[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120315

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 16 02:05:01 CET 2012

[03:09] <darkstarbyte> Is CELT stable enough to use for long term storage?
[09:21] <charley_horse> okay le, WHAT is the secret to get ./configure to work ?
[09:22] <ubitux> ./configure
[09:24] <charley_horse> yeah ... normally that works perfect. but with ffmpeg ...
[09:24] <charley_horse> set_all[4]: syntax error at line 1 : `(' unexpected
[09:25] <charley_horse> Unknown option "--prefix=/usr/nekoware".
[09:25] <charley_horse> See die_unknown --help for available options
[09:25] <charley_horse> ??
[09:26] <charley_horse> set_all[4]: $(find_tests=yes):  not found
[09:26] <charley_horse> Unable to create temporary file in /tmp
[09:26] <charley_horse> ffmpeg-0.10
[09:28] <ubitux> could you pastebin your full ./configure line and output?
[09:29] <charley_horse> happens even if I do a bare ./configure
[09:29] <charley_horse> fewel 45% ./configure
[09:29] <charley_horse> set_all[4]: syntax error at line 1 : `(' unexpected
[09:30] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[09:30] Last message repeated 9 time(s).
[09:30] <charley_horse> set_all[4]: $(find_tests=yes):  not found
[09:30] <charley_horse> set_all[4]: syntax error at line 1 : `)' unexpected
[09:30] <charley_horse> Unable to create temporary file in /tmp.
[09:30] <charley_horse> wstrange
[09:30] <ubitux> i said pastebin& note "paste"
[09:30] <ubitux> well whatever, avoid flooding the channel like that
[09:30] <charley_horse> sorry, seemed quicker  ...
[09:31] <ubitux> what's your shell?
[09:31] <charley_horse> tcsh
[09:31] <ubitux> /bin/sh is redirecting to tcsh?
[09:32] <charley_horse> just to check, went over to glib and it configured and compiled fine ...
[09:32] <charley_horse> no, user shell is tcsh. I assume it's using whatever shell it wants
[09:33] <ubitux> configure is using /bin/sh if you're calling it with ./configure
[09:33] <ubitux> so i'm asking if your /bin/sh is mapped to tcsh or some other broken shell
[09:33] <charley_horse> right ... #!/bin/sh
[09:33] <charley_horse> nope.
[09:34] <ubitux> what's your system?
[09:34] <charley_horse> Irix
[09:34] <Freakshow> guys, what's the recommended gop for PAL?
[09:34] <ubitux> charley_horse: do you have bash installed?
[09:34] <ubitux> or dash or something
[09:35] <charley_horse> have bash, will travel
[09:35] <ubitux> try bash configure in that case
[09:35] <charley_horse> just did. Same result
[09:36] <ubitux> Freakshow: 15?
[09:36] <ubitux> charley_horse: strange&
[09:36] <Freakshow> yeah, that's what I was thinking as well...
[09:37] <charley_horse> very. Most of the time I have problems with gcc, not ./configure ...
[09:37] <ubitux> charley_horse: how do you call the configure?
[09:37] <ubitux> i mean, what's your options?
[09:37] <Freakshow> some online docs are leaning towards 12
[09:37] <charley_horse> the normal way ... ./configure --prefix=blabla, etc etc
[09:38] <ubitux> Freakshow: 15 is likely the max
[09:38] <charley_horse> right now trying with NO options ...
[09:38] <Freakshow> agreed
[09:38] <ubitux> Freakshow: http://members.dodo.net.au/~jimmalenko/calc.htm
[09:38] <ubitux> charley_horse: and get the syntax error even without options?
[09:39] <charley_horse> yes
[09:39] <Freakshow> thanks ubitux: came across that earlier
[09:40] <charley_horse> if configure didn't work perfectly everywhere else I'd say it was somethign with my path or system or shell or whatever but ...
[09:40] <charley_horse> configure --v
[09:40] <ubitux> the configure in ffmpeg is a home made script
[09:40] <ubitux> it's different from the autotools generated script
[09:41] <ubitux> so "everywhere" certainly means "the autotools configure"
[09:41] <charley_horse> oh oh. ANd most people are not so well acquainted with Irix or MIPSPro ....
[09:41] <charley_horse> right, about autotools. That one is not usually a problem
[09:41] <ubitux> strangely, not much ppl use irix yes :)
[09:42] <charley_horse> some of us are pigheaded brutes :P
[09:52] <ubitux> charley_horse: could you *pastebin* a sh -x configure?
[09:52] <charley_horse> I'm researching ... looks like there are some mipspro patches ....
[09:53] <ubitux> it might be that one of the called program is broken or has a different syntax that the rest of the world
[09:54] <ubitux> so running configure with sh -x might help seeing what's going on
[09:54] <charley_horse> oi. I'd have to redirect to a file, the output is  .... voluminous :)
[09:58] <charley_horse> but I see this already ... " host_cc_default=gcc " ... uhh, no.
[10:00] <YellowOnion1> is RGB to YUV conversion broken? everything looks odd in color
[10:01] <YellowOnion1> plus since this is a screen capture, I'm getting a reduction in color if I overlap the capture area and the output window
[10:08] <YellowOnion1> it's possibly bt709 / bt609 incorrect conversion but how do I fix it?
[10:32] <JacobS2> Hello everyone, I have an input with 2 steams, one video and one audio ( stereo ) and I want the output to have 2 streams one video and one stereo with the left ( or right ) channel muted, I tried playing with -map_channel but could get it to work properly, what is the correct command ?
[10:32] <JacobS2> this is my original command: -f dshow -i video="screen-capture-recorder":audio="Stereo Mix (IDT High Definition" -vcodec  libx264 -preset ultrafast -tune film -r 10 -async 1 -ab 32k -ar 22050  -f mpegts udp://
[10:39] <YellowOnion1> JacobS2: you want mono sound?
[10:42] <YellowOnion1> JacobS2: how do you mean muted? you could either make it mono, or turn the volume of the light or right channel down, but you don't want stereo with a muted channel
[10:42] <YellowOnion1> left or right*
[10:59] <JacobS2> YellowOnion1: sorry for the delay, yes I do want sterio with a muted channel, I have a remote machine with speakers and monitors in 2 different rooms and I want to selectivly stream the video to one or the other
[11:01] <YellowOnion1> can't you just use the soundcard driver to mute one channel?
[11:01] <YellowOnion1> wait
[11:03] <JacobS2> YellowOnion1: from what I can understand from the ffmpeg documentation it is possible, but I cant get it to work
[11:05] <YellowOnion1> so you have a computer, with two speakers, one in each room, so you want to have the sound go to one room or another, but not both?
[11:05] <JacobS2> exactly
[11:07] <YellowOnion1> is there a reason you want to use ffmpeg to mute one channel and not just use the soundcard on the system?
[11:10] <YellowOnion1> JacobS2: http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#pan
[11:11] <ubitux> -map_channel should work too
[11:11] <ubitux> what are the file and stream id of the input audio?
[11:12] <YellowOnion1> JacobS2: you might want to mix the both left and right together since you'll be losing certain sounds that are heavly panned
[11:14] <YellowOnion1> JacobS2: if you have some spare speakers you should try doing a 4.0 stream map and so you get stereo in each room
[11:24] <kriegerod> even with AVCodecContext.error_concealment=0, at some situations i get lots of warnings "concealing %d DC, %d AC, %d MV errors", and grey picture. Can i somehow check errors stats from application? I'd like to reopen the decoder in such cases
[11:50] <YellowOnion1> so is ffmpeg pretty much useless for correct rgb to yuv420 conversion?
[11:54] <Tjoppen> what's wrong with it?
[11:55] <YellowOnion1> anything near a black background come out washed out
[11:55] <YellowOnion1> let me get a screenshot
[11:58] <Tjoppen> you mean the border gets a bit desaturated? chroma subsampling..
[12:02] <YellowOnion1> Tjoppen: not sure why this should effect it, the background isn't effected if I manually increase the color via gimp
[12:04] <Tjoppen> do you have some converter that behaves better in your opinion?
[12:05] <YellowOnion1> Tjoppen: virtualdub seems to not mess it up as badly, specially the new version with bt709 support
[12:06] <Tjoppen> aha, it's not setting the appropriate metadata. are you playing the file in say QuickTime?
[12:07] <Tjoppen> and what are you muxing the output as? mov?
[12:10] <YellowOnion1> Tjoppen: ffmpeg.exe -r 30 -s 1280x720 -f dshow -i video="SCFH DSF" -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 0 -tune film -f mpegts udp://localhost:8080/game
[12:10] <YellowOnion1> and I'm opening it in VLC
[12:10] <YellowOnion1> it's a dshow based screencapture driver
[12:12] <Tjoppen> try -pix_fm yuv444p
[12:12] <Tjoppen> -pix_fmt
[12:20] <YellowOnion1> Tjoppen: still doing it
[12:22] <Tjoppen> then I guess it's missing some transfer characteristics. meh
[12:23] <Tjoppen> the perils of sRGB <--> Y'CbCr
[12:33] <YellowOnion1> yuvj444p is even worse
[13:21] <YellowOnion1> Tjoppen: http://i.imgur.com/FcLdf.png this is the color change
[13:25] <YellowOnion1> Tjoppen: I'm thinking there might be a difference in the graphics card drivers verse ffmpeg
[13:28] <Tjoppen> right, overlay could mess things up
[13:43] <JacobS2> Hello everyone, I am having bandwidth issues when streaming over udp and I want to limit bitrate, what would be reasonable values in a 100mb lan ? and which params do I need ?
[13:45] <YellowOnion1> Tjoppen: vlc thinks it's YUV440
[13:46] <YellowOnion1> JacobS2: what codec?
[13:49] <Tjoppen> 4:4:0 is um.. interesting. that'd be like 4:2:2 except rotated 90 degrees
[14:05] <YellowOnion1> Tjoppen: well 422 looks better
[14:05] <YellowOnion1> so vlc doesn't like 444, and it thinks it's running at 60fps which it isn't
[14:19] <dv_> hello.
[14:29] <YellowOnion1> JacobS2: if the file is already compressed just stream copy it, other wise use this: -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 0 -f mpegts udp://blahblah.com:8234/
[14:32] <YellowOnion1> JacobS2: if it's still too slow try making -crf bigger, 23 is probably a good start
[15:41] <boon> i get this make: *** [libavcodec/libavcodec.so.52] Error 1
[15:41] <boon> how to solve?
[15:43] <erib> boon: put much more details on pastebin.
[15:48] <boon> http://pastebin.com/ggWjeHJ4
[15:49] <JacobS2> YellowOnion1: thanks for your help, but I was wrong, it is not a bandwidth problem.
[15:50] <JacobS2> I am getting this error: real-time buffer 155% full! frame dropped! , and having audio glitches
[16:04] <boon> any idea?
[16:10] <erib> boon: maybe you're missing arch settings
[16:14] <cyclist_2> Hello, there! I am trying to stream video to a website, and I found some excelent scripts for that purpose, but my ffmpeg encountered the following error: "Could not open 'rmtp://live.xxx.etc.etc" [I am positive abount the correctness of the url I am using on the script, so that is excluded from the causes of the problem]; my version is "FFmpeg version SVN-r0.5.1-4:0.5.1-1ubuntu1.3", "built on Dec 21 2011 18:37:21, gcc: 4.4.3"; could someon
[16:15] <boon> erib: what is that mean
[16:15] <boon> cat /etc/issue Debian GNU/Linux wheezy/sid \n \l
[16:15] <cyclist_2> sorry, and before I forget: could you use my nickname as that makes a diferent sound [so I know someone is answering me]
[16:15] <sacarasc> cyclist_2: 0.5 is very old upgrade if you can.
[16:15] <boon> uname -a Linux colo15 3.2.2 #1 SMP Wed Jan 25 21:42:39 EST 2012 i686 GNU/Linux
[16:18] <cyclist_2> sacarasc: my problem with upgrading my ffmpeg version is that my system requires a "partial upgrade" as well; I do no want to do it just yet; old, you say? I thought that being only 3 months old was not "old, old"
[16:28] <sacarasc> cyclist_2: Current ffmpeg is 0.10. 0.5 is definitely old. :p
[16:30] <iive> cyclist_2: it is build on that date. the source used if few years old.
[16:30] <iive> it is recommended to compile your own ffmpeg.
[16:30] <iive> ubuntu/debian are using ffmpeg fork.
[16:31] <iive> also, you may want to install/build librtmp in case you want to read encrypted streams.
[16:38] <cyclist_2> sacarasc, iive: I am a nullity when it comes to understand all things related to how packages are created/upgraded; yes, I am using Ubuntu; all that I know is that is easier to use someone's ppa [I know it has some security implications, but...], but even that requires a partial upgrade of my operating system; if I decided to compile my own ffmpeg, do you think that I would still need to upgrade my OS? about reading encrypted streams: my ma
[16:40] <boon> any idea on what my problem is?
[16:40] <iive> cyclist_2:  if you build static ffmpeg, you may be able to use it in the build location. Just don't try to use profiles.
[16:41] <iive> boon: the "Error 1" just says that there have been an error. The original error is up above. use pastebin site to put the text.
[16:42] <boon> i will try again
[16:46] <cyclist_2> iive: I find the whole subject of dealing with packages at that level very daunting; I would have to learn everything from scratch and, probably, forget everything just as quickly! I have to think better about this; thank you, very much
[16:47] <iive> cyclist_2: it is actually quite simple.
[16:47] <iive> well... debian of course makes it harder...
[16:53] <cyclist_2> iive: I might get around compiling the package correctly, but it is the effect that a new ffmpeg will have on my OS that puts me off; for instance, I use WinFF quite a lot and the thought of having it ruined bothers me -- besides having to do a partial upgrade of my system]; unless I find another solution, in a few months I believe I might  actually do the lamented "partial upgrade" or even upgrade to Ubuntu's current LTS version [if availa
[16:56] <iive> cyclist_2: that's why i said you may be able to use the built ffmpeg without installing it.
[16:56] <iive> well, it is up to you.
[16:57] <cyclist_2> iive: thank you for the suggestions, anyway
[17:55] <noffle> Hello. I'm attempting to build ffmpeg from source (from SVN head), and am configuring with --enable-theora. There are definitely the appropriate library and headers files in /usr/lib/ and /usr/include/, but it still insists that libtheora could not be found. What steps might I take to further diagnose this?
[17:56] <sacarasc> SVN's not been used since the beginning of last year.
[17:56] <noffle> Oof. That might do it.
[17:57] <noffle> Let me pull from Git and see if that does it. =)
[17:59] <noffle> All right; just pulled the latest from Git. The same problem is present: libtheora not found.
[17:59] <sacarasc> What does the configure.log say?
[18:00] <noffle> Looks like the theora.h header is present, but no theoraenc.h header.
[18:00] <noffle> Are these generally separate packages?
[18:02] <noffle> Alternately, can one enable theora decoding but leave out encoding?
[18:03] <sacarasc> Theora encoding is enabled without any external libraries.
[18:07] <noffle> sacarasc: Oh. Does this 'theoraenc.h' do something different then?
[18:09] <sacarasc> 'enc' = encode.
[18:10] <noffle> I figured as much. Why would configure complain about not finding an external theoraenc.h header if theora encoding didn't depend on external libraries?
[18:15] <sacarasc> I meant decoding, sorry.
[18:16] <noffle> sacarasc: Ah ha; makes sense. I've downloaded, built, and installed libtheora from scratch, but am unsure how to specify in the ./configure call where my custom libtheora is installed. Nothing jumped out at me in ./configure --help.
[18:21] <linuxdev> Hi, has anyone been able to use ffmpeg as a live encoder for several hours. After 13 hours, i'm getting "ALSA read error: Unknown error"
[18:38] <noffle> If I've installed, say, libx264 in an alternate location (let's say /usr/local/x264/) how would I convey to the configure script to look there for headers and library files?
[18:43] <noffle> Ah, with --extra-ldflags="-L/usr/local/x264/lib", it seems.
[18:44] <JEEB> and you'll also have to set extra-cflags with -I
[18:44] <noffle> JEEB: I thought so too, but it didn't complain.
[18:44] <JEEB> then it's picking the headers somewhere else :P
[18:44] <JEEB> or depending on various things just setting PKG_CONFIG_PATH to /usr/local/derp/lib/pkgconfig is enough
[18:44] <noffle> That's.. scarier.
[18:45] <noffle> It's building now. Let's see if it blows up.. =)
[18:45] <JEEB> otherwise manually setting -I and -L is needed
[18:45] <noffle> Thanks for the heads-up.
[18:53] <shreya> Hey everyone,I want to use ffmpeg for my C++ application.But online there is not much information about functions to be used etc.While including ffmpeg in a C++application,the methods have to be the ones in libavcodec etc or ffmpeg has its separate functions...?
[18:53] <shreya> Sorry if the question is silly,but I am a newbie and need help :)
[19:22] <m0_> Hello, I compiled ffmpeg from source, but I don't see the presets, where are they usually stored?/
[19:24] <sacarasc> m0: Most of the presets have been removed and ffmpeg uses libx264 directly.
[19:25] <m0> sacarasc: ah, but if we pass in -vpre, it still thinks it needs presets
[19:25] <m0> sacarasc: I guess I have to alter the source for what I downloaded that added that option.
[19:28] <sacarasc> Use -preset instead.
[19:37] <m0> Thank you
[20:25] <weiredGuy> Hi
[20:36] <weiredGuy> I have a question: when i try to convert a video file to xvid using ffmpeg I get really strange results. The output file is extremely long in relation to the input file and while playing back the players skip seconds.
[20:36] <weiredGuy> Could anyone observe this behaviour as well?
[21:18] <m0> is FFMPEG-php supported for the new ffmpeg?
[21:19] <ubitux> ffmpeg-php is not maintained anymore afaik, and thus should not support the latest ffmpeg
[21:19] <ubitux> ffmpeg-php was never part of the ffmpeg project btw
[21:19] <m0> I am getting weird compilation errors for compiling ffmpeg-php http://fpaste.org/cidA
[21:19] <m0> ah
[21:20] <m0> That explains it
[21:37] <pasteeater> m0: there's a more recent "fork" https://github.com/char0n/ffmpeg-php
[21:37] <pasteeater> with code actually newer than 2008
[21:38] <m0> awesome, I shouldn't have rm-rf anything :/
[21:38] <m0> sigh
[21:40] <m0> Thanks will try it
[00:00] --- Fri Mar 16 2012

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