[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120201
burek021 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 02:05:02 CET 2012
[00:37] <darkstarbyte> Is there a way with ffmpeg to get the resolution of a video, and store it in a bash variable?
[00:40] <ShadowJK> I heard of ffprobe
[00:40] <darkstarbyte> Is there a way to make it give me just the resolution?
[00:44] <plut0> hi
[01:04] <indigo> hi
[01:04] <indigo> I'm trying to cross-compile ffmpeg with libopenjpeg
[01:05] <indigo> my config.log says "undefined reference to `_opj_version'"
[01:05] <indigo> end configure ends up with libopenjpeg not found
[01:08] <indigo> I sue --extra-libs, --extra-cflags etc
[01:08] <indigo> I have compiled libopenjpeg for mingw32
[01:10] <indigo> I hope someone can explains me why I'm having this error
[01:14] <indigo> anyone?
[01:17] <indigo> thanks anyway
[01:17] <indigo> bye
[01:28] <kenyabob> is there a way I can compile a movie using sequential images, but simply refer to the folder that encloses them, since they are sequential by a date time stamp
[01:52] <magn3ts> Hi all! Is there any reason that this command would be producing an output file with rather badly unsynced video/audio? Any tips on how I would go about debugging it?
[01:52] <magn3ts> ffmpeg -ss 600 -i /media/Videos/Feature\ Length\ Films/Avatar.mkv -codec:v libvpx -quality realtime -cpu-used 4 -b:v 500k -qmin 10 -qmax 42 -maxrate 500k -bufsize 1000k -threads 6 -codec:a libvorbis -b:a 128k -f webm output.webm
[01:53] <magn3ts> Happens even without multithreading/coring the output and it happens whether I spit out to a file or stdout.
[01:54] <magn3ts> Seems like it would be an issue in the decoder (mkv/h264)
[02:49] <desti> does ffmpeg 0.10 break multithreading for libvpx? just want to do some benchmarks with libvpx 0.9.6, 0.9.7 and 1.0, using ffmpeg 0.1, but there is no difference between threads 1 and threads 8 (it spawns more htreads, but only 1 is using cpu cycles)
[02:52] <cynyr> so it seems all the libx264 presets are gone now?
[02:55] <desti> ok, downgraded to 0.7 and smp is working again, makes libvpx encoding speeding up with more threads
[03:01] <desti> looks like there is no bug report about this open
[04:10] <Hyperi> 04:56:32 <@ dtd> House S08E10 julkaistu!
[04:10] <Hyperi> 07:50:21 <@ dtd> House S08E10[720p] julkaistu!
[04:10] <Hyperi> 17:54:53 <@ dtd> National Geographic S00E00 - Apocalypse The Rise of Hitler 1of2 Becoming Hitler julkaistu!
[04:15] <Hyperi> doh
[04:46] <\DSAFEW\> so I'm still trying to capture PCM with ffmpeg
[04:47] <\DSAFEW\> I have alsa, and I'm trying -i hw:0,0 and that gets the mic
[04:47] <\DSAFEW\> and -i hw:0 is the same thing
[05:55] <arbin> \DSAFEW\, what about -i hw:0,1?
[05:55] <arbin> or -i hw:1,0
[05:55] <arbin> you trying for line-in?
[05:58] <\DSAFEW\> arbin, I have a normal microphone going into an onboard ALC892, not sure what you mean by line in, in alsamixer it's just "rear mic" or something like that
[05:58] <arbin> well, fiddle with it
[05:59] <arbin> only thing i could think of is changing the #s to 1
[05:59] <\DSAFEW\> for both those devices: cannot open audio device hw:0,1 (No such file or directory
[06:01] <\DSAFEW\> when I do it for the microphone, the audio stream says: Stream #1.0: Audio: pcm_s16le, 48000 Hz, 2 channels, s16, 1536 kb/s
[06:02] <\DSAFEW\> afaik pcm_s16le is supposed to be all the sounds coming from the sound card
[06:02] <\DSAFEW\> something wrong with my alsa?
[06:04] <\DSAFEW\> the only solution I think might work involves plugging physically a cord from line in to line out
[06:05] <\DSAFEW\> but I don't have any extra cables, and the details on that are still fuzzy, after that step I don't know how I'd make line-out my default capture for the stream
[06:14] <relaxed> \DSAFEW\: This would be pretty easy if you used pulse.
[06:15] <\DSAFEW\> mmmmmkay, thanks relaxed I think I'll install that now.
[08:26] <cbreak-work> I have a weird problem with ffmpeg, I have an application that pipes real time raw data into an ffmpeg instance, which only scales it, changes the framerate and then applies a filter.
[08:26] <cbreak-work> the result gets written to a named pipe, from which a vlc instance reads.
[08:27] <cbreak-work> the problem is that this is somehow slow, the memory usage of the ffmpeg instance continually increases, and the vlc instance gets much less image data than it should
[08:27] <cbreak-work> the weird thing is that as soon as I stop the input program from sending new data, and make it close its pipe, the ffmpeg instance pushes out all the stored data and the encoding in vlc runs at full speed
[08:28] <cbreak-work> why could that be?
[08:28] <cbreak-work> is ffmpeg somehow overwhelmed with reading so it has no time to write?
[08:34] <cbreak-work> if I change the output to be a file, or a cat instance instead of vlc, the memory consumption stays constant, so I assume that the writing is in real time
[08:49] <desu> is there a way to make ffmpeg automatically use the calculated input bitrate for encoding the output?
[08:50] <cbreak-work> that sounds kind of pointless
[08:52] <desu> i'm trying to extract the audio stream from a video file
[08:52] <desu> using higher bitrate would be waste, using a lower one would reduce quality
[08:52] <desu> hence i want to preserve the bitrate
[08:53] <cbreak-work> no
[08:53] <cbreak-work> preserving bitrate would ALSO reduce quality
[08:54] <desu> yeah, but not as much as, say, using 128 for a 196 input bitrate
[08:55] <cbreak-work> how about just not reencoding it?
[08:57] <cbreak-work> like with -acodec copy -vn
[08:57] <desu> i need to do it because it's in a different format than i need..
[08:57] <desu> it's in AAC, i need it in ogg
[08:59] <cbreak-work> then just use a custom bitrate
[08:59] <cbreak-work> why do you think that quality in aac and ogg vorbis correspond with similar bit rates? :)
[09:00] <desu> hmmm, good point.. but i don't want loss of too much information
[09:00] <desu> :)
[09:38] <cbreak-work> so, no one has an idea why ffmpeg is stalling?
[09:57] <zap0> debug it
[09:59] <cbreak-work> I attempted that
[10:00] <cbreak-work> my current results are:
[10:00] <cbreak-work> once my writer (the source for ffmpeg, with pipe:0 input) closes its pipe, ffmpeg writes out the data to vlc fast
[10:01] <cbreak-work> if I make ffmpeg write to a file instead of a named pipe, it is also not increasing its memory consumption
[10:01] <cbreak-work> if I make cat instead of vlc read from the pipe (and write into /dev/null), it's also fast
[10:01] <cbreak-work> so, maybe ffmpeg can't handle having a pipe as input and output at the same time
[10:12] <cbreak-work> the weird thing is: on a different computer the same scripts worked
[10:13] <cbreak-work> (not the same ffmpeg/vlc though)
[15:46] <Cervajz1> Hello guys
[15:47] <Cervajz1> Where the options -newaudio and -newvideo disappeared, please? :c)
[15:47] <Cervajz1> What should I use instead of it?
[15:48] <JEEB> see the documentation on mapping options (-map)
[15:49] <Cervajz1> JEEB: I see, it should be -map 0
[16:16] <praedo> hello
[16:17] <praedo> i'm using ffmpeg to stream video files to rtmp
[16:17] <praedo> but some of them have drop frames and i'm having problems
[16:17] <praedo> while streaming i see fps passing by but video doesn't appear on web (flowplayer)
[16:18] <praedo> other videos encoded exactly the same way, they appear correctly
[16:18] <praedo> the only idea is that those bad videos may have at least one drop frame unnoticeable but ffmpeg may detect it and stop working correctly
[16:19] <praedo> or maybe it's rtmp server being too sensitive
[16:19] <praedo> or myabe flowplayer
[16:19] <praedo> how could i debug this problem?
[16:19] <praedo> or better: is there any way to tell ffmpeg to skip drop frames and continue?
[16:22] <praedo> i use this option:
[16:22] <praedo> -re Read input at native frame rate. Mainly used to simulate a grab device.
[16:23] <praedo> files read are mp4
[16:23] <praedo> any idea why some files are streamed correctly and some not?
[16:23] <praedo> being encoded the same way
[17:32] <praedo> [15:17] <praedo> i'm using ffmpeg to stream video files to rtmp
[17:32] <praedo> [15:17] <praedo> but some of them have drop frames and i'm having problems
[17:32] <praedo> [15:17] <praedo> while streaming i see fps passing by but video doesn't appear on web (flowplayer)
[17:32] <praedo> [15:18] <praedo> other videos encoded exactly the same way, they appear correctly
[17:32] <praedo> [15:18] <praedo> the only idea is that those bad videos may have at least one drop frame unnoticeable but ffmpeg may detect it and stop working correctly
[17:32] <praedo> any suggestion please?
[17:42] <Sorcey> hi! Does anyone know if there could be any reason ffmpeg stops ingesting an axis rtsp stream after 90 seconds but ffplay doesn't, when it's tunneled over a http proxy server? (-rtsp_transport http)
[17:43] <Sorcey> Is it possible this problem is re-introduced?
[17:43] <Sorcey> http://libav-users.943685.n4.nabble.com/Re-IP-camera-amp-receiver-report-problem-td2270499.html
[17:43] <Sorcey> Weird that the problem only occurs in ffmpeg
[17:50] <Sorcey> wrong link, meant this one: http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/129
[19:51] <aster1sk> What's wrong with this : http://pastebin.com/eQwLWGyy
[19:53] <relaxed> aster1sk: add -f flv
[19:54] <aster1sk> Great works, ty relaxed -- I'm curious, can you point me to why ?
[19:57] <relaxed> ffmpeg needs to know which container to use for audio/video and can't deduce it from "-", and flv is a streamable container
[19:58] <aster1sk> Thank you, I believe instead of net cat I should be using ffserver& Just found it - duhh.
[20:33] <indigo> Hi everyone
[20:33] <indigo> I need an info
[20:33] <indigo> I'm trying to compile (again) ffmpeg with some libraries (dirac, lame etc)
[20:34] <indigo> and all is going well
[20:35] <indigo> except that the executable (ffmpeg.exe) requires an external bz2-1.dll
[20:35] <indigo> anyone here knoing WHY?!?
[20:38] <iive> matroska demuxer seems to use it.
[20:38] <indigo> I'm not enabling matroska
[20:39] <indigo> I'll try to explain
[20:39] <indigo> I set a benchmark just to make a proof
[20:39] <indigo> first I compiled ffmpeg without ANY lib
[20:39] <indigo> then I try ONLY with dirac
[20:40] <indigo> (I only added --enable-dirac)
[20:41] <indigo> in this second case I found that bzlib2 in selected but it doesn't seem to me that dirac uses bz2
[20:44] <indigo> now I've just tried again and on a windows machine a message appears!
[20:44] <indigo> libdirac-decoder0.dll NOT FOUND
[20:49] <praedo> [15:16] <praedo> hello
[20:49] <praedo> [15:17] <praedo> i'm using ffmpeg to stream video files to rtmp
[20:49] <praedo> [15:17] <praedo> but some of them have drop frames and i'm having problems
[20:49] <praedo> [15:17] <praedo> while streaming i see fps passing by but video doesn't appear on web (flowplayer)
[20:49] <praedo> [15:18] <praedo> other videos encoded exactly the same way, they appear correctly
[20:49] <praedo> [15:18] <praedo> the only idea is that those bad videos may have at least one drop frame unnoticeable but ffmpeg may detect it and stop working correctly
[20:49] <praedo> any suggestion please?
[21:03] <indigo> I'm only try to get HOW to make a huge monolithic ffmpeg executable without any external dependence
[21:13] <Mavrik> static linking of everything ftw :)
[21:17] <Sorcey> praedo: using red5 or wowza?
[21:20] <praedo> wowza
[21:22] <indigo> maverik, yes, exactly
[21:22] <Sorcey> so you stream ondemand content using -acodec copy -vcodec copy?
[21:23] <praedo> exactly
[21:23] <praedo> and using -re
[21:23] <Sorcey> you should check the exact contents using mediainfo
[21:24] <Mavrik> I came slightly late, praedo what are you trying to do?
[21:31] <praedo> this is the command exactly:
[21:32] <praedo> ffmpeg -i file -re -acodec copy -vcodec copy -f flv rtmp://wowzaserver
[21:32] <praedo> some of the mp4 files play and some don't
[21:33] <praedo> and they are all encoded in the same way
[21:33] <Mavrik> hmm
[21:33] <Mavrik> I've rather used MPEG2-TS to stream to wowza server, I've found RTMP support to be unreliable
[21:34] <praedo> but i need rtmp because i play them using flowplayer rtmp plugin
[21:34] <Mavrik> praedo, that doesn't matter, since wowza remuxes it anyway
[21:34] <Mavrik> you stream MPEG2-TS to wowza and wowza remuxes it to whatever you connect to it with
[21:35] <Mavrik> ffmpeg -i file -re -acodec copy -vcodec copy -f mpegts -bsf h264_mp4toannexb udp://<wowzaserver>:<port>
[21:35] <Mavrik> check wowza docs for configuration, you just need a stream file somewhere to set the listening port
[21:35] <praedo> and flash player will connect to it using rtmp too?
[21:35] <Mavrik> yeah
[21:36] <praedo> so the rtmp plugin is still useful if source comes from ts
[21:36] <Mavrik> the container you use to stream TO wowza doesn't matter (as long as Wowza supports it) since wowza has to remux it for each output format anyway
[21:36] <Mavrik> that's how it can provide RTMP, RTSP, HTTP and other output supports for same file
[21:37] <praedo> so -f mpegts is better than -f flv?
[21:37] <praedo> better quality
[21:38] <Mavrik> it doesn't affect quality since it's a container
[21:38] <Mavrik> maybe you should see basics of digital video before you continue
[21:38] <praedo> Unrecognized option 'bsf'
[21:38] <praedo> ffmpeg: failed to set value 'h264_mp4toannexb' for option 'bsf'
[21:40] <Sorcey> Mavrik: rtmp was pretty stable in my tests (even over longer periods of time)
[21:40] <Sorcey> I don't think this is praedo's problem tho
[21:40] <Sorcey> praedo: did you check the wowza error log?
[21:40] <Sorcey> by default it's pretty verbose
[21:40] <Mavrik> praedo, -vbfs h264_mp4toannexb
[21:41] <Mavrik> Sorcey, I agree
[21:41] <Sorcey> and pretty useful too
[21:41] <Mavrik> Sorcey, I had some negative experiences in old ffmpeg versions and I've used MPEG2-TS for extensive streaming so I trust it more
[21:41] <Sorcey> so how do you deal with security when using mpeg2-ts input?
[21:41] <Mavrik> Sorcey, IP-level firewall
[21:42] <praedo> for files that aren't played, no error appears in ffmpeg... it just continues sending frames
[21:42] <Mavrik> Sorcey, that is a problem though
[21:42] <Sorcey> praedo: so did you check the wowza log?
[21:42] <Mavrik> but that's not our primary problem so using time to swtich to something more secure isn't that much of a priority
[21:43] <Sorcey> Mavrik: ok, dunno what you use it for now
[21:43] <praedo> i check wowza log now..
[21:44] <Sorcey> the error log, not the access log
[21:45] <Sorcey> hm, I think we found a bug in ffmpeg causing broken pipes when using http-tunneled rtsp input :P
[21:51] <praedo> i checked the error log and nothing new appears when i start streaming using -vbfs
[21:51] <praedo> vbsf
[21:51] <praedo> and one file that could be played with rtmp, now they don't pplay with vbsf
[21:51] <relaxed> what is your command?
[21:52] <Sorcey> no, what happens if you stream it 'normally'?
[21:52] <Sorcey> what does wowza say then?
[21:52] <Sorcey> (in its error log)
[21:52] <praedo> ffmpeg -i file -re -acodec copy -vcodec copy -f mpegts -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb udp://wowzaserver
[21:52] <praedo> working files aren't working with this
[21:52] <praedo> i check logs with non-working files with rtmp now...
[21:53] <Sorcey> of course not, cause wowza isn't listening on udp if you don't config it :P
[21:53] <relaxed> praedo: "file" is a mp4 container?
[21:55] <praedo> yes
[21:55] <praedo> no error log output in wowza using rtmp
[21:56] <Sorcey> praedo: how did you encode those files? in what format?
[21:57] <praedo> both working and non-working are encoded in the same way
[21:57] <Sorcey> with what application/settings?
[21:58] <praedo> ffmpeg -i file.avi -deinterlace -vcodec libx264 -preset medium -crf 24 -threads 0 -acodec libfaac -aq 100 file.mp4
[22:00] <Sorcey> what's the files' approximate duration?
[22:00] <Sorcey> you might want to constrain the bitrate
[22:00] <Sorcey> but that shouldn't be the problem, and if it were wowza would complain about it in its error log
[22:09] <praedo> how can i check mediainfo?
[22:10] <relaxed> drop -deinterlace and start using -vf yadif
[22:13] <Sorcey> http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net/en/Download praedo
[22:15] <Sorcey> you could also try and upload the .mp4 to a normal webserver and see if flowplayer can play it back from there
[22:15] <praedo> i'll try...
[22:15] <Sorcey> (see if the problem is with flowplayer+file or with flowplayer+wowza+file
[22:15] <Sorcey> these kinds of problems always take up a lot of time, good luck!
[23:38] <praedo> Sorcey, still here?
[23:38] <indigo> I tried again compiling ffmpeg with --enable-gpl and --enable-version3 and keep getting "zlib1.dll not found"
[23:38] <indigo> maybe some gpl feature requires zlib
[23:38] <praedo> i finally got an error in wowza logs after streaming a mp4 file with rtmp
[23:53] <praedo> INFO server comment 2012-02-01 23:35:23 - - - - - 2427.688 - - - - - - - client connectionClosed [1232396645] pingtimeout
[23:53] <praedo> this is the error that appears in wowza logs when i stream an mp4 file using rtmp
[23:53] <praedo> Sorcey, any clue?
[23:54] <Freakshow> ugh... is there any magic that I need to perform in order to output to rtsp?
[23:58] <Freakshow> ffmpeg -i $SOURCE -b:v 500k -bt 500k -r 30 -vcodec libx264 -b:a 64k -acodec libfaac -ar 44100 -s 720x480 -x264opts keyint=30:min-keyint=15 -f rtsp rtsp://server ip:1935/path/to/stream.sdp
[00:00] --- Thu Feb 2 2012
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