 x5*w18+x1*w16
-    paddd      mm3, [walkenIdctRounders + %3]     ; +%3
-    pmaddwd    mm7, mm6       ; x7*w23+x3*w21 x7*w19+x3*w17
-    pmaddwd    mm2, [%2+24]   ; x6*w15+x2*w13 x6*w11+x2*w09
-    paddd      mm3, mm4       ; 4 ; a1=sum(even1) a0=sum(even0)
-    pmaddwd    mm5, [%2+48]   ; x5*w30+x1*w28 x5*w26+x1*w24
-    movq       mm4, mm3       ; 4 ; a1 a0
-    pmaddwd    mm6, [%2+56]   ; x7*w31+x3*w29 x7*w27+x3*w25
-    paddd      mm1, mm7       ; 7 ; b1=sum(odd1) b0=sum(odd0)
-    paddd      mm0, [walkenIdctRounders + %3]     ; +%3
-    psubd      mm3, mm1       ; a1-b1 a0-b0
-    psrad      mm3, 11        ; y6=a1-b1 y7=a0-b0
-    paddd      mm1, mm4       ; 4 ; a1+b1 a0+b0
-    paddd      mm0, mm2       ; 2 ; a3=sum(even3) a2=sum(even2)
-    psrad      mm1, 11        ; y1=a1+b1 y0=a0+b0
-    paddd      mm5, mm6       ; 6 ; b3=sum(odd3) b2=sum(odd2)
-    movq       mm4, mm0       ; 4 ; a3 a2
-    paddd      mm0, mm5       ; a3+b3 a2+b2
-    psubd      mm4, mm5       ; 5 ; a3-b3 a2-b2
-    psrad      mm0, 11        ; y3=a3+b3 y2=a2+b2
-    psrad      mm4, 11        ; y4=a3-b3 y5=a2-b2
-    packssdw   mm1, mm0       ; 0 ; y3 y2 y1 y0
-    packssdw   mm4, mm3       ; 3 ; y6 y7 y4 y5
-    movq       mm7, mm4       ; 7 ; y6 y7 y4 y5
-    psrld      mm4, 16        ; 0 y6 0 y4
-    pslld      mm7, 16        ; y7 0 y5 0
-    movq  [r0+16*%1+0], mm1   ; 1 ; save y3 y2 y1 y0
-    por        mm7, mm4       ; 4 ; y7 y6 y5 y4
-    movq  [r0+16*%1+8], mm7   ; 7 ; save y7 y6 y5 y4
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; The first stage DCT 8x8 - forward DCTs of columns
-; The %2puts are multiplied
-; for rows 0,4 - on cos_4_16,
-; for rows 1,7 - on cos_1_16,
-; for rows 2,6 - on cos_2_16,
-; for rows 3,5 - on cos_3_16
-; and are shifted to the left for rise of accuracy
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; The 8-point scaled forward DCT algorithm (26a8m)
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;#define DCT_8_FRW_COL(x, y)
-; {
-;     short t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7;
-;     short tp03, tm03, tp12, tm12, tp65, tm65;
-;     short tp465, tm465, tp765, tm765;
-;     t0 = LEFT_SHIFT(x[0] + x[7]);
-;     t1 = LEFT_SHIFT(x[1] + x[6]);
-;     t2 = LEFT_SHIFT(x[2] + x[5]);
-;     t3 = LEFT_SHIFT(x[3] + x[4]);
-;     t4 = LEFT_SHIFT(x[3] - x[4]);
-;     t5 = LEFT_SHIFT(x[2] - x[5]);
-;     t6 = LEFT_SHIFT(x[1] - x[6]);
-;     t7 = LEFT_SHIFT(x[0] - x[7]);
-;     tp03 = t0 + t3;
-;     tm03 = t0 - t3;
-;     tp12 = t1 + t2;
-;     tm12 = t1 - t2;
-;     y[0] = tp03 + tp12;
-;     y[4] = tp03 - tp12;
-;     y[2] = tm03 + tm12 * tg_2_16;
-;     y[6] = tm03 * tg_2_16 - tm12;
-;     tp65 = (t6 + t5) * cos_4_16;
-;     tm65 = (t6 - t5) * cos_4_16;
-;     tp765 = t7 + tp65;
-;     tm765 = t7 - tp65;
-;     tp465 = t4 + tm65;
-;     tm465 = t4 - tm65;
-;     y[1] = tp765 + tp465 * tg_1_16;
-;     y[7] = tp765 * tg_1_16 - tp465;
-;     y[5] = tm765 * tg_3_16 + tm465;
-;     y[3] = tm765 - tm465 * tg_3_16;
-; }
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-%macro DCT_8_INV_COL 1
-    movq        mm0, [tan3]
-    movq        mm3, [%1+16*3]
-    movq        mm1, mm0 ; tg_3_16
-    movq        mm5, [%1+16*5]
-    pmulhw      mm0, mm3 ; x3*(tg_3_16-1)
-    movq        mm4, [tan1]
-    pmulhw      mm1, mm5 ; x5*(tg_3_16-1)
-    movq        mm7, [%1+16*7]
-    movq        mm2, mm4 ; tg_1_16
-    movq        mm6, [%1+16*1]
-    pmulhw      mm4, mm7 ; x7*tg_1_16
-    paddsw      mm0, mm3 ; x3*tg_3_16
-    pmulhw      mm2, mm6 ; x1*tg_1_16
-    paddsw      mm1, mm3 ; x3+x5*(tg_3_16-1)
-    psubsw      mm0, mm5 ; x3*tg_3_16-x5 = tm35
-    movq        mm3, [sqrt2]
-    paddsw      mm1, mm5 ; x3+x5*tg_3_16 = tp35
-    paddsw      mm4, mm6 ; x1+tg_1_16*x7 = tp17
-    psubsw      mm2, mm7 ; x1*tg_1_16-x7 = tm17
-    movq        mm5, mm4 ; tp17
-    movq        mm6, mm2 ; tm17
-    paddsw      mm5, mm1 ; tp17+tp35 = b0
-    psubsw      mm6, mm0 ; tm17-tm35 = b3
-    psubsw      mm4, mm1 ; tp17-tp35 = t1
-    paddsw      mm2, mm0 ; tm17+tm35 = t2
-    movq        mm7, [tan2]
-    movq        mm1, mm4 ; t1
-    movq  [%1+3*16], mm5 ; save b0
-    paddsw      mm1, mm2 ; t1+t2
-    movq  [%1+5*16], mm6 ; save b3
-    psubsw      mm4, mm2 ; t1-t2
-    movq        mm5, [%1+2*16]
-    movq        mm0, mm7 ; tg_2_16
-    movq        mm6, [%1+6*16]
-    pmulhw      mm0, mm5 ; x2*tg_2_16
-    pmulhw      mm7, mm6 ; x6*tg_2_16
-    pmulhw      mm1, mm3 ; ocos_4_16*(t1+t2) = b1/2
-    movq        mm2, [%1+0*16]
-    pmulhw      mm4, mm3 ; ocos_4_16*(t1-t2) = b2/2
-    psubsw      mm0, mm6 ; t2*tg_2_16-x6 = tm26
-    movq        mm3, mm2 ; x0
-    movq        mm6, [%1+4*16]
-    paddsw      mm7, mm5 ; x2+x6*tg_2_16 = tp26
-    paddsw      mm2, mm6 ; x0+x4 = tp04
-    psubsw      mm3, mm6 ; x0-x4 = tm04
-    movq        mm5, mm2 ; tp04
-    movq        mm6, mm3 ; tm04
-    psubsw      mm2, mm7 ; tp04-tp26 = a3
-    paddsw      mm3, mm0 ; tm04+tm26 = a1
-    paddsw      mm1, mm1 ; b1
-    paddsw      mm4, mm4 ; b2
-    paddsw      mm5, mm7 ; tp04+tp26 = a0
-    psubsw      mm6, mm0 ; tm04-tm26 = a2
-    movq        mm7, mm3 ; a1
-    movq        mm0, mm6 ; a2
-    paddsw      mm3, mm1 ; a1+b1
-    paddsw      mm6, mm4 ; a2+b2
-    psraw       mm3, 6   ; dst1
-    psubsw      mm7, mm1 ; a1-b1
-    psraw       mm6, 6   ; dst2
-    psubsw      mm0, mm4 ; a2-b2
-    movq        mm1, [%1+3*16] ; load b0
-    psraw       mm7, 6   ; dst6
-    movq        mm4, mm5 ; a0
-    psraw       mm0, 6   ; dst5
-    movq  [%1+1*16], mm3
-    paddsw      mm5, mm1 ; a0+b0
-    movq  [%1+2*16], mm6
-    psubsw      mm4, mm1 ; a0-b0
-    movq        mm3, [%1+5*16] ; load b3
-    psraw       mm5, 6   ; dst0
-    movq        mm6, mm2 ; a3
-    psraw       mm4, 6   ; dst7
-    movq  [%1+5*16], mm0
-    paddsw      mm2, mm3 ; a3+b3
-    movq  [%1+6*16], mm7
-    psubsw      mm6, mm3 ; a3-b3
-    movq  [%1+0*16], mm5
-    psraw       mm2, 6   ; dst3
-    movq  [%1+7*16], mm4
-    psraw       mm6, 6   ; dst4
-    movq  [%1+3*16], mm2
-    movq  [%1+4*16], mm6
-%macro XVID_IDCT_MMX 0
-cglobal xvid_idct, 1, 1, 0, block
-%if cpuflag(mmxext)
-%define TAB tab_i_04_xmm
-%define TAB tab_i_04_mmx
-    ; Process each row - beware of rounder offset
-    DCT_8_INV_ROW  0, TAB + 64 * 0, 0*16
-    DCT_8_INV_ROW  1, TAB + 64 * 1, 1*16
-    DCT_8_INV_ROW  2, TAB + 64 * 2, 2*16
-    DCT_8_INV_ROW  3, TAB + 64 * 3, 3*16
-    DCT_8_INV_ROW  4, TAB + 64 * 0, 6*16
-    DCT_8_INV_ROW  5, TAB + 64 * 3, 4*16
-    DCT_8_INV_ROW  6, TAB + 64 * 2, 5*16
-    DCT_8_INV_ROW  7, TAB + 64 * 1, 5*16
-    ; Process the columns (4 at a time)
-    DCT_8_INV_COL  r0+0
-    DCT_8_INV_COL  r0+8
-    RET
-INIT_MMX mmxext
-%endif ; ~ARCH_X86_32
diff --git a/libavcodec/x86/xvididct.h b/libavcodec/x86/xvididct.h
index edb5ebfd31..bd6195e391 100644
--- a/libavcodec/x86/xvididct.h
+++ b/libavcodec/x86/xvididct.h
@@ -29,14 +29,6 @@
 #include <stddef.h>
 #include <stdint.h>
-void ff_xvid_idct_mmx(short *block);
-void ff_xvid_idct_mmx_put(uint8_t *dest, ptrdiff_t line_size, int16_t *block);
-void ff_xvid_idct_mmx_add(uint8_t *dest, ptrdiff_t line_size, int16_t *block);
-void ff_xvid_idct_mmxext(short *block);
-void ff_xvid_idct_mmxext_put(uint8_t *dest, ptrdiff_t line_size, int16_t *block);
-void ff_xvid_idct_mmxext_add(uint8_t *dest, ptrdiff_t line_size, int16_t *block);
 void ff_xvid_idct_sse2(short *block);
 void ff_xvid_idct_put_sse2(uint8_t *dest, ptrdiff_t line_size, short *block);
 void ff_xvid_idct_add_sse2(uint8_t *dest, ptrdiff_t line_size, short *block);
diff --git a/libavcodec/x86/xvididct_init.c b/libavcodec/x86/xvididct_init.c
index a91b416b74..fda34cc638 100644
--- a/libavcodec/x86/xvididct_init.c
+++ b/libavcodec/x86/xvididct_init.c
@@ -23,35 +23,8 @@
 #include "libavcodec/idctdsp.h"
 #include "libavcodec/xvididct.h"
-#include "idctdsp.h"
 #include "xvididct.h"
-#if ARCH_X86_32 && HAVE_X86ASM
-static void xvid_idct_mmx_put(uint8_t *dest, ptrdiff_t line_size, short *block)
-    ff_xvid_idct_mmx(block);
-    ff_put_pixels_clamped_mmx(block, dest, line_size);
-static void xvid_idct_mmx_add(uint8_t *dest, ptrdiff_t line_size, short *block)
-    ff_xvid_idct_mmx(block);
-    ff_add_pixels_clamped_mmx(block, dest, line_size);
-static void xvid_idct_mmxext_put(uint8_t *dest, ptrdiff_t line_size, short *block)
-    ff_xvid_idct_mmxext(block);
-    ff_put_pixels_clamped_mmx(block, dest, line_size);
-static void xvid_idct_mmxext_add(uint8_t *dest, ptrdiff_t line_size, short *block)
-    ff_xvid_idct_mmxext(block);
-    ff_add_pixels_clamped_mmx(block, dest, line_size);
 av_cold void ff_xvid_idct_init_x86(IDCTDSPContext *c, AVCodecContext *avctx,
                                    unsigned high_bit_depth)
@@ -63,22 +36,6 @@ av_cold void ff_xvid_idct_init_x86(IDCTDSPContext *c, AVCodecContext *avctx,
           avctx->idct_algo == FF_IDCT_XVID))
-#if ARCH_X86_32
-    if (EXTERNAL_MMX(cpu_flags)) {
-        c->idct_put  = xvid_idct_mmx_put;
-        c->idct_add  = xvid_idct_mmx_add;
-        c->idct      = ff_xvid_idct_mmx;
-        c->perm_type = FF_IDCT_PERM_NONE;
-    }
-    if (EXTERNAL_MMXEXT(cpu_flags)) {
-        c->idct_put  = xvid_idct_mmxext_put;
-        c->idct_add  = xvid_idct_mmxext_add;
-        c->idct      = ff_xvid_idct_mmxext;
-        c->perm_type = FF_IDCT_PERM_NONE;
-    }
     if (EXTERNAL_SSE2(cpu_flags)) {
         c->idct_put  = ff_xvid_idct_put_sse2;
         c->idct_add  = ff_xvid_idct_add_sse2;

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