[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20111114

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 15 02:05:01 CET 2011

[00:23] <HektoR> hello guys. is it possible to concatenate specific time sections of two video files into one output ? for example to concatenate first video's first two minutes to second video's last 2 minutes ?
[00:24] <sacarasc> Not in one step, I don't think...
[00:59] <Shwaiil> hi ppl
[01:00] <Shwaiil> Q: I tryed to ffmpeg -i video.ogv videooutput.avi, without success! The output is a bunch of big unreadable pixels. How to convert OGV to RAW avi ? Tks
[01:02] <qubodup> hi
[01:02] <qubodup> is ffmpeg constantly changing what presets get included?
[01:04] <qubodup> I quite liked these http://www.mediasoftpro.com/aspnet-x264-presets.html
[01:04] <qubodup> in the latest arch release there are only 7
[01:05] <qubodup> 5 vpx and 2 x264 ones
[01:06] <_pash> hello! im trying to install ffmpeg with 'brew install ffmpeg --use-clang' and i get this error? http://paste.pound-python.org/show/14922/ can someone look over for a sec please?
[01:17] <_pash> i suppose its not identifying my lame version
[01:19] <qubodup> Error: Failed executing: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/ffmpeg/0.8.6 --enable-shared --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-nonfree --enable-hardcoded-tables --cc=/usr/bin/clang --enable-libx264 --enable-libfaac --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libxvid --disable-ffplay
[01:19] <qubodup> _pash: can you try that command manually?
[01:19] <qubodup> oh wait, sorry
[01:19] <qubodup> I see the stuff I'm looking for is at the top
[01:20] <_pash> which one
[01:20] <qubodup> _pash: what version do you have of lame?
[01:20] <_pash> lame 3.99.1
[01:21] <_pash> here is the error "ERROR: libmp3lame >= 3.98.3 not found" but i dont really know how to downgrade
[01:21] <qubodup> There's often confusion about the library name. lame, liblame, libmp3lame, mp3lame seems to me
[01:21] <qubodup> _pash: you don't need to downgrade, it says your version is fine too
[01:21] <_pash> what do i try then? 
[01:21] <_pash> ive tried running it with: brew install ffmpeg --HOME --use-clang
[01:22] <qubodup> _pash: what's the name of the libmp3lame library on your system
[01:22] <_pash> unsure how to find it
[01:23] <qubodup> brew manpage could help
[01:23] <qubodup> or brew -h
[01:24] <_pash> i think i found it
[01:24] <_pash> Mac lib > ls libmp3lame.0.dylib	libmp3lame.a		libmp3lame.dylib
[01:25] <qubodup> sounds right
[01:25] <_pash> its in my /usr/local/Cellar/lame/3.99.1/lib/
[01:25] <_pash> whats wrong then? :P
[01:25] <_pash> ive been bashing my head on this
[01:25] <_pash> all day
[01:28] <_pash> would this tell you something? http://paste.pound-python.org/show/14923/
[01:29] <qubodup> _pash: are there -dev packages there?
[01:29] <qubodup> try installing libmp3lame-dev
[01:30] <_pash> from where? 
[01:30] <qubodup> brew
[01:32] <_pash> doesnt find it
[01:32] <qubodup> i guess that might be not necessary then
[01:33] <qubodup> please try liblame-dev, lame-dev mp3lame-dev though, unless you're sure the library is called libmp3lame (not sure filename indicates package name)
[01:34] <qubodup> _pash: any idea where the packages are located online?
[01:35] <_pash> non exist...
[01:35] <_pash> yeah sure here... i think
[01:35] <_pash> http://sourceforge.net/projects/lame/files/lame/
[01:36] <qubodup> _pash: i mean the files where the script is written which installs lame for you
[01:36] <qubodup> ah, I guess it's the formula folder
[01:36] <qubodup> _pash: try lame-dev
[01:36] <qubodup> oh
[01:37] <qubodup> ignore that
[01:37] <_pash> yeah its the formula folder 
[01:37] <qubodup> _pash: easiest would be to disable lame. do you need it?
[01:38] <_pash> i need it to install ffmpeg....
[01:38] <qubodup> you could add --disable-libmp3lame to the formula
[01:38] <qubodup> dear #ffmpeg. the script for building ffmpeg usig brew on osx is https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/blob/master/Library/Formula/ffmpeg.rb
[01:39] <qubodup> any clue how this might lead to error http://paste.pound-python.org/show/14923/
[01:39] <qubodup> I mean to http://paste.pound-python.org/show/14922/
[01:41] <_pash> ill try the formula you sent me
[01:42] <qubodup> it's the one on git
[01:42] <qubodup> so it's the official latest version of it
[01:42] <qubodup> perhaps you need to update brew?
[01:44] <_pash> i think ive done everythin possible by now
[01:45] <_pash> ERROR: libmp3lame >= 3.98.3 not found doesnt like it...
[01:47] <_pash> im going to modify the formula and remove the argv that asks if its installed
[01:49] <_pash> its gone to make isntall...
[01:49] <_pash> no way
[01:55] <qubodup> haha
[01:55] <qubodup> nice
[01:56] <qubodup> unless you meant that it didn't work
[02:03] <_pash> i got ffmpeg working
[02:03] <_pash> and installed mpd :)
[02:03] <_pash> now installing ncmpcpp :)
[02:03] <_pash> lets see how far i get
[02:25] <_pash> qubodup: still here?
[02:36] <_pash> GOT IT WORKING!
[03:11] <qubodup> yeah
[03:11] <qubodup> glad
[03:11] <qubodup> oh, he's gone
[12:06] <Prirawien> Hi, I see that it is possible to convert *.xm or *.mod files to mp3 with ffmpeg, or when I try it, I have a " Unknown format" error. Could you help me ? (The music files are not corrupted)
[14:08] <Evelynn> hello there, i have a program which is providing screen snapshots in every 100ms, is there a way encode these images with ffmpeg in realtime ?
[14:36] <Evelynn> is there a equivalent "x11grab" into windows ?
[14:37] <ubitux> Prirawien: you have to build ffmpeg with --enable-libmodplug (and have the library installed)
[14:38] <Prirawien> Ok thanks you, I try.
[14:39] <ubitux> Evelynn: i don't know windows stuff, but maybe with dshow?
[14:40] <ubitux> about encoding in realtime, maybe look at ffserver and how to feed it
[14:40] <ubitux> (there might be a simpler solution though)
[14:43] <burek> it is possible
[14:45] <burek> http://betterlogic.com/roger/2011/08/ffmpeg-screen-capture-directshow/
[14:46] <burek> http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=27
[15:47] <daurnimator> why must ffmpeg keep failing on me
[15:47] <daurnimator> getting Uknown AV errors when trying to play mp3
[15:51] <Prirawien> I build ffmpeg with --enable-libmodplug, but when I launch ffmpeg, I have this error :
[15:51] <Prirawien> "ffmpeg: relocation error: ffmpeg: symbol postproc_configuration, version LIBPOSTPROC_51 not defined in file libpostproc.so.51 with link time reference"
[15:51] <Prirawien> Do you have an idea ?
[15:52] <Mavrik> Prirawien, did you compile things with PIC?
[15:53] <Prirawien> What is PIC ?
[15:54] <Prirawien> I download source on github, and configure with "./configure --extra-version=4:0.5.5-1 --prefix=/usr --enable-avfilter --enable-vdpau --enable-bzlib --enable-libdirac --enable-libgsm --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libspeex --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-pthreads --enable-zlib --disable-stripping --enable-runtime-cpudetect --enable-gpl --enable-postproc --enable-swscale --enable-x11grab --enable-libdc1394 --enable-shared
[15:54] <Prirawien>  --disable-static --enable-libmodplug"
[15:56] <Mavrik> Prirawien, usually those errors are because not all libraries are compiled with PIC
[15:56] <Mavrik> try adding --enable-pic when configuring
[15:56] <Prirawien> Ok, I try, thanks.
[15:57] <ubitux> --extra-version=4:0.5.5-1  huh? :)
[16:00] <Prirawien> Hmm... I don't know, I found it on a tutorial ^^
[16:02] <ubitux> you said github& i don't know if it's synch'ed regulary, you should prefer the official URL: git://git.videolan.org/ffmpeg.git
[16:17] <Prirawien> Mavrik:  --enable-pic did not change anything, I have the same error
[16:24] <burek> Prirawien, do ldconfig
[16:26] <Prirawien> burek: Ok, but for the parameters ?
[16:26] <burek> just ldconfig
[16:28] <Prirawien> Ok, it did not change my error.
[16:28] <burek> ok now
[16:29] <burek> do you have ffmpeg or vlc installed through apt-get
[16:29] <burek> which distro do you use
[16:30] <Prirawien> I use Debian Squeeze, on a server
[16:30] <burek> ok
[16:30] <Prirawien> I have ffmpeg, but not vlc (no x server)
[16:30] <burek> try dpkg -l | grep libpostproc
[16:30] <burek> (you can use vlc-nox for console only vlc)
[16:31] <Prirawien> ii  libpostproc-dev                          4:0.5.5-1                    development files for libpostproc
[16:31] <Prirawien> ii  libpostproc51                            4:0.5.5-1                    ffmpeg video postprocessing library
[16:31] <burek> i see
[16:31] <burek> first do apt-get --purge autoremove ffmpeg
[16:31] <Prirawien> I don't need vlc, it's a server for my applications, website, etc.
[16:31] <burek> that will remove those libraries
[16:31] <burek> ok, but you'd like to compile ffmpeg right?
[16:32] <Mavrik> 0.5.5-1? wow, that's old
[16:32] <burek> way old
[16:32] <burek> debian..
[16:32] <Prirawien> Yes, I need it to encode .mod and .xm files.
[16:33] <burek> ok, mod can be done using --enable-libmodplug
[16:33] <burek> im not sure about xm
[16:33] <burek> what exactly is that
[16:34] <Prirawien> Yes, it is --enable-libmodplug
[16:35] <burek> ok, so first remove the old installed ffmpeg
[16:36] <burek> then mkdir temp dir
[16:36] <burek> cd into it and: git clone git://git.videolan.org/ffmpeg.git
[16:36] <burek> then ./configure --enable-libmodplug ...
[16:36] <burek> try ./configure --help to see all the options
[16:37] <burek> make; make install; ldconfig
[16:37] <burek> hash -r
[16:37] <burek> and ffmpeg -v
[16:37] <burek> or -V
[16:37] <burek> to see if everything went ok
[16:39] <Prirawien> Ok, I try.
[16:43] <clemz> hey
[16:45] <clemz> Hello there, I try to cross compile ffmpeg and I got this error: "Error: selected processor does not support 'bx lr'" Does anyone know something about this issue ?
[16:45] <clemz> thx
[16:47] <burek> clemz http://devkitpro.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1558
[16:47] <burek> also http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Error%3A+selected+processor+does+not+support%22+bx
[16:52] <clemz> I already saw this link.. I think it's because the target arm processor doesn't support interworking 
[16:53] <burek> well, try to play around with options
[17:02] <Prirawien> burek: I still have "./ffmpeg: relocation error: ./ffmpeg: symbol postproc_configuration, version LIBPOSTPROC_51 not defined in file libpostproc.so.51 with link time reference"
[17:03] <burek> try ldconfig again
[17:04] <Prirawien> Yes, I did all your commands
[17:05] <burek> can you exec a few more
[17:05] <burek> apt-get purge libpostproc51 libpostproc51
[17:05] <burek> wait
[17:05] <burek> apt-get purge libpostproc51 libpostproc-dev
[17:05] <burek> that
[17:05] <burek> or type dpkg -l | grep libpostproc
[17:05] <Prirawien> Ok.
[17:05] <burek> to see if there are any more libpostprocs
[17:05] <Freakshow> iive:
[17:06] <Prirawien> Oh wait, vlc-nox were installed, I don't know why
[17:06] <Prirawien> dpkg output nothing, it's ok.
[17:06] <Freakshow> is there a significant difference between using --enable-librtmp vs. the default method which ffmpeg uses to push to rtmp://?
[17:07] <burek> Prirawien, then apt-get --purge autoremove vlc-nox
[17:07] <burek> to remove all of libpostprocs that are causing the rel. err
[17:08] <Prirawien> Ok, it's done
[17:09] <burek> now ldconfig, hash -r, configure, make..
[17:09] <burek> :)
[17:09] <burek> after make again ldconfig
[17:10] <Prirawien> Ok, thanks
[17:12] <kjilknh> I want to convert a 10 mg mp4 file down to a smaller file size.  What "switches" should I use?
[17:14] <burek> try to play around with -vb
[17:14] <burek> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html
[17:14] <bahar> what kind of error is it when the first i-frame is dropped while streaming video?
[17:14] <burek> or its a -b:v now
[17:14] <Prirawien> burek: It is ok, ffmpeg works perfectly with .mod file, thanks you for your time
[17:14] <burek> in the new ffmpeg
[17:14] <burek> Prirawien :beer: :)
[17:14] <Prirawien> And sorry for my bad english, I'm french :)
[17:14] <kjilknh> Anyone know?
[17:15] <burek> bahar, sync error probably
[17:15] <burek> kjilknh, use -b:v option
[17:16] <kjilknh> I'll try the mailing list.
[17:16] <kjilknh> Thanks anyway
[17:16] <burek> :)))
[17:16] <burek> and that's faster than trying -b:v yourself?
[17:16] <stonie> hiho.. i got an avi with a very specific codec it seems ... IMM5 .. when i try to encode in anything readable im getting  a "[buffer @ 0x95ddd60] Invalid pixel format string '-1'" .. Error opening filters! .. is there any way to encode that file?
[17:17] <burek> stonie, what is the output of ffmpeg -i inputfile (use pastebin.com please)
[17:20] <clemz> Prirawien: bonsoir !
[17:20] <Prirawien> Salut clemz.
[17:21] <kjilknh> burek:  you weren't sure of the correct switch.  No one else replied.
[17:21] <burek> kjilknh -vb and -b:v are the same thing
[17:21] <burek> the difference is just the version of ffmpeg you use
[17:28] <bahar> burek: what is an ideal fix for sync errors? send more iframes at the beginning?
[17:30] <burek> -g
[17:30] <burek> exactly
[17:31] <burek> not just beginning
[17:31] <burek> during the stream
[17:31] <burek> shorten the distance/interval between key frames
[17:31] <burek> with gop interval (-g)
[17:35] <bahar> increases bandwidth requirement and saturates the network?
[17:36] <stonie> http://pastebin.com/iYXPC9yN
[17:36] <stonie> oh sry.. burek http://pastebin.com/iYXPC9yN
[17:37] <burek> bahar, you get some, you loose some :)
[17:41] <burek> stonie, can you try
[17:42] <burek> ffmpeg -analyzeduration 60000000 -i ...
[17:48] <ubitux> Prirawien: if you have any issue with the libmodplug binding, please raise the issue; the code is quite recent
[17:49] <stonie> burek, heres the output http://pastebin.com/miBti2th
[17:50] <burek> stonie
[17:50] <burek> [avi @ 0x8ff7ee0] Something went wrong during header parsing, I will ignore it and try to continue anyway.
[17:50] <burek> [avi @ 0x8ff7ee0] probed stream 1 failed
[17:51] <burek> something is either wrong with the file
[17:51] <burek> or there is a bug with avi demuxer
[17:51] <burek> if its not some private video
[17:51] <burek> you could upload that as a sample
[17:51] <burek> and create a bug report
[17:52] <burek> http://ffmpeg.org/bugreports.html
[18:00] <bahar> thanks burek!
[18:00] <burek> :beer: :)
[18:03] <stonie> burek, mmh think i cant up its from some surveilance cam.. theres only a player for win with the codecs
[18:04] <burek> proprietary video codec :)
[18:04] <burek> good luck with such cameras :)
[18:06] <stonie> :( ye think i need that
[18:10] <twid> uc->prot->url_open();  return -2 ; What does it mean by "-2"?
[18:11] <twid> uc = URLContext; prot = URLProtocol;   
[18:40] <kriegerod> i read file with libavformat's av_read_frame. But i want to use my own memory management for storing AVPacket.data. What should i use?
[19:49] <rsilvergun> Hi, I want to build ffmpeg statically on OSX for my Firefox Plugin. I did it for windows, but I've read that even with --enable-static and --disable-shared ffmpeg will still link dynamically to some core C libraries. Is this right? Can I get around it? I'd like users on OSX to be able to use my software regardless of their version (there's tonnes of OSX versions and they're often way different :(  .. )
[21:03] <relaxed> rsilvergun: try with --extra-ldflags="-static"
[21:16] <pasteeater> 4 days later and it's still encoding... faster! *whip*
[21:19] <rsilvergun> Thanks relaxed!
[22:28] <jluttine> hi! i'm compiling the latest version from git and get the error: "ERROR: libdc1394-2 not found". in my ubuntu 10.11 i have libdc1394-22 installed. something to be fixed in ffmpeg or in my os?
[22:29] <sacarasc> Do you have the dev package installed?
[22:31] <jluttine> sacarasc: aah, no i didn't have. that did the trick! thanks a lot. actually now i'm getting errors from other lib-packages but now i know how to fix each of them :)
[22:32] <jluttine> yes, works now!
[22:34] <jluttine> anyway, thanks for the quick help
[22:35] <sacarasc> pasteeater: What are you encoding to take 4 days? :o
[22:36] <pasteeater> sacarasc: boring old dv videos from 2003 for the local gov.
[22:37] <sacarasc> Woo.
[23:15] <necromancer> hi guys
[23:15] <necromancer> i'm new to ffmpeg and i'm getting the following error when trying to convert an audio-only FLV that was generated by Red5 in its streaming process: "[flv @ 0x8c65340] Could not find codec parameters (Audio: [0][0][0][0] / 0x0000, 16000 Hz, 1 channels)"
[23:16] <necromancer> here's the full output: https://gist.github.com/5bb3f483349a09b17ed7
[00:00] --- Tue Nov 15 2011

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