[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120708
burek021 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 9 02:05:02 CEST 2012
[00:05] <hanscom> Hello
[07:01] <dan_> anyone around?
[08:53] <jesk> yes me
[08:54] <jesk> does it make a difference to move mkv-with-h264-and-ac3 to mp4-with-h264-aac in one step
[08:55] <jesk> or to move the h264 first in one file and then transcode the ac3 to aac in one file and then mux them together to the mp4
[10:16] <holyduck> jesk, in an ideal world without any bork involved
[10:16] <holyduck> no :P
[10:16] <holyduck> some linux tools might drop frames though
[10:16] <holyduck> or some videos might require some offsets of the audio and video
[10:16] <holyduck> the first theres nothing to do with, but not use mencoder.
[10:17] <holyduck> and the second, you can fix when muxing,
[10:17] <holyduck> jesk, i usually do the split it up way
[10:17] <holyduck> because that way i can use neroaac
[10:17] <holyduck> instead of faac,
[10:17] <holyduck> faac is terrible
[10:28] <jesk> holyduck, i made the experience that when doing it all in one step with ffmpeg the resulting file is much more reliable
[10:28] <jesk> it is more frequently correct recognized by eg. quicktime and streaming server stuff, the hinting is also better possible
[10:29] <jesk> has it something to do with lost information between audio and video when splitting it up?
[10:31] <jesk> why is libfaac terrible?
[10:31] <jesk> maybe that has something to do with the neverending problems mkv->mp4 I 'am beein faced up with
[10:32] <jesk> and what does the filter aac_adtstoasc exactly do? It solved *sometimes* *some* problems...
[11:06] <holyduck> jesk, dont have much for you on any of that
[11:07] <holyduck> but faac basicly makes aac audio thats worse than mp3
[11:07] <holyduck> which ruins the point of using a better audio format
[11:07] <holyduck> in the first place
[13:05] <moog> hello
[13:09] <moog> please help, I can not configure ffmpeg with parameter libamr , Here comes this error http://fpaste.org/CGTu/
[13:45] <votz> burek: ping
[13:49] <moog> hey people
[13:49] <moog> please help me
[13:52] <votz> moog: Did you install libopencore-amrnb?
[13:59] <moog> I bet there are two sets of amrnb- and amrwb- and configured --prefix=/usr
[14:27] <moog> extra/opencore-amr 0.1.3-1 [installed]
[14:34] <votz> moog: Did you figure it out?
[14:34] <votz> moog: If opencore-amrnb is properly installed ffmpeg should be able to find it.
[15:24] <burek> moog, either compile libamrnb or install libamrnb-dev
[15:24] <burek> or something
[15:29] <dirdir> hello all, can i get mplayer to report frame rate
[15:30] <sacarasc> Try asking in #mplayer
[15:54] <ayaka> does the file /audio-reference/luckynight_2ch_44kHz_s16.wav be made in compile or from source?
[16:18] <pronik> if avformat crashes in this line (http://git.videolan.org/?p=ffmpeg.git;a=blob;f=libavformat/utils.c;h=9164cd01afdc6e46386309ea82f3c1964db71905;hb=8c0c0e9eb3341fe42a2a9315cef5af21e94c4855#l639), is there anything obvious missing from the code?
[16:19] <pronik> (trying to understand why a piece of software crashes on my machine, but not anywhere else)
[16:36] <doubi> Hi there. I've compiled ffmpeg a few times before on Ubuntu 10.04. I had problems following the same procedure on 12.04, so followed the compilation instructions at https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide . I've ended up with libavdevice.so.54 missing. Can anyone tell me where that's meant to come from or what step I should repeat, maybe with different options?
[16:39] <iive> doubi: libavdevice is part of ffmpeg, it should have been compiled and installed. Did you run ldconfig after installation?
[16:41] <doubi> iive: Ah, I had not. Might see if I can add that to the wiki instructions, thanks :-)
[16:42] <iive> checkinstall creates a package, the package system is supposed to run the ldconfig after it installes the package.
[16:44] <doubi> Oh yea. Interesting. Could there be some setting in the built package itself preventing that? Or some part of the options passed to checkinstall? (--pkgname=ffmpeg --pkgversion="5:$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)-git" --backup=no --deldoc=yes --fstrans=no --default)
[16:47] <iive> do, dpkg is the one that should do it.
[16:47] <iive> do/no
[16:53] <doubi> Fair enough. Maybe I somehow copypasted the instructions wrong, what with the \ and newline and stuff
[16:53] <doubi> Thanks very much for your help :-)
[16:54] <doubi> Be well
[17:00] <moog> burek> moog, either compile libamrnb or install libamrnb-dev _---------whether you have the source files? I can not find them, and they have not in my distro repositories
[17:38] <ayaka> thanks all the same
[17:45] <burek> moog...
[17:46] <eallen> heyo
[17:47] <eallen> question&has any experienced or have any tips for when the same command for ffmpeg works in terminal but not via a web request (php)? Lots of details here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11378081/shared-hosting-static-ffmpeg-php-or-other-scripting-language-failure-on
[17:47] <burek> eallen, no, whatever you configure for command line should work via php also
[17:48] <burek> just use shell_exec()
[17:48] <burek> and set appropriate access permissions
[17:48] <moog> burek :Thanks, but I do these two files are also putburek:
[17:48] <moog> --prefix=/usr
[17:49] <burek> why do you set --prefix at all?
[17:50] <eallen> burek: i would think so&and the user that runs for apache in my shared hosting (i'm using a static binary of ffmpeg) is the same i use to ssh in and run the php script manually&manually through php (using the same php.ini file as the web request) it works, via web browser/apache, it doesn't&i get errors like: Error while opening decoder for input stream #0:0
[17:50] <burek> eallen, try to run the same command line through cmd and php
[17:51] <burek> and post both outputs using pastebin like site
[17:51] <burek> so we can compare
[17:51] <eallen> sure
[17:52] <eallen> The failure: http://pastebin.com/9LyLFyG4
[17:52] <burek> eallen, what was the command?
[17:53] <eallen> Success via running ffmpeg directly&.the command is at the top of this paste: http://pastebin.com/cJ40U98m
[17:56] <burek> eallen, nope
[17:56] <burek> it's not the same command
[17:56] <burek> first one takes image as input
[17:56] <burek> 2nd pastebin takes mp4 video for input
[17:56] <burek> so Im pretty sure they are not the same
[17:56] <eallen> hold&I'm grabbing that command from a log
[17:56] <burek> please run the same command now
[17:56] <burek> both on cmd and php
[17:56] <burek> and paste the output
[17:57] <eallen> no your right, i tweak something, let me redo this, sorry
[17:57] <eallen> been working on this for days :)
[17:58] <eallen> failure is the same, but the logging of the command is now correct: http://pastebin.com/hdXE46kt
[18:01] <burek> and what is the output of that same command on the cmd line?
[18:02] <eallen> ok&same command at terminal == success: http://pastebin.com/5iL5bdZj
[18:04] <burek> you are not using the same ffmpeg
[18:04] <burek> take a look at the version differences
[18:04] <burek> at the beginning of the output
[18:04] <burek> you have multiple ffmpeg's built on that machine
[18:04] <burek> so you need to first sort that out
[18:04] <burek> that's basically your problem
[18:06] <eallen> I've used several versions over the last day and forgive the clumsy nature of my pastes&ill redo both with the same version (easy enough for me to do)...
[18:08] <moog> amrnb- http://fpaste.org/IxNV/ amrwb- http://fpaste.org/CE3A/
[18:08] <moog> burek>
[18:09] <eallen> web request failure: http://pastebin.com/wHAS0Q9q command line success: http://pastebin.com/Avrss6mj
[18:10] <eallen> note that i'm getting all these static builds from: http://ffmpeg.gusari.org/static/
[18:12] <burek> eallen, I really can't tell the source of your problem
[18:13] <burek> the only diff is "encoder : Lavf54.6.101"
[18:13] <burek> in metadata
[18:13] <burek> so, it's probably the best you compile your ffmpeg from source
[18:13] <burek> moog, you didn't answer my question
[18:14] <eallen> burek: unfortunately i can't on the machine, shared hosting :/
[18:15] <eallen> hmm&that emote is not properly displaying my feelings
[18:15] <burek> eallen, then contact your administrator and ask for help
[18:15] <burek> if there is no ffmpeg installed, then pretty much there is a reason for that
[18:15] <burek> (cpu usage on shared hosting)
[18:15] <burek> and if administrator detects you are using the most of cpu with ffmpeg
[18:15] <eallen> i wish, 1and1&I'm sure they would greatly frown on me using that binary because of your stated reason :D
[18:15] <burek> he might just close your account without further notice
[18:15] <burek> instructing you to buy dedicated server
[18:16] <burek> try another static build
[18:16] <burek> from that another link
[18:16] <eallen> i used to use a version ffmpeg that i hunted down a few years back on the same hosting for gallery&in these cases the usage of ffmpeg would be small, part of the admin functions and not the general usage of the site
[18:17] <eallen> ive tried almost every one on that page¬e that the same command fails for different reasons on different builds&I've been at this for days and I'm about to give up! I don't have any access to apache config nor error logs&over all i think my luck has ran out
[18:17] <eallen> appreciate your help for sure though
[18:18] <eallen> and taking the time to look
[18:20] <burek> eallen, I didn't say another version, but another LINK
[18:20] <burek> dropbox.com
[18:21] <burek> it's built differently so it might work for you
[18:21] <eallen> sure
[18:22] <burek> btw I just tried the latest static build from gusari.org through php and it works
[18:22] <burek> so I don't know really what to say..
[18:22] <burek> try to poke around and see if you find out anything..
[18:23] <eallen> shared hosting is 32 bit, the drop box won't work on the system unfortunately
[18:24] <eallen> well thanks burek, gotta head out
[18:24] <eallen> appreciated
[18:38] <hotwings> hi. im trying to compile ffmpeg and getting an error: full log is @ http://pastebin.com/5dGe80cZ
[18:39] <hotwings> i can mkdir /usr/local/share/ffmpeg just fine without root/sudo so i dont see the problem
[18:39] <hotwings> could someone take a quick look please?
[18:45] <yag> why does the command ffmpeg -r 4 -qscale 1 -i %05d.jpg output.mp4 result in such a low quality video, desite the -qscale 1 flag? the video is much more pixilated that the original photos
[18:46] <sacarasc> Because you're telling ffmpeg that the input files are -qscale 1.
[18:46] <sacarasc> Everything before the -i is input options.
[18:48] <yag> that's what i get for believing the web too much :) thanks a lot
[18:49] <newl> hotwings: are you installing as root?
[18:51] <sacarasc> yag: Something like `ffmpeg -r 4 -i %05d.jpg -vcodec libx264 -preset slow -crf 21 output.mp4` should be pretty good. For a smaller file, increase the crf number, for a larger file increase it.
[18:53] <yag> sacarasc: thanks, got it working now
[18:54] <burek> hotwings, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/mkdir-cannot-create-directory-no-such-file-or-directory-725720/
[18:54] <hotwings> newl - im just running checkinstall, not as root no
[18:56] <newl> hotwings ls -ld /usr/local/share
[18:56] <hotwings> like i said though, i can mkdir /usr/local/share/ffmpeg just with, without root.
[18:56] <hotwings> drwxrwsr-x 8 test staff 4096 Jul 8 09:44 /usr/local/share
[18:56] <hotwings> test is my only user account
[18:56] <hotwings> and of course test belongs to the staff group
[18:56] <burek> configure and make can be used as a user account
[18:57] <burek> but 'make install' has to be run by root
[18:57] <burek> either using sudo or su
[18:58] <hotwings> im not doing `make install`... im using checkinstall to build a debian package
[18:59] <burek> doesn't matter, you still need sudo
[19:00] <burek> checkinstall does make install btw
[19:01] <hotwings> if i can make the dir just fine as my user, without root.. then checkinstall should be able to do it too without root. unless im missing something
[19:02] <burek> did you run checkinstall without sudo
[19:02] <newl> hotwings o n l y r o o t can r u n m a k e i n s t a l l
[19:02] <hotwings> yes.. and the error is it cant make /usr/local/share/ffmpeg.. which i can make just fine _without root_. it makes no sense
[19:03] <burek> it doesn't mean it wants to create that directory
[19:03] <burek> did you read the link I gave you above?
[19:03] <newl> it could even be a tmp dir
[19:04] <hotwings> so youre saying, "mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/share/ffmpeg': No such file or directory" is not trying to create the dir?
[19:04] <burek> I'm off o/
[19:04] <newl> hotwings: because of you we can't have nice things
[19:06] <hotwings> uh...ok
[19:06] <hotwings> if the error is bullshit, why is it reported?
[19:07] <newl> it was discussed -> just so the hotwings of the world can come an we can have fun with - run the checkinstall thing as root or sudo
[19:07] <hotwings> and btw, checkinstall does not have to be run as root/sudo if the user running it has permissions where everything is installed to.
[19:08] <newl> looks like you don't have permissions where everything is instlled to now does it ;)
[19:09] <hotwings> maybe you didnt hear me.. i can `mkdir /usr/local/share/ffmpeg`, as my user, WITHOUT root/sudo.
[19:13] <hotwings> well anyways, to anyone who comes across the same "error".. you do not need to use sudo/root checkinstall. just manually create the dir, without sudo/root, and rerun checkinstall without sudo/root. it will work
[19:16] <newl> hotwings: no one has that error cause everyone runs make install as root
[19:17] <hotwings> linux 101: dont use root when you dont need it
[19:17] <bindi> i'm trying to stream using ffmpeg
[19:17] <bindi> ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="UScreenCapture" -r 30 -vcodec mpeg -q 30 -f mpegts udp://localhost:6666
[19:17] <bindi> using this and the quality is horrible, any tips?
[19:17] <newl> and i'm guessing your invention of who actually owns /usr/local/* is weird
[19:18] <hotwings> nope
[19:19] <hotwings> the fact that the user can create the dir without root, proves that the user has permission
[19:19] <hotwings> thats how linux works
[19:20] <hotwings> no permission -> cant do it. permission -> can do it.
[19:32] <bindi> anyone?
[19:33] <cbsrobot> mayby -qscale will help, but i'm not sure
[19:34] <cbsrobot> ah sorry
[19:34] <cbsrobot> use a lower -q value to test it
[19:34] <cbsrobot> maybe -q 18 or so
[19:36] <bindi> huh
[19:36] <bindi> i tried -q 12 20 and 30
[19:36] <bindi> all are as shit :p
[19:40] <bindi> ok apparently the guide i read was wrong
[19:40] <bindi> -q 1 is is the best
[19:40] <bindi> can i limit the bitrate somehow?
[19:42] <cbsrobot> try -b
[19:42] <cbsrobot> or if its only video bitrate use -b:v
[19:44] <bindi> -b:v 2000 for 2000 kbps?
[19:45] <cbsrobot> -b:v 2000k
[19:45] <cbsrobot> or -b:v 2M
[19:46] <bindi> nope, doesn't limit it
[19:51] <bindi> *ahem*
[19:56] <bindi> C:\Python27\stream>ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="UScreenCapture" -r 30 -vcodec mpeg4 -q 9 -f mpegts udp://localhost:6666 -b:v 2000K
[19:56] <bindi> with a lower k too actually
[19:56] <bindi> frame= 18 fps=0.0 q=9.0 size= 502kB time=00:00:00.60 bitrate=6855.7kbits/s
[19:56] <bindi> frame= 34 fps= 32 q=9.0 size= 843kB time=00:00:01.13 bitrate=6091.2kbits/s
[19:57] <bindi> does that mean it's not working or am i reading the wrong box
[19:57] <bindi> yeah I read it on vlc and it says 5000 kb/s
[19:58] <cbsrobot> you need to place -b:v 2000K in fornt of the output udp://.....
[19:58] <cbsrobot> paremeter order matters in ffmpeg !!!
[19:58] <bindi> didnt change anything
[19:59] <bindi> frame= 707 fps= 30 q=9.0 size= 17248kB time=00:00:23.56 bitrate=5995.7kbits/s
[19:59] <cbsrobot> well normally use -q or -b , both affect the bitrate
[19:59] <bindi> can't I use both?
[19:59] <bindi> I used VLC before and gave it a bitrate and it had very good quality
[20:00] <bindi> -q 20 2700 kbps and horrible quality
[20:00] <bindi> how can I use x264?
[20:01] <burek> remove -q 9
[20:02] <cbsrobot> use -c:v libx264
[20:03] <bindi> what container should I use
[20:03] Action: cbsrobot hands a beer and some salty peanuts to burek
[20:03] <burek> meow :D
[20:03] <burek> :beer: :D
[20:03] <dan_> hi
[20:03] <burek> bindi, use all the same
[20:04] <burek> just add x264, remove -q and thats it
[20:04] <bindi> ok x264 looks much better
[20:04] <bindi> any tips for re-streaming this server-side?
[20:05] <bindi> i want to stream to a server and then re-broadcast it
[20:05] <burek> use google
[20:05] <bindi> pretty rude
[20:05] <burek> no, it's pretty much RTFM
[20:05] <bindi> maybe
[20:05] <bindi> can ffmpeg do this?
[20:05] <dan_> so are ac3 audio packets always 32ms?
[20:06] <dan_> because in a stream i'm working with, there's a case where it seems one is split into 1000/1880 instead of the usual 2880 90khz clock ticks O_o
[20:07] <burek> dan_, you might ask in #ffmpeg-devel
[20:08] <dan_> hmm, ok
[20:09] <bindi> I want to use a tcp connection for streaming
[20:10] <burek> who forbids you ? :)
[20:10] <bindi> no one
[20:10] <bindi> what do I need server-side?
[20:10] <burek> then use it :D
[20:14] <burek> just read more about ffserver, vlc, wowza, etc.
[20:30] <chungy> hey, I'm trying to encode a video for the purposes of youtube; I captured it with prboom-plus into a lossless format, and I'm trying to encode it with "ffmpeg -i software.mkv -acodec copy -vcodec libx264 software_x264.mkv", but it drops most of the frames
[20:30] <chungy> I've tried to add -preset slow or -x264opts crf=16 but it doesn't seem to help
[20:38] <ayaka> does ffmpeg supprt Windows Media Screen Codec 2?
[20:40] <ayaka> does it belong to Windows Media Video 9 ?
[20:55] <chungy> (I solved my apparent problem by adding a -r 35 before the output file, nvm all)
[21:08] <cbsrobot> ayaka: I think there is a patch, but it's not applied yet - ask in a few days again
[21:08] <ayaka> cbsrobot thank you
[21:09] <ayaka> does the file /audio-reference/luckynight_2ch_44kHz_s16.wav be made in compile or from source?
[21:16] <bindi> Real-time buffer full! Frame dropped!
[21:16] <bindi> what can I do about this?
[22:05] <burek> <ayaka> does the file /audio-reference/luckynight_2ch_44kHz_s16.wav be made in compile or from source?
[22:05] <burek> what are you talking about?
[22:07] <ayaka> http://paste.debian.net/178207/
[22:09] <burek> ayaka, I don't have that file in my ffmpeg dir
[22:09] <ayaka> but it is the make tests result
[22:11] <ayaka> sorry, after git pull, it error is different
[22:12] <ayaka> but it also test failed
[22:12] <bindi> are there alternatives to ffserver for re-streaming something?
[22:14] <ayaka> http://paste.debian.net/178209/
[22:19] <burek> wowza, vlc, gstreamer... use google
[22:19] <ayaka> it should be the output of make check
[22:39] <iTux> Hi
[22:40] <iTux> I need some help for convert a video and include subtitle
[22:46] <burek> did you read docs?
[22:47] <burek> or tutorials: http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki
[22:51] <iTux> I have read a lot of documentation but I don't understand all :/
[23:27] <wyuka> hi
[23:28] <wyuka> i want to write a tool that performs frame interpolation
[23:28] <wyuka> any pointers to how motion estimation and compensation are done (and implemented) would be helpful
[23:38] <linkmauve_> Hi, with latest git, I get ERROR: libvpx decoder version must be >=0.9.1 when compiling with --enable-libvpx, while libvpx is in version 1.1.0.
[23:48] <burek> linkmauve_, then update your libvpx
[23:49] <burek> or check config.log to see what the exact problem was
[23:49] <burek> maybe some dependency wasn't met or so..
[23:49] <burek> wyuka, your best bet is to check out ffmpeg's source code and see how is it done there
[23:50] <cbreak> good frame interpolation is hard.
[23:50] <cbreak> hard as in unsolved-problem :)
[23:50] <wyuka> :)
[23:50] <linkmauve_> Hmm, it seems to just be a temp file not found: gcc: error: /tmp/ffconf.OQilRy7j.c: No such file or directory.
[23:51] <wyuka> cbreak: hey! i know you from #qt! :)
[23:51] <wyuka> hehe
[23:51] <cbreak> you need to calculate the optical flow in both frames
[23:51] <wyuka> cbreak: yes
[23:51] <cbreak> and then try to extrapolate the previous frame forward
[23:51] <cbreak> and the next frame back
[23:51] <cbreak> and then blend those
[23:51] <wyuka> cbreak: but a part of that is already done by frame compensation in ffmpeg i suppose
[23:52] <cbreak> no idea.
[23:52] <wyuka> cbreak: where it tries to store only the parts of the frame that change in the next frame
[23:52] <cbreak> worst case it just blends the frames without any prediction :)
[23:52] <cbreak> oh, you mean compression
[23:52] <wyuka> cbreak: yes, for compression it already does half the task
[23:52] <cbreak> codec motion vectors are really coarse and usually bad
[23:53] <cbreak> they have no smoothness constraints
[23:53] <cbreak> and work on macro blocks, not pixel
[23:53] <wyuka> cbreak: burek: some help on which files can contain the source code for motion vector calculation?
[23:54] <cbreak> I've no idea, sorry.
[23:54] <cbreak> probably in x264 among others :)
[23:54] <cbreak> x264 supports a bunch of them
[23:54] <cbreak> but as said, optimized for compression not reality
[23:56] <wyuka> cbreak: where can i find that code for x264 encoding? i am totally new to ffmpeg source code
[23:56] <cbreak> it's not part of ffmpeg
[23:56] <wyuka> cbreak: or might be the ffmpeg vp8 encoder
[23:56] <cbreak> ffmpeg has an mpeg4 encoder but I don't know its name
[23:56] <wyuka> any idea which folder contains the encoders? is it libavcodec?
[23:56] <cbreak> yes.
[00:00] --- Mon Jul 9 2012
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