[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120304
burek021 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 02:05:01 CET 2012
[03:10] <Riviera> TACPILOT: I tried playing around a bit with align_image_stack (which IIRC comes with hugin) for that purpose.
[04:30] <Ultimatespirit> grepper: it turns out adding that second map just added a third audio track. Most likely because I used a map sepcifier for the entire file before that? do you know (or anyone else for that matter) how to specify a range of numbers in -map? like instead of typing -map 0:1 -map 0:2 i'd write one map with the range of 1-2
[05:36] <emelo> Hi... I have a problem with ffserver
[05:36] <Ultimatespirit> So anyone know how to denote a range of numbers within the -map command?
[05:37] <emelo> i can save the stream .. like this
[05:37] <emelo> ffmpeg -i rtsp://admin:admin@ -vcodec copy -r 25 algo.mp4
[05:37] <emelo> and the result file is ok
[05:38] <emelo> but.. if i try to stream it with ffserver
[05:38] <emelo> i got this: Tag avc1/0x31637661 incompatible with output codec id '28'
[05:38] <emelo> any ideas ?
[05:39] <Ultimatespirit> I don't know how ffserver works, but i believe it'
[05:39] <Ultimatespirit> s telling you that what you're streaming to can't support the format
[05:39] <emelo> but.. ffplay reproduces the file
[05:40] <Ultimatespirit> where exactly are you trying to stream it to?
[05:41] <emelo> web client...but I'm testing with vlc
[05:42] <Ultimatespirit> yea, no clue then. Sorry. Let's hope someone who actually knows how to use that comes along
[05:42] <emelo> (y)
[05:42] <emelo> thx
[05:43] <emelo> Do you know a good forum for ffmpeg ?
[05:44] <Ultimatespirit> Not at all. Do you know if it's possible to denote a range of numbers in the -map option of ffmpeg?
[05:47] <emelo> I don't... sorry, I'm just starting with ffmpeg...
[05:47] <Ultimatespirit> Ah well. Grepper, are you there?
[07:01] <grepper> Ultimatespirit: again, I'm still not entirely sure of the new syntax, but are you still using -map 0 in the command in addition to -map 0:1 -map 0:2 ?
[07:01] <Ultimatespirit> no.
[07:01] <Ultimatespirit> at this point it works
[07:01] <Ultimatespirit> but it's more of a matter of
[07:01] <Ultimatespirit> there are 14 attatchments
[07:01] <Ultimatespirit> and i want to know if i can just say -map 3-17 (that doesn't actually work) to denote that range
[07:02] <Ultimatespirit> or if i have to manually write out all of the attachments
[07:02] <grepper> attatchments ?
[07:02] <grepper> subtitles or somesuch ?
[07:02] <Ultimatespirit> in a mkv file they can add attachments
[07:02] <Ultimatespirit> for extra fonts and what not
[07:02] <grepper> I see
[07:03] <Ultimatespirit> i mean i think i can just not have any attachemnts but not sure...
[07:05] <grepper> O
[07:05] <grepper> I've not seen anything like a range specification, dunno
[07:05] <Ultimatespirit> oh well...
[07:06] <relaxed> Ultimatespirit: you can pass all attachemnts as -map 0:t (I think)
[07:06] <Ultimatespirit> oh cool, let me try that...
[07:06] <grepper> you can map metadata from a file though
[07:07] <Ultimatespirit> Yes! it would appear to be working now
[07:07] <Ultimatespirit> thanks relaxed and grepper
[10:00] <myrmidette> hello, I need some help with editing a video - I want to remove the first 17 seconds, nothing more. Here is what I did so far: http://pastebin.com/XEARYVaR
[10:00] <myrmidette> it barfed up an error, but I'm not sure my input syntax is correct
[10:18] <Haferstroh> Hello, does anyone knows the difference between -async 1; -async 100; -async 10000 ??
[10:21] <myrmidette> they're all asleep :(
[10:23] <Haferstroh> Thats not so good. It is 10:00 am. I bet they all went to churhc
[10:23] <Haferstroh> church
[10:28] <TACPILOT> 3:30 am .. not church .. just got home from beer night ...
[10:28] <TACPILOT> :)
[10:32] <TACPILOT> as per the man page for async
[10:32] <TACPILOT> -async samples_per_second Audio sync method. "Stretches/squeezes" the audio stream to match the timestamps, the parameter is the maximum samples per second by which the audio is changed. -async 1 is a special case where only the start of the audio stream is corrected without any later correction.
[10:34] <TACPILOT> If I understand correctly, one of its main uses is correct video/audio timing mismatches
[10:38] <TACPILOT> the special case of async 1 is this
[10:38] <TACPILOT> If you are not starting at the beginning of an input file, it is best to tell FFmpeg to ensure that the video and audio are synchronized. This can be achieved by using the -async 1 parameter. You will see it used in the examples below.
[10:38] <TACPILOT> http://personal.psu.edu/mrb5282/tutorials/video_ffmpeg/
[11:11] <myrmidette> can anyone explain to me whether ffmpeg handles .ogm videos?
[11:25] <FrinkC> hi
[11:26] <FrinkC> ffmpeg -y -i test.flv -f mjpeg -ss 00:00:11.500 -vframes 1 -s 480x270 -vf pad=480:360:0:45:000000 -an picture.jpg
[11:26] <FrinkC> my problem is the pad color. its not really black
[11:26] <FrinkC> is there a option i forgot?
[14:29] <myrmidette> hello, I need some help with editing a video - I want to remove the first 17 seconds, nothing more. Here is what I did so far: http://pastebin.com/XEARYVaR
[14:29] <myrmidette> can anyone explain to me whether ffmpeg can even handle .ogm videos?
[14:41] <ubitux> you are not using ffmpeg, but libav
[14:41] <ubitux> also, the version is old
[14:41] <ubitux> ffmpeg -i input.ogm -ss 17 -c copy out.ogm will be enough
[14:59] <perrth> ubitux: about the negative value of -aq (for libvorbis), I found the condition here in ffmpeg.c @MATCH_PER_STREAM_OPT(qscale, dbl, qscale, oc, st) I changed it to "qscale >= -2". But with recent ffmpeg it seems qscale is refer to both video and audio option?. Is there a fatal issue of negative value usage?
[14:59] <Mavrik> perrth, you should use "-q:a" instead of qscale
[15:00] <Mavrik> qscale is deprecated because of said abiguity and was replaced by "-q:a" and "-q:v"
[15:01] <perrth> no it's not the opt parsing, I'm talking about the internal in ffmpeg.c source code
[15:02] <Mavrik> hmmm, good question
[15:02] <Mavrik> sorry, overlooked you were asking about the source
[16:01] <Gaming4JC> Does anyone know of an ffmpeg build without libfaac0? It's non-free licensing and I'm trying to get Blender to work on GNU/Linux
[16:04] <Mavrik> um, pretty much all repo versions?
[16:30] <Gaming4JC> I'll just compile Blender from scratch :/
[16:54] <IamTrying> Why its not cutting the avi? https://gist.github.com/1973636
[17:00] <Mavrik> you're trying to reencode it with invalid parameters
[17:00] <Mavrik> add "-codec copy" parameter
[17:04] <IamTrying> Mavrik, Great thanks it works!
[17:35] <piotr_kuna> Hi all out there :)
[17:36] <piotr_kuna> many users here
[17:37] <piotr_kuna> i want to set up a simple restreaming
[17:37] <piotr_kuna> get mjpeg from an ip cam and restream it in the lan
[17:37] <piotr_kuna> without any change in resolution, framerate or so
[17:39] <piotr_kuna> i have done it before with vlc, it works but vlc is not reconnecting after a short out
[17:39] <piotr_kuna> can this be done with ffmpeg?
[17:47] <piotr_kuna> .
[18:23] <IamTrying> When i converted my .avi to png all files are broken how do i fix it ? e.g: https://gist.github.com/1973919
[18:30] <IamTrying> All the files are created by all of them are 0 bytes
[18:30] <IamTrying> Is this a BUG? ffmpeg -i FILENAME.avi %d.png
[18:31] <IamTrying> i have all the frames as file but none of them is able to be open via picture editors..
[18:32] <IamTrying> First frame 1.png is also in size 70kb but when i open in Gimp its like black screen and broken.
[19:23] <relaxed> IamTrying: Try a more recent version of ffmpeg and use "%05d.png" as your output name
[19:24] <IamTrying> OK
[19:25] <relaxed> It will pad the filename with zeros, 00001.png, 00150.png, etc..
[19:26] <IamTrying> OK - name conversion is perfect. But it wont clone the frames with my current ffmpeg version right?
[19:26] <IamTrying> s/clone/decode or clone etc
[19:27] <relaxed> wait, what is your goal? what are you doing?
[19:28] <IamTrying> relaxed, Goal is to prepare .avi to .jpeg or .png so that x264 can read them and make a file .mkv e.g: https://gist.github.com/1973919
[19:29] <relaxed> you can encode to h.264 using ffmpeg compiled with libx264 support.
[19:30] <relaxed> Is there some feature you need that isn't available with ffmpeg?
[19:32] <relaxed> ffmpeg -i INPUT -vcodec libx264 -preset veryfast -tune zerolatency -b 2000k -threads 0 -vframes 900 output.mkv
[19:33] <relaxed> IamTrying: ^^
[19:33] <IamTrying> WOW that is also possible with ffmpeg great. Thank you relaxed !!
[19:33] <relaxed> you will probably need a more recent version of ffmpeg for that to work.
[19:35] <relaxed> oops, I left out "-intra-refresh" in tha aboce command.
[19:35] <relaxed> above*
[19:36] <IamTrying> relaxed, giving this at the end [mp2 @ 0x8272560] encoding 6 channel(s) is not allowed in mp2
[19:36] <IamTrying> can i remove or ignore the audio part completely?
[19:37] <relaxed> yes, add -an
[19:37] <IamTrying> OK got it
[19:40] <funkster> i've got "ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 25 -s 400x400 -i :0.0 outputFile.mpg" working to record my screen action, is there a way I can have it record a specific browser window i launch?
[19:40] <IamTrying> relaxed, failing https://gist.github.com/1973919
[19:41] <relaxed> uh, I assume the avi is broken?
[19:42] <IamTrying> relaxed, no that works with mplayer and also i can use ffmpeg for some other conversions also that worked with vlc
[19:43] <IamTrying> 88MB file:
[19:46] <relaxed> funkster: Yes. Use `xwininfo` to get the browser window's geometry and add it to the input. google will have examples.
[19:47] <relaxed> IamTrying: downloading
[19:47] <IamTrying> :)
[19:47] <funkster> relaxed: ok great i will be recording a video slideshow in a url, any tips on making me recording a good quality with ffmpeg
[19:51] <relaxed> funkster: ffmpeg ... -i INPUT -vcodec libx264 -preset veryslow -threads 0 -crf 16 output.mkv
[20:13] <piotr_kuna> hello relaxed!
[20:29] <relaxed> piotr_kuna: hi
[21:01] <pasteeater> relaxed: -threads 0 is now automatic, IIRCAFAIKLOL.
[21:03] <relaxed> assuming their binary is recent.
[21:14] <piotr_kuna> relaxed, have you read my questions above? Have You any idea how to do it? Is is possible with ffmpeg?
[21:21] <gidna> Hi
[21:22] <gidna> I want to convert a wma to mp3 but the file I generate is too big..
[21:22] <gidna> 19 Mb --> 74 How can I compress it?
[21:27] <emelo> Hi.. i'm trying to stream H.264 with FFServer
[21:27] <emelo> This two options:
[21:28] <emelo> AVPresetVideo default
[21:28] <emelo> AVPresetVideo baseline
[21:28] <cousteau> looks like I can't convert to mp3 using this...
[21:28] <emelo> caused this error
[21:28] <emelo> AVPreset error: constrained
[21:29] <cousteau> gah, after trying mencoder, sox and ffmpeg I finally ended up using aqualung to convert to mp3... duh
[21:29] <emelo> I imagine that is related to this: For x264 encoding use -preset and/or -tune and/or -profile
[21:29] <emelo> how should I set this options in FFServer 0.10 ?
[21:32] <cousteau> duh, this is lame... I already had `lame` installed
[21:37] <peerce> trying to understand -r[:stream_specifier] fps (input/output,per-stream) from the docs. can I specify a different input frame rate from my output frame rate? I am making a mp4 from image2 timelapse jpgs...
[21:39] <piotr_kuna> Do you know if there is a way for ffmpeg to grab a mjpeg stream via http and serves this in lan, without recoding?
[21:39] <peerce> is that like 15/30 (15fps input, 30fps output) ?
[21:40] <pasteeater> relaxed: always.
[21:55] <relaxed> piotr_kuna: should be possible.
[22:37] <rainmaker1> Hi, I was wondering if anyone is using ffmpeg for live streaming?
[22:41] <rainmaker1> :D
[22:57] <Slackyman> hi
[23:00] <Slackyman> When I try to reproduce with ffplay a video with a 5.1 audio channels I got this error
[23:00] <Slackyman> SDL_OpenAudio: DirectSound CreateSoundBuffer: Invalid parameter
[23:01] <Slackyman> it seams that sdl cannot create a 5.1 soundbuffer
[23:01] <Slackyman> I don't know if it's a SDL bug or a ffplay bug
[23:01] <Slackyman> it happens with ac3 audio
[23:04] <Slackyman> BTW: I compilee ffmpeg for windows with Mingw64 on my Slackware - I got the 3 Feb git version
[00:00] --- Mon Mar 5 2012
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