[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120426
burek021 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 27 02:05:02 CEST 2012
[00:00] <JEEB> anyways, if you're interested in working with libavcodec code or x264's code to embed MVC support, feel free to hop onto #x264dev or #ffmpeg-devel
[00:01] <canbal> ok thanks for the guide, i will go on there and see if anyone else is interested in this
[00:01] <canbal> my interest started when i realized some consumer level cameras started to encode with MVC
[00:03] <canbal> and i rely on ffmpeg to extract frames from videos usually, and i couldn't use it in this scenario
[00:08] <DaKaZ> all, I have an interesting audio question that I can't seem to ask correctly in google to find out IF it can be done. Given a sound card with 8 outputs (7.1 audio but outputs as 4 stereo headphone jacks), could I run 4 discrete instances of ffmpeg and decode a different audio file to each output pair? If this is possible, could you point me toward the right documentation on the cli parameters?
[01:08] <Yeti218> i just noticed my Galaxy Nexus cannot play the mp4 files with libx264 codec that i generated
[01:19] <Yeti218> maybe it is the level 4 that is the problem .. it could play the level3/high version
[01:37] <Yeti218> it is not the level as i just made a 3.1 level version and that one also cannot be played. i am stumped
[01:40] <Yeti218> i found another difference .. the new one has Standard: PAL
[01:40] <Mavrik-> check profile instead of level.
[01:41] <JEEB> Yeti218, pastebin your command line for creation of those files, and ffprobe output_file.mp4 of those two files
[01:42] <dashcloud> is there a simple way to convert MPEG2-TS files to DVD-compliant video?
[01:42] <JEEB> and/or a MediaInfo output of those two files
[01:47] <Yeti218> http://pastebin.com/N0NLt0ri
[01:48] <Yeti218> it has the (big) working stats an then the (small) not working one
[01:50] <Yeti218> dashcloud, i use convertxtodvd to make dvd's
[01:50] <Yeti218> but i dont think it is free
[01:51] <aphid> "-target dvd" should take care of it, no?
[01:52] <Yeti218> JEEB do you need more information?
[01:53] <dashcloud> okay- I'm trying that
[01:54] Action: JEEB is trying to find the algorithm for the reference frame for a level
[01:55] <JEEB> ok, found it
[01:57] <Yeti218> did i forget a parameter when encoding?
[01:57] <JEEB> I'm just checking some things
[01:58] <Yeti218> ok
[01:59] <JEEB> funny enough you are within level 3.1 with that reference frame-wise
[02:02] <Yeti218> maybe the codecs do differ even though they have the same name?
[02:02] <JEEB> your source is from vimeo, guess what they use :P
[02:04] <JEEB> try two things: one where you set level to 3.1, and one where you do -x264opts ref=4
[02:04] <JEEB> (with level 4)
[02:04] <Yeti218> ref = reframes?
[02:04] <Yeti218> k, will do
[02:06] <JEEB> if my guess goes OK, the decoder just doesn't like the amount of reference frames >_> (albeit they _are_ within spec in this case, even for level 3.1 -- level 3 would need the number to be dropped to 8)
[02:09] <Yeti218> bad option '-ref': '4'
[02:09] <JEEB> ...
[02:09] <JEEB> I told you how to set it
[02:09] <JEEB> -x264opts ref=4
[02:10] Action: JEEB slaps Yeti218 for not listening
[02:10] <Yeti218> i have: -profile:v high -level 4 -x264opts -ref=4
[02:10] <Yeti218> ah ref instead of -ref
[02:10] <JEEB> you can basically set raw libx264 settings with -x264opts
[02:10] <JEEB> so you have opt=setting:opt=setting
[02:10] <JEEB> etc. etc.
[02:11] <JEEB> in this case we only set one setting
[02:11] <JEEB> thus only ref=4
[02:11] <Yeti218> i see, it is almost done
[02:12] <Yeti218> hurray
[02:13] <Yeti218> it plays .. takes like 10 secs while it seems to prepare for the job, but then it plays
[02:13] <JEEB> so yeah, it doesn't like 16 reference frames
[02:13] <JEEB> (even if that is within the specified level)
[02:14] <Yeti218> indeed
[02:14] <Yeti218> tomorrow i will test on an iphone 3gs
[02:20] <Yeti218> Thank you for the help JEEB! I have gained a knowledge level
[02:20] <JEEB> and I have no idea why I'm still awake
[02:27] <Yeti218> it is 2:26 am here .. in 4,5 hrs my kids will wake crying and demanding attention
[02:27] <JEEB> add another hour here
[02:33] <Yeti218> You are from eastern europe?
[05:22] <taqattack> Anyone know what does fd in "RTMP_SendPacket: fd=5, size=374" mean?
[11:15] <fgro> Hi folks. Running the following command "ffmpeg -v 10 -vframes 1 -i blocking_video.mp4 -vcodec pam -an -f rawvideo -y output". I expect ffmpeg to process only one frame (1). On my gentoo box with ffmpeg 0.7.8 this works just fine. However, on a mac box with ffmpeg 0.9 (complete version info here https://gist.github.com/2497950 ) every frame gets processed, leading to heavy load. What has changed between the versions? Or is it a bug?
[11:15] <fgro> same for debian ffmpeg 0.10.2
[11:21] <fgro> ok guys got it https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/898
[11:21] <fgro> damn, why does the order of parameters matter...mmm
[11:29] <TimNich> Its not unreasonable for the order of parameters to matter if the system needs to be able to decide to which file(s) the parameter should apply....
[11:31] <fgro> TimNich: true
[12:27] <Yeti218> when trying to make a video from 1 image i get the error: [libx264 @ 0x2e1e9c0] width not divisible by 2 (1379x1772)
[12:27] <Yeti218> width is indeed an odd number but hy is this a problem?
[12:28] <JEEB> because with 4:2:0 YCbCr (also colloquially called "YUV") has the Chroma planes saved as 2x2 blocks :P (one value for a 2x2 area)
[12:29] <Yeti218> so best is to convert the image to even numbers?
[12:30] <Yeti218> i think ffmpeg has a scale option, trying to figure out if that will solve it
[12:46] <Yeti218> ok, i got a good video from an image now .. but it has 1 frame/sec (which is ok), but it also lasts 1 sec. Is there an option to enlengthen the video to say 40 secs?
[12:48] <Yeti218> A silly way would be to make 40 images, rename them 001 to 040 and then put them in movie with 1 frame per second (-r 1)
[12:48] <Yeti218> But i assume there is a smarter way when you only have 1 image to consider to determine the length
[12:55] <Yeti218> i now found something that should work: ffmpeg -loop_input -shortest -y -i test.png -i test.mp3 -acodec copy -vcodec libx264 test.mp4
[12:56] <Yeti218> But that gives errors: 1) Unrecognized option 'loop_input' 2) Failed to set value '-shortest' for option 'loop_input'
[13:01] <Yeti218> k, got it now .. when i use -loop 1 it works .. -loop_input is deprecated
[13:06] <RobertNagy> is there any filter for splitting an interlaced frame into two separate half height frames?
[13:08] <RobertNagy> basically what I want to do is: interlaced frame -> split into two half height frames -> scale both -> reinterlace
[13:34] <esby> hmmm, are the x264 presets files gone ? (or were there renamed ?) i only see vpx*.presets and some ipod related presets in the source but nothing else?
[13:35] <JEEB> you now use libx264's internal presets
[13:35] <JEEB> http://mewiki.project357.com/wiki/X264_Settings#preset
[13:37] <esby> verthx
[13:37] <esby> thx
[13:37] <Mavrik> we should really staple this with 15-line size letters on join of this channel :\
[13:37] <esby> sorry :/
[13:42] <Mavrik> not your fault, documentation really isn't explicit enough about that thange
[13:42] <Mavrik> and there's alot of obsolete tutorials out there
[13:47] <burek> it might be a good idea to start versioning major changes
[13:55] <malinens> hi guys. I have problems with deinterlacing videos. In old good days I used -deinterlace option and it worked fine but now with yadif I get occasional artifacts :/
[14:00] <Yeti218> i just noticed that my galaxy Nexus wont play video's with large dimensions .. like 2700x2500
[14:00] <Yeti218> i assumed it would just scale to fit it when displaying
[14:03] <JEEB> Yeti218, regarding hardware decoding you should always keep to up to 720p on mobile, unless you are absolutely, positively sure 1080p works. Anything over 1920x1080 is bound to fail. Newest nvidia ASICs are told to technically work with up to 4K (width) content, but I don't think any drivers support this -- and this is PC hardware, not mobile.
[14:05] <nutz_> hi all
[14:06] <nutz_> i'm tyring to transcode flac-files to mp3. everything works pretty well, except a few metadata-variables dont get transfered =(. e.g. the year. i get from the input file: DATE : 2006, and for the output-file it says: TDRL : 2006 and even TRACKTOTAL : 10, but both wont show up in the id3-tags in easytag
[14:08] <nutz_> okay, specifying "-id3v2_version 3" helped the year, not the tracktotal though =(
[14:17] <Yeti218> Is there a way to scale the video output so that it only scales when necessary and keeps the aspect ratio?
[14:18] <esby> JEEB: it's not possible anymore to use a different preset for first pass and second pass ?
[14:19] <Mavrik> Yeti218, you'll probably have to write an expression for scale filter
[14:19] <Mavrik> esby, the "fastfirstpass" presets are chosen automatically
[14:19] <Mavrik> anything else doesn't make any sense really
[14:19] <JEEB> esby, x264 will use fast first pass settings in case you are not using the placebo preset
[14:19] <JEEB> which is "everything up to eleven"
[14:19] <esby> Mavrik: k
[14:20] <esby> well i tried to use veryfast for first pass and slow for second pass, i m getting a [libx264 @ 0x23d4b80] different weightp setting than first pass (2 vs 1)
[14:20] <Mavrik> of course.
[14:21] <Mavrik> you have to use same presets for both passes
[14:21] <esby> k
[14:21] <detly> can I specify down to the frame where ffmpeg should start and stop reading input? I can only find CLI options for time, not frames
[14:22] <detly> for start, I mean... the "-frames" option seems to allow *stopping* after a certain number of frames
[14:31] <b_jonas> detly: could you figure out the fps and just use the time option? -ss I think
[14:32] <detly> b_jonas: maybe, but I thought I'd check to see if there's a simpler way
[14:32] <b_jonas> I don't know
[14:32] <detly> I could also just use avidemux to do the cutting
[14:33] <detly> and then ffmpeg for the transcoding, etc
[14:37] <Yeti218> weird i have videos that sometimes play and sometimes don't play on my phone .. no idea what it is as i dont see a stacktrace, but i have a feeling it might be available memory related
[14:45] <pespin> HI, I need to use hw accelerated decoding for h.264 in android. I saw there's support for it using libstagefright
[14:46] <pespin> I fear I need that the apps run with root privilegies to be able to access the hw dev node though, is this correct?
[14:47] <pespin> as I guess the layers go like app -> ffmpeg -> libstagefright -> OMXCore -> /dev/msm_vidc_dec
[14:47] <pespin> which in turn has these rights:
[14:47] <pespin> crw-rw---- system audio 247, 0 2012-04-23 18:51 msm_vidc_dec
[14:48] <pespin> does someone now if stagefright is running as a different process with root/system privilegies?
[15:23] <hivemind> q
[15:24] <hivemind> how i can convert ALL files in catalog from m4a to mp3?
[15:25] <hi117> lame
[15:50] <hivemind> hi117, Warning: unsupported audio format
[15:52] <hivemind> it's ALAC
[16:21] <detly> I'm trying to convert video + stereo audio to video + mono, but the output always comes out stereo. I'm using this command line, including "-ac 1": http://paste.pocoo.org/show/587485/ ...am I missing something?
[17:44] <Yeti218> i used -ac 1 yesterday and it made my sound mono
[17:47] <Yeti218> how did you check stereo? with ffprobe?
[18:01] <Yeti218> is there a reason why an mp4 with libx264 video codec and aac audio codec will not stream?
[18:04] <JEEB> A) The format, by default, is heavily reliant on an index to make it play'able B) To create the index, the whole file has to be completed encoding-wise, thus it is often put in the end
[18:05] <JEEB> you could start playing it semi-right-away if the index was in the beginning, or, if you were using the movie fragments feature of the container
[18:06] <JEEB> putting the index into the beginning works for most things, and I have no idea how many things actually support the movie fragments feature (although it would let you play a clip that is being live-encoded f.ex.)
[18:06] <JEEB> you can use the qt-faststart app to put the index into the beginning of the file after it has been encoded
[18:07] <Yeti218> i will try that!
[18:08] <taqattack> JEEB: Do u know what the difference between "RTMP_SendPacket: fd=436, size=308" and "RTMP_SendPacket: fd=5, size=308" is by chance?
[18:08] <JEEB> nope
[18:09] <Yeti218> hmm i installed ffmpeg from source (for 264 reasons) and it seems qt-faststart is not avaiable .. it tells me to apt-get ffmpeg ..
[18:13] <JEEB> Yeti218, you have to compile it separately, it's in one of the folders
[18:15] <Yeti218> ah yes the tools folder
[18:15] <Yeti218> is omitting acodec the same as -acodec copy?
[18:16] <JEEB> no
[18:17] <JEEB> nowadays it might make a more sane'ish selection depending on your container of choice, but never ever do expect ffmpeg to do something you might like if you haven't set it
[18:37] <Yeti218> i found a log of my video errors
[18:37] <Yeti218> it says: GraphicBufferAlloc::createGraphicBuffer(w=1536, h=1872) failed (Out of memory)
[18:37] <Yeti218> however that is bigger than the size of my actual video
[18:49] <mp4man> Hi there
[18:50] <mp4man> I'm trying to encode a video from a series of PNG files, here is the command I'm using : ffmpeg -r 24 -b 18000k -y -qscale 1 -sameq -i test%06d.png current054.mp4 The movie is produced, but the colors are altered (a bit darker). Could someone help me to figure out which argument would preserve the colors?
[18:50] <mp4man> tahnks ! :)
[18:51] <Mavrik_> colors are darker probably because of color space conversion
[18:52] <mp4man> here is the original colors : http://i.imgur.com/w97d8.png
[18:53] <mp4man> here is what I obtain with the previous command : http://i.imgur.com/PpM52.png
[18:53] <Mavrik_> that actually looks the same on my screen :P
[18:54] <mp4man> no kidding
[18:54] <Mavrik_> mp4man: it's normal and expected that red's darken when you to RGB->YUV color conversion
[18:54] <mp4man> the first one is not more orange? more brighter?
[18:54] <Mavrik_> actually, RGB -> YUV420
[18:54] <mp4man> here is what I have in my terminal
[18:54] <mp4man> http://pastebin.com/WqcJ7as6
[18:54] <Mavrik_> yeah, I see it now
[18:55] <Mavrik_> yes, your input is bgra and output is yuv420p
[18:55] <mp4man> I have another software, called "framed" o my mac, which only takes JPEGs and produces MOVs. with it the colors are better... but I don't want jpgs and mov :-/
[18:55] <Mavrik_> mp4man: sadly, there's not good way of preserving colors in such output video
[18:56] <Mavrik_> mp4man: unless you switch to a format which is YUV444 or RGB
[18:56] <Mavrik_> but those are rare and unsupported
[18:56] <mp4man> ha :-/
[18:57] <mp4man> see, I don't really know which format I want... I want to produce movies that are "portable" and that have the same colors as the pngs
[18:57] <mp4man> I don't care the saize of the files
[18:57] <Mavrik_> well... most consumer widely supported video formats demand yuv420
[18:57] <Mavrik_> which is where you lose your colors
[18:59] <mp4man> do you have a solution, even not really well supported, that would preseve my colors?
[19:00] <Mavrik_> mp4man: I've had some success with huffyuv with RGB video
[19:00] <Mavrik_> and x264 encoded yuv444 video (but I don't think you can encode that with ffmpeg yet)
[19:00] <mp4man> i've tried this already : ffmpeg -r 24 -b 18000k -y -vcodec huffyuv -i test%06d.png current054.mp4
[19:00] <mp4man> But it does not work and produces errors :
[19:00] <mp4man> [huffyuv @ 0x102054000] get_buffer() failed [huffyuv @ 0x102054000] [IMGUTILS @ 0x7fff5fbfde80] Picture size 0x0 is invalid
[19:01] <Mavrik_> put huffyuv in .avi container.
[19:01] <Mavrik_> and I think you need so specify image size
[19:01] <mp4man> ah
[19:02] <mp4man> sorry for my naive questions, I admit I know nothing about encoding videos etc.
[19:04] <mp4man> is there a unit for the frame size? using -s 1615×585 (pixels) does not work
[19:11] <mp4man> Mavrik_: are you gone? :)
[19:13] <DelphiWorld> hey
[19:13] <DelphiWorld> can someone help me fix a software that use ffmpeg
[19:13] <DelphiWorld> MumuDVB
[19:21] <mp4man> Could someone indicate me how I can create a video from PNG files that preserves the colors ? thx
[19:29] <mp4man> no one ? :(
[19:49] <JEEB> mp4man, if you can limit yourself to very up-to-date libavcodec-based players you can set output colorspace to rgb with vcodec x264
[19:49] <JEEB> that would create H.264-in-4:4:4 H.264
[19:49] <JEEB> argh
[19:49] <JEEB> RGB-in-4:4:4
[19:50] <JEEB> otherwise just match the conversion matrices when converting from RGB to YCbCr and back
[19:50] <JEEB> because that discrepancy kind of looks like a mismatch of those
[19:50] <mp4man> What argument should I add to this command ffmpeg -r 24 -b 18000k -qscale 1 -y -i test%06d.png current054.mp4
[19:51] <JEEB> that is one mess of a command line
[19:51] <mp4man> lol
[19:51] <JEEB> (ffmpeg uses the BT.601 matrix, just FYI)
[19:51] <mp4man> its my copy/paste_I_dont_get_nothing command.... sorry
[19:51] <JEEB> (for RGB<->YCbCr (also colloquially called 'YUV') conversion)
[19:51] <JEEB> anyways
[19:52] <JEEB> ffmpeg -r 24 -i test%06d.png -c:v libx264 -crf 18 out.mp4 would probably be a good base from which begin
[19:53] <JEEB> -r sets the rate you want ffmpeg to read the pictures in
[19:53] <mp4man> yep
[19:53] <mp4man> no -b 18000k ? :)
[19:53] <mp4man> I've put this to have the best quality
[19:53] <JEEB> then you set the input, any setting after that gets set as a setting for the encoder (before -i = decoder settings)
[19:53] <JEEB> then we set the codec for encoding, libx264 (which does H.264)
[19:53] <mp4man> and if I get rid of the -qscale 1, I have a lot of pixels, that's just horrible
[19:54] <JEEB> then we set the rate control mode for x264, crf
[19:54] <JEEB> and we set that to 18
[19:54] <JEEB> (crf = constant rate factor, closest thing we currently have to "constant quality")
[19:54] <JEEB> (lower = more bitrate used, higher = less bitrate used)
[19:54] <JEEB> anyways, that should be pretty good looking as a start
[19:55] <Mavrik_> JEEB: hmm, -vcodec libx264 will force YUV conversion iirc
[19:55] <JEEB> yes
[19:55] <mp4man> here is what your command gives me : http://pastebin.com/JNGhzVDV
[19:55] <JEEB> defaults to 420
[19:55] <JEEB> just like x264 cli
[19:55] <JEEB> (and libx264's default)
[19:56] <JEEB> okk
[19:56] <JEEB> you have a lol old ffmpeg
[19:56] <mp4man> :-/
[19:56] <JEEB> switch c:v to vcodec
[19:56] <JEEB> also, oh man
[19:56] <JEEB> not even 0.8
[19:56] <JEEB> can you build a newer one, together with a newer x264?
[19:56] <mp4man> hum
[19:57] <mp4man> I think I got this one one the official website
[19:57] <mp4man> for mac
[19:57] <mp4man> ah no
[19:57] <mp4man> from macports
[19:58] <JEEB> would recommend getting a newer one generally to make sure you have the easiest possible access to libx264 functionality from ffmpeg
[19:58] <mp4man> oki
[19:59] <mp4man> I'll try... But if I remeber well, I used macport because I couldnt install the latest version for some reason
[20:01] <mp4man> What do you recommand : http://ffmpeg.org/download.html for mac os 10.6.8
[20:01] <JEEB> just grab the current git HEAD from the git repository?
[20:02] <mp4man> Dont know what git is
[20:02] <JEEB> it's a revision control software
[20:03] <cbreak> git is great
[20:03] <cbreak> I had some problems compiling HEAD on OS X a week ago or so
[20:03] <JEEB> git clone git://source.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git would get the current source code of the given git repository into a folder called 'ffmpeg'
[20:03] <mp4man> I have to get that to get ffmpeg?
[20:03] <cbreak> but v0.10.2 worked fine
[20:03] <cbreak> if you have XCode 4.2 or so then you have git
[20:03] <cbreak> I think it comes with xcode from 4.0 on
[20:03] <cbreak> and if you want to compile ffmpeg, you need xcode anyway :)
[20:04] <cbreak> (unless you want to bootstrap your own gcc/clang which is a pain)
[20:05] <mp4man> :-/
[20:07] <mp4man> ok I'm gitting
[20:07] <JEEB> also you'll probably have to grab the current libx264
[20:07] <mp4man> ah
[20:07] <JEEB> git clone git://git.videolan.org/x264.git
[20:07] <mp4man> JEEB: your my hero
[20:08] <JEEB> also, do you have yasm installed?
[20:08] <mp4man> yasm?
[20:08] <cbreak> it's an assembler
[20:08] <mp4man> seems so
[20:08] <JEEB> check if you get anything when you write yasm --version onto the command line?
[20:08] <cbreak> it does not come with OS X, you don't have it unless you installed it yourself
[20:08] <JEEB> and if yes, which version do you have?
[20:08] <mp4man> yasm
[20:08] <JEEB> oh jolly good
[20:08] <mp4man> juil. 0211
[20:08] <JEEB> you don't have to install that then :D
[20:08] <mp4man> oh yeah:)
[20:09] <JEEB> so yeah, wait for ffmpeg's sources to come around, then grab x264, and begin from x264
[20:09] <mp4man> x264 is being downloaded
[20:09] <mp4man> done
[20:09] <JEEB> great
[20:10] <mp4man> now comes the compilation? :-(
[20:10] <JEEB> I guess you will want to install this stuff into your home dir
[20:10] <mp4man> hum
[20:10] <JEEB> ./configure --prefix=/home/Username/ownapps --enable-static or something
[20:10] <mp4man> static?
[20:10] <JEEB> yes
[20:10] <JEEB> easier to deal with to be honest
[20:11] <cbreak> unless you want lgpl closed source apps :)
[20:11] <cbreak> (which you won't get anyway with x264)
[20:11] <cbreak> what's the reason to install it into your ~/ ?
[20:12] <mp4man> I'm doing it in my /Applications/bin/x264
[20:12] <mp4man> make in progress
[20:12] <cbreak> that's even weirder
[20:13] <cbreak> you won't even have write rights there unless you're admin
[20:13] <mp4man> ok make install done
[20:13] <cbreak> and it's not in $PATH either :)
[20:13] <mp4man> cbreak: it is
[20:14] <mp4man> JEEB: is there something in particular to do to indicate ffmpeg where is x264?
[20:17] <mp4man> make in progress ...
[20:17] <JEEB> --extra-cflags="-I/where/you/installed/include" and --extra-ldflags="-L/where/you/installed/lib"
[20:17] <JEEB> (and you need to --enable-libx264 when configuring ffmpeg)
[20:17] <mp4man> arf
[20:17] <mp4man> ok
[20:18] <Yeti218> is it your work that you know so much about ffmpeg?
[20:18] <JEEB> I've not had a job for three years
[20:18] <JEEB> I'm a jobless student that has less than 10 euros on his bank account :P
[20:19] <mp4man> argh
[20:19] <mp4man> so JEEB , is this ok : ./configure --extra-cflags="/Applications/bin/x264/include" --extra-ldflags="-L/Applications/bin/x264/lib" --enable-libx264
[20:20] <JEEB> uhhh
[20:20] <JEEB> where did the -I go ?
[20:20] <JEEB> from cflags
[20:20] <mp4man> oh yes
[20:21] <Yeti218> with so much knowledge about it stuff and video encoding in particular it should be doable to get a job (if you actually want one ofc)
[20:21] <mp4man> libx264 is gpl and --enable-gpl is not specified.
[20:21] <JEEB> yes, you need to specify that of course
[20:21] <JEEB> Yeti218, I would welcome a job :P
[20:21] <mp4man> of course :)
[20:21] <mp4man> what is your domain?
[20:21] <JEEB> ?
[20:22] <mp4man> area of expertise
[20:22] <JEEB> oh
[20:23] <mp4man> :)
[20:23] <mp4man> compiling... lots of warnings btw
[20:23] <JEEB> x264 usage, C, Java, Python, video encoding generally (IVTC/deint, avisynth usage etc.), Finnish/Russian native, can speak English freely and can write/read Japanese very well (used to speak it freely as well, but haven't lived there for a couple of years now).
[20:23] <JEEB> warnings are OK
[20:24] <mp4man> ok :)
[20:24] <mp4man> Iam a scientist
[20:25] <JEEB> I should really write a resume on the internets
[20:25] <Mavrik_> JEEB: linkedin profile? :)
[20:25] <mp4man> r u looking for in finland?
[20:26] <JEEB> Never got to registering there, to be honest > LinkedIn
[20:27] <mp4man> (still compiling....)
[20:27] <Mavrik_> at least around here, that's the place where people go look for your CV (if they're not a huge old enterprise) :)
[20:27] <JEEB> ah
[20:27] <JEEB> oh well
[20:27] <JEEB> will have to register after I finish these university projects
[20:27] <mp4man> finished
[20:28] <JEEB> great
[20:29] <mp4man> shit I forgot to put the prefi
[20:29] <mp4man> x
[20:29] <mp4man> can I just move it from /usr/local/bin to where I want?
[20:29] <JEEB> it should be static by default so yeah
[20:31] <mp4man> ok
[20:31] <mp4man> seems to be operational
[20:32] <mp4man> so : ffmpeg -r 24 -i test%06d.png -c:v libx264 -crf 18 out.mp4 again ?
[20:32] <JEEB> yes, that should create 4:2:0 YCbCr ('YUV') with the BT.601 matrix
[20:32] <mp4man> here is what I got : http://pastebin.com/nHJZwfCy
[20:32] <JEEB> also, I would generally recommend to make sure that whatever you are previewing your output with uses the correct matrix :)
[20:32] <mp4man> :-/
[20:33] <JEEB> yes, not divisible by two
[20:33] <mp4man> is there a way to bypass this?
[20:33] <JEEB> no
[20:33] <mp4man> :-/
[20:33] <JEEB> you'll just have to resize
[20:34] <mp4man> hum
[20:34] <mp4man> ok
[20:34] <JEEB> 4:2:0 means that the Chroma (Cb,Cr) planes of the video have one value per 2x2 block
[20:34] <mp4man> would you know the argument of convert that allows me to resize my images?
[20:34] <mp4man> otherwise I'll just google it dont woryr
[20:35] <mp4man> -resize apparently
[20:36] <JEEB> also, just a quick question -- with how wide of a variety of players etc. are you planning to play this thing back?
[20:36] <mp4man> well I don't really know
[20:37] <mp4man> I use VLC, quicktime
[20:37] <mp4man> on macs mostly
[20:37] <JEEB> ok, that rules out RGB in 4:4:4 :)
[20:37] <mp4man> ah?
[20:37] <JEEB> (QuickTime)
[20:37] <JEEB> so yeah, 4:2:0 YCrCb it shall be
[20:37] <mp4man> ok
[20:37] <JEEB> which is what you are creating atm
[20:37] <mp4man> that's a bit chineese to me
[20:39] <mp4man> ok... resizing the 2000 PNGs... that's gonna take a while
[20:39] <JEEB> 4:2:0 is a weird way of saying "Luma plane has one value for every pixel, and chroma planes have one value for a 2x2 block"
[20:39] <JEEB> and YCbCr is "YUV"
[20:40] <JEEB> 4:2:0 YCbCr is the format 90%+ of all video is
[20:40] <mp4man> and its going to preserve my colors?
[20:41] <JEEB> if you use the same conversion matrix from RGB to YCbCr and back
[20:41] <JEEB> ffmpeg uses the BT.601/bt470bg one for conversions
[20:42] <mp4man> ok colors are still a bit different
[20:42] <JEEB> probably due to a conversion mismatch
[20:42] <JEEB> try checking in quicktime?
[20:42] <mp4man> and the white is black
[20:42] <mp4man> that's in quicktime
[20:43] <mp4man> VLC plays like one frame and then black screen
[20:43] <JEEB> lolwut
[20:43] <JEEB> how old is your VLC?
[20:43] <JEEB> anyways, let's try setting the color matrix in the stream
[20:43] <mp4man> http://pastebin.com/sGR29pBx
[20:43] <mp4man> Version 1.1.12 The Luggage (Intel 64bit)
[20:43] <JEEB> that's old
[20:44] <mp4man> argh
[20:44] <JEEB> go get the current one
[20:44] <mp4man> lol Im running
[20:44] <JEEB> at least you won't have to compile it :P
[20:44] <JEEB> -x264opts colormatrix=bt470bg
[20:44] <JEEB> try re-encoding with this
[20:45] <mp4man> lol dmg this time
[20:46] <mp4man> http://pastebin.com/xzJMThe2
[20:47] <mp4man> Version 2.0.1 Twoflower (Intel 64bit
[20:47] <JEEB> mp4man, set settings for x264 AFTER -i
[20:47] <JEEB> before -i = decoder settings
[20:47] <JEEB> after -i = encoder settings
[20:48] <mp4man> ah ok sorry
[20:48] <mp4man> ok
[20:48] <mp4man> it's better I have all the frames
[20:49] <mp4man> and the orange seems nice
[20:49] <JEEB> anyways, with colormatrix set correctly you should have the players that don't fail showing it right
[20:49] <mp4man> although the white is still black
[20:49] <JEEB> is the "white" actually see-through?
[20:50] <JEEB> because that one png file you linked was such
[20:50] <mp4man> ah yes
[20:50] <JEEB> there might be an ffmpeg setting to make see-through portions white
[20:52] <mp4man> ok
[21:00] <mp4man> JEEB: is it in the --help doc you think?
[21:00] <JEEB> no idea
[21:01] <mp4man> oki ;)
[21:09] <mp4man> ok -alpha off in convert
[21:14] <mp4man> JEEB: thanks so much
[21:14] <JEEB> np
[21:14] <mp4man> it works now
[21:15] <mp4man> my colors are nice
[21:15] <JEEB> yes, you just had to specify which color matrix you were using for the encode :)
[21:16] <JEEB> (ffmpeg uses BT.601 aka bt470bg)
[21:16] <Mavrik> JEEB: what difference does that make - does that mean it changes the encoder or is it just a flag in the stream?
[21:17] <mp4man> JEEB: Im affraid I dont really understand what it means
[21:17] <JEEB> Mavrik, just the flag in the stream
[21:17] <JEEB> ffmpeg uses BT.601 so we set a matching flag
[21:17] <JEEB> (for RGB<->YCbCr)
[21:18] <Mavrik> ah, so that probably means the decoder has to check that flag and be able to use the correspondent reverse transform
[21:18] <Mavrik> if it doesn't your colors are still crap... right?
[21:18] <JEEB> unless the player guesses by your resolution :)
[21:18] <Mavrik> are the matrices resolution-dependent?
[21:18] <JEEB> nope
[21:19] <JEEB> but usually for SD BT.601 is used
[21:19] <JEEB> and for HD, BT.709
[21:19] <Mavrik> ah... well since I almost always got bad colors when doing RGB->YUV with ffmpeg, I guess the players suck at guessing :P
[21:19] <JEEB> some players don't guess at all and just use BT.709 or BT.601
[21:20] <Mavrik> but it seems you just solved one of my major problems lately, thanks :)
[21:20] <mp4man> ok so JEEB you said my videos wont work with quicktime right?
[21:20] <JEEB> no, these should work just fine
[21:21] <mp4man> hum
[21:21] <JEEB> since they are 4:2:0 YCbCr
[21:21] <mp4man> its all blakc
[21:21] <JEEB> splendid
[21:21] <JEEB> you're welcome to ask why it happens from Apple :P
[21:22] <mp4man> argh
[21:22] <Mavrik> :D
[21:23] <mp4man> colors are not even the same on my laptop with VLC
[21:23] <Mavrik> are your screens calibrated even? :)
[21:23] <JEEB> your stream is fine
[21:23] <JEEB> every discrepancy now would be because of derping players
[21:23] <JEEB> and naturally different screens will have different colors
[21:24] <JEEB> (unless you calibrate)
[21:25] <mp4man> ok its the same colors as the png on my laptop
[21:25] <mp4man> so I guess its the screen
[21:25] <Mavrik> yeah, go find nearest graphic designer and annoy the hell out of him until he lends you his calibrator or few days :)
[21:25] <Mavrik> (that's what I did on my Workstation which had two different screens with different colors)
[21:26] <mp4man> ok
[21:26] <Yuhjn> hey guys. I've been asked to develop an app using adobe AIR and does some minor video editing. I'm using ffmpeg to do the heavy lifting and I've got everything working on windows. My problem is mac... the version of ffmpeg.dmg for mac doesnt have the non-free codec used to generate .mov files, and the experimental one fails. I'm trying to compile the mac version from source using the right
[21:26] <Yuhjn> libraries but still get failures
[21:26] <mp4man> as long as the pngs look the same
[21:26] <Yuhjn> wondering if someone who's farmilliar with compiling and the enable options can give me a little help plz
[21:26] <mp4man> thats fine by me
[21:27] <JEEB> Yuhjn, you can't give out nonfree versions of ffmpeg :)
[21:27] <JEEB> they can't be distributed
[21:28] <mp4man> JEEB: I wonder, is there a way to do the very same movie from PS files instead ot PNGs?
[21:28] <Yuhjn> they can be licensed i assume
[21:28] <JEEB> no
[21:28] <mp4man> my ps files have a much better quality
[21:28] <JEEB> mp4man, most probably not -- but I don't know every format ffmpeg supports :)
[21:28] <Yuhjn> ok well if that's the case then how does the guy who posts the windows builds get away with it?
[21:29] <Yuhjn> i took a windows ffmpeg off the shelf and it works fine
[21:29] <Yuhjn> im not even sure i need the nonfree codec to be honest, kind of a newbie with video
[21:29] <Mavrik> Yuhjn: he doesn't have non-free codecs in
[21:30] <Mavrik> only GPL ones
[21:30] <Yuhjn> ok then, so my origional question was wrong
[21:30] <Yuhjn> I'm back to "why does it work on win and not on mac"
[21:30] <JEEB> for AAC there's the GPLv3 compatible libvo-aacenc, and in newer revisions even the internal experimental aac encoder should work
[21:32] <Mavrik> Yuhjn: for that, I suggest you do what ChanServ said - give us a pastebin of your command line AND the output error you get.
[21:32] <Yuhjn> when i run the same thing on mac i get "codec is experimental but experimental codes are not enabled, see -strict -2... then when i try to use that flag I get "too many bits per frame requested
[21:32] <Yuhjn> ok I'll do that... one sec
[21:33] <JEEB> sounds like something old
[21:33] <Mavrik> sounds like you're using integrated AAC codec instead of libfaac/libvo_aacenc
[21:33] <JEEB> but we'll see with the pastebin how old ffmpeg that is
[21:33] <Mavrik> (which is horribly broken)
[21:33] <JEEB> it's no longer broken nowadays
[21:33] <JEEB> just not really good
[21:33] <Yuhjn> march 17th
[21:33] <Yuhjn> 2012
[21:34] <JEEB> -strict experimental was it ?
[21:34] <Mavrik> JEEB: really? I tested it like three or four months ago and it created completely broken AAC output :\
[21:34] <JEEB> the last time I had completely broken output was in january 2011 or so
[21:34] <Yuhjn> -strict -2
[21:34] <JEEB> no
[21:35] <JEEB> it's supposed to be -strict experimental
[21:35] <Yuhjn> oh ok let me try that
[21:35] <Yuhjn> the error says -strict -2 but let me try
[21:35] <Yuhjn> same thign, too many bits per frame requested
[21:35] <JEEB> also remember that settings for encoder(s) go AFTER -i
[21:36] <JEEB> anyways, where's that pastebin :P
[21:36] <JEEB> we're not espers
[21:36] <Yuhjn> yes one sec.. hehe
[21:36] <Yuhjn> btw thx for the help guys, appreciated
[21:38] <mp4man> JEEB: http://www.sendspace.com/file/lr637t thx to you
[21:38] <Yuhjn> http://pastebin.com/A6inCSYk
[21:38] <Yeti218> i created a video in portrait mode but every player i watch it with on my HTC Desire shows it in landscape mode .. any suggestion why that happens?
[21:38] <Yeti218> on my galaxy Nexus i can watch it in whatever orientation i have the phone
[21:39] <Mavrik> um... I think desire plays all videos in landscape mode
[21:41] <Yuhjn> I can pastebin the successful windows execution too if that would help... all works great on win
[21:41] <Yuhjn> without -strict
[21:42] <Yeti218> Mavrik, it seems that way, but isnt that kinda silly? When the video resolution is clearly portrait?
[21:43] <Mavrik> yeah, probably :P
[21:43] <Yeti218> the video gets shown much smaller than is strictly necesssary
[21:43] <Mavrik> I don't watch many videos on my Desire (and I have it hacked to oblivion), but I do remember them playing in landscape mode always
[21:43] <Mavrik> with the exception of Youtube
[21:43] <Yeti218> only thing i can think of is to crop the view but then i would lose quite some information
[21:45] <Yuhjn> incase you missed it: :) http://pastebin.com/A6inCSYk
[21:47] <Mavrik> Yuhjn: it's quite possible the AAC encoder can't handle mono audio - try "-ac 2" and see if turning it to stereo works
[21:47] <Mavrik> Yuhjn: or you can recompile ffmpeg with libvo_aacenc like the windows builds are
[21:47] <Yuhjn> oh shit i think that worked
[21:48] <Yuhjn> but woooo it's slow on mac
[21:48] <Yuhjn> still working
[21:49] <mp4man> ok that's unfortunate it doesn't work in quicktime :-/
[21:49] <mp4man> 'cause I think that's what keynote is using :-/
[21:50] <Yuhjn> the resulting .mov is not working right... framerate is really slow and it's acting very funny
[21:52] <Yuhjn> hrm...
[21:52] <Yuhjn> one of my avi's works but the resulting mov is all screwed up, and the other avi gives me too many bits per frame again
[21:52] <Yuhjn> ok so plan B, try to recompile with the same enable flags as windows i guess
[21:53] <Yuhjn> this is frustrating :)
[21:54] <Yuhjn> i really really appreciate the help though guys, dont know what I'd do without it
[21:54] <Yuhjn> probably not get paid is my guess :)
[21:54] <Yuhjn> fail
[21:57] <mp4man> seems that no matter what I do, any video wont play in Quicktime
[21:58] <mp4man> :-/
[21:58] <mp4man> with the new version of ffmpeg
[21:58] <Yuhjn> ok so I'm trying to configure the compile... I'm using the exact same flags that my current mac build has, plus the --enable-libvo-aacenc .... the configure gives me libmp3lame not found....
[21:59] <Yuhjn> if it's not found, that means it's not in the code, which means it's not a free lib?
[22:00] <mp4man> anyone already had this issue with ffmpeg and quicktime?
[22:16] <gebbione> hi I am trying to add audio and video together but i cannot get ffmpeg to do it ... it gives me several errors
[22:17] <gebbione> ffmpeg -i prelisten.mp3 -i Mamasutra2.mpeg Mamasutra2_audio.mpeg -vcodec mpeg2video -r 25 -ar 22050 -ab 46k
[22:18] <gebbione> but i get lots of errors
[22:18] <Yuhjn> you're listing two mpeg's in a row? dont think you can do that... think you have to use concat: protocol (newbie myself so not 100%)
[22:19] <gebbione> i think my problem is more to do with the video i have
[22:19] <gebbione> it gives me errors while creating the file
[22:19] <gebbione> like mpeg2video @ 0x23a6600] end mismatch left=72 108E22
[22:20] <gebbione> and i have no clue on how to get it to work
[22:22] <mp4man> ok, adding :-pix_fmt yuv420p in the command line makes it playable with quicktime
[22:22] <mp4man> but then bad colors are back :-/
[22:23] <juanmabc> tm
[22:25] <mp4man> JEEB: does it sound normal to you?
[22:33] <mp4man> I've found this on the internet : "I don't think QuickTime supports H264 High 4:2:2. Use -pix_fmt yuv420p if you need a QuickTime compatible file."
[22:37] <JEEB> I don't know why ffmpeg starts using something not 420p by default o_O
[22:37] <JEEB> and yes, it only supports 420p
[22:38] <JEEB> can you pastebin me what ffmpeg gives out when you encoded the last time?
[22:40] <mp4man> http://pastebin.com/Y3keUcZQ this wont play in quicktime
[22:41] <mp4man> but this : http://pastebin.com/r96AbFA3 will
[22:41] <mp4man> although the colors are bad again
[22:41] <Yuhjn> can ffmpeg fade audio in and out?
[22:44] <JEEB> mp4man, lol
[22:44] <JEEB> it selected 4:4:4 by default o_O
[22:44] <mp4man> lol ? :)
[22:44] <JEEB> I wonder if that's the new default
[22:44] <mp4man> ah
[22:45] <JEEB> (in case your source is closest to it)
[22:45] <JEEB> libx264's default is 4:2:0
[22:45] <JEEB> I guess ffmpeg now just sees you have RGB as source
[22:45] <JEEB> and thus encodes 4:4:4 by default? :D
[22:46] <JEEB> also, the colors should be fine, you just lose chroma fidelity
[22:46] <mp4man> so is there a way to make it work in quicktime and get my colors back good?
[22:46] <JEEB> 4:4:4 -> chroma planes are one value = one sample
[22:47] <JEEB> mp4man, your colors should be fine, if there are any problems that's because of the chroma subsampling
[22:47] <JEEB> 4:2:2 -> chroma planes are one value = two samples on one line
[22:47] <mp4man> should be fine with the pix_fmt yuv420p option?
[22:47] <JEEB> 4:2:0 -> chroma planes are one value = a 2x2 area of samples
[22:48] <JEEB> mp4man, I'm not sure if you understand what I mean with "fine"
[22:48] <mp4man> Im not sure either
[22:48] <JEEB> the colors should be as good as possible given the fact that you are converting to 4:2:0 YCbCr ('YUV')
[22:48] <mp4man> ah
[22:49] <mp4man> so no way I can have the same colors as I have in VLC without this pix_fmt yuv420p option?
[22:49] <JEEB> yuv420p (4:2:0 YCbCr) is the only format most decoders take in :P
[22:49] <JEEB> such as quicktime, and many others
[22:50] <JEEB> flash surprisingly supports 4:2:2
[22:50] <JEEB> but not 4:4:4
[22:50] <mp4man> do you think about any other pixel format in the pix_fmts list that would be better and work in quicktime?
[22:50] <JEEB> there are better pix_fmts, but they won't work in quicktime
[22:51] <JEEB> quicktime (and 90%+ of all H.264 decoders) will want 4:2:0 YCbCr
[22:51] <mp4man> only?
[22:51] <JEEB> yes
[22:51] <mp4man> I have seen this : http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#qa/qa1501/_index.html
[22:51] <mp4man> not very recent though since its for QT7 and I have 10
[22:51] <JEEB> yes, they support other colorspaces overall
[22:51] <JEEB> but they don't support H.264's compression of other colorspaces
[22:51] <JEEB> capisci?
[22:52] <mp4man> lol not really but if you say its impossible
[22:52] <JEEB> ok
[22:52] <JEEB> H.264 has different profiles
[22:52] <JEEB> different ways of compressing stuff
[22:53] <mp4man> what I dont get is that... using the software "framed" I have a good .mov quality and color
[22:53] <mp4man> but it requires jpgs, which I dont like
[22:53] <mp4man> but the colors are nice and it is working in quicktime
[22:54] <mp4man> so I don't really understand how that's posible given what you've just said
[22:54] <JEEB> ffprobe working.mov
[22:54] <JEEB> pastebin that
[22:55] <mp4man> workin.mov being the movie created with framed?
[22:55] <JEEB> also, how does the 4:2:0 video with the correct colormatrix look in VLC?
[22:55] <JEEB> yes
[22:55] <mp4man> let me answer the second question first
[22:55] <mp4man> I have to look for a movie that were created with framed
[22:56] <mp4man> the color does look better (brither) with VLC
[22:56] <mp4man> but not as red as the PNG
[22:56] <cbsrobot> whats framed ?
[22:58] <cbsrobot> ah - image sequence to movie ...
[22:59] <mp4man> http://i.imgur.com/IPYev.png
[22:59] <mp4man> top to bottom : PNG, quictkime, VLC
[22:59] <mp4man> video done with : ffmpeg -r 24 -y -i test%06d.png -pix_fmt yuvj420p -c:v libx264 -crf 18 -x264opts colormatrix=bt470bg out.mp4
[23:00] <mp4man> JEEB: do you see the difference?
[23:01] <mp4man> the PNG is the most red, in quicktime the video is awfull, in VLC its better but not as red as the original PNG
[23:01] <cbsrobot> mp4man: where did you get these 48bit png from ?
[23:02] <mp4man> I created them from an IDL code
[23:02] <mp4man> (IDL = Interactive Data Language, as far as I know)
[23:02] <mp4man> http://idlastro.gsfc.nasa.gov/idl_html_help/WRITE_PNG.html
[23:03] <mp4man> JEEB: regarding your other question, ffprobe working.mov does not work, it says : [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x102051000] moov atom not found jz040.mov: Operation not permitted
[23:04] <cbsrobot> and why do you use colormatrix=bt470bg ?
[23:04] <mp4man> ask JEEB :)
[23:09] <JEEB> cbsrobot, because that's what ffmpeg uses
[23:09] <JEEB> for RGB<->YCbCr conversions
[23:09] <cbsrobot> I just read the backlog
[23:10] <JEEB> <mp4man> the PNG is the most red, in quicktime the video is awfull, in VLC its better but not as red as the original PNG <- ok, so I'll just say that it's because of the chroma subsampling
[23:10] <JEEB> of course, if you do mov instead of mp4 you could just stick PNGs into mov >_>
[23:11] <JEEB> -c:v copy
[23:11] <mp4man> ?
[23:11] <mp4man> and it would be ok?
[23:11] <JEEB> ffmpeg -r 24 -y -i test%06d.png -c:v copy out.mov
[23:11] <JEEB> could end up huge tho
[23:11] <JEEB> but it should work in Quicktime, I guess?
[23:12] <mp4man> Im trying
[23:12] <mp4man> you think that's what framed is doing?
[23:12] <mp4man> because it gives very large files
[23:12] <mp4man> like 500MB
[23:12] <JEEB> if it needs jpeg I'm just guess it puts that into mov :P
[23:12] <JEEB> *guessing
[23:13] <mp4man> ok
[23:13] <mp4man> 800MB
[23:13] <mp4man> wow :)
[23:13] <mp4man> color is still less red than the PNG
[23:13] <mp4man> (in QT)
[23:13] <mp4man> although much better than before
[23:13] <mp4man> but 800MB wow
[23:14] <JEEB> well, it's just your PNGs in a mov container with a frame rate :P
[23:14] <mp4man> yeah
[23:14] <JEEB> and if Quicktime changes the colors, it's its fault
[23:14] <mp4man> I see
[23:15] <mp4man> and so with the previous command
[23:15] <cbsrobot> mp4man: can you shre one png ?
[23:15] <mp4man> you said it was because ot the chroma subsampling
[23:15] <cbsrobot> *share
[23:15] <mp4man> is their a way to improve htat?
[23:15] <JEEB> chroma subsampling and probably some QuickTime failed added to it as well
[23:15] <JEEB> and no
[23:15] <mp4man> cbsrobot: sure
[23:16] <JEEB> chroma subsampling is chroma subsampling
[23:16] <JEEB> Deal With It
[23:16] <mp4man> :)
[23:16] <mp4man> ok
[23:16] <JEEB> all DVDs, all TV stations, all blu-ray have this
[23:16] <mp4man> so I guess for day to day movies I'll just do the mp4 thing
[23:16] <mp4man> and for big occasions I'll do the mov then
[23:17] <JEEB> pretty much all video we have around us that is YCbCr, is 4:2:0
[23:17] <mp4man> cbsrobot: http://i.imgur.com/yH3y8.jpg
[23:17] <JEEB> I only happen to have something better than that because I got access to some masters via various ways
[23:17] <mp4man> cbsrobot: actually sorry it was not created from IDL directly
[23:18] <mp4man> cbsrobot: I created a postscript with IDL, then I used "convert" ot obtain the PNG from the PS
[23:18] <HampshireGuy> good evening everyonw
[23:18] <cbsrobot> post ps or png then
[23:18] <HampshireGuy> everyone even :)
[23:18] <cbsrobot> hi
[23:18] <mp4man> cbsrobot: sorry?
[23:18] <cbsrobot> post a postscript or a png file then
[23:19] <mp4man> here is the png : http://i.imgur.com/yH3y8.jpg
[23:19] <mp4man> ah sorry
[23:19] <cbsrobot> jpg ?
[23:19] <mp4man> stipid website
[23:19] <cbsrobot> lol
[23:19] <mp4man> it converts the file
[23:19] <HampshireGuy> does anyone have a moment to look a command line I have put together that isn't working for me at the moment?
[23:19] <cbsrobot> most of them are
[23:19] <mp4man> do you know how I could send it to you?
[23:19] <mp4man> without converting it
[23:20] <VooDooNOFX_> MP4_maniac, imageshack won't convert it.
[23:20] <HampshireGuy> I'm trying to build a standard command line to convert files into the right format for my daughters VTech Innotab :)
[23:20] <mp4man> cbsrobot: here you go : http://www.sendspace.com/filegroup/%2FWsKO8uqNCkTcXM38tglyQ
[23:20] <mp4man> cbsrobot: ps and png together
[23:20] <cbsrobot> page not found
[23:20] <mp4man> damn
[23:21] <cbsrobot> I take the jpg
[23:21] <mp4man> http://www.sendspace.com/file/q17fqy
[23:21] <mp4man> png
[23:21] <cbsrobot> you had the same problem with jpg aswell
[23:21] <mp4man> http://www.sendspace.com/file/ggqzyt ps
[23:21] <cbsrobot> thanks
[23:22] <mp4man> he ps was converted to png with : convert -quality 100 -alpha off -resize $1x$2 $f ${f%.*}.png
[23:29] <Mista_D> can't I use /dev/urandom any more to encode noise? `ffmpeg -ar 48000 -acodec pcm_s16le -i /dev/urandom -ab 128k -f mp2 -t 10 noise.mp2`
[23:30] <Tjoppen> try -f s16le
[23:31] <Mista_D> Tjoppen: thanks! it works.
[23:32] <mp4man> cbsrobot: why did u wnat the files btw?
[23:39] <cbsrobot> ffmpeg -loop 1 -t 2 -i ~/Downloads/test000000.png -c:v libx264 -x264opts colormatrix=bt470bg -pix_fmt yuv420p Desktop/test.mp4
[23:39] <cbsrobot> gave me :http://bayimg.com/dAOeiaADE
[23:39] <cbsrobot> doesnt look that bad - does it ?
[23:40] <cbsrobot> left being png in preview, right mp4 in qt
[23:40] <mp4man> cbsrobot: sorry my employer's admin blabla does not allow me to go on your website
[23:40] <mp4man> could you upload it to sendspace?
[23:40] <cbsrobot> hahaha
[23:41] <cbsrobot> tell him its mission critical
[23:41] <cbsrobot> hehe
[23:41] <cbsrobot> http://imgur.com/BaGan
[23:41] <cbsrobot> and dont spend the rest of your day there ...
[23:41] <mp4man> what's on the right and left?
[23:41] <cbsrobot> left being png in preview, right mp4 in qt
[23:42] <cbsrobot> a bit of a loss in the reds ...
[23:42] <mp4man> that's funny my png look more red on my screen
[23:43] <mp4man> although not on my laptop
[23:43] <mp4man> ok it appears I'm fucking flies, as we say in french :)
[23:43] <mp4man> flyes
[23:43] <mp4man> flies
[23:44] <mp4man> enculer les mouches
[23:45] <mp4man> cbsrobot: and if the red are less pronounced, the images look also a bit darker
[23:45] <mp4man> dont you think?
[23:46] <mp4man> (flies again)
[23:47] <cbsrobot> encule ce qui tu veuxmais pas une mouche stp
[23:47] <cbsrobot> -ce
[23:47] <cbsrobot> hehe
[23:48] <mp4man> ahah
[23:48] <mp4man> oue c degueu
[23:49] <Yuhjn> is there another audio code i can use other than AAC build in?
[23:49] <Yuhjn> codec
[23:51] <Yuhjn> I'm really confused... I have an .avi file and I can extract the audio from it into mp3, but then when I try to put that mp3 into an mov file I get that experimental codec -strict -2 problem
[23:51] <Yuhjn> how can it get the audio out, but then not be able to write it back in?
[23:52] <mp4man> ok guyes
[23:52] <mp4man> guys
[23:52] <mp4man> thks a loot for your help
[23:52] <cbsrobot> np
[23:52] <mp4man> cbsrobot: and JEEB, I understand things better now
[23:52] <mp4man> time for me to go home ;)
[23:54] <mp4man> cheers
[00:00] --- Fri Apr 27 2012
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