[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120508
burek021 at gmail.com
Wed May 9 02:05:01 CEST 2012
[00:14] <BrianH> Hey guys, quick question ... Could point me to the documentation on recording a screencast with dual monitors? I have 2 monitors, but I only want to record one of them. When I try, I end up getting the wrong monitor.
[00:15] <BrianH> This is how I was using it before: ffmpeg -f x11grab -s wxga -r 25 -i :0.0 -sameq ~/Videos/screengrab_001.mpg
[00:16] <sacarasc> :0.0 would be the first monitor, wouldn't it? :0.1 being the second?
[00:18] <BrianH> When I try that, I get an IO Error: [x11grab @ 0x1aff7a0] Could not open X display.
[00:30] <BrianH> Nvm, figured it out. I just needed an X,Y offset. Thanks though.
[01:36] <dalecurtis> Quick Q: Playing this Mp3 all the way through w/ HEAD ffplay http://www.danedington.co.uk/superThings/HTML5Guitar/D_0.mp3 generates a "Header missing" error. However playing with say -ss 1 shows no error.
[01:36] <dalecurtis> The error is on the last packet. Is the file actually corrupt or is this a bug?
[01:37] <burek> I would say the error is in one of the first packets
[01:37] <burek> since you skipped it, no erros
[01:37] <dalecurtis> You'd think so :) However I ran a av_read_frame/avcodec_decode_audio loop and it's always the last packet.
[01:38] <burek> well, maybe the global header is damaged, so it fails when it realizes it's wrong, comparing to actual data
[01:39] <burek> can you compare it with some well-formed mp3
[01:39] <burek> like with hex editor or something
[01:39] <dalecurtis> Re-encoding the mp3 and it works fine.
[01:39] <dalecurtis> Let me take a look
[01:40] <dalecurtis> I don't see anything out of the ordinary, http://www.danedington.co.uk/superThings/HTML5Guitar/A_0.mp3 shows no error.
[01:42] <burek> try mediainfo on that file
[01:42] <dalecurtis> What's that?
[01:47] <dalecurtis> No errors, just shows a bunch of data about the file.
[01:49] <burek> then, it's probably a bug :)
[01:49] <dalecurtis> Okay, I'll send an email to ffmpeg-devel w/ details.
[01:50] <burek> you can also join #ffmpeg-devel to ask if you will
[01:56] <cbsrobot_> hehe ok
[01:58] <burek> :) yup, that's burek :)
[03:15] <herriojr> has anyone attempted integrating ffmpeg with Android's IOMX interface?
[03:35] <elkng> I downloaded this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMlbxNYS7Q4 it has parameters: http://sprunge.us/LQNg, if I use "ffmpeg 0.10.2" with this parameters http://sprunge.us/JUeG it generates video file with sound normal but video as garbage, but if
[03:35] <elkng> I use "mencoder SVN-r34870-snapshot-4.4.4" with these parameters http://sprunge.us/YASL it generates normal video and sound
[03:44] <elkng> this page contains link to video file http://sprunge.us/NMLO
[05:41] <relaxed> elkng: what were you using for playback?
[05:48] <elkng> MPlayer 1.0rc1-3.4.6
[05:51] <relaxed> try ffplay
[05:54] <elkng> ffplay played it correctly
[05:56] <relaxed> It's probably a bug that's been fixed. Add '-vtag XVID' if this is for hardware playback.
[09:23] <juanbobo> i'm having trouble getting yadif to work
[09:56] <Radex> hi, after migration to .10.2 from 0.7 looks like ffmpeg with x264 on pass 1 not supproting multithreading - it's normal behavior or i have broken something?
[11:10] <burek> Radex,
[11:10] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[13:11] <burek> are there any hardware h264 encoders?
[13:12] <JEEB> naturally there are, they are the things mostly used in broadcast etc. :P
[13:12] <JEEB> black boxes that you can maybe, possibly somewhat set
[13:12] <JEEB> and then they output an encode of what you input to them
[13:26] <ironm> hello. Please allow me one question. Is there an easy way to convert the following .ogv video to mp4 using ffmpeg?
[13:26] <ironm> http://www.it-infrastrukturen.com/fileadmin/images/videos/debian-live-boot-menu-keyboard-layout-choice-2012-03-25.ogv
[13:26] <ironm> thank you in advance for any hints.
[13:27] <ironm> I am getting different errors due to my wrong command line yet ...
[13:28] <ironm> I use ffmpeg version 0.8.2-6:0.8.2-1
[13:28] <ironm> on debian sid
[13:30] <ironm> well. It looks like one should use avcon ... usage: avconv [options] [[infile options] -i infile]... {[outfile options] outfile}...
[13:30] <ironm> +v
[13:34] <burek> ironm, can you please type ffmpeg -i input.ogv
[13:34] <burek> and use pastebin.com to show the output
[13:34] <ironm> yes .. thanks a lot burek
[13:35] <ironm> burek, the output of the command above: http://paste.debian.net/167843/
[13:36] <burek> your streams are theora (video) and vorbis (audio)
[13:37] <burek> they can't be remuxed into mp4 container
[13:37] <burek> you'll have to re-encode those streams I guess
[13:37] <ironm> how?
[13:37] <Yoshimi-pink> i want to turn a set of pictures into a video and control how long each image stays on screen, how could i do this?
[13:37] <burek> anyway, for the sake of chance
[13:37] <burek> try typing just this:
[13:37] <ironm> I have created this .ogv file with recordmydesktop
[13:37] <burek> ffmpeg -i input.ogv -c copy output.mp4
[13:37] <ironm> thank you burek :)
[13:38] <burek> Yoshimi-pink, use video editor
[13:38] <Yoshimi-pink> I was preferring to use command-line
[13:38] <burek> ffmpeg is video encoder not editor
[13:38] <burek> it can however be used for what you want
[13:38] <ironm> burek, ironm at sid:~$ ffmpeg -i test.ogv -c copy output.mp4
[13:38] <burek> but it's not designed in that way
[13:38] <ironm> I am getting an error:
[13:39] <burek> ironm,
[13:39] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[13:39] <Yoshimi-pink> i was just wanting the command required
[13:39] <ironm> Unrecognized option 'c'
[13:39] <ironm> yes
[13:39] <Yoshimi-pink> like framerate is -r
[13:39] <burek> Yoshimi-pink, there is a command to produce video out of image sequence
[13:39] <burek> but you can't influence each image duration
[13:39] <Yoshimi-pink> yes i know so far it only seems to want to make a single second of film with 30 images
[13:40] <burek> you want each image to last for 10 seconds and then switch to next one?
[13:40] <Yoshimi-pink> yes pretty much
[13:40] <burek> http://ffmpeg.gusari.org/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=39
[13:40] <ironm> burek, output of your suggestion above: http://paste.debian.net/167844/
[13:41] <burek> ironm, what flavor of linux do you use
[13:41] <ironm> debian sid
[13:41] <ironm> Linux sid 3.2.0-2-amd64 #1 SMP Fri Apr 6 05:01:55 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[13:41] <burek> then apt-get --purge autoremove libav
[13:41] <burek> and apt-get install ffmpeg
[13:41] <ironm> ok
[13:41] <burek> those 2 are not the same
[13:42] <burek> even though the message from avconv is missleading
[13:42] <burek> *** THIS PROGRAM IS DEPRECATED ***
[13:42] <burek> This program is only provided for compatibility and will be removed in a future release. Please use avconv instead.
[13:42] <burek> that's simply not true
[13:42] <burek> because libav is a fork of ffmpeg
[13:42] <juanmabc> is livav fork policy
[13:42] <juanmabc> clever
[13:42] <burek> and ffmpeg is definitely not deprecated
[13:42] <juanmabc> but piggy
[13:42] <burek> whatever it is, it's not true
[13:43] <burek> so, the people should know that
[13:43] <ironm> burek, this message confused me already before .. avconv
[13:43] <burek> well, they did a good job to make you feel like that
[13:43] <burek> simply uninstall libav and install good old ffmpeg
[13:43] <JEEB> it was deprecated in libav, and they completely switched to avconv now. It doesn't mean that FFmpeg is deprecated.
[13:43] <JEEB> just fyi
[13:44] <ironm> apt-get --purge autoremove libav-tools
[13:44] <burek> I guess
[13:44] <burek> try dpkg -l | grep libav
[13:44] <burek> (small L)
[13:44] <burek> and you'll get the correct name
[13:45] <ironm> burek, I did
[13:45] <ironm> thank you :)
[13:45] <burek> :beer: :)
[13:45] <ironm> at least one ;)
[13:46] <ironm> hmm .. I am still getting the same error message
[13:46] <burek> hm
[13:47] <burek> try this instead
[13:47] <burek> ffmpeg -i test.ogv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -dcodec copy output.mp4
[13:47] <ironm> Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?)
[13:47] <JEEB> I don't think theora/vorbis goes into mp4 nicely (although there's some unofficial spec for vorbis in mp4 at least)
[13:48] <burek> that probably means you'll have to re-encode your streams :(
[13:48] <ironm> looks like JEEB .. thank you for your hints too
[13:48] <JEEB> ffmpeg -i test.ogb -vcodec libx264 -crf 22 -acodec libfaac -ab 192k out.mp4
[13:48] <JEEB> try this
[13:48] <maria_zk> I am trying to install ffmpeg in debian squeeze. is it enough just to apt-get install ffmpeg?
[13:48] <ironm> burek, the point is, that I don't know how I could do it
[13:48] <ironm> OK JEEB
[13:49] <JEEB> although you might need to install libx264 and libfaac to use these two
[13:49] <ironm> JEEB, Unknown encoder 'libfaac'
[13:49] <burek> ircan you instruct your recordmydesktop to save to some different output instead of ogv
[13:49] <burek> -ir
[13:49] <burek> :)
[13:49] <burek> maria_zk, yes
[13:50] <JEEB> ironm, then try -acodec libvo_aacenc
[13:50] <ironm> thanks a lot burek. I will check if it is possible to get another output format from recordmydesktop
[13:50] <JEEB> at least current ubuntu has the vo_aaecenc package
[13:50] <ironm> OK JEEB
[13:50] <JEEB> and yes, theora/vorbis isn't exactly the perfect thing to capture stuff in :D
[13:50] <JEEB> it's lossy
[13:50] <burek> well, it's better to try to tell recordmydesktop to use diff output, rather then to encode your video twice, and loose the quality
[13:50] <JEEB> yeah
[13:51] <ironm> burek, I have to check the syntax for the diff output
[13:51] <ironm> JEEB, Unknown encoder 'libvo_aacenc'
[13:51] <maria_zk> burek thanks
[13:51] <JEEB> ok
[13:51] <burek> :beer: :)
[13:52] <JEEB> ironm, -acodec aac -strict experimental then
[13:52] <ironm> OK
[13:52] <maria_zk> should my ffmpeg be displayed in phpinfo()?
[13:52] <JEEB> that wouldn't be ffmpeg then
[13:52] <maria_zk> please excuse the stupidity of the questions...
[13:52] <JEEB> php-ffmpeg has nothing to do with ffmpeg
[13:53] <ironm> JEEB, it looks better now :)
[13:53] <JEEB> (other than the fact that php-ffmpeg was created around some old old version of ffmpeg)
[13:53] <burek> maria_zk, ffmpeg is command line tool.. what exactly do you need in php?
[13:53] <maria_zk> burek I am trying to install it on my server to use it with drupal.
[13:53] <ironm> JEEB, I used the following CL: ironm at sid:~$ ffmpeg -i test.ogv -vcodec libx264 -crf 22 -acodec aac -strict experimental -ab 192k out.mp4
[13:53] <maria_zk> it is supposed to be installed correctly, I guess
[13:54] <JEEB> ironm, the AAC encoder isn't exactly the best around, but if you don't have vo_aacenc or faac as a package there's nothing to be done about that
[13:54] <JEEB> crf value controls the video quality
[13:54] <JEEB> you can also try and use -preset for getting more compression
[13:54] <maria_zk> burek http://pastebin.com/vCyPK9dw
[13:54] <JEEB> http://mewiki.project357.com/wiki/X264_Settings#preset
[13:54] <maria_zk> does it look ok to you?
[13:54] <ironm> JEEB, if there are such debian pacakges (for faac ot vo_aacenc) I can install them
[13:55] <JEEB> most probably there are for either of them
[13:55] <burek> maria_zk, is this what you need http://drupal.org/project/ffmpeg_converter
[13:55] <JEEB> because they both are better than the internal aac encoder :D
[13:55] <ironm> do you mean me? <JEEB> http://mewiki.project357.com/wiki/X264_Settings#preset
[13:55] <JEEB> ironm, yes
[13:55] <ironm> thank you JEEB :)
[13:55] <JEEB> np
[13:55] <maria_zk> burek: http://drupal.org/project/video
[13:56] <JEEB> faac was never GPL so I'm not sure if current distros ship it any more, or ffmpeg with it
[13:56] <burek> maria_zk, then you're good to go
[13:56] <JEEB> (although it was only found out lately that it used reference source code)
[13:56] <burek> that module just uses ffmpeg cmd line tool which you've just installed
[13:56] <JEEB> (and that reference source code is not GPL-compatible)
[13:56] <maria_zk> burek: yes it seems so...
[13:56] <ironm> I see
[13:56] <JEEB> libvo_aacenc is a much newer library, so older distros won't have it
[13:56] <burek> and no, it won't appear in phpinfo() because it's not php module :)
[13:56] <JEEB> (or vo_aacenc)
[13:57] <maria_zk> burek: but i get this File for preset 'slow_firstpass' not found
[13:57] <ironm> JEEB, I will check for libvo_aacenc .deb packages
[13:57] <burek> maria_zk, that's because -vrpre slow_firstpass is not recognized any more
[13:57] <JEEB> ironm, http://packages.debian.org/sid/libvo-aacenc0
[13:57] <burek> it was an option in some older versions of ffmpeg
[13:57] <maria_zk> burek: http://pastebin.com/69Mrbgxz
[13:57] <maria_zk> aha?
[13:58] <maria_zk> so try with -preset?
[13:58] <ironm> JEEB, libvo-aacenc0
[13:58] <burek> maria_zk, can you contact authors of that drupal module and ask them what exact version of ffmpeg you need?
[13:58] <ironm> yes .. thanks a lot :)
[13:58] <burek> maria_zk, yes -preset slow
[13:58] <JEEB> uhhh
[13:58] <JEEB> preset slow is _not_ slow_firstpass
[13:58] <ironm> apt-get install libvo-aacenc0
[13:58] Action: JEEB slaps burek knowing that he has me on ignore
[13:58] <JEEB> yes, set x264 preset and then slow_firstpass would be an x264opts setting
[13:59] <JEEB> the only preset with slow_firstpass set by default is "placebo", which is the "everything up to eleven" one
[13:59] <maria_zk> burek: I can post to the forum asking about the version
[13:59] <ironm> JEEB, I try to follow your instructions .. thanks a lot
[14:00] <maria_zk> burek: so you think it is a matter of version?
[14:00] <JEEB> maria_zk, anyways the correct way would be to set presets with -preset for newer versions of ffmpeg, and set "slow firstpass" with a x264opts setting (gives settings straight to x264)
[14:00] <JEEB> http://mewiki.project357.com/wiki/X264_Settings#preset
[14:00] <burek> maria_zk, yes, because the -vpre is deprecated in newer versions of ffmpeg
[14:00] <burek> in favor of -preset -profile and -tune
[14:01] <burek> which are native x264 options
[14:01] <burek> so, no more "emulations" :)
[14:01] <cbsrobot_> ha
[14:01] <JEEB> yes, the wiki is pretty high on page rank
[14:01] <JEEB> it's pretty useful
[14:01] <cbsrobot_> i'm just exploring the fflogger
[14:02] <cbsrobot_> burek did you set it up ?
[14:02] <cbsrobot_> what other commands does it get ?
[14:03] <burek> cbsrobot_, yes :)
[14:03] <burek> it's an egg
[14:03] <cbsrobot_> and btw - ist not woring on devel !
[14:03] <burek> yes I know, I didn't want to disturb devels :D
[14:04] <cbsrobot_> just set it up
[14:04] <JEEB> maria_zk, I'm not sure if you even know what you're trying to achieve
[14:04] <cbsrobot_> nobody will complain I guess
[14:04] <JEEB> but the basics is "set -preset to the slowest preset suitable for your needs" (speed/compression)
[14:04] <JEEB> and then if you absolutely need it for some reason, you can set slow-firstpass or slow_firstpass via -x264opts
[14:05] <maria_zk> JEEB get this module working?
[14:05] <ironm> JEEB, should I see *vo_aacenc* in the output of "ffmpeg -codecs"? ... (after I have installed libvo_aacenc
[14:05] <maria_zk> (command comes from the module)
[14:05] <JEEB> maria_zk, well you'll have to edit the module for the current version of ffmpeg/libx264 in any case :)
[14:06] <JEEB> ironm, yes -- if you don't it's not built into the standard ffmpeg install you have
[14:06] <maria_zk> JEEB yes it seems so, thank you so much for your help :)
[14:06] <JEEB> and you'd have to rebuild ffmpeg
[14:06] <maria_zk> burek: thank you
[14:06] <burek> maria_zk, :beer: :)
[14:07] <JEEB> maria_zk, thus I just said the usual two things you have to set to begin with, regarding setting presets and possibly slow-firstpass
[14:07] <ironm> JEEB, I don't see it .. that means I need another ffmpeg .deb package or just have to rebuild it
[14:07] <JEEB> yes
[14:07] <JEEB> then the ffmpeg was built without it
[14:07] <ironm> *_*
[14:07] <JEEB> if you're going to build it you might as well compile your own ffmpeg with faac, since that's of higher quality
[14:08] <JEEB> (of course you won't be able to distribute the compile after that)
[14:08] <JEEB> since faac needs --enable-nonfree
[14:08] <ironm> JEEB, are there somewhere some instructions how to do it ?
[14:08] <JEEB> ironm, I think the topic has compilation guides for ubuntu/debian
[14:09] <JEEB> the topic for this channel, that is
[14:09] <ironm> yes JEEB .. thanks a lot for your help and hints :)
[14:09] <JEEB> no problem, but do try if you can capture in some other format from that freetard screen capture app :)
[14:10] <JEEB> because right now you have a lossy capture, and you need to re-encode it to a lossy format once more
[14:10] <JEEB> the usual way would be to capture into a lossless file
[14:10] <ironm> JEEB, I will check recordmydesktop for diff output format
[14:10] <JEEB> (ffvhuff, ut video etc.)
[14:10] <JEEB> and then you encode that for the general population with something lossy
[14:10] <ironm> yes
[14:11] <ironm> burek, also a big thank you for your hints ;)
[14:11] <burek> ironm, :beer: :)
[14:11] <ironm> burek, already two beers .. when you are in Zuric ;)
[14:12] <burek> it's a deal :)
[14:12] <ironm> JEEB, do you drink beer or another stuff?
[14:12] <JEEB> yes
[14:12] <ironm> also two beers for your than JEEB .. when you are in ZH
[14:13] <JEEB> heh
[14:13] <JEEB> thanks for the offer :)
[14:13] <ironm> ZH = Zuric
[14:13] <ironm> well .. you can drink milk instead JEEB
[14:13] <JEEB> what :D
[14:14] <JEEB> I just said thank you for the offer because I'm not going to be there any time soon and I'm not going to have you hold your word that you said on IRC
[14:14] <JEEB> aka "Thanks for the feeling"
[14:15] <ironm> JEEB, hmm ... who knows
[14:16] <JEEB> :)
[14:26] <xapel> Can I use ffmpeg on Windows to add bitmaps together to form a video file?
[14:28] <jettero> I'm trying to learn how libav filters work ... currently I feel kinda dumb. I'm trying to dump each channel from a 5.1dts into a separate single channel mp3 ... and it's not working
[14:28] <jettero> for i in c{0..5}; do ffmpeg -i short.mkv -strict experimental -filter:a pan=1:c0=$i -ac 1 $i.mp3; done
[14:28] <jettero> this is producing mp3s, but they all have the same md5sum, so it's like ignoring my filter I think?
[14:59] <xapel> Can I use ffmpeg on Windows to add bitmaps together to form a video file?
[15:00] <Yoshimi-pink> burek you are a gentleman and a scholar ty for your help
[15:28] <burek> Yoshimi-pink :) :beer: :)
[15:28] <burek> xapel yes you can
[15:29] <burek> jettero, did you try with -map
[15:32] <burek> oh I see
[15:32] <burek> you want each channel
[15:32] <burek> hmm
[15:32] <burek> try like this
[15:33] <burek> -filter:a pan=stereo1:c0=c$i
[15:34] <burek> sorry
[15:34] <burek> -filter:a pan=1:c0=c$i
[15:34] <burek> try that
[15:34] <burek> jettero :)
[15:47] <jettero> burek: that's what I"m doing... only you're having me type pan=c0=cc0, c0=cc1, etc
[16:01] <jds> Heya
[16:05] <jds> I've got a couple of mp3 files that ffprobe isn't too sure about. If the filename is gibberish (eg 'foo'), ffprobe just gives me "Invalid data found when processing input". If I manually rename the file since I happen to know the extension (foo.mp3), I get "Format mp3 detected only with low score of 24, misdetection possible"
[16:07] <jds> The 2 files I have are both from Logic, but I'm not sure if that's relevant
[16:07] <jds> Can I do much to see exactly why ffprobe fails for that file?
[16:07] <Guest90091> probably because mp3 format doesn't have a defined magic number
[16:08] <Guest90091> and ffprobe can't know what kind of container is looking at without the help of extension
[16:12] <jds> Just to check I'm not missing an option... this is from an uploaded file, so the file on disk is, say, /tmp/RackMultipart0919177, but I happen to know the filename is 'magic.mp3'. Can I run supply that filename to ffprobe somehow, or am I going to have to copy/link it to /tmp/RackMultipart891873.mp3 ?
[16:35] <vulkanr> hello. i am trying to select frames based on pts from an mpegts using the "select avfilter". Example: -vf select='gt(pts\,54820309640)'
[16:36] <vulkanr> not having any luck. the output contains all frames of the input
[18:48] <iskren> I have an mp3 file, is there an easy way to make a video out of it (showing black all the time)
[18:53] <NuxRo> iskren: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3132774/add-an-image-to-mp3-and-convert-it-to-a-video-file-using-ffmpeg ?
[18:55] <NuxRo> ffmpeg -loop_input -i picture.png -i soundtrack.mp3 -shortest -acodec copy movie.mp4 <- random paste from friend gugl
[19:37] <vulkanr> is there an equivalent for "-vf select" - for audio? i would like to skip audio frames with pts lower than a threashold
[20:22] <iskren> NuxRo, thanks! I searched several phrases, but non turned out anything useful :-/
[21:20] <dmalice> hello
[21:21] <dmalice> anyone around who has experience working with ffmpeg c libraries?
[21:25] <luchoo> hi people, i was wondering if anyone know whether i can encode x264 or h264 using my gpu with ffmpeg or no?
[21:26] <sacarasc> No.
[21:27] <dmalice> man, do people just generally not use the c libraries?
[21:27] <dmalice> I wish there was a way to just run ffmpeg commands on android without root
[21:29] <luchoo> sacarasc thanks for answering, and do you know of any other program that can do that?
[21:29] <sacarasc> Nope, sorry.
[21:29] <luchoo> ok
[21:30] <JEEB> luchoo, H.264 encoding by itself isn't generally a "good task" for a GPU
[21:31] <JEEB> there are patches for the usage of OpenCL with x264 for the lookahead, but... it can be slower than the CPU version depending on your hardware, and most importantly -- its quality currently is bollocks :)
[21:31] <JEEB> the only positive thing in it is "it doesn't use CPU for X"
[21:33] <burek> jettero, did you manage to solve your problem?
[21:33] <dmalice> Anyway, if anyone does come around, I'm wondering about how to take a frame from mpeg-4 or h264 video, and convert that frame to a png (using c-libraries). I've gotten as far as decoding the frame and writing it to a ppm (since the file header is simple) but it comes out in black and white. I've tried using the same process to convert to png, using the same method but I assume I need to use
[21:33] <dmalice> different decode settings and I'm not sure if my method of writing a char[] of hex calues for the png header with fwrite is correct... If anyone has any tips, I'd appreciate it
[21:35] <burek> jds, how do you know it's actually an mp3 file?
[21:36] <glewdrarf> how to load balance video converting servers
[21:37] <burek> vulkanr, did you try using gte instead of gt?
[21:39] <burek> dmalice, why don't you use just a simple ffmpeg command to extract a single frame into a png image
[21:39] <burek> without having to code anything.
[21:40] <burek> http://ffmpeg.gusari.org/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=35
[21:41] <burek> glewdrarf ?
[21:43] <glewdrarf> burek: if 1000 users upload a video at once that needs to be converted
[21:43] <glewdrarf> how to handle this
[21:43] <burek> round robin
[21:44] <burek> and wikipedia on load balancing
[21:44] <dmalice> burek, i need to use the native libraries because I'm trying to use ffmpeg for an android app
[21:45] <dmalice> can't execute ffmpeg commands because you don't get execute permissions on files, even in your own app directory
[21:46] <burek> dmalice, well then analyze the source code of ffmpeg's image2 filter
[21:46] <burek> and see how does it handle stuff
[21:46] <dmalice> hmmm, I'll have a look
[21:47] <dmalice> any idea where in the source tree i can find that?
[21:48] <burek> sorry, no
[21:48] <dmalice> is it libavformat/img2.c?
[21:48] <burek> probably
[21:48] <dmalice> thanks for the pointer, i'll check it out
[21:48] <burek> :beer: :)
[21:54] <Tim__> Hi guys.. I've been using ffmpeg for a good while now.. here's a probe from my origin server:
[21:54] <Tim__> root at nyc1:/usr/local/SCServer# ffmpeg -i rtmp:// -re -f mpegts -vcodec libx264 -acodec libfaac -r 29.97 -s 470x270 /tmp/show-test.mp4 ffmpeg version git-2012-02-19-3fa6d20 Copyright (c) 2000-2012 the FFmpeg developers built on Feb 19 2012 13:31:21 with gcc 4.4.3 configuration: --enable-gpl --enable-libfaac --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libx264 --enable-nonfree --enable-postproc --enable-avfilter libavut
[21:54] <Tim__> shoot
[21:55] <Tim__> I don't think I can post multiline text
[21:55] <burek> Tim__,
[21:55] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[21:55] <Tim__> anyway, my problem is in getting a long string of "invalid dropping"
[21:55] <Tim__> sure..
[21:55] <Tim__> (sorry, "invalid droping"
[21:55] <Tim__> one sec
[21:57] <Tim__> http://pastebin.com/njNLrxjt
[22:00] <Tim__> and the invalid droping leads to a lot of choppiness
[22:01] <ironm> JEEB, I can't find any options (recordMyDesktop v0.3.8.1) to get diff output-format (instead of .ogv file)
[22:01] <JEEB> I guess you could try checking how ffmpeg captures desktop then?
[22:01] <JEEB> I don't remember the linux settings for that, though :)
[22:02] <ironm> I used such CL to record a particular window: recordmydesktop -o video-test.ogv --windowid 0x240110a
[22:03] <vulkanr> burek, thanks. i managed to solve. was confused by the debug message in vf_select.c. it converts pts to int which messes it up (bug!)
[22:04] <ironm> maybe I could try to use <file.diff> ... instead of file.ogv
[22:05] <Tim__> burek, did the pastebin work okay?
[22:06] <ironm> how can I check it? ... <JEEB> I guess you could try checking how ffmpeg captures desktop then?
[22:06] <burek> Tim__, did you try playing that stream in VLC for example
[22:06] <burek> just to make sure it is not corrupted
[22:06] <Tim__> well, it's a live stream
[22:06] <Tim__> (at least it was, until about 6 minutes ago)
[22:07] <Tim__> one sec tho, I can probably do something similar.
[22:08] <JEEB> ironm, there was a way of setting input to the screen and audio input to alsa and so on IIRC
[22:08] <JEEB> I'm not really well in-the-know about that though
[22:08] <burek> ironm, try choosing another software
[22:08] <burek> the one you are using is obviously poorly written
[22:09] <ironm> JEEB, thank you .. I?ve asked in case you just did it last time
[22:09] <burek> try finding something more professional
[22:09] <JEEB> man, I love the fact how burek is ignoring me and thus can't see what I say
[22:09] <ironm> burek, I don't know better tool than recordmydesktop (for linux)
[22:09] <burek> vulkanr, ok :)
[22:10] <ironm> s/\?/\'/
[22:10] <burek> ironm, why don't you use ffmpeg?
[22:10] <burek> -f x11grab?
[22:10] <JEEB> haha, I love how he just comes to the same conclusion after talking about "professional" stuff
[22:11] <grabanski> any ideas why a 8 second video would turn into a useless 3min 21second video?
[22:11] <burek> ironm, or here: http://ffmpeg.gusari.org/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=594
[22:11] <ironm> burek, because I didn't know that it is possible to sue ffmpeg directly
[22:11] <JEEB> anyways, those should help you
[22:11] <JEEB> I guess
[22:11] <ironm> thank you burek .. ich will check the link :)
[22:11] <burek> :)
[22:11] <ironm> thanks JEEB .)
[22:11] <burek> grabanski,
[22:12] <burek> can you please use pastebin.com, to show your command line and its output?
[22:12] <ironm> I am open to use every opensource software
[22:13] <grabanski> here is the output http://pastebin.com/zbGtTFkF
[22:14] <Tim__> burek, I can't reproduce it now (as I mentioned, the live stream ended a little while ago). I guess my question is whether you know whether that message can indicate a server problem, or if it is most certainly a stream problem
[22:14] <grabanski> my 8 second video turns into a useless 3 min, 21 second video that doesn't play http://pastebin.com/zbGtTFkF
[22:15] <Tim__> the origin stream hasn't been interrupted, is still running smoothly, but the command I pasted in pastebin also doesn't have all the "invalid droping" messages anymore.
[22:15] <burek> grabanski, can you try ffplay test.mov
[22:15] <burek> and see will it report any errors
[22:16] <Tim__> ...so that would seem to suggest the stream is okay
[22:16] <burek> Tim__, it could be a lot of things
[22:16] <burek> bad stream
[22:16] <burek> bad network link
[22:16] <burek> a bug in ffmpeg
[22:16] <burek> :)
[22:16] <Tim__> heh
[22:16] <grabanski> burek: ffplay command not found
[22:16] <burek> oh..
[22:16] <burek> do you have vlc?
[22:17] <Tim__> okay. I didn't know if it could be something like "disk storage too slow" or "cpu load to high"
[22:17] <grabanski> yeah but maybe not install binaries
[22:17] <Tim__> no, I don't have vlc where I'm at now
[22:17] <burek> Tim__, watch for "dups" (duplicates) and "drops" (dropped frames)
[22:17] <burek> if that increases, than those issues might be the case
[22:17] <Tim__> (oh!)
[22:18] <ironm> burek, I have used the following command: ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1024x768 -i :0.0+100,200 output.flv
[22:18] <ironm> how can I convert the output file to .ogv or .mp4 ?
[22:18] <burek> ironm, convert is used for encoding, and mux.remux for choosing the appropriate file container
[22:18] <Tim__> burek: yes, I did see those issues (duplicates and dropped frames)
[22:18] <burek> such as ogv or mp4
[22:19] <burek> so what are you really looking for?
[22:19] <burek> Tim__, then cpu/ram/hdd could be the issue (or the network link)
[22:19] <burek> ironm, for a start try just with output.mp4
[22:20] <grabanski> burek: how do I get ffplay command on os x?
[22:20] <ironm> burek, yes .. thank you. What is the right syntax for .mp4 ?
[22:21] <ironm> ffmpeg -i output.flv -acodec ... -vcodec ... final.flv
[22:23] <Tim__> okay. makes sense. I'll start with the disk..
[22:23] <ironm> Unknown input format: 'dshow'
[22:23] <Tim__> can someone compare my results with : hdparm -tT /dev/[HD-DEVICE-ID]
[22:23] <burek> grabanski, just try any media player to see if the file is not damaged
[22:24] <Tim__> I get: Timing cached reads: 12142 MB in 1.99 seconds = 6100.47 MB/sec
[22:24] <grabanski> burek: It works fine in VLC
[22:24] <Tim__> Timing buffered disk reads: 10 MB in 3.37 seconds = 2.97 MB/sec
[22:24] <burek> ironm, are you on windows?
[22:24] <ironm> burek, no .. debian sid
[22:24] <burek> ironm, then why are you not reading the tutorial more carefully
[22:24] <burek> dshow is for windows only
[22:25] <ironm> ohh
[22:25] <ironm> burek, sorry
[22:25] <grabanski> burek: can I send you the file to try it out? it's 8 seconds, 1.5MB
[22:25] <burek> grabanski, try in vlc to go to the main menu and choose tools - messages
[22:25] <burek> and switch the verbosity level to 2
[22:25] <burek> to see if there will be any errors
[22:25] <grabanski> burek: k
[22:26] <burek> ironm, it's ok, just read it more slowly and accurately :)
[22:26] <burek> grabanski, if the file is not damaged, then it's probably a bug in ffmpeg, so you could report it to the trac or the forum
[22:26] <burek> however do you find it more convenient
[22:28] <ironm> burek, I have now an output2.flv file ... what would be the next step to create .mp4 or/and .ogv?
[22:28] <ironm> I used the following command: ironm at sid:~$ ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1024x768 -i :0.0+100,200 -vcodec libx264 -crf 0 -preset ultrafast -acodec pcm_s16le output2.flv
[22:28] <ironm> first without audio ...
[22:29] <ironm> JEEB, are you famliar with .flv format?
[22:30] <burek> ok, now convert it into what you need
[22:30] <burek> its lossless h264 packed in flv
[22:30] <JEEB> ironm, it's a simple'ish container, nothing bad with it really
[22:30] <ironm> burek, sure .. but how can I convert it to the mp4
[22:30] <burek> you can convert it to mp4 with: ffmpeg -i output.flv output.mp4
[22:30] <ironm> thank you burek :)
[22:31] <ironm> thank you JEEB
[22:34] <burek> :beer: :)
[22:34] <ironm> good news .. it is working for .mp4. I guess I can try to use output2.ogv for .ogv
[22:35] <JEEB> you don't want ogv ^^;
[22:35] <ironm> burek, you have already 3 beers good ;)
[22:35] <JEEB> you really don't
[22:35] <JEEB> it's a herp derp container
[22:35] <JEEB> flv, mkv for recording
[22:35] <JEEB> then encode that into whatever formats you need
[22:35] <ironm> JEEB, I need both formats ... .mp4 for android .. and .ogv for firefox
[22:35] <burek> :)
[22:35] <JEEB> ironm, as I said
[22:36] <JEEB> encode lossless first
[22:36] <JEEB> then encode that to theora/lossy H.264
[22:36] <ironm> JEEB, with my current knowledge I am not quite able to follow you ... I will do my best ;)
[22:36] <JEEB> also, firefox now supports vp8 / vorbis in webm
[22:36] <aphid> ironm, webm works in firefox/chrome/opera as well
[22:36] <JEEB> bottom line: if you have the lossless file, you can re-encode that into whatever lossy format you want
[22:37] <ironm> aphid, hmm .. what is the right suffix for webm output files?
[22:37] <aphid> ".webm"
[22:37] <ironm> JEEB, yes ... I can follow
[22:37] <ironm> aphid, thanks a lot
[22:38] <aphid> royalty format that apple is FUDding hard :P
[22:38] <ironm> I am just testing it
[22:38] <aphid> *royalty-free
[22:38] <ironm> exactly what I am looking for (as many people use ios/iphone)
[22:39] <ironm> it looks like converting to .webm takes a while ... (compare to .mp4)
[22:40] <JEEB> should depend on settings
[22:40] <JEEB> although I have absolutely no idea about libvpx settings
[22:40] <ironm> JEEB, I used: ffmpeg -i output2.flv output2.webm
[22:41] <JEEB> and thus you have no idea what on earth ffmpeg used
[22:41] <ironm> JEEB, exactly *_*
[22:41] <JEEB> with libx264 you at least nowadays have more saner defaults
[22:41] <JEEB> libvpx... no idea
[22:41] <JEEB> I think vpx has preset files tho
[22:42] <JEEB> vp8 is better than theora, that's for sure, but it'll probably only become really usable after xvp8 gets finished
[22:42] <ironm> JEEB, I don't know the syntax of such preset files yet
[22:42] <JEEB> (vp8 encoder based on x264)
[22:42] <JEEB> ironm, -vpre IIRC
[22:42] <ironm> JEEB, could i use vp8 already?
[22:43] <ironm> -vpre IIRC
[22:43] <ironm> !vpre
[22:43] <ironm> hmm ...
[22:43] <JEEB> vpre preset_name (without the .ffpreset ending)
[22:43] <aphid> jeeb - i noticed dark_shikari has some commits on the encoder
[22:43] <JEEB> pastebin what ffmpeg output you when did the -i derp -o herp.webm
[22:43] <JEEB> aphid, yes -- he is being sponsored by mozilla :P
[22:43] <aphid> oh? wild
[22:44] <aphid> and a little weird that it's mozilla not google
[22:44] <JEEB> mozilla is the only thing hanging on to webm
[22:44] <JEEB> I mean, people are supporting it but the H.264 support hasn't gone anywhere from f.ex. chrome
[22:44] <JEEB> it's quite late to the game, but at least there'll now be a proper encoder for vp8 :)
[22:45] <Ir0nman> im getting video artifacts with my encodes can anyone help?
[22:45] <aphid> yeah. given the lifespan of patents on h.264, you'd think google would realize this is a long game
[22:45] <Ir0nman> im pretty much trying to convert mkv to mp4
[22:45] <ironm> what would the complete syntax for such line? .. <JEEB> pastebin what ffmpeg output you when did the -i derp -o herp.webm
[22:45] <Ir0nman> anyone willing to give me a hand
[22:45] <JEEB> Ir0nman, uhh, first of all are you sure you need to re-encode?
[22:45] <aphid> mkv and mp4 are containers
[22:45] <ironm> Ir0nman, 3.8/180/42.2 ?
[22:46] <JEEB> I would guess that mkv container contains video that can be put into mp4
[22:46] <JEEB> audio is not always possible, but that's a whole different game
[22:46] <JEEB> are you trying to make it play on a hardware thingy or what?
[22:46] <JEEB> (I want to get this out of the way first)
[22:46] <JEEB> ironm, uhhh, you ran that command
[22:46] <JEEB> pastebin the output of it
[22:46] <JEEB> from the terminal
[22:47] <ironm> JEEB, the .webm file is still not ready
[22:47] <JEEB> even so
[22:47] <Ir0nman> im using Wowza Media Server to stream content and it doesnt accept mkv
[22:47] <Ir0nman> ive tried -vcodec copy but I still get artifacts
[22:47] <Ir0nman> does that mean it could be the streaming software?
[22:47] <JEEB> that means it's decoding it badly :P
[22:47] <aphid> sounds like that's probably the case, vcodec copy doesn't touch the video
[22:47] <JEEB> can you pastebin what ffmpeg outputs?
[22:47] <ironm> JEEB, very slowly .. frame= 162 fps= 0 q=0.0 size= 249kB time=8.04 bitrate= 253.5kbits/s
[22:47] <JEEB> it should tell us if it's 10bit H.264 or 8bit H.264
[22:48] <JEEB> as I'm going to guess it's wowza trying to decode 10bit H.264 as 8bit
[22:48] <JEEB> and thus leading to artifacts
[22:48] <Ir0nman> i dont think wowza decodes..I could be wrong
[22:48] <JEEB> if it doesn't, then it's the decoder you're using in the streaming situation :P
[22:48] <JEEB> flash for example does support 10bit H.264
[22:49] <Ir0nman> i believe this is over java could be wrong
[22:49] <Ir0nman> ill get you a long
[22:49] <Ir0nman> log*
[22:49] <JEEB> well, I'm just saying that you should tell me what's doing the decoding on your side
[22:51] <JEEB> because vcodec copy ain't gonna bring you artifacts, and if wowza doesn't decode then it's just passing the stuff through
[22:51] <Ir0nman> should I let it run fully
[22:51] <JEEB> what?
[22:51] <Ir0nman> you need the .log from FFMPEG right?
[22:51] <JEEB> which either means that the thing on your side that you're using to check the stream fails, or that you're not having enough bandwidth to read the wowza output well enough
[22:51] <JEEB> no
[22:51] <JEEB> I don't
[22:51] <Ir0nman> ok
[22:51] <JEEB> I was just looking for whatever it output on stdout/stderr (terminal)
[22:52] <Ir0nman> im using XBMC to read the stream
[22:52] <Ir0nman> ok i will get that for you
[22:52] <JEEB> oh
[22:52] <JEEB> xbmc has an ancient decoder component
[22:52] <JEEB> have fun with that
[22:52] <JEEB> even their newest and greatest has like ffmpeg 0.6
[22:53] <JEEB> and thus I'm guessing the mkv contains 10bit H.264
[22:57] <Ir0nman> http://pastebin.com/368HWV75
[22:57] <Ir0nman> im sure its possible to compile xbmc with the latest
[22:58] <JEEB> there are forks for that, yes
[22:58] <JEEB> officially they're still using the ffmpeg they come with
[22:58] <JEEB> also, looking at that output it seems to actually be 8bit H.264
[22:59] <ironm> JEEB, the output of: ffmpeg -i output2.flv test2.webm ... http://paste.debian.net/167938/
[22:59] <Ir0nman> also think that wowza uses java
[22:59] <JEEB> ironm, yeh -- you have libvpx installed and it's using that -- no idea what settings it's using by default tho :D
[23:00] <JEEB> Ir0nman, rather than what language it's using you should check what it's doing internally
[23:00] <ironm> JEEB, is it goog or bad? (libvpx)
[23:00] <JEEB> ironm, only encoder for vp8 :P
[23:00] <zacharias> good evening, senseis!
[23:00] <zacharias> :)
[23:00] <JEEB> I just wanted to make sure you were using that
[23:01] <zacharias> can someone help ou this fella *nix user here
[23:01] <JEEB> go check what ffpreset files you have available and try them (without the .ffpreset suffix) with -vpre and -preset
[23:01] <zacharias> ??
[23:01] <ironm> JEEB, is it possible to create vp8 format with libvpx then ?
[23:01] <JEEB> ...
[23:01] <JEEB> I just told you it's the only vp8 encoder at the moment (that works)
[23:01] <ironm> JEEB, I have artefacts ... (.mp4 and .webm)
[23:01] <JEEB> zacharias, why did you ask if you can ask? Just ask.
[23:02] <JEEB> ironm, with mp4 use the crf switch
[23:02] <JEEB> and make sure your mp4 encode is using libx264
[23:02] <JEEB> as I said, set preset for compression VS speed
[23:02] <ironm> *_*
[23:02] <JEEB> http://mewiki.project357.com/wiki/X264_Settings#preset
[23:02] <JEEB> and crf is the "quality" switch
[23:02] <ironm> thank you again
[23:02] <JEEB> (constant rate factor)
[23:03] <zacharias> ok JEEB
[23:03] <zacharias> here goes
[23:03] <JEEB> basically you want to find the highest crf number that still looks good
[23:03] <zacharias> ima *nix user
[23:03] <ironm> JEEB, I have to check the syntax
[23:03] <JEEB> ironm, -crf FLOATNUMBER -preset PRESETNAME
[23:03] <JEEB> or an int
[23:03] <JEEB> (it can just take floats)
[23:03] <JEEB> the x264 default is 23
[23:04] <JEEB> if it looks bad, make it somewhat lower
[23:04] <zacharias> lower the crf
[23:04] <zacharias> better quality ironm
[23:04] <JEEB> if it looks good try a bit higher
[23:04] <ironm> hmm ..
[23:04] <zacharias> if using crf choose 18
[23:04] <Ir0nman> JEEB do you think I should start with compiling xbmc with the latest ffmpeg?
[23:04] <JEEB> >_>
[23:04] <zacharias> usually pretty good balance
[23:04] <ironm> PRESETNAME ?
[23:04] <JEEB> zacharias, stop giving blind advice
[23:04] <JEEB> ironm, one of those presets I listed
[23:04] <Ir0nman> im gonna assume its wowza tho
[23:04] <zacharias> it isnt blind
[23:04] <JEEB> <JEEB> http://mewiki.project357.com/wiki/X264_Settings#preset
[23:04] <ironm> I see
[23:05] <JEEB> zacharias, it's pretty blind, we're actually trying to get people to choose their crf values WISELY
[23:05] <zacharias> ok then
[23:05] <zacharias> so
[23:05] <ironm> thank you zacharias :)
[23:05] <zacharias> i compilled ffmpeg and x264 like the wiki stated here http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide
[23:05] <JEEB> the whole point of crf is to find the highest that still looks good
[23:05] <TH0MAS_> ill change my nick so its a bit easier
[23:05] <zacharias> everuthing works ok
[23:06] <JEEB> TH0MAS_, it's not 10bit H.264 so in theory the old ffmpeg in XBMC should work as well
[23:06] <zacharias> but im also trying to use AVXSynth
[23:06] <TH0MAS_> so that only leaves Wowza to blame
[23:06] <JEEB> oh my, I think I just saw your post in doom9 and thought "oh boy, more of them"
[23:06] <zacharias> so i procedeed like so http://forum.doom9.org/showpost.php?p=1573707&postcount=93
[23:06] <zacharias> but got the following error:
[23:06] <leep> hey guys, one question. i am using FFMPEG to extract single frames as jpeg from a video. is there any way to send the ouput to stdout? i want to pipe it to another program and not save the images on disk first
[23:06] <JEEB> TH0MAS_, just make sure what wowza is exactly doing :P
[23:06] <TH0MAS_> going to be a pain :P
[23:07] <zacharias> http://forum.doom9.org/showpost.php?p=1573720&postcount=94
[23:07] <JEEB> if it was only feeding the input to output, then it's probably a transfer speed bottleneck somewhere
[23:07] <zacharias> any thoughts?
[23:07] <JEEB> (also, if you started decoding on not-a-keyframe you'd have artifacts until the next keyframe naturally
[23:07] <JEEB> zacharias, pastebin contents of config.log?
[23:07] <ironm> is recordmydesktop a kind of front-end for ffmpeg?
[23:08] <JEEB> ironm, I have no idea but they could be using the libraries
[23:09] <zacharias> JEEB, didnt get any
[23:09] <zacharias> config.log
[23:09] <JEEB> uhh
[23:10] <JEEB> it should have clearly output that in the ffms source folder :P
[23:10] <JEEB> /home/zacharias/.local/share/Trash/files/ffms-2.17-src
[23:10] <JEEB> or I'm not sure what it does when you call it from not-its-own-folder
[23:10] <JEEB> (I'm not sure what configure you actually called)
[23:12] <zacharias> JEEB, there u go
[23:12] <zacharias> http://pastie.org/3881083
[23:12] <zacharias> thing is i really dont know why ffmpeg compilling isnt enough for it
[23:12] <zacharias> or why this error
[23:14] <dmalice> does anybody know what the correct PIX_FMT is to use for decoding a frame to proper data format for a PNG?
[23:14] <JEEB> zacharias, probably doesn't find your ffmpeg libraries?
[23:15] <JEEB> conftest.c:(.text.startup+0x7): undefined reference to `avcodec_init'
[23:15] <JEEB> I guess headers are found since it doesn't fail about not finding <libavcodec/avcodec.h>
[23:15] <zacharias> so what do i need to do to fix this?
[23:17] <JEEB> or wait...
[23:17] Action: JEEB goes check the ffmpegsource svn
[23:18] <JEEB> ahhh
[23:18] <JEEB> the newer headers have no avcodec_init
[23:18] <JEEB> just build the svn ffmpegsource :)
[23:18] <JEEB> http://code.google.com/p/ffmpegsource/source/detail?r=642
[23:19] <JEEB> (that is after the 2.17 release)
[23:19] <JEEB> or then just merge the fix into your code :P
[23:19] <JEEB> I see the avxsynth people have a branch in the ffmpegsource svn
[23:20] <JEEB> in any case, you'll probably want to update your ffmpegsource :)
[23:21] <zacharias> JEEB, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqyixwqiCag
[23:21] <zacharias> so how do i update it mate?
[23:21] <zacharias> i've just build it onsaturday, afaik
[23:21] <JEEB> probably with an older ffmpeg/libav :)
[23:22] <JEEB> that function (avcodec_init) has been deprecated in both projects for quite a while
[23:22] <JEEB> then it got removed
[23:22] <JEEB> thus, it is trying to use a function that is not there
[23:22] <JEEB> are you building normal ffmpegsource, or are you building some specific piece of code for avxsynth?
[23:23] <JEEB> in other words, is the ffmpegsource you're compiling custom or not?
[23:23] <JEEB> the avxsynth filter commit would seem to say that it would use the ffmpegsource lib
[23:23] <JEEB> "Working version of avxsynth plugin tested using FFMS 2.17 and libav 0.7.4."
[23:23] <zacharias> JEEB, as pure as it say on the official wiki man, here: http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide
[23:24] <JEEB> ffmpegsource is not ffmpeg
[23:24] <JEEB> what you're building there and which fails to find ffmpeg is ffmpegsource (ffms)
[23:24] <JEEB> your ffmpeg so far seems to be fine
[23:25] <JEEB> ok
[23:25] <JEEB> you're using standard ffmpegsource
[23:25] <JEEB> then just grab the current code from svn
[23:26] <JEEB> 'svn co http://ffmpegsource.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ ffms' will grab the current sources into a folder called ffms
[23:27] <JEEB> then try configuring it as you were
[23:27] <JEEB> it should find your ffmpeg properly :)
[23:28] <zacharias> i cant run svn
[23:28] <zacharias> lool
[23:28] <jds> burek: when I run 'ffprobe -f mp3' it successfully parses the file & prints its id3 tags
[23:28] <jds> Plus, the filename on upload was 'foo.mp3'
[23:29] <JEEB> zacharias, apt-get/aptitude install subversion
[23:29] <zacharias> gotta install subversion afaik
[23:31] <zacharias> my point
[23:31] <zacharias> well JEEB
[23:31] <zacharias> "configure: error: in `/home/zacharias/ffms':
[23:31] <zacharias> configure: error: cannot build ffms2 as a shared library
[23:31] <zacharias> See `config.log' for more details
[23:31] <zacharias> "
[23:31] <JEEB> do you need ffms itself to be shared?
[23:31] <JEEB> also, check config.log for more info
[23:32] <zacharias> idk JEEB . im just messing wirh ffms for this
[23:32] <zacharias> https://github.com/avxsynth/avxsynth/wiki/System-Setup
[23:32] <JEEB> yes, opened that page already
[23:33] <JEEB> and most probably you don't need dynamic libs for ffms
[23:33] <JEEB> although the heck I know :P
[23:33] <JEEB> but do pastebin the damn log
[23:33] <Plorkyeran> shared is the recommended option on linux
[23:33] <zacharias> http://pastie.org/3881203
[23:34] <JEEB> line 684
[23:34] <JEEB> or more like the next from there
[23:34] <JEEB> /usr/bin/ld: /usr/local/lib/libavcodec.a(allcodecs.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `ff_h263_vaapi_hwaccel' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
[23:35] <zacharias> sounds like martian to me
[23:36] <JEEB> in other words, compile your ffmpeg with fPIC
[23:37] <JEEB> --enable-pic
[23:38] <zacharias> hum
[23:38] <zacharias> leme see
[23:39] <zacharias> so JEEB , do i need to download any extra package then?
[23:39] <zacharias> or jus add dat --enable-pic
[23:39] <JEEB> uuhh, no -- you'll just need to do about ffmpeg what it says on th etin
[23:39] <JEEB> *the tin
[23:40] <JEEB> in other words, rebuild ffmpeg with fPIC, which is --enable-pic
[23:40] <zacharias> same stays the same?
[23:40] <JEEB> what?
[23:40] <zacharias> then configure ffms like i planned to?
[23:40] <zacharias> sorry
[23:40] <JEEB> yes
[23:40] <zacharias> lool
[23:40] <frogoz> hi. anyone could tell me a quick command to hardcode utf-8 subtitles into .ts (mpeg2) video?
[23:40] <JEEB> rebuild ffmpeg, and then go back to ffms
[23:41] <zacharias> JEEB, so i compile normaly by jus adding --enable-pic
[23:41] <zacharias> everything else is the same
[23:41] <JEEB> yes
[23:41] <zacharias> and go back to ffms and procedd as i planned to
[23:41] <JEEB> yes
[23:42] <zacharias> according to that wiki i do also need to update x264, since ive added lavf support to x264
[23:42] <zacharias> a i right?
[23:42] <JEEB> uhhh
[23:42] <zacharias> am
[23:42] <zacharias> am*
[23:42] <JEEB> not sure if you can link an x264 with lavf support to lavf :D
[23:42] <zacharias> lavf support to x264 ¶
[23:42] <zacharias> http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide
[23:42] <zacharias> sry *
[23:43] <JEEB> at least you can't link lavf with x264 to x264
[23:43] <_tibo_> is YUV420p similar to I420 ?
[23:43] <JEEB> anyways, just rebuild the damn ffmpeg >_>
[23:43] <zacharias> by updating it
[23:43] <zacharias> ok
[23:43] <zacharias> brbr
[23:43] <zacharias> brb*
[23:43] <zacharias> JEEB, tks for ur paiente
[23:43] <zacharias> be feeding back soon
[23:43] <zacharias> many thanks
[23:44] <zacharias> brb
[23:45] <frogoz> JEEBut
[23:47] <frogoz> how to hardcode utf-8 subtitles into .ts (mpeg2) video?
[23:47] <JEEB> I think ffmpeg had a libass-based ass filter
[23:47] <JEEB> and ffmpeg has an mpeg2 encoder
[23:48] <JEEB> you'll have to check stuff from the documentation regarding the first :)
[23:48] <JEEB> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#ass
[23:51] <frogoz> damn stupid mpeg2
[23:51] <ironm> JEEB, may I ask what should the correct suffix for vp8? ... I am getting: Unable to find a suitable output format for 'xxx18.vp8'
[23:52] <relaxed> kkkkkkkk
[23:52] <frogoz> I think I'll stick with matroska, and remove primitive mpeg2's
[23:52] <relaxed> sorry
[23:53] <frogoz> what?
[23:53] <relaxed> ironm: I think you would have to use -f rawvideo
[23:54] <ironm> relaxed, thank you .. I will check it
[23:54] <ironm> yes .. it is working relaxed :)
[23:55] <ironm> relaxed, however the file is really huge ... 468320256 Mai 8 23:53 xxx18.vp8
[23:55] <JEEB> relaxed, he doesn't want raw streams and rawvideo is IIRC raw YUV ^^;
[23:55] <JEEB> ironm, it's dot-webm
[23:55] <ironm> compare to mp4 .. 1117446 Mai 8 23:12 xxx18.mp4
[23:55] <JEEB> you DON'T WANT RAW VP8
[23:56] <relaxed> I gave him what he asked for.
[23:56] <frogoz> JEEB: anyway, thank you for this information. One more question: if I use mplayer2 (only player, without ffmpeg) from git, and ffmpeg from git then should I compile ffmpeg with --enable-libass?
[23:56] <JEEB> libvpx output in webm container
[23:56] <ironm> JEEB, what instead? .. ffmpeg -i output2.flv -crf 18 -preset ultrafast -f rawvideo xxx18.vp8
[23:56] <JEEB> first
[23:56] <relaxed> xxx18.webm
[23:56] <ironm> anyway .. thank you relaxed :)
[23:56] <JEEB> crf is a libx264-specific setting
[23:56] <ironm> ohh
[23:57] <JEEB> preset ultrafast is libx264 specific AFAIK
[23:57] <ironm> JEEB, can I create small .vp8 output?
[23:57] <JEEB> -f rawvideo I have no idea what it does when you set dot-webm
[23:57] <ironm> JEEB, the quality of .webm is not good (stong artefacts)
[23:58] <JEEB> because you haven't set any settings
[23:58] <JEEB> d'oh
[23:58] <ironm> JEEB, what advantage would I get when using .vp8 .. instead of .mp4 or .ogv ??
[23:59] <relaxed> ironm: omit "-f rawvideo", use webm output and livpx's presets
[23:59] <JEEB> vp8 is better than theora?
[23:59] <relaxed> libvpx's
[00:00] --- Wed May 9 2012
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