[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20121115
burek021 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 02:05:01 CET 2012
[00:04] <ozone89> hello!
[00:07] <ozone89> i know it could sound... odd... but is there a way to redirect the ffplay graph shown for audio-only to an image? :D
[00:14] <saste> ozone89, check the showwaves and showspectrum filters
[00:14] <ozone89> uhm?
[00:14] <ozone89> thanks saste, i'll have a look :D
[00:32] <sacredchao> How can I find the metadata of MOV files? I want to see recording time
[00:32] <ozone89> sacredchao, try ffprobe
[00:36] <sacredchao> Ahh, this utility will help immensely writing scripts to rename files a certain way based on container & A/V formats of video files
[00:36] <ozone89> so, found what you where looking for, sacredchao?
[00:36] <ozone89> *were
[00:39] <sacredchao> Yes, it's showing the creation time in the MOV container metadata!
[00:39] <ozone89> good
[00:39] <ozone89> thank the devs ;)
[00:41] <sacredchao> Yes, this is very useful to find out format information about the audio and video streams as well
[00:43] <sacredchao> Can anyone point me in the right direction for batch renaming these .mov files based on the creation time displayed in the output of ffprobe?
[00:44] <ozone89> uhmmm... you could loop through the files with a script shell...
[00:45] <sacredchao> I don't know how to write that...
[00:45] <ozone89> at every step, it does a ffprobe, put what you need on vars and then does a "mv *file* *filewithvars*"
[00:45] <ozone89> me neither, sorry "^_^
[00:46] <cbsrobot> sacredchao: best moment to learn it !
[00:47] <ozone89> yup. as Michael Jackson said: "it doesn't matter what is your task, just script it!"
[00:47] <ozone89> igh igh igh
[00:48] <cbsrobot> just script - script it - script it - script it
[00:48] <ozone89> ihihih... guess i've thrown a new motto here XD
[01:02] <ozone89> well.. it's 1 AM down here... g'nite
[01:19] <burzum> Anyone can help me with this? http://superuser.com/questions/505837/ffmpeg-encoding-for-meta-data-wrong-need-it-in-utf8
[08:50] <raptor67682> a question. how to convert a wav to a mp3 format : MPEG AUDIO - version 2 - Layer 3 - bit rate constant - bit rate 32.0kbps - 1 channel - sampling rate 16 khz - compression mode lossy
[08:50] <raptor67682> is it possible really get this exact format using ffmpeg?
[08:50] <raptor67682> if yes, would you have any input how to make it (idealyl command line)?
[08:50] <raptor67682> thank you for you info
[08:56] <StevenLiu> Hi guys
[09:01] <jure> HE-AACv2 files encoded with libfdk-aac don't play in iTunes, but natively encoded HE-AACv2 files do.
[09:02] <jure> (natively encoded = iTunes encoded)
[09:07] <juanmabc> check properties with ffmpeg -i file; like bitrate, etc...
[09:07] <jure> the files play nicely in other players
[09:08] <JEEB> you should poke the fdk aac library's developer I guess
[09:08] <JEEB> although it might just be that it's just using a feature that is in spec, but that certain decoders just don't implement
[09:10] <JEEB> (or it's a bug in the fdk-aac library with that profile)
[09:10] <JEEB> you might want to also test the current code of fdk-aac's https://github.com/mstorsjo/fdk-aac
[09:11] <jure> I built it yesterday
[09:12] <JEEB> k
[09:12] <JEEB> poked the fdk-aac library developer right now, going to see if he replies. He is wbs on IRC.
[09:12] <JEEB> <JEEB> wbs, btw do you know of any problems between the HE-AACv2 files created by fdk and itunes/qt?
[09:13] <JEEB> jure, and you built off the git repo?
[09:13] <jure> yep
[09:13] <JEEB> k
[09:15] <JEEB> jure, what container are you using btw? apple's m4a flavour of mp4?
[09:15] <jure> yes
[09:16] <jure> and -profile:a aac_he_v2
[09:21] <JEEB> jure, wbs is on #ffmpeg-devel so you can join there and poke him in a couple of hours if he hasn't poken me back
[09:23] <jure> meh, I've solved my issue of playback. just thought someone should know. libaacplus-encoded HE-AACv1 files play fine, though. haven't figured out if libaacplus supports encoding HE-AACv2 to test it a little further.
[09:23] <JEEB> well, not like you could be sure if they're using the same features :P
[09:23] <JEEB> and he-aac v1 from fdk should work fine too
[09:23] <JEEB> libaacplus IIRC /should/ support at least the he-aacv2 profile but I have no idea about features
[09:25] <JEEB> I'd really like to see if someone could poke wbs and actually get to the root of the problem :P
[09:25] <jure> hm, libfdk-aac-encoded HE-AACv1 doesn't play either
[09:25] <JEEB> either quicktime just doesn't support some features and you'd need a crippled profile for it
[09:25] <JEEB> or fdk-aac has a bug
[09:26] <jure> well I'm using the documented profiles aac_he, aac_he_v2
[09:26] <JEEB> yes, those are the ones
[09:26] <JEEB> and yes, profiles are profiles. But those do not tell that those two encoders use the same feature sets
[09:27] <JEEB> I don't use QT and friends so I don't know and don't really care. But someone who cares really should get to the end of this :P
[09:27] <JEEB> since fdk should be better off for all profiles of AAC
[09:27] <JEEB> (libaacplus is just the reference encoder)
[09:27] <jure> libaacplus, as far as I've tested it, doesn't encode to HE-AACv2
[09:27] <JEEB> oh
[09:28] <JEEB> then burek kept talking crap it seems :P
[09:28] <jure> [libaacplus @ 0xbc5da0] invalid AAC profile: 28, only LC supported
[09:28] <JEEB> he always touted its HE-AACv2 encoding
[09:28] <JEEB> lol
[09:28] <JEEB> I've never used it as I generally don't have much trust towards reference encoders quality-wise
[09:29] <JEEB> anyways, jure -- go join #ffmpeg-devel and poke wbs in a few hours if he hasn't poken me
[09:29] <jure> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIV8G2UCyGc
[09:30] <JEEB> you might have to test some stuff for him and maybe recompile stuff a couple of times, but it'd be really nice to get to the end of this :P
[09:34] <JEEB> also yes, libaacplus only encodes LC
[09:34] <JEEB> if(avctx->profile != FF_PROFILE_AAC_LOW && avctx->profile != FF_PROFILE_UNKNOWN) {
[09:35] <JEEB> at least judging by the encoder implementation
[09:36] <JEEB> oh
[09:37] <JEEB> jure, I wonder if this is up-to-date http://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=Advanced_Audio_Coding#Decoder_Features
[09:37] <JEEB> see the things iTunes doesn't support
[09:37] <jure> isn't SBR a crucial element of AAC+?
[09:38] <jure> oh I see
[09:40] <JEEB> I really wonder if that's up-to-date
[09:40] <jure> fdk-aac has additional options re signaling style
[09:41] <JEEB> <wbs> JEEB: haven't tested that combo much, but I don't know of any incompatibilities
[09:42] <jure> I did it
[09:42] <jure> !
[09:42] <jure> you have to add "-signaling implicit"
[09:42] <JEEB> switch to the -devel channel
[09:42] <JEEB> as wbs seems to be around
[09:43] <JEEB> note what you just said there too
[09:46] <brontosaurusrex> i think craptime should support all sbr/ps stuff nowadays
[09:46] <JEEB> yeah, but it might need the backwards compatible signaling still
[09:46] <brontosaurusrex> mkay
[10:00] <stefancrs> morning! I recorded a live stream which ended up having weird timestamps in it. when trying to convert it just from flv to flv ffmpeg says "negative cts, previous timestamps might be wrong" over and over again. any ideas how to deal with that?
[10:00] <stefancrs> (I'm a total ffmpeg noob)
[10:01] <stefancrs> it might have to do with that the first timestamp seems to be at like 1 hour and 18 minutes
[10:06] <stefancrs> if I try to do -acodec copy -vcodec copy I get "Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?): Operation not permitted"
[10:08] <stefancrs> if I skip the -vcodec copy I get no errors, but it seems ffmpeg just doesn't do anything either (it just stands still and only writes like 60kb to the output file and then nothing happens)
[10:37] <franki3_> hi everibody I'm working with libavcodec and libavformat libraries
[10:37] <franki3_> I'm trying to set up a rtsp stream with a remote server
[10:38] <franki3_> I have a problem when i compile my source code
[10:38] <franki3_> the code that I use is:
[10:38] <franki3_> #ifndef FFPLAY_H #define FFPLAY_H #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <libavcodec/avcodec.h> #include <libavformat/avformat.h> #include <libavformat/avio.h> #include "ffplay.h" //#include "rtsp_plugin.h" #endif AVCodecContext *avcodec_opts[AVMEDIA_TYPE_NB]; int run_ffplay(int argc,char **argv) { AVFormatContext* context = avformat_alloc_context(); int video_stream_index; av_register_all(); avcode
[10:39] <franki3_> when I compile it I get the error: Server {0x7ffb287c87e0} ERROR: unable to load '/usr/local/libexec/trafficserver/rtsp_plugin.so': /usr/local/libexec/trafficserver/rtsp_plugin.so: undefined symbol: avformat_open_input
[10:39] <franki3_> The library is installed correctly
[10:40] <franki3_> I'm working with CentOS 6.3
[10:40] <franki3_> can u help me?
[10:40] <burzum> Anyone can help me with this? http://superuser.com/questions/505837/ffmpeg-encoding-for-meta-data-wrong-need-it-in-utf8
[11:05] <ubitux> franki3_: irc is not the correct way to paste code, use pastebin/pastie/whatever
[11:06] <ubitux> also don't expect people to guess your problems just by giving 1% of the necessary information
[11:06] <ubitux> also see the doc/examples/Makefile for an example on how to link with FFmpeg
[13:34] <jacobs1> Hi, I need some help configuring ffserver to stream rtp video, and play with ffplay. this is the config and output: http://pastebin.com/tdLtjjmF
[13:45] <ubitux> then what's wrong?
[13:52] <jacobs1> ubitux: I get this error when running ffserver: Only one stream supported in the RTP muxer, Error writing output header
[15:09] <XORi> Hello. I can't cross compile ffmpeg+liblame to android, is there any ffmpeg distribution that include lame?
[16:26] <sgfgdf> hello, guys! what is the difference between main and high profile of a h.264 encoded video files. does it controls the quality of the video or just how it should be read (played)?
[16:27] <jacobs1> Hi, I am getting '505 RTSP Version not supported' when trying to stream rtp h264 from ffserver. what does this error mean ?
[16:35] <KING_LEE> hello, I have a question about putting a video on a sony MWZ-S618F mp3 player http://www.sony.de/support/de/product/NWZ-S618F/specifications and http://www.chip.de/preisvergleich/99562/Datenblatt-Sony-Walkman-NWZ-S618F-8GB.html . I wanted to flip the video sideways to get more out of the small display. I got it up and running but the the video is now only half the size on the display and there is no sound ht
[18:30] <burzum> Anyone can help me with this? http://superuser.com/questions/505837/ffmpeg-encoding-for-meta-data-wrong-need-it-in-utf8
[18:36] <JEEB> burzum, check if argument stuff is converting between windows "wide" characters and UTF-8 internally in the source code, I think some stuff was done in relation to that, might have been just file names and stuff like that tho. Also chcp 65001 is something that is bound to break (I've seen funny stuff happen in the cmd.exe after chcp 65001). Then you're also writing out id3v1 as well? That can't be unicode and foobar might be trying to parse that? Not su
[18:36] <JEEB> re :V Last but not least, libav's elenril was the guy who made the metadata stuff, you might want to ask him on #libav about it. Although he doesn't do ffmpeg support per se, he might able to tell you what you're doing wrong in general if it's not ffmpeg-specific
[20:07] <Dev0n> hey, I'm trying to split a quicktime mov file by simplying doing ffmpeg -i in.mov -c copy -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:01:00 out.mov, but it doesn't seem to be copying the audio
[20:07] <Dev0n> the out.mov files plays the video fine but I hear no sound, even doing a simple ffmpeg -i in.mov -c copy out.mov is silent
[20:09] <Dev0n> I tested the latter using a small .mov test file located here: http://www.mediafire.com/?e9mdgk9huj4
[20:10] <Dev0n> anybody have any idea why the sound isn't being copied over?
[20:10] <JEEB> can you post a log of the usage on pastebin?
[20:10] <JEEB> as in the command line and the output that ffmpeg gives
[20:12] <Dev0n> sure, sec
[20:16] <Dev0n> JEEB, http://pastebin.com/bxq7yN54
[20:18] <Dev0n> hum, now that I look at the stream mapping, I notice the mapping on the outfile is switched... that's odd :/
[20:21] <Dev0n> hum ok, so playing that outfile on windows media player is fine, sound can be heard. But no sound on quicktime player or vlc :/
[20:22] <JEEB> seems like ffmpeg likes having the video first and the audio second I guess...
[20:22] <JEEB> otherwise it /seems/ to copy it... that "codec frame size" thing is funny tho
[20:22] <k1ng440> hi
[20:22] <k1ng440> any idea why i am getting 680x540: Permission denied?
[20:23] <sacarasc> Because your command line is broken, I'd guess.
[20:26] <k1ng440> sacarasc, http://pastie.org/5383882
[20:27] <sacarasc> That didn't show the command line. Also, your version is really old, you should upgrade.
[20:30] <Dev0n> JEEB, so not sure what might be the problem? Are you able to get sound working on that test file?
[20:31] <JEEB> Dev0n, I'm tired today so I'm not going to be testing it right now
[21:00] <k1ng440> hi
[21:01] <k1ng440> any idea why i am getting 680x540: Permission denied for this command? /usr/bin/ffmpeg -i /home/mustang/public_html/test/uploads/encode/origineel1354.mp4 -ar 44100 -ab 128k -aspect 4:3 -b 1024k -r 12 -f flv -y -s 640x480 -acodec libfaac -ac 1 /home/mustang/public_html/test/uploads/encode/214850679.flv
[21:01] <k1ng440> http://pastie.org/5383882
[21:07] <saste> k1ng440, looks like a typo in the command, like you're missing -s before 640x480
[21:08] <saste> also the paste misses the commandline
[21:08] <k1ng440> -s is there
[21:09] <saste> well then i can't explain it
[21:09] <saste> also your ffmpeg is ooold
[21:09] <k1ng440> http://pastie.org/5384115
[21:10] <saste> k1ng440, -s640x480
[21:10] <saste> this is not even valid, please complete output *and* command
[21:43] <KING_LEE> hi guys! I just wanted to tell you that I did some homework and I've got the .MTS to .mov script and my ffmpeg working properly now. thank you very much for your help! the output though is still a bit large (1,4 gb .MTS turns into a 4,2 gb .mov, a 2 gb .MTS turns into a 11,7 .mov) and I would be very thankful if you could help me to adjust the settings a bit more. script: http://pastie.org/5184015
[22:48] <Dev0n> is there a good preset to youtube hd720 videos or know the combination of commands to match their advanced encoding info page
[22:48] <Dev0n> I've came across a few while searching google but, the quality isn't as good when it's on youtube
[22:49] <KING_LEE> i had a workaround for cinelerra in the vimeo group if you are interessted
[22:49] <KING_LEE> gotta search it though
[23:32] <ozone89> HELL'o! \o/
[23:44] Action: ozone89 is a failure
[23:45] <ozone89> i wasn't able to figure out how to use filters :|
[23:50] <klaxa> -vf <filters go here>
[23:51] <ozone89> lurking into guides right now
[00:00] --- Fri Nov 16 2012
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