[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20130222

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 23 02:05:01 CET 2013

[00:17] <tonsofpcs> just ran ffprobe -show_packets on a .ts and it is showing a dts = pts on all packets that don't have a dts.  Why is this?
[00:18] <tonsofpcs> (the .ts is an ATSC transport stream, if it helps)
[02:22] <rcombs> not directly ffmpeg related, but...
[02:22] <rcombs> I've got some files here with the .WAV extension, but which start with 14 28 08 32. Does anyone recognize that header?
[02:37] <jagginess> hi
[02:37] <jagginess> "ERROR: libx264 not found", been trying to get this fixed.. been using flags, no use :(
[02:40] <klaxa> did you try installing x264?
[02:40] <jagginess> yup that's installed.. this is a prefix of ~/local
[02:40] Action: jagginess is following https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide#x264
[02:40] <klaxa> what is your compilation configuration for ffmpeg?
[02:41] <jagginess> latest git,
[02:41] <jagginess> ./configure --enable-gpl --enable-libass --enable-libfaac --enable-libfdk-aac --enable-libmp3lame \
[02:41] <jagginess>   --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb --enable-libspeex --enable-librtmp --enable-libtheora \
[02:41] <jagginess>   --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-x11grab --enable-libx264 --enable-nonfree --enable-version3
[02:41] <jagginess> and --prefix=/home/username/local
[02:41] <jagginess> i also have 3 export variables of flags
[02:41] <klaxa> i take you compiled x264?
[02:42] <klaxa> and have a libx264.a in the x264 directory?
[02:42] <jagginess> ( export CPPFLAGS=-I/home/user/local/include; export CXXFLAGS=-I/home/user/local/include; export LDFLAGS=-L/home/user/local/lib )
[02:43] <klaxa> mhh... did you install the x264 libraries to /home/user/local?
[02:43] <jagginess> ./usr/local/include/x264.h
[02:43] <jagginess> ./usr/local/include/x264_config.h
[02:43] <jagginess> ./usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/x264.pc
[02:43] <jagginess> ./usr/local/lib/libx264.a
[02:43] <jagginess> ./usr/local/bin/x264
[02:43] <jagginess> ./bin/x264
[02:43] <jagginess> (in ~/local)
[02:43] <klaxa> that's.... well it certainly *should* work i think
[02:43] <jagginess> hmm
[02:43] <jagginess> i think i need to use ~/local/usr/local/lib too
[02:49] <jagginess> klaxa, how can i add multiple paths for flags? (export CPPFLAGS='-I/path/abc -I/path/def')
[02:49] <jagginess> :/
[02:49] <klaxa> yes that should work like that
[02:50] <jagginess> i no expert, i usually dont' compile at all..
[02:50] <jagginess> you sure ? :}
[02:50] Action: jagginess replaces comma with space 
[02:50] <klaxa> it works whenever i compile stuff
[02:52] <jagginess> can i use  --extra-cflags twice with ./configure ?
[02:53] <jagginess> hmm
[02:53] <klaxa> i'm not sure, but you should be able to add all the flags with using it only one time
[02:54] <jagginess> klaxa, how would i separate paths, i use a comma?
[02:54] <klaxa> in what context? commas are genereally not used i think
[02:54] <jagginess> --extra-cflags=/path/abc,/path/def ?
[02:55] <klaxa> i doubt that that will do anything even, since it lacks parameters like -L or -I
[03:15] <jagginess> klaxa, mind if i ask you can try it? :} lol
[03:16] <klaxa> mmmh my system is probably quite different from yours and i compile ffmpeg without problems every now and then
[03:16] <relaxed> jagginess: --extra-cflags="-I/path/to/prefix/include" --extra-ldflags="-L/path/to/prefix/lib"
[03:17] <relaxed> if you need multiple, --extra-cflags="-I/path/to/prefix/include -I/some/other/place/include"
[03:17] <jagginess> yeah tried both :/
[03:17] <relaxed> make distclean and try again
[03:18] <jagginess> hmm did that too
[03:18] <jagginess> ./configure passes without x264 enabled.
[03:18] <jagginess> always.
[03:18] <relaxed> pastebin or it didn't happen
[03:19] <jagginess> i'll live without x264 for now.. thanks kla
[03:19] <jagginess> klaxa
[06:04] <magn3ts> Is there ever any hope for libav and ffmpeg remerging?
[06:06] <klaxa> magn3ts: doubtful i think
[06:07] <Guest82135> hi
[06:09] <llogan> magn3ts: it's hard to say, but i'd leave open the possibility at least.
[06:26] <Guest82135>  /msg nickserv ghost code-guru
[06:26] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[06:26] <Guest82135>  /msg nickserv regain code-guru
[06:26] <Guest82135>  /msg nickserv help
[06:27] <Guest82135>  /msg nickserv ghost code-guru
[06:27] <Guest82135>  /msg nickserv identify code-guru 1qaz1qaz
[07:02] <llogan> i hope he changes his password
[07:37] <hendry> hi, I'm looking for test videos that print their elapsed time. Working on a syncronized video player. Any tips?
[08:34] <klaxa> hendry: if you succeed i'd be interested in a synchronized video player (you are talking about synchronized over a network right?)
[08:55] <SpmP> cross purpose... can ffmpeg be used to convert over under to side by side?
[09:02] <relaxed> SpmP: yes
[09:04] <SpmP> relaxed: great.  fair call... <cough> how 8) cheers.
[09:07] <relaxed> SpmP: Use the exapnd filter to create a "canvas" and then the movie/overlay filter to place it.
[09:07] <relaxed> expand*
[09:09] <hendry> klaxa: yes
[09:09] <relaxed> SpmP: sorry, s/expand/pad/
[09:11] <SpmP> yaR your way too ahead of me.. still trying to find expand in your docs 8)...
[09:11] <relaxed> SpmP: I meant the pad filter
[09:12] <SpmP> cool...
[09:15] <relaxed> SpmP: http://pastie.org/6315146
[09:19] <relaxed> That's an old example, you may have to change it a little and use -filter_complex.
[09:23] <SpmP> yarrr... still getting my head around the simple syntax, oh dear, ffmpeg is amazingly complete. I guess this is imagemagik for video 8)... dammit, ille get there
[10:11] <knobo> Hello, I get "moov atom not found" when I play I video I have.
[10:12] <knobo> I read somewhere that AtomicParsley could help me fix the problem. But How do I use it?
[10:12] <knobo> Or is there any other way, using ffmpeg?
[10:12] <Mavrik> um
[10:13] <Mavrik> if you don't have a moov atom in video
[10:13] <Mavrik> your video is badly broken
[10:14] <code-guru> try this. "ffmpeg -i broken.mp4 -acodec copy -vcodec copy -y new.mp4"
[10:15] <klaxa> say code-guru did you change your nickserv password after pasting it in here?
[10:15] <code-guru> no :-o
[10:15] <klaxa> better do that :X
[10:16] <knobo> An instruction video I got from china. Maybe the Great Wall changed it...
[10:16] <code-guru> thanks
[10:16] <JEEB> knobo, basically the moov atom is the "index" of the file
[10:16] <JEEB> with all the offsets and so forth
[10:16] <JEEB> if that is borked
[10:17] <JEEB> you could as well throw the file to the fjords
[10:17] <code-guru> what else I pasted here ? :-D
[10:17] <JEEB> in other words, try to use a way of transfer that tries to keep the data in tact :)
[10:19] <code-guru> that's a funny FAIL !
[10:19] <klaxa> huh? why?
[10:19] <knobo> How do I transfere videos back and forth from China?
[10:19] <code-guru> sending out your password to the channel
[10:19] <knobo> off topic, maybe..
[10:20] <JEEB> no idea, personally I'd use rsync via ssh?
[10:20] <JEEB> that tries to keep the data intact
[10:21] <code-guru> if it's a live stream, you can use ffserver
[10:22] <JEEB> and what would ffserver do with a live stream? It's a streaming component itself.
[10:22] <knobo> But I don't have a server in china.. Well this is off topic. And the sender in china probably don't know how to use ffmpeg, linux, command line or facebook.
[10:23] <klaxa> upload on a filesharing site?
[10:23] <JEEB> or just keep downloading that video until the file size and md5 hash match, if you even have an md5 hash of the file available :D
[10:25] <code-guru> I mean if it's video coming from a closed circuit camera, ffserver can broadcast it to the net based on a protocol like rtp
[10:25] <knobo> That's what they did. http://mail.qq.com/cgi-bin/ftnExs_download?k=7c376165859204c1fbc71f7e1661021c560650065402065118550706014c040750544c5d0254031e015555035651565604010451307530f89be3d5d7feabcdfadde1a2a78caec11d787837650d&t=exs_ftn_download&code=57ae0a03
[10:28] <relaxed> curl has support for resuming a download
[10:39] <SpmP> relaxed: Thanks for the intro
[13:01] <spinx60> Hello im trying to stream live to twitch.tv with ffmpeg but when i try and start my script i get this http://pastebin.com/QgPM9PRE
[13:02] <ubitux> you didn't paste the command you used
[13:02] <ubitux> and since this is a syntax error, the error lies into the command you used
[13:02] <spinx60> anyone who can
[13:02] <spinx60> ohh sorry 1 sec
[13:03] <spinx60> streaming live_XXXXXXXXXXXXXX    where X is my stream key
[13:03] <spinx60> i have the script in my .bashrc file
[13:04] <spinx60> its wierd couse i got my it to start my stream last night using that command.  and i got sound but no video on my stream'
[13:10] <spinx60> Anyone got any idés ?
[13:11] <ubitux> since you still didn't paste the command we can't help you
[13:15] <spinx60> i execute the following command [spinx60 at GreenPeace ~]$ streaming live_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX where XXX is my own stream key
[13:15] <spinx60> streaming live_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx      is the command
[13:17] <spinx60> i put X in becouse i dont want to show my stream key ofc
[13:19] <ubitux> how are we supposed to guess what the "streaming" command is?
[13:21] <spinx60> how you mean.. guess the command.. i pasted my script in my -bashrc file and that is the command kind of couse i start it by streaming live_XXXXXX Key etc ? dont you get it =
[13:21] <spinx60> look at this aswell
[13:22] <ubitux> there is a syntax error in the command defined in your .bashrc or wherever you put it
[13:22] <ubitux> unless you show it we can't guess the problem
[13:22] <spinx60> http://pastebin.com/XrvpMYQL
[13:22] <ubitux> ah, finally.
[13:22] <spinx60> there is it
[13:22] <spinx60> sorry my bad there totally
[13:24] <ubitux> with this exactly, you get the exact error pasted above ?
[13:24] <spinx60> yes
[13:25] <ubitux> sh -x streaming xxxx
[13:25] <spinx60> and the thing is my script looks the same and is the same as i used last night when i got it to stream with sound but whitout video
[13:25] <ubitux> does it show a sane exec?
[13:26] <spinx60> gives me sh: streaming: No such file or directory
[13:26] <ubitux> erm.
[13:26] <ubitux> well
[13:26] <ubitux> try to exec it yourself then
[13:26] <spinx60> its something in my script that makes me able to run the command streaming live_XXX
[13:26] <ubitux> i guess yes.
[13:27] <spinx60> yeah that works.. now  il paste the outcome but now im back to square one where i dont get any picture/capture on my stream its only a black screen with sound
[13:29] <ubitux> then pastebin ffmpeg output again
[13:29] <spinx60> http://pastebin.com/hcAwEj42
[13:30] <spinx60> i need to go now but i will be back later on check that out and send any message and i llook at it later.. thanks for the help so far
[13:31] <shevy> "Encoder (codec id 86017) not found for output stream #0.0"
[13:31] <shevy> anyone has a listing for what is codec ix 86017?
[13:32] <shevy> command was: ffmpeg -i foo.mp3 -ss 00:00:11 -t 00:00:22 test.mp3
[13:33] <sacarasc> shevy: Try adding -c:a copy
[13:53] <jarno> Hi all, what happens when encoding a video and the PTS (presentation time stamp) overflows? PTS is supposed to be monotonically increasing function (i.e. value), but if encoding either with high frame rate or a long video, it might overflow, right?
[15:54] <spinx60> Im back again and still having issues with my Twich.tv streaming. i use the following command http://pastebin.com/pFVJa5TF
[15:55] <spinx60> and the outcome is http://pastebin.com/ee67TY1n
[15:56] <spinx60> im having my stream live with sound but whitout any video/capture at all.
[16:02] <spinx60> Anyone who can shed some light on this ? must be something rather simple.. i mean i cant be the only one having/had this problem
[16:38] <Wihl-w> Hi, I have 20 audio files (audio1.wav etc) and 20 images (image1.png etc) that I'd like to combine so that image1.png is swn for the duration of audio1.wav and so on
[16:39] <Wihl-w> Is that something that would be possible to do with ffmpeg in an automated fashion?
[16:40] <Wihl-w> *shown for the duration
[16:40] <relaxed> spinx60: remove -s "1280x720" and add -filter:v scale=1280:720,format=yuv420p
[16:42] <relaxed> yuv444p was most likely the problem.
[16:55] <spinx60> testing it now
[17:04] <relaxed> Wihl-w: bash for loop; -loop 1 -i blah.png -shortest
[17:09] <addisonj> hey, looking for a bit of help to transcode a video, copy the audio, and write to stdout, here is my command ffmpeg -i video.mpg -c:v libx264 -preset superfast -f:a copy -f:v h264 -
[17:09] <addisonj> problem right now, video is working, but not getting any audio streams
[17:09] <addisonj> doing an ffprobe confirms its being stripped
[17:10] <relaxed> you're using the wrong format
[17:10] <relaxed> and it's '-c:a copy'
[17:10] <addisonj> I had that earlier as welll...
[17:10] <Mavrik> hmm
[17:11] <relaxed> what kind of audio?
[17:11] <Mavrik> any idea how can I clear the "orientation" setting from transform matrix in mp4?
[17:11] <relaxed> what are you piping to?
[17:12] <addisonj> relaxed: writing to stdout, which is picked up by a little node.js script and then send down in response to http request :P
[17:12] <addisonj> the video works just fine (when I buffer in mplayer) but no audio
[17:12] <relaxed> -f flv
[17:14] <masch> hi. I need to change the frame rate of a clip from 29.97 to 23.976 without dropping frame. i tried decoding the clip to rawvideo and pipe that to another ffmpeg process that reencodes the video but it seems to lose the audio by that :-/
[17:14] <masch> can i tell ffmpeg to keep all frames but just change the framerate?
[17:14] <addisonj> flv? isn't that flash video? I am trying to do this with html5 vid player
[17:14] <relaxed> ok, try -f webm
[17:15] <addisonj> I was going to try webm next, is there something wrong about outputting h264? still don't understand why the video would drop out...
[17:16] <relaxed> masch: Yes. Pipe rawvideo back into ffmpeg like ffmpeg ... - 2>/dev/null|ffmpeg -r 23.976 -s WxH ....
[17:16] <relaxed> addisonj: h264 is not a container.
[17:17] <addisonj> ah...
[17:18] <relaxed> masch: oyu'll have to demux the audio and remux them back together.
[17:18] <relaxed> you'll*
[17:18] <addisonj> relaxed: also, going to webm, I am going to have to transcode audio to vorbis right?
[17:18] <masch> relaxed: oh okay, any idea how to change the audio tempo ?
[17:19] <masch> so it fits to the new duration?
[17:19] <relaxed> masch: sox can do it
[17:19] <relaxed> maybe there's a ffmpeg filter for it, I'm not sure
[17:20] <relaxed> addisonj: be sure to use -c:a libvorbis
[17:27] <relaxed> masch: you know, with mplayer you can simply play back at a different framerate.
[17:29] <relaxed> spinx60: \o/
[17:36] <spinx60> relaxed thanks alot
[18:38] <undercash> hello
[18:38] <undercash> is there a way to hardcode the title in the output?
[18:38] <undercash> i watched the filter options but i didnt see anything related
[18:39] <saste> undercash, drawtext?
[18:39] <undercash> https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/master/doc/ffmpeg.texi
[18:39] <undercash> this is yours i assume
[18:39] <undercash> i tried the -metadata option but won't work
[18:40] <undercash> donno about drawtext, let me look
[18:40] <saste> "hardcode the title" it's ambiguous
[18:41] <undercash> well to display the filename or metadata title in the output
[18:42] <saste> undercash, script it and use drawtext
[18:42] <undercash> it can retrieve the filename automatically or you need to specify it everytime?
[18:47] <Fjorgynn> Kör fram!
[18:50] <undercash> ok thx saste, i ll check this , but i need to recompile with libfree
[18:50] <undercash> at least i know what to look at
[18:51] <saste> undercash, you're passing the filename, you know it
[18:51] <saste> no the filter does not know nothing about the input filenames
[18:52] <undercash> $file  as text to draw maybe
[18:52] <undercash> need to try :)
[18:52] <spinx60> hello im finally got ffmpeg to stream sucessfully to Twitch.tv with http://pastebin.com/jnS1ra2H     command
[18:54] <spinx60> my question now is is there any way for me to make a script to this command where i can easier set more options like quality/resolution/framerate etc can anyone point me in the right direction to a guide or something mabee a complete script that i can edit etc ?
[19:04] <spinx60> Anyone at all who can point me to a good guide of some sort ?
[19:08] <klaxa> spinx60: maybe look at general x264 options ( http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/x264EncodingGuide ) in general crf, preset, computation power and your upload speed limit video quality
[19:09] <spinx60> klaxa Thanks for your answer im not so good at this thats why i asked. but im learning
[19:41] <hughmanwho> I'm trying to pull a H264 stream via RTSP and decode it into YUV frames
[19:42] <hughmanwho> However I've allocated memory via avformat_alloc_context() then called 'avformat_open_input'
[19:43] <hughmanwho> Afterward I am getting a value of 0 for the packet_size within curStream->context->packet_size
[19:45] <hughmanwho> Any thoughts?  Due to a conversation I had yesterday I was told that changing the value of packet_size can change how fast avformat_open_input takes to execute.
[19:46] <hughmanwho> But I'm thinking packet_size shouldn't be equal to zero.
[20:40] <hughmanwho> Having some problems connecting to a RTSP stream, my connection code is here: http://pastebin.com/3v5wNMf4
[20:41] <hughmanwho> Then when I call av_read_frame(streamStream->context,&(streamStream->packet)), I always get back an error
[20:41] <hughmanwho> Anyone have any thoughts?
[21:26] <code-guru> hi anyone can help me with hls muxer please?
[21:27] <code-guru> I can't set mpegts metadata when use hls muxer
[21:28] <code-guru> for example when I add "-metadata service_provider="Some provider" it doesn't change service_metadata when I use hls m3u8
[21:34] <durandal_1707> code-guru: if it does not but should it is bug, and should be reported at usual location
[21:37] <code-guru> I'm going to implement the commands functionality in my code finally, if there it's possible to fix this using the api, it's also ok
[21:37] <code-guru> any help please ?
[21:41] <PigDude> hi, i get "Uknown format" for a .flac.
[21:44] <PigDude> sure llogan
[21:44] <PigDude> here is my command and verbose output: http://dpaste.com/970491/
[21:44] <PigDude> with -v, i see error "Unable for find a suitable output format for 'some.flac'"
[21:45] <PigDude> ffmpeg -formats shows i have flac, aac, and alac formats available, I think
[21:46] <PigDude> here is a paste of a grepped -format ouput, showing those: http://dpaste.com/970505/
[21:47] <PigDude> I don't know what the flags D, E, or A mean in this context
[21:47] <llogan> 2004. Why are you using something from 8 years ago?
[21:47] <PigDude> i'm using ffmpegx distribution because it takes a very long time to build ffmpeg on my machine and i wanted to do this quickly
[21:47] <llogan> that isn't supported here. you're wasting your time using it.
[21:48] <PigDude> very well
[21:48] <llogan> there are static builds available
[21:48] <PigDude> where can I find these?
[21:48] <PigDude> these are decent? http://www.evermeet.cx/ffmpeg/
[21:48] <llogan> yes. use most recent one from "snapshots"
[21:48] <PigDude> thanks, installing now
[21:49] <llogan> ubitux: he is OSX user, AFAIK.
[21:49] <ubitux> oh mac os
[21:49] <ubitux> yeah right ok sorry :)
[21:50] <llogan> don't worry. i almost did the same.
[21:50] <ubitux> llogan: btw, it seems libmodplug was added :))
[21:51] <ubitux> that's nice, i can ffplay the keygen musics with the packaged ffmpeg now \o/
[21:51] <llogan> ubitux: as repetence several users are asking how to get a better looking gif output: ffmpeg -i input -pix_fmt rgb24 out.gif any suggestions?
[21:51] <llogan> ah, nice. i'll have to try it out
[21:51] <ubitux> i used to add two scale filters
[21:52] <ubitux> 05:59 <@ubitux> this is generated with: ./ffmpeg -i ~/samples/big_buck_bunny_1080p_h264.mov -vf 'select=gt(scene\,.4),scale=-1:120,format=rgb8,format=rgb24' -vsync vfr -frames:v 10 -r 1 -y bbb-scenes.gif
[21:52] <ubitux> i have this in my irc log
[21:52] <ubitux> try to adapt
[21:52] <llogan> ah, thanks.
[21:53] <PigDude> llogan, thanks for showing me that, this new version of ffmpeg has a much nicer command line interface
[21:53] <ubitux> llogan: it's far from perfect, but that's nice anyway
[21:53] <llogan> PigDude: good. did it work as expected?
[21:54] <PigDude> i now see a more detailed error message, and the conversion makes some progress. my output file is written and the operation itself takes perhaps 15 seconds to error out.
[21:54] <PigDude> here is the command and output: http://dpaste.com/970549/
[21:55] <PigDude> i thought on a whim that "operation not permitted" might be related to unix permissions, but `sudo` does not remedy this (I would not think this an issue anyway, as this is all occurring in my home directory)
[21:56] <PigDude> note that i am using the "libvo_aacenc" format and not "aac", as recommended by ffmpeg when I first specified "aac"
[21:56] <llogan> libvo_aacenc isn't any better than aac
[21:57] <divVerent> yes, libfdk_aac is the good one
[21:58] <PigDude> oh, ok, i will attempt with that format
[21:58] <PigDude> it appears i did not build with that
[21:59] <PigDude> in any case, i see this error with mp3 output also ... so my input is the source of this issue
[22:00] <PigDude> the audio tracks play in VLC well, so it's not like i'm throwing crap at ffmpeg
[22:00] <PigDude> though VLC certainly copes well with crap
[22:01] <llogan> PigDude: you most likely won't find one with libfdk_aac support due to it being non-free and non-redistributable, IIRC.
[22:02] <llogan> does it only occur with that input?
[22:03] <PigDude> it occurs with other flac files too. i have not tested each file, but none of my tests have a different result
[22:03] <PigDude> what does "Error while decoding stream #0:0: Operation not permitted" mean?
[22:07] <PigDude> huh, i'm not even sure what sort of an error this is. the generated audio file works fine
[23:27] <hughmanwho> what is the difference between avcodec_open & avcodec_find_decoder?  Do you need both of them?
[23:33] <exutux> hi
[23:41] <exutux> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5556480/ can someone can help me to convert this type of file into mp3 audio?
[23:42] <exutux> when I try to convert it I have a rustle audio on .mp3
[23:42] <exutux> :(
[23:47] <exutux> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5556480/ can someone can help me to convert this type of file into mp3 audio? when I try to convert it I have a rustle audio on .mp3
[23:49] <exutux> using ffmpeg -i test.wav -acodec libmp3lame -ac 1 -ab 92k test.mp3
[00:00] --- Sat Feb 23 2013

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