[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120702
burek021 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 02:05:02 CEST 2012
[02:30] <intracube> hi
[02:30] <intracube> I'm trying to overlay an image onto a video but havn't had any success...
[02:30] <intracube> Here's the details: http://pastebin.com/mxMRg19K
[02:32] <intracube> can someone suggest the best way to overlay an image?
[02:38] <intracube> I added "-i logo.png" after the main source, and after the -vf filters I tried adding "-filter_complex 'overlay=0:0'"
[02:39] <intracube> but got an error: "Overlay area (0,0)<->(854,356) not within the main area (0,0)<->(720,576) or zero-sized"
[02:39] <hwk> hello, what options should i use if i want to transcode only some chunks of a video? -ss -t or -itsoffset -t ?
[02:40] <hwk> for example: 1st chunk 0-100 ; 2nd chunk 101-200
[02:40] <hwk> and so on
[02:40] <burek> nice :)
[02:41] <hwk> the values are in seconds
[02:42] <hwk> i used the -ss and -t but some chunks are longer, the 3rd chunk would be the 2nd + 3rd
[02:42] <intracube> burek: fflogger: ok, hangon
[02:42] <burek> hwk, what do you mean to "transcode only some chunks of a video" ?
[02:42] <hwk> slice parts of a video
[02:43] <hwk> split
[02:43] <burek> well, split it, then encode it
[02:44] <hwk> -i %s -ss %d -t %d -vcodec libx264 -profile:v baseline -preset slower -b:v 450k -maxrate 450k -bufsize 900k -vf scale='480:trunc(ow/a/2)*2' -threads 0 -c:a libfaac -b:a 96k %s
[02:44] <hwk> this is what im using to split & encode
[02:44] <burek> hwk, can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[02:44] <hwk> thats the cmd line, but the output... is not found :|
[02:45] <intracube> burek: fflogger: edited the last pastebin link: http://pastebin.com/mxMRg19K (see bottom)
[02:45] <hwk> the first split and the last one are ok with with this command line
[02:46] <hwk> it would take about 2 hours till i get the output, something else is eating the server cpu
[02:47] <hwk> i wonder if -ss affects -t
[02:47] <intracube> hwk: I'm not sure, but doesn't ffmpeg have to seek through the whole file to get to the right part?
[02:47] <intracube> hwk: I don't think it can just jump 01:30:00.00 into a file
[02:48] <hwk> -ss after -i does that
[02:48] <burek> guys
[02:48] <burek> if you don't provide
[02:48] <burek> full, uncut (unedited) original output of your commands
[02:48] <burek> don't expect any help
[02:48] <burek> nobody has got time
[02:48] <burek> to dwell into your ideas and stuff
[02:48] <burek> provide as with as much actual data as you can
[02:48] <burek> and you'll get response faster
[02:49] <hwk> i guess it will take some time.. got to wait then
[02:49] <burek> otherwise use google or wait here for someone that might help
[02:49] <intracube> burek: sorry, didn't fully read what you said - it's 01:48am - but I know that's not an excuse ;)
[02:50] <burek> btw, -ss before -i does the jump
[02:50] <burek> so if you need to jump + seek finer after that
[02:51] <burek> use -ss twice, once before -i, and once after
[02:51] <grepper> ooh
[02:51] <hwk> -ss 100 -t 200 will this encode 100 seconds of video?
[02:51] Action: grepper never thought of that. Is that by design ?
[02:51] <burek> no, 200
[02:51] <hwk> oe 200 starting from 100 ?
[02:51] <burek> grepper, yes
[02:51] <burek> ffmpeg -ss 10 -i input -ss 12 output
[02:51] <burek> that will jump to 10th second, and fine tune into 12th second
[02:52] <intracube> ffmpeg output: http://pastebin.com/VDUk8xGb
[02:52] <hwk> this solved another issue :) which you stated in other word a while ago
[02:53] <grepper> burek: -ss before -i sometimes with some videos produces garbage frames. So the second -i file -ss N will fix that ?
[02:53] <hwk> yep
[02:53] <hwk> this issue i had :)
[02:53] <grepper> wow, that's cool. Backwards compatible with older ffmpegs ?
[02:54] <burek> intracube, you are using filters twice
[02:54] <burek> which I'm not if it will work correctly
[02:54] <burek> you should either use -vf or complex
[02:54] <burek> also, overlay video you specify in the overlay filter params
[02:54] <burek> not through -i
[02:55] <burek> read about overlay
[02:55] <burek> which I'm not sure*
[02:55] <hwk> -ss 10 -i file -ss 10 would work or the input -ss should be close to the output?
[02:55] <hwk> like 9 ?
[02:56] <burek> hwk, it all depends on how your key frames are distributed
[02:56] <burek> first -ss (before -i) uses key frames.. so...
[02:56] <intracube> burek: I used an example from the ffmpeg man page which had -i input -i logo etc
[02:56] <hwk> the safest way would be to use a close value?
[02:56] <intracube> I'll try rolling the two together...
[02:56] <burek> intracube, can you give me an url?
[02:58] <intracube> burek: the second example at the end of this section: http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#overlay-1
[02:59] <burek> hm.. something changed radically again :)
[03:01] <burek> intracube, try this: ffmpeg -i input.mpg -i copyright.png -vf crop=720:432:0:70,scale=854:356,setsar=1:1,overlay=0:0' -vcodec libx264 -preset slow -crf 16 -acodec libmp3lame -b:a 128k test.mp4
[03:01] <burek> but, I'm not sure what will be cropped
[03:01] <burek> what did you want ffmpeg to do with that command line?
[03:02] <intracube> burek: already tried that :(
[03:02] <intracube> error "Input pad "overlay" for the filter "Parsed_overlay_3" of type "overlay" not connected to any source. Error opening filters!"
[03:02] <burek> then put overlay as a first filter
[03:03] <burek> ffmpeg -i input.mpg -i copyright.png -vf overlay=0:0,crop=720:432:0:70,scale=854:356,setsar=1:1'
[03:03] <intracube> burek: doesn't the overlay need to happen _after_ the source has been converted to the same resolution as the png?
[03:03] <burek> why would it have to be of the same resolution?
[03:03] <burek> it's a logo, right?
[03:04] <intracube> burek: no, it's a full size image which should match the resolution of the main video
[03:04] <intracube> the png is 854x356, the source video is converted to that res
[03:05] <burek> why would you cover entire input with your png "logo"
[03:06] <intracube> burek: for simplicity. If I want to add anything extra to different corners of the frame, I can modify a single image
[03:06] <intracube> otherwise I'd have to create several png's and arrange each of them
[03:07] <intracube> I'll have a go with "-filter_complex" instead of -vf and report back...
[03:08] <burek> well, then resize your logo in some image editor
[03:08] <burek> and do it once, not every time :)
[03:08] <burek> and just do overlay filter instead of all those :)
[03:11] <intracube> got it to work :)
[03:12] <intracube> I'll post the params in a minute
[03:12] <intracube> burek: it's not technically a logo, it's copyright text running across the bottom of the frame
[03:13] <intracube> as I said, I might want to add different text, graphics, etc to different parts of the image. Now that I can overlay the whole frame, it makes things easier
[03:14] <intracube> "ffmpeg -i input.mpg -i copyright.png -filter_complex crop=720:432:0:70,scale=854:356,setsar=1:1,overlay=0:0 -vcodec libx264 -preset slow -crf 16 -acodec libmp3lame -b:a 128k test.mp4"
[03:20] <burek> ok
[03:20] <intracube> burek: thanks for the suggestions :)
[03:20] <burek> :beer: :)
[03:20] <intracube> ^ sounds good
[03:21] Action: intracube hands burek a bottle
[03:21] <intracube> hmm, I wonder if the opacity of the overlay can be controlled...
[03:23] <intracube> might be possible to use the 'fade' filter. need to investigate further
[03:24] <hwk> using -ss -i -ss takes the same ammout of time as -i -ss "/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg -ss 1621 -i '/home/videos/source/1341177741-8-avengers-hd-720p.mp4' -ss 1622 -an -vf scale=320:240 -vsync 0 -frames:v 1 -y -f mjpeg -"
[03:24] <hwk> am i doing something wrong? :(
[03:25] <hwk> or this is the normal behaviour ?
[03:25] <hwk> -ss -i is very fast
[03:26] <intracube> hwk: ^what's wrong with doing that then?
[03:26] <intracube> I didn't follow your discussion earlier
[03:27] <hwk> using -ss before -i might produce bad image frame
[03:27] <hwk> grey with artifacts mostly
[03:28] <intracube> sounds like ffmpeg isn't seeking to the nearest I frame
[03:28] <hwk> using -ss after -i produces good images, but it take a long time to seek
[03:28] <hwk> to the coresponding frame
[03:29] <intracube> hwk: from the manual: "-ss When used as an output option (before an output filename), decodes but discards input until the timestamps reach position. This is slower, but more accurate."
[03:29] <burek> hwk, try -ss 1500 -i -ss 1622
[03:30] <hwk> the first -ss is generated from the output one, so a subtraction of 100 would work in most cases?
[03:30] <burek> nothing will work in most cases
[03:31] <burek> I told you it depends on your key frames
[03:31] <burek> no movie is encoded with the same key frame distance
[03:31] <burek> so your question doesn't have a point
[03:31] <hwk> then ill have to drop this
[03:31] <burek> no command will work for all
[03:31] <burek> well drop it
[03:31] <burek> it's even more simple :)
[03:31] <hwk> :-(
[03:32] <intracube> hwk: how important is the accuracy of the cutpoints?
[03:32] <hwk> the cutpoints are generated from the total video duration
[03:32] <hwk> duration/shots_no
[03:34] <hwk> right now im doing a image color detection to check if they are broken, and reexecute the ffmpeg cmd with output -ss
[03:35] <intracube> hwk: are you familiar with I-frames/interframe encoding?
[03:35] <hwk> using -ss twice means i ll have to make the program count iframe and their distances
[03:36] <hwk> intracube: nop
[03:36] <intracube> hwk: I _thought_ there was a way to get ffmpeg to start encoding from the nearest I-frame.
[03:37] <hwk> the funny part is, that outputtin to stdout instead of a file name
[03:37] <intracube> if this feature _does_ exist and it can be combined with -ss, then you should avoid seeing garbage at the beginning of each split point
[03:37] <hwk> works withouot broken images
[03:37] <hwk> im trying to make a web based video splitter :)
[03:37] <intracube> hwk: you mean the encoded video starts cleanly?
[03:37] <hwk> with a js slider
[03:38] <hwk> im not encoding im taking video shots at a certain time
[03:38] <hwk> the encoding -ss and -t was the first issue
[03:38] <hwk> the UI works great ;)
[03:39] <hwk> did some tests, and thats why i needed the -ss and -t
[03:39] <hwk> with preview of each split point
[03:39] <hwk> its nice :)
[03:40] <hwk> ill share if its usefull for somebody
[03:40] <intracube> hwk: look at this from 18:35 - http://mplayerhq.hu/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel-irc/2012-May/000657.html
[03:40] <intracube> "# select only I-frames" "select='eq(pict_type\,I)'"
[03:41] <hwk> not sure i can use it, since its filter
[03:43] <intracube> hwk: without knowing exactly what you're trying to do, it's hard to suggest things...
[03:43] <burek> I think he suggested to you that you can use that filter to select the nearest I frame
[03:43] <burek> to avoid garbage
[03:44] <intracube> hwk: are you saying you now want to take a src video and create an 'index' of frames taken at regular intervals?
[03:44] <hwk> yep
[03:44] <burek> but, depending on how your video is encoded, your I frames might be even 30 seconds away from each others
[03:44] <intracube> what format do you want the output frames to be?
[03:44] <hwk> png/jpeg
[03:45] <intracube> couldn't you use the image output feature of ffmpeg and set a really low framerate (for the output) so ffmpeg extracts 1 frame every x seconds?
[03:45] <burek> I believe he'd like to have on-the-fly thumbnail generation
[03:45] <burek> to avoid disk usage
[03:45] <intracube> oh
[03:50] <hwk> uhm, for a video of 600 seconds and 5 shots the framerate would be 0.0083(3) fps 1/(600/5)
[03:50] <burek> so what :)
[03:50] <hwk> but im not writting to hdd
[03:50] <hwk> passthru directly to browser
[03:51] <burek> ffmpeg would just drop the sufficient frames
[03:51] <hwk> this stinks. im going to bed :)
[03:51] <hwk> screw web based video splitters
[03:52] <hwk> good night everyone and thank you for your help. highly appreciated
[03:52] <burek> gn :)
[03:52] <intracube> hwk: no probs
[03:56] <intracube> I dislike having to deal with long-gop formats nearly as much as much as interlaced content...
[04:01] <intracube> fwiw, "ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -f image2 -r 0.03 %04d.png" outputs an image every ~30 sec
[04:01] <intracube> anyways, it's late. burek - thanks again for the help
[04:01] <intracube> bye
[04:33] <diegoviola> hi
[05:10] <SubJunk> Hi guys, I'm fairly new at FFmpeg so I have what is probably a basic problem. I'm getting a lot of errors like "buffer underflow" and "packet too large". My CMD is: ffmpeg 720pfile.mkv -c:v mpeg2video -f vob -c:a ac3 -g 1 -q:v 1 -qmin 2 -ab 640k -threads 8 -muxpreload 0 file.mpeg. Any ideas? I tried bufsize and maxrate but that doesn't seem to have affected it
[05:15] <SubJunk> P.S. Using -f vob for hardware compatibility (PS3)
[06:26] <brocatz> is it possible to use ffserve to serve video to flash
[06:26] <brocatz> rather than via a media server like fms / red5
[07:38] <brocatz> has anyone had ffmpeg suddenly eat 100% of the cpu for a bit and spam frame drops?
[07:38] <brocatz> err <__main__.FFMPEGProcessProtocol instance at 0x02F38350> real-time buffer 121% full! frame dropped!
[07:38] <brocatz> [dshow @ 017dc960] real-time buffer 121% full! frame dropped! Last message repeated 67 times
[10:31] <c0rnel> hello all
[10:32] <c0rnel> i'm trying to add metadata to a movie file and i get: Unknown decoder 'copy'
[10:33] <c0rnel> http://fpaste.org/Dq3O/
[10:37] <SubJunk> Put -c after $in
[10:38] <c0rnel> SubJunk, ok
[10:40] <c0rnel> SubJunk, thank you very much, it's working now
[10:40] <SubJunk> Cool, you're welcome :)
[10:40] Action: c0rnel shoud read manual more carefuly
[11:15] <Tthread> Hello, dudes. Could you help me. I use libavfilter in my own application, and I have a propblem. I can't negotiate links when i use avfilter_config_links. After negotiation format is 1 and so that i can't copy a ref. how should i link filters?
[11:24] <StaRetji> yo yo
[11:25] <StaRetji> howdy folks
[11:25] Action: StaRetji call burek for a cold beer :)
[14:51] <Spideru> burek: https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/615 ----> from my shell: [alsa @ 0x98bcc60] ALSA buffer xrun.te= 89.3kbits/s [alsa @ 0x98bcc60] ALSA read error: Unknown error
[15:31] <ayaka> where can I find libswresample.so after compiled ffmpeg
[15:48] <ubitux> ayaka: ./configure --enable-shared, and then in libswresample/libswresample.so
[15:49] <ubitux> or where it is install after a make install according to your --prefix
[17:51] <Prelude2004c> hello
[17:51] <Prelude2004c> can anyone help me please... I am running ffmpeg with an rtmp:// input
[17:51] <Prelude2004c> and ... sometimes when the source lags a bit.. ffmpeg just exists
[17:52] <Prelude2004c> is there a way or flag to set ffmpeg to keep trying if the input is not found.. like a keepalive?
[17:53] <Prelude2004c> anyone?
[17:56] <burek> no
[17:56] <burek> write a bash script for that
[18:10] <Prelude2004c> bash script? what do you mean? but it takes time to start and stop
[18:10] <Prelude2004c> like.. its not quick
[18:11] <Prelude2004c> so everytime i start ffmpeg with the input it takes like 5 - 10 secs to start encoding
[18:11] <Prelude2004c> sometimes the gap in video is like 1 sec
[18:12] <burek> well, every time your input dies, it will inevitably skip anyway
[18:12] <burek> so what's the big deal
[18:12] <burek> the right way to solve your problem is to fix your input
[18:15] <Prelude2004c> i guess... i just wanted it to try and say alive.. keep retrying input so as soon as it comes up it continues
[18:15] <Prelude2004c> instead of having to restart it
[18:20] <burek> well, you can try -loop
[18:20] <burek> but I think it will die anyway
[18:20] <burek> if your input dies
[18:34] <Sashmo> can anyone tell me how on earth I can select a program from this input? I've tried everything& no luck
[18:34] <Sashmo> http://pastebin.com/ECF4jPwz
[18:35] <burek> Sashmo, what do you want to do with it?
[18:36] <Sashmo> I just need to extract one program
[18:36] <Sashmo> remember we tried this already?
[18:37] <burek> ffmpeg -i input -c:v:p:7004:0 copy output
[18:37] <burek> or just use stream id
[18:38] <Sashmo> stream id is gone
[18:38] <burek> ffmpeg -i input -c:v:0:30 copy output
[18:38] <Sashmo> dosnt work anymore
[18:38] <burek> how come
[18:38] <Sashmo> oh wait
[18:38] <Sashmo> wrong stream id,
[18:38] <burek> Program 7004 Stream #0:30
[18:38] <burek> ffmpeg -i input -map 0:30 -c:v copy output
[18:38] <Sashmo> we tried this last time, and every time we invoked command, all the streams got changed
[18:38] <Sashmo> Ill try this again
[18:38] <Sashmo> give me a few mins to setup
[18:39] <burek> Sashmo, you need to read this section: http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#Stream-specifiers-1
[18:40] <burek> so, ffmpeg -i input -c:p7004:0 copy output
[18:40] <burek> ffmpeg -i input -c:p:7004:0 copy output
[18:40] <burek> or just -c:p:7004
[18:41] <burek> btw, the stream_id you are used to is specified with #
[18:41] <burek> ffmpeg -i input -c:#30 copy output
[18:41] <Sashmo> hmm, we never tried that one
[18:41] <Sashmo> let me test it, and Ill report back ;)
[18:41] <burek> well read that link (docs)
[18:41] <burek> ok
[18:44] <Sashmo> nah burek, same junk
[18:44] <burek> well, read the docs!
[18:44] <Sashmo> LOL I have, many times and I keep getting the same result
[18:44] <Sashmo> Im obvisoulsy reading it wrong
[18:44] <burek> Sashmo, can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[18:45] <Sashmo> http://pastebin.com/PYUVPLtc
[18:45] <burek> Sashmo, -re has no effect in your command
[18:46] <burek> so much about you reading the docs..
[18:46] <Sashmo> lol I told you Imust be reading them wrong
[18:46] <burek> btw your command is ok
[18:47] <burek> try ffplay -i input -map:p:7004
[18:48] <Sashmo> now I getting the -re error
[18:48] <Sashmo> when I take it out, I get vcodec matches no streams
[18:49] <burek> try ffplay -i input -map:p:7004
[18:49] <Sashmo> ha ha, ooops
[18:49] <Sashmo> see reading problem
[18:49] <Sashmo> Missing argument for option 'map:p:7004'
[18:50] <burek> sorry
[18:50] <burek> try ffplay -i input -map p:7004
[18:50] <Sashmo> same
[18:50] <burek> can't be
[18:50] <Sashmo> oh
[18:50] <Sashmo> wait
[18:50] <Sashmo> missed type
[18:50] <Sashmo> Unrecognized option 'map'
[18:50] <Sashmo> Failed to set value 'p:7004' for option 'map'
[18:51] <burek> Sashmo, can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[18:51] <Sashmo> http://pastebin.com/wb6DvBxg
[18:53] <burek> oh boy...
[18:53] <burek> wait a sec
[18:53] <Sashmo> :D
[18:53] <burek> try this
[18:53] <burek> ffmpeg -i input -map p:7004 -c copy output.ts
[18:54] <Amnesia> question, how can I fix a flv file with the following error: failed as this stream seems to contain no keyframes after the target timestamp, 1002 non keyframes found
[18:56] <Sashmo> http://pastebin.com/RaGGjza4
[18:56] <Sashmo> looks like the bitrate of the output looks low, 15.7 ? that cant be accurate?
[18:57] <burek> Sashmo, don't modify your command lines and outputs
[18:57] <burek> copy the original form
[18:57] <Sashmo> for the output? let me try
[18:57] <burek> Amnesia, can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[18:57] <burek> Sashmo, your cmd line does not match the output provided
[18:58] <Sashmo> ? ? ?
[18:58] <burek> Input #0, mpegts, from 'output.ts':
[18:58] <burek> it seems like you specified -i output.ts
[18:58] <Amnesia> burek: https://privatepaste.com/8e2bb94317
[18:58] <Sashmo> scroll to top
[18:59] <Amnesia> ffmpeg -i fixed.flv -vcodec copy -acodec copy fixed_final.flv, works but it results in a file having the same problem
[18:59] <Amnesia> I'm not able to seek it
[18:59] <Sashmo> I did -i to check the output.ts
[18:59] <Sashmo> the command is at the top
[19:01] <Amnesia> burek: got any idea?
[19:01] <burek> Amnesia, well, please don't modify the output
[19:02] <burek> paste the complete uncut output of ffmpeg
[19:02] <burek> (not other programs)
[19:02] <burek> because this is ffmpeg support channel
[19:02] <Amnesia> I didn't edit it
[19:02] <Amnesia> ffmpeg isn;t giving any errors
[19:02] <Amnesia> I'm just trying to gix the keyframe issue using ffmpeg
[19:02] <burek> well, then try asking for help on the support channel for that program you are using
[19:03] <burek> I don't see any ffmpeg output
[19:03] <burek> Sashmo, I don't know
[19:03] <burek> then it's a bug
[19:03] <burek> if that's really the cmd line
[19:03] <burek> it means that ffmpeg missunderstood you
[19:05] <Sashmo> here it is running http://pastebin.com/j5rtx0N4
[19:05] <Sashmo> is there a way to ingore those errors?
[19:05] <burek> Sashmo, no point in running the 2nd part of ffmpeg command until you sort out the first one
[19:06] <burek> you'll spend ages narrowing down the point of error
[19:06] <Sashmo> well it looks like the program is being slected now
[19:06] <burek> ffmpeg -i input -map p:7004 -c copy output.ts
[19:06] <burek> that will read the input, select the program 7004, copy all the streams in that program and save it in mpegts file
[19:06] <burek> which should play fine with ffplay out.ts
[19:07] <burek> btw, for ffplay, you don't need -i (my mistake above)
[19:07] <Sashmo> that command writes to output.ts fine, its still reporting the inccrrect bit rate
[19:07] <Sashmo> but the errors are not there
[19:07] <Sashmo> which is good
[19:07] <burek> does it play with ffplay out.ts
[19:08] <Sashmo> well, im doing it from ssh
[19:08] <Sashmo> so I cant watch it
[19:08] <Sashmo> I have to download it
[19:09] <burek> ok
[19:16] <burek> Sashmo, does it work
[19:16] <Sashmo> still trying
[19:16] <Sashmo> need to output more to ts
[19:16] <Sashmo> wouldnt play on my machine here with 23 megs
[19:17] <burek> it figures :) 9000 kb/s :)))
[19:17] <burek> well, try this
[19:17] <Sashmo> yeah thats a read bug
[19:17] <Sashmo> its actually 2.something
[19:18] <burek> did you report it?
[19:18] <Sashmo> not yet
[19:18] <burek> :facepalm: :)
[19:18] <Sashmo> wil do later today
[19:18] <burek> then how do you expect it to be fixed :)
[19:18] <Sashmo> lol
[19:18] <burek> try this
[19:18] <burek> ffmpeg -i input -map p:7004 -c copy -f mpegts udp://yourmachine:someport
[19:18] <burek> that would rebroadcast that program only
[19:18] <burek> to your machine
[19:19] <burek> then fire up ffplay or vlc and try to play it
[19:19] <burek> ffplay udp://localhost:someport
[19:19] <Sashmo> that was the next thing I will test, I'm just testing the output to wowza
[19:19] <burek> ok
[19:24] <Sashmo> nah thats not working out
[19:24] <burek> what's not working
[19:24] <Sashmo> sending out to udp
[19:24] <burek> why
[19:24] <Sashmo> let me check one more thing
[19:26] <Sashmo> yup output works
[19:26] <Sashmo> bitrate is wrong in ffmpeg debug ouput
[19:26] <Sashmo> but its working
[19:26] <burek> ok, now, we found a way to select the input then :)
[19:26] <burek> write it down now!
[19:26] <burek> :)
[19:26] <Sashmo> memorized!
[19:26] <Sashmo> ill never forget this one
[19:26] <burek> and continue testing the rest of the command :)
[19:31] <Sashmo> hvala burek!
[19:31] <burek> :beer: :)
[19:33] <Sashmo> Im getting errors while decoding, I didnt see these while I was doing output.ts
[19:36] <burek> what errors
[19:37] <Sashmo> [h264 @ 0x277c620] error while decoding MB 27 9, bytestream (1040)
[19:37] <burek> pastebin :)
[19:37] <Sashmo> http://pastebin.com/19xNEr1b
[19:38] <burek> you didn't have those errors when using output.ts command?
[19:39] <Sashmo> no
[19:39] <burek> Sashmo, can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[19:39] <burek> complete
[19:39] <burek> uncut
[19:42] <Sashmo> http://pastebin.com/XQBeVBf4
[19:45] <burek> why do you recompress h264 into h264
[19:45] <Sashmo> need to drop the bitrate
[19:45] <burek> why not using -crf
[19:46] <Sashmo> ummm
[19:46] <Sashmo> whats crf? I dont see that?
[19:46] <burek> and -preset
[19:46] <Sashmo> in docs
[19:46] <burek> x264 --help
[19:46] <burek> those options are native x264 options mapped directly with -crf and -preset in ffmpeg
[19:47] <burek> crf is basically something like "constant quality of picture factor"
[19:47] <burek> and preset is like speed parameter
[19:47] <burek> both affect the bitrate
[19:47] <burek> crf affects cpu/bitrate/quality
[19:48] <burek> preset affects compression speed/cpu
[19:48] <Sashmo> I need to have a CBR output
[19:48] <Sashmo> crf wont do that
[19:48] <burek> really?
[19:48] <burek> what for
[19:48] <Sashmo> shitty set top boxes that I use
[19:49] <burek> well, ok then.. -b:v 1M will do
[19:49] <burek> and why -g 60
[19:49] <Sashmo> but I get same errors when im going from mpeg2 to h264 anyways
[19:50] <burek> pastebin?
[19:51] <Sashmo> http://pastebin.com/dqzdcMwM
[19:51] <Sashmo> just ouput, not command
[19:56] <Sashmo> afk 20
[20:02] <burek> Sashmo, can't see anything there.. need complete output..
[20:07] <Sashmo> ok will do
[20:08] <tekk> hey guys, is there a non-gpl violating way to demux the contents of an mkv into its respective streams& i.e. a .mp4 and .aac for example?
[20:08] <tekk> i ask as i wanna write a program to demux rather than having to re-encode a lot of mkv
[20:09] <burek> tekk, your question is not very clear
[20:09] <burek> just install your ffmpeg and type ffmpeg -i input.mkv -c copy out.mp4
[20:10] <burek> if all your mkv files are mp4+aac
[20:10] <burek> that'll work
[20:10] <burek> and you don't break any license that way anyway
[20:10] <tekk> sorry, i meant to say, i want to use libavformat
[20:10] <tekk> but the equivalent operation yes, but just with the lib
[20:11] <burek> well if you write your own app, then follow this http://ffmpeg.org/legal.html
[20:12] <tekk> whats the performance like of a demux? 1 minute per hour& on an average cpu ?
[20:12] <burek> remux is pretty fast
[20:12] <burek> it's basically just a buffer copy operation
[20:13] <tekk> i had another question regarding demux& iirc, mkv's when demux'd can lose sync?
[20:13] <tekk> whereas say& an AVI would not
[20:15] <burek> try and see :)
[20:16] <tekk> right& time to read a lot of docs on libavformat &. sigh :)
[20:16] <tekk> i haven't touched it in a while& although i remember that deprecation in ffmpeg means& this method has been completely renamed and the old one no longer works :p
[20:16] <tekk> rather than& move away from ti
[20:20] <burek> tekk, well, there are /docs/examples/
[20:20] <burek> and also you can always check the ffmpeg's source code
[20:20] <burek> since it also uses libav*
[20:21] <burek> but I agree there is a lack of defined long-term interface
[20:21] <burek> that will not change, allowing people to develop their apps much more conveniently
[20:21] <tekk> i can live with it& i just have one ever growing dirty macro forming :0
[20:21] <burek> :D
[20:33] <Sashmo> burek http://pastebin.com/cUiJKKGx
[20:34] <burek> Sashmo, just for a test, try changing your output to -f mpegts out.ts
[20:34] <burek> to see if those errors will persist
[20:36] <Sashmo> they wont, I already tested that from your first advice
[20:38] <raptor67782> hi with my old debian stbale
[20:39] <raptor67782> do you know if that would work : ffmpeg -i "mms://direct.francetv.fr/jt-20h.wsx"
[20:39] <raptor67782> ffmpeg version 0.7.13, Copyright (c) 2000-2011 the FFmpeg deve
[20:42] <Sashmo> the errors only come when I try to encode to h.264
[20:44] <burek> Sashmo, I think it might be related to flv muxer too
[20:44] <burek> it is the best that you file a bug report
[20:44] <burek> and show that out.ts does not give any errors
[20:44] <burek> but your flv output does
[20:45] <burek> it might give a clue to developers where to look for a problem
[20:45] <burek> but use complete uncut pastes (not pastebin)
[20:45] <burek> otherwise you'll be instructed to do so anyway :)
[20:46] <Sashmo> allrite, since I have your attention, I'm working on one more thing with analog input
[20:48] <burek> ok
[21:15] <burek> :)
[21:19] <llogan> burek: excellent.
[21:19] <burek> :beer: :)
[21:41] <Sashmo> burek: http://pastebin.com/pEwc2SZv
[21:43] <burek> for some reason, you don't have card 0
[21:43] <burek> you have 1-4
[21:43] <burek> so try 1,1
[21:43] <burek> also, try just hw:1
[21:43] <Sashmo> tried that same result
[21:44] <burek> it will select the correct device on the card
[21:44] <burek> pastebin
[21:46] <Sashmo> http://pastebin.com/gAnBvP6r
[21:47] <burek> Sashmo, use alsamixer
[21:47] <burek> to select your recording device on one of those 4 cards
[21:48] <catdude> I'm new to ffmpeg, trying to suck in a MPEG2 stream via UDP, spit it back out as rtmp or rtsp to send to Wowza. I've used VLC before, but not ffmpeg. My current attempt is: ffmpeg -i udp://@5001 -vcodec mpeg2 -b 800000 -ac2 -acodec mp3 -ab 128000 -r 30 video.mp4 (I figure I'll see if I can suck in the stream and save it to a disk file first, then add the network output). Using :.
[21:48] <catdude> ffmpeg version 0.10.4
[21:48] <catdude> built on Jun 13 2012 09:51:06 with gcc 4.7.0 20120507 (Red Hat 4.7.0-5)
[21:48] <catdude> First question: am I correctly specifying the input (-i udp://@5001)?
[21:48] <Sashmo> will try
[21:52] <burek> catdude, you can use -b:v 800k and -b:a 128k
[21:53] <burek> also
[21:53] <burek> also, yes, you are correctly specifying your udp input
[21:53] <burek> well wait
[21:53] <burek> udp://localhost:5001
[21:53] <burek> try that
[21:54] <Sashmo> burek: http://pastebin.com/MY4Zg6K8
[21:54] <catdude> Will do, thanks.
[21:55] <burek> Sashmo, try -acodec mp3 or aac or flac..
[21:55] <burek> mp2 seems to screw up things
[22:03] <Sashmo> burek: same shizzle http://pastebin.com/5KswLzRy
[22:03] <burek> why don't you move -ar before -i
[22:03] <burek> and -ac also
[22:04] <burek> to sample the input at that rate instead of resampling from 32k to 44.1k
[22:06] <Sashmo> same result
[22:06] <Sashmo> even if I dont resample I get same result
[22:06] <burek> then your inputs are mailfunctioned most probably
[22:06] <burek> try to record something using arecord
[22:06] <burek> to see if it works at all
[22:06] <Sashmo> it does
[22:07] <Sashmo> I can get audio ieven with those errors
[22:07] <Sashmo> so I know it works
[22:07] <burek> update your alsa?
[22:07] <Sashmo> also, I know it woks wih vlc too
[22:07] <burek> I don't know what to say..
[22:07] <burek> :S
[22:08] <Sashmo> I can make it work with pulse in vlc, maybe try that in ffmpeg too?
[22:08] <Sashmo> or is that the same thing?
[22:10] <burek> well
[22:10] <burek> -f alsa -i pulse
[22:11] <Sashmo> http://pastebin.com/4kz2x0Kt
[22:15] <Sashmo> oh wow, the raw is at 370KB
[22:15] <Sashmo> maybe thats the problem
[22:19] <Joshun> hi
[22:19] <Joshun> whats the easiest way to deinterlace something, with the same output codecs/containers/bitrate as input?
[22:19] <llogan> Joshun: the easiest way is probably to de-interlace upon playback.
[22:20] <Joshun> that would use more cpu usage
[22:20] <Joshun> and doesn't work on some online sites for example
[22:20] <burek> Sashmo: ffmpeg -f alsa -i pulse://alsa_input.pci-0000_10_05.1.analog-stereo test.wav ???
[22:21] <burek> try ffmpeg -f alsa -i pulse test.wav
[22:21] <burek> Joshun, did you understand the answer you were given? :)
[22:21] <llogan> Joshun: keeping the same bitrate as the input is not usually a good idea
[22:22] <Joshun> yeah i know
[22:22] <llogan> if you want to deinterlace then see the yadif filter
[22:22] <Joshun> would you have to specify all the codec output options
[22:22] <Joshun> or could it just use the same codecs as before automatically
[22:22] <llogan> yes
[22:22] <llogan> you would have to specifiy, or else it used defaults
[22:22] <Joshun> ok
[22:23] <burek> shortly, you can't just -c copy the input
[22:23] <burek> you need to re-encode
[22:23] <Joshun> ok thanks
[22:24] <Joshun> well '-codec copy' may work
[22:24] <Joshun> but the other options i will specify
[22:25] <llogan> ffmpeg will either ignore yadif filtering or '-codec copy' (video) if you include both
[22:26] <burek> Joshun, interlaced video has been compressed/packed and optimized for storage.. changing anything about the video will require recompression of that data.. simple..
[22:26] <Joshun> ok
[22:26] <burek> so, no, -c copy will not work with deinterlace
[22:26] <burek> that's why he suggested you deinterlacing on playback
[22:26] <burek> that way you don't change anything
[22:27] <llogan> note that using yadif=1 will turn each field into a frame. by default ffmpeg uses the same frame rate for output as input, therefore ffmpeg may drop half of the de-interlaced frames unless you change output frame rate
[22:29] <Joshun> ok
[22:29] <Joshun> i'll convert it to a different format
[22:30] <Joshun> i'll deinterlace though as interlacing on playback isn't really practical for what i'm doing
[22:33] <llogan> Joshun: what are you doing, exactly?
[22:33] <Joshun> i have a camcorder that has interlaced video
[22:34] <Joshun> the format (mpeg) is fine, i just want it deinterlaced for better playback
[22:34] <llogan> how are you playing it back?
[22:34] <Joshun> it would also save having deinterlace it later on
[22:34] <Joshun> on media players e.g. vlc
[22:36] <llogan> ffmpeg -i input -filter:v yadif -c:v mpeg2video -q:v 2 -c:a copy output.mpg
[22:36] <Joshun> ok thanks
[22:36] <llogan> or maybe: ffmpeg -i input -filter:v yadif=1 -r 60000/1001 -c:v mpeg2video -q:v 2 -c:a copy output.mpg
[22:36] <llogan> (assuming ntsc)
[22:37] <Joshun> its PAL
[22:37] <burek> Joshun, can you type: ffmpeg -i yourfilefromcam
[22:37] <burek> and use pastebin.com to show the output
[22:37] <Joshun> ok
[22:39] <Joshun> http://pastebin.com/ykbALBBj
[22:39] <Joshun> ignore the long file ext, i ran a script without checking it first and it mucked up the name :(
[22:40] <burek> oh man.. you don't even use ffmpeg
[22:40] <burek> but ffmpeg's fork, named avconv
[22:40] <burek> which deliberately put that misleading message that ffmpeg is deprecated...
[22:41] <burek> so I guess a lot of features of ffmpeg won't work properly for you
[22:41] <Joshun> its the version in the ubuntu packages
[22:41] <burek> and if your output doesn't come out as expected, don't blame us here
[22:41] <burek> because who knows what you are using
[22:41] <llogan> that message used to be worse. but it was "fixed" to the one you see.
[22:41] <burek> yeah I know
[22:41] <burek> I'm just saying you don't use ffmpeg right now
[22:41] <llogan> they didn't like my patch. it was too sane.
[22:41] <burek> I'm on debian, same problem
[22:42] <burek> the first thing was to block avconv packages
[22:42] <burek> and installed ffmpeg from source
[22:42] <burek> anyway
[22:42] <intracube> Joshun: it's worth pointing out you might have compatibility issues with videos created using llogan's example parameters
[22:43] <intracube> software players (VLC etc) will play 59.94i video fine, but hardware players probably wont
[22:43] <Joshun> ok
[22:43] <intracube> *correction 59.94p
[22:43] <Joshun> it would have been wiser for them to rename ffmpeg to libav or something
[22:44] <Joshun> other forks do that
[22:44] <llogan> they did do that upstream eventually
[22:44] <Joshun> i'm sorry for bothering you guys about it
[22:44] <llogan> my first yadif example does not modify frame rate
[22:45] <llogan> might look good enough though depending on your source
[22:45] <llogan> it's subjective
[22:45] <Joshun> which is preferable - libav or ffmpeg for production use
[22:45] <intracube> llogan: yep, I meant the one that converts to 60000/10001
[22:46] <llogan> i know. just explaining for Joshun
[22:46] <llogan> Joshun: we are obviously biased here towards ffmpeg from the FFmpeg project.
[22:46] <burek> but honestly, people writting something that's not true..
[22:46] <burek> trusting them your production machines?
[22:47] <burek> it's just asking for trouble, sooner or later
[22:47] <Joshun> well it can't be a terrible fork
[22:47] <llogan> the version from the repo has the obvious advantage of working with other repo packages that depend on that package
[22:47] <Joshun> for alot of major linux distros to switch to packaging it
[22:48] <llogan> only 2 major distros have, AFAIK
[22:48] <llogan> because the maintainer for Debian/Ubuntu is a developer with the fork
[22:50] <burek> well it's one thing to switch distro to using another package/fork
[22:50] <burek> but it's a completely another thing to modify ffmpeg and write it's "deprecated"
[22:50] <burek> it's just lie
[22:51] <llogan> yes, it's not phrased well for the general user.
[22:51] <JEEB> uhh, that line is from the time when libav still had the ffmpeg tool
[22:51] <JEEB> which was deprecated for the avconv tool
[22:52] <llogan> we've had this discussion before.
[22:52] <JEEB> indeed
[22:52] <burek> also "libav" itself is a part of FFmpeg
[22:52] <burek> as a project
[22:52] <burek> so the fork name is also dubious
[22:52] <JEEB> uhh, no
[22:52] <JEEB> libav* are
[22:52] <burek> and it's hard to believe it was all unintentional
[22:52] <JEEB> libavcodec/libavformat
[22:52] <JEEB> and then there's libswscale
[22:53] <JEEB> there is no such thing in ffmpeg that is just called "libav"
[22:53] <JEEB> while I do agree that the libav naming isn't the best possible of course
[22:53] <teratorn> isn't the mailing list called libav
[22:53] <JEEB> not as far as I know
[22:53] <JEEB> you have ffmpeg-devel
[22:53] <JEEB> and ffmpeg-user
[22:53] <JEEB> etc.
[22:53] <burek> it is pretty obvious what the intent was
[22:53] <burek> to confuse the end users
[22:54] <burek> and to get them on their side
[22:54] <JEEB> as far as I know that was never the intent
[22:54] <burek> wether they wanted it or not
[22:54] <burek> (or knowing it)
[22:54] <burek> that's lame and immature
[22:54] <JEEB> eh
[22:54] <burek> especially for someone who is trusted as a maintainer of some big distro
[22:54] <JEEB> it's lame and immature to tell a user of a tool that it is not getting updated and is being phased out in the context of that project?
[22:54] <llogan> there is a libav-user ML here.
[22:55] <teratorn> Libav-user at ffmpeg.org
[22:55] <burek> anyway, pointing out that fact can only help people distinguish what really happened
[22:55] <llogan> that's a reminder for me to check the queue...
[22:55] <burek> not to mention the try to take over the domain name itself
[22:55] <burek> and such stupid actions
[22:55] <JEEB> anyways, all the drama was way before
[22:55] <JEEB> and some people were derpy indeed
[22:56] <burek> and some are still
[22:56] <burek> not even responding to that issue with misleading message
[22:56] <JEEB> I don't see much/any of that to be honest
[22:56] <JEEB> as far as I can see tho, most people related to both projects just want to develop stuff, that's all
[22:56] <llogan> just spams today. my favorite lately was "hot singles inside ffmpeg-cvslog"
[22:57] <burek> yes, but some want to play childish and stupid games in the mean time
[22:57] <JEEB> I haven't seen any of that
[22:57] <burek> :))
[22:57] <burek> got tu run now
[22:57] <JEEB> at least during the last X timescale
[22:57] <burek> o/ :)
[22:57] <Joshun> are ffmpeg and libav now completely independent
[22:58] <Joshun> or does code get merged occasionally
[22:58] <JEEB> ffmpeg merges stuff from libav almost daily
[22:58] <JEEB> while libav only basically takes in what's either posted on IRC or the mailing list, which is kind of a derpy situation
[22:59] <llogan> what's the reasoning behind that?
[22:59] <JEEB> no-one from the higher-ups really wants to keep reading the ffmpeg list / git log unless it's something they posted on ffmpeg-devel themselves
[23:00] <JEEB> I think people like BBB and others do communicate with ffmpeg, but people really have to look at useful stuff from ffmpeg by themselves
[23:00] <JEEB> and post on the ML
[23:00] <JEEB> (which isn't really optimal and personally I see it as one of the problems with libav)
[23:01] <JEEB> because there is useful stuff coming into ffmpeg one way or another
[23:02] <JEEB> I personally have been helped and had stuff fixed from both sides, so I don't really have any bad feelings towards either project
[23:02] <JEEB> (both projects have people in-the-know about various things)
[23:04] <mrmuh> hi
[23:12] <mrmuh> is it possible to set the webm / vp8 codec (c api) to constant quality mode ?
[23:12] <JEEB> I don't think the libvpx encoder supports anything like the crf mode in libx264
[23:14] <mrmuh> the documentation states that there is this CQ mode http://www.webmproject.org/tools/encoder-parameters/#vbr-cbr-and-cq-mode
[23:14] <mrmuh> it sounds very similar to the CF mode
[23:15] <mrmuh> but av_opt_set(c->priv_data, "end-usage", "cq", 0) ends with AVERROR_OPTION_NOT_FOUND
[23:15] <JEEB> I'm not really sure to be honest
[23:15] <JEEB> mrmuh, check libvpx.c for the options?
[23:16] <mrmuh> oh directly in the libvpx ... kk thx for the hint!!!
[00:00] --- Tue Jul 3 2012
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