[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120531
burek021 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 1 02:05:02 CEST 2012
[00:25] <burek> eok :)
[00:25] <burek> btw, why crtmp server? :)
[00:26] <burek> you can use ffserver too :)
[01:23] <robertzaccour> does installing kdenlive install everything ffmpeg also?
[01:23] <robertzaccour> I don't wanna install ffmpeg and screw up kdenlive codecs
[01:23] <Keshl> Wrong channel. Ask your distro's pacjage manager, oÉo.
[01:23] <robertzaccour> or vise versa
[01:23] <Keshl> *package
[01:24] <robertzaccour> ask my distro's package manager huh?
[01:25] <Keshl> Yeah.
[01:25] <Keshl> Ffmpeg only manages ffmpeg.
[01:25] <Keshl> We don't manage kdenlive.
[01:25] <Keshl> Ask whoever provides your packages.
[01:36] <pasteeater> robertzaccour: ffmpeg is a dependency for kdenlive in ubuntu
[01:36] <pasteeater> meaning it will also automatically install ffmpeg from the repo if you install kdenlive
[01:37] <robertzaccour> pasteeater, all codecs ?
[01:38] <pasteeater> you should additionally install libavcodec-extra-53 to enable the encoders that are not enabled by default in ubuntu's ffmpeg
[01:39] <pasteeater> you can still install ffmpeg from the repository AND compile and run ffmpeg from source.
[01:40] <pasteeater> i may change the ubuntu guide to install locally to avoid repo ffmpeg conflict.
[02:20] <reisio> so... the humming birds... explanation? :p
[02:23] <Keshl> oÉo?
[03:36] <LittleFoot> hi
[03:37] <LittleFoot> can some one explain how i make my desktop screencast into a HD utube vieo
[03:40] <pasteeater> LittleFoot: did the command you provided earlier not produce a sufficient output?
[03:40] <LittleFoot> oh want to help me optimize
[03:40] <LittleFoot> :/
[03:40] <pasteeater> i'm assuming the lossless output is simply too large in file size for uploading
[03:40] <pasteeater> so just re-encode the lossless output
[03:40] <LittleFoot> ok first
[03:41] <LittleFoot> is the lossless comand im using the best im going to get
[03:41] <pasteeater> yes, probably
[03:41] <LittleFoot> ffmpeg -f alsa -i pulse -async 1 -f x11grab -r 30 -s 640x480 -i :0.0 -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast -threads 0 ~/output.mkv
[03:41] <LittleFoot> this
[03:41] <pasteeater> you might see a performance increase by using a more recent ffmpeg and x264
[03:41] <LittleFoot> also how do i change 640... with a dynamic desktop size
[03:42] <LittleFoot> im using mpeg from SVN
[03:42] <LittleFoot> FFmpeg version SVN-r26400,
[03:42] <sacarasc> SVN? That is very out of date and not updated any more.
[03:42] <sacarasc> It's 17 months old.
[03:43] <praedo> hello
[03:43] <LittleFoot> ok
[03:43] <LittleFoot> and this? x264 --version
[03:43] <LittleFoot> x264 0.125.2200 999b753
[03:44] <praedo> i have a 720x480 video with a 16:9 DAR ... the problem is that a special flash player doesn't recognize it as 16:9 ... how can i fix the file without full processing it?
[03:49] <LittleFoot> i dont think u can
[03:52] <LittleFoot> pasteeater, ?
[04:00] <pasteeater> LittleFoot: use a less graybeard ffmpeg and we'll talk
[04:01] <pasteeater> there's a good chance that there are some compile guides depending on your distro
[04:02] <pasteeater> but now i must go
[04:04] <LittleFoot> graybeard!
[04:04] <LittleFoot> wth
[05:51] <sente> hi all, i've generated a series of 1280x720 png files and i'm slightly confused how to generate the 'highest quality' video from the images
[06:36] <Keshl> sente: Raw video is gunna kill you, trust me. Imagine saving each and every frame as a 24-bit .bmp file. That's how big it'd be.
[06:36] <Keshl> You need to use some form of lossless video. When played at 30-60 FPS you won't really notice a difference with some encoders.
[06:37] <Keshl> Try using x264 first, with a CRF of 25 or so. Usually works for me, oÉo.
[06:50] <sente> Keshl: thi sis what i've done
[06:50] <sente> ffmpeg -i good_%04d.png -sameq good_2500_2.flv
[06:50] <sente> i had difficulty getting the command line args to work
[06:51] <Keshl> I'm not too experienced with it, sorry.
[06:51] <Keshl> I just know how to make x264 stuff. -É-
[06:51] <sente> such that you know the command line args i'd need for it?
[06:51] <Keshl> Yeah, oÉo.
[06:53] <Keshl> Kaidurwegu. -É-
[06:55] <Keshl> ffmpeg.exe -r %4 -i "D%\%1%0%2d.png" -vcodec libx264 -preset slow -crf %3 -threads 0 "%1_x264.mp4" Save that as a .bat, then run it like this: x264.bat (Name of file, EG if it's "frame_001.png", say "frame_") (number of digits after the _ in the file's name) (quality, lower is better, you'll want around 25) (Frames per second)
[06:56] <Keshl> Er.
[06:56] <Keshl> Typo.
[06:56] <Keshl> ffmpeg.exe -r %4 -i "D%\%1%0%2d.png" -vcodec libx264 -preset slow -crf %3 -threads 0 "%1_x264.mp4"
[06:56] <Keshl> wtf.
[06:56] <Keshl> ....Ah, IRC color codes.
[06:56] <Keshl> http://pastebin.com/ZcZzjsTK
[06:58] <Keshl> You want to be around 25, cuz if you bring it too low then you get choppy video either cuz the processor or disk can't keep up, and obviously too low and you get fuzzy.
[06:58] <Keshl> At 25 I don't notice /any/ loss in quality.
[07:46] <sente> Keshl: sorry, i had to leave abrputly
[07:46] <sente> i'm on linux also, by the way
[07:55] <sente> hrm, my ffmpeg doesn't seem so compatible with yours :P
[08:35] <Keshl> sente: Okay, then replace what I said thusly.
[08:36] <Keshl> ffmpeg -r (FRAMERATEGOESHERE) -i "(INPUTFILEGOESHERELIKYOUHAVEITALREADY)" -vcodec libx264 -preset slow -crf (ABOUT25HERE) -threads 0 "(OUTPUTFILEHERE).mp4"
[08:36] <sente> Keshl: my version doesn't have -preset
[08:37] <sente> and '-threads 0' causes it to crash
[08:37] <Keshl> You're outdated then, oÉo.
[08:37] <Keshl> Use the latest build from source if needed.
[08:37] <sente> that's prolly also why it can't find the codec
[08:37] <sente> which you used
[08:37] <Keshl> You /need/ -preset to use libx264.
[08:37] <Keshl> and -threads 0 makes it use all availbe cores.
[08:39] <sente> what version are you running?
[08:40] <Keshl> Built yesterday.
[08:58] <ubitux> shroomM: no but ffmpeg can.
[08:58] <ubitux> (about your question on the other chan)
[08:59] <ubitux> < Baylink1> A quick glance at that suggests one must manually specify the starting timecode // yep, libavfilter is not aware of the format and streams metadata
[09:00] <ubitux> we should find a way of injecting metadata in the filtergraph if we want this
[09:00] <ubitux> we also need to transmit the framerate
[09:00] <shroomM> ubitux via the ass filter ?
[09:01] <ubitux> shroomM: yes
[09:01] <shroomM> "ass"* :P
[09:01] <ubitux> Baylink1: so until then you need to manually extract it with a ffprobe -v 0 -show_format -show_streams|grep timecode=
[09:01] <shroomM> i assume the libass lib only support .ass subtitles?
[09:01] <shroomM> or does it accept srt also?
[09:01] <ubitux> shroomM: yes but ffmpeg supports some subtitles convert
[09:01] <ubitux> ffmpeg -i in.srt out.ass
[09:01] <shroomM> yeah, I can convert, just wondering
[09:02] <ubitux> yes that's a temporary workaround, but not that much pain
[09:02] <shroomM> yeah
[09:02] <ubitux> subtitles work is in progress
[09:02] <shroomM> thanks
[09:02] <shroomM> one more question..
[09:02] <shroomM> can ffmpeg convert a single input to multiple outputs?
[09:02] <shroomM> as in
[09:02] <shroomM> -i something.ts and then 3 libx264 outputs ?
[09:02] <ubitux> yes
[09:03] <shroomM> guess I'll have to compile ffmpeg
[09:03] <shroomM> is the syntax any different from avconv?
[09:04] <shroomM> or have all the changes been merged?
[09:04] <shroomM> I recall them changing some stuff
[09:04] <ubitux> all the changes are merged so it should be possible
[09:05] <shroomM> k, thanks!
[09:07] <ubitux> ./ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc=d=5 -q:v 5 out5.avi -q:v 10 out10.avi -q:v 15 out15.avi
[09:07] <ubitux> this makes 3 5sec videos with 3 different qualities
[09:08] <shroomM> cool
[09:08] <sente> Keshl: thank you for the help
[09:08] <sente> just finished building/installing ffmpeg, i think its working now
[09:09] <sente> what would you recommend for -crf and -r values
[09:11] <sente> here's a .gif of a subset of the pngs i'm using -- http://c.sente.cc/3Is4/good_every_10.gif
[09:12] <ubitux> this doesn't look like -f lavfi -i mandelbrot :)
[09:14] <Keshl> sente: Welcomes, oÉo.
[09:14] <Keshl> -crf is 25, if ever in doubt.
[09:14] <Keshl> -r depends on what you rendered at.
[09:14] <Keshl> I can't answer that for you.
[09:15] <Keshl> Higher FPS means faster (and smoother) animation.
[09:15] <Keshl> Most monitors can only display 60 FPS at the most.
[09:15] <Keshl> Most games are designed to run at at least 30 FPS, most cinema movies run at 24 FPS.
[09:15] <Keshl> And 15 is considered the bare minium in any case.
[09:16] <Keshl> If you're going for HD video most people will say to use 24, but if you have a choice (And processing power/hardware), I'd say try to go for 60. Really does make a difference.
[09:17] <Keshl> Looks like the video you have is made by ffmpeg. Render it at -r 60 from the start and you'll get what you want.
[11:47] <burek> praedo, if you have an option in your player to specify width/height of your video, then you can do it that way
[11:50] <burek> sente, -sameq is most probably not what you think it is.. read the documentation about it to see for yourself
[12:17] Action: Keshl huggles people to sleep -É-
[14:08] <shroomM> so I have an 1080i live input stream
[14:08] <shroomM> h264
[14:08] <shroomM> I want to open it with ffmpeg, deinterlace it and then resize it to two resolutions
[14:08] <shroomM> then encode each of them with libx264
[14:08] <shroomM> is there any way to do this
[14:08] <shroomM> with ffmpeg
[14:09] <shroomM> to do it live
[14:09] <shroomM> as the stream is coming in
[14:09] <burek> yes
[14:09] <shroomM> any example clis ?
[14:09] <burek> ffmpeg -i input -vf yadif -vcodec libx264 -s AxB output1 -vcodec libx264 -s CxD output2
[14:11] <shroomM> ah, awesome
[14:11] <shroomM> thanks
[14:11] <burek> :beer: :)
[14:11] <shroomM> :)
[15:35] <carnau> Hi, I'm trying to convert some videos including an animation through php. The interface works well, but ffmpeg returns an error: ". Changing frame properties on the fly is not supported". This is the command I'm trying to execute: http://pastebin.com/Ta0RTWVy . May anyone help me? Thank you!
[15:39] <burek> carnau,
[15:39] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[15:39] <burek> not just script
[15:42] <carnau> burek, yes, doing it
[15:46] <carnau> burek, this is the report log: http://pastebin.com/8FUHLcY5
[15:49] <burek> this might be a bug
[15:49] <burek> but, since you are not using the latest version of ffmpeg
[15:49] <burek> we can't know for sure
[15:54] <carnau> burek, which version is the latest? I thought that 0.10.3 was the first stable.
[15:54] <burek> nope
[15:54] <burek> latest git version im afraid
[15:54] <burek> but if you cant compile your ffmpeg for any reasons
[15:54] <burek> try this
[15:55] <burek> if it works, then you are lucky and it was a bug that was fixed
[15:56] <carnau> I want to compile it myself, it's how I have it now.
[15:56] <burek> then get the latest git version
[15:58] <carnau> burek, I'll try it, many thanks. Anyway I've done some conversions to this files yesterday without problem. So weird.
[15:59] <burek> or the input file might be damaged
[15:59] <saste_> carnau: damn it *was* supported before the libav merge...
[16:00] <saste_> carnau: you can try with an older version (0.10 or previous should do it), input is normalized to the initial size/format
[16:01] <carnau> saste_, I'll try it, thanks!
[16:01] <carnau> I'm on 0.10.3 now
[16:02] <eok> is it possible to duplicate output in ffmpeg
[16:02] <eok> send one to stream and save to disk at the same time=
[16:02] <carnau> compiled the 0.10.3 now, it works
[16:03] <burek> eok, yes
[16:03] <carnau> so, probably something is prevent ffmpeg works when I reboot the machine
[16:04] <burek> carnau, do you have installed your compiled ffmpeg only
[16:04] <carnau> yes
[16:04] <burek> or do you have ffmpeg from the distribution also installed
[16:04] <saste_> eok: not yet, work in progress
[16:04] <carnau> no, just the compiled one
[16:04] <carnau> I'll check it anyway
[16:04] <saste_> burek: how?
[16:05] <burek> 2 outputs? :)
[16:05] <burek> how what? :)
[16:05] <saste_> yes, indeed, i was thinking too much in term of libavfilter API
[16:05] <eok> im confused :(
[16:05] <carnau> nothing installed, rpm -qa | grep ffmpeg returns empty result
[16:05] <saste_> eok: so yes it is possible with ffmpeg the tool
[16:05] <burek> carnau, try grep libav
[16:05] <eok> how do i do it?
[16:06] <eok> tried searching in the documentation
[16:06] <carnau> empty
[16:06] <burek> eok, ffmpeg -i input -vcodec ... output1 -vcodec ... output2
[16:06] <burek> carnau, ok
[16:06] <eok> ahh that easy huh? :)
[16:07] <burek> maybe it would be possible to avoid 2 encoders using something like this
[16:08] <burek> ffmpeg -i input -vcodec ... -f mpegts - | ffmpeg -f mpegts -i - -vcodec copy output1.flv -vcodec copy -f mpegts udp://bla:port
[16:09] <carnau> so, something is done in make install that fix the bug, but a reboot reproduces it. Good beginning with ffmpeg :-)
[16:13] <tonsofpcs> hi, I have an Op1a MXF file with a SMPTE 436M data track that I'd like to demux. Anyone know what commands I would need to run to do so? (or perhaps another tool that is easier to do such with than ffmpeg)
[16:17] <burek> tonsofpcs, can you type ffmpeg -i yourinput
[16:17] <burek> and use the pastebin.com to show us the output?
[16:18] <tonsofpcs> possibly; I'd have to install ffmpeg first :) [silly windows]
[16:19] <tonsofpcs> (doing so now)
[16:22] <tonsofpcs> burek: you just want to see the track list?
[16:25] <burek> I need to see the output of that ffmpeg command
[16:28] <tonsofpcs> http://tonsofpcs.com/paste/ffmpeg-i_mxf.txt
[16:29] <tonsofpcs> I believe stream 0:5 is what I want.
[16:31] <tonsofpcs> is it just ffmepg -i file.mxf -map 0:5 output ?
[16:33] <burek> yes
[16:33] <tonsofpcs> hmm... not working
[16:34] <tonsofpcs> [NULL @ 03b948c0] Unable to find a suitable output format for 'smpte436m'
[16:34] <tonsofpcs> (that's what I named the output file)
[16:34] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[16:36] <tonsofpcs> ok, let me move the file to my internal HDD so that these commands run faster
[16:37] <tonsofpcs> i'll be putting text files up just like the last one though, don't want to leave this on pastebin.com
[16:37] <burek> ok
[16:37] <tonsofpcs> (also, their interface has driven me crazy recently)
[16:37] <tonsofpcs> :)
[16:38] <tonsofpcs> windows says 6 minutes to copy...
[16:45] <tonsofpcs> http://tonsofpcs.com/paste/ffmpeg_demux_attempt001.txt
[16:49] <burek> oh
[16:49] <burek> well, ffmpeg says that it has an unknown input so it doesn't know how to correctly guess the "most suitable" output format
[16:49] <burek> meaning you have to tell it
[16:49] <burek> try this:
[16:49] <burek> ffmpeg.exe -i source.mxf -map 0:5 -c copy smpte436m
[16:49] <tonsofpcs> well, I just want to dump the data stream that is that 0:5 stream
[16:50] <tonsofpcs> ok :)
[16:50] <tonsofpcs> same error.
[16:50] <tonsofpcs> oh, wait, i typo'd that, hold on
[16:50] <tonsofpcs> nope, same error.
[16:51] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[16:51] <tonsofpcs> http://tonsofpcs.com/paste/ffmpeg_demux_attempt002.txt
[16:51] <burek> try naming your output like smpte436m.mxf
[16:52] <tonsofpcs> seems like it's trying to generate mxf (uploading text now)
[16:53] <tonsofpcs> http://tonsofpcs.com/paste/ffmpeg_demux_attempt003.txt
[16:54] <tonsofpcs> is there a way to tell it to not mux the output?
[16:55] <tonsofpcs> oh, and it did generate a 0 byte smpte436m.mxf
[16:56] <burek> maybe -f rawvideo
[16:56] <burek> before output name
[16:57] <tonsofpcs> it seems to be thinking about it... ("size= 0kB time=00:00:00.00 bitrate= 0.0kbits/s", still running)
[16:58] <tonsofpcs> i'll give it a minute or two
[16:58] <tonsofpcs> mind you, this isn't video (well, it kinda is but it kinda isn't....)
[16:59] <burek> well, it's a wild guess
[16:59] <tonsofpcs> finished, did nothing... (uploading)
[16:59] <tonsofpcs> http://tonsofpcs.com/paste/ffmpeg_demux_attempt004.txt
[17:01] <tonsofpcs> I mean, I basically want to pipe that stream as demuxed into a file, without doing anything further to its bits...
[17:01] <burek> yes, I get it
[17:02] <tonsofpcs> I'm just hoping that maybe saying it a different way might make something click in one of our heads that says "oh, yes, that!" :)
[17:04] <burek> I'm asking developers now, to see if it is possible
[17:04] <burek> please wait just a little bit
[17:07] <tonsofpcs> hmm.... I wonder if I can force the source stream to be recognized as video instead of data? (I found some comments on this type of track here: http://ffmpeg-users.933282.n4.nabble.com/data-codecs-td4331988.html )
[17:07] <tonsofpcs> oh, and if it matters, the MXF file is Op1a
[17:10] <burek> I'm afraid that won't be possible using ffmpeg :/
[17:11] <eok> anyone know why i get a segmentation fault when trying to use video4linux and pulse as inputs?
[17:11] <burek> btw, I think that it's a bug
[17:11] <burek> your 4th attempt
[17:11] <burek> http://tonsofpcs.com/paste/ffmpeg_demux_attempt004.txt
[17:11] <tonsofpcs> won't be or simply isn't now?
[17:11] <eok> using hw:0,0 works like a charm
[17:11] <burek> ffmpeg clearly said that it's gonna copy that data stream
[17:11] <burek> and ended up with empty file
[17:11] <burek> so, you might report that as a bug
[17:11] <burek> and hope for a quick fix
[17:12] <burek> or you can google a little bit more on how to extract it with another tool :/
[17:12] <tonsofpcs> well, it did copy all video that it saw....
[17:12] <tonsofpcs> yea, I'm going to try contacting the people who wrote those posts to see if they found anything suitable.
[17:12] <burek> Stream mapping:
[17:12] <burek> Stream #0:5 -> #0:0 (copy)
[17:12] <burek> that's what I'm talking about
[17:50] <phraktal77> I'm trying to transcode audio/video coming from a webcam. I got both of them to work, but the whole stream is delayed by about 7-10 seconds.. Is there anything that can be done about it ?
[17:50] <phraktal77> ffmpeg -f alsa -i default -f video4linux2 -s hd720 -r 25 -i /dev/video0 -f webm http://localhost:8091/publish/first?password=secret
[18:23] <mike_hurley_1> hopefully this is something simple but i don't see anything that pops out in the docs -- is there a way to tell ffmpeg to start video/audio timestamps with a certain value? or, to my needs, is there a way to have ffmpeg merge many input videos into 1 with gaps between the segments to match the real time between the segments?
[18:30] <undercash> hi
[18:31] <undercash> i use this to broadcast with ffmpeg
[18:31] <undercash> http://pastebin.com/uka2Dz8x
[18:32] <undercash> is it possible to add a logo with transparency in the corner of the video?
[18:34] <ubitux> undercash: http://ffmpeg.org/libavfilter.html#overlay-1
[18:36] <undercash> thx
[18:36] <undercash> i want to do it with a simple image file
[18:36] <undercash> it s in there?
[18:36] <ubitux> look at the third example
[18:37] <LittleFoot> sup gaize
[18:37] <undercash> i see
[18:37] <undercash> thk you
[18:37] <LittleFoot> ive dicovered .webm
[18:37] <LittleFoot> \o/
[18:39] <undercash> it s much more cpu intensive to add that overlay?
[18:40] <LittleFoot> i doubt it
[18:40] <LittleFoot> cpu depends on fps and size of image
[18:40] <LittleFoot> movie
[18:40] <undercash> k
[18:40] <LittleFoot> not so much sound either
[19:48] <vph> hi there
[19:49] <vph> anyone to support me for ffmpeg compiling ?
[19:50] <vph> When running install, I get the following error ERROR: libvpx decoder version must be >=0.9.1
[20:26] <iive> vph: the error looks straight forward. Check the version of the vpx library (this is the vp8 one, isn't it?)
[20:44] <DelphiWorld> hello guys
[20:44] <DelphiWorld> i'm about to cry;(
[20:44] <DelphiWorld> can please someone help me transcode a live stream to h.264 and aac audio ?
[20:46] <pasteeater> DelphiWorld: use a pastebin site to show your ffmpeg command and the complete console output
[20:46] <DelphiWorld> pasteeater: lovely
[20:46] <DelphiWorld> pasteeater: i'm using ffserver.
[20:48] <pasteeater> I don't have much experience with that unfortunately.
[20:48] <DelphiWorld> pasteeater: anyway you may be good on it;)
[20:49] <DelphiWorld> pasteeater: http://paste.debian.net/172247/ is the config file
[20:49] <DelphiWorld> pasteeater: and here's the sdp output: http://paste.debian.net/172249/
[20:49] <DelphiWorld> yo iive ;)
[20:50] <pasteeater> also unfortunate is the ffserver example using libx264 i was going to refer to is now 404
[20:51] <DelphiWorld> :)
[20:52] <DelphiWorld> if you have any idea pasteeater please tel me. i want to input a multicast and transcode it to http unicast with h.264 and aac
[20:54] <pasteeater> there's always ffserver-user mailing list, but it is somewhat quiet
[21:05] <DelphiWorld> i'm not lucky at all ;(
[22:02] <mike_hurley_1> when using the setpts filter, should ffprobe show those new pts values when doing -show_packets?
[22:48] <mbradshaw> I'm trying to build ffmpeg for max os x i386 (32 bit libs), but it's choking on some x86 asm in libswscale (see http://pastebin.com/DgKyxi5S )
[22:48] <smjms> libavcodec/libx264.c:478: error: undefined reference to 'x264_encoder_open_125' is this a known error?
[22:49] <mbradshaw> Does anyone know how to build ffmpeg for mac os x (32 bit)?
[22:50] <sacarasc> smjms: It is when you have 2 versions of x264 installed.
[22:51] <burek> mbradshaw, "WARNING: pkg-config not found, library detection may fail."
[22:51] <burek> install pkg-config
[22:52] <smjms> what does checkinstall do?
[22:52] <mbradshaw> hmm, I'd gone all these years without it. I'll install it and try. Thanks burek.
[23:00] <smjms> if that's the problem, Ubuntu install guide should tell you to remove the x264 libraries as well
[23:00] <sacarasc> It does.
[23:01] <sacarasc> The first line is `sudo apt-get remove ffmpeg x264 libvpx-dev libx264-dev`
[23:01] <burek> :D
[23:02] <smjms> I still have my libx264-120
[23:03] <smjms> but the problem might be the thing I just removed, time to recompile again
[23:07] <cbsrobot> mbradshaw: http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/MacOSXCompilationGuide
[23:11] <cbsrobot> and there is also: http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/353#comment:8
[23:14] <mbradshaw> cbsrobot, I'm not sure that's related to me... I'm on OS X 10.6 using gcc4.2. The issue is from x86 inline assembly in swscale (not a makefile failure or linker error).
[23:15] <mbradshaw> burek, pkg-config didn't help, I just tried to remake it and it failed on libswscale/x86/rgb2rgb_template.c again
[23:23] <smjms> nope, still doesn't work, and I'd have to remove 18 packages to remove libx264-120
[23:24] <smjms> but it's a different error
[23:24] <burek> smjms, try running your ffmpeg like this then: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib ffmpeg
[23:24] <smjms> it's now just ERROR: libx264 not found
[23:25] <burek> oh
[23:25] <burek> well you are missing libx264-dev
[23:25] <burek> either compile it or install it
[23:25] <burek> cbsrobot, :beer: :)
[23:25] <smjms> but, I just installed x264
[23:26] <cbsrobot> burek: mine is finished - need anotherone
[23:26] <burek> well ok, but you need x264-dev not x264
[23:26] <smjms> configured with --enable-static and --enable-shared
[23:26] <mbradshaw> smjms, did you --enable-shared or --enable-static when you build and installed x264? by default it doesn't build and install the dev libs
[23:26] <smjms> well, yes
[23:28] <mbradshaw> smjms, if you did apt-get x264 then you didn't configure and build x264 yourself, so you didn't get the dev libs. Like burek said, you need to apt-get x264-dev (or download x264 source and configure it yourself with --enable-shared or --enable-static)
[23:29] <smjms> I haven't apt-getted anything, just removed and compiled
[23:30] <pasteeater> burek: it is not recommended to install libx264-dev, and compiling x264 will provide the necessary files that libx264-dev would
[23:30] <burek> I said either install -dev or compile from source.. btw, why is it not recommended? too old?
[23:30] <pasteeater> smjms: i probably didn't need to remove libx264-120
[23:30] <pasteeater> s/i/you
[23:31] <smjms> pasteeater: okay, what should I do?
[23:31] <burek> smjms, http://ffmpeg.gusari.org/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=14
[23:31] <burek> it takes 4 minutes in total
[23:31] <burek> on dual core
[23:31] <pasteeater> burek: yes, in the past it was often ass-old, but i believe it is also --enable-shared
[23:32] <burek> pasteeater, I see
[23:32] <burek> ok
[23:32] <burek> good to know :)
[23:32] <pasteeater> but i haven't checked in a while
[23:32] <pasteeater> smjms: can you use pastebin to show your config.log?
[23:33] <smjms> of ffmpeg? sure
[23:33] <pasteeater> and doublecheck to see if x264 even got installed.
[23:33] <DelphiWorld> burek: so you let me stuck ?
[23:34] <burek> DelphiWorld?
[23:34] <DelphiWorld> burek: would you please heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp me ;)
[23:34] <smjms> I do have the libraries in /usr/local
[23:34] <DelphiWorld> burek: for that transcoding/streaming issue
[23:34] <smjms> also bin/x264
[23:35] <pasteeater> /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin?
[23:35] <smjms> http://paste.servut.us/plain/j6fd
[23:35] <smjms> /usr/local/bin
[23:36] <burek> DelphiWorld, can you please repeat what exactly is your issue?
[23:36] <DelphiWorld> burek: my need: i have multicast streams. want to unicast them in mms or http stream, and h.264/AAC transcode them. thank you burek burek burek ;)
[23:37] <DelphiWorld> burek: but, i see the ffserver producing a sdp file without any ip address in ip4. i see
[23:38] <pasteeater> smjms: how else did you deviate from the guide other than ffmpeg ./configure?
[23:39] <smjms> I didn't do it by the guide for the most part
[23:41] <smjms> I'm going to try recompiling x264 with default settings + shared + static
[23:45] <smjms> ok, same result
[23:46] <smjms> pasteeater: did you find anything?
[23:47] <smjms> mostly I just used 'make install' instead of checkinstall
[23:48] <smjms> and what does 'hash x264 ffmpeg ffplay ffprobe' do?
[23:49] <sacarasc> Determine and remember the full pathname of each command NAME. If
[23:49] <sacarasc> no arguments are given, information about remembered commands is displayed.
[23:49] <pasteeater> checkinstall will integrate it into the package management system. hash is just preventive in case ffmpeg from the repo or the others listed are used...
[23:50] <pasteeater> uninstalled, and then compiled versions are installed and then attempted to be used.
[23:50] <pasteeater> all within the same session. otherwise the shell will look for the binary in the wrong place.
[23:51] <pasteeater> or you could simply run "hash -r", but i only wanted it to affect what the guide installs
[23:54] <smjms> I'll try just doing it exactly by the guide
[23:55] <pasteeater> sorry, i didn't get to look yet.
[00:00] --- Fri Jun 1 2012
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