[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20121111

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 02:05:01 CET 2012

[00:22] <Olson> JEEB, I dont know if this means anything, but after rebuild FFMPEG it didn't default to 4:4:4, would this be because also the source was 4:4:4 recorded from x11grab, and also, is it possible that recording in 4:4:4 is more stressful on the computer and might be the cause of the lag issues I experienced during recording :P
[00:26] <JEEB> yes, 4:4:4 encoding is slower in libx264, as there is more data to be encoded naturally
[00:27] <JEEB> and yes, you should test with the same source to be sure. It should have then picked 4:4:4 because the source was RGB or 4:4:4 I would guess
[00:27] <Olson> makes sense
[00:27] <JEEB> if you updated and built, then I think you just got to a version that started defaulting to 4:2:0
[00:27] <JEEB> at one point you had to specifically set it after ffmpeg built support for 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 usage of libx264
[00:28] <JEEB> (and thus started defaulting to them in case the source was closer to them than 4:2:0)
[00:28] <Olson> a while ago I started to have problems with ffmpeg not recording the screen at the desired FPS, causing the audio to go out of sync. I wonder if that might be related to the 4:4:4 thing
[00:29] <JEEB> most probably
[00:30] <Olson> I be trying to record "lossless" or as lossless as possible whilst using x11grab but still it couldn't keep up for whatever reason, even when I lowered the FPS down to 15 or so
[00:30] <JEEB> 4:4:4 or RGB-in-4:4:4 is the best thing for keeping stuff in storage, but libx264's some of those code paths aren't exactly the fastest.
[00:30] <JEEB> ffvhuff or utvideo should be good for that kind
[00:30] <JEEB> fast and IIRC support RGB
[00:31] <JEEB> of course, not good compression but you can deal with that later for files you are going to be sending off
[00:32] <Olson> the idea (I thought) was to minimise any on the fly compression with the hope of achieving the required FPS, and therefore audio sync
[00:33] <Olson> I could try those formats you mention, indeed
[00:45] <Olson> I seem to have resolved my unrelated issue also anyway which is nice.. after re-building ffmpeg I couldn't then build Blender from source with ffmpeg support because the instructions didn't say to use --enable-shared on the commandline.. or that x264 would also have to build with --enabled-shared else it would all fall to pieces  :P
[00:46] <JEEB> lol
[00:46] <JEEB> I think you for that kind of things you either need fPIC or shared, yes
[00:46] <JEEB> do hate shared libs for needing to be in certain places tho
[00:46] <JEEB> (and ldconfig)
[00:46] <Olson> yes  fPIC it moans about that, I dont know how to do that
[00:47] <JEEB> --extra-cflags="-fPIC"
[00:47] <Olson> ldconfig! yes :P I had to run that also, even though I'd set everything right and tried it twice.. i did not ldconfig
[00:47] <Olson> ohhh
[00:47] Action: Olson scribbles down notes
[00:49] <Olson> I already losing my hair.. this all nearly tipped me over the edge, towards defenestrating the computer and accessories
[00:50] <JEEB> don't worry, when you start cross-compiling things from linux to windows for example you'll enter a new world of pain
[00:50] <JEEB> because some projects just seem to have an idea of their own on how things should work, and if they should work at all
[00:51] <Olson> :) I dont think I can risk it
[00:51] <Olson> I stick with mah Linux
[00:53] <JEEB> harfbuzz is a funny library that has at least one backend that builds, but when you try to link with it when building what you built it for... it all ends up in errors and you then hear that it was all broken and never removed from harfbuzz's code base
[00:53] <JEEB> this fails on all architectures tho
[00:54] <JEEB> GPAC is a funny library too, if you build it on another architecture than you're thinking of using it on, it's easier to just write your own config.mak than to use the configuration script
[00:54] <Olson> it all sounds rather complicated!
[00:55] <JEEB> the latter just means that the configure script only looks at what you're running it on, and not what the cross-compiler is aimed for
[00:55] <JEEB> so f.ex. if you try to configure a windows build of GPAC on linux
[00:55] <JEEB> it will set config.mak for stuff meant to build a linux binary
[00:56] <JEEB> in case of harfbuzz it just happens to have multiple backends that it can use
[00:56] <JEEB> and one of those has been broken for aeons
[00:56] <JEEB> yet never removed
[00:56] <JEEB> and it even builds!
[00:56] <JEEB> (yet when you try to link to it, it fails hard)
[00:57] <JEEB> thus let's just say that ffmpeg and friends are still simple'ish :3
[00:57] <Olson> yes.. linking is where my build was failing with Blender earlier.. it's harsh because it gets to 100% and then does the linking so you think "yes! nearly done" and then "oww :(" it's a bit of a rollercoaster :P
[00:58] <JEEB> well, that's at least linking in the same project
[00:58] <JEEB> in this case you could link harfbuzz just fine
[00:58] <JEEB> but then when you went one layer up it would be found out that you got yourself a borked library
[01:01] <Olson> any merit in outputting ffmpeg's x11grab to .avi rather than .mkv
[01:02] <Olson> sorry I'm bouncing from one thing to another. Perhaps I should rest :)
[01:04] <JEEB> not really, but in case of intra-only codecs like ffvhuff or ut video it doesn't really matter as long as you have a constant frame rate
[01:07] <Olson> cool. You've been a great help and bastion of knowledge, thank you kindly
[01:15] <Olson> good luck JEEB  see you later <3
[02:55] <a|3x> hi
[02:58] <a|3x> i am using ffmpeg to encode video with x264 but i have this video stuttering issue, is there something that could be done about it?
[03:08] <klaxa> if you could explain it further, maybe
[04:16] <a|3x> my input frame rate is different than output, so some frames are skipped unevenly apparently and the playback looks stuttery
[04:19] <a|3x> whats the correct method to downscale the framerate? i think my framerate is 29.9 and i need 24
[09:12] <hendry> what is the ffmpeg switch for "Prepare for Internet Streaming" http://support.google.com/youtube/bin/answer.py?hl=en-GB&answer=1297408&hl=en-GB ?
[09:12] <ubitux> -movflags +faststart
[09:14] <hendry> ubitux: does the same flag apply to .webm encodings ?
[09:15] <ubitux> it doesn't make any sense for webm
[09:15] <ubitux> "Prepare for Internet Streaming" in your case just means the mov/mp4 header is moved at the top of the file
[09:16] <ubitux> webm doesn't have such requirement
[09:17] <hendry> ubitux: i wonder if "Prepare for Internet Streaming" means the ability to seek the video ?
[09:17] <hendry> because the HTML5 videos I create don't seem to be able to seek randomly
[09:17] <ubitux> no
[09:18] <ubitux> it means the flash player doesn't have to download the whole video file to read the header and start playback
[09:18] <ubitux> because most flash players don't support range request to hit the end of the file
[09:19] <ubitux> seek should be supported with both mov/mp4 and mkv/webm, or your browser might be broken
[09:25] <hendry> ubitux: actually when I retest it, seeking is working :} nm
[09:30] <hendry> ubitux: the .webms i generate are 2x the size of an mp4. is that normal, or am I using bad encoding settings ? https://github.com/kaihendry/recordmydesktop2.0/blob/master/r2d2#L80
[09:30] <ubitux> you have to play with libvorbis settings
[09:30] <ubitux> erm
[09:30] <ubitux> i mean libvpx
[14:04] <HardDisk_WP> Hey all
[14:04] <HardDisk_WP> How do I convert a DVD to h.264 or mp4 as optically lossless as possible?
[14:04] <HardDisk_WP> I have some 10TB of 1:1 dvd rips from my movie collection, but cellphones and mediaplayers can't play them over network
[14:04] <HardDisk_WP> so I want to convert them into something which can be played everywhere
[14:04] <HardDisk_WP> (yes, I know that every DVD puts the content into different title, that is not the problem)
[14:06] <erib> HardDisk_WP: try http://www.transcoder.org/
[14:18] <HardDisk_WP> erib, judging from a quick look there are only pre-defined presets, and which one should I choose for maximum quality?
[16:02] <wm4> why isn't the buffer management used by ffmpeg and ffplay exposed as API?
[16:02] <wm4> I mean the codec_get_buffer/codec_release_buffer functions
[16:03] <wm4> do application developers really have to duplicate the codec specific bugs these functions cover?
[16:03] <wm4> or rather, the workaround for these bugs
[16:16] <zap0> what makes you think all codecs can be generalized?
[17:04] <cairo_> Hi
[17:04] <cairo_> What's the best codec for capturing Xvfb sessions?
[17:06] <cairo_> The guys from the ruby headless gem default to "qtrle"
[17:06] <cairo_> But i'm not sure if that's optimal
[17:07] <Mavrik> hmm
[17:07] <Mavrik> cairo_: what are Xvfb sessions?
[17:07] <Mavrik> (content-wise?)
[17:07] <cairo_> Just a virtual Xsession.. I use it to run a headless firefox for test automation
[17:08] <cairo_> And I capture videos of it so I can see what goes wrong.. if so
[17:08] <cairo_> Just trying to optimize a bit for size and video quality
[17:08] <Mavrik> ah
[17:09] <klaxa> probably h264 with tune animation?
[17:09] <Mavrik> I'm not sure about performance specifics of qtrle
[17:10] <Mavrik> libx264 with -preset ultrafast would probably be ok
[17:11] <cairo_> Ok, thanks, I'll try it
[17:53] <raptor67682> hello
[17:53] <raptor67682> is there anyone ?
[17:53] <raptor67682>   ssh  $ipaddress mencoder  tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0:alsa:adevice=hw.1,0:forceaudio -ovc lavc -oac lavc -o - -really-quiet     |    ffplay -
[17:53] <raptor67682> I need this command using ffmpeg
[17:53] <raptor67682> anyone?
[17:54] <raptor67682> I need ffmpeg to do the job instead of mencoder +
[17:54] <raptor67682> how to pipe?
[18:12] <raptor67682> [alsa @ 0x96fba60]capture with some ALSA plugins, especially dsnoop, may hang.
[18:12] <raptor67682> Input #0, alsa, from 'plughw:0,0':
[18:12] <raptor67682>   Duration: N/A, start: 9364.988342, bitrate: N/A
[18:12] <raptor67682>     Stream #0.0: Audio: pcm_s16le, 44100 Hz, stereo, s16, 1411 kb/s
[18:12] <raptor67682> [video4linux2 @ 0x9705540][3]Capabilities: 4000001
[18:12] <raptor67682> Input #1, video4linux2, from '/dev/video0':
[18:12] <raptor67682>   Duration: N/A, start: 9380.006633, bitrate: 24576 kb/s
[18:12] <raptor67682>     Stream #1.0: Video: rawvideo, yuyv422, 640x480, 24576 kb/s, 5 tbr, 1000k tbn, 5 tbc
[18:12] <raptor67682> At least one output file must be specified
[18:13] <raptor67682> ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF)
[18:13] <raptor67682> pipe:: Unknown format
[18:13] <raptor67682> comes from teh command:  ssh  ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i plughw:0,0 -r 5 -s 640x480 -f video4linu 2 -i /dev/video0  | ffplay -
[18:13] <raptor67682> I have no clue how to pipe
[18:19] <raptor67682> anyone? please
[18:22] <raptor67682> Unable to find a suitable output format for 'pipe:'
[18:25] <klaxa> maybe -f video4linux2?
[18:25] <klaxa> or just mux it to a different container
[18:25] <raptor67682>   FFmpeg version SVN-r0.5.4-4:0.5.4-1,
[18:25] <klaxa> also next time user a pasting service please
[18:26] <raptor67682>   Duration: N/A, start: 10224.519621, bitrate: 24576 kb/s
[18:26] <raptor67682>     Stream #1.0: Video: rawvideo, yuyv422, 640x480, 24576 kb/s, 5 tbr, 1000k tbn, 5 tbc
[18:26] <klaxa> *use
[18:26] <klaxa> dude
[18:26] <raptor67682> Unable to find a suitable output format for 'pipe:'
[18:26] <raptor67682> ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF)
[18:26] <raptor67682> pipe:: Unknown format
[18:26] <raptor67682> fflogger: ok. Gotta.
[18:26] <klaxa> you won't get answers if you spam the channel
[18:27] <raptor67682> anyhow I guess I wont get solutions from #ffmpeg
[18:27] <raptor67682> my ffmpeg is old
[18:27] <raptor67682> and I cannot re-compile
[18:27] <klaxa> with that attitude you won't
[18:27] <klaxa> can't you grab recent binaries?
[18:27] <raptor67682> I have tried over 1-2 years this thing
[18:28] <raptor67682> I used mencoder over years, but my coleague can not install mencoder on a given machine
[18:28] <raptor67682> so I got stuck with ffmpeg. :(
[18:28] <raptor67682> I have tried several time but I believe that this version of ffmpeg does notsupport pipe
[18:29] <klaxa> you also don't uh... follow the correct syntax apparently
[18:31] <raptor67682> my syntax is correct since I can make work the webcam with a regular:   ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i plughw:1,0 -r 5 -s 640x480 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0  blabla.avi
[18:31] <raptor67682> so if it works on local,then it should work over pipe
[18:31] <klaxa> you should add what format to use for output and specify pipe: as output file
[18:31] <klaxa> then you can use stdout
[18:32] <raptor67682> and ssh. in practice at least .. well. any help would be so great
[18:32] <lobotomius> hi ffmpeg. how do i convert pal interlaced to something non interlaced? tia
[18:32] <raptor67682> stdout? you are highly intersting
[18:32] <klaxa> i.e.: ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i plughw:1,0 -r 5 -s 640x480 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 -f video4linux2 pipe: | whatever -
[18:32] <klaxa> well obviously you are trying to pipe ffmpeg's output to stdout
[18:34] <raptor67682>   Unable to find a suitable output format for 'pipe:'
[18:34] <raptor67682> it states that the pipe container is not found either
[18:34] <klaxa> paste the complete log please
[18:34] <raptor67682> I have tried. with pipe: pipe:1 pipe:2 ...
[18:34] <raptor67682> klaxa: ok, no prob
[18:34] <klaxa> it's hard to assist when you don't cooperate
[18:35] <klaxa> hmm thinking about it, -f video4linux2 is pretty stupid since you have video and audio
[18:35] <klaxa> also what codecs do you want? you have to specify that too
[18:36] <raptor67682> tata :  http://pastebin.ca/2250677
[18:37] <raptor67682> I took me sometime since I have a connection over screen (no x11)
[18:38] <raptor67682> and xterm also. Well. nevermind.I use xterm... I am heavily trying but well, it seems that I did not do what ffmpeg wanted to work
[18:39] <raptor67682> - the containers are or must be working. I do believe it ... there is something that is missing somehow... Of course, my ffmpeg is very very old. but well, lets hope it is. If not, then, I will have to use mencoder
[18:39] <sebouh00> hi everyone. I'm very new to using ffmpeg. Wondering if anone here can help me with an issue i'm facing
[18:39] <raptor67682> - but you know, ffmpeg is really (in my opinion) better and faster than mencoder
[18:40] <raptor67682> sebouh00: you may try
[18:40] <sebouh00> i am trying to re-stream a vlc rtsp stream to FMS through ffmpeg, thereby converting the rtsp stream to rtmp.
[18:40] <raptor67682> sebouh00: to give more info. we can try to help you
[18:40] <sebouh00> VLC's stream is transcoded as MP4 (H.264 + AAC). I'm using the following ffmpeg command:
[18:40] <sebouh00> ffmpeg -threads 2 -re -i rtsp://localhost:8554/stream.sdp -f flv rtmp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/live/mystream
[18:40] <sebouh00> here's what I'm getting:
[18:40] <sebouh00> http://s11.postimage.org/rxhltxjub/part1.png
[18:41] <raptor67682> sebouh00: ok, it is too much complicated for me... I can only help if you need with ffserver to a given port and ffmpeg video streaming.
[18:41] <sebouh00> http://s18.postimage.org/sswv38lxl/part2.png
[18:41] <sebouh00> http://s14.postimage.org/vkcve7s2p/part3.png
[18:41] <sebouh00> i see. can anybody else help me?
[18:41] <raptor67682> klaxa:   -f video4linux2  you make my day. I would be glad to make it better.
[18:41] <klaxa> well try a different container.. one that supports video4linux2 and pcm as codecs
[18:42] <raptor67682> klaxa: the codec does not matter. anythig that would work... maybe raw. I saw that
[18:42] <klaxa> i wouldn't know which ones
[18:42] <raptor67682>   taht  fmt:yuyv422 -> w:640 h:480 fmt:rgb24 flags:0x4   worked when I do a ffmpeg for a single png frame
[18:44] <sebouh00> anyone looking into my problem hopefully?
[18:45] <klaxa> sebouh00: do you want to reencode or just re-stream?
[18:45] <klaxa> because right now, you're reencoding
[18:45] <klaxa> i don't think that really clears up the issue though
[18:45] <sebouh00> I believe H.264 and AAC is what is required on FMS... so i am looking to re-stream
[18:46] <klaxa> try adding -acodec copy -vcodec copy before -f flv
[18:46] <klaxa> i also don't think you need the -re flag
[18:46] <klaxa> since you are already reading from a stream
[18:47] <sebouh00> ok, i just tried with 'copy' and no '-re'
[18:47] <raptor67682>   I have tried without and changed the codec:  ssh ffmpeg -f video4linux2   -an -vcodec mpeg2video  -r 5 -s 640x480  -i /dev/video0       pipe: | ffplay  -       but ffmpeg tells me : Unable to find a suitable output format for 'pipe:  again. it changed this coded and did not used : -f
[18:47] <sebouh00> i got a lot of yellow... same errors
[18:47] <klaxa> raö
[18:47] <klaxa> args
[18:47] <klaxa> raptor67682: if you are using pipes, you have to specify a container
[18:48] <raptor67682> klaxa: thank you for your support. You mean pipe:0 pipe:1... with a numbering ?
[18:48] <klaxa> no with container i mean a -f option
[18:49] <klaxa> -f means format, if you don't specify a format ffmpeg doesn't know how to mux the streams
[18:49] <klaxa> if you just use pipe: it outputs to stdout
[18:49] <klaxa> and i believe that's what you want
[18:49] <klaxa> try ffmpeg -formats to see what containers are available
[18:50] <klaxa> it needs the E flag for Encode
[18:50] <sebouh00> This is what I got: http://pastebin.com/LRHzk28D
[18:51] <raptor67682>   it does me some more : ssh ffmpeg -f video4linux2   -an -vcodec mpeg2video-i /dev/video0 -f mjpeg       pipe: | ffplay  -     ... it looks like ffmpeg likes it better
[18:52] <raptor67682> klaxa: you are so powerful with ffmpeg
[18:52] <klaxa> sebouh00: what is the stream's framerate? beacuse your command outputs a very low framerate (< 5)
[18:52] <raptor67682> klaxa: Well, it really does show that the ssh + ffmpeg would work
[18:52] <raptor67682> klaxa: still I get no image... but I start to re-believe !!
[18:52] <sebouh00> on VLC, i have specified 30 fps
[18:53] <klaxa> sebouh00: then it looks like your network throughput is too low, or some other error, i don't know how to interpret the errors with the PTS and DTS
[18:54] <sebouh00> i see
[18:54] <raptor67682> klaxa: what does it mean : frame=    0 fps=  0 q=0.0 size=       0kB time=10000000000.00 bitrate=   0.0kbits/s  ? it looks that it does sthg but I still get no ffplay window
[18:54] <raptor67682> that would be cool that it works. we could avoid using skype
[18:54] <klaxa> that's the standard output from ffmpeg that indicates it should be working...
[18:55] <klaxa> can you provide the full output via pastebin?
[18:55] <jonwil> which mp3 encoder is ffmpeg using and what is its license?
[18:55] <raptor67682> klaxa: sure. anytime.. few minutes... pasteing
[18:55] <klaxa> jonwil: if you specify libmp3lame it's an open source license i believe
[18:59] <jonwil> GPL or LGPL? I am writing a plugin for something that's closed source and will probably need some MP3 encoding in this plugin if I can find an encoder that's free enough for my needs
[18:59] <klaxa> jonwil: http://lame.sourceforge.net/
[18:59] <klaxa> jonwil: >LAME is a high quality MPEG Audio Layer III (MP3) encoder licensed under the LGPL.
[19:00] <jonwil> ok, good, LGPL is fine
[19:00] <klaxa> but why are you writing closed source software? :P
[19:00] <klaxa> why not make it open?
[19:00] <jonwil> I didn't write the closed-source part
[19:00] <sebouh00> Klaxa: I just streamed to my own FMS instance and it streamed successsfully :)
[19:00] <jonwil> I am just writing the plugin
[19:00] <klaxa> ah
[19:00] <sebouh00> I just want to know why i'm getting so much clipping
[19:01] <raptor67682>  finally got paste: http://pastebin.ca/2250685
[19:04] <klaxa> raptor67682: is the upload on the box fast enough? rawvideo at 640x480 has a pretty high bitrate (i think many megabytes per second)
[19:04] <raptor67682> I am from my box to my box
[19:04] <raptor67682> no network. and the pc can handle normally my webcam making webcam videos (/dev/video0)
[19:05] <raptor67682> anyhow I might guess that my command is wrong ( ffmpeg -f video4linux2   -an -vcodec mpeg2video  -r 5 -s 640x480  -i /dev/video0  -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuyv422 -s 640x480  web.avi ) since the web.avi generated is of 0 bytes and ffplay cannot play it
[19:07] <klaxa> try putting -vcodec mpeg2video after the -i /dev/video0, remove the -an, replace -f rawvideo by -f mpeg2video and maybe drop the -pix_fmt and second -s 640x480
[19:08] <klaxa> so in the end like this: ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -r 5 -s 640x480  -i /dev/video0  -vcodec mpeg2video -f mpeg2video web.avi
[19:09] <raptor67682> the cmd: ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -r 5 -s 640x480  -i /dev/video0  -vcodec mpeg2video -f mp g2video web.avi  told me that ]MPEG1/2 does not support 5/1 fps  and eam #0.0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rat
[19:11] <klaxa> hmm... this might be over the top, but try replacing -f mpeg2video with -f matroska and web.avi with web.mkv
[19:12] <raptor67682> it tells  #0.0: Video: mpeg2video, yuv420p, 640x48  and put stream #0.0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as  and 0]MPEG1/2 does not support 5/1 fps
[19:13] <raptor67682> with -f matroska
[19:13] <klaxa> ah derp, yeah it's the codec that doesn't support 5 fps
[19:13] <klaxa> try a different codec... um...
[19:13] <klaxa> look through ffmpeg -codecs to find a suitable one
[19:13] <klaxa> it needs the E and V flag for Encode and Video
[19:14] <klaxa> does theora support 5 fps?
[19:15] <klaxa> try replacing -vcodec mpeg2video with -vcodec libtheora
[19:18] <jonwil> if I can just find an encoder for ea_xas_adpcm my plugin will be possible :)
[19:19] <jonwil> or write one :P
[20:07] <lobotomius> hi all
[20:07] <lobotomius> shame to admit but i give up now just can not get it.
[20:07] <lobotomius> how do i get rid of interlacing artifact like in this vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gw1ImiSR6Eg&feature=endscreen&NR=1
[20:09] <lobotomius> gogle hints mencoder users heavily not much i could find had anything to do with ffmpeg
[20:09] <lobotomius> tho
[20:11] <lobotomius> yadif is not what im looking for quality wise
[20:19] <Pieplay> that's odd, when I transfer the file all the darker colors  turn to near black, winff  "SuperHighQuality"(h.264)
[20:21] <Pieplay> and when I upload it to youtube it gets even darker
[20:38] <edrx> hi - I am trying to port my script for creating screencasts from ffmpeg to avconv, and it seems that the syntax for calling "-newaudio" has changed... what is the new (avconv-ish) way to call it?
[20:38] <edrx> the details:
[20:38] <edrx> http://pastebin.com/3mTJRiYD
[20:39] <microchip_> edrx: ask in #libav
[20:39] <edrx> microchip_: ok
[20:42] <Pieplay> does anyone know what's up with the H.246 codec making dark things darker
[21:46] <puff> I have some DVDs that were converted from old home movies (film) and vcr tapes.  The audio track on some of them is barely audible, I'm trying to figure out if I can tweak them...
[21:55] <puff> 4~
[21:58] <Sanky> Hello, I'm using ffmpeg to stream my desktop.  However, sometimes the video skips a bit, and then catches up.  That's fine!  But what isn't is that the sound permanently desynchs at that point, growing over a minute behind in extreme cases.  Is it possible to make the audio sync with the video no matter the cost?
[21:59] <puff> Sanky: I'm afraid I have no idea...
[22:00] <Sanky> it's okay, I'm kinda new to this and just figuring out what to do to make it work fine!
[23:51] <AndrewPMA> hello everybody
[23:52] <AndrewPMA> i was wondering if anybody could help me figure out a strange bug with "invalid DTS/PTS combination" messages
[23:52] <AndrewPMA> it looks just like this closed bug: https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/1627
[23:53] <AndrewPMA> but seems to come up for me, but i am using a later version: N-46529-g3affcc9
[00:00] --- Mon Nov 12 2012

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