[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120301

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 2 02:05:02 CET 2012

[01:33] <Halexander9000> Um, a little help here please? http://pastebin.com/V04WEPBG
[01:50] <pasteeater> Halexander9000: ffmpeg doesnt use faad
[01:51] <Halexander9000>  Oh, hello pasteeater. It's another problem. But I don't think I need to enable that library after all. I read the --help option in the mean time.
[01:52] <Halexander9000> I followed this tutorial, and didn't realize it had some libraries I didn't need  http://soledadpenades.com/2010/04/26/unknown-input-or-output-format-x11grab-ubuntu/
[01:53] <pasteeater> that's outdated
[01:53] <pasteeater> a better one: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8746719#post8746719
[02:09] <Halexander9000> pasteeater: My machine, in case you're wondering is an ASUS EEE PC 904HD from 2008.
[02:10] <Halexander9000> I used the gtk-recordmydesktop to record a gaming session on a 640 by 480 screen with stereo audio in an .ogv file.
[02:11] <Halexander9000> That file plays just fine, and it uploads and plays on youtube just as well.
[02:12] <Halexander9000> But when I try to edit it, Kdenlive and OpenShot, both don't even play the file properly in the preview window, much less render it without artifacts. Same thing happens when I try to convert it.
[02:51] <pasteeater> Halexander9000: convert it with ffmpeg or those editors?
[02:54] <Halexander9000> pasteeater: Didn't you read what I said? I can't. It outputs video artifacts galore.
[02:59] <pasteeater> Halexander9000: is that with old ffmpeg from repo or one that you compiled?
[02:59] <Halexander9000> Both.
[02:59] <pasteeater> can you provide a sample of the input?
[03:03] <Halexander9000> pasteeater: What do you mean?
[03:04] <pasteeater> do you have a ogv file that i can attempt to duplicate your issue with
[03:09] <pasteeater> and use a pastebin site to show your ffmpeg command and the complete console output
[03:40] <phantomcircuit> what's the name of the program to make a video streaming work? ft quick or something
[03:43] <phantomcircuit> nvm
[06:31] <maryhit> is there a howto/quick guide to call ffmpeg's libs in other apps?
[06:45] <shevy> when I run ffmpeg, it is quite verbose
[06:45] <shevy> ffmpeg -i "bla.flv" "foo.mp3"
[06:46] <shevy> Then follows about 50 lines of information which are not extremely meaningful to the process at hand
[06:46] <shevy> is there a way to suppress the non-needed information?
[06:46] <shevy> "built on Jan 27 2012 09:40:49 with gcc 4.6.1"
[06:46] <shevy> "libavutil      51. 34.101 / 51. 34.101"
[06:46] <shevy> "libavcodec     53. 60.100 / 53. 60.100"
[06:47] <shevy> and so on, lotsa more stuff that is not that useful most of the time, unless I'd have to report a bug
[06:55] <mgeary> hey, anyone around?
[06:55] <mgeary> what is the deal with libfaac and mono audio? is there a workaround to make that work?
[07:00] <sasishiju> av_parser_parse2 - the return value is equal to the input buffer size. That means full buffer is parsed. But output buffer and output size variables are 0. Any idea on this case?
[07:14] <rav0> apparently it's work time
[07:14] <rav0> er
[07:17] <shevy> :(
[07:18] <mgeary> :S ?
[07:44] <sasishiju> av_parser_parse2 - the return value is equal to the input buffer size. But I don't get the output buffer filled. Any information on this?
[08:48] <sasishiju> I have a line as int len = av_parser_parse2(pDecoderParserContext,pCodecCtx, &m_avpkt.data, &m_avpkt.size, in_buf, in_buf_size, 0, 0, 0);
[08:49] <sasishiju> all input params are validated. The return value is same as in_buf_size.
[08:49] <sasishiju> But somehow, the output buffer is not filled in.
[08:49] <sasishiju> len equals in_buf_size. That means parsing is proper right?
[08:50] <sasishiju> Then, why is the output data is not filled in back? Any such case?
[10:42] <sasishiju> Any experienced users in av_parser_parse2 method usage, pls ping back
[13:09] <rainmaker1> Hi, I am having strange issues with audio when converting mpeg2 file to h264, audio is always 1 sec back after video. Are there any guidelines for keeping audio and video in sync?
[13:09] <rainmaker1> I will tru async and vsync but I am not sure if it will help
[17:54] <kriegerod> can i tell ffmpeg util to output media at given speed/bitrate/framerate?
[19:48] <pasteeater> kriegerod: can you explain your question?
[20:21] <renderTom> hello guys
[20:22] <renderTom> I was wondering, is it possible mux together M2V and AC3 files to program stream MPEG2 file?
[20:22] <sacarasc> Yes, I believe it is possible.
[20:22] <renderTom> the thing is I have DVD-Video file, but client need programstream MPEG2 file
[20:23] <renderTom> so how would I go about it?
[20:23] <sacarasc> DVD video is MPEG2 PS, IIRC...
[20:24] <sacarasc> "Program streams are used on DVD-Video discs and HD DVD video discs" to quote Wikipedia.
[20:24] <renderTom> ok, so I need transport strem then :)
[20:24] <sacarasc> ffmpeg -i input -vcodec copy -acodec copy output.ts
[20:25] <renderTom> any ways, I have m2v and ac3 and need to deliver one mpeg file both with audio and video in it
[20:25] <sacarasc> Ah, 2 files.
[20:25] <sacarasc> ffmpeg -i input.m2v -i input.ac3 -vcodec copy -acodec copy output.ts
[20:25] <renderTom> sacarasc, thanks, will give it a try
[20:26] <sacarasc> ffmpeg -i input.m2v -i input.ac3 -vcodec copy -acodec copy output.mpeg # if you want PS.
[20:29] <spaam> sacarasc: so you can mux into .ts now? :D
[20:33] <sacarasc> Could you not always? :o
[20:35] <renderTom> it seems to be working
[20:35] <renderTom> but after everything is done, I get white screen with audio if watching via quictime player
[20:50] <solsTiCe> hi . I am tryin to convert a mkv with AAC/AVC into a mp4 but it fails with ffmpeg with erros I don't understand (newbie here) http://paste.pocoo.org/show/559390/
[20:51] <solsTiCe> argh -c copy afert -i
[20:56] <karl_w_w> ffmpeg version N-33213-g2a9046c <- how old is this?
[20:58] <Tjoppen> $ git log 2a9046c
[20:58] <Tjoppen> Date:   Sun Oct 2 15:21:12 2011 +0200
[20:58] <karl_w_w> thanks
[22:10] <Haferstroh> Hello, I want to record my desktop. When I use the options -sameq in my command, der recorded video has ab better quality than without, although I am using mszh as video codec which is losless, due to the documentation
[22:11] <Tjoppen> I use libx264 with the lossless_ultrafast preset and -pix_fmt yuv444p
[22:12] <Haferstroh> what means "ultrafast "?  how do I put it into my command ?
[22:12] <Tjoppen> -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast -pix_fmt yuv444p
[22:13] <Haferstroh> can you describe to me what  -vpre means ?
[22:13] <Tjoppen> video preset
[22:14] <Haferstroh> okay thx. and -px_fmt yuv444p is what ?
[22:15] <Tjoppen> 4:4:4 subsampling
[22:15] <Haferstroh> for what is this needed ?
[22:16] <Tjoppen> meaning no chroma subsampling
[22:16] <Haferstroh> okay
[22:16] <Tjoppen> else the colors get washed out
[22:16] <Haferstroh> ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1280x800 -i :0.0 -vcodec mszh -sameq  -f alsa -i hw:0 -acodec flac bildschirmvideo2.mkv
[22:16] <Haferstroh> this is my ffmpeg command
[22:17] <Haferstroh> and when I dont use -sameq the quality is not that good.
[22:17] <Haferstroh> what means -sameq ?
[22:18] <JEEB> "copy quants from source"
[22:18] <JEEB> It doesn't mean "same quality", because it's not that. It's a setting for developers.
[22:18] <JEEB> I don't even know how you can get quants off a lossless RGB capture to begin with :D
[22:19] <Haferstroh> sry I dont know what "quants" are/is
[22:20] <JEEB> yes, thus you shouldn't use it
[22:20] <JEEB> it's not "quality", it's "quants"
[22:20] <JEEB> thus you need to actually set some quality'ish flag
[22:20] <JEEB> -crf
[22:20] <JEEB> for example
[22:20] <JEEB> try crf 24
[22:21] <JEEB> if that looks bad, lower it
[22:21] <JEEB> if it looks good, make it higher
[22:21] <JEEB> oh wait what
[22:21] <JEEB> you're not using libx264
[22:21] <JEEB> k
[22:24] <Haferstroh> I just copied it from a ubuntusite, but doesnt remember where it was
[22:24] <Haferstroh> can I combine
[22:25] <Haferstroh> ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1280x800 -i :0.0 -vcodec mszh -vpre lossless_ultrafast -pix_fmt yuv444p -f alsa -i hw:0 -acodec flac bildschirmvideo2.mkv
[22:25] <Haferstroh> ? Would this work ?
[22:27] <Haferstroh> It tells me: unknown decoder libx264
[22:27] <Haferstroh> when I change mszh to libx264
[22:27] <Haferstroh> and lossless_ultrafast is an unknown option
[22:28] <Haferstroh> not really unknown but :File for preset 'lossless_ultrafast' not found
[22:43] <Dynamic_Fail> what is wrong with this line
[22:44] <Dynamic_Fail> ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f mpegts -vcodec libx264 udp://
[22:48] <Dynamic_Fail> [video4linux2 @ 0x85e12c0]Wrong size (0x0)
[22:51] <pwlnw> Dynamic_Fail for use video4linux2 you need specify capture size. try -s
[22:51] <brand0n1> [root at bippy /]# ffmpeg
[22:51] <brand0n1> ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: libavformat.so.54: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[22:51] <Dynamic_Fail> pwlnw, where would i use the -s
[22:51] <Dynamic_Fail> i'm very new to ffmpeg
[22:52] <brand0n1> [root at bippy lib]# ldconfig -v | grep libav
[22:52] <brand0n1>         libavahi-client.so.3 -> libavahi-client.so.3.2.1
[22:52] <brand0n1>         libavahi-core.so.4 -> libavahi-core.so.4.0.5
[22:52] <brand0n1>         libavahi-common.so.3 -> libavahi-common.so.3.4.3
[22:52] <brand0n1>         libavahi-glib.so.1 -> libavahi-glib.so.1.0.1
[22:52] <brand0n1> [root at bippy lib]#
[22:52] <brand0n1> libs arent building?
[22:54] <Dynamic_Fail> pwlnw, basically i'm trying to figure out what is the lowest latency way to stream. every time I stream something with vlc it adds 2 seconds of lag. I want as near realtime streaming as possible
[22:54] <Mavrik> good luck.
[22:54] <Mavrik> you can use "zerolatency" x264 presets
[22:55] <Dynamic_Fail> I prefer for less latency over quality
[22:55] <pasteeater> brand0n1: those are shared libraries. you can build ffmpeg w/o shared libraries.
[22:55] <Dynamic_Fail> I'm dealing with crappy video anyway
[22:55] <Mavrik> but getting to much less than 2 secods will require you to educate yourself ALOT more about video encoding and streaming
[22:55] <Dynamic_Fail> Mavrik, I won't need to encode
[22:55] <Dynamic_Fail> I just need to pass along an rtp stream
[22:55] <Mavrik> so why are you passing a parameter to encode video to ffmpeg then?
[22:56] <Dynamic_Fail> Mavrik, Well I'm testing with my webcam
[22:56] <Mavrik> also
[22:56] <Dynamic_Fail> because I don't have my rtsp server connected to this laptop
[22:56] <Mavrik> VLC will probably keep at least 1 sec of buffer on its side
[22:56] <Dynamic_Fail> Are there better ways to view video that is extremly lossy?
[22:56] <pwlnw> Dynamic_Fail ffmpeg -s 640x480 or other
[22:56] <Dynamic_Fail> I'm doing experiments sending video over radio links... which causes lots of packets to be lost
[22:57] <Mavrik> huh
[22:57] <Dynamic_Fail> and I just want something that will do it as low latency as possible
[22:57] <Mavrik> pretty much most streaming standards are made for practically lossless mediums
[22:57] <Mavrik> sending anything encoded over a lossy link will make hell of your videos
[22:57] <Mavrik> I suggest trying to find some encoder that uses redundancy...
[22:57] <Dynamic_Fail> something similar to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZe3r4EK_7E
[22:58] <Dynamic_Fail> the problem with these links is that they suck compared to normal wire links
[22:58] <Dynamic_Fail> so I can't stream much above 200 kbs
[22:58] <Dynamic_Fail> and that is with a good link
[22:58] <Dynamic_Fail> often times I need to stream over equivlent 128 or 96 kbs
[22:58] <Dynamic_Fail> but i'm okay with like 320x240
[22:59] <Dynamic_Fail> 10fps
[22:59] <Dynamic_Fail> but latency is the real problem.
[22:59] <Dynamic_Fail> I want to basically control something via the camera feed... so I need the latency to go to zero (as much as possible :) )
[22:59] <brand0n1> pasteeater: it wont run or give any further output other than complaining: ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: libavformat.so.54: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[22:59] <Dynamic_Fail> any suggestions Mavrik
[23:00] <Mavrik> Dynamic_Fail: I'd look into trying to stream mjpeg
[23:00] <Mavrik> because if you have lossy links
[23:00] <Mavrik> and you start losing packets inside a GOP
[23:00] <Mavrik> you'll just get garbage on the other end
[23:01] <Dynamic_Fail> could you give me an example invocation of ffmpeg that might accomplish that
[23:01] <Dynamic_Fail> obviously something even really general
[23:01] <Dynamic_Fail> before this I have only used vlc for all my streaming
[23:01] <Dynamic_Fail> and viewing
[23:01] <pwlnw> but if RTSP server send data over TCP - it works
[23:01] <pwlnw> don't know can ffmeg do it
[23:02] <pasteeater> brand0n1: i'm not sure how you compiled ffmpeg, but did you try running ldconfig?
[23:03] <brand0n1> yes, ldconfig =v gives lots of output
[23:03] <brand0n1> but not that specific shared libav
[23:04] <brand0n1>  ldconfig -v | grep libav
[23:04] <brand0n1>         libavahi-client.so.3 -> libavahi-client.so.3.2.1
[23:04] <brand0n1>         libavahi-core.so.4 -> libavahi-core.so.4.0.5
[23:04] <brand0n1>         libavahi-common.so.3 -> libavahi-common.so.3.4.3
[23:04] <brand0n1>         libavahi-glib.so.1 -> libavahi-glib.so.1.0.1
[23:04] <pasteeater> no, just "ldconfig"
[23:06] <brand0n1> just ldconfig doesnt give any output
[23:06] <brand0n1> and i still receive the error trying ffmpeg afterwards
[23:07] <pasteeater> did you do it as root or superuser?
[23:07] <brand0n1> root
[23:07] <pasteeater> i'm out of ideas. other than don't build as shared.
[23:08] <pasteeater> what's your distro?
[23:08] <brand0n1> cent 5
[23:08] <pasteeater> you can adapt this: https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/CentosCompilationGuide
[23:08] <pasteeater> probably works for centos 5 too.
[23:08] <brand0n1> git clone git://git.videolan.org/ffmpeg.git
[23:08] <brand0n1> cd ffmpeg
[23:08] <brand0n1> ./configure --enable-gpl --enable-shared --enable-pthreads
[23:08] <brand0n1> make
[23:09] <brand0n1> thats how i compiled it
[23:09] <brand0n1> ok i will check that link out, thx
[23:09] <pasteeater> --enable-pthreads is now auto, so you don't need that.
[23:09] <pasteeater> why are you enabling shared anyway?
[23:10] <karl_w_w> why is it that if I paste this: for %a in ("*.mkv") do ffmpeg -i "%a" -acodec copy -vcodec copy "%a.mp4"
[23:10] <karl_w_w> into a batch file and run it I get: a" -acodec copy -vcodec copy "a.mp4" was unexpected at this time.
[23:10] <karl_w_w> but if i paste it straight onto the command line it works fine
[23:12] <brand0n1> im not sure, im actually trying to setup zoneminder and it requires ffmpeg
[23:13] <pasteeater> try it without --enable-shared.
[23:14] <pasteeater> cd ffmpeg && make distclean; git pull && ./configure --enable-gpl && make
[23:29] <karl_w_w> is there a switch to only show warnings and errors, no other text feedback?
[23:46] <pasteeater> karl_w_w: you can try "-loglevel warning"
[23:51] <karl_w_w> thanks
[23:51] <karl_w_w> did the trick
[00:00] --- Fri Mar  2 2012

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