[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20130805

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 6 02:05:01 CEST 2013

[00:02] <Eduard_Munteanu> Any idea why 'file' says I got an MPEG ADTS file on an mp3?
[01:48] <mkvsynth> What is the difference between rgb48le and rgb48be, or is this the wrong place?
[01:58] <GoaLitiuM> endianness?
[02:06] <mkvsynth> so then which one would be an array of shorts?
[02:07] <Plorkyeran> both
[09:29] <viric> Hello all...
[09:29] <viric> I've a video at 720x576i
[09:29] <viric> yuv420p, 720x576 [SAR 16:11 DAR 20:11], 25 fps, 50 tbr, 90k tbn, 50 tbc
[09:30] <viric> This 720x576i is at 16:9 (non-squared pixels). How can I make it *progressive*, at something like width=640, and squared pixels?
[10:25] <zidanne> for the command line: "ffmpeg -i mmsh:// abc.wav" does your version of ffmpeg freezes too and not even process [q] keyboard press to stop?
[11:11] <wcpan> hi, could rtp dynamic handlers handle pcmu?
[15:54] <Enverex> viric: Looks like there's an error in the video around that point. Handbrake converts fine and it plays fine in MPlayer and VLC, but FFMpeg just freaks out
[15:55] <viric> no idea
[16:14] <Enverex> viric: Thanks anyway
[18:57] <phr3ak> how could I list the supported output formats?
[19:01] <viric> ffmpeg -formats
[19:07] <phr3ak> it doesn't list wmav but it is supported
[19:16] <mark4o> phr3ak: that is a codec not an output format
[19:16] <mark4o> ffmpeg -codecs
[19:18] <PatNarciso> happy monday everyone.
[19:37] <Datalink-M> Ok, let's try this again... I am attempting to get detailed help using ffmpeg to screencast, the capturing of video is working, the transmission of it is not, I am using: -f flv "rtmp://user:pass@host/EntryPoint/ conn=streamname live=1" the error I get is Operation Not Permitted on the stream URL, I have looked at the manual, spent days trying to find additional info and am asking because I have run out of ideas despite my extensive search
[19:40] <Datalink-M> For the stream info I was given, I have a URL of rtmp://host/EntryPoint, stream name, user, password for 2 entry points (for redundancy)
[19:42] <Datalink-M> I have also tried appending streenname to the end of the URL, with url encoding the @, this also fails
[19:50] <mark4o> viric: sth like ffmpeg -i IN -vf yadif,scale=720:360,setsar=1 OUT
[19:51] <mark4o> er 640:360
[19:51] <mark4o> if it was really 16x9 to start with
[19:54] <phr3ak> mark4o: thanks
[20:04] <Datalink-M> Stupid disconnect button
[20:06] <Datalink-M> Ok, asking again, rtmp, info I have causes an error, I think it's something to do with stream name, setup works in Tricaster andd Liveshell but not for rtmp from ffmpeg
[20:06] <Datalink-M> How would I tell avconv the stream name?
[20:09] <phr3ak> Anyone could tell me please better way to split mp3 file to chunks? http://dtbaker.net/random-linux-posts/split-mp3-file-with-ffmpeg/
[20:21] <viric> mark4o: it's really 16:9, taken by a jvc digital camera
[20:21] <viric> setsar=1... I'll look for it
[20:22] <viric> When playing,mplayer says: VO: [xv] 720x576 => 1047x576 Planar YV12
[20:22] <viric> ah, sorry, it's not 16:9 it seems.
[20:40] <Datalink-M> Has anyone here streamed with ffmpeg to ustream or livestream?
[20:47] <mark4o> phr3ak: you can use segment muxer
[20:48] <mark4o> phr3ak: e.g. ffmpeg -i in.mp3 -f segment -segment_time 30 -map 0 -codec copy chunk%03d.mp3
[21:09] <rypervenche> Is -crf still used or should I start using -qscale now for my videos?
[21:09] <rypervenche> I'm on ffmpeg version 1.0.7 by the way
[21:10] <mark4o> rypervenche: for H.264?  use -crf
[21:12] <rypervenche> Yes, ok thanks.
[21:12] <mark4o> http://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/x264EncodingGuide
[21:14] <rypervenche> ooOOoo. Thank you very much.
[21:14] <rypervenche> Oh this is perfect. I've been needing something like this.
[21:48] <phr3ak> mark4o: thank you!
[21:50] <mark4o> np
[22:06] <sam-lap> hi guys
[22:06] <sam-lap> when i try to run this cmd
[22:06] <sam-lap> ffmpeg.exe -ss 00:12:15 -i file.mp4 snapshot.png
[22:06] <sam-lap> i get this error
[22:06] <sam-lap> [image2 @ 025d9900] Could not get frame filename number 2 from pattern 'snapshot.png' (either set updatefirst or use a pattern like %03d within the filename pattern) av_interleaved_write_frame(): Invalid argument
[22:06] <sam-lap> although i get the snapshot.png
[22:07] <llogan> add "-vframes 1"
[22:07] <llogan> as an output option
[22:08] <beastd> sam-lap: if there is more then 1 video frame inside of the input ffmpeg does not know what to do with the remaining. so it tries to tell you that you maybe did something you were not fully aware of. and of course listen to llogan's advice :)
[22:09] <llogan> no, listen to beastd
[22:12] <sam-lap> eheh
[22:12] <sam-lap> thanks
[22:22] <rypervenche> With libxvid will I want to use -qscale or does it have -crf as well?
[22:22] <llogan> that encoder does not support -crf, so you can use -qscale:v
[22:24] <rypervenche> ok, great. And as far as finding more information on that, is there a place that I can find out about all of the available options for libxvid? Such as a man page or something?
[22:24] <llogan> range should be linear scale of 1-31, 2-5 is a sane range to try
[22:24] <llogan> ffmpeg -h encoder=libxvid
[22:25] <llogan> i personally have used the native "mpeg4" encoder instead of libxvid the 8 times i've needed that format
[22:26] <rypervenche> Hmmm, that didn't give much information: http://bpaste.net/show/120255/
[22:27] <llogan> did timothy gu update the libxvid docs recently?
[22:27] <llogan> see http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-codecs.html#libxvid
[22:27] <llogan> note that online docs correspond with current code, so it may not apply to your build
[22:32] <rypervenche> llogan: All right. I guess I'll use the net then. I was hoping to find documentation on my system for the codec like with x264. Thanks very much :)
[22:32] <llogan> rypervenche: there is this: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/How%20to%20encode%20Xvid%20/%20DivX%20video%20with%20ffmpeg
[22:35] <rypervenche> llogan: Thank you. You have been very helpful.
[22:45] <Datalink> okay, I have a rtmp stream set up for TriCaster, which requires a URL, stream name, user and password, how do I make ffmpeg able to write to this same RTMP stream... nothing in the manual or other documentation I've hunted for seems to describe this and I've been trying to get that info here for a couple days now
[22:48] <Datalink> http://illogicallabs.com/paste/00000003.txt
[23:03] <llogan> Datalink: you're not using ffmpeg
[23:05] <Datalink> okay, so it's that fork thing... okay
[23:05] <llogan> maybe they can help you
[23:05] <llogan> or you can use ffmpeg
[23:06] <Datalink> switching to ffmpeg
[23:06] <llogan> the ffmpeg included in your distro (Ubuntu I assume) is also not from FFmpeg
[23:06] <Datalink> rasbian
[23:06] <llogan> still applies
[23:06] <klaxa> rasbian --> debian --> avconv
[23:07] <Datalink> yeah, debian based, ugh, okay, I'll have to build a deb for the Pi in question then
[23:08] <llogan> might be useful: https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/How%20to%20compile%20FFmpeg%20for%20Raspberry%20Pi%20%28Raspbian%29
[23:09] <Datalink> ah, thanks
[23:09] <Datalink> I'm doing this stuff on a test unit, as the Pi itself is supplying video to the local Gov't Channel
[23:10] <Datalink> we bought 2 of them, so the second one ends up being for testing, I'll go through this, thanks
[23:10] <rypervenche> ooooh, avconv is part of libav.. that would explain a lot.
[23:11] <llogan> also http://blog.pkh.me/p/13-the-ffmpeg-libav-situation.html
[23:17] <Datalink> okay that explains issues I was having then
[23:22] <Datalink> source.ffmpeg.org is the current ffmpeg git, right?
[23:34] <Datalink> ah the sweet sweet joy of having a spare Pi to compile this stuff on
[23:36] <Datalink> there's also the fact that the two Pis are running almost identically, so if I can get it running off this Pi, I can just update the slideshow and background then swap the SD cards to make it work across the whole chain
[00:00] --- Tue Aug  6 2013

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