[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20120831

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 1 02:05:01 CEST 2012

[00:15] <_Mike_> ok...I'm going to see if I can try to start over from the beginning here...
[00:15] <_Mike_> Is there a command in UNIX that will let me delete a whole directory without having to make sure every directory inside is empty first?
[00:19] <Rathann> _Mike_: yes
[00:19] <_Mike_> I thought I knew one as -r but that doesn't seem to work
[00:19] <FelipeS> _Mike_ rm -rf dirname
[00:19] <_Mike_> thank you!
[00:19] <_Mike_> Now I can try to start this ffmpeg saga over...
[00:21] Action: _Mike_ is starting to get really frustrated with this whole thing and is now running out of time to boot
[00:23] <_Mike_> I keep getting "yasm not found" when I've already installed yasm.... I don't suppose anyone knows if this is something with documentation or somesuch out there?
[00:24] <Rathann> your yasm could be too old
[00:24] <Rathann> check config.log
[00:25] <_Mike_> ok this log is massive... whereabouts in it should I look?
[00:25] <_Mike_> (and I can't find any yasm newer than 1.2.0...)
[00:36] <_Mike_> Sorry if I've taken up a lot of peoples' time
[00:39] <Rathann> _Mike_: less config.log /yasm
[00:40] <Rathann> _Mike_: actually, less config.log<enter>/yasm
[00:40] <_Mike_> Now I've got to wait a min - removed it all and am trying to start over
[00:40] <_Mike_> will it matter where I extract the .tar files?
[00:41] <_Mike_> I mean should ffmpeg be in the directory that I extract yasm to?
[00:41] <Rathann> no, why in the world would you think that?
[00:42] <_Mike_> Because I've been using UNIX for a grand total of maybe a few days and when I install yasm but ffmpeg says it can't find yasm I think in my head that maybe it's because it's not in the same directory
[00:42] <_Mike_> be back in a second once this finishes
[00:43] <Rathann> _Mike_: can't you simply install the yasm that comes with your distribution?
[00:43] <_Mike_> I don't think I have yasm
[00:43] <Rathann> well, what's your distribution?
[00:43] <_Mike_> how can I look that up?
[00:44] <Rathann> cat /etc/*release
[00:44] <_Mike_> Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 9)
[00:44] <Rathann> ouch...
[00:44] <Rathann> very old
[00:45] <Rathann> and I think no longer supported even by Red Hat
[00:45] <_Mike_> unfortunately it's what I have to work with :(  none of the seismic software I'll be using next semester is on anything else
[00:45] <Rathann> ehhh
[00:46] <Rathann> I tried building ffmpeg for rhel4 once
[00:46] <Rathann> oh well
[00:46] <_Mike_> just in case it helps - the assignment: a.   Download and the command line movie builder called "ffmpeg".   Build this package from source code.   Note: i) you won't be able to "install" this package of quarry, but you should still be able to build a working executable, and ii) you may need to install yasm (assembler).   This is not given, but is likely.   I did this intentionally to emphasize the problem of dependencies.
[00:46] <_Mike_> b.   download a suite of image files from slashtmp at this url:  (redacted)
[00:46] <Rathann> you should be able to get yasm though
[00:46] <llogan> https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/CentosCompilationGuide
[00:46] <_Mike_> c.  Take the images apart with the unix tar command.   c.  Run ffmpeg to generate a movie from the stack of images.  The syntax of ffmpeg is obscure (it is probably the best example of how command line arguments can get completely ridicumous) so here is a staring point: ffmpeg -i Sstereo.00%02d.png g582.mov That will generate a movie file g582.mov that you should be able to display with quicktime.
[00:47] <Rathann> do you have root on this machine?
[00:47] <_Mike_> I'm not 100% sure what that is, but I don't think so - this is a university super-computer type thing that we log into individually
[00:47] <Rathann> ah
[00:47] <_Mike_> oy
[00:47] <Rathann> ok so you need to install it to your own home dir then
[00:48] <_Mike_> yum: Command not found.
[00:48] <Rathann> no, you can't follow that guide completely for sure
[00:48] <Rathann> since you don't have root
[00:48] Action: _Mike_ sighs
[00:49] <Rathann> unpack yasm in, let's say, $HOME/src/
[00:49] <_Mike_> I wish I could tell the prof that it simply can't be done but he's also my thesis advisor and !#$$ etc...
[00:49] <llogan> i had a terrible thesis advisor
[00:49] <Rathann> configure it with --prefix=$HOME/local
[00:50] <_Mike_> ok sorry trying to keep up here..
[00:50] <_Mike_> so mkdir $HOME/src ?
[00:50] <Rathann> $HOME is your home dir (I hope you got that) :)
[00:50] <_Mike_> oh, duh
[00:51] <_Mike_> ok unpacking yasm in src now
[00:52] <_Mike_> tar: unrecognized option `--prefix=
[00:52] <_Mike_> <headdesks>
[00:52] <Rathann> um, who said anything about tar --prefix?
[00:53] <_Mike_> I thought that's how you unpack a .tar?
[00:53] <Rathann> ...
[00:53] <llogan> I'm tempted to just do it for him since they obviously didn't provide the right tooks for a beginner
[00:53] <Rathann> so you don't know anything?
[00:53] <_Mike_> <- brand new to programming
[00:53] <Rathann> this isn't programming
[00:53] <llogan> *tools
[00:53] <Rathann> this is basic unix tools and software compilation
[00:54] <_Mike_> unpack: Command not found
[00:54] <Rathann> *facepalm*
[00:54] <_Mike_> ok, so yea, I don't know anything
[00:55] <brimestone> so aside from "gammaval" what else can i use as a param? lummaval?? and how can i string them up? :v=gammaval(2)lummaval(2)'
[00:55] <_Mike_> prof made this sound super simple - grab ffmpeg, maybe grab yasm, install, run, done
[00:55] <llogan> your prof does not know how to teach beginners
[00:56] <llogan> or maybe you weren't listening well enough
[00:56] <Rathann> _Mike_: or he assumed you actually knew how to use tar and compile software on unix in general
[00:57] Action: Rathann suggests getting help in some Linux newbie channel
[00:57] <Rathann> or reading some Linux for beginners book
[00:58] <Rathann> I have to drop off now
[00:58] <Rathann> take care
[00:58] Action: _Mike_ is debating telling said prof that experts online had unflattering things to say about his teaching method, but that would probably not go over well
[01:02] <_Mike_> and when I try to make ffmpeg even without bothering with yasm it still doesn't create an executable
[01:05] <_Mike_> common.mak:17: *** unterminated call to function `foreach': missing `)'.  Stop.
[01:05] <_Mike_> again :(
[01:05] <llogan> _Mike_: your 'make' program is probably too old
[01:06] <llogan> meaning you would have to compile a new make to compile ffmpeg but I assume this is beyond the requirements of the assignment.
[01:06] <_Mike_> and probably way beyond my abilities
[01:07] <llogan> ask if you can use a sever that is not outdated.
[01:07] <llogan> *server
[01:08] <_Mike_> I'll try to do so without sounding too snarky
[01:09] <llogan> alternatively you can install virtualbox on windows and run linux inside that
[01:10] <_Mike_> probably also outside my abilities
[01:11] <_Mike_> I'm going to press as far as I got with yasm and ffmpeg and just turn in the command line info at that - I think I'm about done with this one.... I really am thankful for all your help llogan, and Rathann's too, if you could pass that on when he comes back...
[01:12] <llogan> i think the main issue is that your "make" is too old, but i'm not really sure
[01:13] <_Mike_> I suppose anything's possible with it... yasm not working, make too old, prof forgetting to teach us B in order to complete the ABC assignment...something
[01:17] <_Mike_> Again, thank you so much for your help
[01:29] <_Mike_> Would an Op be willing to pass on to Rathann that I am really thankful for his help and I'm sorry if I wasted his time?
[04:06] <richardr> Is there a way to distribute ffmpeg across a cluster of servers when transcoding?
[04:06] <richardr> to scale / increase performance?
[04:06] <richardr> Any documentation on strategies out there? :o
[04:36] <WilGil> I compiled using the ubuntu compilation guide on a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04.  When I try to screencapture i get this error ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: libfdk-aac.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory  Any help would be appreciated
[04:36] <WilGil> I have tried googleing but my google-fu has failed me
[04:45] <WilGil> I am using the following command to try to screen capture
[04:45] <WilGil> ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -f x11grab -r 30 -s 1024x768 -i :0.0 -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -crf 0 -threads 0 output.mkv
[04:45] <WilGil> the output is
[04:45] <WilGil> ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: libfdk-aac.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[05:45] <relaxed> wizonesolutions: where is the lib?
[05:45] <relaxed> run $(sudo ldconfig) and try again
[05:45] <relaxed> sorry, wrong highlight
[05:46] <relaxed> He's gone :-/
[05:46] Action: relaxed ignores parts/joins
[05:59] <ike__> can ffmpeg be configured with --enable-version2 ? I need to use ProRes and i've heard it's not compatible if you enable version3/GPL3
[06:00] <ike__> i'm getting "Unknown option "--enable-version2"."
[06:53] <buhman> relaxed: too bad no client does a good job of filtering the parts/joins properly.
[06:53] <buhman> relaxed: I can think of several ways to improve even weechat's "smart_filter" (which isn't so smart to begin with)
[07:25] <brimestone> has anyone here dealt with Arri Alexa LUT footage?
[12:13] <hydrelisk> Hi, i have just compiled ffmpeg and x264 on ubuntu and I don't find (for '-vpre' option) "normal", "hq"... presets in ~/ffmpeg/presets, the only presets with x264 in their name are 'ipod320' and 'ipod640'...
[12:13] <JEEB> that's because you're now supposed to use libx264's internal presets :)
[12:13] <JEEB> http://mewiki.project357.com/wiki/X264_Settings#preset
[12:13] <JEEB> -preset presetname
[12:13] <hydrelisk> thks I will look
[12:15] <JEEB> you generally don't want to use the fastest or the slowest one
[12:15] <JEEB> because ultrafast is basically for speed benchmarks, and placebo sets everything up to eleven :)
[12:15] <hydrelisk> does it mean I shall call x264 command and not ffmpeg??
[12:15] <JEEB> uhh, ffmpeg now has a way to call those
[12:16] <JEEB> I mean, you use libx264 via ffmpeg right?
[12:16] <JEEB> then you can use -preset presetname to set the libx264 preset
[12:18] <hydrelisk> "ffmpeg -i <input> -vcodec libx264 -preset slow <output>" for instance?
[12:19] <JEEB> or -c:v instead of -vcodec, yes
[12:19] <hydrelisk> :) thanks
[12:21] <hydrelisk> seems to do the job!
[12:35] <relaxed> This channel needs a faq
[15:37] <fasta> Can someone explain to me why I have no vdpau powered AMD graphics despite my card being out for more than two years now?
[15:38] <fasta> There are some compilation options for it, but it mostly just plain doesn't work.
[15:38] <fasta> Why can't you just release something which works?
[15:39] <microchip_> vdpau is nvidia only
[15:39] <fasta> microchip_: how it the AMD tech called then?
[15:39] <fasta> Because I am _sure_ that AMD also has a backend.
[15:39] <fasta> I am about 70% sure that it is actually also called VDPAU.
[15:40] <microchip_> AMD uses OpenCL
[15:41] <fasta> VAAPI apparently.
[15:41] <microchip_> i thought that was for Intel only
[15:42] <sacarasc> VAAPI is for most cards, including Nvidia.
[15:42] <microchip_> ic
[15:42] <fasta> Anyway, it seems a massive waste of energy and capital to have products which are not used.
[15:42] <fasta> As such, I would like to know whether hardware assisted playback works on my hardware or not.
[15:43] <fasta> (I have a mid-range RadeonHD card)
[15:43] <fasta> OpenCL is already working fine.
[15:43] <microchip_> ffmpeg is not a player
[15:43] <microchip_> i have no issues with mplayer + vdpau
[15:43] <fasta> microchip_: but vdpau is indeed nvidia only.
[15:44] <sacarasc> There are patches for MPlayer that allow it to use VAAPI.
[15:44] <microchip_> yes
[15:44] <fasta> microchip_: as such, your comment is what? Useless.
[15:44] <fasta> sacarasc: and has anyone besides the developer said that it worked?
[15:44] <microchip_> fasta: watch the attitude. if you're pissed off, don't throw it at me
[15:44] <fasta> microchip_: I try to be relevant.
[15:44] <fasta> microchip_: look at how sacarasc answers.
[15:44] <sacarasc> fasta: Some have, some have had problems with it.
[15:45] <fasta> sacarasc: thanks, I will have a look again.
[15:46] <microchip_> fasta: because i didn't answer your question (maybe i don't know?) you get all pissed of at me?
[15:46] <microchip_> you seriously need to relax
[15:47] <fasta> microchip_: I have no problems with people saying 'I don't know'. I don't like it when people communicate completely known to be irrelevant information.
[15:48] <microchip_> fasta: and i don't like it when a douche like you gets pissed off at a single comment.
[15:48] <fasta> microchip_: yeah, sorry, can't really care about that.
[15:48] <microchip_> anyways, you better ask developers about your issue
[15:49] <microchip_> or open a ticket on bugzilla
[15:49] <microchip_> also i'm not sure why you ask in here if it's about playback
[15:50] <microchip_> ffmpeg is not a player, so your question would better fit in #mplayer
[15:50] <microchip_> but indeed it's a decoder
[15:51] <microchip_> and decoders can use HW accelerated decoding
[15:51] <Iszak> Should I use libfaac for 1.5 mb/s audio bitrate?
[15:51] <microchip_> f.ex, ffmpeg has ffh264vdpau
[15:52] <microchip_> i guess it can also add something like ffh264vaapi
[15:52] <microchip_> but if it'll get implemented, you need to ask devs about that
[15:56] <fasta> It appears I now got it working by using some package another guy made (which only works since two weeks or so). Playing a movie still takes 12% CPU, which doesn't appear to be less than normally.
[16:10] <Iszak> I'm trying to standardize my video library, I want it to have 48k audio sample rate, 1.5 mb/s audio bit rate, I'm unsure on the video bit rate, frame rate is 24. in h.264 and aac (unless dts is better?) this is what I've got so far;
[16:10] <Iszak> ffmpeg -i <input.ext> -threads 6 -vcodec libx264 -r:v 24 -acodec libfaac -ac 6 -ar 48000 <output.mp4>
[16:10] <Iszak> But unfortunately the quality it's coming out as is less than ideal. Is that because I don't have a video bit rate or something else?
[16:12] <relaxed> Iszak: why would you do this? To target specific hardware?
[16:12] <Iszak> relaxed: exactly, my tv only supports certain formats unfortunately.
[16:13] <Iszak> containers/codecs rather.
[16:14] <Iszak> If it was up to me, I'd have it all as webm.
[16:15] <relaxed> hook a computer up to the tv via hdmi and use mplayer/vlc
[16:15] <Iszak> Easier said than done I'm afraid.
[16:16] <relaxed> well, then the format will not matter and you won't lose quality/time recoding everything.
[16:16] <Iszak> I know, but I can't just go out and buy another computer, and I can't move the existing one.
[16:17] <relaxed> as to your question, use -threads 0; use -crf 18 (lower value gives you better quality, bigger size)
[16:18] <Iszak> why threads 0?
[16:18] <relaxed> it lets libx264 decide how many to use.
[16:18] <fasta> Iszak: a raspberry pi would qualify as a new computer too, right?
[16:19] <Iszak> fasta: yeah I was going to mention that, but I've got raid setup, does it have enough SATA ports?
[16:19] <fasta> Iszak: I think it's just 100Mb/s network.
[16:19] <Iszak> and a SD card iirc?
[16:19] <fasta> Iszak: and USB
[16:19] <fasta> or perhaps no USB
[16:19] <fasta> Yes, SD card.
[17:59] <sss> dxll
[17:59] <sss> xdcc
[19:21] <funyun> hi. can i speed up audio of a video without re-encoding it with ffmpeg? when i play the video in mplayer, i have to speed it up 200ms. can i fix this with ffmpeg?
[19:42] <iive> funyun: speed is not measured in ms, delay is.
[19:43] <iive> some formats like avi have an audio delay parameter, so they may allow you to do that without reencoding. Don't ask me how to do that with ffmpeg, because I don't know.
[19:44] <iive> you may be able to do something with -acodec copy -vcodec copy, but...
[20:20] <iceman12c> does anyone know why Ogg Vorbis streams often give me a PTS of AV_NOPTS_VALUE?
[00:00] --- Sat Sep  1 2012

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