[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20121218
burek021 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 19 02:05:01 CET 2012
[00:08] <Jack_D> Is there anyone who can help me figure out why ffmpeg is droppig the sound over only a portion of this 1080p video?
[00:12] <cbsrobot> Jack_D: what happens if you export it fort to wav ?
[00:13] <cbsrobot> try: ffmpeg -i 20121201_135852.mp4 -vn -c:a pcm_s16le test.wav
[00:13] <Jack_D> haven't tried that.
[00:13] <cbsrobot> nad listen to the audio only
[00:13] <Jack_D> ok tried something similar before.
[00:13] <cbsrobot> you're on arm ?
[00:15] <cbsrobot> also 29.99 fps is strange
[00:16] <cbsrobot> and you have: dup=15 drop=39
[00:17] <Jack_D> It's 30fps, from a Samsung S3 phone. Not sure why it says 29.99.
[00:17] <cbsrobot> Jack_D: you can add a -t 600 to it, so it will stop encoding after 10min
[00:17] <Jack_D> Well converting to wav didn't help.
[00:18] <cbsrobot> try: try: ffmpeg -i 20121201_135852.mp4 -vn -c:a pcm_s16le -t 600 -loglevel debug test.wav
[00:18] <cbsrobot> it encodes the only the first 10 min
[00:18] <cbsrobot> do you see something in the debug message ?
[00:19] <Jack_D> Well the video is 21:30 long. The sound past 8:49 is fine. There are 7 dance performances ,a prologue, an intro before each dance and an epilogue in there, but no chapter marks. 6:02 to 8:49 is two intros and a dance.
[00:19] <Jack_D> what debug message?
[00:21] <cbsrobot> Jack_D: when you add -loglevel debug
[00:21] <Jack_D> yeah not sure why the dupe and drop, I was not going to worry about that if it didn't cause an issue. Almost all the dupes are in the first 2 mkinutes.
[00:21] <cbsrobot> ffmpeg will be more verbose
[00:22] <Jack_D> I'll try that. I'm a complet newb with video processing so be a little patient. I've been fighting all week trying t do it myself.
[00:22] <cbsrobot> next thing to try is:
[00:24] <cbsrobot> ffmpeg -i 20121201_135852.mp4 -c copy -ss 00:05::50 -t 00:03:10 acopy.mp4
[00:24] <cbsrobot> and see if it has the same problems
[00:24] <cbsrobot> this will cou you aout the problematic part of the file
[00:27] <Jack_D> Ok, not sure what I'm looking at, but this looks significant. http://pastebin.com/zMFY9WPt [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x31a7260] demuxer injecting skip 1024 [aac @ 0x31af480] skip 1024 samples due to side data
[00:29] <Jack_D> that command looks like it's only copying the timeslot that is a problem?
[00:34] <Jack_D> Well at least the error is consistent. Still cutting out.
[00:36] <cbsrobot> hmmm
[00:36] <cbsrobot> I see the commit adding it
[00:36] <cbsrobot> but not sure what to tell you
[00:38] <cbsrobot> this https://lists.ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/2012-July/127100.html
[00:38] <cbsrobot> and then to print the warning: https://lists.ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/2012-July/127727.html
[00:41] <Jack_D> Thanks. Maybe I'll gtry a different OS.
[00:43] <cbsrobot> nah
[00:44] <cbsrobot> maybe you can disable it
[00:44] <cbsrobot> I just read: Recommmends skipping the specified number of samples.
[00:46] <DX099> hello
[00:47] <DX099> I'm trying to compile opal 3.10.9 for Ekiga 4.0.0 and am getting this error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1446358/ . Is this the doing of ffmpeg ?
[00:50] <ubitux> doesn't look like so
[00:51] <ubitux> there was no such macro in ffmpeg in the first place, afaict
[00:51] <ubitux> mmh wait.
[00:52] <ubitux> oh i'm wrong
[00:52] <beastd> Jack_D: If you can consistently reproduce the error it might be a good idea to file a bugreport
[00:52] <ubitux> these macro got deprecated
[00:53] <ubitux> you should use AVOption for this now
[00:53] <beastd> http://ffmpeg.org/bugreports.html (be sure to read the reporting guidelines including uncut output of ffmpeg)
[00:54] <ubitux> DX099: upgrade/fix the plugin, or downgrade the ffmpeg libraries
[00:55] <beastd> Jack_D: http://ffmpeg.org/bugreports.html (be sure to read the reporting guidelines and include the full uncut output of ffmpeg like it is described on that page)
[00:58] <Jack_D> Bummer. I don't want to hear I've hit on a bug. lol. Ok, well it may not do anything to help me get these out before Christmas, but at least maybe I can help improve the codebase.
[00:59] <cbsrobot> Jack_D: maybe it's not a bug but a missing feature
[01:00] <cbsrobot> can you add a bugreport ?
[01:02] <Jack_D> I can. To be fair, only ffmpeg even comes close to making the whole video. Most other options just throw up their hands and quit. Yet the original file plays perfectly in most players.
[01:03] <Jack_D> I guess, it's going to be the raw videos on sticks for Christmas. well they were all going to get one of those anyway. I was just trying to make a UF copy.
[01:06] <cbsrobot> Jack_D: you could try another thing
[01:07] <cbsrobot> if you do: ffmpeg -i 20121201_135852.mp4 -c copy 20121201_135852.mkv
[01:08] <cbsrobot> can you try playing the mkv in f.ex: vlc ?
[01:18] <Jack_D> I will try that next , after if finishs on a different video, same source (S3) but a different performance location (same show performed in three places).
[01:19] <Jack_D> what is f:ex?
[01:19] <cbsrobot> for example
[01:19] <Jack_D> I have vlc, and can try that. Been using gMPlayer.
[01:20] <cbsrobot> well or that
[01:20] <Jack_D> ah, duh. ok.
[02:40] <Jack_D> The mkv also trashed. Second video isn't giving any issues. Will try the third video. Then maybe try copying the first from the phone again. Maybe it's something outside of ffmpeg. Something affecting copying but not playing.
[03:36] <asher^> is it appropriate to ask ffmpeg-php questions here?
[03:43] <klaxa> asher^: probably, i think ffmpeg-php is horribly outdated though, at least it was, the last time i heard about it
[03:49] <smj> ffmpeg supports libsoxr already? where can I download libsoxr?
[08:52] <DX099> ubitux, thanks
[10:40] <DX099> anyone knows which version of ffmpeg is best for compiling opal ?
[12:58] <valem> Hi all. I have a webcam with hardware H264 encoding support and I'd like to stream it with ffmpeg & ffserver. How can I get hardware encoded h264 stream from camera with ffmpeg?
[13:06] <Macey> silly question maybe but not sure.... Whats the difference (audio) between samples and frames?
[13:07] <Macey> I'm successfuly transcoding some audio, but now need to use swresample and can't work out what i need to pass to swr_convert
[13:48] <Zandman26> I need help with setting up my recording script for ffmpeg so that it can record screen video and one audio channel for PCM and one channel for my mic for post processing. If PCM audio is in the video file would be good as long as my mic audio is not or vice versa. Could someone help me with that? Current setup can be found at: http://pastebin.com/2XJEAiVp
[14:03] <kernelpanic_> Hello! Using Kubuntu 12.10 64bit, I'm trying to capture both video (works) and audio from programs currently playing (doesn't work). My commandline is "ffmpeg -r 30 -s 1280x720 -f x11grab -i :0.0 -vcodec msmpeg4v2 -qscale 1 -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 48000 out.avi" and I only record silence. Please give me a hit on how to record a program's output that's being played using SDL_mixer. Thanks!
[14:08] <gp5st1> hello. is there any way to set the copyright and original bits differently in each frame of an MP3 and would that cause any problems in playback?
[14:26] <paradoxical> I have some DVD recordings done on a Sony medical recorder (DVO1000-MB) with DVD-RW as media. Some of the disks I have return empty (not playable). I can however RIP them with DDrescue, and load the file in Mplayer / VLC and play the recordings (data = visible on the DVD, but the disc is reported as empty). Is there a way i can dump DVD's with FFMPEG with specifying sectors, or does anyone have a clue how i can rescue my recordings?
[14:27] <paradoxical> ripping the normal way does not work, since there DVD does not seem to contain any of the needed files
[14:58] <Nick-S> hey guys, i'm just not sure how to choose my -profile for my h264
[15:09] <fling> I want to deshake my videos. What app do I need?
[15:13] <Diogo> hi one question...i upload a video to vimeo to test...the input of video is 580x436 but the output is 656x480?
[15:13] <Diogo> what is the method to reach to final resolution 656x480?
[15:14] <Diogo> 580 ---- 436
[15:14] <Diogo> X ----- 480
[15:14] <Diogo> X = 638...no 656..
[15:14] <Diogo> right?
[15:17] <Nick-S> the helpful people arent awake
[15:31] <saste> fling: did you try the deshake filter?
[15:32] <fling> saste: ffmpeg's filter?
[15:32] <fling> did not tried yet
[15:37] <Nick-S> i'm having a problem with my call: ffmpeg.exe -f image2 -i output-%05d.png -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 18 test.ts
[15:46] <Nick-S> pb?!
[15:46] <Nick-S> ?pb
[15:48] <Nick-S> http://pastie.org/5547614
[15:49] <Nick-S> strange error
[15:49] <Nick-S> plz, help
[15:50] <relaxed> be patient
[15:51] <relaxed> use -preset:v
[15:52] <Nick-S> sorry mr relaxed, i'm trying to relax for years
[15:53] <Nick-S> but my -preset comes straight after -c:v, and i took it from the h264 guide doesn't it help?
[15:56] <relaxed> just try it
[15:57] <relaxed> If you want help, don't question it when it comes.
[15:57] <JEEB> Nick-S, post more of the log ÖP
[15:57] <JEEB> :P
[15:58] <relaxed> Apparently fflogger wasn't clear enough on that.
[15:58] <JEEB> also that error seems to be from a separate run
[15:59] <JEEB> the numbers don't match for one :P
[15:59] <JEEB> I'd really like the command as well as the full log if possible
[15:59] <relaxed> missing - ?
[16:00] <Nick-S> JEEB they all are the same sharp JEEp
[16:00] <Nick-S> b
[16:00] <Nick-S> where is ? is missing ?
[16:00] <Nick-S> i re-pasted and i get a different error
[16:01] <Nick-S> jeeb: my logs are very dirty :)
[16:01] <Nick-S> i'll do it ...
[16:01] <relaxed> re-read fflogger's message and follow it to a T if you want help.
[16:02] <relaxed> otherwise you're wasting yout time and ours.
[16:02] <Macey> Hi All
[16:02] <Macey> http://pastebin.com/vcqfaRQm
[16:02] <Macey> the code is a little hacked together from examples i've found but vaguely works.. output is mp2 but sounds like its being resampled
[16:03] <Macey> (the resample code has not been implemented yet
[16:03] <Macey> any clue?
[16:03] <Macey> new to c! sorry!
[16:04] <Macey> it pulls a mp3 http stream and decodes/encodes to mp2
[16:05] <Macey> ./openmux http://webradio.radiomonitor.com/stream/JackBristol-128
[16:05] <Macey> api is latest from git
[16:06] <sacarasc> Macey: Not many people here use the libraries and create stuff, so you may have a long wait.
[16:07] <Nick-S> http://pastie.org/5547681
[16:10] <Macey> thanks sacarasc
[16:10] <Nick-S> JEEB: i pasted the full log
[16:13] <burek> Macey, the best is to read the examples in the src dir
[16:13] <burek> i think it's docs/examples
[16:13] <burek> something like that
[16:13] <Mavrik> hey everyone
[16:14] <burek> Nick-S no you didn't
[16:14] <burek> that's just a part of the log
[16:14] <Nick-S> whats missing?
[16:14] <burek> or who know what is that
[16:14] <burek> what exactly are you using
[16:15] <Nick-S> all the info is there, my command line and the output
[16:15] <Mavrik> Macey: what seems to be the problem?
[16:15] <burek> what exactly are you using
[16:15] <burek> Nick-S?
[16:17] <relaxed> For whatever reason it doesn't like his output filename/path.
[16:18] <burek> yes, i see, the problem is not in ffmpeg, that's why i ask what is he using
[16:18] <relaxed> What is all of this "com.dodedooh.jobprocessor.FFMpegExecutor"?
[16:18] <burek> probably some java wrapper
[16:19] <burek> http://www.di.uern.br/svn/gringa/trunk/Conversor%20Gringa/src/com/andersondelima/conversor/FFMPEGExecutor.java
[16:20] <burek> i was always admiring those people who were willing to write wrappers for ffmpeg to make things more simple then just doing one exec(...)
[16:20] <Mavrik> burek: exec(...) won't help you when you need access to internal structures
[16:21] <burek> well, that wrapper also uses cmd line
[16:21] <burek> take a look and see :D
[16:22] <Mavrik> hmm, what's wrong with that wrapper?
[16:22] <Mavrik> it's a very nice way to encapsulate Java runtime with output redirection
[16:22] <burek> i dont have time/will to investigate, im watching a movie :)
[16:22] <mateo`> burek: you should check mine https://github.com/mbouron/python-toolbox2/blob/master/toolbox2/worker/ffmpeg.py
[16:22] <Mavrik> but you have time to mock? ;)
[16:22] <burek> always :)
[16:22] <Nick-S> its my java classes
[16:23] <burek> mateo`, looks like a very sexy bash script :)
[16:23] <burek> i hope it works :)
[16:23] <mateo`> burek: sure it does :)
[16:24] <burek> i think that it's the final moment when ffmpeg will need to implement web services :)
[16:24] <Nick-S> what about ym problem?
[16:24] <mateo`> burek: but i must admit that wrapper around command line tools is pure "bullshit"
[16:24] <burek> Nick-S, it's not an ffmpeg problem
[16:25] <burek> your command looks fine
[16:25] <burek> so... google.. :)
[16:25] <Nick-S> burek: is my command line supposed to work?
[16:25] <burek> yes
[16:25] <Nick-S> google?
[16:25] <burek> and of course
[16:25] <Nick-S> aren't the architects of ffmpeg are among us?
[16:25] <burek> get yourself one ffmpeg (for windows/linux)
[16:25] <burek> and test cmd line usage
[16:25] <burek> so you wont have to ask if this or that cmd should work
[16:25] <burek> Nick-S, once again, it's not ffmpeg-related problem
[16:26] <burek> no need to spend more time on it
[16:27] <Nick-S> haha
[16:27] <Nick-S> but ffmpeg yields that error
[16:27] <burek> well, you've got a problem then :)
[16:27] <burek> i would suggest a prayer or a talisman or something
[16:27] <burek> you might as well be cursed :S
[16:29] <Nick-S> oh no
[16:29] <Nick-S> yes when i exec it from cmd it works
[16:29] <Nick-S> darn
[16:29] <burek> strange :)
[16:31] <Nick-S> what could it be
[16:31] <Zandman26> Hi all! I need help with setting up my recording script for ffmpeg so that it can record screen video and one audio channel for PCM and one channel for my mic for post processing. If PCM audio is in the video file would be good as long as my mic audio is not or vice versa. Could someone help me with that? Current setup can be found at: http://pastebin.com/2XJEAiVp
[16:31] <Diogo> hi one question...i upload a video to vimeo to test...the input of video is 580x436 but the output is 656x480? why???
[16:31] <burek> Nick-S, probably java issue
[16:31] <Diogo> what is the method to reach to final resolution 656x480?
[16:31] <Diogo> 580 ---- 436
[16:31] <Diogo> X ----- 480
[16:32] <Diogo> X = 638...no 656..
[16:32] <Diogo> ?
[16:33] <burek> Zandman26, can you rephrase your question
[16:33] <Nick-S> another strange thing : http://pastie.org/5547803, notice how i use -r 30 but it reports fps 25 on the input strewam
[16:33] <burek> Nick-S, no, you're wrong
[16:34] <burek> you've set -r as output option
[16:34] <burek> not as an input option
[16:34] <burek> and in the output
[16:34] <Nick-S> so it needs to be before -i
[16:34] <Zandman26> Simply put I need to record my mic audio to a diffrent file then the video and audio recorded from my screen
[16:34] <burek> Stream #0:0: Video: h264, yuv444p, 320x240, q=-1--1, 90k tbn, 30 tbc
[16:34] <burek> there is 30 tbc, which is correct
[16:34] <burek> Nick-S yes
[16:34] <Nick-S> tbc? what is it?
[16:34] <Nick-S> maybe thats why my output is not detected?!
[16:35] <burek> Zandman26, run 2 ffmpeg processes?
[16:37] <Zandman26> So it cant be done with only a single command then I guess:) But running two will that not be very CPU intensive?
[16:37] <burek> Zandman26, wouldn't it be the same? :)
[16:39] <Nick-S> is there an option to explicitly specify output?
[16:39] <burek> Nick-S what do you mean?
[16:39] <Zandman26> Well...probebly. however you will get atleast 4 threads instead of two loading the CPU
[16:40] <burek> Zandman26, 2 threads eating more cpu vs 4 threads eating less..
[16:40] <burek> in the end the cpu usage will be approx the same
[16:40] <burek> btw, you can do it all with 1 cmd if you really like
[16:41] <Nick-S> burek: normally its the last option, is the output file, but something like -output
[16:41] <burek> ffmpeg -i input0 -i input1 -i input2 -map 0 -map 1 output1 -map 2 output2
[16:41] <burek> Nick-S read and see if there is
[16:43] <Zandman26> Ah, thank you very much burek. Cause that would be better as then the files will not be out of sync when editing:)
[16:44] <Nick-S> it looks likethere isn't anything like this
[16:44] <burek> they will i think, Zandman26
[16:44] <burek> because they are not being fed into the same encoder anyway
[16:46] <Zandman26> Ok, will have to live with that then:)
[17:02] <digited> http://ffmpeg.org/doxygen/trunk/bprint_8h_source.html line 75 - can't compile with mingw-g++ on windows, "types may not be defined in 'sizeof' expressions"
[17:02] <digited> any workaround?
[17:03] <burek> digited, did you check windows builds
[17:04] <digited> I have headers of dev win build
[17:04] <burek> did you ask on their support forum?
[17:11] <Nick-S> burek: there is no explicit output option
[17:11] <burek> i think no
[17:12] <Nick-S> so why the hell it is not wokring @!!! ?!? arafhjhjhea!
[17:13] <digi2> searching their forum gave nothing, as googling... feels like I'm the only one having this issue
[17:13] <burek> Nick-S, again... it's not an ffmpeg related issue, so try asking in some java support channel
[17:13] <Nick-S> y
[17:13] <Nick-S> a
[17:13] <Nick-S> 10x man
[17:14] <burek> digi2, you might check their build scripts
[17:14] <burek> and see where did you go wrong
[17:51] <`10> i'd like to use ffmpeg for screen capture and output to RTMP, with the ability to programatically add overlays, inject other videos, etc.
[17:51] <`10> is this something that's scriptable, or do i need to do this with the C API
[18:05] <digited> found nothing on zeranoe's forum or mingw build script, so http://pastebin.com/68Bm69Ya
[18:06] <digited> may be issue of that particular version of mingw which was packed with qt 4.8
[18:57] <bjrohan> Hey there. I just installed Kubuntu, I have heard it is wise to compile from source, as the PPA's are lagging, thoughts anyone?
[19:25] <digited> digited> http://ffmpeg.org/doxygen/trunk/bprint_8h_source.html line 75 - can't compile with mingw-g++ on windows, "types may not be defined in 'sizeof' expressions" <-- there actually are multiple problems with trying to use ffmpeg headers with g++
[19:25] <digited> but it's all compilable with mingw-gcc (c compiler, not g++ for c++)
[19:26] <digited> so... I'll have to do a middle layer to use ffmpeg, in c
[19:26] <digited> and compile it with gcc
[19:26] <digited> g++ can't even link static dev libs, gcc can
[19:26] <digited> (ld can't find symbols in libs)
[20:18] <PacketCollision> I am trying to run configure with --enable-libfdk-aac (ffmpeg v1.0.1 and git head both tested) and I get " .../lib64/libfdk-aac.so: undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0' " in config.log and "libfdk_aac not found" error. Any ideas?
[20:45] <PacketCollision> I forgot to identify with nickserv so I'm not sure my message got through before. Sorry for the spam if it did: I am trying to run configure with --enable-libfdk-aac (ffmpeg v1.0.1 and git head both tested) and I get " .../lib64/libfdk-aac.so: undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0' " in config.log and "libfdk_aac not found" error. Any ideas?
[20:47] <roadfish> dvdauthor is complaining about a vob file. can I use ffmpeg to clean up the vob file into a format that dvdauthor will like but _without_ loosing any image-quality?
[21:18] <burek> PacketCollision, if you have trouble with that, you may try libaacplus
[21:18] <burek> there is a tutorial on our wiki
[21:20] <burek> roadfish, it depends on what do you mean by "clean up"
[21:20] <burek> you could remux your video/audio/subtitle data streams into a new container
[21:20] <burek> (or the same container, just properly, using ffmpeg)
[21:20] <burek> i.e. using -c copy
[21:21] <burek> that way you wont loose any quality
[21:25] <PacketCollision> burek: does libaacplus support AAC-LD? That's why I was trying libfdk-aac
[21:26] <burek> LD ?
[21:26] <PacketCollision> https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/113
[21:28] <PacketCollision> I need to decode audio that uses AAC-LD (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AAC-LD) and the build-in ffmpeg one doesn't. I heard that the fdk implementation did, as well as being a higher-quality AAC encoder than the ffmpeg one
[21:29] <burek> well, internal aac encoder is experimental
[21:29] <burek> but since you need a decoder
[21:29] <burek> i think it's irrelevant
[21:30] <burek> anyway, im not sure about aac-ld, i never used it
[21:31] <PacketCollision> yeah, I know the encoder is experimental. It works pretty well in my not-very-scientific tests, but if I can get fdk working I'll go with that. Thanks for the tip about libaacplus, I've successfully compiled that before so if it works it would be a good solution.
[21:32] <PacketCollision> I think the issue with libfdk is that it is compiled with g++ (or at least it's linked against libstdc++) and the ffmpeg test file isn't.
[21:32] <PacketCollision> but I have to admit that the configure script is a bit over my head, so I couldn't tell if it was an easy thing to fix
[21:34] <burek> did you try google
[21:34] <PacketCollision> yes, it is what lead me to believe that the problem was linking with libstdc++
[21:34] <roadfish> burek:when I pass my vob file to dvdauthor, I just get an unending series of "WARN: Skipping sector, waiting for first VOBU"
[21:35] <burek> roadfish, you might ask dvdauthor supporters on that
[21:36] <roadfish> burek:so I use ffmpeg to "ffmpeg -i input.vob -target ntsc-dvd output.vob" and then dvdauthor accepted the result
[21:37] <roadfish> burek:however, I also wanted to pass into vamps to shrink to 4.7G but then the quality of ffmpeg-to-vamps was noticably worse. with previous vob files, I just did vamps and the quality is maintained
[21:38] <roadfish> burek: hmm, would be good to have dvdauthor handle the vob directly. because it does play on mplayer just fine. but I actually wanted to get this vob burned before Christmas, so I'm trying out ffmpeg first.
[21:38] <PacketCollision> burek: looks like doing "LDFLAGS=-lstdc++ ./configure" works. We'll see if I need to add it to the make as well
[21:39] <PacketCollision> is that a bug?
[21:40] <roadfish> burek: anyway, I'm taking a look at the wiki now. thanks
[21:40] <burek> roadfish use -map 0 -c copy
[21:41] <roadfish> burek: ok, very nice ... so will keep all the streams unchanged
[21:41] <burek> yes, and if you want to shrink the file size, you need to re-encode
[21:41] <burek> PacketCollision, good luck :)
[21:41] <burek> it could be the issue
[21:43] <roadfish> burek: yes, i was just going to use ffmpeg to fix the format but use vamps to shrink because it handy all that mux stuff for me. I have vob and just want to burn. if I was going straight to XviD then ffmeg would be great by itself.
[21:45] <PacketCollision> well, it compiled. Now building my RPM and testing.
[21:45] <burek> roadfish i dont understand a word you say...
[21:45] <burek> just use the same codec that your video is already encoded with
[21:46] <burek> choose some encoding params that you like
[21:46] <burek> and let it re-encode and that's it
[21:46] <burek> no big deal
[21:47] <roadfish> thanks, seems my problem was using "-target ntsc-dvd" instead of "-map 0 -c copy"
[21:54] <burek> -map 0 makes all input streams (input file can contain X video, Y audio and Z subtitle streams) be sent to the output
[21:54] <burek> and -c copy tells ffmpeg not to touch those streams, just copy/paste them
[21:58] <roadfish> the "ffmpeg ... -c copy" gave error "failed to set value 'copy' for option 'c'". But I think "-acodec copy -vcodec copy" should work instead. I have ffmpeg "version 0.7.6-4:0.7.6-0ubuntu0.11.10.1" but I guess this is a bit old even though I installed it a few days ago.
[22:00] <burek> oh man
[22:00] <burek> update that..
[22:01] <burek> you are most probably not even using ffmpeg
[22:01] <burek> if you just apt-get installed it from ubuntu
[22:01] <burek> can you type ffmpeg -version
[22:01] <burek> and copy the output to a pastebin-like site (like www.pastebin.com)
[22:03] <roadfish> http://pastebin.com/yNQd494u
[22:04] <roadfish> huh, so is Ubuntu putting out a really old version
[22:04] <roadfish> although I am using Oneiric Ubuntu which is from last year
[22:04] <roadfish> says: built on Jun 12 2012
[22:05] <klaxa> sources from which they were built must be very old though, it says version 0.7.6
[22:06] <klaxa> uh... strike that unuseful comment :/
[22:07] <burek> Copyright (c) 2000-2011 the Libav developers
[22:07] <burek> this is not ffmpeg
[22:07] <burek> true ffmpeg says
[22:07] <burek> Copyright (c) 2000-2011 the FFmpeg developers
[22:07] <burek> Libav is a fork of ffmpeg
[22:08] <roadfish> so probably doesn't have all the best upgrades
[22:08] <burek> you can either compile your own ffmpeg
[22:08] <burek> or download a static build
[22:11] <roadfish> excellent, someone made a PPA for all the latest versions of Ubuntu
[22:39] <Zeranoe> I'm trying to encode streaming rawvideo with FFmpeg and keep getting "real-time buffer 121% full! frame dropped". What could I do to fix it?
[22:49] <jfinkel> The command "ffmpeg -i test.flv -an -vcodec copy test.swf" results is a SWF that shows the vid at about 3x speed. Is there any fix for this?
[23:14] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[00:00] --- Wed Dec 19 2012
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