[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120310

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 11 02:05:01 CET 2012

[00:46] <Laputa> hi, my sound card device doesnt support stereo mix.  i can only capture mic .
[00:46] <Laputa> anyone knows how to capture the line out ?
[00:48] <relaxed> Laputa: pulse can do the mixing
[00:48] <bcardarella> I'm using the following to convert a h264 mp4 to mpeg: ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -qscale 5 -threads 14 out.mpeg
[00:49] <bcardarella> And the resulting mpeg has tons of artifacts all over it, audio is fine but the video is very messed up
[00:49] <bcardarella> Anything I'm doing wrong?
[00:49] <relaxed> bcardarella: add -f vob
[00:50] <bcardarella> woot that works! :)
[01:00] <Laputa> relaxed: thanks  for reply. here's my command : ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i hw:0,0 test.wav
[01:00] <Laputa> i can only capture sound from mic , but no sound from speaker is captured. weired.
[01:01] <Laputa> relaxed: could you tell me how to capture both or just the sound what you hear from computer ?
[01:13] <pasteeater> Laputa: does your sound card support recording from outpix mix?
[01:13] <pasteeater> you could still use also if yes, otherwise you may have to use something like pulse
[01:14] <pasteeater> who what the hell did i just type
[01:14] <pasteeater> ah...it's my lag
[01:14] <pasteeater> or something
[01:16] <Laputa> pasteeater: i checked alsamixer, and the capture doesn't support stereo mix .
[01:17] <Laputa> http://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/Recording_audio_playing_on_the_computer#Alsamixer  i compared my alsamixer to this . mine doesn't have mix
[01:19] <pasteeater> maybe pulse then
[01:19] <Freakshow> hmm... anyone using rtsp seeing dup's or drops?
[01:19] <Freakshow> frame=  401 fps= 13 q=-1.0 Lq=-1.0 q=-1.0 size=       0kB time=00:00:26.63 bitrate=   0.0kbits/s dup=2 drop=398
[01:20] <Freakshow> oddly, rtsp isn't reporting ANY output bitrate even though I'm pushing multiple outputs... which eludes to my next question
[01:21] <Freakshow> it would appear that while pushing multiple outputs, logging only captures the first instantiated output stream
[01:21] <Freakshow> Stream #1.0 in this case
[01:24] <Laputa> pasteeater: thanks.
[01:47] <_klk_> hi all
[01:47] <_klk_> i'm having trouble using libav to decode an mpeg 2 video stream thats being broadcast over http
[01:47] <_klk_> it opens successfully and is able to read/display it..but the image looks distorted
[01:47] <_klk_> like a kaleidoscope has been passed over part of it
[01:47] <_klk_> i also see these errors being output:
[01:47] <_klk_> errors of the form: mpeg2video ax-tex damaged at __ __
[01:47] <_klk_> where ___ ___ are 2 numbers
[01:47] <_klk_> i'm compiling libav from ffmpeg 0.8.5 release.
[01:48] <_klk_> VLC, ffplay, and a simple opencv test program have all been able to display it correctly
[02:17] <Freakshow> argh!
[02:17] <Freakshow> it's odd that I'm not seeing any bitrate or output size
[02:17] <Freakshow> frame=38752 fps= 13 q=31.0 q=30.0 q=28.0 size=       0kB time=00:43:00.46 bitrate=   0.0kbits/s dup=154 drop=38672
[02:17] <Freakshow> what the!?
[02:17] <Freakshow> ;)
[03:58] <emelo> Hi... I'm streaming h264 with FFServer... and the startup delay is almost a full minute using VLC or FFPlay.. is there a way to reduce this delay ??
[04:13] <emelo> anyone ??
[07:09] <Halexander9000> Good Evening guys!
[07:10] <Halexander9000> Oh... wait, I'm stuck in a different quantum time loop. Erm... Greetings from Eastern Europe Gentlehumans!
[07:11] <Halexander9000> Is someone here?
[07:15] <Halexander9000> Hello?
[07:33] <mystica555_> Halexander9000: randomly you'll get a reply, just ask a question if you have one :)
[07:34] <Halexander9000> In the mean time, a polite gentleman offered me help with realizing that I mixed up a command for another, since he magically found the same website I took the command from.
[07:50] <Freakshow> should I be seeing a carriage return in a running log during a transcode?
[07:50] <Freakshow> frame=  525 fps= 13 q=28.0 q=27.0 q=25.0 size=       0kB time=00:00:32.00 bitrate=   0.0kbits/s dup=2 drop=521    ^M
[07:53] <grepper> not in a terminal - if you are outputing to a log, then yes
[07:54] <Freakshow> well, when I tail the log... it looks like I'm missing linefeeds
[07:55] <Freakshow> basically spins the entire log out
[07:55] <grepper> possibly just buffering the output ?
[07:55] <Freakshow> well, I should be able to tail -1 it...
[07:56] <Freakshow> but does the same thing... if the log is incredibly long, it spits out the entire log
[07:56] <Freakshow> quite annoying
[07:56] <Freakshow> I guess I could tr it...
[07:57] <grepper> I mean when it is sent to the log
[07:58] <Freakshow> by ffmpeg?
[08:00] <Halexander9000> Greetings from Eastern Europe, gentlehumans! I have 495 png files. I use this command to combine them into a video file at 16 frames per second: "ffmpeg -f image2 -i frame%d.png -r 16 out.mp4". But instead of getting a video file 495:16=30.9375 seconds in length, I somehow end up with a 19 second one. Could someone please tell me what seems to be the problem?
[08:01] <Freakshow> hmm... I wonder if it's maybe OSX doing the logging differently now
[08:01] <grepper> Freakshow: I mean when it is being piped.  You could try using stdbuf in the pipe
[08:01] <Freakshow> didn't have this problem in 10.5.8
[08:02] <grepper> dunno, just guessing
[08:02] <Freakshow> yeah, I'll check that out
[08:02] <Freakshow> well, I'm taking the output and pointing it to a log via redirect
[08:03] <Freakshow> e.g. -f blah 2> ffmpeg.out
[08:05] <Halexander9000> Pretty please?
[08:06] <Halexander9000> Hello?
[08:07] <grepper> you could also use 'strings' in the pipeline to get rid of the line feeds
[08:10] <grepper> Freakshow: something like:  ffmpeg ...  2>&1 | stdbuf -oL strings >> "$LOG_FILE"
[08:11] <Halexander9000> Hello?
[08:12] <Halexander9000> Can someone please help me?
[08:12] <grepper> Halexander9000: did you telling ffmpeg what the framerate of the input was ?
[08:13] <grepper> ie. put the -r 16 before the -i FILE
[08:14] <Halexander9000> grepper: Um... yes, I do believe I did "ffmpeg -f image2 -i frame%d.png -r 16 out.mp4".
[08:14] <Halexander9000> grepper: The input was a series of images.
[08:15] <grepper> then try what I suggested
[08:16] <Halexander9000> grepper: So... what you're saying is I should use this command: "ffmpeg -f image2 -i -r 16 frame%d.png -r 24 out.mp4" ?
[08:17] <Halexander9000> Erm... wait "ffmpeg -f image2 -r 16 -i 16 frame%d.png -r 24 out.mp4"
[08:17] <Halexander9000> Augh... wait...
[08:17] <Halexander9000> "ffmpeg -f image2 -r 16 -i frame%d.png -r 24 out.mp4"
[08:17] <Halexander9000> There we go.
[08:17] <Halexander9000> grepper: Is that it?
[08:18] <Halexander9000> grepper: Are you still there? Or have you decided to ignore my idiocy?
[08:25] <Freakshow> hmm... grepper: I'll give that a shot in a few minutes
[08:25] <Freakshow> thanks for the insight
[08:27] <LexSfX> what's the best way to convert my RGB24 video to paletted 8-bit?
[08:28] <LexSfX> i know how to use avisynth and ffmpeg
[08:28] <grepper> Halexander9000: ffmpeg -f image2 -r 16 -i frame%d.png -r 16 blah blah
[08:29] <grepper> the -r num BEFORE the -i is input FR, the -r num AFTER is output FR
[08:30] <Halexander9000> grepper: I'm a dumbass.
[08:31] <Halexander9000> grepper: I typed the commands with quotes.
[08:31] Action: Halexander9000 face-palms himself.
[08:32] <Halexander9000> grepper: Hold on. I'll tell you if it works.
[08:44] <Halexander9000> grepper:  It works. Thank you.
[09:03] <grepper> np
[12:27] <kwizart> hello, someone know where I can download the most up2date source for libcrystalhd ?
[12:29] <kwizart> I only have 3.5.1 (that's for linux)
[13:24] <UukGoblin> hi guys...
[13:24] <UukGoblin> how can I specify which ALSA device do I want to use with ffplay?
[13:30] <UukGoblin> got it, AUDIODEV
[13:41] <Amnesia> question, is ffmpeg able to fix an idx of an avi file, if so how
[13:42] <Amnesia> I concatenated 1.avi and 2.avi to 3.avi
[13:42] <Amnesia> (I know mencoder's able to do this)
[14:25] <burek> Amnesia, well
[14:25] <burek> mpeg is known to be able to be concatenated
[14:25] <burek> but not avi
[14:26] <Amnesia> hmkay
[14:26] <Amnesia> other question
[14:26] <burek> you'll end up with 3 different idxes for each avi in a single file
[14:26] <Amnesia> I want to use h264..
[14:26] <Amnesia> but it says it's an unknown encoder
[14:26] <burek> use a video editor to concat videos
[14:26] <Amnesia>  DE h264            raw H.264 video format
[14:26] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[14:27] <burek> pastebin?
[14:27] <Amnesia> burek: https://privatepaste.com/2a4ed4dcdb
[14:28] <Amnesia> when I omit -vcodec / -acodec the quality is crap..
[14:29] <Mavrik> you did not paste the command line.
[14:30] <Amnesia> woops
[14:30] <Amnesia> ffmpeg -i eyes.wide.shut.1999.ws.dvdrip.xvid.fragment.cd1.avi -vf "ass=1.ass" -acodec libfaac -vcodec libx264 out.mkv
[14:30] <Amnesia> my goal = "merge subs to the file"
[14:30] <burek> well
[14:30] <burek> libx264 is not the same as h264
[14:30] <burek> use -vcodec h264
[14:30] <Mavrik> Amnesia, usually it helps if you compile your ffmpeg with libx264 support ;)
[14:31] <Mavrik> -> Unknown encoder 'libx264'
[14:31] <Amnesia> hm thought it was built in
[14:31] <burek> well those are 2 different encoders
[14:31] <Mavrik> nope, it's an external library you need to compile ffmpeg against to use it
[14:31] <burek> used for the same goal
[14:31] <Amnesia> ugh this is gonna be the third time I've got to compile it:p
[14:31] <Amnesia> what's the best built in one?
[14:31] <burek> Amnesia, use -vcodec h264
[14:31] <burek> no need to recompile
[14:31] <Mavrik> Amnesia, make sure you check if you compile libfaac support as well :)
[14:32] <Amnesia> burek: already tried, no success
[14:32] <burek> btw
[14:32] <burek> are you sure
[14:32] <Mavrik> burek, "h264" is just an alias for libx264.
[14:32] <Amnesia> I'll recompile..
[14:32] <burek> it says
[14:32] <burek> oh
[14:32] <Mavrik> you're probably thinking of the mpeg4 compiler
[14:32] <burek> Amnesia,
[14:33] <burek> what you did was wrong
[14:33] <burek> you listed FORMATS
[14:33] <burek> instead of CODECS
[14:33] <burek> h264 is FORMAT and a CODEC
[14:33] <Amnesia> ah lol, thx
[14:33] <burek> "DE h264            raw H.264 video format"
[14:33] <burek> notice the word "format"
[14:33] <burek> so you need to recompile with libx264 support
[14:33] <Amnesia> but are those formats and codecs supported or built in?
[14:33] <Amnesia> yep I figure
[14:33] <burek> yes and no
[14:34] <Mavrik> Amnesia, what you get listed in "-codecs" and "-formats" is what your built ffmpeg version support
[14:34] <Mavrik> 's
[14:34] <burek> some are built in some are external
[14:34] <burek> -in +and
[14:34] <Amnesia> Mavrik: well h264 is in the list:)
[14:34] <Amnesia> ah ok
[14:34] <Mavrik> Amnesia, does it have an "E"?
[14:34] <Mavrik> or just "D" ? ;)
[14:34] <burek> when you do ffmpeg -codecs
[14:34] <burek> you get  D V D  h264            H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
[14:34] <burek> no "E" letter
[14:35] <Amnesia> I see
[14:35] <burek> which means its not an encoder
[14:35] <Amnesia> ok, thx:)
[14:35] <burek> just a decoder
[14:35] <Amnesia> and the xvid encoder/decoder
[14:35] <Amnesia> guess that's also not in by default?
[14:35] <Mavrik> Amnesia, rule of thumb... you need to enable "lib<anything>" de/encoders when configuring ffmpeg
[14:35] <Mavrik> no it's not
[14:35] <burek> you can check by typing ./configure --help
[14:36] <Amnesia> thx
[14:37] <Amnesia> libxvidcore4-dev <- woot
[14:38] <Amnesia> does the configure script detect the headers automatically?
[14:38] <Amnesia> meh nvm I'll enable them
[14:53] <Amnesia> ugh question
[14:53] <Amnesia> I'm using mpeg4 and libxvid but the quality does get crap when using that
[14:53] <Amnesia> but not when I;m using libx264
[14:54] <Amnesia> but I prefer not to use mpeg4 instead of libx264 since the default ps3 player does not play the latter..
[14:54] <Amnesia> and it's compression seems to suck
[14:54] <Amnesia> any idea?
[15:05] <Amnesia> the pixels are massive
[15:36] <Amnesia> hm fixed, adjusted the bitrate..
[16:13] <gridtank> Playing a DNxHD file with "ffplay -f dnxhd file.mxf" the file have 8 audiotracks, i don't get any audio playing. If i use ffmpeg to transcode, the audio is there. There is a simular problem when using ffprobe, which only reports one stream (The video). Anyone knows something?
[16:43] <Rathann> gridtank: what does ffmpeg -i file.mxf show?
[16:47] <gridtank> Rathann: http://pastebin.com/gdjBD7Ps
[16:48] <gridtank> Rathann: but i can convert them with this as example.  ffmpeg -vcodec dnxhd -i zzq-2011-1014-viz-web-vc3185-1080i50-1-1.mxf -target pal-dv50 -async 2048 -pix_fmt yuv422p -map 0:0 -map 0:3 fil5.dv
[16:48] <Tjoppen> gridtank: upload a sample somewhere and file a ticket and I might take a look at it tomorrow or monday
[16:49] <gridtank> Samplefiles are here: http://dnxhd.gridtank.com/
[16:50] <Tjoppen> most likely there needs to be an entry in the codec UL list
[16:50] <gridtank> ok!
[16:51] <gridtank> latest build of ffmbc has it i have heard. but the problem is with ffplay and ffprobe.
[16:58] <Tjoppen> odd, the existing dnxhd UL is actually JPEG 2000
[16:58] <gridtank> ???
[16:58] <gridtank> Are you really shure!
[16:58] <Tjoppen> meaning there probably never was any dnxhd support, I think
[16:59] <Freakshow> hhh
[16:59] <Freakshow> av_interleaved_write_frame(): Broken pipe
[17:00] <gridtank> Tjoppen: The files are vc3/dnxhd op1a mxf wrapped.
[17:01] <Tjoppen> yes, I can see that
[17:01] <Freakshow> anyone have a clue as to what this is telling me? I'm pulling dv into ffmpeg google is giving me no pointers, it worked up until 10:30pm last night
[17:01] <Freakshow> is this something to do with source input rather than output?
[17:02] <gridtank> but i have doubts about if they are implemented by the contractor in a correct way. The plays on the broadcastservers that are written on the page you get the files from. http://dnxhd.gridtank.com
[17:06] <Tjoppen> gridtank: http://pastebin.com/uwiN1wE3 something like this will probably fix it
[17:08] <Freakshow> grepper: after trying that streams cmd from last night... it's broken, all the things
[17:08] <Freakshow> :|
[17:08] <Tjoppen> ah, I recognize that sample :)
[17:09] <Tjoppen> CompanyName = Ardendo
[17:09] <Tjoppen> "we meet again"
[17:09] <gridtank> yes
[17:10] <gridtank> i work for one of their clients.
[17:14] <Tjoppen> I'll post a patch to the ML
[17:15] <grepper> Freakshow: what are you saying, you think the redirection to a log file broke your ffmpeg ? :P
[17:16] <Freakshow> no, something else along the way did... but that's when it started
[17:16] <gridtank> Tjoppen: Thanks!
[17:16] <Freakshow> I obviously fat fingered something
[17:16] <Freakshow> I'm getting av_interleaved_write_frame(): Broken pipe now
[17:18] <grepper> sure the command is right, no typos ?
[17:19] <Freakshow> yeah, going over it again and again... looks sane, I'll pastebin shortly, gotta make some coffee. searching for the error alone indicates that I can't write to output but I may be reading that incorrectly (the web sans coffee)
[17:19] <Tjoppen> gridtank: patch sent
[17:20] <gridtank> Tjoppen: Grate
[17:23] <Freakshow> grepper: in the interest of getting additional eyes... I've forsaken coffee for a min and done the paste
[17:24] <Freakshow> grepper: http://pastebin.com/EDx2ixZe
[17:24] <Freakshow> now coffee, brb
[17:37] <Amnesia> ffs
[17:37] <Amnesia> is anyone able to help me over here
[17:37] <Amnesia> I need to bake an avi file which the ps3 can read
[17:37] <Amnesia> and I used mpeg4..
[17:37] <Amnesia> but it doesn't seem to work
[17:38] <Amnesia> http://manuals.playstation.net/document/en/ps3/current/video/filetypes.html
[17:41] <rav0> Memory Stick Video Format  - MPEG-4 SP (AAC LC)?
[17:42] <Amnesia> yeh I also haven't got a clue
[17:42] <Amnesia> but "usual" avi files work
[17:42] <rav0> time for you read up, sunshine
[17:42] <Amnesia> but when I encode them using ffmep they don't work
[17:43] <Amnesia> mpeg4 simple profile..
[17:43] <rav0> honestly, i've never even heard of Memory Stick Video Format. my first choice would be using a PC (not PS3), second choice a hack player, third choice mp4/avc
[17:44] <Mavrik> rav0, there's "mp4" right afterwards.
[17:45] <Mavrik> Amnesia, what was your commandline to encode?
[17:45] <Amnesia> yep rav0 playing it isn't a problem for me, but for my brother who's a noob it is:)
[17:45] <Amnesia> Mavrik: ffmpeg -i eyes.wide.shut.1999.ws.dvdrip.xvid.fragment.cd1.avi -vf "scale=640:352,pad=0:452:0:50:black,ass=1.ass" -vcodec mpeg4 -b 1800k -aspect 16:9 -acodec ac3 1.avi
[17:46] <rav0> that page says that ps3 will play avi with mjpeg, and doesn't say avi with mpeg4
[17:46] <Mavrik> Amnesia, "mpeg4" doesn't encode H.264/AVC first of al :)
[17:46] <Mavrik> so that could be the problem
[17:47] <Mavrik> also "avi" container
[17:47] <Amnesia> hm well it plays other avi files fine:)
[17:47] <Amnesia> I'm going to try mjpeg ow
[17:47] <Mavrik> here's an example of something that should create a valid PS3 H.264 file: "http://francoislord.com/blog/everything/encoding-h-264avc-videos-for-ps3-using-ffmpeg_144"
[17:47] <Mavrik> Amnesia, any reason why don't you try acual H.264 as the spec on that page tells you to?
[17:47] <rav0> ps mjpeg will give you huge files with low quality
[17:48] <Amnesia> ah bummer
[17:50] <Amnesia> going to try h264 in an avi container..
[17:50] <Mavrik> why not mp4 container?
[17:50] <Mavrik> why do you keep trying to do stuff against the spec?
[17:50] <Amnesia> Mavrik: cause it're two cds which I need to concatenate to 1
[17:50] <Amnesia> and I dunno how to do that with mp4s:)
[17:51] <rav0> this is what you should have said earlier
[17:51] <rav0> do each of the source avis play on the ps3?
[17:51] <Amnesia> yep
[17:52] <rav0> and is dvd disc an option?
[17:52] <rav0> (or hard disk or usb or anything where filesize of 2 CDs won't be an issue)
[17:53] <Amnesia> I'm streaming it over the network
[17:53] <rav0> you might try -vcodec copy -acodec copy and have ffmpeg concatanate for you
[17:53] <Amnesia> well, the I'm adding subs to them:
[17:53] <Amnesia> :)
[17:58] <rav0> then i would recommend mp4/h264 for you over avi (this means a .mp4 file) libx264 is a top h264 encoder. for ps3 you must use level 4.1 or lower and according to the specs page you linked, high profile or lower. also, lc aac audio (faac)
[17:58] <Freakshow> grepper: yup... 1 of my 3 outputs was to the same stream
[17:58] <Freakshow> total fat finger
[17:59] <Freakshow> but, by the by... the streams redirection didn't work
[17:59] <Freakshow> still need to figure that out
[17:59] <Freakshow> :(
[18:03] <rav0> night, dudes
[18:07] <Amnesia> ffs, !@#$%^ps3
[18:07] Action: Freakshow nods
[18:15] <Amnesia> the default player is picky as hell
[20:44] <sj_underwater> hi, i was asking the other day abt compiling on OS X Lion
[20:44] <relaxed> ll
[20:44] <relaxed> oops
[20:45] <sj_underwater> only seems to work with clang/cc, not the default of gcc (MMX macros MM_0_FIX_* are broken?)
[20:46] <relaxed> are you using the latest xcode?
[20:47] <relaxed> apple is moving toward clang anyway so why not use it?
[20:52] <sj_underwater> it is the newest
[20:52] <sj_underwater> but my point is that the default choice results in an error that isnt really clear
[20:54] <sj_underwater> ffmpeg no longer compiles on Lion with default settings, and I dont think it's mentioned in any documentation
[21:00] <sj_underwater> is there any way to contribute to the Mac documentation? i noticed the linked guide is really old
[21:05] <grepper> Freakshow: what do you mean by didn't work specifically ?
[21:11] <filo1234> hi all
[21:12] <filo1234> I have installed ffmpeg and lame for encode mp3, when I use -acodec mp3 or libmp3lame it says "unknown encoder mp3"
[21:13] <filo1234> on ffmpeg -formats  I have
[21:13] <filo1234>  DE mp3             MPEG audio layer 3
[21:13] <filo1234>  D A    mp3             MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3)
[21:13] <filo1234>  D A    mp3adu          ADU (Application Data Unit) MP3 (MPEG audio layer 3)
[21:13] <filo1234>  D A    mp3on4          MP3onMP4
[21:14] <filo1234> whats wrong there? I'm on Ubuntu 10.04 and installed ffmpeg from repos
[21:14] <grepper> Freakshow: try stdbuf -o0 instead  of -oL (that's a zero not a capital o)
[21:14] <sacarasc> Use -codecs to see codecs.
[21:14] <sacarasc> Also, compile ffmpeg yourself.
[21:17] <Amnesia> question
[21:17] <Amnesia> adding padding to a video should be done with the following right..: "-vf "pad=0:472:0:60:black
[21:17] <filo1234> sacarasc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/878010/
[21:17] <Amnesia> the input size is 640:352
[21:17] <filo1234> I cannot see somethig wrong there
[21:18] <Amnesia> for some reason the above also adds padding to the left and right..
[21:19] <sacarasc> filo1234: I would really recommend using the guide int he topic to update your ffmpeg. What you have now is over 2 years out of date (0.5 compared to 0.10).
[21:19] <Amnesia> anyone?
[21:19] <filo1234> sacarasc: I know, but I cannot upgrade that at the moment
[21:20] <filo1234> sacarasc: ubuntu compilation guide?
[21:20] <sacarasc> Yeah.
[21:22] <sacarasc> Anyway, filo1234, your version of ffmpeg wasn't built with lame support.
[21:23] <Amnesia> I've been playing with these values for ages now, without success..
[21:23] <Amnesia> even: "pad=0:472:0:0:black" adds pads to the right and left side..
[21:26] <relaxed> black is the default
[21:27] <relaxed> and he's gone..
[21:27] <Amnesia> anyone?
[21:28] <filo1234> sacarasc: yeah but on another 10.04 same ffmpeg version I use libmp3lame
[21:28] <relaxed> Amnesia: pad=0:472:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2
[21:29] <sacarasc> filo1234: Not with the one you just used there.
[21:29] <filo1234> :O
[21:29] <Amnesia> relaxed: [pad @ 0x1f14460] Negative values are not acceptable.
[21:30] <relaxed> Amnesia: pad=0:472:0:(oh-ih)/2
[21:30] <Amnesia> relaxed: same, pads added to the right and left side
[21:30] <filo1234> sacarasc: well tomorrow I'll think about compile ffmpeg
[21:31] <relaxed> Amnesia: what do you want?
[21:31] <filo1234> sacarasc: thanks
[21:31] <Amnesia> relaxed: "widescreen-effect"
[21:31] <Amnesia> so black bars added to the bottom and top
[21:32] <relaxed> so me your command and all output on pastebin.com
[21:32] <relaxed> show*
[21:33] <Amnesia> https://privatepaste.com/9961d66dc4
[21:33] <relaxed> run the command I gave you and paste that
[21:35] <Amnesia> relaxed: https://privatepaste.com/befbea6a2b
[21:36] <relaxed> and? you don't have padding on the top and bottom?
[21:36] <Amnesia> I do
[21:36] <Amnesia> but I also have padding on the right and left
[21:36] <relaxed> that wasn't there before?
[21:36] <Amnesia> nope indeed
[21:37] <Amnesia> strange uh
[21:37] <relaxed> are you sure this isn't player?
[21:38] <Amnesia> yes\
[21:38] <relaxed> try ffplay
[21:38] <Amnesia> the imported file is displayed in full screen
[21:39] <relaxed> The width of your video is not changed from the input.
[21:40] <Amnesia> the same happens with ffply
[21:40] <Amnesia> ffplay*
[21:41] <relaxed> pad the video up to 480
[21:44] <Freakshow> grepper: I'll give that a shot in a bit, just got back from the farmers market
[21:44] <Amnesia> same issue, relaxed
[21:45] <relaxed> omit the ass filter
[21:45] <relaxed> add -t 10 for a quick test
[21:47] <Amnesia> relaxed: same occurs without the ass filter
[21:47] <Amnesia> 0:452:0:50:black should be fine afaik
[21:52] <cbsrobot> Amnesia: run the following command and see if you have to crop the input first:
[21:52] <cbsrobot> ffmpeg -y -i eyes.wide.shut.1999.ws.dvdrip.xvid.fragment.cd1.avi -vf cropdetect -f null /dev/null
[21:53] <Amnesia> cbsrobot: No such filter: 'cropdetect'
[21:53] <cbsrobot> awwww
[21:54] <relaxed> Amnesia: run this and tell me if the png has padding on the side:  ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -r 1 -s 640:352 -i /dev/urandom -frames:v 1 -f image2pipe - 2>/dev/null | ffmpeg -f image2pipe -c:v mjpeg -i - -vf 'pad=0:472:0:50' test.png
[21:54] <cbsrobot> ffmpeg -y -i eyes.wide.shut.1999.ws.dvdrip.xvid.fragment.cd1.avi -vf blackdetect -f null /dev/null
[21:54] <Amnesia> No such filter: 'blackdetect' :/
[21:55] <Amnesia> ah wait
[21:55] <Amnesia> the version I just compiled does work
[21:56] <Amnesia> cbsrobot: [cropdetect @ 0x241caa0] x1:0 x2:639 y1:0 y2:351 w:640 h:352 x:0 y:0 pos:172057494 pts:896353792 t:896.353792 crop=640:352:0:0
[21:56] <Amnesia> also some: x1:0 x2:639 y1:0 y2:351 w:640 h:352 x:0 y:0 pos:14972802 pts:91216125 t:91.216125 crop=640:352:0:0
[21:57] <Amnesia> relaxed: it does
[21:57] <cbsrobot> ok so no black borders in the input file ...
[21:58] <Amnesia> cthat's correct
[21:58] <Amnesia> -c*
[22:02] <Amnesia> is pad that rarely used..:P?
[22:03] <cbsrobot> Amnesia: strange - it works for me - are you sure it's not just the window you're watching the video in ?
[22:03] <Amnesia> yup
[22:03] <Amnesia> it occurs when it's played in full screen
[22:04] <Amnesia> (playing the import file in full screen doesn't behave like this, so it is not mplayer)
[22:04] <cbsrobot> what is your screen resolution ?
[22:04] <Amnesia> 1366 x 768
[22:04] <cbsrobot> so its 1.77
[22:05] <cbsrobot> the file is originally 1.81
[22:05] <cbsrobot> 640/452 = 1.41
[22:05] <Amnesia> uhu
[22:06] <cbsrobot> sorry - again
[22:06] <cbsrobot> 1366 / 768 = 1.77
[22:06] <cbsrobot> 640 / 352 = 1.81
[22:06] <cbsrobot> 640 / 452 = 1.41
[22:07] <cbsrobot> right ?
[22:07] <Amnesia> yes..
[22:07] <cbsrobot> so the original file will take the whole with of your screen, as it is wider than your screen
[22:08] <cbsrobot> the converted file will fill out the height of your screen and add black borders left and right
[22:08] <cbsrobot> right ?
[22:09] <cbsrobot> meaning 1.81 > 1.77 -> this means fill out the widht and add black on top and bottom
[22:09] <cbsrobot> 141 < 1.77 -> this means fill out the height and add black left and right
[22:09] <cbsrobot> *1.41
[22:10] <Amnesia> the original screen isnt wider than my screen right..
[22:10] <Amnesia> since that's only 640..
[22:10] <cbsrobot> lets say the aspect
[22:10] <cbsrobot> try this and see if you still get black borders left/right:
[22:12] <cbsrobot> ffmpeg -y -i eyes.wide.shut.1999.ws.dvdrip.xvid.fragment.cd1.avi -acodec aac -ac 2 -ab 128k -vf "pad=0:360:0:4:black,ass=1.ass" -vcodec mp eg4 -r 24 -b 1150k -mbd 2 -strict -2 1.avi
[22:13] <cbsrobot> 640 / 1.77 = 361.....
[22:14] <Amnesia> hm
[22:15] <cbsrobot> you cannot pad the height to more than 361.... else you'll see black borders left and right !
[22:15] <Amnesia> cbsrobot: that's the entire screen filled except for the bottom
[22:16] <cbsrobot> well there should be black on the top aswell
[22:16] <Amnesia> cbsrobot: on my ps3 the same occurs on a full hd screen
[22:16] <cbsrobot> full hd ... 1920/ 1080 = 1.71
[22:16] <cbsrobot> eh
[22:16] <cbsrobot> 1.77 aswell
[22:17] <cbsrobot> the aspect ration of your full hd screen is the same as your laptop screen
[22:17] <Amnesia> guess so yes
[22:17] <cbsrobot> so this makes no difference
[22:18] <Amnesia> it all doesn't make sense tbh
[22:18] <cbsrobot> no ?
[22:18] <cbsrobot> why not ?
[22:19] <Amnesia> well it can't be that hard to add padding...
[22:20] <cbsrobot> no it's not hard to add padding - but don't expect to see the whole width of your screen filled when you pad too much on top and bottom
[22:20] <cbsrobot> btw - I guess you should use -r 24000 / 1001 ...
[22:21] <Amnesia> hm dunno
[22:21] <Amnesia> copy pasted those settings because the ps3 is pretty picky..
[22:21] <cbsrobot> ah ok ....
[22:22] <cbsrobot> what sizes ps3 can show ?
[22:22] <Amnesia> dunno
[22:22] <cbsrobot> 640x452 ?
[22:22] <Amnesia> but it's picky about the codec
[22:24] <Amnesia> I bet this would've worked fine with -padbottom and -badtop
[22:24] <cbsrobot> nah
[22:25] <cbsrobot> it's not a problem of the padding
[22:25] <Amnesia> it doesn't make semse that 640 becomes say 1366 or something
[22:26] <cbsrobot> as long as the aspect ration of your output file is bigger than the aspect ratio of your screen you should not see black on the left and right side
[22:26] <cbsrobot> just do the math - its easy
[22:28] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[22:28] <Amnesia> this everything works fine with other files
[22:28] <cbsrobot> what resolution do they have ?
[22:28] <Amnesia> 650x430
[22:31] <Amnesia> meh enough for today
[22:31] <cbsrobot> and you don't have black border elft and right ?
[22:32] <Amnesia> thx so far cbsq
[22:32] <Amnesia> correct
[22:32] <cbsrobot> maybe this file uses display aspect ratio
[22:32] <Amnesia> meh I'll check it uot monday
[22:32] <Amnesia> thx
[22:32] <cbsrobot> pastebin : ffprobe thisotherfile.avi
[22:32] <cbsrobot> ok
[22:33] <Amnesia> sorry g2g'
[22:33] <Amnesia> thx a lot everyone
[22:46] <filo1234> sacarasc: done, i've compiled ffmpeg, it works well, thanks
[22:46] <sacarasc> :)
[23:14] <niklasfi> hey, i am trying to copy a sequence of a video to a new one (trimming the rest of) i tried ffmpeg -ss 00:00:15.00 -t 25 -acodec copy -i in.avi out.avi, but this gives me weird output. first of all vlc shows both files (input and output) to have the same play duration, but out.avi's video is starting at 00:00:15.00 of in.avi so that is good. also the audio is completely squabbled. I guess i could need some help
[23:15] <niklasfi> * -vcodec copy was of course also part of my command
[00:00] --- Sun Mar 11 2012

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