[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120215

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 02:05:01 CET 2012

[00:06] <jensverwiebe> relaxed: getting late here, will be back tomorrow ( +- 10:00 GMT )
[05:28] <__vincent> Is it possible to catcatanate to a video file only video data
[05:28] <__vincent> no header
[05:29] <relaxed> sure with something like raw yuv
[05:30] <__vincent> i got very corrupt video files
[05:30] <__vincent> and they are very important
[05:30] <relaxed> mp4?
[05:30] <__vincent> yes
[05:31] <__vincent> battery run out from digital video camera and it did not finnish writing the header
[05:31] <__vincent> moov atom its called
[05:32] <__vincent> but i do have working files
[05:32] <__vincent> am just trying to copy the header some way
[05:32] <relaxed> what does "working" mean?
[05:33] <__vincent> they play
[05:34] <relaxed> oh, you mean copy the headers from the working file to the corrupt?
[05:35] <relaxed> or the corrupt file play?
[05:35] <relaxed> files*
[05:36] <__vincent> yes
[05:36] <__vincent> something like that
[05:37] <__vincent> the header may have to be also modfied slightly i guess
[05:37] <__vincent> but they are same resolution
[05:37] <__vincent> same camera etc
[05:59] <relaxed> __vincent: this might work http://www.grauonline.de/cmsimple2_6/en/?Solutions:HD_Video_Repair_Utility
[06:09] <relaxed> red_wolf: where did you install ffmpeg?
[06:10] <red_wolf> I have not install it. I run it at the place where ffmpeg is built.
[06:11] <relaxed> with ./ffmpeg ?
[06:12] <__vincent> yes i've seen that
[06:12] <__vincent> its commercial
[06:12] <red_wolf> yes. should i install it?
[06:12] <__vincent> only 50mbs the free version
[06:14] <relaxed> __vincent: I've never used it but if it works and the video is important it may be worth purchasing.
[06:19] <red_wolf> relaxed: Now I install ffmpeg to /usr/bin, but the result is the same: ass filter does not show.
[06:19] <relaxed> with make install?
[06:21] <red_wolf> ah. I see it. I installed it with dpkg -i ffmpeg.deb but i forgot to install libavfilter-xx.deb.
[06:21] <red_wolf> thank you.
[07:28] <buhman> I have about 100G raw PNG frames I want to encode in vp8; will the defaults for the webm container work fine by default without loosing much fidelity, or will I need to do some sort of multi-pass encode? (if possible)
[07:29] <buhman> each frame is about 4-8 megabytes
[07:31] <zap0> buhman, you really want vp8?
[07:33] <buhman> zap0: do I?
[07:34] <zap0> its your choice, just trying to figure out if that is a requirement or a suggestion
[07:34] <buhman> zap0: suggestion
[07:34] <zap0> there is a PNG codec.
[07:35] <buhman> what I guess I really want is it to be mostly-lossless video encoding, but I would expect to spend a very long time (multiple weeks if neccessary) calculating crazy amounts of b-frames
[07:35] <zap0> which would more-of-less make a movie from your PNG without any loss
[07:35] <buhman> bringing the bitrate down to ~<= 10000mbit/s is one goal
[07:37] <buhman> basically I want to bring the average bitrate down to close to 10mbit/s, while loosing as little fidelity as possible; even if this means spending a _very_ long time encoding
[07:38] <relaxed> h264 sounds like a good fit
[07:41] <buhman> isn't that patented weirdly or something?
[07:48] <theholyduck> buhman, not really
[07:48] <theholyduck> vp8 wont do what you ask, h264 wil
[07:48] <theholyduck> buhman, whats your usage scenario?
[07:49] <theholyduck> i.e what are you going to do with the video afterwards?
[07:49] <theholyduck> buhman, h264 is liscence and royalty free for pretty much any concivable application you might have
[07:49] <theholyduck> buhman, and x264 can do the job you're asking
[07:50] <theholyduck> also, second question, is it 10mbit/s constant you want (streaming or something) or 10mbit/s average over the entire video?
[07:50] <theholyduck> that said, i wouldnt be suprised of x264 could do it at way less than that bitrate
[07:50] <buhman> theholyduck: just a vague target
[07:50] <theholyduck> buhman, well, what os are you running?
[07:51] <buhman> GNU/Linux
[07:51] <theholyduck> then you're going to have to build a propper x264 yourself
[07:51] <buhman> "proper"?
[07:51] <theholyduck> up to date
[07:52] <theholyduck> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786095 can probably be adapted
[07:52] <buhman> is there a minimum x264 version/revision I should have?
[07:52] <theholyduck> just the latest
[07:53] <theholyduck> they keep adding more and more better stuff to it
[07:53] <theholyduck> but, once you have a up to date ffmpeg with up to date x264
[07:53] <buhman> so ffmpeg from git too?
[07:54] <theholyduck> buhman, just more or less follow the guide i linked
[07:54] <theholyduck> if you're not on ubuntu, some of the dependency names might be a bit different
[07:54] <theholyduck> -devel instead of -dev
[07:54] <theholyduck> and you might have to make install instead of running checkinstall
[07:54] <theholyduck> but the basic process is the same
[07:56] <theholyduck> something like ffmpeg -vcodec libx264 -preset slow -crf 16 + input and output filenames and stuff
[07:56] <theholyduck> will give you a visually lossless h264 file
[07:56] <theholyduck> and in most cases, it should be well under 10mbit/s
[07:56] <theholyduck> if not, increase the crf nr
[08:00] <buhman> I thought I might mention that these frames are 4,096 x 1,744 ; is that an appropriate "crf" in that case?
[08:01] <theholyduck> should work
[08:01] <theholyduck> crf is a quality number
[08:01] <buhman> that's what I assumed
[08:02] <theholyduck> but bitrate could be pretty high the
[08:02] <theholyduck> n
[08:02] <buhman> shouldn't I be double/triple-passing these?
[08:02] <theholyduck> naw
[08:02] <buhman> what does that accomplish?
[08:02] <theholyduck> you doubble pass when you have a target bitrate/filesize
[08:02] <theholyduck> crf is a target quality
[08:02] <buhman> oh
[08:02] <theholyduck> 16 is visually lossless in all circumstances
[08:03] <theholyduck> i can never tell crf 16 from the source
[08:03] <theholyduck> which might be overkill here
[08:03] <theholyduck> you could go for something higher
[08:03] <theholyduck> 0 is bit for bit lossless
[08:03] <theholyduck> it goes from there to 51
[08:03] <theholyduck> if 16 is too large, you could try 18 and see if its still good enough
[08:03] <theholyduck> and then 22, and so on
[08:03] <buhman> so why wouldn't I want 0 then?
[08:03] <theholyduck> buhman, because bit for bit lossless
[08:03] <theholyduck> is huge
[08:04] <theholyduck> if you want the file for editing or something
[08:04] <theholyduck> then you could bit 0
[08:04] <buhman> naa
[08:04] <theholyduck> but its not going to be anywhere NEAR 10mbit/s
[08:04] <theholyduck> i doubt 16 is either actually :p
[08:04] <theholyduck> depends on content
[08:04] <theholyduck> buhman, but basicly, start at 16, encode say a 100 frame sample
[08:05] <theholyduck> if you decide you can accept worse visual quality
[08:05] <theholyduck> go to 18
[08:05] <theholyduck> and so on
[08:05] <theholyduck> until you find your sweetspot
[08:05] <buhman> well png compressed them these 4,096x1,744 frames to 4-8mbytes each, so if that's any indication of content..
[08:05] <theholyduck> buhman, well like
[08:05] <theholyduck> changes for instance
[08:05] <theholyduck> buhman, i mean, i once made a 1080p clip that was a couple of hundred kb large
[08:05] <theholyduck> with x264
[08:05] <theholyduck> for 15 seconds
[08:05] <theholyduck> in crf 16
[08:05] <buhman> heh; that's awesome
[08:06] <theholyduck> because there was basicly no changes
[08:06] <theholyduck> and only 256 colurs :P
[08:06] <theholyduck> was a openttdcoop recording
[08:06] <theholyduck> buhman, basicly, the less changes there are between frames
[08:06] <theholyduck> the more of it can be reused
[08:06] <theholyduck> x264 is VERY efficient with static content
[08:08] <buhman> that was what I was hoping for
[08:09] <buhman> (reducing the size of these semi-losslessly by only saving the difference between frames and not the entire frames themselves)
[08:36] <buhman> theholyduck: this should be sufficent, yes?  http://ix.io/29G
[09:04] <theholyduck> buhman, probably
[09:45] <jensverwiebe> moin moin
[09:46] <jensverwiebe> hi relaxed
[09:49] <jensverwiebe> anyone checked in between possible broken ffv1 ( on OSx ) with pix_fmt rgb32 ?
[11:09] <buhman> I'm trying to encode from a series of images
[11:10] <buhman> when I do "-f image2 -i %08d.png" as suggested in the manpage; I'm told "[image2 @ 0xa1a3aa0] Could not find codec parameters (Video: png)"
[11:12] <kriegerod> you must lack decoder of png
[11:12] <kriegerod> check `ffmpeg -loglevel debug` for your configure line
[11:12] <kriegerod> and recompile adding --enable-decoder=png
[11:12] <kriegerod> should help
[11:12] <buhman> --prefix=/usr --enable-gpl --enable-libfaac --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libx264 --enable-nonfree --enable-postproc --enable-x11grab --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-version3 --enable-libvpx
[11:12] <buhman> ok
[11:13] <kriegerod> try first ffprobe some-of.png
[11:13] <kriegerod> to check my idea
[11:14] <buhman> Stream #0:0: Video: png, rgb24, 4096x1744, 25 tbr, 25 tbn, 25 tbc
[11:15] <kriegerod> hm, then i waas wrong
[11:16] <kriegerod> give us full cmdline
[11:17] <buhman> ffmpeg -f image2 -i %08d.png -i sintel-master-51.flac -r 24 -s 4096x1744 -vcodec libx264 -acodec flac -preset veryslow -crf 16 -threads 0 sintel.mkv
[11:18] <jensverwiebe> if i do: ./ffmpeg -pix_fmts , shouldn´t it show also rgb32 fmt ?
[11:19] <buhman> it doesn't say rgb32 here either
[11:19] <buhman> but that's only rgb24 anyway
[11:20] <jensverwiebe> buhman: ah, ty, wonder if this is the reason for my corrupted output
[11:20] <buhman> I think "rgb32" is rgba/argb
[11:21] <buhman> it says it's 4 bytes per sample which makes sense...
[11:21] <jensverwiebe> buhman: yes, but -pix_fmt rgb32 should be a valid flag, no ?
[11:21] <buhman> well not if rgba is the same thing
[11:22] <jensverwiebe> buhman: hmm, k, must lookup source then, in versions < 0.10 rgb32 worked with ffv1
[11:23] Action: jensverwiebe brb, coffee, zif ;)
[11:26] <jensverwiebe> bk
[11:29] <jensverwiebe> hmmm
[11:29] <buhman> jensverwiebe: recompilingwith --enable-decoder=png didn't change anything
[11:30] <jensverwiebe> buhman: ;)
[11:30] <jensverwiebe> kriegerod: buhman: jensverwiebe: recompilingwith --enable-decoder=png didn't change anything
[11:31] <jensverwiebe> buhman: iám still worried why: ./ffmpeg -i /Volumes/SystemHD/Users/jensverwiebe/Downloads/ffmpeg_input_rgb32.mov  -pix_fmt rgb32 -vcodec ffv1 -an output.mo
[11:31] <jensverwiebe> worked in 0.87 but not in 0.10
[11:31] <jensverwiebe> don´t see a changed define etc.
[11:45] <kriegerod> buhman: i tried with my files, succeed. Post your configure string, version, sample files, uncut command output with full debug on ffmpeg-user maillist
[11:48] <buhman> a mailing-list worthy question?
[11:48] <buhman> that seems like an accomplishment
[11:50] <kriegerod> could somebody explain why this code fails when FILTER_STRING is not "scale", but just "fifo" or "copy"? The point is that pixel format conversion takes place, but i don't understand why avfilter doesnt sort out it automatically. https://gist.github.com/1834778
[11:54] <buhman> kriegerod: heh; I just figured it out: 00000000.png was empty
[11:55] <jensverwiebe> k, found culprit in ffv1, commenting out s->transparency= 1; for rgb32 fixes output, must find now what breaks there
[11:55] <Doxin> I recorded a video at 1fps, but i'd like the playback to be at 30fps, is there any easy way to acomplish this?
[11:58] <buhman> yey; I was trying to encode with the same options I had above
[11:59] <buhman> it failed after a while saying "x264 [error]: malloc of size 30085632 failed"
[11:59] <buhman> erm that machine only has 2G ram
[12:00] <buhman> how can I make ffmpeg swap or something
[12:00] <buhman> I don't care how slow it is; I just want it done _eventually_
[12:09] <jensverwiebe> oki, pinned down ffv1 garbage with rgb32 to transparency handling
[12:16] <jensverwiebe> no dev here ?
[12:40] <jensverwiebe> any developer here ?
[12:57] <jensverwiebe> buhman: did you try compile with : --enable-memalign-hack
[13:38] <Doxin> I'm trying to change the framerate of a video file. i don't want to drop frames, i dont want to add frames. just make it run faster. but when i try this ffmpeg downsamples and adds artifacts like a surreal painter with tourettes . how do i change the framerate without re-encoding the whole file?
[13:41] <renderTom> what is the format of your source video?
[13:42] <Doxin> renderTom: ogv
[13:42] <renderTom> sorry I am not familiar with this format? Is it RAW video or compressed?
[13:43] <Doxin> renderTom: probably compressed.
[13:43] <renderTom> any ways, I am pretty sure that you can change FPS to ONLY files that are in RAW format
[13:43] <Doxin> renderTom: and why is that?
[13:43] <renderTom> like ANIMATION or PROREZ formats
[13:43] <Tjoppen> use -r
[13:43] <Tjoppen> and decent encoder settings
[13:44] <Doxin> Tjoppen: how? how do i tell ffmpeg to not change compression settings and such?
[13:44] <renderTom> becouse compressed videos have certain GOP (Group of Pictures): IPPBPPI and so on
[13:44] <Tjoppen> oh, you want to remux and change framerate? hm, not sure if that's possible. depends on the container
[13:44] <renderTom> only files with intra I frames can change FPS without compresion
[13:45] <Tjoppen> renderTom: stop spewing nonsense
[13:45] <Doxin> renderTom: so? i just want the video player to play the frames faster. as in, it's 1fps now. and it needs to run 30x faster.
[13:45] <renderTom> -r will output file with FPS you set, like -r 25
[13:45] <Tjoppen> a sufficiently smart tool can change the relevant pieces of timing information
[13:45] <Doxin> renderTom: it will also duplicate frames
[13:45] <Doxin> renderTom: which i don't want
[13:45] <renderTom> -r will definitely duplicate frames
[13:46] <Doxin> i DO NOT want more frames
[13:46] <Doxin> i want the existing frames shown shorter.
[13:46] <Tjoppen> try something like "ffmpeg -r 25 in.ogv [encoder settings] out.whatever"
[13:46] <Tjoppen> err, -r 25 -i in.ogv
[13:46] <Tjoppen> instead of -r after -i. that used to work, not sure if that's still the case
[13:47] <renderTom> -r 25 -i INPUT FILE will not work if input file is compressed
[13:47] <Doxin> Tjoppen: Option framerate not found.
[13:47] <Tjoppen> hm, right. there might be a filter to do this though
[13:47] <Doxin> why the fudge is this so damn hard? only one damn number needs to be changed in the file.
[13:47] <renderTom> that's because you are using compreesed video, that's why you get Option framerate not found.
[13:48] <Tjoppen> like -vf settb
[13:51] <Tjoppen> Doxin: try adding -vf settb=1/25
[13:54] <Doxin> Tjoppen: mkay
[13:54] <Doxin> Tjoppen: before or after the input file?
[13:54] <Tjoppen> after
[13:55] <Doxin> seems to work
[13:55] <Doxin> still duping frames, but *way* less than last time :P
[13:58] <Doxin> Tjoppen: still running at 1fps tough :I
[14:07] <Tjoppen> *shrugs*
[14:07] <Tjoppen> maybe -r 25 as well?
[14:08] <Tjoppen> or -vf settb=1 -r 25
[14:08] <Tjoppen> or extract the raw video essence to a file, the do -r before -i on it
[14:09] <Tjoppen> what video codec is it?
[14:15] <Doxin> Tjoppen: i have *no* clue
[14:22] <Doxin> Tjoppen: still running at 1fps
[14:26] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: if you have 5 minutes for me , would be nice any time today
[14:34] <Tjoppen> Doxin: I'm out of ideas
[14:35] <Doxin> well damn.
[14:35] <Doxin> Tjoppen: thanks for the help anyways :P
[15:35] <Freakshow> any idea of who maintains the freebsd port?
[16:31] <pron> Freakshow: http://www.freshports.org/multimedia/ffmpeg/ , Maintained by: mm at FreeBSD.org
[16:33] <^sandro^Zzz> hey has anyone succeeded in grabbing a udp://:port input using juts x264 ?
[16:48] <burek> me
[16:49] <burek> ^sandro^Zzz, what's the problem
[17:05] <CodeH3x> Hi everyone
[17:06] <CodeH3x> Does anyone know how to convert mkv with (.ass) subtitles inside the track to .mp4?
[17:07] <CodeH3x> ffmpeg -scodec copy -b 196k -i video.mkv outvid.mp4  does not work
[17:08] <hi117> >ASS are not widely supported in mp4
[17:10] <CodeH3x> yeah, i can't find any solution online either
[17:10] <hi117> you can put it in there somehow, just dont expect it to play back
[17:11] <relaxed> CodeH3x: there is an ass filter for ffmpeg if you want hardsubs.
[17:12] <hi117> but its hardsubs, youll lose quality because of reencode
[17:12] <hi117> also mp4 might support SRT subtitles
[17:13] <CodeH3x> it's okay if i lose some quality
[17:14] <hi117> ya, then hardsub reencode
[17:14] <CodeH3x> how do i enable or install hardsub re encode?
[17:15] <relaxed> it would be easier with mplayer
[17:16] <CodeH3x> but if i use hardsub reencoding then i'll need to extra the .ass from the mkv file first, then hardsub it into mp4 ...
[17:17] <hi117> go to #mplayer and ask, mencoder is better with hardsubbing
[17:17] <CodeH3x> Oh ok, thanks hi117
[17:17] <hi117> np
[17:45] <drno_> Howdy again folks.
[17:45] <drno_> Been playing around with RTMP streaming, and have solved most of my problems.  Found something new, that others have seemed to encounter as well.
[17:45] <drno_> Using the segment code added on 12/19, I can't split a file.  I just get the
[17:46] <drno_> Output file #0 does not contain any stream
[17:46] <drno_> error message... has anyone else ran into that using the segment muxer, and if so, hvae you found a workaround?  I'm trying to download a release from 12/12 (before the 12/19 change) and test.
[17:58] <CodeH3x> hey guys
[17:58] <CodeH3x> i'm getting an error installing libass
[17:58] <CodeH3x> fribidi-0.10.9-1.el6.rf.x86_64
[17:58] <CodeH3x> checking for FRIBIDI... configure: error: Package requirements (fribidi >= 0.19.0) were not met:
[17:58] <CodeH3x> No package 'fribidi' found
[17:59] <CodeH3x> ops sorry, i guess i need fribidi 0.19.0
[17:59] <sacarasc> Or higher.
[17:59] <CodeH3x> i should read the error messages carefully
[17:59] <CodeH3x> do you know where i can find it? centos dag installs 0.10
[18:04] <CodeH3x> i'm getting an error uncompressing this
[18:04] <CodeH3x> gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
[18:04] <CodeH3x> tar: Child returned status 1
[18:04] <CodeH3x> tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
[18:05] <CodeH3x>  tar zxf fribidi-0.19.2-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
[18:05] <CodeH3x>  tar zxvf fribidi-0.19.2-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
[18:05] <CodeH3x> does anyone know how to uncompress this?
[18:10] <ubitux> with J flag
[18:10] <ubitux> tar xf should work anyway
[18:13] <CodeH3x> i'm sorry guys, the .xz was for slackware and i'm using centos
[18:13] <CodeH3x> that's why it wasn't working
[18:22] <CodeH3x> I just installed fribidi-0.19.2 yet still i'm getting an error when install libass
[18:22] <CodeH3x> checking for FRIBIDI... configure: error: Package requirements (fribidi >= 0.19.0) were not met:
[18:22] <CodeH3x> is it because i have 0.19.2 ..?
[18:23] <CodeH3x> well nope that's not it
[18:23] <CodeH3x> although i have it install it doesn't show up in rpm -qa fribidi
[18:23] <CodeH3x> when >which fribidi
[18:24] <CodeH3x> "/usr/local/bin/fribidi
[18:29] <CodeH3x> i installed fribidi using the rpm package
[18:29] <CodeH3x> rpm -qa fribidi
[18:30] <CodeH3x> fribidi-0.19.2-2.puias6.x86_64
[18:30] <CodeH3x> yet still i'm getting an error when configuring libass
[18:30] <CodeH3x> any ideas?
[18:31] <hexmaster> Hi was going to change the sound format of a video. Whats wrong with this cmd?
[18:31] <hexmaster> [matroska @ 0x35d9260] Can't write packet with unknown timestamp
[18:31] <hexmaster> av_interleaved_write_frame(): Invalid argument
[18:31] <hexmaster> ffmpeg -i American.Graffiti.avi -vcodec copy -acodec libfaac -ab 128k -ac 2 -sn American.Graffiti.mkv
[18:32] <hexmaster> Its as basic as it gets. I am copying the video and and changing the sound and container. Also dumping into mkv.
[18:32] <hexmaster> ffmpeg version N-32984-g950930b
[18:33] <hexmaster> about 10 days old or so.
[18:33] <CodeH3x> use this
[18:33] <CodeH3x> : ffmpeg -i <filename>.avi -vcodec ffv1 -acodec pcm_s16le <filename>.mkv
[18:33] <CodeH3x> http://archivematica.org/wiki/index.php?title=AVI_to_MKV_using_FFmpeg
[18:41] <hexmaster> CodeH3x There are a bunch of streams that I am dumping with the -sn cmd. Also the speakers my media player (not a PC) are junky little 1.5 watt things. What format is pcm_s16le going to convert this to. Normally to convert stuff I just do a ffmpeg -i in.avi -acodec copy -vcodec copy out.mkv . Have things changed?
[18:47] <hexmaster> maybe just a bad day I pulled the git. Ill recompile and see if it works.
[19:00] <Zilly> teratorn, hey - it was just a quality thing.  It encodes the x264 in good quality with no qscale, but I need to set the qscale to around 10 for the ogg to be in good quality.
[19:00] <teratorn> Zilly: ah, that's nice to hear
[19:03] <Zilly> Is it normal for libtheora to take three times longer to encode than x264?
[19:14] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: there ?
[19:16] <michaelni> jensverwiebe, yes
[19:16] <michaelni> how can i help ?
[19:17] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: i found a glitch in ffv1 codec after >= version 0.10
[19:18] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: looks as s->transparency for RGB32 pix_fmt causes troube
[19:19] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: thus an export with ffv1 -pix_fmt rgb32 is faulty on windows and OSX veridied
[19:19] <jensverwiebe> verified
[19:19] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: if i comment out         s->transparency= 1; in line 940 ( release) in ffv1.c all is fine
[19:20] <jensverwiebe> problem seems to be tiles
[19:21] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: before i made blender builds as mainatiner with ffmpeg 0.87 there it was fine , but i saw this feature was intruduced later
[19:21] <michaelni> let me check
[19:22] <michaelni> on linux -pix_fmt rgb32 seems working
[19:22] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: yes
[19:23] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: it also works with huffyuv, issue is limited to ffv1
[19:24] <michaelni> so what exactly fails on windows? encoding? decoding?
[19:24] <michaelni> encoding with latest ffv1 + decoding with old ?
[19:24] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: i can speak for OSX here atm: the output video is garbage only
[19:25] <michaelni> ok so OSX
[19:25] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: i tested o.10 and actual git
[19:25] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: but problem seems on windows too
[19:25] <michaelni> what do you use to encode and what to decode, same libavcodec/ffmpeg version ?
[19:26] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: not exactly: to watch i use VideoLAn or QucktimePlayer
[19:26] <kriegerod> could somebody share URL scheme to give to ffmpeg to publish onto wowza? i have been said that url is rtmp://x.x.x.x/blah/?token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx and that stream is is blah_blah. I tried rtmp://x.x.x.x/blah/blah_blah/?token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx and get "Server error: Invalid credentials supplied"
[19:27] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: looks as if i use matched versions ( as in blender export and reimport ) this works again
[19:27] <michaelni> then its probably that your decoder simply doesnt support the alpha channel
[19:27] <michaelni> try 0rgb instead of rgb32 on the encoider side
[19:27] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: if you say you had breaking changes thats o.k. for me
[19:27] <michaelni> this should work with old decoders
[19:28] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: had problems to use =rgb even with newest git
[19:28] <jensverwiebe> 0rgb
[19:29] <michaelni> problems ?
[19:29] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: ffmpeg did not accept 0rgb as flag
[19:29] <michaelni> -vcodec ffv1 -pix_fmt 0rgb
[19:29] <michaelni> works here
[19:29] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: sec, lemme recheck
[19:31] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: ah, stupid me, did 0rgb32
[19:31] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: seems o.k.
[19:32] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: o.k, so it was just a breaking change
[19:32] <jensverwiebe> thx
[19:32] <michaelni> np
[19:32] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: cya, we have release today ;)
[19:34] <michaelni> jensverwiebe, cya and good luck with your release!
[19:35] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: thanks, i push atm guys to remove QTKit and relay complete on ffmpeg ;)
[19:35] <michaelni> :)
[19:35] <jensverwiebe> with your latest additions will be nice to satisfy all needs :9 thx for great work on ffmpeg ( all guys indeed )
[19:41] <jensverwiebe> michaelni: btw, ic now: was misguided by case PIX_FMT_0RGB32, so set wrong flag
[19:59] <Freakshow> member:kriegerod: how are you authenticating on the wms side? I'm presuming ?token= is a passwd hash of some kind?
[19:59] <Freakshow> kriegerod: see above... stupid c&p
[20:17] <smj> does ffmpeg do interpolation/motionblur when reducing FPS?
[20:19] <smj> to prevent choppy motion and this kind of effects
[20:19] <smj> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQDjJRYmeWg
[20:19] <CodeH3x> Does anyone know where I can find fribidi-0.19.0 or higher for CentOS 6 64bit?
[20:20] <CodeH3x> having a hard time here... unfortunately
[20:33] <Mavrik> smj, no.
[20:43] <smj> is there any plans?
[20:47] <kriegerod> for my issue, answer is to use librtmp, and url rtmp://x.x.x.x/blah/?token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/channel_name
[21:30] <KyranBe> Hi
[21:30] <KyranBe> I'm trying to mux in subtitles into an avi file
[21:31] <KyranBe> but it always fails with a message saying "Too large number of skiped frames" (sic)
[21:38] <magic_1> hi guys, not sure if any of you can help me, after re-installing my ffmpeg (using the following link http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9868359&postcount=1289) i get the following error PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib64/php5/20090626/ffmpeg.so'
[21:40] <pasteeater> magic_1: are you trying to use php-ffmpeg?
[21:41] <CodeH3x> i don't see ffmpeg-php being installed in that tutorial
[21:41] <CodeH3x> magic_1: seems like you don't have ffmpeg-php installed
[21:41] <pasteeater> it's not, and it's not a FFmpeg project and is not supported here.
[21:41] <pasteeater> easiest method is to use php5-ffmpeg from the repository
[21:42] <CodeH3x> Oh i see, i thought ffmpeg-php was part of ffmpeg
[21:42] <pasteeater> that's a common misconception
[21:42] <CodeH3x> Oh, i guess it's because they are using ffmpeg in ffmpeg-php
[21:43] <CodeH3x> A quick question, has anyone install mkvtoolnix before?
[21:44] <pasteeater> looks like someone forked it and is actually maintaining it: https://github.com/char0n/ffmpeg-php
[21:44] <pasteeater> CodeH3x: what distro?
[21:55] <magic_1> yep
[21:55] <magic_1> apologies pasteeater: was making some coffee
[21:57] <magic_1> and CodeH3x
[22:03] <^sandro^Zzz> Hello, I am looking for someoen who is very familiar with ffmpeg and UDP streaming
[22:06] <vadim> ^sandro^Zzz: let me know if you find someone...
[22:09] <^sandro^Zzz> http://pastebin.com/ELPhg7VB  < ---- anyone know what is wrong.. other encoders seem to be receiving the signal properly.. i think its just ffmpeg on this one.. im stuck for over a week now
[22:11] <vadim> ^sandro^Zzz: do you mean the 'circular_buffer: OVERRUN' error?..
[22:13] <^sandro^Zzz> yes
[22:13] <^sandro^Zzz> it wont play.. gives me errors.. not sure why
[22:16] <vadim> ^sandro^Zzz: this is a reported bug, and a quite old one... http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/609
[22:30] <magic_1> hehe sorted it out
[22:31] <magic_1> seems sudo apt-get install php5-ffmpeg
[22:31] <magic_1> sorted the issue out
[22:31] <magic_1> how about that hehe
[00:00] --- Thu Feb 16 2012

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