[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120331

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 1 02:05:01 CEST 2012

[03:47] <br3wski3> Is anyone on here able to help me out using the select filter?
[03:52] <Kittens> burek: I'll pastebin the output soon, I have to take care of some personal stuff first. yeah, I know it's late...
[04:31] <Kittens> burek: http://pastebin.com/rAyGJAjW
[04:31] <Kittens> if you're still there
[04:33] <Kittens> or if anyone else would mind helping me out
[07:59] <rtyler> howdy folks, I'm trying to use my 'audio out' as the audio input for ffmpeg screen capture, and I'm not sure how :(
[08:02] <rtyler> i've tried setting `-i front` (front speakers according to `arecord -L`) still ffmpeg seems to use the mic input
[08:06] <rtyler> ahh, I think I was able to do it with pavucontrol
[12:37] <woshty> hi
[12:38] <woshty> i am trying to record from a webcam, v4l2 ucv. how do i set the resolution the camera outputs with ffmpeg?
[12:40] <woshty> ah, nvm .. i seem to have mixed up the order of commandline params
[12:50] <Mavrik> yeah
[12:50] <Mavrik> you need to pass "-s" parameter before "-i"
[12:59] <woshty> now i am trying to set -r 30 but it seems to be ignored, framerate drop .. that might be usb issues, it is using yuyv. how do i list the supported modes of my camera?
[13:00] <Mavrik> um
[13:00] <woshty> there was something like v4l-info .. but in v4l2 it seems to be gone
[13:01] <Mavrik> woshty, seems like ffmpeg -list_formats -f v4l2 -i /dev/...
[13:10] <woshty> hmm, it works now .. but there does not seem to be any content
[13:10] <woshty>  -list_formats all -f v4l2 -i .. lists all modes avail
[13:20] <woshty> ah, i set -c and not -vcodec
[13:28] <woshty> since what version are codec:v and filters:v supported?
[13:40] <burek> woshty, use v4l2-ctl
[13:41] <burek> from v4l-utils
[14:27] <Nagy2> why can't i set libx264 options when using -f mpegts?
[14:28] <Nagy2> i.e. -tune fastdecode and -threads 0 are ignored when -f mpegts, but work with -f mov
[14:41] <burek> Nagy2,
[14:41] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[14:42] <Nagy2> jsut a few min, something came up
[14:54] <Nagy2> http://pastie.org/private/iobac2l5ggow7ykqaeonq
[14:57] <burek> just a sec
[14:58] <burek> Nagy2, how did you detect that those options are being ignored?
[14:59] <burek> there are no error messages in the output
[15:00] <Nagy2> hm, I thought they are ignored since in the case of -f mov it prints out all the options, but not for -f mpegts
[15:03] <Nagy2> and since its libx264 that prints that, not ffmpeg, I thought they are ignored
[15:03] <burek> they are not ignored :)
[17:25] <markmx> hola guys
[17:26] <markmx> I need to merge two files but when I try from man - ffmpeg -i video_part1.mp4 -i video_part2.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -vcodec copy -acodec copy -y video.mp4 -newvideo - newaudio - not working
[17:28] <burek> what exactly do you need to do markmx ? join 2 videos, so that one starts after another?
[17:29] <markmx> yep
[17:29] <burek> well, I think you will need to use some video editor for that
[17:29] <markmx> I need to do this in shell on serv
[17:29] <burek> your command above combines two video inputs and creates one video output with 2 video streams in it (just like satellite streams)
[17:30] <markmx> hz what is it... just need to merge 2 videos in one :)
[17:30] <markmx> one by one
[17:31] <burek> ffmpeg is not the tool you need
[17:31] <burek> ffmpeg is encoder/decoder
[17:31] <burek> not video editor :(
[17:31] <burek> you can try with concat filter
[17:31] <burek> but it says it only works with mpeg video
[17:32] <markmx> ok 'll try now
[17:33] <burek> or this: http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#concat
[17:37] <markmx> convert to mpg2, then concat by cat :)
[17:37] <markmx> a little bit time
[17:41] <markmx> ok
[17:42] <markmx> so where I can read bout formats which support concatenate???
[17:42] <markmx> have you list?
[17:42] <cbsrobot> markmx: use the pipe
[17:42] <markmx> ffplay file1 file2 file 3 | ffmpeg??? mean this
[17:42] <markmx> ?
[17:42] <cbsrobot> just make sure the size and the -pix_fmt are set
[17:43] <cbsrobot> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#concat the 2nd example
[17:43] <markmx> all the same, file just was cutted
[17:43] <markmx> it's just play video like one file ... I need to get one file from 2
[17:43] <markmx> for sending to my friend for ex
[18:22] <Napalm> hi all, im looking for some compilation advice, i just need support for h264 in a mp4 container format and my own code will push my raw frames to the encoder
[18:23] <Napalm> i am trying to compile ffmpeg with the android-ndk-r7b release, without much success, has anyone here compiled ffmpeg with the ndk?
[18:23] <Napalm> cross*-compiled
[18:39] <burek> Napalm, did you try Google
[18:40] <burek> this gives a lot of useful links http://www.google.com/search?q=ffmpeg+android-ndk
[18:44] <Napalm> burek: yes, ive been around the houses with this and tried many different config options and config.log seems not to be very helpful at all
[18:44] <burek> well it gives you the error message at least
[18:45] <Napalm> yes, but they do not make sense and fixing all these issues is causing me headaches beyond believe
[18:46] <Napalm> i was just asking to see if someone around here has cross-compiled ffmpeg for android that might be able to give me some direct advice
[18:46] <burek> ok
[18:47] <Napalm> i idle here and see if anyone comes around, i'm going to direct and compile libavformat and libavcodec seperatly and see if i can locate any problem issues
[20:16] <markmx> hi again
[20:17] <markmx> need some explanation
[20:17] <markmx> http://ffmpeg.org/faq.html#How-can-I-join-video-files_003f in this man we can see next string - ffmpeg -i input1.flv -vn -f u16le -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 2 -ar 44100 - > temp1.a < /dev/null &
[20:18] <markmx>  < /dev/null & - what it does?
[20:18] <burek> it feeds the -i with null values
[20:19] <burek> no, sorry, it ignores user input
[20:19] <burek> totally unnecessary
[20:19] <markmx> hm....
[20:19] <markmx> can't get you but ... some flashes in my mind
[20:19] <markmx> :)
[20:19] <burek> < represents stdin
[20:20] <burek> for that process
[20:20] <burek> which means ffmpeg will ignore your key strokes
[20:20] <burek> maybe it's a copy/paste from some cron script
[20:20] <burek> which makes sure no stdin/stdout have been left hanging
[20:21] <markmx> hm... just use it like magic cmd - disable input from me :)
[20:21] <markmx> is it need when working with fifo?
[20:22] <burek> why
[20:22] <markmx> coz I writing in file which created by mkfifo
[20:22] <burek> just use your fifo as a regular file and that's it
[20:22] <markmx> if delete this string - ffmpeg stopping
[20:23] <markmx> and waiting something from me
[20:23] <markmx>  < /dev/null & - this part of strig
[20:23] <burek> it might be old ffmpeg
[20:23] <markmx> fresh, 2 hours ago compiled :)
[20:23] <burek> ok let me check
[20:26] <burek> oh
[20:26] <burek> it seems it's some kind of linux stuff
[20:26] <burek> like, you can't send the process to the background (&)
[20:26] <burek> if you didn't detach process from stdin/stdout
[20:27] <burek> so, that's why the cmd detaches stdin and redirects /dev/null to stdin of that process
[20:30] <markmx> hard... to get you :)
[20:37] <Nagy2> is it possible to output to a named pipe on windows?
[20:37] <Nagy2> or do I have to roll my own implementation using something like avio_open_dyn?
[20:39] <burek> Nagy2 did you try it?
[20:40] <Nagy2> I tried
[20:40] <Nagy2> \\.\pipe\test
[20:40] <Nagy2> avio_open doesn't like it
[20:46] <burek> what is avio_open?
[20:49] <burek> did you try asking in #libav ?
[20:49] <Nagy2> yes
[20:49] <Nagy2> no answer
[20:49] <burek> ok
[23:01] <Nagy2> how come -vcodec libx264 -profile high doesn't work?
[23:01] <Nagy2> [NULL @ 0000000001C707A0] [Eval @ 000000000022D7F0] Undefined constant or missin
[23:01] <Nagy2> g '(' in 'high'
[23:01] <Nagy2> [NULL @ 0000000001C707A0] Unable to parse option value "high"
[23:01] <Nagy2> [NULL @ 0000000001C707A0] Error setting option profile to value high.
[23:02] <Durmush> is it normal for ffmpeg x64 win32 to crash alot?
[23:03] <burek> Nagy2,
[23:03] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[23:04] <burek> Durmush, try contacting nick Zeranoe when he comes online, he might help you
[23:04] <Nagy2> http://pastie.org/private/aoxn93daqgfdhx56zeukrw
[23:06] <Nagy2> oh
[23:06] <burek> Nagy2, are you using the latest git?
[23:06] <Nagy2> its vprofile
[23:06] <Nagy2> not profile
[23:07] <burek> no, it IS -profile
[23:08] <burek> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#libx264
[23:08] <burek> maybe you are using an old version of ffmpeg?
[23:09] <Nagy2> no
[23:09] <Nagy2> the docs are problem not udpated
[23:10] <burek> where are you reading that for -vprofile?
[23:10] <burek> I tried Google and there were no results at all for x264
[23:10] <burek> and ffmpeg
[23:11] <burek> btw -vprofile might be something like -vpre was, but it's deprecated now
[23:11] <burek> you should use -profile -tune -preset
[23:11] <burek> it maps directly to x264 and its options
[23:12] <Nagy2> well -profile doesn't work
[23:12] <Nagy2> and -vprofile works
[23:12] <Nagy2> my ffmpeg build is at most 2 weeks old
[23:12] <Nagy2> the presets also use vcodec
[23:13] <burek> well, it's a bug then, so you should report it
[23:13] <burek> if you want it to get fixed
[23:13] <Nagy2> I'm fine with vprofile
[23:13] <burek> ok
[23:13] <Nagy2> it makes sense
[23:13] <Nagy2> vprofile, aprofile
[23:14] <burek> whatever helps you sleep at night :)
[00:00] --- Sun Apr  1 2012

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