[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20121231

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 1 02:05:01 CET 2013

[00:00] <mickkie> Can someone please explain how this works?
[00:13] <saste> mickkie, you have an input with geometry (0, 134) -> (720, 710) and you're trying to put it in a padded area with size (0, 0) -> (720, 576)
[00:13] <saste> so it cannot be contained in the padded area
[00:13] <saste> we should probably improve the error message, or support overlapping areas
[00:28] <mickkie> thank u @saste, I think I managed to make it work - I used "-vf scale=0:306,pad=720:576:0:135:black" and it seems to have worked ... although when I play it with vlc or mplayer and maximise the window on a 1920x1080 monitor, I get padding on the sides too.  Hmmm ...
[00:29] <mickkie> TBH I find it quite confusing - I do not really understand where it reads that my input has a geometry of (0, 134)
[00:30] <mickkie> :-/
[00:32] <mickkie> Thank you again for your help, got to run ...
[00:47] <creep> for those who are bored :) "2x2 and 3x3 matrix operations in C with example"  http://pastebin.com/Zq93TvNA
[00:52] <taylanub> gagan662: Did you try -idx or -forceidx ?
[00:52] <taylanub> (MPlayer CLI flags.)
[01:21] <luc4> Hi! Can someone suggest a way to extract the audio stream from a mov container? I extracted the h264 stream, but how do I extract the AAC stream?
[01:23] <klaxa> ffmpeg -i somefile.mov -vn -c:a copy somefile.aac
[01:26] <luc4> klaxa: -c:a? Is 'a' the codec?
[01:26] <klaxa> a is the stream identifier
[01:26] <klaxa> a means audio
[01:30] <luc4> klaxa: I'll study why it is working... but seems to be working :-D thanks
[02:55] <level15> hi all. i am trying to transcode an avi (DivX) to avi (XviD). I am using "-vcodec libxvid -acodec copy output.avi" but  it fails with error "[libxvid @ 0x151bc60] Invalid pixel aspect ratio 0/1
[02:55] <level15> Video encoding failed". Any hints?
[03:11] <iive> level15: you know that xvid and divx implement same codec standard, don't you?
[03:11] <level15> iive: yes, but somehow my blue ray player plays xvid but no divx
[03:12] <iive> you can try to change the fourcc only.
[03:12] <iive> the above is still bug, maybe it should be reported on the bug tracker.
[03:12] <level15> iive: that's what sacarasc suggested in the afternoon... the result is that the file plays but i only get audio, no video
[03:12] <iive> if you do use recent version of ffmpeg.
[03:13] <iive> well, divx had a program to certify what capabilities are supported by hardware players...
[03:14] <iive> let me take a look of the source, maybe there is aspect option.
[03:14] <iive> level15: what ffmpeg version are you using btw?
[03:15] <level15> iive: 0.8.4-4:0.8.4-0ubuntu0.12.04.1
[03:16] <iive> are you sure it is not libav the ffmpeg fork? it is packaged in ubuntu.
[03:16] <level15> iive: dunno... how can i check that?
[03:16] <level15> i think it is... it says Copyright (c) 2000-2012 the Libav developers
[03:16] <level15> hm
[03:22] <iive> i should upgrade ffmpeg, but v1.0 just worked with the above options.
[03:22] <iive> i assume the input is .divx/.avi file.
[03:22] <level15> yes, it is avi with divx codec
[03:23] <level15> right now i am looking for a way to replace that fake ffmpeg then
[03:23] <level15> there seems to be no package... so i guess i'll have to compile it
[03:23] <iive> check the ffmpeg.org website.
[03:23] <iive> I have to leave, sorry.
[03:24] <level15> iive: that's ok, thanks for your help
[03:24] <iive> if it still have same problem, be sure to report the bug, to both projects :)
[09:48] <mpfundstein_home> hello, when i use yadif with libx264, i get a green line on the bottom of the video. it is not visible on tv but when the video is played in VLC or a web browser it is. -deinterlace doesnt generate this green line. anyone know what this causes?
[10:52] <elkng> http://sprunge.us/KJKb thats a video file I trying to convert and there is a ffmpeg command and the output is: "Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height", but if I use
[10:53] <elkng>  ffplay it plays file normally
[10:55] <elkng> thats the full output of the command http://sprunge.us/YHLS
[11:00] <elkng> same problem with mplayer
[11:00] <saste> elkng, timebase 1/90000 not supported by MPEG 4 standard, the maximum admitted value for the timebase denominator is 65535
[11:03] <elkng> how to fix it ?
[11:04] <elkng> it plays with "ffplay version 0.10.2" and "mplayer-export-2012-04-22" but doesnt converts with ffmpeg or mencoder
[11:05] <elkng> why ?
[11:05] <saste> elkng, try to specify the output rate
[11:06] <saste> also you didn't show the command
[11:06] <saste> and 0.10 is oold (-> not very supported here)
[11:07] <elkng> the comman was in the link, this "ffmpeg -i input.mp4  -vcodec mpeg4 -vb 1500k -s 650x361 -ab 128k -ar 44100 -ac 2 -acodec libmp3lame -y -f avi output.avi"
[11:08] <elkng> saste: "output rate", frame rate ?
[11:08] <saste> yes
[11:09] <saste> then i don't remember how the timebase is computed from the frame_rate
[11:09] <saste> i suspect there is an option to set the timebase directly
[11:52] <brontosaurusrex> hello, what would be a bestest upscaling -sws-flag?
[11:53] <elkng> why is this rate value 29.970 so specific ? why not to set it to 29 or 30 ? is there something special about  it being so precise  ?
[11:57] <brontosaurusrex> i have mostly aliasing problems
[11:57] <saste> elkng, yes the MPEG standards
[11:57] <saste> but i'm not so sure about that without looking at the code
[12:00] <brontosaurusrex> and another thing: yadif is almost certainly broken
[12:00] <JEEB> elkng, it's actually 30000/1001
[12:00] <saste> brontosaurusrex, ->bug report
[12:00] <JEEB> it comes from the old TV stuff
[12:01] <JEEB> which was 60000/1.001 or so fields per second
[12:01] <JEEB> (two fields merged give you a "frame" [not so with truly interlaced content tho, because it's two separate pictures])
[12:24] <Nolaan> hey guys!
[12:25] <brontosaurusrex> testing spline, experimental and bicubic, certain parts of image are aliased, how to solve that?
[12:25] <brontosaurusrex> I'am upsizing 720x576 to 1920x1080
[12:25] <Nolaan> when i try to compile the latest version with the option "--enable-thumb" somewhat i get the error cannot find libmp3lame....
[12:25] <brontosaurusrex> and i can't belive that ffmpeg uses bilinear by default ....
[12:25] <Nolaan> *-lmp3lame
[12:41] <Olive6767> Hi There, I have upgraded my conversion app to the latest version of ffmpeg, the problem is that the latest ffmpeg doesn't seem to accept anymore the following parameters: -cmp +chroma  -directpred 1 -flags2 +bpyramid+mixed_refs+fastpskip , I'm wondering what are the equivalents?
[12:41] <mpfundstein_home> hello, when i use yadif with libx264, i get a green line on the bottom of the video. it is not visible on tv but when the video is played in VLC or a web browser it is. -deinterlace doesnt generate this green line. anyone know what this causes?
[12:43] <mpfundstein_home> Olive6767: i think -directpred must be -direct-pred
[12:43] <brontosaurusrex> -sws_flags experimental -vf hqdn3d,scale=1920:1080 < seems to win so far
[12:43] <mpfundstein_home> Olive6767: or -direct_pred , i had some issues with that as well
[12:43] <Olive6767> trying now
[12:46] <Olive6767> mpfundstein_home: -direct-pred works indeed :-) ... 2 more 2 go:  -cmp +chroma  -flags2 +bpyramid+mixed_refs+fastpskip
[12:46] <mpfundstein_home> Olive6767: I just checked my working presets. i cmp=+chroma works, flags2=+bpyramid+mixed_refs+wpred+dct8x8+fastpskip works as well
[12:47] <mpfundstein_home> Olive6767: are you using a preset or are you typing it directly into the cmd line ?
[12:47] <Olive6767> directly into cml
[12:47] <mpfundstein_home> Olive6767: mh, than i dont know. you could try writing all your stuff into a preset file
[12:48] <Olive6767> about flags2, i have found this:http://forums.creativecow.net/thread/291/900#900 , however no exemple is given for the flags2 param I use, would you know what to do?
[12:49] <mpfundstein_home> link doesnt work
[12:49] <Olive6767> http://forums.creativecow.net/thread/291/900#900
[12:50] <mpfundstein_home> have you tried: -x264opts flags2=mixed_refs
[12:50] <mpfundstein_home> ?
[12:51] <mpfundstein_home> or flags2=+mixed_refs
[12:51] <Olive6767> trying now ;-)
[12:51] <mpfundstein_home> otherwise run (like said at your forum post) x264 --fullhelp
[12:51] <mpfundstein_home> than you can see how it is called
[12:51] <mpfundstein_home> :-)
[12:53] <Olive6767> -x264opts flags2=+bpyramid+mixed_refs+fastpskip , doesn't work, the prob is that I use a static ffmpeg I don't have any x264 exe on hand
[12:53] <brontosaurusrex> mpfundstein_home: mediainfo yourfgenerated.mp4 and pastebin and post url
[12:53] <Olive6767> but will get one and see
[12:53] <brontosaurusrex> -f
[12:54] <mpfundstein_home> brontosaurusrex: regarding my yadif question?
[12:54] <brontosaurusrex> yes
[12:54] <mpfundstein_home> brontosaurusrex: thanks, i will get a file
[12:54] <Olive6767> as for your other suggestion, do you have a good doc explaind how to convert cml params to a preset file ?
[12:55] <brontosaurusrex> wow, dnhq3d looks like magic
[12:55] <brontosaurusrex> thats pretty amazing
[12:55] <brontosaurusrex> or maybe my sample just fits ......
[12:55] <mpfundstein_home> Olive6767: check /usr/local/share/ffmpeg for examples
[12:55] <Olive6767> thx :)
[12:56] <mpfundstein_home> brontosaururex: i dont have a file here at the moment. will take a bit
[12:56] Action: mpfundstein_home is starting virtual box
[13:01] <mpfundstein_home> one question in between: shall i place -deinterlace before -i or after? i am confused because the engineer before me put it before. my instinct says it should be after -i
[13:09] <saste> mpfundstein_home, -deinterlace is deprecated, use yadif instead
[13:10] <mpfundstein_home> @saste: yes, but yadif gives me a green line on the bottom
[13:10] <mpfundstein_home> i will
[13:10] <saste> mpfundstein_home, that's a bug and should be reported in case
[13:10] <saste> also what's your ffmpeg version?
[13:11] <mpfundstein_home> @saste: pastebin http://pastebin.com/uXvCv8Rn
[13:11] <brontosaurusrex> mpfundstein_home: from my tests, yadif is broken
[13:12] <saste> mpfundstein_home, SVN-r26402
[13:12] <brontosaurusrex> i mean yadif in ffmpeg
[13:12] <saste> that's two years old
[13:12] <brontosaurusrex> and i have git compile thats only few days old
[13:13] <saste> brontosaurusrex, that's likely a regression, or we should have noticed
[13:13] <mpfundstein_home> @saste: this is how the output looks like: http://postimage.org/image/pbnva4vdd/
[13:13] <brontosaurusrex> saste: all i can write at the moment is: yadif is borken and it brings bunch of aliasing in ...., so .....
[13:14] <mpfundstein_home> brontosaurusrex: shall i still run mediainfo on the file?
[13:14] <brontosaurusrex> saste: its not, its broken all the time
[13:14] <brontosaurusrex> mpfundstein_home: yes, becouse green line is not something i noticed
[13:14] <saste> brontosaurusrex, depends, what's your definition of "broken"?
[13:15] <saste> also yadif perform a lossy transform, it's not like magic, it works fine for me but then i don't know what you mean by "aliasing" in this context
[13:15] <brontosaurusrex> saste: aliasing, aliasing on frames that are strictly progressive (those should be skipped), maybe best bet is to compare it to avisynth version
[13:15] <mpfundstein_home> brontosaurusrex: mediainfo: http://pastebin.com/jYxZL6Hs
[13:15] <saste> mpfundstein_home, understand that we can't support a two old version of ffmpeg, you should try with latest git
[13:15] <saste> *two years old
[13:16] <mpfundstein_home> @saste: yes i understand this :-) dont worry. i will upgrade (actually i thought i have a new one. i compiled from source)
[13:16] <saste> brontosaurusrex, you have progressive and interlaced frames mixed up in the same source?
[13:16] <brontosaurusrex> saste: sure
[13:17] <saste> brontosaurusrex, that's sick
[13:17] <brontosaurusrex> its rare, but it happens
[13:17] <brontosaurusrex> i get material from all possible and impossible sources
[13:17] <saste> how is the deinterlacer supposed to understand while a frame is interlaced or progressive?
[13:17] <saste> the only reliable way is an human operator to tell, after watching the content
[13:18] <saste> we have some filters for that, but not as reliable
[13:18] <saste> if you mix progressive and interlaced, you're in trouble
[13:18] <brontosaurusrex> saste: yadif , avisynth filter is capable of that
[13:19] <brontosaurusrex> also, afaik yadif should skip progressive stuff (or skip in 87% of the cases)
[13:19] <brontosaurusrex> in any case, added blinking and aliasing is not what is supposed to happen
[13:19] <brontosaurusrex> perhaps its os dependant, iam on osx
[13:19] <saste> brontosaurusrex, no
[13:20] <brontosaurusrex> saste: ok, the yadif is great .... and it works, lol
[13:20] <brontosaurusrex> then*
[13:22] <durandal_1707> arent progressive frames markder as such?
[13:22] <brontosaurusrex> no, but smart deinterlacers are supposed to detect them
[13:23] <saste> brontosaurusrex, read what i already wrote, you need a human brain to perform interlacing detection
[13:23] <mpfundstein_home> how shall one handle batch encodes when having multiple sources, some interlaced some progressive ?
[13:24] <durandal_1707> saste: really is that so hard?
[13:24] <saste> mpfundstein_home, if the frames are properly marked as I/P, then you can script, and auto-insert yadif when required
[13:25] <saste> i don't know if yadif will act in no-op when frames are properly marked as progressive, that could be implemented
[13:25] <Shu> Probably unrelated here, but I'm trying to port an SWF/flash video to an actual.. well, video. Any tips on the best way to do this? Other than using screen recording software to attempt to rip a copy of the stream
[13:25] <mpfundstein_home> @saste: ok, so it depeneds on the source and if they decoded it right :-)
[13:25] <Shu> Something to actually play the file back and get a raw copy of the stream somehow, that I can encode however I want.
[13:25] <saste> brontosaurusrex, also we have a filter which does interlacing detection, idet iirc
[13:25] <JEEB> Shu, if it contains actual frames within itself, you'll have to hack around various Flash tools to see if that is the case and possibly extract the audio / frames
[13:26] <saste> but i can't say how reliable it is
[13:26] <JEEB> if it's something like what flash should properly be used for
[13:26] <JEEB> (vector stuff)
[13:26] <Shu> Yeah. I'm pretty sure it is.
[13:26] <JEEB> then you have really no alternative but to capture it :P
[13:26] <Shu> Bleh >_< I figured. Just trying to figure out the best way TO capture it
[13:27] <Shu> Was thinking there might be some method or piece of software out there that would let you capture a stream directly.
[13:27] <JEEB> there was some aviutl thingy that did it somewhat well methinks
[13:27] <brontosaurusrex> saste: in worst case when deinterlacer deinterlaces progressive frame is that becomes slightly softer, do we agree on that?
[13:27] <JEEB> I haven't used it and the documentation is in Japanese so it'll probably be pretty much poking dance for you in that case tho :P
[13:27] <saste> brontosaurusrex, let me check
[13:29] <JEEB> the last time I did flash vector stuff -> video, I just used a random windows screen capping system (amareco[co] in my case as it's free and didn't contain too much crap)
[13:31] <saste> brontosaurusrex, it's possibly "softening" the input, but i can't notice a big difference with the original source
[13:31] <brontosaurusrex> exactly, did you use yadif?
[13:32] <Shu> I can, at least, use ffmpeg to rip the audio from the files. So I guess I might just end up doing that, and can easily re-attach the auido without losing quality
[13:32] <saste> brontosaurusrex, exactly, where are you trying to bring me? ;-)
[13:33] <saste> brontosaurusrex, anyway feel free to report a bug if you think that yadif is borken or missing features
[13:33] <brontosaurusrex> saste: actually i will, but i need to some tests firsts, prepare test footage, ect
[13:33] <brontosaurusrex> it will be some work
[13:34] <saste> brontosaurusrex, what i can't tell is that with my limited testing i can't see anything obviously broken
[13:34] <brontosaurusrex> saste: what os?
[13:34] <saste> also keep in mind that yadif is widely used, so obvious bug should have been already noticed
[13:34] <brontosaurusrex> yeah, thats the funny part
[13:34] <saste> brontosaurusrex, oh...
[13:35] <saste> brontosaurusrex, try to --disable-optmizations and check if it does any difference
[13:35] <saste> although from what I see yadif has optimizations only for X86
[13:36] <brontosaurusrex> thats a compile-time switch?
[13:36] <saste> brontosaurusrex, no configure
[13:36] <brontosaurusrex> ok
[13:40] <brontosaurusrex> is thera an addgrain filter in ffmpeg?
[13:41] <saste> brontosaurusrex, frei0r?
[13:41] <brontosaurusrex> id have to compile it with that?
[13:42] <saste> brontosaurusrex, make sure it has something like that
[13:42] <saste> or you could try to use mp=noise to add random noise
[13:44] <brontosaurusrex> something to counterbalance dnhq3d
[13:45] <brontosaurusrex> so that i get the path: denoise > upscale > add-some-salt-or-grain
[13:50] <brontosaurusrex> (whats freaking annoying is that i shot this project in hd, but now only sd master is left ..., damn ..)
[14:04] <gagan662> taylanub: <   taylanub> | gagan662: Did you try -idx or -forceidx ?
[14:04] <gagan662> taylanub: no
[14:06] <Nano_> hi everyone
[14:07] <Nano_> how can i pass a byte array instead of a filename to avformat_open_input(...) ?
[15:14] <elkng> http://www.ffmpeg.org/releases/ffmpeg-snapshot.tar.bz2 is that version stable one ?
[15:14] <espr3ss0> hi ?
[15:14] <elkng> espr3ss0: are you in 2012 yet arnt you ?
[15:15] <espr3ss0> no
[15:22] <durandal_1707> stable in what sense?
[15:24] <espr3ss0> is this showing ? o_O (newbie to Limechat ;-p)
[15:24] <elkng> durandal_1707: its latest version, latest arnt stable, is there stable version to download or that is stable ?
[15:25] <espr3ss0> can i ask some easy enough questions for FFMPEG ? :-)
[15:25] <durandal_1707> elkng: i cant find that link, from where you got it?
[15:26] <elkng> durandal_1707: guess
[15:26] <elkng> http://www.ffmpeg.org/download.html
[15:27] <durandal_1707> than you mistyped it
[15:27] <elkng> isnt it obvious captain ?
[15:27] <elkng> where ?
[15:27] <humbolt> can x264  be adapted to work on a gpu computing cluster?
[15:27] <durandal_1707> that is link to git snapshot and that is latest to some sense
[15:27] <durandal_1707> elkng: you are probably more interested in releases
[15:27] <elkng> what is wrong with link, it doesnt downloaded ?
[15:28] <elkng> I need working stable version
[15:28] <elkng> I have "ffmpeg version 0.10.2"
[15:28] <durandal_1707> that is old
[15:28] <durandal_1707> try this: http://ffmpeg.org/releases/ffmpeg-1.0.1.tar.bz2
[15:28] <elkng> someone suggested to update it, those the link I found
[15:29] <elkng> 1.0.1 is it pun ?
[15:29] <elkng> neo lived in a room 101
[15:29] <elkng> when it becomes 1.33.7 ?
[15:30] <elkng> I cant find book specific to ffmpeg, found that one: http://www.amazon.com/Real-World-Video-Compression-Beach/dp/0321514696/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1356951739&sr=1-1&keywords=ffmpeg is it worth to read ?
[15:30] <durandal_1707> nope
[15:31] <espr3ss0> durandal_1707: do u know how old "FFmpeg version SVN-r26402" ? or is that not the version :-/
[15:31] <durandal_1707> that is dead, please leave it to rip
[15:32] <iive> elkng: i think the original reference is from the book "1984"
[15:32] <durandal_1707> elkng: it is just coincidence
[15:33] <elkng> "You're a detective now, son. You're not allowed to believe in coincidence anymore." -- Commissioner Gordon
[15:44] <espr3ss0> hi ?
[15:45] <elkng> espr3ss0: try speaking, and someone will notice you
[15:46] <espr3ss0> just did ;-p
[15:46] <elkng> just noticed
[15:46] <espr3ss0> need some help installing ffmpeg
[15:46] <elkng> espr3ss0: compiling it from source ?
[15:47] <espr3ss0> no idea :-) , i guess
[15:47] <espr3ss0> using ./conf... make etc. ?
[15:47] <elkng> espr3ss0: try this guide: http://slackbuilds.org/slackbuilds/14.0/multimedia/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.SlackBuild
[15:47] <durandal_1707> there is guide on ffmpeg wiki
[15:47] <espr3ss0> i've tried several sites but need to ask some Q's
[15:48] <espr3ss0> might have done it backward
[15:48] <durandal_1707> espr3ss0: so would you finally ask?
[15:48] <espr3ss0> lame was first & then ffmpeg, but faac & other stuff after making it
[15:49] <espr3ss0> Q: ...
[15:49] <espr3ss0> do I need to re-configure it ?
[15:49] <espr3ss0> last trying to get libx264 / x264 from VLC (i think), not working
[15:50] <espr3ss0> config shows libx264 as disabled still
[15:50] <elkng> espr3ss0: are you using ubuntu ?
[15:50] <espr3ss0> no no, Mac :-)
[15:50] <cbsrobot> espr3ss0: http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/MacOSXCompilationGuide
[15:51] <espr3ss0> cbsrobot: tried that one ;-p
[15:51] <cbsrobot> the homebrew way ?
[15:52] <espr3ss0> maybe not, missed a bit ...
[15:52] <espr3ss0> should I uninstall stuff, then reinstall ?
[15:52] <cbsrobot> espr3ss0: it's a simple copy paste
[15:52] <cbsrobot> espr3ss0: yes you could try that
[15:52] <espr3ss0> ok
[15:53] <cbsrobot> espr3ss0: and plese let me know if it worked
[15:53] <espr3ss0> just tried "make un-install" for ffmpeg
[15:53] <cbsrobot> "make uninstall"
[15:53] <espr3ss0> using ./ffmpeg now does nothing
[15:53] <cbsrobot> and the dependencies ?
[15:54] <espr3ss0> how can i check that ?
[15:54] <cbsrobot> did you install x264, yasm, openjpeg etc  manualle
[15:54] <cbsrobot> s/manualle/manually/
[15:55] <espr3ss0> did x264 yasm lame faac faad, but lame was the only one first
[15:56] <espr3ss0> funny thing is ... it says use gpl ? instead of libx264. complains if not specified in the right way
[15:56] <espr3ss0> i checked the config and still showed libx264 as disabled
[15:57] <espr3ss0> on "Snow Leopard" btw
[15:57] <elkng> is it correct: someone using Mac and trying to build software from source at thesame time ? arnt Mac people choose Mac because they dont want "build from source" stuff ?
[15:57] <mpfundstein_home> espr3ss0: did you configured x264 with --enable-static --enable-shared ?
[15:57] <espr3ss0> no ?
[15:58] <mpfundstein_home> elkng: bullshit. i am on mac osx also at work and i build a lot stuff from source.
[15:58] <espr3ss0> mpfundstein_home: does it not do 1 @ a time ?
[15:58] <mpfundstein_home> espr3ss0: maybe you should try it
[15:58] <elkng> so that was a prejudice
[15:58] <espr3ss0> will do ! mpfundstein_home
[15:58] <mpfundstein_home> elkng: pretty much yes. mac osx is unix
[15:59] <mpfundstein_home> elkng: more or less
[15:59] <mpfundstein_home> elkng: ;-)
[15:59] <elkng> less
[15:59] <mpfundstein_home> elkng: well. the core is unix. and you can feel it while developing. thats why i love it.
[15:59] <espr3ss0> gone afk (cigarette ! ;-p)
[16:00] <cbsrobot> lol
[16:01] <elkng> "gone afk", because of "cigarette" some day it could be just "gone"
[16:05] <mpfundstein_home> elkng: thats will happen to everyone :-)
[16:15] <mpfundstein_home> i transcode a ntsc video to pal and getting really good looking results when combining avisynth and ffmpeg, playing the output with VLC. if i play the output on my playout system however, the horizontal movement stutters like crazy. does anyone recognize this problem. this are the scripts + the ffmpeg output: http://pastebin.com/KTjTjbpE
[16:16] <mpfundstein_home> the playout system is JustOut from ToolsOnAir + an aja.io xt
[16:22] <espr3ss0> elkng: :-P
[16:23] <espr3ss0> concern, does this mean anything ... x264, "ld: warning: -read_only_relocs cannot be used with x86_64"
[16:25] <espr3ss0> also won't do "make install", permission denied
[16:29] <espr3ss0> use sudo ?
[16:30] <elkng> espr3ss0: try "make install DESTDIR=/tmp"
[16:34] <espr3ss0> sudo worked fine
[16:37] <espr3ss0> do i need nasm for lame ?
[16:41] <espr3ss0> hmm, lame "make" showing "nothing to be done for 'all'", for everything :-/
[16:45] <elkng> there should be README or INSTALL
[16:47] <espr3ss0> good plan !
[16:47] <elkng> Building the software on *NIX platforms without configure: make -f Makefile.unix
[16:55] <espr3ss0> what's the latest libmp4v2 download ? o_O
[17:35] <espr3ss0> what's the difference between "libmp4v2-" & "mp4v2-2.0.0.tar.bz2" ?
[17:37] <elkng> second can be standalont tool and first one is the library to use in another tools ?
[17:37] <espr3ss0> thanks elkng
[17:38] <espr3ss0> is that the same for libx264 & x264 ?
[17:38] <elkng> could be
[17:39] <espr3ss0> doh
[17:40] <espr3ss0> does that mean it will still register as libx264 ?
[17:40] <espr3ss0> o_O
[18:03] <espr3ss0> is this a bad sign ? keeps coming out a lot "warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'"
[18:04] <espr3ss0> or can i ignore it ?
[19:07] <taylanub> gagan662: So, try them. :P
[19:38] <espr3ss0> i must ask ... when installing libs n such for ffmpeg to use, if my main aim is for no transcoding from .avi to .mp4 (of course it's necessary contents), what will I need ... "libmp4v2" / "lame" / "x264" and of course "yasm" ?
[19:56] <nelson8874> I'm really new to ffmpeg. Want to know if it is possible to take the 5.1 ac3 audio from a vob and rip it into 6 separate mono wave files.
[20:00] <espr3ss0> I'm new at this too nelson8874, all I can say is, it is possible ! :-)
[20:01] <espr3ss0> also to my last Q if anyone can answer my needs, is there a specific "./configure ..." for the setup i'm trying to achieve ?
[20:01] <nelson8874> espr3ss0, i new to linux to. so i don't know thing on how to use ffmpeg.... can you recomend a guide?
[20:15] <espr3ss0> nelson8874: no, soz :-(
[20:15] <espr3ss0> i'm using a Mac, so it's essentially the same, but still different :-/
[20:16] <espr3ss0> this could be a start, really not sure ... http://jungels.net/articles/ffmpeg-howto.html
[20:18] <gagan662> taylanub: din't help.
[20:19] <Sashmo_> is yadif the only deinterlace filter?
[20:19] <JEEB> the only good one
[20:19] <JEEB> (and maybe the only one if the crappy -deinterlace thingy was finally removed)
[20:19] <Sashmo_> I was reading the -vf yadif=1, are there any other options there?
[20:20] <Sashmo_> or is that option depreciated?
[20:20] <JEEB> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#yadif
[20:20] <Sashmo_> gracias
[20:22] <Sashmo_> im trying some pal to ntsc conversions, and for the life of me, I am not able to get rid of this jitter in the video, only really noticeable on the text news scrolls.... any ideas?
[21:23] <Sashmo_> im trying some pal to ntsc conversions, and for the life of me, I am not able to get rid of this jitter in the video, only really noticeable on the text news scrolls.... any ideas? http://pastebin.com/XfhMuW41 can anyone point me int he right direction?
[00:00] --- Tue Jan  1 2013

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