[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120224
burek021 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 25 02:05:02 CET 2012
[00:00] <emile_s> Hi, I'm trying to transcode a MP4 file with multiple audio tracks. I want to keep/copy the video track (-vcodec copy) but re-encode the audio tracks from AAC to MP2 (-acodec mp2). My problem is that I'm not sure how to keep all of the audio tracks. My command-line isn't probably smart enough to do that.
[00:00] <emile_s> Any ideas? (http://pastebin.com/HaAiF4pG)
[00:15] <burek> emile_s,
[00:16] <burek> you could use -new_audio
[00:16] <burek> but i think it's deprecated now
[00:17] <emile_s> burek: I'm trying that out right now. It seems to be working.
[00:18] <burek> yes, just use -newaudio and after that -acodec ..
[00:18] <burek> for each audio channel
[00:18] <Wasmosy> im trying to encode to x264 ... http://pastebin.com/F00mvqQc
[00:19] <nextime> ok
[00:19] <nextime> after looking in the code on the git browser
[00:19] <Wasmosy> any ideas?
[00:19] <nextime> ffmpeg doesn't have any trace of the old patches to add tidsp support
[00:19] <burek> Wasmosy, can you use mediainfo on that file to see what is it
[00:20] <burek> it seems it's not h264 at all
[00:20] <Wasmosy> burek: mediainfo?
[00:21] <nextime> so, as i don't have spare time nor enough audio/video knoweledge to write the support by myself, it seems that the only way for me is to change to what i really don't like: gstreamer.
[00:21] Action: nextime now is very sad.
[00:21] <burek> Wasmosy, or ffprobe
[00:21] <Wasmosy> ok ...
[00:21] <burek> nextime, or use the old git version, which had that support?
[00:26] <burek> emile_s, if you are using the latest ffmpeg, it might complaint that -newaudio is deprecated
[00:26] <burek> so you'll have to use -map
[00:26] <chipotle> hi, what media players on linux use ffmepg library?
[00:26] <burek> chipotle, http://ffmpeg.org/projects.html
[00:27] <chipotle> i want to take advantage of hd audio (e.g. dts-hd and trueHD) as my receiver supports it, and it looks like ffmpeg is the only way to do it on linux?
[00:27] <chipotle> am i correct? or am i missing something?
[00:27] <chipotle> ah, MythTV... yes, i've heard that does indeed do hd audio!
[00:27] <chipotle> burek: thank you! do you have a recommendation for linux? it's a long list
[00:27] <burek> ffplay :)
[00:28] <burek> just grab the latest git source code
[00:28] <burek> compile it to support dts-hd and thats it
[00:28] <burek> on newer machines it takes 5-6 minutes
[00:29] <chipotle> burek: cool. and it works via hdmi and/or optical? or just hdmi?
[00:30] <chipotle> and this will give me a passthrough to my receiver, or does ffmpeg decode it and send it decoded right to my receiver?
[00:30] <chipotle> sorry for my ignorance :/
[00:32] <nextime> burek : the old git version has a number of other things that aren't ok for me
[00:33] <chipotle> burek: still here?
[01:04] <pasteeater> nextime: i wonder if the author has an updated patchset or a repository that can be reviewed.
[01:17] <jamiel> burek: How would you get the second branch to pass empty frames? another select that has the opposite conditions that goes to overlay?
[01:18] <jamiel> re: o_0oo's problem
[01:24] <nextime> pasteeater : no, it seems that he has continued gst-dsp but never done the work of the separate lib
[03:10] <lalaland1125> I seem to be having are error giving me "[mjpeg @ 0xdb9090] overread 8"
[03:11] <lalaland1125> This happens when the CPU maxes out and the code lags.
[03:11] <lalaland1125> Any ideas on how to fix it?
[03:12] <lalaland1125> (I am reading over the network)
[04:04] <MistaD> How can encode to 7.1 ch AAC? it seems vo-aacenc only supports 2 channels and libfaac stops at 5.1, any ideas?
[08:59] <lucas^> ffmpeg N-37208-g01fcbdf (0.10 I think) crashes immediately when I try encoding anything with libvpx
[08:59] <lucas^> is this supposed to happen?
[09:52] <juli1> hello
[09:53] <juli1> Need help plz : what is the function to split the video and audio from ts file
[09:56] <Mavrik> split?
[09:57] <lucas^> ffmpeg -i your_file.ts -vn -acodec copy -f pcm_s16le audio.wav
[09:57] <lucas^> ffmpeg -i your_file.ts -vcodec copy -an -f mpegts video.ts
[09:59] <lucas^> ffmpeg -i your_file.ts -vn -acodec pcm_s16le -f wav audio.wav # my mistake
[10:01] <Mavrik> (if the .ts file has PCM audio)
[10:01] <Mavrik> ah, you've fixed it, ok :)
[10:02] <lucas^> any idea why ffmpeg crashes with libvpx?
[10:02] <lucas^> I'm seeing one guy on the internet claim it doesn't happen with 32-bit ffmpeg
[10:03] <Mavrik> works fine on 64-bit builds here
[10:03] <Mavrik> do you have the stable version?
[10:04] <lucas^> I'm using ffmpeg N-37208-g01fcbdf, which was released the same day as 0.10
[10:05] <Mavrik> platform?
[10:05] <lucas^> Windows
[10:06] <Mavrik> ah, don't use those, so can't help :\
[10:11] <juli1> lucas^: i don't want use cmd prompt
[10:12] <juli1> in fact i have a ts file and i want create a c file wich use ffmepg to convert it
[10:12] <juli1> but i don't know where ffmpeg split video and audio
[10:13] <juli1> to convert
[10:16] <juli1> and what is the cmd to convert ts file to avi file plz?
[10:16] <juli1> "ffmpeg -i input_file.ts -vcodec libxvid -b 2000k -acodec libmp3lame -ac 2 -ar 44100 -ab 128k output_file.avi" don't work
[10:17] <juli1> he doesn"t know libxvid
[10:17] <lucas^> make sure your ffmpeg binary is compiled with --enable-libxvid
[10:19] <juli1> oh no :p
[10:19] <juli1> how do?
[10:19] <juli1> configure --enable-libxvid?
[10:20] <lucas^> yeah, when you build it, and you'll need libxvid installed along with headers and such on your system
[10:20] <lucas^> here I'll give you my build string
[10:21] <lucas^> http://codepad.org/QPr0xsgn
[10:36] <juli1> lucas: you have made : ./configure --enable... (all your build string)?
[10:39] <lucas^> that's the Windows prebuilt binary
[10:39] <lucas^> but yeah
[10:40] <lucas^> basically you'll have to have a library built for most of those options
[10:40] <lucas^> e.g. if you want --enable-libx264 you need x264 first
[10:40] <jamiel> Morning all, we are trying to use filter graphs to split a stream, then add a color filter on a part of the stream which matches our select. However, when we run our filter we only get the part of the stream matching the select as though it's the main stream. The -vf line we are using is here: http://pastebin.com/bznGMUCF
[10:41] <jamiel> Can anyone point out what is being misunderstood here about how split work?
[10:43] <jamiel> With this line I'm just getting the 10 seconds of that select() playing .. rather than the whole stream and having the 10 seconds sent to overlay (so that we can add another filter onto that select and manipulate just that portion of the stream)
[10:49] <juli1> lucas: do you have devlopp ffmpeg?
[10:49] <lucas^> no I'm just a user
[10:51] <juli1> and do you have already use function from ffmpeg in an other program?
[10:51] <juli1> i need to do this
[10:51] <juli1> and i'm looking for help
[10:52] <juli1> i think it's not difficult
[10:54] <lucas^> I have a Python program that just invokes ffmpeg with CreateProcess() or system()
[10:54] <lucas^> there are ways to link directly to ffmpeg as a library but I've never done it
[10:58] <jamiel> We'll offer a bounty to help us with this problem this morning. The goal is to get a transparent color over a rtmp stream for 20 seconds every 20 seconds. This is how far we are trying to grab 20 seconds of the stream to add the filter, but this ends up only showing the 20 seconds rather than showing the whole stream and selecting those 20 seconds for filtering (adding the color filter). http://pastebin.com/bznGMUCF
[10:59] <jamiel> any help appreciated, thanks guys
[11:02] <juli1> lucas: how set the path of libxvid with configure plz?
[11:11] <gpeipman> hi!
[11:11] <gpeipman> i found interesting problem when writing ffmpeg output to named pipes on windows
[11:11] <gpeipman> using same mp4 as source i get correct avi when converting directly on command line
[11:12] <juli1> how to specify the path of a library when i make ./configure --enable-"library" plz?
[11:12] <gpeipman> when i tri to send output to named pipe then named pipe receives a little bit different bytes and the result is invalid avi
[11:13] <gpeipman> in both cases bytes count is exactly the same
[11:13] <gpeipman> can anybody help me find out what's going on?
[11:14] <lucas^> ./configure --help should give some idea of it
[11:15] <juli1> lucas^: when i do --help i can see --enabvle but not how give the path of each library
[11:15] <lucas^> you should probably just install libxvid and such into /usr/local/lib, /usr/local/include...
[11:56] <o_0oo> does anyone know if there is a video equivalent of the astreamsync filter?
[12:10] <juli1> does someone know the id of TS file?
[12:10] <juli1> CODEC_ID_TSCC?
[12:11] <juli1> ou CODEC_ID_TSCC
[12:16] <juli1> ou CODEC_ID_MPEG2TS?
[13:56] <pom> The preset formerly known as fastfirstpass does not seem to exist any longer. What is the new name?
[13:57] <JEEBsv> already there in libx264 if you specify first pass in multipass encoding
[13:57] <JEEBsv> also you should generally use libx264's internal presets and not the ffpreset files :)
[13:58] <pom> What do you mean by already there exactly? You mean I don't have to supply it?
[13:58] <JEEBsv> yes, libx264 uses faster certain settings during first passes automagically unless you specifically tell it not to with a specific option, or if you use the placebo preset
[14:01] <pom> Alrighty! I currently run this command, and it fails on a new installations: http://pastie.org/3445248
[14:01] <pom> So I should try just removing -vpre clause?
[14:01] <pom> Have I got it right?
[14:02] <JEEBsv> -preset:v your_desired_preset
[14:02] <JEEBsv> http://mewiki.project357.com/wiki/X264_Settings#preset
[14:02] <JEEBsv> listing
[14:02] <pom> But... hmm, didn't you say it was automagic?
[14:03] <JEEBsv> yes, I just don't know if the default preset 'medium' is what you want speed/compression wise :P
[14:03] <JEEBsv> because generally you want to use the slowest preset you can take :)
[14:03] <pom> Okay. Thanks a lot.
[14:03] <JEEBsv> also, crf and first pass set?
[14:04] <JEEBsv> I really wouldn't recommend it tbh
[14:04] <JEEBsv> it's meant for cases where you will always have a second pass
[14:05] <pom> JEEBsv: Maybe, tbh right back this is code I wrote two years ago and for now I'd just like to get it going on this machine again. But I'm absolutely gonna update myself on this in the near future.
[14:06] <JEEBsv> are you even doing a second pass?
[14:06] <pom> Always.
[14:06] <JEEBsv> then just set the bitrate?
[14:06] <pom> Set the bitrate on what?
[14:07] <JEEBsv> on what you will be using on the second pass
[14:07] <pom> But that depends on the resolution of the input.
[14:07] <JEEBsv> how does that matter
[14:07] <JEEBsv> I mean
[14:07] <JEEBsv> you will know the resolution and will be setting the bitrate, no?
[14:09] <JEEBsv> the only case where crf as the first pass rate control mode makes sense is where you run a normal (without the speed-ups) crf first pass, and then check if it goes over a certain bitrate limit. If yes, you run a second pass with the bitrate you want.
[14:09] <Mattias> When streaming, ffmpeg / x264 is smart enough to not use enough bandwidth if only a small part of the screen is updated. but if the whole screen changes. how can I limit bandwidth to say just 100kb/s or something?
[14:09] <pom> You know what, I can't really remember exactly the reason here. But the thinking went something along the path, that if the source was really high quality, 1080p for example, we wanted to grant a much higher bitrate.
[14:09] <Mattias> I tried -b:v 30 and that didn't help much
[14:09] <JEEBsv> you would still know the damn resolution before hand
[14:10] <JEEBsv> Mattias: you can limit the average bitrate within a buffer
[14:10] <pom> JEEBsv: Yes, haha, sorry, I don't remember exactly. Can I get back to you when I've got more time set off to optimize this aspect? :)
[14:10] <JEEBsv> Mattias: vbv-bufsize and vbv-maxrate
[14:10] <Mattias> thanks
[14:11] <JEEBsv> no idea how those settings are written in le ffmpeg, but that should give you a good thing to google for
[14:11] <pom> It was my first pass at doing something like this, and I guess from the result of it, I could use a second.
[14:11] <JEEBsv> what
[14:11] <pom> The code that uses that cmdln
[14:12] <JEEBsv> excuse me but I can't really connect the dots of sense from your lines right now
[14:12] <Mattias> JEEBsv: for buffer sizes, I'm not good with them and not sure how to set them good. maxrate is easy enough
[14:12] <Mattias> any recommendations?
[14:13] <JEEBsv> the amount you buffer on the playback side
[14:13] <Mattias> in kb?
[14:13] <JEEBsv> I have no idea how ffmpeg sets its stuff
[14:14] <Mattias> looking at the x264 docs but it doesn't mention, just integer...
[14:14] <JEEBsv> x264 wants kb
[14:14] <Mattias> ok, thanks
[14:14] <JEEBsv> ffmpge is by default bytes tho
[14:14] <JEEBsv> so NFI
[14:14] <JEEBsv> the idea of vbv-maxrate/bufsize is to make it so that if you buffer once the amount of bufsize, and the average transfer speed never falls below maxrate, you shouldn't need another buffering session.
[14:15] <Mattias> found a site that translates from x264 to ffmpeg :)
[14:19] <Mattias> hm, somehow it still caps my upload no matter how low or how high I get..
[14:20] <Mattias> clueless on what to lower -.-
[14:21] <Mattias> woho, increased it by 1000 and it worked
[14:23] <Mattias> JEEBsv: thanks, now it is capping :) finally
[15:10] <bulll> FF ?DCC SEND ff???f?????????????? 0 0 0
[15:11] <sacarasc> Yay! It's 7 years ago again! \o/
[15:11] <JEEBsv> lol
[15:12] <mystica555_> wat >.>
[15:14] <bulll> ??ýDCC SEND "ff???f?ð¹ð°ð·ð³ð¶ð³ðºð¼ð·ð®ð¼ð¬ðº" 0 0 0
[15:16] <sacarasc> iive: ^
[15:20] <iive> too late...
[15:26] <pwlnw> hi! how to ovveride cpu detection ? i have VIA Nehemiah C3 and get "Illegal instruction" message. before i get message"[libx264 @ 0x812e080] using cpu capabilities: MMX2
[15:30] <kidoz> pwlnw, rebuild ffmpeg
[15:31] <kidoz> --disable-mmx2
[15:32] <pwlnw> only rebuild?
[15:32] <pwlnw> can't disable it runtime?
[15:35] <kidoz> Only rebuild
[15:45] <pwlnw> there are no option --no-mmx2 in gcc...no-mmx?
[15:47] <jamiel> does the "movie" filter source support rtmp? ie. -vf "movie='rtmp:// ...
[15:48] <rainmaker1> pwlnw: 15:31 < kidoz> --disable-mmx2
[15:49] <pwlnw> rainmaker1 but gcc haven't option for disable mmx2. how it works?
[15:50] <sacarasc> pwlnw: It's a ./configure option.
[15:51] <rainmaker1> pwlnw: you can use ./configure --help to see a list of
[15:52] <rainmaker1> pwlnw: available configure options..
[16:12] <kriegerod> can libx264 encoding work correctly with encoding AVCodecContext.time_base being 1/90000? Seems to me that no.
[16:12] <Mavrik_> hmm, isn't that the default for most H.264 encoders?
[16:13] <kriegerod> that's why i ask being so surprised
[16:13] <pwlnw> i can't find does ffmpeg use gcc -mtune=c3-2 or not ?
[16:21] <kriegerod> i've broken sth in my app. When i have encoding AVCodecContext.time_base 1/90k, x264 produces frames with QP=51.00 with few bytes in each, which results in gray screen
[16:28] <pwlnw> ./configure -cpu=c3-2 produce me gcc -mtune=generic -march=i586. is it ok ?
[16:45] <burek> Sutra u subotu, 25. februar, u Novom Sadu, protest protiv cenzure interneta: http://www.021.rs/Novi-Sad/Vesti/Protesti-protiv-cenzure-interneta-i-u-Novom-Sadu.html
[16:46] <burek> i apologize, i didnt know amsg goes to all networks Im connected to :(
[16:48] <kidoz> :D
[17:02] <hogganjosh> hey all
[17:02] <hogganjosh> What happened to https://roundup.ffmpeg.org/roundup/ffmpeg/
[17:02] <hogganjosh> I can't login anymore
[17:08] <wrnestor> Can I generate a 7.1 (8 channel) aac file? I tried ffmpeg -i file1.aif -i file2[.....]file8.aif -strict experimental out.aac
[17:08] <wrnestor> Got a mono
[18:45] <Tostada> Hi. I'm trying to upgrade to 0.10 but get this error: root at Dell:/usr/local/ffmpeg# ./configure --enable-shared
[18:45] <Tostada> yasm not found, use --disable-yasm for a crippled build
[18:47] <JEEB> sounds like you either don't have yasm, or the version of yasm you have installed is too old
[18:47] <Tostada> JEEB Okay, thanks. : )
[19:02] <Tostada> I'm getting a lot of warnings after running: make. Is that normal. ?
[19:41] <bakers> I got a little spycam that takes mjpeg video. When I try and convert to mp4 I get: [mpeg4 @ 0x2057e00] timebase 16687/500000 not supported by MPEG 4 standard, the maximum admitted value for the timebase denominator is 65535
[19:41] <bakers> What does that mean, and how can I fix it?
[19:45] <Christophe_v_E> Hey, I was wondering how I would use ffmpeg to convert a .flv file once it's downloaded - through php.
[19:50] <sacarasc> bakers: It means that the FPS is weird and you should probably change it to something that can go into an MP4.
[19:51] <bakers> sacarasc: Ok... how would I do that
[19:52] <bakers> would it help if I posted a test clip
[19:52] <sacarasc> ffmpeg -i input -r X other options output.mp4
[19:53] <bakers> sacarasc: http://www.fpaste.org/Gq5a/
[19:53] <bakers> Too many bits per frame?
[19:59] <hugogee> greets all.
[20:18] <hugogee> when i transcode some files with ffmpeg i get output that echoes the initial recording. e.g. one, one, one.,.. between 4-6 times. Has anyone run into this problem?
[20:48] <Christophe_v_E> Hi, I'd like to split a .flv in multiple pieces and then put different pieces from different videos together.
[20:48] <Christophe_v_E> How would I approach this? I have no experience with ffmpeg whatsoever and a very basic php knowledge.
[21:30] <bakers> Can someone help me convert this clip to mp4? http://www.perturb.org/tmp/spycam-test.avi
[21:31] <bakers> I'm having a hard time because the audio samples are 8000khz
[21:31] <bakers> [aac @ 0xd732a0] Too many bits per frame requested
[21:33] <bakers> Here is my command and output: http://www.fpaste.org/89iN/
[21:36] <bakers> Do I need to upsample the audio?
[21:44] <SPucki> bakers: Not that i am a ffmpeg pro, but maybe you should set the output audio codec? AAC with 8khz Sampling looks odd to me.
[21:48] <SPucki> bakers: changing the audio rate to 12000 would help (-ar 12000).
[21:48] <bakers> SPucki: Aha! That was it!
[21:49] <SPucki> bakers: Glad it helped! Now just tell me: How can i use ffserver without reencoding my mjpeg video?
[21:51] <bakers> I've never used ffserver sorry
[21:53] <SPucki> OK, anybody here, who can help me with a ffserver question? I have some /dev/video0 webcam which delivers mjpeg data. I just don't know how to tell ffserver not to reencode the stream!
[21:55] <SPucki> "VideoCodec copy" is not valid.
[22:59] Action: nextime after 1 and half day passed to right with gstreamer cause of hw limitations, i prefer to move the audio/video decoding/encoding part on another hw and come back to ffmpeg
[22:59] <nextime> s/right/fight
[22:59] <Mavrik> what problems did you have with gstreamer?
[23:00] <nextime> Mavrik : it exists
[23:02] <rainmaker1> Hi, I need a little help regarding -re switch. I have a live mpeg2 stream (mpeg2video) which I want to transcode to rtmp (flv) and every time when I use -re switch ffmpeg crashes with "circular buffer overflow" error after ~10 sec, without -re after some time audio and video get out of sync. I can provide pastebin if anyone is willing to take a look..
[23:02] <nextime> Mavrik : seriously, i don't like it, too many pieces, powerfull but at cost to be very complex sometime. From my point of view is like qmail vs postfix: the first is a bunch of little pieces and pipes that i don't like, the second is an elegant and functional software
[23:03] <nextime> Mavrik : and... the only motivation to use it (for me) was the lack of an hw accelleration support in ffmpeg
[23:03] <nextime> but also in gst i can't do what i need
[23:03] <Mavrik> I see, never tried gstreamer yet so that's why I'm wondering :)
[23:03] <nextime> so, as the only way to solve my issue is to move the audiovideo part on a separate hw with less limitations
[23:03] <nextime> i can now use ffmpeg
[23:05] <vadim_> rainmaker1: does it hangs or exits?..
[23:06] <nextime> now the only question for me is: can i dump audio and video output on two separate pipes from an rtsp stream?
[23:07] <rainmaker1> vadim_: I would call it :hangs"
[23:07] <vadim_> rainmaker1: what version of ffmpeg do you use?
[23:07] <Mavrik> nextime, hmm, maybe if you define several inputs, but I'm not sure if more than one pipe is defined
[23:08] <nextime> Mavrik : multiple inputs?
[23:08] <Mavrik> *outputs
[23:08] <Mavrik> ffs.
[23:08] <Mavrik> way too late in the evenin
[23:08] <rainmaker1> vadim_: today :) which was patched yesterday by michealni IIRC you were on ffmpeg-devel channel :)
[23:08] Action: nextime it's 11:08pm here
[23:09] <rainmaker1> vadim_: I belive your problem is solved yesterday?
[23:10] <Christophe_v_E> Hi, I really can't figure out how to do anything with FFmpeg .. even after going through the manual.. I basically have my folder of ffmpeg and I want it to split .flv files in pieces of 6 to 12 seconds. I understand I need to run a command line, I have no idea how I run it and I don't know if I have to start something before it will work .. like xampp or something. Any help is REALLY appreciated .. thanks!
[23:11] <vadim_> rainmaker1: for me the patch from yesterday leads to "exit" after a few seconds after "circular_buffer: OVERRUN" error... I believe the problem is not solved, or it leads to another one...
[23:12] <vadim_> rainmaker1: our questions should be addressed to developers... but i have no idea how to convince them...
[23:14] <Christophe_v_E> *running windows
[23:14] <rainmaker1> vadim_: can you pastebin your ffmpeg command?
[23:15] <vadim_> rainmaker1: sure...
[23:16] <nextime> Mavrik : it work, thanks
[23:16] <nextime> i didn't know that ffmpeg support multiple outputs
[23:18] <vadim_> rainmaker1: do you want the cli only, or and the output?
[23:19] <rainmaker1> vadim_: cli and output would be fine
[23:25] <vadim_> rainmaker1: http://pastebin.com/a3Gjhsuh
[23:25] Action: nextime now has to find a way to resync audio and video
[23:26] <nextime> as the video will pass in opencv and of course will be slower than audio
[23:28] <rainmaker1> vadim_: let me try your command..
[23:28] <vadim_> rainmaker1: you're welcome ))
[23:32] <rainmaker1> vadim_: :) when I can expect that ffmpeg exits?
[23:33] <vadim_> rainmaker1: about 30 seconds after overrun error
[23:33] <rainmaker1> vadim_: and when I can expect overrun error?
[23:34] <vadim_> rainmaker1: there is no fix time...
[23:35] <rainmaker1> vadim_: in minutes/hours or days? :D
[23:36] <vadim_> rainmaker1: lol... for me it may happen in about 1 minute... some time may work longer...
[23:36] <vadim_> rainmaker1: does it work ok for you?..
[23:37] <rainmaker1> vadim_: yes, it still works.. but only five minutes.. I'll wait a little longer to see if anything happens..
[23:37] <rainmaker1> vadim_: the bad thing is that the same error happened to me after 21 hours :)
[23:38] <vadim_> rainmaker1: michaelni, belives it is related to the system speed / configuration...
[23:39] <rainmaker1> vadim_: whats your cpu?
[23:40] <vadim_> rainmaker1: 2,4 GHz, Xeon, 4 cores... not sure about the model
[23:42] <rainmaker1> vadim_: that's faster then my
[23:43] <rainmaker1> vadim_: OS?
[23:43] <vadim_> relaxed_: ubuntu 10.04. yours?
[23:47] <vadim_> rainmaker1: ubuntu 10.04. yours?..
[23:51] <rainmaker1> vadim_: kubuntu blah blah 11.10 I guess
[23:52] <vadim_> 64 or 32 bits?
[23:57] <rainmaker1> vadim_: 32 I have some strange problems with 64
[23:57] <rainmaker1> vadim_: and you?
[00:00] --- Sat Feb 25 2012
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