[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20130206

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 02:05:01 CET 2013

[01:04] <pigoz> what's the channel name for mono in -af pan? trying to map mono to stereo
[01:09] <saste> pigoz, does ffmpeg -layouts help?
[01:11] <pigoz> saste: dumb me I mispelled it to --layouts. I got what I needed from the source.
[01:34] <llogan> cheeseboy: why not just use libx264 with ffmpeg
[01:35] <cheeseboy> llogan, too lazy to learn arguments plus x264's progress is prettier
[01:35] <llogan> https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/x264EncodingGuide
[01:37] <cheeseboy> llogan, lazy
[03:30] <FergusL> Are you around llogan?
[03:32] <llogan> FergusL: for a little longer.
[03:32] <FergusL> llogan: you helped me yesterday about compilation
[03:33] <FergusL> I still have issues, unrelated to ffmpeg itself, rather to how I now do it. I didn't "check install" for all the packages
[03:33] <FergusL> could that create problems regarding libraries linking ?
[03:34] <llogan> ffmpeg will tell you if it couldn't find things
[03:37] <FergusL> hm...
[03:38] <FergusL> okay so I _have_ to run checkinstall ?
[03:39] <FergusL> I had hoped I could do what I want without touching a single bit of the current packages etc...
[03:39] <FergusL> as in, I want the ffmpeg version I compiled to be only used by the program I cmpile, all other programs using ffmpeg should find it in the usual place
[03:41] <relaxed> FergusL: I have current static binaries for 64bit linux or you can use a custom prefix and avoid using your package manager.
[03:42] <FergusL> I did that, too, relaxed
[03:42] <relaxed> and? why would you need checkinstall?
[03:43] <FergusL> but the guide I followed ( https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide) asks to runs checkinstall instead of make install
[03:43] <FergusL> btw doesn't "make install" only copy files to the desired location ?
[03:43] <relaxed> yes, to your prefix
[03:44] <FergusL> exactly, ffmpeg is there, now
[03:44] <FergusL> well I'm asking there but my issue now is unrelated to ffmpeg, really
[03:45] <relaxed> I don't agree with these guides instructing people to replace software using their package manager.
[03:46] <FergusL> well that's the suggestion I was about to do !
[03:47] <FergusL> moreover, someone noted the same thing as you yesterday
[03:48] <relaxed> It's trivial to install software using --prefix=/home/blah/ffmpeg-custom, then running "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/blah/ffmpeg-custom/lib /home/blah/ffmpeg-custom/bin/ffmpeg -i ..."
[03:49] <FergusL> wait wait wait
[03:49] <FergusL> oh okay
[03:49] <relaxed> You can have infinite, multiple installs and no conflicts.
[03:49] <FergusL> that's like an export $LD_blabla before
[03:50] <relaxed> yes, but maybe you don't want it exported.
[03:50] <relaxed> anyway, you get the idea.
[03:53] <relaxed> install all recent external libs to --prefix=/home/blah/ffmpeg-custom, the configure ffmpeg with --extra-cflags="-I/home/blah/ffmpeg-custom/include" --extra-ldflags="-L/home/blah/ffmpeg-custom/lib"
[03:53] <relaxed> There- a one minute guide that's not retarded.
[03:54] <relaxed> If yasm is old, install it using the same prefix and then modify your path so the new binary is first. done.
[03:58] <FergusL> relaxed: what do you mean by "then configure" ffmpeg ?
[03:58] <FergusL> configure the compilation flags of what I'm trying to compile ?
[03:59] <FergusL> (yes I'm trying to compile some small program using ffmpeg)
[04:00] <relaxed> Install libx264 from git using --prefix=/home/blah/ffmpeg-custom; then when you go to run ffmpeg's ./configure, add --extra-cflags="-I/home/blah/ffmpeg-custom/include" --extra-ldflags="-L/home/blah/ffmpeg-custom/lib" so that the configure script will find the libs/headers of the recent version you just installed to the custom prefix (and not an old system version)
[04:01] <FergusL> yes, i've done than... I... I think I've done that
[04:01] <FergusL> but I'm pretty sure the issue I have now is not related to that
[04:02] <relaxed> I have zero idea what issue you're having.
[04:03] <FergusL> I know I know, I didn't mention it !
[04:04] <FergusL> the initial question was just to know if the issue I had could be related to previous omissions
[11:17] <LoopHoldYoaBrown> Hello howto make sure libavcodec won't call h264 deocder get_format constantly during HW decoding?
[11:49] <sceriffo> hi , I have to build a function that decode an array of AAC data into PCM data. My input is only this array. I've not the header frame. What kind of informations I need to perform this? (bitrate, etc..). Best regards, sceriffo
[11:54] <sledges> how can I multiple-trim mp4 without intermediate files (and hell of concatenating them)? something like: ffmpeg -ss 00:00:05 -t 00:00:04 -ss 0:00:20 -t 00:00:04 -i in.mp4 acodec copy -vcodec copy -async 1 out.mp4
[11:55] <sledges> (hello all btw ;))
[11:55] <sledges> *-acodec
[12:06] <aleray> hi, I have a set of VOB files and the sound quality is pretty bad and the audio level is low (amateur DV recording of dance performances). Is there any way to improve the sound quality, The files will then be converted to Ogg for being shown on the web.
[12:35] <sceriffo> hi , I have to build a function that decode an array of AAC data into PCM data. My input is only this array. I've not the header frame. What kind of informations I need to perform this? (bitrate, etc..). Best regards, sceriffo
[14:15] <rcombs> 'ehlo, wondered if anyone could help me track down a possibly-ffmpeg-related bug involving green artifacts around subtitles being burned in
[14:17] <rcombs> the issue is present in Plex Media Server, which uses a modified version of ffmpeg (so it might have nothing to do with ffmpeg itself at all)
[14:17] <rcombs> the current version, which has the issue, is based on git-2013-01-22-0c46ebe
[14:19] <rcombs> issue is demonstrated in screenshots shown here: https://plexapp.lighthouseapp.com/projects/14382/tickets/1414-transcoder-baking-subtitles-results-in-artifacts-quality-degradation-and-incorrect-placement
[14:20] <rcombs> once again, not sure if this is an issues with Plex's transcoder modifications, ffmpeg itself, libass, or any number of other things
[14:20] <rcombs> but I figured I'd try here to see if anyone had ever heard of a similar issue
[14:20] <rcombs> also present here: https://twitter.com/11rcombs/status/297898849245216768/photo/1
[14:22] <relaxed> it's called hardsubbing
[14:23] <rcombs> ?
[14:23] <relaxed> overlaying subs into the video stream
[14:23] <rcombs> yes, I'm aware of the term
[14:24] <relaxed> Do you have a command and samples to reproduce the problem?
[14:25] <relaxed> If not, that's where you need to start.
[14:25] <rcombs> sure, sec
[14:25] <rcombs> well, I'll need to cut a sample file
[14:26] <relaxed> I don't want to see the result of the problem, just to be clear.
[14:26] <rcombs> and the commands (from my logfiles) are for the Plex Transcoder, which has a few differences in input syntax from stock ffmpeg
[14:26] <relaxed> ok
[14:27] <relaxed> Provide a link to the sample of the input and pastebin the command used.
[14:27] <rcombs> OK
[14:33] <rcombs> Feb 06, 2013 07:32:54 [0xa85ffb70] DEBUG - Job running: /usr/local/plexmediaserver/Resources/Plex New Transcoder -i -threads 0 -y -f mp4 -loglevel quiet -progressurl -vcodec libx264 -crf 23 -vsi 640x568 -x264opts ref=3:bframes=3:cabac=1:8x8dct=1:weightp=1:b-pyramid=normal:b-adapt=2:direct=spatial:me=hex:subq=
[14:33] <rcombs> 7:analyse=most:trellis=1 -map 0:0 -burnsidx 3 -burnsscale 1 -acodec copy -map 0:1 /mnt/user/Plex-Media/Library//Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/Transcode/Sync/35941/103588/4a58b8b31592a6d99f9c.mp4.temp
[14:33] Action: rcombs cuts a sample
[14:39] <rcombs> will be up on Dropbox momentarily: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/46348978/Baka%20and%20Test%20001%20%281%29.mkv
[14:40] <rcombs> (sample is the series' opener)
[14:40] <rcombs> up
[14:56] <rcombs> relaxed: ping ^ that was for you
[15:14] <relaxed> rcombs: Sorry, ffmpeg doesn't have "-burnsidx 3 -burnsscale 1" so I can't reproduce.
[15:18] <veleno> hello. is it possible with  ffmpeg to receive an UDP stream and, while receiving it, to produce statistics about the quality it ?
[15:21] <rcombs> relaxed: yeah, and I'm not sure what options that might correspond to
[15:22] <rcombs> relaxed: (-vsi corresponds to -s, for instance, but that's no help with -burnsidx)
[16:21] <jeje34> Hi to all ;-)
[16:23] <jeje34> I have a problem with the last FFMPEG (1.1.1). I use the libavcodec to decompress H264 stream
[16:26] <jeje34> But I'd like to have less CPU usage during decompressing my H264 stream. I want to try Multithreading (m_lpCodecCtx->thread_type = FF_THREAD_FRAME | FF_THREAD_SLICE; m_lpCodecCtx->thread_count = 3;)
[16:26] <jeje34> but I have an error The maximum value for lowres supported by the decoder is 0
[16:27] <jeje34> I doesn't reallyunderstand how I can fix my lowres and max_lowres
[16:27] <jeje34> if someone can explain me, thks a lot
[17:01] <veleno> where do i find some doc about the format of the vstats files ?
[18:13] <mm_> Hi there. I'm using ffmpeg as a client for an udp stream ( $ffmpeg -report -vstats -i udp://localhost:60001 output_drops.mpg -loglevel verbose ) and I need to know how can I extract information regarding potential errors from the logs. For instance when packets are dropped I observe errors like "end mismatch left=4677 147B52" and "concealing 520 DC, 520 AC, 520 MV errors in P frame". If you could provide some pointers regarding the semantics of those errors, i
[18:13] <mm_> what they actually mean. The reason for this is that I'm developing a network protocol using ffmpeg as a sink and I need to adjust some parameters according to the video quality at the sink, so I need to quantify that quality, even if in a naive way. Thanks for your time.
[18:23] <jeje34> no one can give me some reason about the lowres message error I have when I want set multithreading to decode h264
[18:23] <jeje34> ?
[18:25] <Compn> anyway to set par/dar in mkv with ffmpeg while -vcodec copy ?
[18:28] <Compn> i see -vf setsar but doesnt look like it works for copy..
[18:29] <Mavrik> videofilters get applied only when actually transcoding the steram
[18:29] <Mavrik> *stream
[18:29] <Mavrik> not while copying
[18:29] <Compn> yeah obviously
[18:29] <Compn> no way to set container aspect ?
[18:29] <Compn> mkvmerge can do this i think...
[18:29] <Mavrik> hmm
[18:29] <Mavrik> I'm quite sure SAR is set inside H.264 stream, not on the container
[18:30] <Compn> pretty sure h264 itself has codec aspect too...
[18:30] <Compn> can ffmpeg modify either of them using -vcodec copy ?
[18:30] <Mavrik> no because ffmpeg doesn't touch the stream when doing "copy"
[18:30] <Compn> so mkvmerge it is , grumble
[23:52] <Pinhole> I'm trying to transcode a ts stream from mpeg4 to mpeg2.  I'm having trouble with mapping.    http://pastebin.com/QkfdB9U4
[00:00] --- Thu Feb  7 2013

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