[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20121021

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 02:05:01 CEST 2012

[02:39] <ZeloZelos> what would be the paramaters to take png's and turn them into wmv?
[02:40] <ZeloZelos> i tried ffmpeg -i "C:\Users\Zelo\Desktop\earth\frames\*.png" -vcodec wmv2 -y C:\Users\Zelo\Desktop\earth.wmv
[07:25] <robertzaccour> I'm trying to figure out how to include audio recording in screencasts with ffmpeg.
[07:26] <robertzaccour> so far I'm at ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1024x768 -i :0.0 -vcodec huffyuv -sameq screencast.avi now just trying to figure out how to get it to record my voice mic and whatever audio is on the pc
[07:47] <robertzaccour> Ok I almost got it figured out. I've got x11grab working and i-pulse. Might someone be able to help me figure out how to capture analog audio as well?
[07:49] <hendry> robertzaccour: https://github.com/kaihendry/recordmydesktop2.0/blob/master/r2d2.sh#L26
[07:50] <hendry> robertzaccour: i use alsa, I don't understand how/why pulse is used by so many ppl
[07:51] <robertzaccour> hendry, pulse works best for me, especially when using guvcview
[07:52] <robertzaccour> hendry, [NULL @ 0x265e440] Requested output format 'x11grab' is not a suitable output format
[07:52] <robertzaccour> :0.0: Invalid argument
[07:58] <robertzaccour> Could someone help me figure out how to record from my speakers? I already got my screen and mic with ffmpeg -f alsa -i pulse -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1440x900 -i :0.0 -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec huffyuv -sameq Screencast.avi just gotta get my speakers in there and I'm set.
[08:03] <fling> how may I use something like Deshaker with ffmpeg? > http://www.guthspot.se/video/deshaker.htm
[08:11] <robertzaccour> Is there anything in my question I'm leaving out that might be helpful in figuring out?
[08:12] <hendry> robertzaccour: can't you control that sort of mixing from alsamixer ?
[08:12] <hendry> robertzaccour: sorry, I would love to help, but I am an newbie
[08:13] <hendry> robertzaccour: when you figure out how to do it, I would like to incorporate it to https://github.com/kaihendry/recordmydesktop2.0
[08:45] <fling> can ffmpeg do this with deshake? > http://isenmann.wordpress.com/2011/03/22/deshaking-videos-with-linux/
[08:52] <robertzaccour> Is it even possible to record from the mic and the speakers at the same time? Could someone please help me with this?
[08:53] <fling> robertzaccour: /j #alsa
[08:56] <robertzaccour> fling, this is the ffmpeg channel
[09:13] <hendry> is there a sane way to figure out the duration of a .webm file ?
[09:20] <robertzaccour> hendry, right-click, select properties, look in the audio/video tab
[09:20] <robertzaccour> or double click and see how long it is
[09:27] <robertzaccour> dadadew, you familiar with ffmpeg commands?
[09:28] <dadadew> absolutely
[09:30] <hendry> robertzaccour: i'm on linux
[09:31] <robertzaccour> dadadew, here's what I got so far so ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i plughw:1,0 -f x11grab -r 15 -s 1360x768 -i :0.0 -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -threads 0 output.mkv now I just need to figure out how to get my analog speakers in on the recording
[09:37] <ubitux> fling: we have a deshake filter, but it might be that effective
[09:38] <ubitux> fling: your post reminds me the thing from google
[09:38] <ubitux> there is an opened issue to improve the deshake filter, if you want to contribute :)
[09:39] <ubitux> hendry: use ffprobe
[09:39] <ubitux> with -show_format, and you might be interested in -of as well
[09:43] <hendry> thank you ubitux
[09:44] <robertzaccour> anyone here familiar with ffmpeg commands?
[09:44] <ubitux> you likely need to configure it with alsa
[09:44] <robertzaccour> ya think so?
[09:45] <hendry> ubitux: ffprobe man page is mental. what does -of do
[09:45] <ubitux> dunno, but maybe something like making your speakers in recording mode
[09:45] <ubitux> hendry: try -of json, or -of flat=s=_
[09:45] <ubitux> you'll get the point
[09:48] <hendry> ubitux: got it. that ffprobe man page needs a sanity check nontheless ;)
[09:49] <ubitux> really?
[09:49] <ubitux> http://ffmpeg.org/ffprobe.html#Writers
[09:49] <ubitux> and the -of description looks pretty obvious
[09:50] <ubitux> you even have an example :)
[09:50] <robertzaccour> ubitux, I'm tryin to figure out how to get ffmpeg to record the speakers directly, just gotta figure out the input and where to put it
[09:51] <ubitux> robertzaccour: i understand, but to my knowledge, everytime i had to record from the speaker, it needed some configuration on alsa side as well
[09:51] <ubitux> and everytime, it was a pain anyway
[09:51] <robertzaccour> ubitux, you mean with alsamixer?
[09:51] <ubitux> for example
[09:53] <hendry> ubitux: http://r2d2.webconverger.org/2012-10-21/ubitux.html
[09:54] <ubitux> haha
[09:55] <ubitux> now you could use -of json, and print the info in javascript
[09:56] <hendry> ubitux: yes, bit too tired to that atm, but I understand
[09:56] <ubitux> and btw, since you're using shell scripting, -of flat=s=_ makes possible to eval directly the variables
[09:57] <hendry> ubitux: i'll make a note of that
[09:57] <hendry> ubitux: i wish the output wasn't so lossy, can't clearly see my desktop
[09:57] <ubitux> so $(eval ffprobe -v 0 -of flat=s=_ -show_format ...) and then you can access for instance $format_duration
[09:59] <ubitux> looks readable to me
[09:59] <ubitux> but you can play with -b:v to get a better quality
[10:00] <hendry> ubitux: on this line ? https://github.com/kaihendry/recordmydesktop2.0/blob/master/r2d2.sh#L34
[10:00] <hendry> ubitux: what's an example value ?
[10:01] <ubitux> i'd say on line 36
[10:01] <ubitux> i don't understand why you have so much ffmpeg cmd lines
[10:01] <ubitux> why is audio & video separated?
[10:01] <ubitux> example value? like -b:v 2000k ?
[10:03] <hendry> first i'm recording in flac because i'm told that's fast
[10:03] <hendry> ubitux: then i need to convert to vorbis as webm only accepts that as an input
[10:04] <hendry> ubitux: so there is 3 steps :(
[10:04] <ubitux> you can replace the two last one with a single step afaict
[10:05] <ubitux> like... ffmpeg -i $temp $out
[10:05] <ubitux> codecs will be autopicked
[10:05] <ubitux> you could explicit them with ffmpeg -i $temp -c:a libvorbis -c:v libvpx $out if you prefer
[10:06] <ubitux> then play with the quality, like ffmpeg -i $temp -c:a libvorbis -q:a 7 -c:v libvpx -b:v 3000k $out
[10:06] <hendry> not sure what 2000k and 3000k mean
[10:06] <ubitux> bitrate
[10:06] <hendry> and -q:a 7 ?
[10:07] <ubitux> audio quality
[10:07] <ubitux> variable bitrate, likely
[10:07] <hendry> ok, i'll play. spent many hours on this now. :} my exp is that the audio had to be in vorbis in advance
[10:08] <ubitux> why?
[10:08] <hendry> ubitux: isn't there just a *lossless* codec, or is webm inheriently lossy?
[10:08] <ubitux> not sure if vpx has a lossless mode
[10:08] <ubitux> and afaik webm only allows vp8
[10:14] <hendry> where can i figure out if vp8 has a lossless mode?
[10:44] <hendry> ubitux: two lines works btw! http://r2d2.webconverger.org/2012-10-21/ubitux.html
[10:46] <ubitux> i'm on the internet @_@
[10:49] <hendry> ubitux: file sizes seem a bit big. i'll have to play with -b:v
[10:49] <ubitux> yep
[10:52] <hendry> ubitux: any other possibilities to improve it? I need a H264 version too, need to figure out that line from $temp
[10:55] <ubitux> in a mp4? afaict libx264 has better defaults anyway
[10:55] <ubitux> i'd say to just play with -crf option
[11:05] <hendry> ubitux: https://gist.github.com/3926442 ffmpeg -i /tmp/./r2d2.sh.8Sp5.mkv 2012-10-21/forIOSsafari.mp4 # simply doesn't work I guess I need to manually tell it to convert ?
[11:06] <ubitux> [NULL @ 0x19efec0] Codec is experimental but experimental codecs are not enabled, try -strict -2
[11:06] <ubitux> so add -strict -2, or use an external aac encoder
[11:06] <ubitux> like fdk-aac, libfaac, etc
[11:08] <hendry> ubitux: ffmpeg -i /tmp/./r2d2.sh.8Sp5.mkv -crf 0 -c:v libx264 -preset slow -c:a libmp3lame 2012-10-21/forIOSsafari.mp4 # works !
[11:08] <ubitux> yes, you can encode in mp3 as well
[11:08] <hendry> not sure what "-preset slow -c:a libmp3lame 2012-10-21/forIOSsafari.mp4 # works !
[11:08] <hendry> not sure what "-preset slow" does
[11:09] <ubitux> it makes it slow? :)
[11:09] <ubitux> anyway, you'll likely want -q:a 3 or something (or reduce even more to get a better quality)
[11:09] <ubitux> crf 0 is a bit low OTOH
[11:10] <ubitux> -crf 21 should be more than enough
[11:10] <ubitux> 15-25 should be the range you should play with
[11:10] <ubitux> look at libx264 for the appropriate settings
[11:11] <hendry> quantizer scale is 0-51; where 0 is lossless
[11:11] <hendry> i want lossless don't I?
[11:11] Action: hendry reads http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/x264EncodingGuide
[11:12] <ubitux> ah if you want some lossless...
[11:12] <ubitux> i'd use another codec for lossless video though
[11:12] <hendry> i want the desktop I'm capturing to be sharp
[11:13] <hendry> ubitux: surely with mp4 I'm limited to h264 ? require playing on IOS6's safari
[11:13] <ubitux> i guess so
[11:14] <hendry> mp4 seems 1/3 of the size of the webm regardless!
[11:14] <ubitux> though you can likely put another codec if you want, indeed the issue is your destination device
[11:14] <ubitux> yes, you have to play more with the libvpx bitrate and maybe other settings
[11:21] <hendry> damn, doesn't work on my iphone http://r2d2.webconverger.org/2012-10-21/test.html
[11:31] <ubitux> hendry: it's possible some apple device are limited to a few h264 levels
[11:32] <hendry> is crf the level?
[11:33] <ubitux> no
[11:34] <hendry> hmm, doesn't work in Android either
[11:34] <ubitux> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H.264/MPEG-4_AVC#Levels
[11:34] <ubitux> look at the levels supported by your devices
[11:35] <ubitux> and then use -level
[11:35] <hendry> oh no, there is depressing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9144574/no-matter-what-i-do-i-cannot-get-my-mp4-video-to-play-on-safari-ipad
[11:35] <ubitux> :)
[11:55] <hendry> none of these presets work for me -vpre, maybe there are in a seperate ffmpeg distro?
[11:56] <ubitux> try -preset:v
[11:57] <ubitux> these options are a bit tricky
[12:08] <Element9> which filters do I need in order to be able to capture audio and video to file?
[12:09] <Element9> I disabled all filters when I compiled ffmpeg and I'm getting: "'aresample' filter not present, cannot convert audio formats."
[12:10] <Element9> anything else? ...before I just go and do the possible long compile-test-repeat cicle :)
[12:17] <hendry> can't get audio working on safari ubitux, video works though
[12:17] <hendry> this (flac -> aac)  is to blame
[12:18] <ubitux> try another aac encoder
[12:18] <ubitux> Element9: are you using ffmpeg 1.0?
[12:18] <Element9> ubitux: yes
[12:18] <hendry> Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:1 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height
[12:18] <Element9> ubitux: should i be using 1.0, or is it too early?
[12:19] <hendry> i fell like i just need the right options
[12:19] <ubitux> why did you disable filters?
[12:19] <ubitux> it's likely you'll need the resample and scale filters for most of the op
[12:19] <hendry> ubitux: what other aac encoder ?
[12:19] <Element9> ubitux: to get the smallest executable possible
[12:19] <ubitux> hendry: fdk-aac, libfaac, etc
[12:20] <hendry> Unknown encoder 'fdk-aac'
[12:21] <Element9> ubitux: oh, it's not the released 1.0, it's clone from git
[12:21] <ubitux> it's fine :p
[12:21] <ubitux> hendry: it's an external one, you need to link it with
[12:21] <ubitux> Element9: 1.0 or git/master is fine
[12:22] <hendry> -c:a libfaac # failes too :/
[12:25] <ubitux> hendry: same problem.
[12:28] <hendry> ubitux: going to try rebuild ffmpeg in desperation https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/27465
[12:29] <ubitux> --enable-libopencore_amrnb --enable-libopencore_amrwb
[12:29] <ubitux> isn't this ok?
[12:29] <ubitux> i though it was yet another aac encoder
[12:34] <hendry> ubitux: yes... it works with re-compiled ffmpeg! http://r2d2.webconverger.org/2012-10-21/baseline.html
[12:35] <ubitux> :)
[12:44] <CryingRiver> hello, i need help :´(
[12:45] <CryingRiver> if i try to use the "configure" command to build ffmpeg gcc says that he dont know what this command means, can someone help me maybe?
[12:47] <Element9> CryingRiver: tryed "./configure" ?
[12:47] <CryingRiver> yes
[12:47] <Element9> s/tryed/tried
[12:47] <Element9> which OS?
[12:47] <CryingRiver> windows
[12:47] <CryingRiver> 7
[12:48] <Element9> and which compiler do you plan to use?
[12:49] <CryingRiver> that the output: http://pastebin.com/N9nPgc53
[12:49] <Element9> configure is a bash script
[12:49] <Element9> for linux
[12:50] <Element9> here are the guids for compiling ffpmeg: http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/CompilationGuide
[12:51] <Element9> I'm compiling it in linux for usage on windows - haven't tried to compile it on windows
[12:53] <CryingRiver> mhh... my real problem is that I need to build ffmpeg with a special gcc version, and I dont know how to do it... can I use mingw with a special gcc version?
[12:56] <Element9> CryingRiver: did you read the compilation guide?
[12:57] <CryingRiver> yes, but i got evrytime a "undefined reference to "av_register_all" error
[12:58] <CryingRiver> if i build it with mingw
[12:58] <CryingRiver> and use this build in my application
[12:59] <Element9> and everything works if you use prebuilt one?
[13:00] <Element9> no errors while compiling with mingw?
[13:03] <CryingRiver> i dont tried a prebuilt one
[13:06] <CryingRiver> Element9: no, it dont works, same error
[13:06] <Element9> so it's not due to the custom build then :)
[13:07] <CryingRiver> yes, but whats then the source of this error... :(
[13:11] <Mavrik> you're not linking the libav dlls to your project
[13:13] <CryingRiver> i link the .a files, how can i link the .dlls in the makefile?
[13:44] <hendry> ubitux: do you know how to get "scrubbing" or seeking working in H264?
[13:46] <ubitux> scrubbing?
[13:46] <ubitux> seeking should just work
[13:53] <hendry> ubitux: it doesn't :/
[13:53] <ubitux> you can't seek in the file with ffplay?
[13:53] <hendry> ubitux: when i move the cursor on safari's media player thingy in Youtube, it says "hi speed scrubbing"
[13:54] <ubitux> no idea
[14:06] <Konigsberg> i dotnt get it, i install ffmpeg on windows on cygwin without using mingw
[14:06] <Konigsberg> i cant remember how and i need to update it for youtube-dl and other things to work
[14:06] <Konigsberg> i googled like a vicous man but no go
[14:18] <Konigsberg> i also didnt have yasj
[14:18] <Konigsberg> yasm
[14:45] <Konigsberg> i know, i must delete the older ffmpeg version
[14:45] <Konigsberg> before i make install the new one
[14:45] <Konigsberg> for some reason it's in use
[14:45] <Konigsberg> cant find it anywhere
[14:56] <GRMrGecko> I'm trying to find a input method I found awhile back this year. I'm trying to convert a multi chapter DVD into one MP4. The method I saw was not a cat command and it was not http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#join
[14:56] <Element9>  is vorbis encoder now marked as experimental and it previously wasn't?
[14:56] <GRMrGecko> I cannot use a cat command because I'm already using the std input
[14:57] <klaxa> Element9: i think you want libvorbis to use the external encoder, there is an internal one which is marked as experimental
[14:57] <Element9> klaxa: thanks. that's what I suspected
[15:00] <GRMrGecko> https://evilshit.wordpress.com/2012/09/13/how-to-combine-multiple-files-with-ffmpeg/
[15:00] <GRMrGecko> that must have been it
[15:04] <GRMrGecko> yup:D
[15:06] <fling> ubitux: ok :]
[15:17] <Element9> every time I stop the capature, windows thinks ffmpeg crashed and says "ffmpeg.exe has stopped working"
[15:18] <Element9> is that a known problem? I haven't had that problem before
[15:52] <fling> ubitux: the deshaker used for this video looks very good > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBeBHshMsWI
[15:56] <Sashmo> good day eveyone, can anyone help me figure out why I keep getting lip sync issues after 8+ hours of live transcoding?
[16:01] <Sashmo> oke doke
[16:02] <ubitux> fling: great :)
[16:07] <Sashmo> fflogger: http://pastebin.com/ebjBAjwu
[16:17] <klaxa> Sashmo: >-strict experimental [...] -acodec aac
[16:17] <klaxa> i think that's not optimal, i was told to install fdk-aac if i wanted aac
[16:18] <Sashmo> klaxa:  ? yes?
[16:18] <klaxa> you have to recomple from source though, that might fix it
[16:18] <klaxa> i'm no expert though... i can't guarantee anything
[16:22] <Sashmo> hmmm  interesting
[16:22] <Sashmo> I'll look into it.
[16:23] <Sashmo> can anyone else recommend the same?
[16:23] <JEEB> fdk is the best available AAC encoder atm, but just non-optimal AAC encoder shouldn't create a/v desynch
[16:24] <Sashmo> does anyeont think it has something to do with timestamps?
[16:26] <JEEB> well, yes if the input timestamps are borked then yes, but I would check if you are always fast enough first, although the fps=26 does show that you are indeed over the seemingly 25fps input stream
[16:27] <JEEB> also I see you get decoding errors, do those just happen at the beginning and never after that?
[16:28] <Sashmo> JEEB:  yeah those are just at the begining
[16:28] <Sashmo> JEEB:  how can I check if the timestamps are borked up
[16:29] <JEEB> no idea
[16:29] <JEEB> also, can I slap you for using manual settings with libx264?
[16:29] <JEEB> I'd really like you to slap you
[16:30] <JEEB> -preset was made for a reason
[16:30] <JEEB> (and presets within x264)
[16:30] <Sashmo> slap me witha  trout please
[16:30] <JEEB> http://mewiki.project357.com/wiki/X264_Settings#preset
[16:30] <JEEB> you set those with -preset
[16:30] <JEEB> (and then set profile/level)
[16:33] <Sashmo> JEEB:  but is that really effecting my audio issue?
[16:42] <JEEB> Sashmo, nah -- I am just noting other things in that command line of yours
[16:42] <Sashmo> cool, thanks
[16:42] <JEEB> also if you're streaming you probably want to use maxrate and bufsize
[16:43] <JEEB> maxrate being the maximum rate allowed (aka the minimum speed that lets a person watch the stream), and bufsize being the buffer over which that maximum rate is calculated
[16:43] <Sashmo> JEEB:  I'll play with it
[16:43] <Sashmo> JEEB:  any idea why VLC reports back that the stream is 50FPs? instead of 25?
[16:43] <JEEB> but neither might be related to the a/v desynch. Which stream?
[16:46] <Sashmo> that same one
[16:46] <Sashmo> any of my streams really
[16:46] <Sashmo> all report back double
[16:52] <JEEB> Sashmo, I meant input or output :P
[16:53] <Sashmo> JEEB:  sorry I dont udnerstand?
[16:53] <JEEB> your mpeg-ts input or the rtmp stream you create
[16:54] <Sashmo> my source is mpegg-ts h2.64 25fps, and ffmpeg reports that its encoding at 26fps, but vlc reports it as 50fps
[16:56] <JEEB> well, yadif shouldn't at least in your case be bobbing
[16:56] <JEEB> in any case, not sure where the a/v desynch comes up, other than possible hick-ups in encoding
[17:00] <Sashmo> JEEB:  forget about the dsync termporaily, why am I getting this dumb 50fps on vlc?
[17:01] <JEEB> no idea :P
[17:01] <JEEB> VLC can fail, and something somewhere else could be failing as well
[17:03] <Sashmo> all the players show it
[17:07] <jelly1> hi is it normal that i get a 5 sec. lag between my webcam and the stream i get from ffserver
[17:08] <jelly1> or could that be buffering?
[17:15] <Sashmo> jelly1:  are you using HLS?
[17:15] <jelly1> Sashmo: what's HLS?
[17:15] <jelly1> Sashmo: i could paste my ffserver.conf
[17:16] <jelly1> i want to stream only video from my webcam to a website and use the other source for opencv
[17:16] <Sashmo> jelly1: sorry cant help you there
[17:16] <jelly1> Sashmo: ok :(
[17:16] <jelly1> i'll continue searching
[17:17] <jelly1> Sashmo: could it be the convertion?
[17:17] <jelly1> from raw to in my case webm
[17:17] <Sashmo> jelly1:  I think the lowest I have ever seen it is down to 2 seconds
[17:17] <jelly1> aha
[17:18] <jelly1> Sashmo: or does ffserver itself buffers, and then cpu speed doesnt matter for encoding?
[17:26] <Sashmo> jelly1:  no idea, but I recall if you change the keyframe interval that you can get it to load faster, think of it like this, if you set a key frame interval of 60 frames, than the decoder will wait for frame 60 to output the video, therefor, 60 frames is 2 seconds, if you are encoding at 30fps, anyone else correct me here, I could be wrong, but this is what I was told before
[17:27] <jelly1> aha
[17:27] <jelly1> Sashmo: yes logical
[17:27] <Sashmo> jelly1:  what are you setting it to now?
[17:27] <jelly1> Sashmo: FpS>
[17:27] <jelly1> *fps?
[17:27] <Sashmo> no key frame
[17:28] <Sashmo> and sure fps
[17:28] <jelly1> VideoFrameRate 24
[17:28] <Sashmo> and your keyframe?
[17:28] <jelly1> isn't set
[17:29] <Sashmo> hmm I dont know what the defalut is, try adding it
[17:29] <Sashmo> keyint=48
[17:29] <Sashmo> should be for 2 seconds
[17:29] <Sashmo> if your fps is 24
[17:29] <Sashmo> why 24?
[17:30] <jelly1> Sashmo: oh i fetched this sample from a website
[17:30] <Sashmo> try this, set your fps to 15, and see if that makes it any quicker
[17:30] <Sashmo> dont add any ket int
[17:30] <Sashmo> for a test
[17:30] <jelly1> ok
[17:30] <Sashmo> pastebin your command
[17:30] <Sashmo> let me check it
[17:30] <Sashmo> FYI, im no expert here
[17:30] <Sashmo> just helping
[17:30] <jelly1> ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 http://localhost:8090/webcam.ffm
[17:31] <jelly1> hmm i should take notes
[17:31] <Sashmo> just log your irc chat, best notes ever!
[17:31] <jelly1> Sashmo: nah
[17:31] <jelly1> Sashmo: for the delay :p
[17:31] <Sashmo> use pastebin.com
[17:31] <jelly1> sure
[17:31] <Sashmo> paste the full command and output
[17:32] <Sashmo> and the ffm config
[17:32] <jelly1> Sashmo: http://sprunge.us/ACLC ffserver.conf and the command is ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 http://localhost:8090/webcam.ffm
[17:33] <Sashmo> I've never used the ffm before, so I dont know what changes work here
[17:33] <Sashmo> straight command line is what I have experiance with
[17:33] <Sashmo> sorry
[17:34] <jelly1> aha
[17:34] <Sashmo> I guess its all the same though
[17:34] <jelly1> there isn't much in the ffm
[17:34] <Sashmo> I dont see much of a difference
[17:34] <Sashmo> well your config is there
[17:34] <jelly1> yeah ;)
[17:34] <Sashmo> instead of the command line
[17:34] <Sashmo> so it would be the same
[17:35] <jelly1> hmm not sure what my stream plays now
[17:35] <Sashmo> what are you playing it with?
[17:35] <Sashmo> from the web page?
[17:35] <jelly1> Sashmo: oh its just my webcam
[17:35] <Sashmo> your probably using swf
[17:35] <jelly1> now i will use fplay
[17:35] <Sashmo> no I mean
[17:35] <jelly1> Sashmo: no webm
[17:35] <Sashmo> ah ok
[17:36] <Sashmo> sorry dude, dont really know how to help you further
[17:36] <Sashmo> ask the others
[17:36] <jelly1> ok
[17:36] <Sashmo> Im definitely not the guy to point you in the right direction, at least with this type of setup
[17:36] <jelly1> ok
[17:36] <jelly1> about 7 sec. with swf
[17:37] <jelly1> Sashmo: hmm still lags about the same with VideoFrameRate 15 it seems
[17:37] <Sashmo> try the keyint command
[17:37] <jelly1> ok
[17:38] <jelly1> Sashmo: which value?
[17:38] <Sashmo> keyint
[17:38] <Sashmo> add that
[17:38] <Sashmo> and make it 1
[17:39] <Sashmo> see what happens
[17:39] <jelly1> ok
[17:39] <jelly1> [flv @ 0x7f39a0009860] warning: first frame is no keyframe
[17:39] <jelly1> hmm that's what ffplay also says :)
[17:39] <jelly1> Sashmo: looks the same
[17:40] <jelly1> Sashmo: maybe reading this should shed some light http://ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffserver-user/2011-March/000006.html
[17:42] <jelly1> Sashmo: googling gives me some more hits
[17:42] <jelly1> will study them later
[17:42] <jelly1> Sashmo: thanks btw!
[17:50] <Sashmo> jelly1:  np
[18:01] <_stclaws> I am republishing a live rtmp stream from a fms server. Works fine, but the incoming stream sometimes switches sources (we made it like that) which makes ffmpeg think it ends. Is there a way to make ffmpeg just keep on listening to incoming stream no matter what?
[18:10] <louisdk> I want to edit start and stop time of some videos. It goes well if I don't use the "-t" option but when I do I get this error: http://pastebin.com/7Tq6KS7W
[18:32] <_stclaws> I saw there are parameters to the rtmp protocol in ffmpeg, but how do I use them? For instance, if I want to do "ffmpeg -i rtmp//server/path/stream" and use the parameter "listen", what is the syntax?
[19:42] <Element9> I've enbled wmv2 encoder when calling configure (--enable-encoder=wmv2), but resulting ffmpeg don't have wmv2 encoding support. is there anything else that I should enable? something that wmv2 depends on?
[20:03] <iive> Element9: can you check config.h , look for the line with CONFIG_WMV2_ENCODER
[20:04] <Element9> iive: I've run configure again with some other options and have a different problem now. I'll check that once I get it built again
[20:04] <Element9> iive: I take it that config.h is generated during ./configure?
[20:05] <iive> yes, config.h config.mak and config.asm I think. there must be a config.log too, in case you need more info about failed test.
[20:06] <iive> have in mind that the order of configure options may matter.
[20:06] Action: iive is not sure for the last one... but.
[20:07] <Element9> iive: i have kind of put them in the order they appear in "./configure --help"
[20:08] <iive> :)
[20:08] <Element9> iive: don't know if I could do better than that... except to look in the code :)
[20:09] <iive> well, i'm just saying that it may be good idea to put the options that disable all codecs first, and then put the options that enable specific codecs after.
[20:11] <Element9> iive: oh yeah, sure. i did that :)
[20:22] <sparkst> hello all - i've gotten awesome help from folks here in the past so I'm hoping someone can help me out with this issue today.  here's the situation.  I have 720p ProRes .movs that I am using ffmpeg to trim & transcode into H.264 .movs for YouTube upload.
[20:22] <sparkst> the command I'm using is this: ffmpeg -i input.mov -ss 1201 -t 5000 -c:v libx264 -crf 18 -c:a libfaac -b:a 64k -ac 1 output.mov
[20:22] <sparkst> (obviously the ss and t values change)
[20:23] <sparkst> sometimes this works like a charm.  other times, tho, youtube just rejects the file
[20:23] <sparkst> often if I just rerun the same command it'll work fine the second time
[20:23] <sparkst> any thoughts on what's going wrong here?
[20:24] <sparkst> oh wait i miscopied the command
[20:24] <sparkst> hang on
[20:24] <sparkst> ffmpeg -i input.mov -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:v libx264 -crf 18 -c:a libfaac -b:a 64k -ac 1 -ss 1201 -t 5000 output.mov
[20:29] <sparkst> ok i have to step away from my pc for a min, i will be back before too long tho.  would appreciate any thoughts folks have.
[20:51] <Element9> compiling ffmpeg from master for windows gives an executable which crashes on exit while release 1.0 works fine. does somebody, by any chance, know when was this regression introduced? :)
[23:03] <bjrohan> Hey everyone. I am relatively new to Linux (running Kubuntu), and just installed ffmpeg, when I try to convert an ogv file from made with (using winff) desktop recorder (which plays fine) I get error messages no matter what I try, mov, mp4, avi
[23:13] <sparkst-afk> hi folks - asked this earlier, but didn't get a response, forgive me for the repeition:  I have 720p ProRes .movs that I am using ffmpeg to trim & transcode into H.264 .movs for YouTube upload.
[23:13] <sparkst-afk> the command i'm using is this:  ffmpeg -i input.mov -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:v libx264 -crf 18 -c:a libfaac -b:a 64k -ac 1 -ss 1201 -t 5000 output.mov
[23:13] <sparkst-afk> (obviously the -ss and -t values change)
[23:13] <sparkst-afk>  sometimes this works like a charm.  other times, tho, youtube just rejects the file
[23:14] <sparkst-afk> and often when tha thappens, I can just rerun that command in ffmpeg and the resulting file works
[23:14] <sparkst-afk> any thoughts on what's amiss here?
[00:00] --- Mon Oct 22 2012

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