[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120725
burek021 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 02:05:01 CEST 2012
[00:00] --- Wed Jul 25 2012
[00:34] <llogan> mikmu: i updated the guide. thanks for the notification. apparently i didn't test it with a clean/bare environment.
[00:34] <llogan> and the desktop dependencies already pull in pkg-config
[00:35] <llogan> but it's a good idea to list it anyway
[00:44] <vader897> Hi ffmpeg users! I have started to use ffserver to broadcast a feed from a webcam to the world. Sometimes this video can recieve a lot of attention all at once after a blog post is written. Does anyone have any tips on how I could scale this broadcast?
[01:00] <llogan> vader897: you can also ask on the ffserver-user (it's very quiet) or ffmpeg-user mailing lists if you don't get an answer here
[01:00] <vader897> thanks llogan
[01:01] <llogan> is it a live feed?
[01:02] <saste> llogan: i still dislike the fact that ffserver has a separate ml
[01:02] <vader897> yes it is a live feed
[01:03] <saste> but i suppose it is better for the users which are *only* interested to ffserver (how many of them?)
[01:03] <johnbender> I'm using a filter to overlay my webcam on top of my desktop but I'm having trouble figuring out how to get it sync'd up with the sound input
[01:03] <johnbender> I'm hoping someone might point me in the right direction
[01:03] <llogan> saste: i think it would be fine to merge it with ffmpeg-user.
[01:03] <llogan> it's not like we have a ffplay-user
[01:03] Action: johnbender has been googling and documetnation spelunking for a few days
[01:03] <johnbender> *documentation
[01:05] <johnbender> is it just a performance issue?
[01:06] <saste> johnbender: are you using a setpts filter on the webcam input
[01:06] <saste> ?
[01:06] <johnbender> saste: I believe so, let me double check
[01:06] <johnbender> saste: setpts=N/($FPS*TB)
[01:07] <saste> my webcam produces timestamps starting from a random point in time, so i need to reset it with setpts
[01:07] <johnbender> where $FPS is a bash variable also used with ...
[01:07] <johnbender> saste: "-f x11grab -s 1680x1050 -r "$FPS" -i :0.0+0,0 -aspect 16:10"
[01:07] <llogan> saste: 201 subscribed for ffserver-user. 1584 for ffmpeg-user.
[01:07] <johnbender> saste: I need to read up on how that works
[01:07] <johnbender> :(
[01:08] Action: johnbender lacks knowledge
[01:08] <saste> johnbender: you can use showinfo/ashowinfo for visualizing the timestamps
[01:09] <johnbender> saste: noted
[01:10] <johnbender> saste: I'll futz around for a bit and get back to you if I'm totally stumped, thanks so much
[01:10] <saste> johnbender: np
[01:12] <johnbender> saste: sigh, the package install in ubuntu is a complete fail
[01:13] <johnbender> saste: is there a ppa with a "kitchen sink" config?
[01:13] <johnbender> can't seem to find something like that either
[01:15] <saste> johnbender: https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide
[01:16] <saste> and there should be some ppa for ffmpeg, but i don't remember where you can find it
[01:16] <llogan> https://launchpad.net/~jon-severinsson/+archive/ffmpeg
[01:16] <johnbender> llogan: it appears that's only for lts of version 190
[01:17] <johnbender> *10
[01:17] <johnbender> saste: that first link should be just fine
[01:17] <johnbender> 1000 thanks
[01:18] <llogan> you mean 10.04?
[01:18] <johnbender> llogan: yessir
[01:18] <llogan> it looks like it supports more than that
[01:19] <llogan> although i've never used it. i don't really like PPAs and i prefer to compile
[01:19] <johnbender> llogan: looks like I'm headed that route
[01:20] <johnbender> not something I mind either I was just in the dark about external deps/packages, which this wonderful guide obviously addresses
[01:22] <johnbender> saste: I see that the config options for the ffmpeg compile are far fewer than what I get in the ouput of the package installed ffmpeg
[01:23] <johnbender> do I need to make any alterations to "get all the things"
[01:23] <johnbender> filters etc?
[01:23] <saste> johnbender: anyway why are wanting to reinstall it? a/showinfo is a pretty old filter, should be present even in older ffmpeg install
[01:23] <saste> *installs
[01:24] <llogan> only if the filter you want needs an external library (libfreetype, etc)
[01:24] <llogan> the compile guide is kind of generic to provide a good number of things but not to be retardedly (is that a word?) big
[01:26] <johnbender> saste: -filters doesn't show it :(
[01:27] <johnbender> which is crazy town
[01:27] <saste> which version do you have installed?
[01:27] <johnbender> saste: I'm in the midst of following the guide let me check the packages listing
[01:27] <llogan> the junk from the ubuntu repo didn't provide filters last time i looked. i'm not sure if recent status.
[01:27] <llogan> s/if/of
[01:28] <johnbender> libav 0.7.6
[01:28] <johnbender> it has filters
[01:28] <johnbender> I was able to overlay my webcam
[01:28] <johnbender> but it's missing a lot of things
[01:28] <llogan> i quit paying attention to it as of natty
[01:29] <dmitrykharlamov> hey, I am compiling latest ffmpeg with latest x264 and have this odd error coming up about which I couldn't find any info
[01:29] <dmitrykharlamov> any useful info that is
[01:29] <saste> johnbender: ashowinfo is only in ffmpeg, and not in libav, so using a recent ffmpeg may definitively help anyway...
[01:30] <dmitrykharlamov> http://pastebin.com/2RCUSeVH
[01:31] <dmitrykharlamov> I'm compiling on a fresh 10.04 btw
[01:33] <johnbender> saste: nice
[01:34] <llogan> dmitrykharlamov: you probably added --enable-shared to x264 or ffmpeg, but not to both
[01:34] <dmitrykharlamov> to x264
[01:34] <llogan> dmitrykharlamov: https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuideLucid
[01:35] <dmitrykharlamov> and to ffmpeg
[01:35] <dmitrykharlamov> that's what I'm using as a reference, but I've modified the config options
[01:36] <dmitrykharlamov> http://pastebin.com/PFrrTKZw
[01:38] <llogan> what are your x264 config options?
[01:41] <dmitrykharlamov> same as in the guide
[01:41] <dmitrykharlamov> just --enable-static
[01:42] <llogan> you probably need to: sudo apt-get remove x264 && cd ~/x264 && make distclean
[01:42] <llogan> then add --enable-static
[01:42] <llogan> why do you want shared?
[01:43] <llogan> i mean --enable-shared, not --enable-static
[01:43] <dmitrykharlamov> I did apt-get remove, but it wasn't installed actually
[01:43] <dmitrykharlamov> I don't think that's required actually, --enable-shared that is
[01:43] <dmitrykharlamov> should I try without it?
[01:44] <llogan> either follow the guide as is, or add --enable-shared to both x264 and ffmpeg if you want shared.
[01:44] <dmitrykharlamov> llogan
[01:44] <dmitrykharlamov> good point
[01:45] <dmitrykharlamov> I don't think I want --enable-shared, I'm migrating to the new server and I now realize I don't see any need for that
[01:45] <dmitrykharlamov> let me try without it
[01:45] <llogan> people seem to like to add it when they don't need it
[01:45] <llogan> also, --enable-pthreads is superfluous as it is not default
[01:45] <llogan> s/not/now
[01:46] <llogan> i need to type better
[01:46] <dmitrykharlamov> haha
[01:46] <dmitrykharlamov> I'll remove it, too
[01:46] <dmitrykharlamov> seems whomever compiled ffmpeg on the old server just grabbed it from somewhere
[01:47] <dmitrykharlamov> it's compiling now, I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks!
[01:47] <bitpurity> I'm attempting to decode an h263 stream through RTP on ffmpeg. Everything seems to work except ffmpeg is trying to decode at 30fps when i'm broadcasting at 15fps. I try setting the "framerate" option in AVDictionary to "15:1" but it doesn't seem to work. What is the proper way to get a correct framerate?
[05:19] <dmitrykharlamov> hey. I'm probing file with ffmpeg -i /path/to/file but I get an error
[05:21] <dmitrykharlamov> http://pastebin.com/HvEvVXgt
[07:18] <dmitrykharlamov> could not find codec parameters, happens on any file I probe
[08:18] <rohankasat> hi
[09:06] <astropirate> Hello all
[09:06] <astropirate> is there a way to change the screen grab area at while ffmpeg is running?
[09:13] <saste> astropirate: not at the moment
[09:15] <astropirate> ouch :(
[09:18] <saste> astropirate: another solution could be to grab the whole screen, and use crop to select the region of interest
[09:18] <saste> but that's also somewhat limited, since you can't change dynamically the grabbed region
[09:18] <saste> would be possible by reconfiguring the crop filter (we already have the framework for that)
[09:21] <astropirate> there is a really dirty way of doing it...
[09:21] <astropirate> stoping ffmpeg
[09:21] <astropirate> and restarting it
[09:21] <astropirate> and at the end patching all of the output videos together
[09:21] <astropirate> not sure if i want to do that :)
[09:21] <astropirate> should I be using libav for what i want?
[09:28] <saste> astropirate: no, you can send events to the filterchain
[09:28] <saste> it is unfortunately completely undocumented, and we miss event handling in crop
[09:29] <saste> so it depends if you can code, or you can file a feature request on trac
[09:30] <astropirate> I can code but I am but a simple web developer :p
[09:31] <astropirate> i know nothing of A/V manipulation
[09:32] <saste> astropirate: => feature request, that shouldn't be too hard to accomplish
[09:32] <astropirate> aye aye
[10:36] <jita> ffmpeg -i input_file.wav -acodec pcm_alaw -ar 8000 -ab 8k -sample_fmt s8 -ac 1 output.wav ends with error
[10:36] <jita> Invalid sample format 'S8'
[10:36] <jita> any idea ?
[10:42] <mrn> jite: apprently, you can set an signed char data
[10:42] <mrn> http://ffmpeg.org/doxygen/trunk/samplefmt_8c-source.html
[10:42] <mrn> only u8 is available ...
[10:43] <mrn> better documentation: http://ffmpeg.org/doxygen/trunk/samplefmt_8h.html
[10:46] <jita> mrn, btw what does this sample_fmt indicate ?
[10:58] <burek> jita, there is no s8 sample_fmt
[10:58] <burek> type ffmpeg -sample_fmts
[10:58] <burek> to get the list of all sample_fmts
[10:59] <burek> there is u8 though
[12:27] <raven> hi
[12:28] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[12:28] <raven> how to copy subtitle stream? i did correct mapping and -scodec copy but i get "could not write header for output file #0"
[12:56] <raven_> burek, yes sry: http://pastebin.com/BtdMqfdM
[12:58] <burek> "your ffmpeg command and the complete console output"
[12:59] <burek> try ffmpeg ... 2>out.log
[13:08] <burek> also [mp4 @ 0x946c6e0] track 2: could not find tag, codec not currently supported in container
[13:15] <raven> burek oh sry. ill try with another container
[13:15] <raven> tnx :)
[13:17] <burek> :beer: :)
[13:44] <JPeterson> how do i convert a flv with nellymoser to a flv with raw audio?
[13:44] <JPeterson> tried and didn't work: ffmpeg -y -i input.flv -f s16le -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec copy output.flv
[14:21] <shroomM> question ...
[14:21] <shroomM> [mxf @ 000000000167F440] found essence prior to first PartitionPack
[14:21] <shroomM> what can I do to fix the error ?
[14:21] <shroomM> vlc plays the file without issues btw
[14:28] <burek> JPeterson does flv container support raw audio?
[14:30] <burek> shroomM are you using the latest ffmpeg?
[14:31] <shroomM> yeah
[14:31] <shroomM> built it 3 days ago
[14:31] <shroomM> I don't think there were some mxf related fixes?
[14:31] <shroomM> heh
[14:31] <shroomM> sec :)
[14:34] <shroomM> burek http://pastebin.com/QaBEiygT
[14:35] <burek> it seems that the workaround for that error isn't implemented
[14:35] <burek> can you file a bug report?
[14:35] <shroomM> well ...
[14:35] <shroomM> it's kinda hard for me to submit a file sample ...
[14:36] <shroomM> and just writing this error occurs, I figure you'll have a hard time fixing the error
[14:36] <burek> well ok, but if we don't have a report, how can we fix it :)
[14:36] <JPeterson> burek: ya ADPCM
[14:38] <JPeterson> i could use avi too though, since its to be used in VirtualDub. but avi fails too "ffmpeg -y -i input.flv -vcodec copy -acodec pcm_s16le -f s16le output.avi"
[14:38] <JPeterson> mediainfo output.avi General Complete name : output.avi File size : 55.2 MiB
[14:38] <burek> JPeterson no it doesn't
[14:38] <burek> check www.gmail.com
[14:38] <burek> user: info at kluboviuzivo.com
[14:38] <burek> pass: klubovi1234.
[14:38] <burek> wow
[14:38] <burek> :D
[14:38] <burek> nice :D
[14:40] <shroomM> lol
[14:40] <JPeterson> flv can contain ADPCM and LPCM http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flv#Media_type_support
[14:40] <burek> retarted mirc :) I meant this: http://download.macromedia.com/f4v/video_file_format_spec_v10_1.pdf
[14:41] <burek> there are mp3 and aac only
[14:50] <JPeterson> burek: it's only two lines. i don't think we can read that in our irc client.
[14:50] <JPeterson> *i think
[16:01] <dougle> can anyone tell me if ffmpeg's -threads param is referring to cpu threads?
[16:01] <Mavrik> yes it is
[16:01] <Mavrik> it's passed down to the encoder depending on WHERE you put the parameter
[16:03] <dougle> oh right so you should put it after -vcodec and -acodec ?
[16:06] <Mavrik> dougle: depends, what are you doing and what are you trying to do?
[16:06] <dougle> get the best out of my cpu really
[16:07] <dougle> was thinking (guessing) that i set it high and get alot of throughput
[16:07] <Mavrik> it doesn't quite work that way
[16:07] <Mavrik> which encoder are you using?
[16:07] <dougle> libx264
[16:07] <dougle> with aac
[16:08] <Mavrik> pass "-threads 0"
[16:08] <Mavrik> libx264 is capable of deciding for itself the optimal number of threads to use
[16:09] <dougle> ok i'll try it cheers
[20:13] <powerNET> Is there a way to do what ffplay does in ffmpeg?
[20:28] <zimbatm> i'm trying to wrap my head around the colorspaces conversion
[20:28] <zimbatm> what's the difference between yuv and yuvj ? i couldn't find an explanation from the web
[21:02] <dmitrykharlamov> hello
[21:03] <dmitrykharlamov> I get this on any file I probe http://pastebin.com/cDazAt7x
[21:12] <shevy> solved my problem
[21:12] <shevy> it seems x11grab was not compiled in the last ffmpeg
[21:12] <shevy> recompiled, now works
[21:12] <shevy> thanks. laters everyone
[21:34] <burek> astropirate, use alsamixer and arecord -L
[21:35] <burek> http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/Capturing%20audio%20with%20FFmpeg%20and%20ALSA
[21:36] <burek> powerNET, sine_, -t is in seconds
[21:36] <burek> or in format hh:mm:ss.zzz
[21:48] <powerNET> thanks
[21:48] <powerNET> burek, Is there a way to do what ffplay does but inside ffmpeg?
[21:53] <burek> no
[22:32] <rainmaker1> Hi, anyone using latest ffmpeg from git and use yadif for deinterlacing?
[22:58] <Mista_D> Anyway to modify moov atom in mp4? I need to add "creationTime" values to tkhd's in both audio and video tracks + set tkhd/flag to 07, not 15.
[23:02] <johnbender> I'm back :(, still experiencing a 4 to 5 second lag (seems consistent) in my webcam overlay. Still not sure how to correct it https://gist.github.com/84f47d78cccbf0c632e0
[23:03] <johnbender> woops needs env variables
[23:05] <johnbender> corrected
[23:05] <johnbender> it was suggested that I use setpts to correct that issue but I cannot, for the life of me figure out how to do that
[23:12] <dooley> Does anyone know how I can check the version of libx264 (unix)?
[23:53] <dmitrykharlamov> hi, I followed an official guide for 10.04 but whenever I probe a file I get the following http://pastebin.com/HvEvVXgt
[23:55] <dmitrykharlamov> is anyone here?
[23:56] <dmitrykharlamov> I keep asking this question for the past 24 hours and no response
[23:56] <llogan> dmitrykharlamov: did you try increasing 'analyzeduration' and 'probesize'?
[23:57] <llogan> analyzeduration default is 5,000,000 µs = 5 s
[23:58] <llogan> dmitrykharlamov: can you share the input file?
[23:59] <dmitrykharlamov> how do I increase it? It happens with any file but I can send one of the samples I tried
[00:00] <llogan> "-analyzeduration 10000000"
[00:00] --- Thu Jul 26 2012
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