[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120229

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 02:05:02 CET 2012

[00:02] <Halexander9000> burek: http://pastebin.com/iRyLKFZh
[00:02] <Christophe_v_E> Is there a way to navigate to a directory other than c:\ ? I didn't find find that.
[00:03] <burek> cd bla
[00:03] <burek> that enters the directory named bla
[00:03] <burek> if you want to go out of that dir, type: cd ..
[00:03] <burek> Halexander9000, let me see
[00:04] <burek> [ogg @ 0xa8ffaa0] Broken file, keyframe not correctly marked.
[00:04] <burek> there you go
[00:04] <Halexander9000> burek: So, what does that mean?
[00:04] <burek> your input is damaged
[00:04] <burek> i guess
[00:04] <Halexander9000> ... I don't know how...
[00:04] <burek> you need to ask someone more experienced here with theora
[00:04] <burek> but i would say
[00:04] <burek> that its probable that
[00:04] <Halexander9000> It's fine when I play the input file with vlc.
[00:04] <burek> your machine was too slow to capture and encode
[00:05] <burek> so it made a few "glitches"
[00:05] <Halexander9000> Just the output that's crappy. The mp4 didn't even play at all.
[00:05] <burek> would you like to tray to capture your desktop with ffmpeg
[00:05] <Halexander9000> burek: It didn't need to encode. It encoded after I finished recording. I'm using recordmydesktop. It's what it does.
[00:05] <burek> just to see if it will be any better
[00:05] <Halexander9000> How do I do that?
[00:06] <burek> wait wait
[00:06] <burek> when after?
[00:06] <burek> you mean it saved it all as an unencoded video first?
[00:06] <Halexander9000> Yup. In a temporary file. Raw footage. I have a 160gb drive, I'm not worried about space.
[00:06] <burek> do you have that original
[00:06] <Halexander9000> Nope. I don't think so.
[00:07] <Christophe_v_E> Great, I managed to execute a command. ffmpeg -i video_1.flv -ss 20 -t 6 -vcodec copy -vcodec copy video_1_split1.flv Are there any pointers on how to loop through video_1.flv to video_25.flv with a variable start & length? I suppose there is documentation about this?
[00:07] <burek> Halexander9000, too bad :(
[00:07] <burek> ffmpeg would do it perfectly
[00:07] <Halexander9000> Recordmydesktop probably deletes the file it stores in TMP after it's done encoding.
[00:07] <cbsrobot> Halexander9000: http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#X11-grabbing
[00:07] <Halexander9000> burek: Is cbsrobot trustworthy?
[00:07] <burek> :D
[00:08] <burek> he surely is :)
[00:08] <Halexander9000> I don't want to be trolled anytime soon.
[00:08] <burek> anyway
[00:08] Action: cbsrobot feels burek needs some help
[00:08] <burek> is there any tool that can check the validity of ogv media?
[00:09] <Halexander9000> burek: Will ffmpeg encode the file late and not in real time? I really appreciate more frames per second in minecraft when it does that.
[00:09] <Halexander9000> later*
[00:09] <burek> oh.. it might be a bug in ffmpeg :D
[00:09] <Halexander9000> ?
[00:10] <burek> Halexander9000, your best bet, no matter what program you use, is to not use encoding
[00:10] <cbsrobot> Christophe_v_E: http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~r92092/ref/win32/win32scripting.html
[00:10] <burek> so, just grab your desktop screen and save it asap
[00:10] <burek> not to loose any frame
[00:10] <Halexander9000> Ok... I'll if it works.
[00:10] <burek> and later, "offline", you can encode i
[00:10] <burek> t
[00:10] <Halexander9000> I'll see*
[00:11] <Halexander9000> burek: Do I use this command "fmpeg -f x11grab -s cif -r 25 -i :0.0 /tmp/out.mpg"
[00:11] <Christophe_v_E> Would it be possible to perform the above mentioned using PHP? I made the part that downloads the videos in php too.
[00:11] <burek> -s is the size of the frame you are recording
[00:12] <burek> -i 0:0 are X:Y coords of the upper left corner
[00:12] <burek> -r is a framerate
[00:12] <burek> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html
[00:12] <burek> there you have more info
[00:12] <cbsrobot> Christophe_v_E: sure - or c or Ocaml or scheme or c# or vb ...
[00:13] <Halexander9000> I need to close pidgin to record. Hold on, I'll be back.
[00:13] <burek> make a loop in php
[00:13] <burek> and just change the -ss param and the output name and that's it
[00:13] <cbsrobot> *infinte
[00:13] <cbsrobot> *infinite loop
[00:15] <Christophe_v_E> Allright, I'll have a look into it, thanks a lot burek and cbsrobot .
[00:16] <burek> :beer: :)
[00:24] <Christophe_v_E> Hm, I got it to work for the specific file and the specific length & start point - however, I don't see a way to determine between which numbers the variables should be. I have videos of an hour long and videos of 2 minutes - how would FFmpeg check for length? Sorry if I'm asking much, I'm having fun learning.
[00:25] <burek> -ss and -t can be given either in seconds
[00:25] <Halexander9000> burek: Are you still there?
[00:25] <burek> or in hh:mm:ss[.xxx] format
[00:26] <burek> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html
[00:26] <Halexander9000> burek: Something stupid happened.
[00:26] <burek> Halexander9000, yes
[00:26] <burek> what
[00:26] <Halexander9000> Unknown input format: 'x11grab'
[00:26] <burek> oh
[00:27] <burek> well, we didn't include --enable-x11grab when we compiled ffmpeg :)
[00:27] <Halexander9000> :(
[00:27] <burek> I can only imagine how do you feel now :(
[00:27] <Halexander9000> Do I have to wait another hour to recompile that whole thing-ama-jig?
[00:27] <burek> michaelni, static ffmpeg? :)
[00:27] <burek> no you don't
[00:27] <burek> wait let me see
[00:27] <burek> can i find the link for you
[00:28] <burek> to just download-and-run it
[00:28] <Halexander9000> Because, I can do that if I need to.
[00:28] <burek> just a sec
[00:28] <burek> https://sites.google.com/site/linuxencoding/builds
[00:28] <cbsrobot> Halexander9000: how many cpus you have ?
[00:28] <burek> download ffmpeg-linux64-20120125.tar.bz2
[00:28] <burek> and run it BUT run it like ./ffmpeg not just ffmpeg
[00:29] <burek> if you just type ffmpeg it will run your compiled ffmpeg
[00:29] <Halexander9000> cbsrobot: [ O _o] Just one... It's an ASUS EEE PC 904HD netbook.
[00:29] <burek> if you type ./ffmpeg it will run that binary in the current directory
[00:29] <burek> which you just downloaded and extracted
[00:29] <burek> ok?
[00:29] <Halexander9000> burek: Yes.
[00:30] <burek> is your ubuntu 64bit?
[00:30] <burek> or 32bit
[00:30] <Halexander9000> burek: Have you even checked the specs on my retarded netbook? Of course it's 32bit.
[00:30] <burek> then wait
[00:30] <burek> those are 64bit builds
[00:30] <Halexander9000> I gathered...
[00:32] <burek> :S
[00:32] <burek> it seems no 32bit builds..
[00:32] <burek> can you try
[00:32] <burek> to use recordmydesktop without compressing the video
[00:32] <burek> ?
[00:33] <Halexander9000> I... don't think that's possible.
[00:33] <Halexander9000> I can show you the man page on recordmydesktop. It's online somewhere.
[00:33] <burek> or choose some lossless encoder
[00:34] <burek> like camtasia, camstudio
[00:34] <burek> AVI RLE something like that
[00:34] <Halexander9000> burek: http://recordmydesktop.sourceforge.net/manpage.php
[00:34] <Halexander9000> burek: You said I should not use encoding at all.
[00:35] <burek> well yes, that's lossless or uncompressed
[00:35] <burek> ok my fault
[00:35] <burek> those are not the same
[00:35] <burek> uncompressed is what I meant
[00:37] <Halexander9000> I don't think there's anything on that man page that tells you how to use another compression thing-ama-bob.
[00:37] <burek> Halexander9000, can you choose your compression options to be as least cpu intensive as they can
[00:37] <Halexander9000> burek: The problem is, it outputs as .ogv, which started this bloody problem in the first place.
[00:37] <Halexander9000> I can't change the output format.
[00:38] <burek> http://wiki.meetthegimp.org/doku.php?id=recording
[00:38] <burek> While recording is active, it can be suspending and resumed with Ctrl+Alt+P
[00:38] <burek> suspend your recording, find the temp file and duplicate it
[00:39] <Halexander9000> Do you see what I'm seeing? .ogv
[00:39] <Halexander9000> Only.
[00:39] <Halexander9000> At least for RecordMyDesktop.
[00:39] <burek> read again what I wrote
[00:40] <Halexander9000> burek: I already set the compression to the least cpu intensive setting.
[00:41] <burek> you're obviously not reading me
[00:41] <burek> read again
[00:41] <burek> The recording is done in an uncompressed format, so after it ended, a lengthy time can go by for encoding before the final muxed file is ready.
[00:41] <Halexander9000> burek: Trust me, I did. In the Gui version of it. Then I saved those settings. I believe it defaults to those when I use the command line.
[00:41] <Halexander9000> burek: I know.
[00:41] <burek> well just pause it
[00:41] <burek> and copy the temp (raw) file to a safe place
[00:42] <Halexander9000> Ah... I see.
[00:42] <burek> and we'll easily encode it with ffmpeg
[00:42] <Halexander9000> It's 1:42 am. Forgive me if I'm not that fast minded.
[00:43] <Halexander9000> Ok, I'll record something silly and then return.
[00:43] <burek> it's ok :)
[00:43] <burek> ok :)
[00:44] <Halexander9000> I don't need to use all those bally tags and setting.
[00:44] <burek> it doesn't matter
[00:44] <burek> those encoding options
[00:44] <burek> only apply after the recording is done
[00:48] <Halexander9000> burek: Paused. I'll check the TMP folder for any files.
[00:48] <burek> ok
[00:49] <burek> /home/user/.TMP
[00:50] <burek> http://www.chiptoxic.net/?q=node/18
[00:51] <Halexander9000> I can't seem to find it X(
[00:52] <burek> go to the shell and type
[00:52] <burek> cd /home/<yourusername>
[00:52] <burek> cd .TMP
[00:53] <Halexander9000> bash: cd: .TMP: No such file or directory
[00:53] <Halexander9000> I'll... cancel that operation and check the GUI to see where the temporary folder is set to.
[00:54] <burek> ok
[00:54] <burek> or type find /home/<user> -iname "*rmd*"
[00:55] <Halexander9000> Nah, it saved in root/tmp somewhere. I couldn't see the file anywhere there.
[00:57] <burek> type find / -iname "*rmd*"
[00:58] <Halexander9000> What does that do?
[00:58] <Halexander9000> I'm in that folder, I can't see a thing.
[00:59] <Halexander9000> I've started recording, put the temporary files to go into the .TMP folder, and I'm there in the filemanager and I can't see a thing.
[01:00] <Halexander9000> It started looking in my whole computer instead of just that folder.
[01:00] <Halexander9000> burek: How do I cancel it?
[01:00] <Halexander9000> Never mind.
[01:00] <Halexander9000> burek: Are you still there?
[01:01] <Halexander9000> Hello?
[01:03] <burek> i am
[01:03] <burek> sorry
[01:03] <burek> ctrl+c
[01:03] <burek> that cancels it
[01:03] <burek> if you've found the folder
[01:04] <burek> then start recording
[01:04] <burek> and type ls
[01:04] <burek> LS (small)
[01:04] <burek> you'll see the list of files in that folder
[01:04] <Halexander9000> I realized that. I know where the folder is, but there's nothing in it.
[01:04] <burek> your temp file should appear
[01:04] <burek> while you are recording
[01:04] <burek> and when you are done
[01:04] <burek> dont stop the recording but pause it
[01:04] <Halexander9000> Nope. And I'm still recording. I paused it like you said.
[01:04] <burek> well, it's a wrong folder then
[01:05] <Halexander9000> STATE:PAUSED
[01:05] <burek> press play
[02:20] <christophe_v_E> Hi, I'd like to be able to add 25 random .flv's from a folder together - any easy way to achieve this?
[02:25] <christophe_v_E> ^Regarding the above, I don't understand this very well: http://ffmpeg.org/faq.html#toc-How-can-I-join-video-files_003f
[02:31] <lucas^> basically, they're pointing out that one way to do it is to remux your FLV files to an MPEG container
[02:31] <lucas^> then concatenate them together
[02:31] <lucas^> then remux back to FLV
[02:31] <avernos> hi, im getting this error Incompatible pixel format 'yuyv422' for codec 'mpeg1video', auto-selecting format 'yuv420p'  but i cant find any info on how to deal with it
[02:31] <christophe_v_E> .. You lost me at remux
[02:31] <avernos> http://paste2.org/p/1919631
[02:31] <avernos> Error while opening encoder for output stream #0.0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height
[02:32] <avernos> i've tried -pix_fmt yuv422p  but didnt seem to change anything
[02:32] <avernos> any ideas?
[02:32] <lucas^> remultiplex, or 'take the video / audio data out of your FLV file and put it into a MPEG-2 container'
[02:33] <christophe_v_E> Alright - I'll look into it, thank you.
[02:33] <lucas^> you could also remux to Matroska and use mkvmerge or something
[02:33] <christophe_v_E> I was thinking something more along the lines of "add 1+2 = a" "add a+3" = b "add b + 4" ...
[02:34] <christophe_v_E> I can honestly say I have no clue what either of those are - I struggled an entire day to get videos to split
[02:36] <christophe_v_E> I'll give it a good night's rest and see what I can do tomorrow. Thanks for the help - I'll keep all of that saved :)
[05:23] <pythonirc1011> how can I combine a bunch of png files into a mpeg2 video?
[05:43] <pythonirc1011> ffmpeg -i %5d.png -r 10 out.mpg -- says no such file or directory
[06:19] <mpsrig> Hello all, I'm having trouble compiling with the error "symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64"
[06:19] <mpsrig> Configure line is: ./configure --enable-gpl --enable-shared --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libx264
[06:19] <mpsrig> any ideas?
[08:26] <hachi> hello, can I use a raw video format to hold mjpeg at all? I'm trying to assemble about 70 directories with  something like 70k jpeg images into a time lapse video
[08:26] <hachi> maybe I'll have to put all the files in one dir, I'm not sure yet
[08:30] <hachi> hah, symlink tree
[08:42] <bug2000> Should I be worrying from: [act @ 0x20843e0] max_analyze_duration 5000000 reached at 5000000
[09:17] <lucas^> bug2000: that's normal I believe
[09:57] <haakon_> Is AAC LD supported?
[10:10] <haakon_> What is the preferred AAC decoder?
[10:10] <haakon_> I have encountered a file with ER AAC LD
[13:03] <Ave> anyone happen to have a working ffmpeg-x264 settings for psp video?
[13:03] <Ave> I have bunch of old ones that used to work, but no more with today's x264+ffmpeg
[13:03] <Ave> the unit just says "unsupported data"
[13:04] <Ave> some profile and level restrictions alone would be nice
[13:04] <JEEB> encoding for the PSP isn't actually that hard, lemme re-upload a text file I have on it
[13:05] <JEEB> too bad my old hoster just disappeared off the face of the earth it seems
[13:05] <Ave> it shouldnt be ..
[13:05] <Ave> and I try to keep it very simple
[13:05] <JEEB> there are some specifics about the decoder ASIC
[13:05] <JEEB> but otherwise it's basically level 3, main profile
[13:06] <Ave> I recall seeing some limits about height * width < max with level21 etc
[13:06] <JEEB> you don't usually go over those with the PSP's resolution limits
[13:06] <Ave> hmmh main even, not baseline
[13:06] <JEEB> the PSP's decoder is generally capable, 720x576 at 60fps is OK for it
[13:07] <JEEB> http://x264.fushizen.eu/random/psp_encoding.txt
[13:08] <JEEB> it doesn't like b-pyramid, three reference frames seem to be the limit
[13:08] <Ave> ok thanks lets see
[13:08] <Ave> in the past I used 2 refs even
[13:08] <JEEB> you could possibly up to weightp 2 and have less reference frames
[13:09] <JEEB> but I chose weightp 1 since it really isn't that worse off now, I'd rather have the extra reference frame there :)
[13:09] <Ave> what about rate control?
[13:09] <Ave> or is crf safe
[13:09] <JEEB> you shouldn't pay much attention to frame rate to be honest, it's not like the ipods
[13:09] <Ave> maxrate, bufsize
[13:09] <Ave> well frame rate is source rate
[13:10] <JEEB> argh, I mean bit rate
[13:10] <JEEB> I don't know why I wrote frame rate there
[13:10] <JEEB> and yes, crf is fine for everything, you'd just have to maxrate/bufsize it for devices that have problems
[13:10] <Ave> well I generally use crf since space is not a problem
[13:10] <JEEB> PSP doesn't
[13:11] <JEEB> the PSP has those couple of limitations that are a bit weird (possibly due to the fact that it's stuff made in 2004)
[13:11] <JEEB> but otherwise it's quite a capable device
[13:14] <Ave> are you suppsosed to use -profile main or -x264opts ..something
[13:14] <lucas^> hi. ffmpeg 0.8.9 seems to have a bug which prevents processing certain types of MPEG-TS data
[13:14] <JEEB> Ave, -profile:v main
[13:14] <lucas^> I don't see this same behavior in 0.10 or in the latest Git revisions
[13:14] <Ave> ah
[13:14] <lucas^> however, a lot of current distributions seem to use this branch
[13:15] <JEEB> if you just set a -profile and the audio encoder could have profiles as well (f.ex. aac encoders), then you'd get an error
[13:15] <Ave> as is what happens
[13:15] <JEEB> with -profile:v you're telling it that you want to set the video encoder profile
[13:15] <lucas^> should I try to track down the patch that fixes the particular bug, or work around it somehow (no idea how)
[13:15] <Ave> [NULL @ 0x919cec0] [Eval @ 0xbfb692d8] Undefined constant or missing '(' in 'main'
[13:15] <Ave> [NULL @ 0x919cec0] Unable to parse option value "main"
[13:15] <Ave> funky error there
[13:15] <Ave> [NULL @ 0x919cec0] Error setting option profile to value main.
[13:15] <JEEB> yeah
[13:15] <lucas^> or ship with a static version of ffmpeg (not sure if this is legal, definitely not ideal)
[13:15] <JEEB> it's trying to set the aac encoder profile :D
[13:16] <Ave> ah well nice, btw is there a "minimum video length" restriction as well
[13:16] <Ave> now it seese the file as correct but "this video cannot be player"
[13:16] <Ave> played
[13:16] <JEEB> hmm
[13:16] <JEEB> no idea, never tried single-frame clips
[13:17] <JEEB> or things like that
[13:17] <lucas^> the exact error code that crops up is '[mpegts @ 0x105b520] first pts value must set', if that helps
[13:17] <JEEB> also, you're on a current'ish PSP firmware, right?
[13:18] <Ave> 1000 frames, 41 seconds, it tried but gives up
[13:18] <Ave> current-ish
[13:18] <Ave> old videos do work
[13:18] <JEEB> 1000 frames it should certainly play
[13:19] <JEEB> what kind of a clip? What kind of command line?
[13:19] <Ave> mpeg-ts source
[13:19] <Ave> dvb
[13:19] <JEEB> I was kind of looking for a bit different info...
[13:19] <JEEB> resolution, frame rate etc.
[13:19] <JEEB> but I guess 720x576 at 25i
[13:20] <Ave> well I scale to device natice
[13:20] <Ave> native
[13:21] <JEEB> paste your command line?
[13:22] <JEEB> I found "ffmpeg -i input.derp -s 480x272 -vcodec libx264 -crf 22 -preset fast -profile:v main -level 3 -x264opts ref=3:b-pyramid=none:weightp=1 -acodec aac -strict experimental out.mp4" off my logs when helping someone encode stuff for the PSP earlier
[13:22] <JEEB> the preset of course is just a compression vs speed kind of thing
[13:22] <Ave> ffmpeg -i test.ts -ac 2 -acodec libfaac -ab 128k -s 480x272 -profile:v main -vcodec libx264 -profile:v main -level 30 -crf 22 -refs 2 -weightp 1 -threads 0 -aspect 16:9 -f psp -y out.mp4
[13:23] <Ave> oops dual profile there anyways
[13:23] <JEEB> and you can leave the -f psp tbqh
[13:23] <JEEB> the PSP hasn't needed special treating for a long time
[13:23] <JEEB> also as you can see you need to set certain options with x264opts
[13:23] <Ave> the smaller the better
[13:23] <Ave> yeah wondering about that
[13:24] <JEEB> see my line :P
[13:24] <JEEB> everything but profile and preset you have to set via x264opts
[13:24] <JEEB> oh, and level of course
[13:24] <JEEB> since those three account for most cases
[13:25] <Ave> its the pyramid bit I think
[13:25] <JEEB> also AFAIK threads 0 was default for libx264, no?
[13:25] <JEEB> yes, pyramid is NG
[13:25] <JEEB> you can't use it with the PSP
[13:26] <JEEB> also are you sure you can even set reference frames and weightp like that with ffmpeg?
[13:26] <JEEB> also, if you're using weightp 1 there's no reason to back down on refs to 2
[13:26] <Ave> it actually works
[13:27] <Ave> with either option method
[13:27] <JEEB> I just didn't know there were such options
[13:27] <JEEB> thus I ended up setting them with x264opts that actually talk straight with libx264
[13:27] <Ave> weird, and cabac=1 works
[13:27] <Ave> yeah it makes sense
[13:27] <JEEB> CABAC is not a weird thing, of course it works
[13:28] <Ave> well back in the times it was said that psp doesnt support it
[13:28] <Ave> maybe it was old firmware
[13:28] <JEEB> nah
[13:28] <JEEB> at first, the PSP didn't even support playing H.264 in the firmware (it was only meant for the UMD discs)
[13:28] <JEEB> then around 3.5x Sony finally unlocked it
[13:28] <JEEB> anyways, the little limits I've written in the text file is everything you need :)
[13:29] <Ave> too simple!
[13:29] <Ave> thanks a lot
[13:29] <JEEB> no problem
[15:22] <Halexander9000> Hello?
[15:25] <Halexander9000> Ffmpeg's X11grab is not working. Can someone please help me?
[15:36] <ubitux> you need to be more explicit
[15:41] <Halexander9000> ubitux: http://pastebin.com/ME5zZVyw
[15:42] <ubitux> you need to build ffmpeg with --enable-x11grab
[15:42] <ubitux> it's disabled by default since it's system dependant (it needs x11 libs obviously)
[15:45] <Halexander9000> Um... I already built it last night... does that mean I have to uninstall it then compile it again?
[15:48] <ubitux> i don't know your setup and how much pain it will be for you; however, i know you need a build with --enable-x11grab
[15:54] <Halexander9000> ubitux: ?
[15:55] <Halexander9000> ubitux: Oh, I had didn't scroll down. But yeah, I'm recompiling the whole damned thing again.
[15:55] <Halexander9000> I didn't scroll*
[15:55] <lucas^> ffmpeg -i foo.ts -acodec copy -vcodec copy -f mpegts bar.ts
[15:55] <Halexander9000> ?
[15:58] <lucas^> sorry if this is a repost, lagged out
[15:59] <lucas^> ffmpeg -i foo.ts -acodec copy -vcodec copy -f mpegts bar.ts
[15:59] <Halexander9000> What's that?
[15:59] <lucas^> on the particular version of ffmpeg that ships with Fedora 16 currently, this fails with '[mpegts @ 0x1f0d520] first pts value must set'
[15:59] <lucas^> with every MPEG-TS DVB stream I try to feed it
[16:00] <lucas^> it might be corrupt data, but it works fine on ffmpeg 0.7.x and the latest git revision
[16:00] <Halexander9000> Well, ask someone who knows how to help you. I sure don't.
[16:01] <lucas^> so now I'm wondering how to deploy this, since Ubuntu seems to have the same version (0.8.9) among others
[16:01] <lucas^> is it advisable / legal to just ship a static build of ffmpeg with a program that uses it?
[16:01] <Mavrik> yeah
[16:02] <Mavrik> (advisable and legal)
[16:02] <lucas^> as long as it's compiled with --disable-nonfree --enable-gplv2, right?
[16:02] <JEEB> ...
[16:02] <JEEB> wat
[16:03] <JEEB> enable-nonfree makes the binary non-distributable
[16:03] <JEEB> and the whole legality/whatever depends on which license you choose and as long as you abide that
[16:04] <lucas^> some project developers don't like people including static builds when deploying, as it makes more work for them sorting through bugreports as old bugs get fixed
[16:04] <lucas^> figured I'd ask
[16:07] <Mavrik> well, you'll have to find a tradeoff between fixing bugs introduced by new versions of ffmpeg vs. dealing with old ones
[16:07] <Mavrik> in my software sticking with a (tested) ffmpeg build caused less time loss
[16:08] <m1chael> i just recorded my first video. the files amount to about 11 gigs. i want to combine all of the files in to one file. (i was told i can do this with 'cat') .. i want to burn this entire thing to a dvd.. since the files are 11 gigs, I guess I have to compress these files first. what would you guys do? im new at this
[16:11] <Halexander9000> Or you could just write em on a memory card. They're pretty cheap now.
[16:12] <Halexander9000> And all you need to write protect them is to pull on that little tab on the side of the thing.
[16:17] <lucas^> hmm, maybe I could just track down the patch where the bug was fixed and beg the Fedora guys to back-patch it
[16:36] <Halexander9000> I wish compiling had a progressbar...
[16:37] <kriegerod> at demuxing, i get frames in DTS order. But i want to process them in PTS order. Can i reorder them this way before or in filtergraph?
[16:47] <Halexander9000> ubitux: Are you still there?
[16:49] <ubitux> yes, if my isp is not joking with my connection again
[16:49] <ubitux> like it's been for the whole day
[16:51] <Mrgoose> Hey, I'm using ffmpeg to convert videos  but ive noticed ffmpeg isn't multithreaded.  Is there a way to have multiple ffmpeg instances encoding the same video at the same time?
[16:51] <ubitux> -threads auto
[16:52] <ubitux> isn't it the default? it might be disabled because of some issues
[16:52] <Mrgoose> well i tried like -threads 8
[16:52] <ubitux> also, the encoder needs to support it
[16:52] <Mrgoose> but it looks like it's only using 1 cpu
[16:52] <Mrgoose> im using libx264
[16:52] <Mrgoose> maybe that doesn't support it
[16:52] <ubitux> x264 is pretty well threaded
[16:53] <Mrgoose> damn
[16:53] <Mrgoose> wonder what the issue is
[16:53] <Halexander9000> Can someone please help me? http://pastebin.com/dB5M1Brg
[16:54] <Halexander9000> Ubitux, I recompiled the whole thing for nothing.
[16:57] <ubitux> can you run grep X11 config.h?
[16:57] <ubitux> in the build directory
[16:59] <l1nux> Hi
[17:00] <Halexander9000> I got to go, see you in a bit.
[17:02] <Halexander9000> ubitux: I think this tutorial will help me http://soledadpenades.com/2010/04/26/unknown-input-or-output-format-x11grab-ubuntu/
[17:03] <ubitux> i'm curious about the issue
[17:03] <ubitux> can you just run `grep X11 config.h` in your build directory?
[17:03] <ubitux> it's surprising --enable-x11grab is not enough
[17:03] <ubitux> 'might be a bug or something
[17:04] <Halexander9000> ubitux: You'll just have to wait until I'm back. Need to pay the bills.
[17:06] <Halexander9000> ubitux: #define CONFIG_X11GRAB 1
[17:06] <Halexander9000> #define CONFIG_X11_GRAB_DEVICE_INDEV 0
[17:13] <ubitux> mmh so indev is not active
[17:13] <ubitux> i guess we could do something about this
[18:40] <bartus_> hi !
[18:41] <bartus_> need help with yasm and PIC
[18:41] <bartus_> ld complains says:"/usr/bin/ld: common/i386/deblock.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.rodata' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC"
[18:42] <bartus_> yasm invocation : "yasm -f elf -m amd64 -DPIC -DARCH_X86_64 -Icommon/i386/ -o common/i386/deblock.o common/i386/deblock.asm"
[19:01] <JEEB> bartus_, "Exactly what it says on the tin"
[19:01] <JEEB> "recompile with -fPIC"
[19:43] <Mmike> when I use ffmpeg to convert a video file, file named x264_2pass.log is placed in the dir where the converted file resides - how do I make ffmpeg not to write that log file?>
[19:44] <Mavrik> that's 2-pass log file
[19:44] <Mavrik> you can't do 2-pass encoding without it :)
[19:44] <Mavrik> so switch to single pass or live with it :)
[19:45] <Mmike> -pass 1
[19:45] <Mavrik> yes
[19:45] <Mmike> these are my ffmpeg options: http://pastebin.com/cb8Rdp74
[19:45] <Mavrik> that means you're telling it to do 1st pass of two
[19:45] <Mavrik> and to write that log file
[19:45] <Mavrik> instead of encoding
[19:45] <Mmike> Mavrik, aha!
[19:46] <Mmike> Mavrik, so I just completely remove that option?
[19:46] <Mavrik> so if you don't want to do 2-pass encoding you'll have to remove that parameter :)
[19:46] <Mmike> makes sense :)
[19:46] <Mavrik> yeah
[19:46] <Mavrik> in two-pass, ffmpeg writes that log file in 1st pass and then reads it when doing 2nd pass to increase quality
[19:47] <Mmike> One more, if you know - i want my newly encoded file to have .mp4-new extension, but ffmpeg won't work when I name my output file like that - is that by design, or I can force it somehow to write to non-standardly-named files
[19:47] <Mavrik> um
[19:48] <Mavrik> Mmike, yeah, ffmpeg uses the extension to determine container
[19:48] <Mavrik> if you want to name it something else, use "-f" parameter to force container
[19:48] <Mavrik> e.g. -f mp4
[19:48] <Mrgoose> when compiling ffmpeg do you have to do --enable-pthreads to get multithreaded?
[19:48] <Mmike> Mavrik, thank you very much!
[19:48] <Mavrik> Mrgoose, depends on what
[19:49] <Mavrik> for ffmpeg integrated things yeah
[19:49] <Mavrik> for external encoders (libx264 etc.) it doesn't matter
[19:49] <Mrgoose> ah, yea im using libx264
[19:49] <Mrgoose> damn
[19:49] <Mrgoose> im tryin to encode .mov to mp4 x264 and it's not using multithread
[19:49] <Mrgoose> i have 8cpu cores
[19:49] <Mrgoose> looks to only be using 1
[19:53] <Mmike> Mavrik, when I say "-pass 2" is that just the second pass, or both passes?
[19:53] <JEEB> second
[19:53] <Mmike> Mrgoose, -threads option
[19:53] <Mmike> if ffmpeg is compiled in with support for threads
[19:54] <Mmike> JEEB, so, for two pass encoding I need to manualy start ffmpeg 2 times?
[19:54] <JEEB> yes
[19:54] <Mrgoose> so --enable-pthreads when compiling  and use -threads 0 when encoding
[19:54] <JEEB> Mmike, are you sure you want to do bitrate-based encoding and not quality based?
[19:55] <JEEB> it's the same algorithm
[19:55] <Mmike> JEEB, I'm not sure I understand what you mean by that :/
[19:55] <JEEB> and well... "quality" based, since we still don't have thousands of little chinese children looking at the encoded results
[19:55] <Mmike> I have a .mp4 file that is 700MB large with bitrate of cca 10Mbit/sec, and I want to recode it to cca 700 kbit/sec
[19:55] <JEEB> Mmike, there are two encoding modes that set different variables to a set level in x264
[19:56] <JEEB> one is "I was told to fit the output into this file size, I'll try my best to squeeze quality into it", which needs two passes
[19:56] <JEEB> another is "I was told to encode with this certain rate factor, I will do so not caring about the bit rate."
[19:57] <JEEB> rate factor is the closest we currently have to "a certain meter of quality" in such encoders
[19:57] <JEEB> and rate factor based encoding of course only needs a single pass
[19:58] <Mmike> so, I'm doing rate factor based encoding, if I got you right?
[19:59] <JEEB> I don't know what you're doing
[19:59] <JEEB> by the sound of it you were doing 2pass, or wanting to do it at least
[19:59] <JEEB> which is only for bitrate-based encoding
[19:59] <JEEB> (the "I was told to fit the output into this file size")
[20:00] <Mmike> It's actualy 'into this bitrate'.
[20:00] <JEEB> well, yes and no
[20:00] <JEEB> it's not a constant bitrate
[20:00] <JEEB> and the same bit rate + length on clips limits clips to the same file size
[20:00] <JEEB> but yes, it's the overall average bitrate
[20:01] <Mmike> hm
[20:01] <Mmike> ok, so
[20:01] <JEEB> 2pass bitrate-based encoding is fine if you're limited by something or if you need to exactly have all clips of the same length exactly the same size
[20:01] <JEEB> but if you don't have such limitations, crf-based encoding is often much better :V
[20:02] <JEEB> since it's not often that you know what bitrate exactly gives you quality that you'd like
[20:02] <JEEB> + crf only needs one pass
[20:02] <Mmike> I have original.mp4 that has whatever bitrate (5Mb/s, for instance), and want to have recoded.mp4 to have bitrate of cca 700kb/s - do I want one pass or two pass encoding?
[20:03] <JEEB> if you absolutely, positively want it to fit a certain size (have a certain average bitrate over the length of the whole clip), then 2pass average bitrate encoding is for you
[20:03] <Mmike> heh
[20:03] <JEEB> in other words, if you value the size of the result more than the end result
[20:03] <Mmike> thnx for the explanation
[20:03] <lucas^> two-pass probably would be best, it'll give you video that meets that bitrate more closely
[20:03] <lucas^> er, what jeeb said
[20:03] <JEEB> lucas^, no -- x264 will meet the bitrate in any case
[20:03] <Mmike> so, if I just do -pass 1, the resulting file is not optimal?
[20:04] <JEEB> it's not optimal, since the encoder doesn't have the information on the whole "bitrate-needness" of the whole clip
[20:04] <JEEB> that's why you make a log file
[20:05] <Mmike> great, thnx
[20:05] <JEEB> and -pass 1 actually enables "fast first pass" mode in libx264
[20:05] <JEEB> so it's non-optimal in that sense as well
[20:05] <Mmike> actually a client asked me to recode all the files he has in some directory and provided me with ffmpeg options, one of them was -pass 1
[20:05] <JEEB> fun :P
[20:05] <Mmike> thank you for your explanations
[20:06] <JEEB> it just tells libx264 "This is the first pass, just go quickly through it to check it generally and make a log file"
[20:06] <Mrgoose> so i have --pthreads enabled in ffmpeg and im using libx264 .  also im using -threads 0 .  However it's still using 1 core.  Any other things i should look at?
[20:07] <JEEB> if you want single-pass encoding without the "fast first pass" feature turned on, just remove the -pass 1. It will also disable the writing of the log file
[20:07] <JEEB> but this is sub-optimal for bitrate-based encoding of course
[20:08] <Mmike> Mrgoose, have you tried -threads 4? I am using it with -threads 16 (although ffmpeg is using only 6-8 of them)
[20:08] <Mmike> JEEB, excellent, all makes sense now. thnx
[20:10] <lucas^> installed Ubuntu in a VM, apparently Oneric Whatever uses 0.7.3
[20:11] <lucas^> Debian Squeeze-backports uses 0.7.2, I remember there wasn't any problems with that branch
[20:12] <Mrgoose> Mmike, yea I tried threads 4 and mpstat shows only 1 cpu being used
[20:12] <lucas^> I guess Fedora is the odd man out in terms of choking on this input
[20:12] <Mrgoose> ffmpeg -i /media/BS\ Soulfest\ pt\ 3.mov -vcodec libx264 -threads 6 -vpre libx264-lossless_fast -crf 21 -acodec libfaac -ab 128k output.mp4
[20:12] <Mrgoose> that's my full command
[20:20] <Mmike> Mrgoose, I realy don't know. here is how i am using it:  http://pastebin.com/cb8Rdp74
[20:21] <Mmike> i do have -threads near the end of option list, but probably isn't the issue
[20:48] <bcardarella> How do I convert from rmvb to any other format? When I try the regular way the video ends up being crap.
[20:49] <bcardarella> And by "regular way" I mean ffmpeg -i video.rmvb output.mpeg
[20:49] <bcardarella> I've played around with the qscale as well
[20:49] <bcardarella> no dice
[20:50] <JEEB> ffmpeg -i input.derp -vcodec libx264 -crf 22 -preset slow -acodec aac -strict experimental -ab 192k out.mp4
[20:51] <JEEB> have an example
[20:52] <JEEB> in that example: -vcodec libx264 -crf 22 -preset slow <- video-related, -acodec aac -strict experimental -ab 192k <- audio-related
[21:11] <bcardarella> JEEB: was that for me?
[21:25] <pasteeater> bcardarella: yes
[21:25] <praedo> hello
[21:26] <praedo> i get this with a file that was sent via ftp and transfer was 100% sucessful
[21:26] <praedo> it can be played on the local computer but on the remote server i get this error in ffmepg:
[21:26] <praedo> ffmpeg
[21:26] <praedo> Invalid data found when processing input
[21:26] <praedo> why is this happening?
[21:30] <pasteeater> praedo: use a pastebin site to show your ffmpeg command and the complete console output
[21:30] <pasteeater> also, did you check the integrity of the file to see if it did transfer correctly? compare md5sums: md5sum file.foo
[21:32] <praedo> the command is simply ffmpeg -i file
[21:33] <praedo> and the output is the usual stuff and that error
[21:33] <praedo> i don't have the local file in the remote server to be able to compare with md5
[21:34] <praedo> it looks like a transfer error but it was 100% sent
[22:30] <rainmaker1> Hi
[22:47] <L1nux> current  ffmpeg not compile with arm cpu's ?
[22:50] <L1nux> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=c5EDMMSa
[23:00] <pasteeater> L1nux: armv5te and armv7a are green in FATE: http://fate.ffmpeg.org/
[23:01] <L1nux> pasteeater gcc 4.4.0 ?
[23:04] <L1nux> i have build SDL 1.3, faad2, latest x264, ogg, vorbis, LiveMedia... without problem
[23:04] <L1nux> why not ffmpeg ?
[23:04] <L1nux> my mplayer configure here: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=9Mv70J2W
[23:04] <pasteeater> i've never used arm. if you at least show your ./configure then others may help you.
[23:04] <pasteeater> your ffmpeg configure
[00:00] --- Thu Mar  1 2012

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