[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120402

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 3 02:05:01 CEST 2012

[00:09] <burek> woshty, try mpegts
[00:10] <burek> XAVeRY,
[00:10] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[00:52] <XAVeRY> burek: you still around?
[00:56] <burek> yes
[00:58] <XAVeRY> burek: http://pastebin.com/9DVpeFnk
[00:59] <XAVeRY> will 2-pass encoding have any effect on the quality?
[01:05] <burek> just a sec
[01:06] <XAVeRY> sure, take your time.
[01:07] <burek> your command line has been cut at "ffmpeg -i input.mkv -c:v libxvid -s:v 640x360 -b:v 1100000 -c:a libmp3lame -ac 2"
[01:07] <burek> I don't see other options
[01:07] <XAVeRY> um, that's all of it.
[01:08] <burek> no it's not
[01:08] <burek> out.avi is missin
[01:08] <XAVeRY> oh, right. :)
[01:09] <burek> also, why not using libx264
[01:09] <burek> it's superb quality
[01:09] <burek> at lower bit rates than xvid
[01:09] <XAVeRY> I want it to be playable on my standalone, which sadly doesn't support x264. :(
[01:09] <burek> oh, ok
[01:10] <XAVeRY> I'm doing two-pass now to see if it gives better effects.
[01:10] <burek> also, did you read this
[01:10] <burek> http://htexmexh.byethost13.com/linux/encoding.html
[01:10] <burek> it might help
[01:11] <XAVeRY> yeah, I did. :)
[01:11] <XAVeRY> I used to do dvdrips back in the day with GordianKnot & VirtualDub, but a lot has changed since then.
[01:12] <burek> yes, I can imagine :) nowadays it's enough just to do ffmpeg -i ... -vcodec libx264 -crf 20 out.mp4 :)
[01:12] <XAVeRY> :)
[01:12] <XAVeRY> x264's performance amazed me.
[01:13] <XAVeRY> it's so vastly parallelized, really spectacular.
[01:13] <burek> yes, true art :)
[01:15] <burek> anyway, try doing 2 pass encoding
[01:15] <XAVeRY> yeah, I'm doing that right now.
[01:15] <burek> and if it doesn't end up with expected quality
[01:15] <XAVeRY> raise the bitrate? :P
[01:15] <burek> well, im not that familiar with xvid options :)
[01:15] <burek> to be honest, never used it :)
[01:15] <XAVeRY> oh, okay.
[01:15] <burek> h264 is my prayer :)
[01:16] <XAVeRY> well, I can't blame you for that. if I had a choice, I'd be using it too. ;)
[01:16] <burek> anyway, you can find on google the list of options for libxvid
[01:16] <burek> and try to play with them
[01:18] <burek> http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/menc-feat-xvid.html
[01:18] <XAVeRY> thanks a lot burek :)
[01:18] <burek> :beer: :)
[02:37] <media> hi
[02:38] <media> is current version of ffmpeg broken on the git?
[02:39] <media> am having problems and need help
[03:08] <XAVeRY> I'm terribly sorry to bother you people again, but how can I pass options to the xvid encoder?
[03:08] <XAVeRY> something like -xvidopts doesn't seem to exist.
[03:29] <melkor> very basic question, -t is not stopping my encoding at all. I want 65 seconds and I get the whole 2 minutes.
[03:32] <Durmush> i think it depends on the source? be sure to cut at p-frames
[03:33] <melkor> I don't know what a p-frame is .
[03:36] <melkor> Oh, that time it cut the audio at the correct time, but not the video.
[03:40] <Durmush> yep, most probably the 60 seconds ended at a b-frame which needs later frames for decoding, which isnt the case for p-frames.
[03:41] <melkor> I wouldn't mind it being anywhere around 65 seconds, but it just doesn't stop. I used ctrl-c and it ended it and the video works.
[03:42] <Durmush> use mkvinfo with switch -s to get summery for frame types and thier timestamps
[03:42] <Durmush> heh good for ya
[03:43] <melkor> mkvinfo, is that with mkvtool?
[03:43] <Durmush> yep
[03:43] <melkor> Cool Ill check it out.
[04:54] <timgrindall> hi, I'm having a problem with ffmpeg coming up with an error, "no such file or directory". I'm using Windows 7, and FFmpeg git-4082198 64-bit Static. I'm trying to make an mp4 video from a series of images. my command is: ffmpeg -f image2 -i file:E:\render\Demoreel_3\tif_render_1\demoreel_3_%004d.tif -s 1280x720 -vcodec libx264 -fpre C:\ffmpeg-r26400-swscale-r32676-mingw32-static\presets\libx264-veryslow.ffpreset -b 5M -r 30 -g
[04:55] <timgrindall> does anyone have any ideas what could be going on?
[05:01] <timgrindall> I could also post the output if you wanted it
[06:03] <Durmush> hi, trying to build ffmpeg, i get this message:
[06:03] <Durmush> make: *** No rule to make target `doc/print_options', needed by `doc/avoptions_format.texi'.  Stop.
[08:14] <MartLeib> Hello! How to solve this problem:
[08:14] <MartLeib> ERROR: Xfixes not found
[08:14] <MartLeib> If you think configure made a mistake, make sure you are using the latest
[08:14] <MartLeib> version from Git.  If the latest version fails, report the problem to the
[08:14] <MartLeib> ffmpeg-user at ffmpeg.org mailing list or IRC #ffmpeg on irc.freenode.net.
[08:14] <MartLeib> Include the log file "config.log" produced by configure as this will help
[08:14] <MartLeib> solving the problem.
[08:33] <grepper> MartLeib: you have libxfixes-dev or similar ?
[08:39] <MartLeib> Just installed, I'll try again installing ffmpeg. Thanks for answer.
[08:48] <grepper> no worries
[13:02] <cuenca> Hi, is it possible to pipe PNG files (in rgb24) to ffmpeg and get a video out of that?
[13:02] <cuenca> I'm using:
[13:02] <cuenca> http://pastebin.com/nzP64eVQ
[13:02] <burek> yes
[13:05] <cuenca> burek: when I try to convert a list of files that I have on disk it works beautifully, but when I try to pipe these files
[13:05] <cuenca> ffmpeg always generates an almost empty file
[13:07] <cuenca> If I just change from -f image2 -i /tmp/files%d.png to -f image2pipe -i pipe:0, then I get [image2pipe @ 0x94f3b40] Could not find codec parameters (Video: png, yuv420p)
[13:07] <cuenca> If I specify the size of the input files with -s 640x360 then it generates an almost empty file
[13:08] <burek> did you try using
[13:08] <burek> -f image2 as an input
[13:08] <burek> instead of image2pipe
[13:08] <burek> ffmpeg -f image2 -i -
[13:08] <cuenca> no, I didn't, let me try that
[13:08] <cuenca> pipe:: No such file or directory
[13:08] <burek> pipe:0
[13:09] <cuenca> pipe:0: No such file or directory
[13:09] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[13:09] <cuenca> sure
[13:15] <burek> it seems that image2png does not handle the stream of pngs
[13:15] <burek> take a look here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4092927/generating-movie-from-python-without-saving-individual-frames-to-files
[13:16] <burek> image2pipe*
[13:17] <burek> btw, if you are already using pipes, why do you use png format? why don't you save time using -rawvideo
[13:17] <cuenca> burek: It's the only thing that I know how to generate and that I thought ffmpeg will take as input
[13:17] <burek> i mean, you have a source for your images, then you encode them as png, then ffmpeg decodes them, then ffmpeg encodes it again into x264
[13:18] <cuenca> is rawinput easy to generate?
[13:18] <burek> well it should be easier
[13:18] <burek> no encoding needed
[13:19] <cuenca> wrt the stackoverflow question, I read that before, but apparently it needs a patch that is no longer available
[13:19] <cuenca> I was hoping that this was integrated in ffmpeg
[13:19] <burek> what is gen_png_seq.py
[13:19] <cuenca> rawvideo expects the frames without any compression?
[13:19] <cuenca> the code for gen_png_seq.py is here: http://pastebin.com/W94Wx9tN
[13:20] <burek> can you set default format to raw
[13:21] <cuenca> sure, I can try that, but I don't know what ffmpeg expects in raw? just the rgb colors?
[13:21] <cuenca> is there any doc for rawvideo?
[13:21] <cuenca> just to get an idea of the format
[13:22] <burek> just change the default format to 'raw'
[13:22] <burek> and try with image2pipe again
[13:22] <cuenca> ok
[13:23] <burek> hm it seems there is no format 'raw'
[13:24] <burek> according to this http://www.pythonware.com/library/pil/handbook/index.htm
[13:24] <burek> try using 'bmp'
[13:28] <cuenca> I got the raw pixels with tostring, and dump them, I managed to get a video, but all the colors are wrong
[13:28] <cuenca> and I got the warning:
[13:28] <cuenca> Incompatible pixel format 'bgra' for codec 'libx264', auto-selecting format 'yuv420p'
[13:28] <burek> i see
[13:28] <burek> try xbm
[13:29] <cuenca> burek: thanks a lot for your help, that's progress :-) let me work on this alone for a while and see if I can make further progress
[13:29] <burek> ok :) good luck :)
[13:29] <cuenca> burek: I'm sure I'll get back with more questions :-)
[13:29] <cuenca> thanks!
[13:29] <burek> :beer: :)
[13:56] <cuenca> In case there is any irc log and for those wondering, when I used -pix_fmt rgb24 ffmpeg generated a correct video. I used rgb32 before, but that's not what PIL generates by default with .tostring()
[13:56] <cuenca> thanks again burek!
[13:57] <cuenca> an unrelated question, I'm not able to open mp4 with QuickTime files generated using a x264 lossless
[13:57] <cuenca> but they open with VLC
[13:57] <cuenca> anybody knows why? (just curiosity)
[13:59] <burek> :)
[13:59] <burek> you can access irc logs at ffmpeg.gusari.org/irclogs/
[13:59] <burek> cuenca, most probably QuickTime expects some specific -profile
[14:00] <burek> you can play around with -profile option for ffmpeg
[14:00] <cuenca> burek: ok, will do that. Thanks again!
[14:00] <burek> you can type x264 --help to see all the possible options for -profile
[14:00] <burek> :beer: :)
[14:00] <cuenca> :beer: mate
[14:42] <JacobS2> Hi everyone, what is the correct syntex for streaming via rtsp tcp ?
[14:50] <burek> JacobS2, did you read http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#rtsp
[15:00] <JacobS2> yes, but I need a full example please, the documentation is not clear enough
[15:09] <burek> http://ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-user/2011-March/000107.html
[15:09] <burek> JacobS2
[15:12] <JacobS2> I read that, but he didnt get it to work
[15:12] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[15:12] <ePirat> is there a way to include libfaac and libmp3lame to the ffmpeg binary so that I can simply use the binary on another computer without having to copy the libraries?
[15:12] <burek> ePirat, use static build
[15:15] <JacobS2> burek: http://pastebin.com/ETf2Uzn6
[15:17] <JacobS2> burek : http://pastebin.com/e6hjBB4S
[15:18] <burek> first url is not valid
[15:18] <JacobS2> yes sorry about that
[15:18] <ePirat> burek thanks a lot!
[15:19] <burek> JacobS2, you didn't define acodec?
[15:19] <burek> ePirat, :beer: :)
[15:20] <burek> try -an
[15:20] <burek> just to see if it will work JacobS2
[15:21] <JacobS2> burek: same error with -an
[15:21] <burek> JacobS2, btw do you have RSTP server up and running?
[15:25] <JacobS2> burek: by your question I understand I am doing somthing wrong, I dont have any other server, only ffmpeg in one machine and vlc to open the stream in another machine
[15:26] <burek> ffmpeg just feeds the RTSP server
[15:26] <JacobS2> I managed to get it to work fine with udp streaming, but I had alot of packet lost and wanted to try streaming with tcp, can you tell me how its done ?
[15:27] <burek> do you need to use rtsp?
[15:27] <JacobS2> I just want to stream via tcp instead of udp, can ffmpeg stream tcp directly to another machine
[15:28] <burek> try this
[15:28] <burek> ffmpeg.exe -f dshow -i "video=screen-capture-recorder:audio=Stereo Mix (IDT High Definition" -vcodec libx264 -r 10 -acodec aac -ar 44100 -ac 2 -ar 128k -f udp udp://vlc-ip:12345
[15:28] <burek> and open vlc as: udp://@:12345
[15:28] <burek> oh wait
[15:28] <JacobS2> but I dont want to use udp, I want tcp
[15:28] <burek> -f mpegts instead of udp
[15:28] <burek> then you need ffserver
[15:30] <JacobS2> thanks I will check it out
[15:42] <JacobS2> is there any way I can run ffserver on windows ?
[15:45] <burek> JacobS2, yes, use Zeranoe's windows build
[16:01] <JacobS2> burek: I have a ffmpeg windows build, but you suggested using ffserver for tcp streaming, Zeranoe only has ffmpeg builds not ffserver
[16:02] <burek> wait
[16:03] <burek> "it can run under cygwin, but it like ramiro said, it has not been ported to Windows."
[16:03] <burek> :(
[16:03] <burek> maybe you should use vlc?
[16:08] <hendrikus_> I like to make from many png's a movie - the question is how cann i tell ffmpeg that the png must have a duration a about 20 sec?
[16:08] <burek> each png needs to have a duration of 20 sec?
[16:08] <hendrikus_> yes
[16:09] <burek> ffmpeg -f image2 -r 1/20 -i image%03d.png -vcodec .. out.mp4
[16:09] <hendrikus_> wouw that is fast >>> I will try it right now >>> Thanks Burek!
[16:10] <burek> :)
[16:10] <burek> :beer:
[16:10] <hendrikus_> ffmpeg -f image2 -r 1/20 -i image%03d.png -vcodec .. out.mp4  >>> is it alright the .. before hte out.mp4
[16:11] <burek> try: ffmpeg -f image2 -r 1/20 -i image%03d.png -vcodec libx264 out.mp4
[16:11] <hendrikus_> o.k
[16:11] <burek> .. means "insert your favorite vcodec here" :)
[16:12] <hendrikus_> do i have to replace  image%03d.png with in my situation img0.png >>> img%03d.png ??
[16:12] <burek> yes
[16:12] <burek> wait
[16:12] <hendrikus_> Thanks
[16:13] <burek> how are your images named?
[16:13] <hendrikus_> No beer >>> But love >>> HA HA
[16:13] <burek> img000.png, img001.png, img002.png ... ?
[16:13] <hendrikus_> no img0.png img1.png
[16:14] <burek> then use img%d.png
[16:14] <hendrikus_> o.k
[16:16] <hendrikus_> O.k they libx264 is not working they mp4 are not playeble in vlc so i need another vcode
[16:17] <burek> try this: ffmpeg -f image2 -r 1/20 -i image%03d.png out.avi
[16:18] <hendrikus_> thats sound better
[16:19] <burek> does it work? :)
[16:19] <hendrikus_> no it only make a move from one png
[16:21] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[16:22] <hendrikus_> yes
[16:25] <hendrikus_> burek, http://pastebin.com/JcCyaDWE
[16:26] <burek> img%03d.png: I/O error occurred
[16:26] <burek> img%d.png
[16:28] <hendrikus_> burek, Your right >>> But i tried with the img%d.png >>> It give me only one png movie
[16:29] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[16:29] <burek> so that I can see what's wrong
[16:29] <hendrikus_> ys
[16:29] <hendrikus_> yes i will
[16:31] <hendrikus_> burek, http://pastebin.com/hthy81Ep
[16:32] <burek> it seems you don't have images correctly named
[16:32] <burek> they need to be this way: img0.png, img1.png, img2.png, ...
[16:34] <burek> I'm not sure does it have to start from 0 or 1
[16:34] <hendrikus_> burek, In this paste bi you can see how they are named http://pastebin.com/JcCyaDWE
[16:34] <hendrikus_> o.k i will leave the 0.png
[16:35] <burek> ok, "img%03d.png" means "img followed by 3 digits, padded with zeros from left and followed by .png"
[16:35] <burek> so, it's 001 002 003 ...
[16:35] <burek> dont use %03d for your example, use "%3d"
[16:35] <burek> no
[16:35] <burek> %d
[16:35] <burek> sorry :)
[16:35] <hendrikus_> o.k i will retry it
[16:36] <burek> second, your output has only 5 frames
[16:36] <burek> see "frame=    5" at the bottom
[16:36] <hendrikus_> yes i saw that to
[16:36] <burek> I just tried on my own and I got everything as expected
[16:36] <burek> are those png images of yours all different?
[16:37] <burek> (they need to be the same size, format, etc)
[16:37] <hendrikus_> i will take a look to the size
[16:38] <burek> ok
[16:39] <hendrikus_> burek, they all have the same size 512 X 314
[16:40] <burek> oh.. your ffmpeg is old
[16:40] <hendrikus_> o.k that could be
[16:41] <burek> according by copyright notice - 2009 :)
[16:41] <burek> so, pretty old :)
[16:41] <hendrikus_> two monts ago i installed by hand
[16:42] <burek> it doesn't matter when did you install, it matters WHAT did you install (what version) :)
[16:42] <hendrikus_> yes your right
[16:42] <burek> svn is long ago deprecated in favor of git
[16:42] <burek> (talking for ffmpeg project only)
[16:42] <burek> you might do apt-get update/upgrade
[16:42] <burek> or compile it from latest git source code
[16:44] <hendrikus_> o.k i will do a update/upgrade wich i have since install more than one's >>> don't know i it help
[16:44] <burek> ok :)
[16:46] <hendrikus_> Buster, here is how i installed ffmpeg http://hendrikusgodvliet.appspot.com/linux/packages.html >>> take i look from here >>> from here Install Ffmpeg in Ubuntu 10.04
[16:46] <burek> no need for any of that
[16:46] <burek> you should just use your apt tool
[16:47] <hendrikus_> to upgrade ffmpeg you mean i onle need my apt-get tool
[16:47] <burek> anyway just type: sudo apt-get upgrade ffmpeg
[16:47] <hendrikus_> IA thanks thats what i missed
[16:48] <burek> no
[16:48] <burek> wait
[16:48] <burek> anyway just type: sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
[16:48] <burek> that will upgrade only ffmpeg
[16:48] <burek> apt-get upgrade will upgrade all packages
[16:48] <hendrikus_> yes i know I am now on >>> sudo apt-get upgrade ffmpeg
[16:49] <hendrikus_> burek, it ready i will try the code again
[16:50] <hendrikus_> burek, nothing is changed >>> the movie show still one png
[16:53] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[16:54] <vivienschilis> Hi, I tried to use the segment format from ffmpeg but apple's mediastreamvalidator returns "Unable to read video timestamps in track 0; this may be due to not having a key frame in this segment" for each video I try to segment
[16:54] <vivienschilis> anybody tried it?
[16:55] <hendrikus_> burek, http://pastebin.com/FtEWcagF
[16:55] <burek> FFmpeg version SVN-r0.5.1-4:0.5.1-1ubuntu1.3, Copyright (c) 2000-2009
[16:55] <burek> you didn't upgrade it
[16:56] <burek> you messed with your apt/sources.list
[16:56] <burek> I guess
[16:56] <burek> so that's why you can't normally update ffmpeg
[16:56] <hendrikus_> ah ha what wrong i did sudo apt-get upgrade ffmpeg
[16:56] <burek> well you need to do sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
[16:56] <burek> read up
[16:57] <hendrikus_> o.k i will do that
[16:57] <burek> update/upgrade wont work as expected, install will
[16:57] <burek> and check after that the version
[16:57] <burek> if it is the same
[16:57] <burek> then nothing happened
[16:58] <hendrikus_> burek, it lett me not reinstall ffmpeg it tells me it already is installed
[17:02] <burek> hendrikus_, well, I really can't help with things like that
[17:02] <burek> try to undo what you did
[17:02] <burek> or ask in ubuntu channel
[17:03] <burek> or something
[17:03] <burek> but you have an old version of ffmpeg :/
[17:03] <hendrikus_> burek, It works!!! I reinstalled ffmpeg and paced the movie file in openshot and there i have the movie working
[17:04] <hendrikus_> it's not working in vlc
[17:04] <burek> :)
[17:04] <hendrikus_> but o.k it works THANKS MAN!!! no beer >>> But LOVE >>> from the netherlands
[17:04] <burek> ^^ :peace: :)
[17:05] <hendrikus_> Thanks for that
[17:06] <burek> you are welcome :)
[18:24] <andrew_> Hey, im having a problem where ffserver won't output any video when accessed
[18:24] <andrew_> I have tried with VLC and ffplay, neither seem to work
[18:25] <andrew_> I get this in the console
[18:25] <andrew_> stuff like this
[18:25] <andrew_> Error writing frame to output
[18:25] <andrew_> Too large number of skiped frames 13331376327
[18:25] <andrew_> does anyone know why this is happening?
[18:26] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[18:27] <andrew_> ok, sure
[18:30] <andrew_> Here is my ffserver and ffmpeg command lines, as well as the configuration file for ffserver
[18:30] <andrew_> http://pastebin.com/pYFyUMsa
[18:32] <andrew_> here is sample output from ffserver
[18:32] <andrew_> http://pastebin.com/TvxiG6rz
[18:32] <andrew_> it happens to fast to get all of it
[18:32] <burek> that paste is missing the first part
[18:33] <andrew_> but essentially this happens everytime I use ffplay or vlc to display the video
[18:33] <andrew_> Ill try again, but the erros happen very fast
[18:34] <burek> try ffmpeg ... 2>&1 > log.txt
[18:35] <andrew_> ok, one sec
[18:38] <andrew_> grr, it didn't write the ffmpeg log
[18:38] <andrew_> do you want both? or just ffserver?
[18:39] <burek> ffmpeg -i ... > log.txt 2>&1
[18:40] <burek> also
[18:40] <burek> one note..
[18:40] <burek> you named your stream test1.mpeg and you set format avi
[18:41] <burek> it's not a big problem, but some players will try to "figure out" the format from the file extension
[18:41] <burek> and wrongly will "recognize" mpeg instead of avi
[18:41] <burek> further more, avi is not suitable for streaming
[18:41] <burek> you'll have more luck using mpegts or flv
[18:43] <andrew_> ok, im going to try that
[18:43] <andrew_> flv format
[18:49] <andrew_> Here is the ffmpeg log
[18:49] <andrew_> http://pastebin.com/85aDgZLs
[18:49] <andrew_> it does have some errors, but I was hoping some kind of error correction could take care of that
[18:50] <burek> does it work
[18:50] <andrew_> no, ffplay didn't show any video
[18:52] <andrew_> same with vlc from a another machine on the network
[18:53] <andrew_> could it have something to do with the fact that the video is being transmitted to ffmpeg via rtp, interpreted from an sdp file?
[18:53] <burek> I'm not sure, I need to see errors messages
[18:54] <burek> it seems like your input source is damaged
[18:54] <andrew_> there were messages like miss reference picture, and etc in the ffmpeg log
[18:54] <andrew_> thats what I was afraid of
[18:54] <andrew_> which seems odd
[18:54] <burek> can you play the source with ffplay
[18:55] <andrew_> yes, but it is choppy
[18:55] <andrew_> which I think is odd, because the source is ffmpeg on another computer on the local wireless network
[18:56] <andrew_> and im using the generated sdp file
[18:56] <burek> try playing the source with vlc
[18:56] <burek> and see what kind of errors do you get
[18:56] <burek> that might help to narrow down the source of the errors
[19:00] <andrew_> now, vlc is unable to open the data source via the sdp file
[19:01] <andrew_> however, it doesn't seem to be producing errors
[19:01] <andrew_> it says its reaching EOF
[19:01] <andrew_> but the stream is definitly still going
[19:01] <burek> is it an rtsp stream?
[19:02] <andrew_> no
[19:02] <andrew_> I need it to an rtp stream
[19:03] <burek> can you directly access it using ffmpeg -i
[19:03] <burek> without sdp file
[19:05] <andrew_> it doesn't seem to be accepting it
[19:05] <andrew_> its just waiting
[19:07] <andrew_> yea, still no output from the receiving ffmpeg
[19:07] <burek> well, try ffplay
[19:07] <burek> just without -i
[19:07] <burek> ffplay url
[19:10] <andrew_> if the address being streamed to is on port 9008, then should the url be rtp://
[19:10] <andrew_> just want to make sure
[19:11] <burek> what is the source of the stream?
[19:11] <andrew_> another computer on the network
[19:11] <andrew_>
[19:12] <andrew_> should it be the transmitting address?
[19:13] <burek> no, I mean like, is it udp/http
[19:13] <burek> what is it
[19:13] <andrew_> rtp
[19:13] <burek> then ffplay -f rtp http://address:port/path
[19:14] <burek> then ffplay -f rtp rtsp://address:port/path
[19:14] <burek> something like that
[19:14] <andrew_> ok
[19:14] <andrew_> also, would it matter if I don't have anything in the path?
[19:14] <andrew_> with the ffmpeg to ffmpeg rtp side of it
[19:15] <burek> I don't use rtp, so I don't know, but try vlc and see if it reports any errors
[19:15] <burek> (go to Tools - Messages and set verbosity level to 2)
[19:21] <andrew_> well, i get different results depending on how I target vlc
[19:21] <andrew_> if I target it at this machine's address, it seems to wait
[19:22] <andrew_> with no errors
[19:22] <andrew_> and one warning
[19:23] <andrew_> If I target it at the sender's address, it errors, failing to bind to the socket
[19:29] <andrew_> ok, so I copied to test file being streamed over rtp, and the video itself plays in ffplay, but when streamed, has the same issue on the ffserver side
[19:29] <andrew_> Would that indicate that something about my ffserver.conf is wrong?
[19:31] <burek> well, playing a file and playing a stream is not the same at all
[19:31] <burek> so I don't know what did you want to test that way anyway?
[19:33] <andrew_> im developing a capacity to receive h264 video on android
[19:33] <andrew_> but right now im just testing on desktops
[19:34] <andrew_> to clarify, recieve h264 video on android streamed via rtp
[19:35] <andrew_> I have to take in video via rtp and present it to the android MediaPlayer object
[19:36] <andrew_> my plan was to figure out how to do it on conventional machines, then port ffmpeg and ffserver to android
[21:58] <andrew_> burek, if you are still there, I am still investigating the issue I had earlier. I have been able read in the rtp packets and convert them to an flv video file.
[21:58] <andrew_> The quality isn't perfect, but it is acceptable
[21:59] <andrew_> And now, for some reason, vlc is displaying errors when it accesses the stream
[21:59] <andrew_> from ffserver
[22:01] <andrew_> Incase anyone else knows, can someone explain what woul cause the following error messages in the vlc message windows
[22:01] <andrew_> signals error: signal 17 overriden (0x7fae552a7450)
[22:01] <andrew_> signals error:  /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4(?)[(nil)]
[22:01] <andrew_> ?
[22:02] <relaxed> try #videolan
[00:00] --- Tue Apr  3 2012

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