[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20121017
burek021 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 02:05:01 CEST 2012
[00:00] <Mista_D> "qp 0" ?
[00:00] <Mavrik_> huh?
[00:00] <Mista_D> Mavrik_: I need a "near lossless"
[00:01] <llogan> Mista_D: for libx264? just use the highest crf value that still gives you an acceptable quality.
[00:02] <llogan> and sameq is gone. also it did not mean "same quality"
[00:02] <llogan> purge it from your memory!
[00:02] <Mista_D> llogan: ~10?
[00:03] <llogan> see if you can tell a difference between the source and -crf 18
[00:04] <Mista_D> llogan: MSU VQMT will, and with enough zooming, anything is possible.
[00:14] <llogan> people watch videos, not "quality measurement tools".
[00:17] <Mista_D> llogan: you won't notice a change in a minute or 5, after an hour of watching a movie, you can tell crf 18 from original.
[00:21] <burek> :)
[00:22] <burek> Mista_D, crf assumes variable quality
[00:22] <burek> over different scenes
[00:22] <burek> so you won't accumulate any quality loss during time
[00:23] <burek> crf is something like "quality factor"
[00:23] <burek> it's not bandwidth limitation to accumulate loss if too much bitrate has been already used in past
[00:24] <Mista_D> burek: I'm up for pepsi challenge of AppleProres vs x264 cfr 18 (:
[00:25] <burek> I don't use prores :) I believe you :)
[00:35] <relaxed> Why would anyone want to use an intermediate codec that's lossy?
[00:37] <pablomurad> Someone alive?
[00:38] <relaxed> pablomurad: I am, but burek is a zombie. And he bites people that ask useless questions.
[00:39] <burek> (")
[00:39] <pablomurad> I don't believe my question is so useless, lol. I used to use ffmpegx and I couldn't edit the size of the subtitle and fonts too.
[00:39] <pablomurad> Many forums I read told me the problem was with the Ffmpeg binaries, is this true?
[00:40] <burek> it might be, unless if it is not
[00:40] <relaxed> We only support ffmpeg directly, not guis from other projects that interface with ffmpeg.
[00:40] <llogan> does it use ffmpeg for subtitle stuff?
[00:41] <burek> pablomurad, if you can add some custom options to be forwarded to ffmpeg, add -report
[00:41] <burek> or what is its name
[00:42] <pablomurad> I only knows that maybe the problem is with the last ffmpeg, I know you dont support another Apps, but it would be nice if you guys take a look on this. However, the actual binary is great
[00:42] <pablomurad> Sure, I will do it :)
[00:42] <burek> pablomurad, can you somehow dig up actual ffmpeg logs, if you can, we might help
[00:42] <burek> so turn on all the verbosity there is in your gui
[00:42] <relaxed> It would be helpful if you could replicate the problem using ffmpeg.
[00:42] <pablomurad> I will get a log soon as possible!! thank you guys
[02:24] <lake> practically, why would one choose to use -vf yadif=1 over -vf yadif=0
[02:24] <lake> i used yadif=1 on some home videos and it made it look so fluid that it didn't look right
[02:30] <relaxed> the default is yadif=0 but with some content 1 might look better.
[02:31] <relaxed> lake: This is old but you might learn something. http://www.100fps.com/
[02:36] <lake> relaxed: so it's more or less subjective?
[02:36] <lake> i'll check that link out. thanks
[02:42] <relaxed> lake: I would always use 1
[04:30] <JamJams> Hey I'm trying to use -i in.avs, however I keep having issues with it not loading my avs plugins. But they are sitting in the correct directorys and such. Is there something I'm missing?
[05:41] <lake> relaxed: i'm interested to know if you agree with this article http://renomath.org/video/linux/interlace/
[13:06] <markuman> i've made a fast motion video like that. http://paste.osuv.de/index.php/QCErl/ but how to display the first image for 5 seconds
[13:33] <markuman> or how to combine these two commands? http://paste.osuv.de/index.php/ru6CV/ the first image should take 5 seconds. and after that 11 images per second
[14:12] <relaxed> markuman: you can't concatenate video with two different framerates.
[14:13] <markuman> relaxed: no i mean, the first image from time laps should display 5 seconds long (kind of introduction image). and then start the timelaps video
[14:13] <relaxed> I would use rawvideo output for both and cat them into ffmpeg from stdin.
[14:15] <relaxed> For the first command: ffmpeg -loop 1 -r 11 -i stapelzeitrafferintro.png -t 5 -pix_fmt yuv420p -f rawvideo 1.yuv
[14:16] <relaxed> Second command: ffmpeg -r 11 -i $other_images -pix_fmt yuv420p -f rawvideo 2.yuv
[14:18] <relaxed> Third: cat 1.yuv 2.yuv | ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -r 11 -s $freamesize -i - -vcodec libvpx -b:v 5000k output.webm
[14:19] <relaxed> where $framesize is the WxH of the images
[14:21] <relaxed> also, there are presets for libvpx that you might want to look into, the defaults may suck.
[14:21] <markuman> k thx
[14:23] <relaxed> here's the list: http://git.videolan.org/?p=ffmpeg.git;a=tree;f=presets;h=e64871fca371b05ebcd8531f66b705e5ba03236a;hb=HEAD
[14:25] <relaxed> you would think libvpx would take a page out of libx264's book and make internal presets available
[14:27] <ubitux> relaxed: i see you're using a bitrate for libvpx; were you able to achieve a decent quality with a quality factor or anything?
[14:28] <relaxed> ubitux: I was just using the bitrate he chose. I honestly hope I never have to use libvpx because other than being more "open" it fails in everything compared to libx264.
[14:29] <relaxed> Including ease of use.
[14:29] <ubitux> i wasn't able to get a non-low bitrate quality by playing with the different quality, cfr etc
[14:29] <ubitux> i can only get a good output with -b:v :(
[14:30] <relaxed> Why do you need it? For html5?
[14:35] <ubitux> relaxed: yes, playable inside the browser
[14:35] <ubitux> quite handy for common videos
[14:35] <relaxed> True, I guess that's where the web is heading.
[14:39] <ubitux> if i want to show a sample to someone, i just make a sample in webm, upload it and give a direct link
[14:39] <ubitux> that's way handy than looking for the video on youtube
[14:39] <ubitux> get a crappy quality, bad edits, etc
[14:42] <relaxed> You could achieve the same thing with an h264 video.
[14:42] <ubitux> except that wouldn't be directly playable in the browser :(
[14:42] <relaxed> And serve it from your website, dropbox, or whatever.
[14:42] <ubitux> i wonder if html5 allow seeking through url
[14:43] <ubitux> like a video attribute with a start
[14:44] <relaxed> ubitux: It would be if you had a template html setup with jwplayer. Then you would only have to upload the video.
[14:53] <burek> <@ubitux> except that wouldn't be directly playable in the browser :( <- why?
[14:54] <ubitux> cause i don't want to use flash? :p
[14:54] <burek> h264 video, not a container..
[14:54] <ubitux> ?
[14:54] <burek> webm(h264+aac)
[14:56] <relaxed> webm is vp8+vorbis
[14:56] <burek> only that?
[14:56] <burek> no wonder it sucks :)
[14:56] <relaxed> well, for html5 I think
[15:00] <relaxed> you can do (h264/aac).mp4 through html5 but most browsers won't ship with decoders.
[15:01] <burek> why is it so difficult to create an open source container in the 21st century?
[15:01] <burek> do we lack knowledge, time or what?
[15:02] <relaxed> webm is pretty much matroska
[15:06] <relaxed> the push to vp8/vorbis is due to patents
[15:13] <Jan-> is there some way I can turn an m4v file to an mp4 file without recompressing it
[15:13] <relaxed> I think you can simply rename it.
[15:13] <Jan-> hmm
[15:13] <Jan-> adobe premiere doesn't like it when we do that
[15:14] <Jan-> I have no idea where you'd even GET an m4v file
[15:14] <relaxed> ffmpeg -i input -map 0 -c copy output.mp4
[15:14] <Jan-> I mean I've come across m2v before.
[15:14] <relaxed> Apple has to rename everything.
[15:14] <Jan-> unrecognized option "c"
[15:15] <relaxed> ffmpeg -i input -acodec copy -vcodec copy output.mp4
[15:15] <Jan-> that's what I did
[15:15] <relaxed> and...?
[15:15] <Jan-> hmn
[15:16] <Jan-> premiere still only sees it as 3 frames long
[15:16] <Jan-> but vlc plays it fine
[15:16] <Jan-> Recompress time I guess :)
[15:16] Action: relaxed blames Adobe
[15:16] Action: Jan- too
[15:16] <Jan-> ok, what would you suggest to comprehensively reencode this thing so it's completely redone
[15:16] <divVerent> 14:56:23 relaxed | webm is vp8+vorbis
[15:17] <divVerent> 14:56:48 burek | only that?
[15:17] <divVerent> 14:56:55 burek | no wonder it sucks :)
[15:17] <divVerent> sort of
[15:17] <divVerent> if you put anything else in, it is no longer webm
[15:17] <divVerent> but matroska
[15:17] <divVerent> webm is basically a subformat of matroska only supporting these codecs
[15:17] <divVerent> so a browser can say "we support WebM", which then means "matroska but only few codecs and no extra crap like attachments"
[15:18] <burek> Jan- ffmpeg -i yourinput.m4v ?
[15:18] <burek> what's inside?
[15:18] <burek> divVerent thanks for clarification :)
[15:18] <burek> it makes me think it sucks even more :D
[15:18] <divVerent> then just use matroska :P
[15:19] <divVerent> lavf demuxer BTW doesn't care at all if it is webm or matroska
[15:20] <divVerent> and the muxer has a webm and a matroska mode, and all the webm mode does is skip/disable some matroska features
[15:20] <divVerent> this actually does make sense though
[15:20] <divVerent> WebM is a whole spec including codecs
[15:20] <divVerent> so if WebM allowed "any codec", you could have a "WebM supporting" browser, and a "WebM video", but the browser won't play it
[15:21] <divVerent> for Matroska you'd have exactly this situation
[15:21] <divVerent> you could have a player with Matroska support that just can't decode the H.264 inside
[15:22] <Jan-> burek wouldn't I need to set bitrates and suchlike
[15:22] <burek> Jan-, what I meant was: "Can you type: ffmpeg -i yourinput"
[15:22] <burek> and pastebin the output
[15:22] <burek> so we can see what's inside
[15:23] <burek> divVerent yes I understand
[15:23] <burek> it's just funny how many people think html5 will auto-magically solve all their problems
[15:23] <burek> and they praise it so much
[15:23] <divVerent> hehe
[15:23] <burek> until they test it
[15:23] <divVerent> it almost did
[15:23] <burek> :)
[15:23] <Jan-> http://pastebin.com/br7LqwTF
[15:23] <divVerent> if only it hadn't been for the codec quarrel
[15:23] <Jan-> I wonder if that came off a blu-ray or something
[15:23] <divVerent> and this isn't even WebM's fault
[15:23] <Jan-> I mean, an mp4 file with chapters in it?
[15:24] <divVerent> the issue is, half the world supports H.264, the other half supports WebM
[15:24] <divVerent> and thus nothing was gained by html5
[15:24] <burek> uh Jan-... you really want to update your ffmpeg
[15:24] <divVerent> because html5 did not decide on which codec/format to support
[15:24] <divVerent> mainly Apple and Microsoft blocked WebM from being required in HTML5
[15:24] <Jan-> burek: no, I don't, because if i do that everything will change
[15:24] <burek> i mean, if you want to encode files properly
[15:24] <Jan-> and I won't be able to do ANYTHING.
[15:24] <burek> well, ok
[15:24] <divVerent> and many others blocked H.264, for obvious patent reasons
[15:24] <divVerent> so in the end, HTML5 for video became worthless
[15:26] <Jan-> webm is going nowhere the same way flac for audio is going nowhere.
[15:26] <burek> Jan-, try to re-encode with: ffmpeg -i input -map 0 -acodec copy -scodec copy -vcodec libx264 -crf <0-50> -preset <preset-name> output.mp4
[15:26] <Jan-> de facto standards are HARD to move.
[15:26] <burek> oh, right.. you can't even use -crf...
[15:26] <burek> well I don't know what to suggest
[15:27] <divVerent> Jan-: flac going nowhere?
[15:27] <burek> use a static ffmpeg?
[15:27] <divVerent> flac already IS somewhere
[15:27] <divVerent> while webm didn't really establish itself, and never will
[15:27] <divVerent> it's replacable, if Google Chrome from today to tomorrow stopped supporting WebM and would only do H.264, nobody would notice
[15:27] <Jan-> I'm pretty sure I don't have access to -presets and if I did I wouldn't know which one to use
[15:28] <divVerent> WebM was dead the moment Microsoft and Apple decided to block it
[15:28] <burek> Jan-, too bad
[15:28] <burek> that's the consequence of using ancient ffmpeg, sorry..
[15:28] <burek> you can use static ffmpeg
[15:28] <burek> re-encode your files
[15:28] <burek> and delete it
[15:28] <burek> (ffmpeg)
[15:29] <divVerent> while FLAC actually managed to establish itself DESPITE better formats being around (although none of the lossless formats got an absolute majority)
[15:30] <burek> wav rules :)
[15:30] <divVerent> simply because FLAC was quick enough and is now one of the only two lossless compressed audio codecs you can assume to be decodable even in 10 years
[15:30] <divVerent> the other is probably Apple Lossless (ALAC)
[15:31] <durandal_1707> and APE
[15:31] <divVerent> the reason is mainly that when FLAC came, it actually filled a need... because it was clearly superior to other lossless formats
[15:31] <divVerent> even about APE i wouldn't be so sure
[15:31] <divVerent> given it has quite poor support on mobile devices for example
[15:31] <Jan-> Unfortunately as we all know it's not really about it being better.
[15:31] <divVerent> you find a flac player for anything
[15:31] <Jan-> It's about a lot more than that.
[15:31] <divVerent> but ape...
[15:31] <durandal_1707> flac is little better than shorten
[15:31] <durandal_1707> *compression
[15:31] <divVerent> what is really great about flac is not the compression, but the support
[15:33] <divVerent> but thing is, it doesn't even matter...
[15:33] <divVerent> in the test I see here, the span between the best and worst lossless compressed format goes from 51% to 58%
[15:34] <divVerent> nobody is gonna switch format just for 14% total space savings (and that's what you'd get by changing from the worst to the best)
[15:34] <divVerent> now, look at WebM... it did not fill ANY need
[15:34] <divVerent> we already HAD video playing in the browswer
[15:34] <Jan-> can someone suggest a sensible value for -presety
[15:34] <divVerent> sure, it was using awful codecs, and involved Flash
[15:35] <divVerent> but that's mainly why WebM was a failure. It did NOT become the "supported everywhere" format it was trying to become...
[15:35] <divVerent> mainly because two big players stopped it from becoming that
[15:35] <divVerent> and if you don't need "supported everywhere", then you can just keep using H.264 which already was there for ages, including good encoders
[15:36] <divVerent> which is "supported everywhere except where software patents are in the way" ;)
[15:38] <Jan-> it says "the system cannot find the path specified" which is what it usually says when you try to use presets on windows
[15:38] <Jan-> no matter where you put the presets it always just says that
[15:42] <relaxed> pastie.org the command and all output
[15:43] <Jan-> it's OK
[15:43] <Jan-> I think I fixed it
[15:43] <Jan-> what does it mean when it starts a line of output with "[libx264 @0xDEADBEEF]" or whatever
[15:43] <Jan-> is that the memory location where x264 was loaded?
[15:44] <divVerent> that looks like memory corruption if you actually see 0xDEADBEEF
[15:45] <divVerent> otherwise, it's the address of the context object
[15:45] <Jan-> con...text... object?
[15:45] <divVerent> "some stuff holding some data"
[15:45] Action: Jan- suspects this conversation is headed in the direction of load maps and function pointers, and begins to feel the Fear
[15:46] <divVerent> Jan-: just type LOAD "*",8,1 to fix this
[15:49] <burek> can "-bsf h264_mp4toannexb" be used with -c:v copy ?
[15:50] <burek> and what exactly does this message say: [mpegts @ 0x995f40] H.264 bitstream malformed, no startcode found, use the h264_mp4toannexb bitstream filter (-bsf h264_mp4toannexb)
[15:51] <burek> im just trying: bla1 | ffmpeg -f h264 -i - -c:v copy -f mpegts - | bla2
[15:52] <Jan-> Is the function location stuff output by av_log or something
[15:52] <Jan-> I've not seen it on other programs
[15:53] <divVerent> Jan-: it is
[15:56] <Jan-> yay, I made an API reference about ffmpeg and it wasn't wrong :D
[15:56] <Jan-> I knew it would happen one day :D
[16:15] <Jan-> is there some way I can specify an actual bitrate
[16:15] <Jan-> this was always hard with ffmpeg as it always seemed to ignore -b
[17:40] <Jan-> why would ffmpeg create a video with no audio track
[17:44] <Jan-> ...aargh premiere doesn't like AAC audio
[17:44] <sine_> hi guys
[17:45] <Jan-> how do I just get it to do uncompressed audio!?
[17:45] <sine_> learn me please. 29.97 is that actually 30fps ?
[17:45] <sine_> im looking at iphone footage
[17:45] <sine_> iphone 4
[17:45] <Jan-> sine strictly speaking no but it's often mislabeled
[17:46] <sine_> how do i correctly dump the frames as png and then recombine them
[17:46] <sine_> dumping is not a problem i suppse its the recombining
[17:47] <sine_> ffmpeg -i input %04d.png?
[17:47] <Jan-> Not sure.
[17:47] <Jan-> I would really like to know how to make it do AAC or uncompressed audio.
[18:19] <relaxed> Jan-: -acodec pcm_s16le
[18:55] <dury> hi there channel :-)
[18:55] <dury> anyone available
[18:56] <dury> my ffmpeg doesn't work properly in ubuntu 12.04.1
[18:56] <dury> can anyone help me to solve it, please?
[18:57] <JEEBsv> have you built ffmpeg yourself or are you using the ffmpeg binary that comes with Ubuntu?
[18:59] <dury> JEEBsv: I've tried to extract the audio from .mp4 file using it.. it says to use avconv instead of ffmpeg
[18:59] <dury> JEEBsv: I guess the ones that comes with ubuntu
[18:59] <JEEBsv> so you are using the 'ffmpeg' binary that comes with ubuntu's default packaging. Debian/Ubuntu uses a fork project called libav and not ffmpeg. So yes, you should switch to using the 'avconv' command if you want to use that
[19:01] <JEEBsv> Basically libav rewrote parts of the ffmpeg app and renamed it 'avconv', and then left the 'ffmpeg' binary to rot for a short while. The ffmpeg project merged those updates into the ffmpeg app.
[19:02] <JEEBsv> if you have problems with avconv you can either hit #libav with them, or try the static builds available from the links on the topic etc.
[19:02] <dury> JEEBsv: I'm going to try one and give you the error results ok?
[19:02] <JEEBsv> -.- you should point that towards #libav then
[19:05] <dury> JEEBsv: tell me an url the paste the results for you
[19:08] <dury> JEEBsv: I've found one pastebin
[19:08] <dury> JEEBsv: http://pastebin.com/RuP3bAM6
[19:09] <JEEBsv> I think that's pretty obvious and actually doesn't have anything to do with the ffmpeg binary being old
[19:09] <JEEBsv> you don't have the version of libavcodec installed that has the "extra" encoders and so forth
[19:09] <JEEBsv> libavcodec-extra I think?
[19:17] <dury> JEEBsv: if I do sudo apt-get install libavcodec-extra-53.... it says the following extra packages will be installed libavutil-extra-51 and libopenjpeg2 Suggested packages: libfaad0 the following packages will be removed: libavcodec53, libavutil51
[19:18] <JEEBsv> yes, because it will remove the libraries without those extra things linked in :P
[19:19] <dury> JEEBsv: should I confirm them?
[19:19] <JEEBsv> yes
[19:19] <dury> JEEBsv: all right
[19:20] <dury> done it
[19:21] <dury> JEEBsv: so suppose to do that ffmpeg will work fine, then?
[19:21] <dury> JEEBsv: or avconv?
[19:22] <JEEBsv> avconv is the newer one in the setup that debian/ubuntu has made, so if you are going to use their packages then yes, use avconv -- as that binary is more up-to-date than the ffmpeg that they give out
[19:22] <JEEBsv> (ugh, my English, ended up saying something twice >_>)
[19:23] <dury> JEEBsv: let me test it
[19:24] <dury> JEEBsv: one sec.
[19:24] <JEEBsv> also if you are going to be using that ubuntu package, I recommend you switch to #libav
[19:24] <JEEBsv> because they use that project, while other distros use ffmpeg
[20:20] <wlan3> Ok, this is confusing:
[20:20] <wlan3> *** THIS PROGRAM IS DEPRECATED ***
[20:20] <wlan3> This program is only provided for compatibility and will be removed in a future release. Please use avconv instead.
[20:21] <wlan3> What does that mean?
[20:21] <relaxed> it says to use avconv
[20:22] <relaxed> which is the forked equivalent of ffmpeg
[20:22] <wlan3> Oh, a fork.
[20:24] <wlan3> And what are the differences, not counting need to modify my scripts?
[20:24] <relaxed> nothing really, they operate the same
[20:26] <wlan3> So just a great way to annoy users.
[20:27] <relaxed> I think that was everyone's intended goal for the fork.
[20:31] <wlan3> It seems so.
[20:32] <wlan3> I'll have to change every reference of ffmpeg in the scripts. Easy but annoying.
[20:34] <durandal_1707> avconv != ffmpeg
[20:35] <wlan3> avconv: Like ffmpeg but changing some commandline options.
[20:35] <wlan3> That would be a quite good description for whatis
[20:36] <durandal_1707> it is not same, avconv use different lib
[20:36] <relaxed> Nobody said it was the same.
[20:36] <durandal_1707> you did
[20:36] <wlan3> durandal_1707, Did not say same, said like
[20:36] <relaxed> You misread.
[20:37] <durandal_1707> >> relaxed: nothing really, they operate the same
[20:38] <relaxed> THEY DO
[20:38] <durandal_1707> putting caps will not make statement true
[20:38] <relaxed> Then stop trolling me.
[20:39] <relaxed> They do operate the same. I use both quite often.
[20:39] <wlan3> durandal_1707, Then state why they do NOT operate the same.
[20:40] <durandal_1707> they are different and use differen lib so can not operate same, but may operate same some time, but not all the time
[20:42] <relaxed> wlan3: If you need support for the evil fork that does not operate 100% the same as ffmpeg, I would be happy to help you in #libav.
[20:42] <wlan3> durandal_1707, what I see is that I have to change my scripts or manually build ffmpeg times and times for my scritps to work.
[20:43] <wlan3> relaxed, It would be useful, but first I needed to complain a bit.
[20:43] <durandal_1707> wlan3: only if you use ubuntu
[20:44] <relaxed> or debian
[20:44] <wlan3> durandal_1707, I use debian on most of my systems.
[20:45] <durandal_1707> wlan3: your choice - i'm not forcing you to use anything, your pick
[20:46] <wlan3> durandal_1707, but you said ONLY if you use ubuntu.
[20:47] <durandal_1707> if you do not want to use non-system build or whatever it is called
[20:49] <wlan3> durandal_1707, for unattended systems, Debian is the best working I've used so far, if you want to suggest me another option, i would investigate a bit.
[20:49] <durandal_1707> what another option?
[20:49] <relaxed> Debian is best.
[20:50] <wlan3> durandal_1707, You should know more than me.
[20:50] <durandal_1707> about linux distros? i do not know much, because i use FreeBSD
[20:51] <wlan3> I prefer hurd
[20:51] <wlan3> But, since it is still incomplete, I use Linux
[21:02] <sine_> I have a load of png from a video which was 29.97 fps
[21:03] <sine_> how can i encode them back again
[21:03] <sine_> can i lump the pngs together or do they need to be rerendered/encoded
[21:03] <tun0> sure you can
[21:03] <sine_> wanna keep max qual if you know what i mean
[21:03] <tun0> since everything is posible
[21:04] <tun0> Then you should read man ffmpeg
[21:04] <sine_> ffmpeg -i 0001.png -vcodec h264 /out/lolcakes.mp4
[21:05] <tun0> maybe
[21:05] <tun0> ffmpeg
[21:05] <tun0> sorry
[21:05] <sine_> ffmpeg -f image2 -i %4d.png -r 25 -sameq myvideo.mpg
[21:05] <JEEB> no, sameq is not what you think
[21:06] <sine_> ffmpeg -f image2 -r 24000/1001 -i C:\BLENDERTEST\%04d.png -vcodec mpeg2video -qscale 3 C:\BLENDERTEST\output.mpg
[21:07] <sine_> i want it to keep the quality though
[21:07] <tun0> My eyeballs hurt
[21:07] <sine_> i need it 29.97 as well
[21:08] <sine_> jeeb can you hit me with the syntax please
[21:08] <tun0> ffmpeg does that by default
[21:08] <tun0> I think (that about keeping quality
[21:08] <sine_> but i need a container
[21:08] <sine_> x264
[21:08] <JEEB> <tun0> I think (that about keeping quality <- no
[21:08] <sine_> mp4
[21:09] <JEEB> ffmpeg or anything else has absolutely no idea of how to "keep quality"
[21:09] <JEEB> we don't have thousands of chinese children in basements
[21:09] <JEEB> looking at various results
[21:09] <sine_> i just want to watch my cgi
[21:09] <JEEB> we don't yet have things that work like your eyes and brains :)
[21:10] <JEEB> ffmpeg -r 30000/1001 -i %4d -c:v libx264 -crf 18 out.mp4
[21:10] <JEEB> for example
[21:11] <JEEB> ugh, %4d.png I meant
[21:11] <sine_> and the 3000/1001 is the 29.97
[21:11] <JEEB> -c:v is a newer way of saying "vcodec", libx264 is the H.264 encoder
[21:11] <sine_> oh ok cool
[21:11] <sine_> codec video
[21:11] <JEEB> and crf is the rate control mode that is closest to "constant quality"
[21:12] <JEEB> the default is 23, and lower is more bits thrown at the source, higher is less bits thrown at the source
[21:12] <JEEB> 18 should be more or less nice-looking esp. with HD content, SD content depends on the actual content and your eyes
[21:12] <tun0> JEEB, I meant, the output comes from the input, so if you do not alter options, the quality of the output is *similar* to that from the input.
[21:12] <JEEB> tun0, nope
[21:13] <JEEB> unless you mean that the defaults for various encoders being 200kbps mean that ffmpeg wants you to have the "similar quality" :P
[21:13] <JEEB> only mostly used encoders like libx264 have sane defaults
[21:13] <JEEB> like libx264 having crf 23 as the current default that looks pretty good for most people while compressing nicely
[21:13] <JEEB> sine_, idea with crf is to find the highest crf value that still looks good for you
[21:13] <sine_> cool its working
[21:13] <sine_> im saving the code in my treepad lite. i have a section for ffmpeg
[21:15] <tun0> JEEB, when I want nice quality, I just use out.webm as output.
[21:15] <JEEB> no idea what the vp8 default for libvpx is
[21:15] <JEEB> you might want to check it out
[21:15] <sine_> thanks it worked. however my first cgi render is crap!
[21:15] <JEEB> but yes, it's a newer encoder so there's a chance it's a nice default
[21:15] <JEEB> sine_, huh
[21:15] <JEEB> and how are you checking?
[21:16] <sine_> you talking to me ?
[21:16] <JEEB> the line beginning with sine_ and the next from it, yes
[21:17] <sine_> im watching my cgi render ?
[21:17] <sine_> ive just encoded it
[21:18] <sine_> it was my first camera mapping experiment. i worked out mapping markers etc
[21:18] <JEEB> I'm asking you to be somewhat less vague about various things if only possible
[21:18] <JEEB> since it seems like the output wasn't good enough for you
[21:18] <sine_> no, i mean my tracking and cgi modelling skills to the track data
[21:18] <sine_> not the ffmpeg render
[21:18] <JEEB> k
[21:37] <DelphiWorld> hey
[21:37] <DelphiWorld> xwma is wma ?
[21:39] <llogan> never hoid of it.
[21:40] <llogan> <- Mr. Usefull
[21:45] <llogan> tun0: you also forgot to weigh the fact that repository packages of "ffaux-ffmpeg"/avconv or ffmpeg age relatively quickly compared to development
[21:46] <DelphiWorld> hey llogan
[21:49] <llogan> hi
[21:52] <relaxed> burek: I choose to help users with the tool they have handy instead of wasting both of our time trying to install another tool that does the same thing. Also, I lurk in #ffmpeg-devel :P
[21:53] <relaxed> If someone is in #libav and they're using FFmpeg's ffmpeg I will help them too.
[21:54] <relaxed> Why? Because I don't give a shit about the politics between the two camps.
[21:54] <burek> relaxed I know you do, just it might be better to tell them what that is all about
[21:54] <burek> and redirect them where they need to go
[21:54] <burek> no need to waste time in here
[21:54] <relaxed> I don't look at it as a waste.
[21:55] <burek> and also, if you dont give a shit, which you dont, then no need to tell people it's the same thing
[21:55] <burek> because it is not
[21:56] <burek> btw, there is no avconv's ffmpeg (at least it shouldn't be, due to copyright)
[21:56] <relaxed> libav's avconv
[21:57] <burek> if it's a fork, then there can't be avconv's ffmpeg
[21:57] <burek> there can only be avconv
[21:57] <relaxed> they should have named it ffmpeg2
[21:57] <burek> they shouldn't
[21:57] <burek> because it's not
[21:57] <burek> it's a 3rd party fork
[21:57] <relaxed> I know the whole story.
[22:03] <relaxed> I've been helping people in this channel for years. Longer than any of the familiar names I see here today. I will continue to do so the way I have regardless of anyone's political agenda. If an op doesn't like it they can man up and ban me. Until please stop the whining!
[22:03] <relaxed> s/Until/Until then/
[22:04] <burek> I'm not whining, I'm just saying you should stop telling people something that's not true
[22:04] <burek> I don't have anything against you, personally
[22:04] <burek> it's just wrong to tell them something like that because that doesn't help them it just confuses them even more
[22:05] <burek> regardless of the "politics"
[22:05] <tun0> llogan, packages age? Did not understand
[22:06] <llogan> i simply mean that compared to git-master the packages are generally old and smell like moldy shoes.
[22:06] <cbdev> i just heard, ffmpeg was to be deprecated?
[22:06] <relaxed> lol
[22:06] Action: llogan sighs
[22:07] <llogan> cbdev: here is a summary: http://stackoverflow.com/a/9477756/1109017
[22:07] <relaxed> I do agree that message was the ultimate troll. Keep in mind i didn't write it.
[22:07] <relaxed> Or feel the n eed to explain it everytime someone comes in here asking about it.
[22:08] <cbdev> ah i see :)
[22:08] <cbdev> thanks
[22:08] <llogan> the link refers to an older, crappier message, but it's still relavent
[22:13] Action: relaxed deprecates burek
[22:13] <burek> :) :beer:
[22:13] <relaxed> :)
[22:14] Action: wlan2 deprecates ppp0
[22:15] <relaxed> burek: the word "deprecated" should trigger the bot
[22:16] <relaxed> it could be like the secret word on peewee's playhouse.
[22:16] <wlan2> relaxed, should trigger what action?
[22:17] <relaxed> a message explaining the fork, etc...
[22:18] <relaxed> So that we will never have to have this discussion again.
[22:19] <wlan2> Good idea.
[22:19] <wlan2> Also explaining why the debian package maintainer sucks?
[22:20] <wlan2> Or trolls, if you prefer
[22:20] <relaxed> well, there's enought trolling already.
[22:20] <relaxed> enough*
[22:21] <wlan2> Also, I have a friend.
[22:22] <wlan2> She usually uses windows for recording "tv"
[22:22] <wlan2> And I was trying to figure which command she should use in ubuntu.
[22:23] <saste> burek: !fork pointing to an *external* source explaining the forking status?
[22:24] <wlan2> I told her to try "mplayer tv://" But even that does not work.
[22:25] <burek> which external source saste?
[22:25] <burek> do you have a link
[22:25] <saste> stackoverflow may be one
[22:26] <saste> we (and with "we" I mean "you") could add a link to more resources
[22:26] <saste> internal resources may be biased
[22:26] <burek> :)
[22:26] <saste> or a collection of links from both ff* and av* and external resources
[22:27] <burek> I like all that "biased" talk :)
[22:27] <burek> they intentionally put a message saying ffmpeg is dead
[22:27] <burek> and you are playing "fair" with them :)
[22:27] <burek> cool :)
[22:27] <burek> they even try to take over the domain
[22:27] <burek> but that's ok too :)
[22:27] <burek> let's not be biased :)
[22:28] <saste> let the users decide for them
[22:28] <saste> (even if they mostly don't care at all, provided the bloody thing works for them)
[22:28] <burek> exactly :)
[22:28] <burek> they made some steps to lead the users "in the right direction"
[22:29] <burek> so they are more than biased if you ask me
[22:29] <burek> and now we bear the burden of that kind of behavior
[22:29] <burek> but, as i said, let's not be biased after all :)
[22:48] <llogan> wlan2: "does not work" is a common description of a multitude of problems.
[22:57] <wlan2> llogan, she is descriptive no more than that
[22:59] <wlan2> the capturer is one of this freacky things that encode the video themselves and send it throught usb
[23:03] <wlan2> https://pad.riseup.net/p/nGsg5q9DrLAI
[23:05] <wlan2> That was all she gave me when I asked a big bit of times
[23:17] Action: llogan kicks this router
[23:40] <arakn0> I'm trying to do point to point streaming using rtsp but not working yet. The command im using and its output: http://pastebin.com/2TUyMRq6 Any suggestion/example that can iluminate me? Thanks!
[23:43] <burek> rtsp/rtp/udp ?
[23:51] <arakn0> burek: rtsp using udp
[00:00] --- Thu Oct 18 2012
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