[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120329

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 30 02:05:02 CEST 2012

[00:03] <frostschutz> burek: http://pastebin.com/NsLUFM1z
[00:04] <burek> well, there are no errors in that paste
[00:04] <burek> sprzybilla,
[00:04] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[00:05] <frostschutz> burek: I thought you were referring to the audio issue (wrong channel mapping) I mentioned earlier. I made no other inquiries
[00:05] <burek> oh.. my bad..
[00:05] <burek> sorry, i mean to ask markatto ... :( i need some sleep obviously.. :/
[00:05] <burek> let me see your issue
[00:05] <burek> :)
[00:05] <burek> just a sec
[00:06] <sprzybilla> burek: no problemo!
[00:09] <burek> frostschutz, you are just reencoding 7 channels audio right?
[00:09] <burek> and you get a bad audio quality at the output?
[00:10] <burek> also, can you try to use mp4 or flv as an output format/container and see if that helps?
[00:10] <frostschutz> burek: yup. the dts sounds fine, the encoded ones poor. (the dts is from samples.mplayerhq if you want to try yourself)
[00:11] <frostschutz> burek: container doesnt matter I also tried mkv
[00:11] <burek> did you try just using uncompressed audio encoder?
[00:12] <burek> -uncompressed +lossless
[00:12] <burek> like wav or s16le
[00:13] <markatto> burek: the ` was just for clarity, I wasn't typing that in
[00:13] <frostschutz> burek: Unknown encoder 's161e' - what would I need to put in the cmdline?
[00:15] <burek> frostschutz, ffmpeg -codecs
[00:15] <burek> markatto, ok
[00:19] <markatto> I am having another issue now, something involving sample formats for aac
[00:19] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[00:19] <markatto> http://pastie.org/private/ijolsmotbf3wbi9xfcqxcg
[00:20] <burek> try reading the output a little bit more careful :)
[00:20] <burek> and add -strict -2
[00:20] <burek> or -strict experimental
[00:20] <burek> something like that
[00:22] <markatto> burek: okay I figured out that the -strict stuff needs to be after the input file
[00:23] <markatto> but isn't s16 standard for aac?
[01:11] <songderman> Hi, I have a question about makin multiple thumbnail for video example: every 10 minute for video with 1 hour duration
[01:11] <songderman> with 1 hour duration
[01:16] <burek> songderman, you want to create thumnails for every 10 minute of the video?
[01:17] <burek> it would be the best to use the batch file with for loop
[01:17] <burek> but
[01:18] <burek> one non-standard way, we could try here, would be to "convert" your video to png/jpg images
[01:18] <burek> and use some very odd fps for the output, to match that 10 minutes interval
[01:18] <burek> let me test it first, and I'll let you know if it can work in 1 cmd line
[01:20] <burek> until that, try playing with: ffmpeg -i input -ss start_time_in_seconds -f image2 out%02.png
[01:20] <burek> until that, try playing with: ffmpeg -i input -ss start_time_in_seconds -vframes 1 -f image2 out%02.png
[01:20] <burek> typo :)
[01:23] <burek> make it out%d.png
[01:24] <burek> yup it works in 1 cmd
[01:25] <burek> ffmpeg -i input.flv -f image2 -r 1 out%d.png
[01:25] <burek> that would give you 1 image each second
[01:25] <burek> ffmpeg -i input.flv -f image2 -r 1/60 out%d.png
[01:25] <burek> each minute
[01:25] <burek> and since you want each 10 minutes: ffmpeg -i input.flv -f image2 -r 1/600 out%d.png
[01:43] <icat> hey, is it possible to change the fourcc code of the audio stream w/out reencoding?
[01:44] <icat> i got a file from tvitch.tv, and it contains speex audio:     Stream #0.1: Audio: 0x0000, 16000 Hz, mono, s16
[01:44] <icat> but the tag is messed up so vlc etc won't play it
[01:46] <burek> can you use a hex editor?
[01:47] <icat> oh :)
[01:47] <icat> if you can recommend a shell-based one, sure
[01:48] <burek> oh
[01:49] <burek> well, my bad :) but hey, there is -vtag option :D
[01:50] <burek> so, ffmpeg -i input.flv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -vtag BLAH output.flv
[01:50] <burek> :)
[01:54] <icat> thx
[02:01] <burek> :beer:
[02:01] <icat> there's an additional problem
[02:01] <burek> yes
[02:01] <burek> ?
[02:01] <icat> [NULL @ 0x9de6db0]flv does not support that sample rate, choose from (44100, 22050, 11025).
[02:01] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[02:02] <icat> sure: http://pastebin.com/mizLbd0s
[02:02] <icat> looks like the problem is the 16k sample rate
[02:13] <burek> hm
[02:13] <burek> Input #0, flv, from 'finale.flv':
[02:13] <burek> Stream #0.1: Audio: 0x0000, 16000 Hz, mono, s16
[02:13] <burek> ffmpeg did not recognize your audio stream
[02:13] <burek> I don't know why
[02:13] <icat> speex audio
[02:13] <burek> but I would suggest updating your ffmpeg to the latest git
[02:16] <icat> ok
[02:18] <icat> thanks, burek
[02:18] <icat> helps me out a lot
[02:36] <burek> :beer: :)
[02:40] <Durmush> hi, how do i remux mp4 files so they are streaming compatible?
[02:54] <burek> Durmush, try using -f mpegts
[02:54] <burek> also, try describing your goal a little bit more in detail
[03:02] <Durmush> burek,i'm trying to stream an mp4 file via Flash Media Server's RTMP. the stream played nice in mplayer, but in embedded flash player, the video doesnt show. just audio. but i guess this is beyond file format problems right? it is gotta be an issue with flash player...
[03:12] <burek> which embedded flash player
[03:12] <burek> jw?
[03:12] <burek> Durmush, you can always paste the url to the stream on their support forum, so they can check and tell you what's wrong
[03:59] <bencahill> hmm, I've got a Radeon HD3450 on XP 32-bit...any chance ffmpeg could use it to speed up en/decoding?
[03:59] <bencahill> (h264->libx264, to be exact)
[04:00] <bencahill> hmm, -preset for x264 I am not using :-/
[05:02] <sacarasc> bencahill: No, ffmpeg can't do that.
[05:23] <bencahill> sacarasc: kthx
[06:26] <LiNoRgirl> i noticed vp6 is awful, is vp3 just as bad
[08:35] <ruby_on_tails> i have recorded my screen for 20 mins in a mpeg format screencast which is 120mb in size
[08:36] <ruby_on_tails> i did : ffmpeg -i test-0000.mpeg -r 24 -b 64k movie.mpeg tocompress it, the quality degrades superly, but the size is 130mb, why ?
[08:39] <jmbc> about quality: i suppose a nice medium video should have like -b 700k
[08:40] <ruby_on_tails> the original -b is 500
[08:40] <jmbc> good then
[08:40] <ruby_on_tails> i shifted it to 64k
[08:40] <ruby_on_tails> the quality degraded
[08:40] <ruby_on_tails> but the size inflated
[08:40] <ruby_on_tails> why ?
[08:40] <jmbc> also i suppose using a codec like xvid or divx will compress it alot more than a plain mpeg
[08:41] <jmbc> not compressed/encoded?
[08:41] <ruby_on_tails> no its simple mpeg
[08:41] <ruby_on_tails> i want to do without a codec
[08:42] <jmbc> what codec does it had?
[08:45] <ruby_on_tails> no codec for now
[08:45] <ruby_on_tails> it doesnt have any codec
[08:46] <mystica555> if its an mpeg, its got a codec. by default, mpeg2video
[08:46] <ruby_on_tails> oh
[08:46] <ruby_on_tails> hmm
[08:47] <mystica555> you need a much more efficient codec to try and get a reasonable quality at low bitrate, and 64K is indeed much too low for much quality with any codecs
[08:47] <ruby_on_tails> i am new to this
[08:47] <ruby_on_tails> i just need to bring the file size < 20mb
[08:47] <mystica555> h264 for 640x480 tends to be about 1 megabit for good quality
[08:47] <mystica555> 1 megabyte per minute?
[08:47] <jmbc> ffmpeg -i test-0000.mpeg will tell you all
[08:47] <mystica555> of screen capture?
[08:47] <ruby_on_tails> mystica555: if possible yes
[08:48] <mystica555> what is the activity on-screen
[08:48] <ruby_on_tails> its a simple tutorial
[08:48] <ruby_on_tails> browsing a web app
[08:48] <ruby_on_tails> nothing complex, low quality will work
[08:49] <ruby_on_tails> and just that it can run on a windows machine without irritating the user for some weird things to be installed
[08:50] <jmbc> video codecs allways do :D
[08:50] <jmbc> just get a mega pack
[08:50] <mystica555> http://camstudio.org/ seems to offer what you want, screencasts, with deployment in flash... i can't vouch for the quality.. but, it is windows software...
[08:51] <mystica555> as in, it runs on windows.. so if you are wanting to capture a linux interaction with the shell, perhaps use it on windows with putty..or with X11 perhaps use on windows VNCing into your x11 session
[08:52] <mystica555> i really can't think of anything specifically to make a screen capture with even highest compression/quality h264 work at that low of a bitrate..
[08:52] <ruby_on_tails> i dont care about the bitrate
[08:52] <ruby_on_tails> i care only about the size
[08:52] <mystica555> you said under 20 megabytes
[08:52] <mystica555> that dictates the bitrate
[08:52] <ruby_on_tails> oh
[08:52] <ruby_on_tails> ok
[08:52] <mystica555> and for 1 megabyte per minute, you are at 128 kilobits max per second.
[08:52] <mystica555> or perhaps less
[08:53] <mystica555> 128 kilobits, h264, will work for...320x240 or perhaps 640x480 at very low framerate
[08:53] <jmbc> you might be a noob, but xvid or h264 are not rare to be on systems for playback
[08:53] <mystica555> try perhaps capturing with 5fps
[08:54] <mystica555> jmbc: depends on your environment; in a corporate environment, there is flash, but not always a way to play back raw h264 avis/mkvs/mp4s
[08:54] <mystica555> so i consider this..
[08:54] <mystica555> jwplayer would make it work however
[08:54] <mystica555> as a bridge between flash and the h264 input
[08:54] <ruby_on_tails> mystica555: i tried to bring down the fps to 6 but it throws an error
[08:55] <mystica555> ruby_on_tails: you were doing a specific container format (mpeg) which has set limits. you also were potentially violating the miniumum framerate of the codec, but im not certain
[08:55] <jmbc> then a .flv still would allow h264 compression
[08:55] <ruby_on_tails> oh
[08:55] <ruby_on_tails> hmm
[08:55] <ruby_on_tails> i am trying .avi now
[08:55] <ruby_on_tails> i think avi runs fine on windows
[08:55] <jmbc> so does .flv on flash ;D
[08:55] <mystica555> id suggest for test and deployment purposes to focus on mp4; then you can later process that with flash or other utilities to make a web playable presentation
[08:57] <mystica555> there is also something to consider with mp4: the 'fast-start' ability (the MOOV atom at the beginning of the stream) with 'qt-faststart'
[08:59] <ruby_on_tails> i did a -i i cant find the screen size of the video
[08:59] <ruby_on_tails> i think i will reduce the dimensions a bit
[08:59] <ruby_on_tails> but i dont know the original :)
[09:00] <ruby_on_tails> oh i see it
[16:41] <smvv> hi. I'm writing a tool to interleave external data with a mkv file. I use the new libav* api (0.10.2), but the bitrate of the output file is incorrect. Did I miss something when copying the video stream? My code: http://sprunge.us/KfEf?c and av_dump_format output: http://sprunge.us/jgEH
[16:42] <smvv> (the code is a stripped down version, e.g. without error checking, to reduce the length of the code)
[16:58] <sprzybilla> anyone mind helping me troubleshoot my crappy looking MPEG2-TS output? I usually work with x264, so quality mpeg2 is a new world: http://pastebin.com/NRP9SBs5
[18:17] <stan_theman> If I've got a wmv file that uses g2m4 codec. Can I convert this to *anything* else and keep the audio+video?
[18:18] <stan_theman> been reading and am having problems
[18:18] <jmbc> ffmpeg -codecs | grep g2m4
[18:19] <stan_theman> i think it sent it to stdout, but it looks like i dont have it installed. i've got a debian box and a mac on hand at the moment
[18:19] Action: jmbc wonders what is convert apart but then keep the audio+video
[18:20] <stan_theman> i can play the audio but can't see the video. sorry, I'm not super good with the terminology and didn't want to offend if i was wrong
[18:22] <jmbc> ffmpeg -codec |grep g2m4 gives nothing, what's that codec? more info on it?
[18:23] <stan_theman> it's the GoToMeeting codec, it looks like there was some chatter on the mailing list about it
[18:23] <stan_theman> but it's kind of sparse
[18:25] <jmbc> nope, nothing. seems unsuported, very specific.
[18:25] <stan_theman> yeah, it sucks. the marketing guy got a video in this format and VLC won't even go for it
[18:27] <stan_theman> looks like there are some windows solutions, just need to find an iso and spin up virtual box
[21:10] <madwill> if i compile x264 using : ./configure --disable-cli --enable-shared --extra-ldflags=-Wl,--output-def=libx264-120.def  its going to be 32 bit right ?
[21:11] <madwill> i need both 32 and 64 bit
[21:12] <high-rez> I'm attempting to transcode a video using ffmpeg (ffmpeg -i input.dvr-ms -deinterlace -target ntsc-dvd output.mpg).  The result is very choppy, and it looks like almost 30% of the frames are being dropped.
[21:12] <high-rez> E.g. I"m seeing this: frame=  697 fps= 52 q=2.0 Lsize=   16138kB time=22.40 bitrate=5901.9kbits/s dup=348 drop=231  -- what am I doing wrong ?
[21:16] <specie> hi i just read the legal compliance information on the website and i was wondering ..
[21:17] <specie> what if i build a product not for commercial purpose, but giving it away for free. Can i keep the -non-free and -gpl libs in ?
[21:19] <Plorkyeran> no
[21:22] Action: specie sighs deeply.
[21:23] <JEEB> nonfree stuff can't be distributed in any case, (L)GPL stuff is distributable if you follow the license.
[21:23] <JEEB> (and no, there isn't a single difference from ffmpeg's side whether or not it's payware or not)
[21:24] <specie> ok thanks.
[21:26] <JEEB> LGPL = with dynamic linking you release sources for the LGPL part, with static linking sources for the LGPL part + object files for everything else (IIRC), GPL = sources of the whole thing.
[21:29] <specie> ic.. well it wasn't exactly the answers i was looking for.. but it will have to do. Getting sued was not the aim of the project tbh.
[21:29] <JEEB> well, it wasn't exactly clear what you were asking :P
[21:29] <specie> i'll see if i can work arround it somehow.. leaving out the nonfree and gpl bits.
[21:30] <JEEB> no real need to work around anything if you only use LGPL parts of ffmpeg
[21:30] <specie> well i got my anwsers.. but i just hoped they came out different being a free product ;)
[21:30] <JEEB> since you only need to release the ffmpeg sources if you link dynamically
[21:31] <JEEB> nonfree libraries pretty much means that the library was later or from the beginning found to be something that couldn't be licensed under LGPL or GPL
[21:31] Action: specie nods solemnly.
[21:31] <JEEB> and thus you still have the chance to compile with such, but you can't give those binaries out
[21:32] <specie> well that currently takes out a chunk of the basis functions :)
[21:32] <JEEB> does it really?
[21:32] <JEEB> I only remember faac and libaacplus being nonfree
[21:40] <JEEB> of course GPL'd libs such as libx264 make you a bigger problem if you were thinking about using them :)
[21:41] <specie> uhm. yes.
[21:41] <Plorkyeran> openssl too
[21:41] <JEEB> (although x264 now does have an alternative licensing scheme for corps)
[21:41] <JEEB> Plorkyeran, tru dat
[21:41] <Plorkyeran> since it's 4-clause bsd
[21:41] <specie> was just checking if it was actually was using libaacplus but it isnt.
[21:42] <specie> i'm transcoding to webm aswell
[21:45] <specie> it should transcode to .webm and .mp4. But it seems mp4 is using libfaac and libx264 so i guess i'm loosing a chunk indeed.
[21:46] <JEEB> you can replace libfaac with something like Quicktime's API, or ffmpeg's aac encoder -- libx264 becoming the main problem if you want to do a closed source app :P
[21:48] <specie> what if i don't want to do a closed source app?
[21:49] <JEEB> and use libx264? Get a commercial license, lol
[21:49] <JEEB> oh
[21:49] <JEEB> _don't_ want to?
[21:49] <specie> heh
[21:49] <JEEB> if you use libx264, then you just have to make it GPL
[21:49] <JEEB> and that's it
[21:51] <feelcal> Hi,I am a new user of libavcoed and trying to decode a h264 encoded video from a rtsp server with libavcodec but I cannot figure out how to initialize the AVCodecContext from the sdp information. It seems I need to extradata in it, but not sure in what order& Anyone could have an idea on where to look for help here?
[21:52] <feelcal> (and it was libavcodec ;) )
[21:58] <specie> JEEB: thank you for your anwsers so far. I guess i need to dig a little deeper in all the legal matters before giving some combined technologies; each with their own licenses, away.
[21:59] <specie> this is actually a lot harder then i expected it to be of 'free software'
[21:59] <JEEB> uhh, the software license side should be rather straightforward unless you are not telling me something I should know
[22:01] <specie> i honestly don't know what you referring at. It's just a bunch of tech bound together in a 'appliance' (VM). But with all those license term i doubt i can just put it online.
[22:01] <specie> ffmpeg being just of the technologies i'm using.
[22:01] <specie> s/ffmpeg/FFmpeg
[22:06] <madwill> if we use x264 we have to be GPL ?
[22:06] <madwill> even by dynamic linking
[22:06] <madwill> Anyway
[22:06] <JEEB> x264 is GPL
[22:07] <JEEB> (or payware license)
[22:07] <madwill> So basically Smaxe demo (java rtmp publisher) using shared libx264-79.dll is a fraud
[22:07] <madwill> Good to know
[22:08] <JEEB> if they don't release sources, yeah -- because I don't think that old of an x264 had payware licensing yet
[22:08] <madwill> still need this demo to work on 64 bit jvm which refuse to take on 32bit compil. this only works on 32bit jvm
[22:09] <madwill> back to google
[22:09] <JEEB> I think that's because it uses 32bit libraries and you can't load them into a 64bit process :P
[22:09] <madwill> yep it is
[22:34] <madwill> it appears i'm doing it wrong
[22:34] <madwill> Damn why can,t you take copy and paste stupid MINGW32
[22:35] <JEEB> that depends on the shell you're using for msys/mingw :P
[22:35] <JEEB> I use mintty
[22:36] <madwill> i don't think its me : ./configure --cross-prefix=x86_64-w64-mingw32- --host=x86_64-pc-mingw32 just gives : No working c compiler found
[22:36] <madwill> MSYS-1.0.11.exe
[22:37] <JEEB> and that's not the name of the thing you're using for your tty/shell :P
[22:37] <JEEB> and see config.log why it fails
[22:37] <madwill> Oh thanks
[22:42] <madwill> checking whether x86_64-w64-mingw32gcc works... no lol
[22:43] <madwill> i guess it should be looking for : i686-w64-mingw32-c++
[22:43] <moses1> hallo zusammen
[22:44] <moses1> ok, somebody in her to help to ompiling and customizing ffmpek with librtmp on debian squeeze
[22:49] <moses1> is there somebody out who can talk about librtmp errors?
[00:00] --- Fri Mar 30 2012

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