[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120731

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 02:05:01 CEST 2012

[00:00] <vitrums> llogan: I did something and now I can't stream as I usually did ( The video is too fast so the justin.tv player won't display it correctly, but freezes every 3 seconds and gives away fast motion not the original speed, then freezes again and so on.
[00:04] <vitrums> fflogger: here you go http://pastebin.com/PRX0q6B6
[00:05] <vitrums> fflogger: I'll try to reboot now, cause I've just removed libvdpau1 lib (it was installed in order to prevent blue tones in flash players like youtube), since it's got something to do with the HW acceleration
[00:05] <vitrums> so hold on, I'll be in two minutes
[00:07] <vitrums> i'm back
[00:09] <vitrums> nope, removing this package had no effect
[00:11] <vitrums> however I'm not quite sure if I did it properly, since the youtube videos are displayed correctly, notwithstanding the fact I did actually removed the package, that used to fix the bug with blue tones
[00:19] <piie> nobody an idea about my stream ordering problem?
[00:19] <piie> even tried ffmpeg from git
[00:27] <vitrums> oh, that's bad. I actually managed to spot the problem source: ffmpeg started to work baggy with my webcam!
[00:29] <vitrums> I don't know what exactly happened with my system settings the past day, but it had an effect upon ffmpeg working with webcam. I've tested out the live caption using VLC and webcam is working properly. What might be the reason of such a behaviour?
[00:48] <vitrums> I've resolved it. Dunno why exactly right now, but the fact is that ffmpeg solely without my consideration decided not to work like it used to do =) To speak concrete: I used to have -fps as 30 for both the x11grab and my webcam. It worked fine. Now... ffmpeg can't suck 30 frames from my webcam anymore. Why? I'm confused, but I've removed this (as I hope) redundant -fps forcing flag from webcam input settings and the picture is fine again. So keep it in m
[00:48] <vitrums> ind, if you find your ass on the same fire ^^
[00:51] <vitrums> Mavrik, good day)
[02:08] <msmithng> in ffmpeg.c -> print_report, I'm seeing vid = 1
[02:47] <msmithng> sorry...
[02:49] <msmithng> in ffmpeg.c -> print_report, as the output stream iterates through that struct, vid =1 is causing any subsequently started streams to miss out on the parsing through to expose their associated frames and fps...
[02:49] <sine_> anyone know an easy GUI windows front end for ffmpeg
[02:49] <msmithng> anyone see any long term issues with just commenting out vid = 1?
[03:37] <bbhoss> Hello all, I am trying to transcode an FLV file in speex format to mp3. When I do ffmpeg -i foo.flv foo.mp3 I get this: https://gist.github.com/ac0a10cfde5d85c1ecb0 Any help? I'm on the latest git HEAD
[03:50] <soulstitchmmo> Is there any way I can record sound withotu recording my mic?
[04:16] <bbhoss> soulstitchmmo: pipe in /dev/random for some noise
[09:31] <liquidee> hello everyone
[09:32] <liquidee> im using command: ffmpeg  -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video4 -vcodec copy -f h264 rtp://
[09:32] <liquidee> to stream video from my hardware encoder to my laptop. I think this should work, but im seeing only black screen on laptop. Any ideas?
[09:56] <zap0> why do you think it should work?
[11:24] <powerNET> i'm a little confused about legality. i've read the ffmpeg website but i'm still not sure if I'm able to redistribute a ffmpeg package with lame and x264 library
[11:24] <powerNET> if i cant do it, then how does the zeranoe site distribute those packages
[11:24] <liquidee> hello
[11:25] <liquidee> i have a question regarding rtp streaming with ffmpeg
[11:26] <liquidee> for streaming, when im specifying the output file i should append -f rtp rtp://ip:port
[11:26] <liquidee> the ip i write there is ip of the computer im streaming to, or the streaming computer's ip?
[11:27] <powerNET> former
[11:32] <liquidee> do i need to configure anything else for it to work?
[11:32] <liquidee> because it simply doesnt : (
[11:34] <Mavrik> powerNET: what does it say about the license after you configure your ffmpeg?
[13:50] <[4-tea-2]> Hi, I'd appreciate pointers to resources explaining VBR and 2-pass encoding with ffmpeg/x264. I tried the Wiki, but came up empty.
[14:11] <[4-tea-2]> Found what I needed, I think.
[14:43] <astropirate> is there a table somehwere that showes what audio/video codecs container types support?
[14:48] <astropirate> What is the difference between the flags
[14:48] <astropirate> -preset and -vpre
[14:49] <sacarasc> -preset uses x264's presets directly. -vpre uses presets created for ffmpeg.
[14:50] <astropirate> ahh i see. thanks sacarasc
[14:52] <astropirate> sacarasc, so, -vpre and -preset are only relevant when dealing with x264?
[14:52] <microchip_> yes, and -vpre is deprecated
[14:53] <astropirate> cool. thanks
[14:54] <sacarasc> No, there are -vpresets for libvpx.
[15:57] <subanomic> hi
[16:18] <subanomic> what do I have to install in order to be able to convert to webm with vp8 as the video codec and vorbis as the audio codec?
[16:19] <subanomic> are there any bundled packages available for this?
[16:44] <fturco> Hello. I'm trying to use ffmpeg to convert some TV recording to the WebM format. I don't know which is the option for telling the video encoder to use VBR mode (I can't find it at http://wiki.webmproject.org/ffmpeg)
[16:47] <sine_> anyone know of a decent winGUI for ffmpeg, i would have thought it would be a simple thing to do, just passing commands
[17:00] <subanomic> is there a way to scale the output video with ffmpeg without using -vf?
[17:00] <subanomic> because it tells me -vf is an unrecognized option
[17:01] <subanomic> and I don't have sufficient access to the machine to update ffmpeg
[17:01] <sacarasc> Then you're probably running too old a version.
[17:01] <sacarasc> You could try to get one of the static builds, you don't need to install them...
[17:02] <microchip_> subanomic: -s WxH ?
[17:03] <subanomic> microchip_: is it possible to specify only the height? because the input videos might have different aspect ratios
[17:03] <sine_> does anyone know what format the ps3 player will run.
[17:03] <sine_> im thinking of trying to get my x264 movies to run on it and wonder if i have to reencode or maybe just remux
[17:03] <microchip_> subanomic: i'm not sure exactly, but my guess is no
[17:38] <BrianGU> Hi - I am following the instructions on https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide for my system (Ubuntu 12.04 Server).  I note that when I install the ffmpeg and do the command "hash x264 ffmpeg ffplay ffprobe", I get "bash: hash: ffplay: not found".  Looking at posts #1477-1481 on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786095&page=148, it appears that the culprit is a...
[17:38] <BrianGU> ...missing installation of libsdl1.2-dev.  And, if I look at the Preparation section of the compilation guide, that file isn't listed for the Server but it is for the Desktop version.  So my question is - as I have this installed on the server, do I need ffplay?  (I am installing this so that I can create a user job in MythTV to convert recordings to mp3.)  Thanks
[17:56] <Mavrik> BrianGU: no, you don't need ffplay if you have a headless server :)
[17:56] <Mavrik> ffplay is just a simple player :)
[17:59] <powerNET> is it possible to play videos with ffmpeg/
[18:01] <microchip_> powerNET: nope, that's what ffplay is for
[18:16] <BrianGU> ok great - thank you for the quick reply.  (May I make a suggestion that the hash command in the ffmpeg instructions says that, if you are doing a server install, you shouldn't try to hash ffplay).  Cheers
[20:33] <pzaljr> okay, so PHP developer setting up FFMPEG-PHP on a Ubuntu Precise remote server
[20:33] <pzaljr> I think I accidently deleted ffmpeg.so last night- do Ineed to recompile ffmpeg to get that back?
[20:34] <cbreak> package manager?
[20:35] <pzaljr> I'm not well versed with that but I used check install...
[20:36] <pzaljr> ffmpeg - Package created with checkinstall 1.6.2
[20:36] <pzaljr> woot, what do?
[20:36] <cbreak> no idea about that.
[20:37] Action: cbreak always compiles from source :/
[20:37] <pzaljr> so does the package manager allow me to grab that file?
[20:45] <iive> ffmpeg-php is completely separate from ffmpeg.
[20:45] <iive> they have just picked up bad name because they somehow use ffmpeg.
[20:48] <Zeranoe> What is the correct way to merge two videos? aka, take video01.mp4 and video02.mp4 and encode to output.mp4 and have that play video01 and then video02?
[20:48] <pzaljr> but that ffmpeg.so comes from ffmpeg-php, iive?
[20:49] <iive> there is no ffmpeg.so in ffmpeg project.
[20:50] <pzaljr> thanks
[20:52] <Zeranoe> Is doing something like that even possible with FFmpeg?
[21:37] <Zeranoe> I'm trying to encode 3 inputs into one output playing each after each other. Intro>Pictures>Outro. Here is my command so far: ffmpeg -y -i "intro.mov" -r 4 -i "photos\%d.JPG" -i "outro.mov"  -filter_complex "[0] [1] [2] concat=n=3:v=1 [v]" -map "[v]" output.mp4 I keep getting Input link in1:v0 parameters (size 3088x2056, SAR 0:1) do not match the corresponding output link in0:v0 parameters (640x480, SAR 0:1) anyone know how I can resi
[21:41] <powerNET> Zeranoe, is it legal to distribute one of your ffmpeg binaries?
[21:41] <Zeranoe> powerNET: Within software?
[21:42] <powerNET> no as a seperate exe
[21:42] <powerNET> im just calling it thought cli
[21:42] <powerNET> when i try to compile gpl version of ffmpeg it says i cant redistribute it so i was hoping to distribute your one with a cli gui app im making
[21:45] <Zeranoe> my public builds are licensed under gpl.
[21:46] <powerNET> how did u compile it without getting "license: non-free and not redistributable"?
[21:47] <Zeranoe> without compiling with --nonfree
[21:47] <CodeFriar> I want to get a clip of video from a longer video using the ffmpeg c api. for the life of me I cannot figure out what function that would be called any ideas /
[21:49] <powerNET> Thanks. That did it!
[21:49] <powerNET> Sorry I couldnt help you out with your issue :(
[21:50] <Mavrik> CodeFriar, you read packets, you write packets back :)
[21:51] <CodeFriar> Mavrik: any examples? or even open source projects that have such a feature ?
[21:51] <Mavrik> CodeFriar, well... ffmpeg.c?
[21:51] <CodeFriar> Mavrik: I've been told you can use a setting to effectively copy, without re-encoding
[21:51] <CodeFriar> i'm reading through it, but i'm not seeing where it actually does that
[21:51] <Mavrik> yeah, when calling ffmpeg from command line :)
[21:52] <Mavrik> it's called "copy" codec
[21:54] <CodeFriar> wish there was a way to see how ffmpeg translates the command line options to method calls
[21:55] <Mavrik> CodeFriar, go check the decoding and encoding examples in docs/
[21:55] <Mavrik> CodeFriar, and instead of (de/en)coding just write the read packets to output
[21:56] <CodeFriar> reading that now. I was hoping there was a convienence method for this. I can't be the first person to want to do this without reading a degree's worth of background on how video files work
[21:56] <Mavrik> well
[21:56] <Mavrik> CodeFriar, just execute the ffmpeg then with proper parameters?
[21:56] <CodeFriar> lol, can't the binary isn't available, only the libraries
[21:57] <Mavrik> that's the fastest, most convenient way
[21:57] <Mavrik> make the binary available then :P
[21:57] <CodeFriar> android
[21:59] <]grimm[> Is there a way to transcode multichannel audio after applying a spatialization filter to it?
[22:23] <Zeranoe> Is there any way to set the SAR?
[22:26] <dooley> Does anyone know why libfaac would throw an unsupported container error when encoding from an mp4 to an mp4?
[23:32] <Mista_D> any method to force output FPS to 1/2; 1/4 of the original?
[00:00] --- Wed Aug  1 2012

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