[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20130423

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 24 02:05:01 CEST 2013

[00:17] <lullabud> it appears that ffmpeg isn't seeing the meatadata at all.  runing "ffmpeg -i 20371231-23-59-59-1.mov -f ffmetadata metadata.txt" produceds only two lines, comment and comment-eng
[00:17] <lullabud> *extra metadata
[00:24] <pudgypaw> I'm currently on Ubuntu Studio, 12.04. I've beta tested both ubuntu and blender for 5+ years now and right now I want to assemble a guide on how to completely strip avconv out of my system and go pure 100% ffmpeg. However, does such a howto already exist??
[00:26] <otters> my ffmpeg doesn't have alac support. how do I get it? (latest version from mac homebrew, 1.2)
[00:27] <ubitux> pudgypaw: that might not be a good idea unfortunately, because a lot of applications depends on the libraries; we should be binary compatible thought
[00:28] <ubitux> pudgypaw: you can use static build, or build it yourself without installing it (that's relatively straightforward), or install it in a user directory
[00:28] <ubitux> you can also complain to your linux distro
[00:28] <ubitux> you can try some packages such as deb-multimedia (not sure if that will work with with ubuntu)
[00:28] <ubitux> or you can... just switch distro
[00:29] <ubitux> otters: afaik it's natively supported;
[00:29] <ubitux> % ./ffmpeg -v 0 -codecs|grep -i alac DEA..S alac                 ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec)
[00:30] <otters> okay, that's weird.
[00:30] <otters> "[NULL @ 0x7fb4ca025600] Unable to find a suitable output format for 'alac'"
[00:30] <ubitux> lullabud: the exif tags don't seem exported, maybe open a ticket with a feature request
[00:31] <ubitux> otters: alac is a codec, not a format
[00:31] <otters> mb
[00:31] <ubitux> the container is a mov/mp4 based
[00:32] <ubitux> ffmpeg -i ... -c:a alac foobar.m4a
[00:32] <otters> https://gist.github.com/joelteon/b1c4973797dc3d39386e
[00:33] <ubitux> flag ?
[00:33] <ubitux> flac*
[00:33] <otters> yeah, flac
[00:33] <ubitux> oh, shell weirdness, sorry i'm tired
[00:33] <otters> yeah, that's just an expansion of a function I defined for my zsh
[00:34] <otters> there, I added it to the gist
[00:34] <ubitux> remove -threads
[00:34] <otters> https://gist.github.com/joelteon/b1c4973797dc3d39386e
[00:34] <otters> ok
[00:34] <ubitux> -threads takes an argument
[00:34] <ubitux> currently you're passing "-acodec" to -threads
[00:34] <ubitux> and "alac" stands alone
[00:34] <otters> heh
[00:34] <ubitux> so it thinks it's the output file
[00:34] <otters> well, that used to work, what changed?
[00:34] <ubitux> -threads auto
[00:34] <ubitux> but it's the default
[00:34] <ubitux> just remove it.
[00:35] <ubitux> i doubt it ever worked
[00:35] <otters> it definitely worked for me in the past
[00:35] <ubitux> it was wrong then
[00:35] <ubitux> maybe tolerated for some random parsin reason
[00:36] <otters> ok well that works, tyvm
[00:36] <ubitux> yw
[00:51] <pudgypaw> ubitux, Back when I did alot of blender I did compile from source thanks to fakeoutdoorsman, and used FFMPEG/FFPLAY at the command line too. Having Blender suddenly referencing avconv threw me off, lol. I'm just dismayed that, even if I do compile from source, the entire OS is still stapled to what I consider a less stable FLOSS project
[00:52] <pudgypaw> I guess I'll see what I can do and report back later =/
[00:53] <ubitux> all you can do is complain to the packager
[00:53] <ubitux> note that we tried to do it for years now
[00:53] <ubitux> but unfortunately we are the evil developers
[00:53] <ubitux> as a user, you have more power
[00:53] <ubitux> (for that kind of stuff)
[01:02] <pudgypaw> ubitux, from my research the package maintainer is actively involved in avconv, closing objectivity imho. Thanks for confirming the scope of what I'm setting out to do.
[01:50] <gp> Is -movflags faststart equivalent to using qt-faststart?  The docs are vague with "will not work in various situations".  If I am encoding files for progressive download via the html video element or flash playback will I encounter these various situations?
[02:07] <MrKim> .
[02:12] <MrKim> Hi . I wanna convert sample fmt with libswresample , I decoded audio stream, and i gave the output buffer to the SWR. but it print error msg like "Input channel count and layout are unset"
[02:14] <MrKim> but I set it with av_opt_set_int(swr_ctx, "in_channel_layout",  pAudioCodecCtx->channel_layout,0)
[02:14] <MrKim> what's wrong ..
[02:39] <quidnunc> Is there any public documentation of the mp4 container?
[03:14] <iive> quidnunc: it is public standard. look for iso/iec 14496-12 (part 12 is the container, aka .mp4)
[03:15] <iive> hum... scratch that. it is replaced by part 14...
[03:15] <iive> so 14496-14
[05:13] <rcombs> https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/1582#comment:8 <-- so, banding issues
[06:28] <monokrome> Hey. Is ffmpeg smart enough that if I were to ask it to transcode stdin to the same format that it's already in, it wont actually change the file contents?
[06:29] <monokrome> (I mean, the same audio data that went in will come out)
[06:57] <defaultro> hey folks, need some help. This param is giving me a very low quality jpeg. ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -r 30000/1001 -s hd720 -f image2 image-%3d.jpeg
[06:57] <defaultro> resulting jpg file is only 42k
[07:00] <defaultro> i got it, -qscale 0
[07:14] <defaultro> what param for extracting audio and keeping the audio quality?
[07:15] <defaultro> is -ab 320k good?
[07:16] <dv--> -acodec copy?
[07:16] <defaultro> cool
[07:18] <defaultro> this is failing, ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vn -ac 2 -ar 44100 -acodec copy -f mp3 audio.mp3
[07:20] <defaultro> i changed it to aac and m4a, it worked
[07:20] <dv--> that will transcode the audio, rather than copy it
[07:23] <defaultro> k
[07:23] <defaultro> ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vn -acodec copy audio.aac
[07:24] <defaultro> it worked. However, it was mono
[07:24] <defaultro> how can I make it 2 channel?
[07:25] <matt_keys> I'm getting this error message but I don't know what it means : Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?)
[07:25] <dv--> huh, it shouldn't be mono if the original is stereo
[07:25] <defaultro> my original is mono
[07:26] <spaam> -ac 2 ?
[07:26] <spaam> for two channels
[07:26] <matt_keys> I'm trying to "ffmpeg -i $cam1 -i $cam2 -i $cam3 -i $cam4 -i $cam5 -vcodec copy -f rtsp -muxdelay 0.1 rtsp://localhost:5454/live/cammux.sdp"
[07:27] <defaultro> spaam, original source is mono
[07:29] <matt_keys> cam1='rtsp://user:pass@'
[07:30] <defaultro> which is better to use -ar 44100 or -ar 48000
[07:32] <defaultro> this worked,  ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec libfaac -ab 320k -ar 48000 -ac 2 -map_channel 0.1.0 -map_channel 0.1.0 output.mp4
[07:33] <defaultro> the command worked but produced invalid file, lol
[07:37] <matt_keys> that error message was with it set to debug by the way :)
[07:40] <defaultro> you are correct spaam, I got it working :)
[07:41] <defaultro> the command that worked => ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -map 0:1 -vn -acodec libfaac -ab 320k -ar 48000 -ac 2 output.aac
[07:41] <defaultro> :)
[08:38] <vijaym123> Hello, I am getting the following error "/root/Desktop/bin/gcc is unable to create an executable file. c compiler test failed" ..when I tried to compile the ffmpeg with --cc options
[08:38] <vijaym123> how do i resovle this?
[08:38] <vijaym123> Thanks in advance for any help.
[08:45] <vijaym123> defaultro: can you help me? :
[09:02] <vijaym123> bahar: benpro cbreak cbdev Chikuzen
[09:02] <vijaym123> fasta: fatpony
[09:03] <cbreak-work> what's up moron?
[09:03] <vijaym123> Hello, I am getting the following error "/root/Desktop/bin/gcc is unable to create an executable file. c compiler test failed" ..when I tried to compile the ffmpeg with --cc options
[09:03] <vijaym123> how do i resovle this?
[09:04] <cbreak-work> by stop being a moron
[09:04] <cbreak-work> duh
[09:04] <vijaym123> Okay...sorry!
[09:06] <vijaym123> ubitux: I have a little problem compiling ffmpeg with cc option..can you help me?
[09:07] <vijaym123> kick cbreak-work
[09:08] <cbreak-work> you've still not learned? Honestly, stop being dumb. It'll help you in the future.
[09:08] <cbreak-work> spamming isn't going to make people want to help you.
[09:08] <vijaym123> please help me with that issue
[09:09] <cbreak-work> neither is begging people to kick others that expose you for what you are.
[09:18] <MrKim> Hi . I wanna convert sample fmt with libswresample , I decoded audio stream, and i gave the output buffer to the SWR. but it print error msg like "Input channel count and layout are unset"
[09:18] <MrKim> Hi . I wanna convert sample fmt with libswresample , I decoded audio stream, and i gave the output buffer to the SWR. but it print error msg like "Input channel count and layout are unset".
[09:18] <MrKim> but I set it with av_opt_set_int(swr_ctx, "in_channel_layout",  pAudioCodecCtx->channel_layout,0)
[09:23] <MrKim> when s16 -> s16 convert for test.  it shows that error message .
[09:23] <MrKim> and try fltp->s16 , it crash.
[09:24] <MrKim> I think swr_ctx is not inited ..what is my fault..
[09:57] <Cherry_G> Excuse me, I have a question about ffmpeg fate test, I've now created an SSH key pair, how can I send the public key to the FATE server?
[10:24] <xintron> I've been looking at ffserver to just use as a simple relay server for a stream but I can't find any solution to just pipe the raw input out over HTTP with ffserver. Is there any other good software for my situation?
[10:36] <MrKim> Hi . I wanna convert sample fmt with libswresample , I decoded audio stream, and i gave the output buffer to the SWR. but it print error msg like "Input channel count and layout are unset".
[10:36] <MrKim> but I set it with av_opt_set_int(swr_ctx, "in_channel_layout",  pAudioCodecCtx->channel_layout,0)
[10:38] <MrKim> My problem is I don't know what i don't know... i know..
[11:18] <MrKim> somebody tell me why nobody tell me anything to me
[11:26] <ubitux> you can guess a channel layout based on the number of channels
[11:26] <ubitux> i think swr does that automatically though
[11:26] <ubitux> did you set both input and output channel layouts?
[11:26] <MrKim> yes i did
[11:26] <ubitux> can i see the code?
[11:27] <MrKim> src_ch_layout=(int64_t)pAudioCodecCtx->channel_layout;
[11:27] <ubitux> Cherry_G: please ask on #ffmpeg-devel :)
[11:27] <MrKim> dst_ch_layout = AV_CH_LAYOUT_STEREO
[11:27] <ubitux> no i mean, please use pastebin and show me the code
[11:28] <MrKim> ok i try
[11:28] <Cherry_G> ok Thanks :)
[11:33] <MrKim> http://pastebin.com/7xGxtZS2
[11:36] <MrKim> it fails line:61  swr_init()  .
[11:37] <ubitux> you need to check if the channel layout you get is valid
[11:38] <MrKim> when i printed it , output is "3"
[11:38] <ubitux> MrKim: what swr version are you using btw?
[11:39] <MrKim> wait i'll check it
[11:41] <MrKim> swresample_version() returns 4454
[11:41] <ubitux> just run "ffmpeg"
[11:41] <ubitux>   libswresample   0. 17.102 /  0. 17.102
[11:41] <ubitux> you should see something like this
[11:42] <MrKim> ok wait
[11:42] <MrKim> actually i use only libraries
[11:42] <ubitux> ok no worry
[11:42] <ubitux> try to set the channel count
[11:42] <ubitux> when you have no channel layout
[11:43] <MrKim> umm..
[11:44] <MrKim> like..
[11:44] <ubitux> if (!src_ch_layout) av_opt_set_int(swr_ctx, "ich", pAudioCodecCtx->channels, 0);
[11:44] <MrKim> av_opt_set_int(swr_ctx, "in_channel_count",   src_nb_channels, 0); ?
[11:44] <ubitux> and same for output
[11:44] <Guest75813> bro
[11:45] <MrKim> ok thanks i'll check it
[11:45] <Guest75813> Can someone tell me how to compile FFMPEG for ARM-v7 ?
[11:45] <Guest75813> Is it possible?
[11:47] <Guest75813> MrKim:
[11:48] <MrKim> sorry i can't help you
[11:48] <Guest75813> cbreak-work:
[11:49] <Guest75813> chiral:
[11:49] <Guest75813> cbreak:
[11:49] <Guest75813> c10ud:
[11:49] <cbreak-work> what's up idiot?
[11:49] <cbreak-work> practicing as spammer?
[11:49] <Guest75813> [15:15] <Guest75813> Can someone tell me how to compile FFMPEG for ARM-v7 ?
[11:49] <cbreak-work> seems like you are practicing as spammer
[11:49] <cbreak-work> do that somewhere else
[11:50] <relaxed> Guest75813: look here and stop highlighting random people. http://fate.ffmpeg.org/
[11:50] <Guest75813> F*** YOU
[11:51] <cbreak-work> F?
[11:51] <relaxed> click on the far right link for your arch
[11:51] <cbreak-work> FFMPEG YOU?
[11:51] <cbreak-work> what the hell is that supposed to mean?
[11:51] <ubitux> may the FORCE be with YOU
[11:51] <brontosaurusrex> relaxed, do you know if it is possible to make static compile with x11grab?
[11:52] <relaxed> I don't think it's possible
[11:52] <brontosaurusrex> ok, thanks
[11:54] <MrKim> ubitux: i got a crash.
[11:54] <MrKim> addr src buffer: 0x13813e0
[11:54] <MrKim> addr dst buffer: 0x1381340
[11:54] <MrKim> it means..
[11:56] <ubitux> MrKim: compare your code with the doxy example
[11:56] <ubitux> also you can look at libswresample/swresample-test.c
[11:56] <durandal_1707> ubitux: give me force!
[11:56] <ubitux> MrKim: oh and check doc/examples/resampling_audio.c
[11:57] <ubitux> hey durandal_1707 :)
[11:57] <MrKim> ok I'll check
[11:57] <MrKim> hi durandal
[11:59] <MrKim> A few days ago, i asked same thing here and sir durandal answered me .
[12:00] <MrKim> I was thrilled. and i tried ask more precisely
[12:01] <MrKim> and..the web irc client ....was stopped..
[12:01] <durandal_1707> usually people answer when they have free time
[12:02] <MrKim> I think so..
[12:03] <MrKim> so i'm using mIRC now.. web IRC client sux..
[12:13] <x_> ffmpeg -f jack -i ffmpeg -f x11grab -r 24 -s 1280x720 -i :0.0 -c:v libx264 -y test.avi When doing this I get Audio packet xrun, what is going wrong?
[12:14] <x_> Does it have to do with ffmpeg and cpu usage?
[12:14] <durandal_1707> it happens with any encoder?
[12:16] <x_> Trying another one.
[12:25] <x_> Yes.
[12:25] <durandal_1707> what encoder you tried?
[12:38] <x_> Tried mpeg4, strangely the video is locked at 4 fps when I use mpeg4...
[12:38] <x_> wtf
[12:39] <x_> if I remove -f jack -i ffmpeg then the fps is no longer limited.
[12:40] <x_> why would the encoder matter?
[12:42] <x_> if I use pulse I don't get the xrun but the audio cuts out which is the same?
[12:46] <dv--> linux audio is braindead
[13:14] <x_> There is no work around for this until someone fixes Linux Audio? :P
[13:21] <x_> But why does an Xrun totally bork the sync of audio and video?
[13:26] <x_> http://pastebin.com/JY5y1X6s
[13:26] <Sashmo> Hey guys, does anyone know if there is a way to use a external sync to fix PTS problems when transcoding?
[13:39] <xk0bi> hi need help when using Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder i can stream in h264 but when i am using ffmpeg i get black screen
[13:41] <xk0bi> ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="Microsoft LifeCam Cinema" -c:v libx264 -r 29.97 -b 800k -s 640x480  -f flv rtmp:///live/f
[13:41] <xk0bi> any halp wil be great
[13:43] <dmi> hey all
[13:44] <dmi> I've got a video that I think has the blue and red channels swapped
[13:44] <dmi> I tried using the lutrgb filter, but that fairly obviously didn't work
[13:44] <dmi> what's the best way to rebuild the video properly?
[13:45] <dmi> I'd love to essentially do: ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vf "lutrgb=r=b:b=r"
[13:55] <x_> back
[13:57] <durandal_1707> x_: make sure your machine is really fast to real-time encode audio & video stream
[13:57] <dmi> aha, looks like I want the colorchannelmixer filter from trunk
[13:58] <dmi> which appeared in the last week or so
[13:58] <durandal_1707> dmi: its rgb input or yuv?
[13:59] <dmi> durandal_1707: yuv420p
[13:59] <dmi> might there be an easier way then?
[14:00] <durandal_1707> swapuv ?
[14:01] <dmi> durandal_1707: ah, perfect!
[14:01] <dmi> thanks :)
[14:03] <dmi> I didn't know enough about yuv to know that was what I needed
[14:04] <dmi> thanks a lot, durandal_1707 -- you've made my day :)
[14:08] <xk0bi> i wqant to stream with ffmpeg in h264 flv can someone know how?
[14:28] <xk0bi> my Q is if i am using -vcodec h264 is it ok to send it as flv?
[14:33] <durandal_1707> xk0bi: flv supports h264 codec
[14:34] <xk0bi> but i see black screen
[14:35] <xk0bi> ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="Microsoft LifeCam Cinema" -r 20 -b 500k -f flv rtmp:
[14:35] <xk0bi> this works great
[14:36] <xk0bi> but if i had -vcodec h264 i got black screen
[14:39] <xk0bi> its just that i want to stream in h264 and its not worknig to me
[14:41] <durandal_1707> xk0bi: add -pix_fmt yuv420p
[14:41] <xk0bi> ok cool i will try
[14:42] <durandal_1707> your decoder have  limited support for h264
[14:42] <xk0bi> that meen that?
[14:44] <durandal_1707> like its only support baseline profile
[14:44] <xk0bi> ok cool i will try it thx
[14:45] <Sashmo> Hey guys, does anyone know if there is a way to use a external sync to fix PTS problems when transcoding?
[14:55] <xk0bi> thx durandal_1707 working great
[14:57] <durandal_1707> xk0bi: this is most frequently asked question, and it also on FAQ
[15:02] <xk0bi> ok cool
[15:02] <xk0bi> i will read the faq now
[15:15] <burek> does any of you know of an open source software for counting people using computer vision and a web camera?
[15:16] <cbsrobot> burek: use opencv ....
[15:17] <burek> im reading about it
[15:17] <burek> it woudl be cool if it could be somehow merged with ffmpeg as a filter or something ^^
[15:17] <burek> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7N1MCBRdl0
[15:17] <burek> i know i sound funny, but still :)
[15:18] <MozartsGhost> lol, why do you want to count people ? .. are you working for the NSA burek ?
[15:21] <burek> no, i was writing an article of all the possible uses of web cameras and video processing tools, like ffmpeg (and opencv)
[15:21] <burek> and it seemed like a cool feature :)
[15:24] <gmag_> Hello. I wonder if there is a way of decoding a container to YUV file. Maybe a reference to some guide or command?
[15:46] <burek> gmag_, did you try something like: ffmpeg -i inputfile.mp4 -c:v huffyuv outputfile.raw
[15:47] <burek> or use "ffmpeg -codecs | grep yuv" for more exotic yuv variants
[15:54] <gmag_> burek, thanks, I am gonna try that
[15:57] <abhilashtt01> I was trying to install ffmpeg 0.10 using atrpms-repo
[15:58] <abhilashtt01> previously it was running 0.6.5
[15:58] <abhilashtt01> After installation , I am getting /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg-bin: relocation error: /usr/lib64/libavformat.so.52: symbol ff_raw_pix_fmt_tags, version LIBAVCODEC_52 not defined in file libavcodec.so.52 with link time reference
[15:58] <abhilashtt01> Any idea how to fix this?
[15:59] <Mavrik> that looks like a version mismatch
[15:59] <Mavrik> the libavformat.so is probably provided by a different package
[16:00] <abhilashtt01> # rpm -qa | grep -i libavformat
[16:00] <abhilashtt01> libavformat52-0.7.11-52.el5
[16:00] <abhilashtt01> libavformat53-0.10.2-54.el5
[16:00] <burek> abhilashtt01, you probably forgot to refresh your ld with ldconfig
[16:00] <abhilashtt01> i already done ldconfig
[16:00] <abhilashtt01> still having the same issue
[16:01] <gmag_> burek, I am getting an "Unrecognized option 'c:v'"
[16:01] <gmag_> any idea
[16:02] <Mavrik> gmag_, youre using old ffmpeg
[16:02] <burek> abhilashtt01: http://brettwalenz.org/2011/08/17/ffmpeg-shared-libraries-relocation-errors-etc/
[16:02] <gmag_> Mavrik, I see
[16:02] <gmag_> gonna upgrade then
[16:02] <burek> gmag_, replace c:v with vcodec
[16:02] <gmag_> hmm ok
[16:03] <gmag_> burek, yup, it works :)
[16:03] <gmag_> thanks mate
[16:03] <burek> :beer: thank Mavrik too :)
[16:03] <gmag_> thanks mates :)
[16:04] <gmag_> btw
[16:04] <gmag_> I also tried ffmpeg -i cont.mp4 out.yuv
[16:04] <gmag_> does this make any sense?
[16:04] <gmag_> it actually creates something, I havent checked yet if it is a yuv...
[16:06] <abhilashtt01> it didnt fixed :(
[16:06] <vjiaym123> configure: error: i686-pc-linux-gnu/libgomp
[16:07] <vjiaym123> I am getting this error
[16:07] <burek> gmag_, you're better off specifying the vcodec directly
[16:07] <burek> abhilashtt01, i pointed you to the direction where to look for issues
[16:07] <burek> that thing is not so general that i could narrow it down exactly where your problem is
[16:08] <burek> you need to figure out what is being linked against what and what's causing your issues
[16:08] <burek> btw, did you compile your ffmpeg or what?
[16:08] <abhilashtt01> ok
[16:08] <abhilashtt01> I was trying to install using yum
[16:14] <burek> probably you have somehow installed two versions of ffmpeg (probably a fork libav and ffmpeg) or something similar, which caused that confusion..
[16:15] <burek> if you can, uninstall all ffmpegs that you have (and libav)
[16:15] <burek> and compile your ffmpeg, since it doesnt take that long to do it anyway and its not complicated
[16:16] <abhilashtt01> I want to intsall the latest version of ffmpeg
[16:16] <abhilashtt01> 0.10
[16:16] <abhilashtt01> do you have any download links /
[16:18] <burek> 0.10 is old
[16:30] <abhilashtt01> Ok, I want to run hwdmediashare in this server and it needs 0.7.1+
[16:33] <vijaym123> Hello, when I tried to build the ffmpeg as show here http://pastebin.com/gMnrfM3C
[16:34] <vijaym123> I got a error and I pasted it in the same paste bin..please help :)
[16:35] <Mavrik> vijaym123, hmm, that looks like a compatibility problem
[16:35] <Mavrik> which device are you targeting?
[16:35] <vijaym123> I am building it for cpu=arm7 and arch=arm
[16:35] <Mavrik> hmm, it compiles perfectly for me on --cpu=armv7-a
[16:36] <vijaym123> Oh thanks will try that !
[16:36] <Mavrik> for android that is
[16:36] <Mavrik> so --arch=arm --cpu=armv7-a
[16:36] <vijaym123> I want to build it for armv7
[16:38] <vijaym123> What should I do if I need to build it for armv7?
[16:39] <vijaym123> make
[16:40] <b_jonas> man, this was fast, thank you (I reported a bug and a developer has fixed it within an hour)
[16:40] <burek> abhilashtt01, then git clone ffmpeg version 0.7.1 and compile it
[16:40] <abhilashtt01> ok
[16:40] <abhilashtt01> what is the latest version of ffmpeg
[16:40] <burek> b_jonas, btw, one of the letters in 'ffmpeg' stands for 'fast' :)
[16:41] <b_jonas> really?
[16:41] <b_jonas> I mean, I know it runs fast
[16:41] <b_jonas> that's why I'm using it
[16:41] <b_jonas> but I didn't know development was also fast
[16:41] <burek> :)
[16:42] <vijaym123> Can anyone help me with compiling ffmpeg source with armv7 and linux? thanks in advance. I tried with the following configure statement http://pastebin.com/gMnrfM3C, but in vain
[16:42] <burek> vijaym123, did you check our wiki
[16:42] <burek> there is a tutorial for raspberry pi, which might give you some clues
[16:43] <vijaym123> yeah...even googled it but couldn't find any source. :)
[16:43] <b_jonas> maybe that's why there are two f-s in the name
[16:43] <abhilashtt01> when I tried to compile , I am getting this error
[16:43] <abhilashtt01> yasm not found, use --disable-yasm for a crippled build
[16:43] <abhilashtt01> If you think configure made a mistake, make sure you are using the latest
[16:43] <abhilashtt01> version from Git.  If the latest version fails, report the problem to the
[16:43] <abhilashtt01> ffmpeg-user at ffmpeg.org mailing list or IRC #ffmpeg on irc.freenode.net.
[16:43] <abhilashtt01> Include the log file "config.log" produced by configure as this will help
[16:43] <abhilashtt01> solving the problem.
[16:44] <b_jonas> abhilashtt01: well install yasm
[16:45] <vijaym123> But rassberry pi is not arm v7 architecture
[16:46] <b_jonas> abhilashtt01: see http://yasm.tortall.net/
[16:46] <abhilashtt01> got it.. Now getting this error ERROR: libfaac not found
[16:51] <abhilashtt01> gsm is already installed, but duing compile  getting error ERROR: libgsm not found
[16:56] <burek> abhilashtt01, for all errors like: ERROR: <insert_library_here> not found
[16:56] <burek> google for the library and see how to install it on your arm device
[16:56] <burek> and then repeat configure for ffmpeg
[16:57] <burek> btw, there is an internal aac decoder/encoder which you can use also, if you can't install libfaac for any reason
[17:00] <MozartsGhost> hi guys .. if I transcode an input stream with ffmpeg and output it to flv with rtmp my audio works, but if I transcode a stream, and then pipe the output to a second ffmpeg with -c copy and output to rtmp, it gives me an error saying malformed bitstream detected, and that I should use -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc, .. and if I do that, then the stream works but audio disapears from the stream
[17:01] <abhilashtt01> ok
[17:01] <MozartsGhost> anyone have an idea why that could be ?
[17:03] <MozartsGhost> nevermind, got it working.
[18:51] <xlinkz0> how do i find out if a video has constant or variable bitrate?
[18:51] <xlinkz0> and will seek by bytes be accurate on variable bit rate?
[19:09] <Mavrik> xlinkz0, there's really no such thing as CBR video for most formats
[19:09] <Mavrik> and no, seek by bytes won't be accurate
[19:09] <xlinkz0> thanks
[19:24] <xlinkz0> what does isnan() do?
[19:25] <teratorn> xlinkz0: presumably checks for NaN (not-a-number), a special floating-point value.
[20:18] <xlinkz0> http://codepad.org/3Hyvd8Ly
[20:19] <xlinkz0> this supposedly takes 0 miliseconds and succedes
[20:20] <xlinkz0> on a raw video file of 2 hours, i doubt that's the case :\
[20:22] <xlinkz0> this is more illustrative http://codepad.org/rNxlmrIp
[20:25] <xlinkz0> however if i don't substract 100k from pos i get Operation not permitted and it takes 12 seconds
[20:36] <blez> hello
[20:36] <blez> I'm trying to convert a file to flac -ac 1 -ab 8000
[20:36] <blez> but it seems it's skipping the flags
[20:37] <LithosLaptop> you can't set bitrate on flac...
[20:37] <blez> why
[20:37] <LithosLaptop> it's lossless :)
[20:37] <blez> er.
[20:37] <blez> how does vlc does it then?
[20:37] <blez> it does set a bitrate
[20:37] <LithosLaptop> it will take as much as it needs to be lossless
[20:38] <blez> I should record to wav and then flac?
[20:38] <LithosLaptop> no you can directly record to flac I think
[20:39] <LithosLaptop> VLC can set bitrate for FLAC?
[20:39] <LithosLaptop> if you want to set a bitrate then select a lossy codec
[20:39] <relaxed_> levels of compression
[20:41] <relaxed_> blez: ffmpeg -h encoder=flac
[20:41] <LithosLaptop> yes, levels of compression makes sense for flac
[20:42] <blez> no no, I need it for a web api that needs flac with bitrate 8000, whatever that means
[20:42] <blez> else it refuses it
[20:42] <LithosLaptop> maybe it needs a sample rate of 8000Hz?
[20:43] <blez> maybe
[20:43] <blez> how to set that ?
[20:43] <LithosLaptop> think -ar
[20:43] <LithosLaptop> lemme check
[20:45] <LithosLaptop> -ar 8000
[20:45] <blez> thanks
[20:45] <blez> that was it
[20:45] <LithosLaptop> no prob :)
[20:57] <x_> http://pastebin.com/cgcye2Nr Audio will not be synced with video depending.
[20:57] <x_> Something I can do?
[21:08] <Sashmo_> anyone know if there is a way to use external sync when transcoding to avoid PTS errors?
[22:04] <midiane> hello all.
[22:05] <midiane> I've built ffmpeg from source (latest version). when i run -version it still says 0.5.1 even though I've downloaded and built the latest version. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
[22:06] <midiane> http://pastebin.com/abxCEMa4
[22:07] <sacarasc> Did you have one in /usr/bin and one in /usr/local/bin?
[22:09] <midiane> let me check. i was running it from a separate directory but i guess it goes to /usr/bin first...
[22:12] <midiane> weird. there's nothing in /usr/bin but the latest version is in /usr/local/bin.
[22:12] <midiane> the one being picked up is from macports. ill uninstall from there.
[22:12] <midiane> do i then just copy the one in /usr/local/bin to /usr/bin
[22:12] <midiane> ?
[22:13] <durandal_1707> you did not installed it?
[22:13] <midiane> the 0.5.1 version was installed by macports. uninstalling it now.
[22:20] <midiane> sorry, battery died. after uninstalling 0.5.1 version via macports, i get this error. macbookpro:tools midiane$ ffmpeg -version
[22:20] <midiane> -bash: /opt/local/bin/ffmpeg: No such file or directory
[22:22] <ackjewt> midiane: stop using macports and start using homebrew....
[22:23] <midiane> ackjewt: i just uninstalled the macports version. I'm not sure how to change the path now to point to homebrew...
[22:24] <midiane> this is weird& http://pastebin.com/Ljv7HNQZ
[22:25] <ackjewt> ln -s /opt/local/bin/ffmpeg /usr/bin/ffmpeg
[22:25] <ackjewt> or something.. .)
[22:25] <midiane> oh.. ok.
[22:29] <midiane> didn't work. looks like i have to start from scratch.
[22:29] <ackjewt> or just use /usr/bin/ffmpeg
[22:32] <midiane> ok.
[22:38] <cbsrobot> midiane: http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/MacOSXCompilationGuide
[22:38] <cbsrobot> it's copy pastable !
[22:39] <midiane> oh. thanks. :) i thot homebrew meant compile from source. lol got the command working now...
[22:39] <midiane> thanks to all for your help.
[22:46] <midiane> the command line is powwa.
[22:54] Action: midiane leave
[00:00] --- Wed Apr 24 2013

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