[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20130120

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 02:05:01 CET 2013

[00:17] <cbsrobot> llogan: so just bussines as usual then
[00:24] <Zeeflo> How are you guys this fine evening!
[00:37] <sloof> llogan: What are you encoding that is taking so long?
[00:38] <klaxa> 24 minute clip, 1080p -preset placebo :3
[00:40] <Zeeflo> WHAT+
[00:40] <Zeeflo> ?
[00:40] <Zeeflo> is someone using placebo?
[00:40] <Zeeflo> thats insane! Not to say the least..
[00:42] <klaxa> that was a joke :P
[00:42] <klaxa> although...
[00:42] <klaxa> i once encoded a 90 seconds clip 1080p with placebo preset
[00:44] <Zeeflo> how long did it take?
[00:49] <klaxa> Zeeflo: 3h 42m
[00:49] <klaxa> cpu[2 x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     P7350  @ 2.00GHz (GenuieIIntel) @ 800MHz w/ 3072 KB L2 Cache]
[00:50] <Zeeflo> ahh ok. A faster CPU would probably have helped hehe
[00:50] <klaxa> well obviously :P
[00:50] <Zeeflo> let me know if I can help with that ;)
[00:51] <klaxa> oh you are interested in donating CPU time? :>
[00:51] <Zeeflo> sure
[00:51] <klaxa> i might come back to that :P
[00:51] <Zeeflo> I actually have a server in the US you can rape for 5 more days if you want
[00:51] <Zeeflo> dual xeon, 24 threads
[00:51] <Zeeflo> 8 gb ram (only)
[00:51] <Zeeflo> but ssd
[00:51] <klaxa> ah too bad, might not be able to harvest that within those few days :P
[00:51] <Zeeflo> and 1 tb
[00:52] <Zeeflo> you can have ssh now!
[00:52] <Zeeflo> its ready to go
[00:52] <Zeeflo> i dont care about it
[00:52] <klaxa> over the holidays i started writing some software to distribute encoding over multiple clients
[00:52] <Zeeflo> its already cancelled
[00:52] <klaxa> well yeah the software isn't failsafe and i have no data i need processed right now :S
[00:52] <Zeeflo> ah ok.. Well. in the future as well.
[00:52] <Zeeflo> I moved my data to some big ass servers in germany that does the same
[00:53] <Zeeflo> which im keeping
[00:53] <Zeeflo> let me know ;)
[00:53] <klaxa> it's also not very... advanced, it's a naive high-level "hurr durr i call mkvextract and shit" approach
[00:53] <klaxa> if you want to take a look and propose improvements, i'd love it https://github.com/klaxa/Distributed-encoding
[00:54] <klaxa> i also thought about moving to ffmpeg with libx264 instead of using x264 itself because of libavfilter
[00:55] <Zeeflo> well for clustering i use Beowuld
[00:55] <Zeeflo> Beowulf
[00:55] <Zeeflo> its already invented and works very well
[00:57] <klaxa> i see...
[00:57] <klaxa> how does it perform on end-user internet connections?
[00:57] <klaxa> i assume not that performant?
[00:58] <Zeeflo> Well, it performs as good as your internet connection is..
[00:58] <Zeeflo> But honestly, I would only cluster servers if theyre situated in a DC
[00:59] <Zeeflo> or, if you have speeds like we do here in denmark/sweden
[00:59] <klaxa> well there are a lot of people doing torrenting from home, i see it more like that ;)
[00:59] <klaxa> you download a chunk provided by the server, encode it locally (i.e. actually disconnect from the server) then send it back
[01:00] <klaxa> there are still problems regarding connections and software failing
[01:00] <klaxa> i haven't found time and motivation to work on that
[01:06] <Zeeflo> I dont know
[01:06] <Zeeflo> i dont really mess with torrenting
[01:07] <klaxa> it's more like a mentality comparision, although then again there is only one person that gains from it
[01:08] <klaxa> i want private users to be able to contribute without having to buy expensive hardware
[01:08] <klaxa> kinda crowd-sourcing, but less subtle
[02:39] <llogan> sloof: just a bunch of boring old videos for some biologists
[02:46] <llogan> klaxa: interesting license
[02:46] <klaxa> wtfpl best license
[02:51] <klaxa> it may be very liberal, but i really don't care what other people do with the code
[02:52] <klaxa> i write it for myself and even if someone else just puts his/her name on it and claims it theirs, i don't really care, because for me it's enough to know what i have done
[02:54] <llogan> klaxa: line 106 in client.py says "bitarte".
[02:55] <klaxa> oh that... lol, thanks
[02:55] <llogan> s/te/se
[03:29] <Orphis> How do I find out how many bytes av_read_frame actually consumed in my buffer?
[03:30] <Orphis> Hmmm
[03:30] <Orphis> No, it's late, I'm confusing things
[03:33] <jure> hi
[03:33] <jure> is there another way to capture a windows screen with ffmpeg other than using UScreenCapture?
[03:34] <klaxa> repeatedly slap the print-key?
[03:43] <llogan> jure: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8746719#post8746719
[03:44] <llogan> https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/How%20to%20grab%20the%20desktop%20%28screen%29%20with%20FFmpeg
[03:44] Action: llogan would have preferred CamelCase wiki url
[03:45] <llogan> oh..windows...see the second link
[03:45] <llogan> UScreenCapture...failure.
[04:11] <KeshlWare> Can I use -crf with two-pass encoding or otherwise increase -rc-lookahead over 250, oÉo?
[08:38] <Orphis> Or do I convert planar audio to non planar audio ?
[08:38] <Orphis> How *
[08:46] <Orphis> A, found the issue, PEBKAC as usual
[09:44] <Chel> im trying to recode my video file, from one format to another, and sound becomes very bad , i mean it like with a floating effect
[09:44] <Chel> this is my command : ffmpeg -i /tmp/cut.mkv -acodec aac -ab 96k -vcodec libx264 -f mp4 -crf 22 -s 640x480 -strict experimental
[09:45] <Mavrik> the fact that you had to add "experimental" parameter to use the internal aac encoder could tip you off to the fact it's not really finished yet ;)
[09:45] <Mavrik> use libfdk_aac for AAC encode and it'll be ok
[09:48] <Chel> -acodec libfdk_aac ?
[11:15] <viric> Hello all
[11:15] <viric> encoding with '-acodec libmp3lame', I end up with mplayer telling me this:
[11:15] <viric> Requested audio codec family [mpg123] (afm=mpg123) not available.
[11:15] <viric> Enable it at compilation.
[11:15] <viric> Opening audio decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders
[11:15] <viric> what is 'mpg123' doing there? :)
[11:16] <durandal_1707> wrong channel
[11:16] <durandal_1707> mpg123 is another decoder ....
[11:17] <durandal_1707> which you have not installed so mplayer picks next available one
[11:18] <viric> ah ok
[11:18] <viric> I wondered that maybe ffmpeg+libmp3lame set some tags that make mplayer think about mpg123
[11:18] <viric> thank you
[11:21] <viric> I made 4 videos with "-ac 1 -acodec libmp3lame -qscale:a 3", and a 'hardware tv player' shows one of them muted. In the computer, all work perfect. No idea what can be the difference of that one.
[11:22] <viric> any suggestion?
[11:24] <durandal_1707> hardware tv player may not support vbr
[11:24] <durandal_1707> ask hardware tv player producers instead
[11:25] <durandal_1707> or read libmp3lame manual/faq
[11:57] <amaurea> Given two files with both video and audio, A and B, how do I create one with the video from A and the audio from B?
[11:58] <amaurea> Seems like I have to use map
[11:58] <Mavrik> amaurea: you pass both as input and use "-map" parameter to map video stream from file 1 and audio stream from file 2
[11:59] <amaurea> Mavrik: Thanks, I'll give it a shot
[13:54] <gxk> which pixel format in ffmpeg equals to V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV422UVP?
[14:15] <cbsrobot> gxk: The format consists of two planes: one with the Y component and one with the CbCr components interleaved - not sure ffmpeg has it ...
[14:23] <durandal_1707> it does not
[14:25] <cbsrobot> ah durandal_1707 - you want do me a favor ?
[14:25] <durandal_1707> it is similar to nv21/nv12 which is like yuv420 but with same nonsense as yuv422uvp...
[14:26] <durandal_1707> cbsrobot: depends....
[14:26] <cbsrobot> maybe you could implement >8bit path in vf_drawtext - I tried lately but failed misarabely
[14:27] <cbsrobot> atm all files > 8bit have to be converted to 8bit before the overlay & would be nice it would work without conversion
[14:31] <cbsrobot> eh sorry it is in drawutils.c
[14:39] <durandal_1707> cbsrobot: will explore how much work it will take and will send you invoice
[14:39] <cbsrobot> ok - fine with me
[14:41] <durandal_1707> ok, explore work cost 50$/h
[14:43] <cbsrobot> sounds intriguing - but I will have to pass
[14:43] <cbsrobot> unfortunately
[14:52] <gxk> top
[14:53] <gxk> sorry
[16:46] <Samsagax> hi there! I have this problem: I'm trying to make a screencast and keep getting video and audio out of sync. When I try to play the recorder screencast I get the video going real fast and the audio going in normal speed. The line I'm using:
[16:46] <Samsagax> ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -acodec pcm_s16le -f x11grab -s wxga -r 25 -i :0.0 -threads 0 -sameq -preset ultrafast -crf 0 output.mkv
[17:12] <microchip_> how to pad with the pad filter? I need to pad 50 from both top and bottom of the image
[17:14] <microchip_> it was so simple with -padtop and -padbottom
[17:18] <cbsrobot> microchip_: what is complicated with -vf pad ?
[17:19] <microchip_> cbsrobot: don't know how to use it
[17:19] <cbsrobot> hehe
[17:19] <microchip_> cbsrobot: how to add borders on top AND bottom of 72 pixels?
[17:20] <cbsrobot> do you know the size of the video ?
[17:20] <microchip_> cbsrobot: yes, 720x432
[17:20] <cbsrobot> (before pading)
[17:21] <microchip_> yes
[17:21] <microchip_> 720x576
[17:21] <cbsrobot> so you want a 16/9  video to fit in 720x576 ?
[17:22] <cbsrobot> show me the command you have so far
[17:22] <microchip_> cbsrobot: i don't have one yet
[17:22] <cbsrobot> so just craft one
[17:23] <microchip_> what i want to do is add borders on top & bottom of a 720x432 video to make it 720x576
[17:23] <microchip_> don't know how to do that unfortunately :(
[17:23] <cbsrobot> hehe
[17:23] <cbsrobot> we
[17:23] <cbsrobot> ll
[17:23] <cbsrobot> tha
[17:23] <cbsrobot> ts
[17:23] <cbsrobot> thats gonna be complicated then
[17:23] <microchip_> hmm
[17:23] <cbsrobot> what outputformat do you need ?
[17:24] <cbsrobot> h264 + aac in an mp4 ?
[17:24] <microchip_> cbsrobot: no, -target pal-dvd
[17:24] <cbsrobot> aha mpeg for a dvd
[17:24] <cbsrobot> that was easy
[17:24] <microchip_> cbsrobot: i'm reading this, but -padtop & -padbottom are gone http://forum.doom9.org/archive/index.php/t-128609.html
[17:25] <cbsrobot> you should use http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#pad instead
[17:25] <microchip_> PhillipWyllie in that thread has the answer
[17:25] <microchip_> cbsrobot: yes, but how? can you show me an example?
[17:25] <cbsrobot> hehe
[17:25] Action: microchip_ is dumb wrt ffmpeg filters
[17:25] <cbsrobot> scroll a bit down and you see the examples
[17:25] <cbsrobot> :-)
[17:26] <microchip_> looking...
[17:27] <cbsrobot> try: ffmpeg -i input.avi -vf pad=720:576:0:72,setdar=16/9 -target pal-dvd output.mpeg
[17:27] <microchip_> ok
[17:31] <microchip_> Input area 0:72:1280:608 not within the padded area 0:0:720:480 or zero-sized
[17:32] <microchip_> why why why did somene needed to remove padtop & padbottom?
[17:32] <Mavrik> why did you say your video is 720x432 if it isn't? O.o
[17:32] <microchip_> it's scaled to that
[17:32] <microchip_> input is varying
[17:33] <cbsrobot> hehe
[17:33] <microchip_> it could be 720p or 480p
[17:33] <cbsrobot> that's why I asked
[17:33] <microchip_> seriously, -padtop was so easy
[17:33] <cbsrobot>  ffmpeg -i input.avi -vf scale=720:432,pad=720:576:0:72,setdar=16/9 -target pal-dvd output.mpeg
[17:33] <microchip_> ok i'll try
[17:33] <cbsrobot> microchip_: you're just a bit lazy
[17:34] <microchip_> yes i am!
[17:34] <cbsrobot> hehe
[17:56] <microchip_> cbsrobot: can you give me the pad params for a 720x380 video? thanks :)
[17:57] <cbsrobot> microchip_: damn it - get you brain together and figure it out &.
[17:57] <microchip_> ok
[17:57] <cbsrobot> I can give you a hint
[17:58] <cbsrobot> (576-432)/2 = ....
[17:58] <microchip_> nice!
[17:58] <cbsrobot> and then make it (576-380) / 2
[17:58] <microchip_> ok thanks
[18:04] <KeshlWare> Ish there a maaaaagical way to increase --rc-lookahead over 250? Or do two-pass encoding with -crf or something oÉo?
[18:09] <microchip_> cbsrobot: perfect! thanks a lot! :)
[18:12] <JEEB> KeshlWare, by editing the x264 source code and editing the maximum. That said, bigger lookahead does not equal better quality/compression. Not only does it make stuff slower, but can also make movement seem faster than it is within the lookahead
[18:15] <KeshlWare> oÉo What do you mean, oÉo?
[18:15] <JEEB> exactly what I said
[18:15] <KeshlWare> Can you reword it, oÉo?
[18:16] <JEEB> if I recall correctly, x264 tries to see the "speed" of things going on in the lookahead, and it heightens the quants in "fast" scenes where the watcher wouldn't notice anyways
[18:16] <JEEB> if your lookahead is too long, even stuff that isn't really fast might seem so within the longer lookahead :P
[18:16] <KeshlWare> Si, oÉo, but it also tries to keep a sane bitrate, and one of the big problems with X264 is when you have an action movie. Near the end there's a lot of scenecuts that can throw it off unless it sees them /really/ far ahead.
[18:17] <KeshlWare> Two-pass encoding solves this, and I can use -qr with that, but I don't care about keeping a static bitrate.
[18:18] <JEEB> what?
[18:19] <KeshlWare> There's three encoding methods for x264.
[18:19] <JEEB> three rate control methods, yes I know
[18:19] <KeshlWare> One of them is -crf, which tries to keep a certain quality. In fast scenes that change a lot it lowers the bitrate, thus lowering the quality of the frame, but it assumes that the viewer won't notice since so much is going on.
[18:19] <KeshlWare> Usually this holds true (Unless you pause playback, but I figure it assumes they won't do that, either)
[18:19] <KeshlWare> Thing is, you can't use two-pass encoding with it.
[18:19] <JEEB> yes, I know
[18:20] <KeshlWare> And one of its weaknesses is the fact it can't see infinitely far ahead.
[18:20] <JEEB> because it has nothing to limit its rate control
[18:20] <JEEB> as in, it doesn't have to limit its rate control, unlike abr
[18:20] <JEEB> (where 2pass makes sense)
[18:20] <KeshlWare> Since it needs to know ahead of time what's going to happen so it knows when and where it can lower and raise the quality of individual frames, this becomes problematic if part of the movie is mostly slow, then suddenly it speeds up near the end and has a lot of frame cuts.
[18:20] <KeshlWare> And this is exactly the case in some clips I have.
[18:21] <KeshlWare> So, I'd like to give it infinite lookahead or run two-pass encoding with -crf, because I don't need to limit the bitrate or the filesize. Smaller is ebtter in both cases, but there's no firm limit, and it's okay for it to be variable.
[18:21] <KeshlWare> *better
[18:22] <JEEB> ...
[18:22] <KeshlWare> What's bothering me is how in the start of a clip, it's beautiful, then near the end the encoding just flops and a lot of stuff gets blocky.
[18:22] <KeshlWare> Even with CRF at 18. <.<
[18:22] <JEEB> abr is variable bit rate unless you set maxrate/bufsize to make it that
[18:22] <JEEB> it's really hard to actually get constant bit rate with x264 :P
[18:22] <KeshlWare> ... Oh.
[18:22] <KeshlWare> Well that I didn't know. <.<
[18:22] <KeshlWare> Thought ABR was constant.
[18:23] <JEEB> ABR = Average Bit Rate
[18:23] <KeshlWare> Yes, that name's highly misleading. x.x
[18:23] <JEEB> as in, it tries to keep the average over the whole clip
[18:23] <JEEB> why is it misleading?
[18:23] <JEEB> it's like in all other encoders
[18:23] <KeshlWare> ...Oh, it's not misleading then. Dang.
[18:23] <KeshlWare> Does exactly what I don't want it to do.
[18:23] <JEEB> I'm really not sure if hitting lookahead to the max is actually solving that to be honest, but if you want to set it longer you'll have to edit x264's source code :P
[18:23] <JEEB> because the limit is set there
[18:24] <KeshlWare> Yeah.. .... Sadly I'm on windows and building that ain't gunna happen. So dang. x.x
[18:24] <JEEB> I'm pretty sure there are some negative concequences to setting it long
[18:24] <JEEB> also you could try making qcomp a bit higher, 0.7 or something (default is 0.7)
[18:24] <JEEB> ugh, 0.6 is default
[18:25] <JEEB> when qcomp hits 1.0 it's pretty much constant quant :P
[18:25] <KeshlWare> Whus quant, oÉo?
[18:25] <JEEB> quantizer?
[18:25] <KeshlWare> ... oÉo?
[18:27] <KeshlWare> Ah, okay. Yay for Wikipedia. -É-.
[18:46] <kode54> building should be fairly straightforward with either mingw or cygwin
[18:46] <kode54> former if you're lucky, latter as a fallback
[18:47] <kode54> a matter of tossing the right packages in there, make/make install, rinse repeat
[18:47] <kode54> if I felt like throwing either into my Windows VM and building for you, I could probably change that
[18:47] <kode54> but it's probably more trouble than it's worth
[18:49] <kode54> probably less trouble than it would be for me to try to get cross compiling working
[18:51] <KeshlWare> Oh, see, I'm cursed.
[18:51] <KeshlWare> Literally.
[18:51] <kode54> nah
[18:52] <kode54> you could also try hex editing
[18:52] <KeshlWare> My family was stupid and built our house on top of an anchient Indian burial ground.
[18:52] <kode54> haha
[18:52] <KeshlWare> So, seriously, crap happens. Weird crap that only happens to me.
[18:52] <kode54> what are you trying to do here?
[18:52] <KeshlWare> Generally, whenever I compile anything on windows, it goes horribly wrong. <É<
[18:52] <KeshlWare> kode54: From what I can gather, change the number "250" to "250000000" or something else outlandishly big.
[18:53] <kode54> and what would you hope to achieve with that?
[18:53] <KeshlWare> The ability to toss a number bigger than 250 at -rc-lookahead, oÉo
[18:53] <kode54> I gather that
[18:53] <kode54> but what is the hope from encoding with higher parameters?
[18:53] <kode54> is this a really high frame rate video?
[18:54] <KeshlWare> I explained all this. .É. No, it just has a lot of scene cuts at the end that all occur /juuuuust/ over 250 frames apart so it doesn't see them ahead of time as it should (Maybe) and it ends up looking really crappy at the end.
[18:54] <kode54> ah
[18:54] <KeshlWare> Even the /credits/ look crappy, and those are rather low-motion/easy to predict.
[18:54] <kode54> I can try to get that working
[18:55] <kode54> http://doom10.org/index.php?topic=26.0 this alternative to doom9 seems to have a guide to compiling and has packages of the compilers and tools
[18:55] <kode54> but I can try to get those working myself
[18:55] <KeshlWare> Well, I already have MSYS and MinGW.. Lesse, what else is there that I need..
[18:56] <KeshlWare> ...There's Pthreads for windows?
[18:56] <kode54> indeed there is
[18:56] <KeshlWare> Nobody tells me these things! >É<'
[18:57] <JEEB> you don't really need pthreads on win32/64
[18:57] <JEEB> because both ffmpeg and x264 support win32's threading
[18:57] <KeshlWare> But I want Pthreads for myself. o_o
[18:57] <JEEB> why?
[18:57] <KeshlWare> Cuz that's nice and easy and win32's is evil o_o
[18:58] <JEEB> ...
[18:58] <KeshlWare> Same reason I use nCurses <É<
[18:58] <JEEB> pthreads works on top of windows' threading
[18:58] <JEEB> so it's the same damn thing
[18:58] <KeshlWare> Different itnerface.
[18:58] <KeshlWare> *interface
[18:58] <JEEB> ...
[18:58] <JEEB> jesus christ
[18:58] <KeshlWare> To hide the blinking cursor in windows in a command prompt, using win32api, you need two structs and like six lines of code.
[18:58] <KeshlWare> *Jesus Christ
[18:59] <KeshlWare> To hide it with nCurses, you just type hide_cursor();
[18:59] <KeshlWare> So I use nCurses. oÉo.
[18:59] <JEEB> I mean, you want to build x264 and ffmpeg specifically WITH WIN32 PTHREADS?
[18:59] <JEEB> because you want to GRAB EXTRA POSSIBLE PROBLEM POINTS?
[18:59] <JEEB> seriously?
[18:59] <KeshlWare> I'm indifferent about it, but for /my own other unrelated projects/, I want pthreads.
[18:59] <KeshlWare> And I just never knew it worked on windows, oÉo.
[18:59] <JEEB> it doesn't
[18:59] <JEEB> it's a layer on top of win32threads
[18:59] <KeshlWare> Then why is it here? D:
[18:59] <KeshlWare> To me, that means it works. D:
[19:00] <JEEB> well yes, it enables you to kind of use pthreads on win32/64
[19:00] <KeshlWare> I'm just looking for a simpler interface so I can just type RunThisFunctionUntilItReturns(); instead of having to use two functions and needing to know the stacksize and stuff.
[19:00] <KeshlWare> *stack size
[19:00] <JEEB> you should look at the wrapper in x264 and ffmpeg
[19:01] <JEEB> they pretty much share it
[19:01] <JEEB> or use the win32 pthreads thingy, there's the old one + one from mingw-w64 projecgt
[19:01] <JEEB> *project
[19:02] <JEEB> also, fun fact. I'm pretty sure this is not intended, but x264's configure actually starts enabling pthreads in case it finds the pthreads headers, so you actually have to /tell/ it to use the native threading
[19:02] <JEEB> (on !win32 it's a good thing, but on win32/64 I'm pretty sure it shouldn't override native threads with pthreads)
[19:02] <JEEB> because on other architectures it generally means that you wouldn't have threading otherwise
[19:03] <KeshlWare> Interesting, oÉo.
[19:04] <KeshlWare> ...Any chance there's a port of Pthreads that'll run on Atmel devices? With really low overhead so it fits in ~1KB of RAM? <.<
[19:04] <JEEB> no effing idea
[19:04] <KeshlWare> D'aww .É.
[19:06] <kode54> hexediting the binary may work as well, if you can find where it clamps the value
[19:06] <KeshlWare> Yes, but I ain't so good at that, nor do I know how to add room (Cuz otherwise I might only be able to take it to 999, or 255, depending what exactly they did)
[19:07] <KeshlWare> Blargh. Where do I need to put i686-pc-mingw32? Can't find that folder in my install anywhere,.
[19:07] <KeshlWare> ...because I don't even have them in the first place. Okay. No wonder. ...Blah. x.x
[19:08] <JEEB> just grab the newest mingw package from here http://files.1f0.de/mingw/
[19:08] <JEEB> and mount it as /mingw
[19:08] <KeshlWare> JEEB: On windows, oÉo.
[19:08] <JEEB> yes
[19:08] <JEEB> withing msys
[19:08] <KeshlWare> Ohhh..
[19:08] <JEEB> <msys dir>/etc/fstab controls the "mounts"
[19:09] <KeshlWare> OH, so, they, just go in the root folder.
[19:09] <JEEB> not necessarily
[19:09] <JEEB> I have <msys root dir>/mingw as well, but I have left that be :P
[19:09] <JEEB> I just mount another folder as /mingw
[19:10] <KeshlWare> ... -Blank stare at the folder structors- .... Okay so what's the syntax for mount in mingw? <É<
[19:10] <JEEB> mingw has no mount syntax
[19:10] <KeshlWare> Then how... But... .É.
[19:10] <JEEB> you just have the mounts in msys's etc/fstab
[19:10] <JEEB> well, "mounts"
[19:10] <KeshlWare> Oh right.
[19:10] <KeshlWare> One moment, I will screw this up. oÉo.
[19:11] <JEEB> so for example I have in <msys root dir>/etc/fstab
[19:11] <JEEB> C:/JEEB/msys/mingw-w64-4.7.2      /mingw
[19:11] <KeshlWare> Is there a way to comment out what's there? Just add a #?
[19:11] <JEEB> yes
[19:11] <KeshlWare> oÉo.
[19:11] <JEEB> I have plenty of old /mingw lines there
[19:11] <JEEB> commented out
[19:11] <JEEB> lol
[19:12] <JEEB> also it hates spaces in paths, so just don't use them. If you really need to, you'll have to use the short paths in fstab
[19:12] <JEEB> like I have with the CUDA SDK
[19:12] <JEEB> C:/PROGRA~1/NVIDIA~2/CUDA/v4.2  /cuda
[19:12] <KeshlWare> Dun worry, I already have that common sense, oÉo.
[19:13] <KeshlWare> I just never use spaces to begin with and obsessively only save stuff to folders that don't got them.
[19:13] <KeshlWare> And for serious overkill, they usually have less than 9 characters in the name.
[19:13] <kode54> building ffmpeg now
[19:14] <kode54> so I can produce x264 binary
[19:14] <JEEB> anyways, after you've set the mount point for /mingw , start msys from the msys.bat
[19:14] <JEEB> and see if you get correct'ish response from gcc --version
[19:14] <JEEB> i686-w64-mingw32-gcc --version and x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc --version
[19:15] <JEEB> just in case
[19:15] <KeshlWare> well, it's longer than it wa s before, so seems right, oÉo.
[19:15] <JEEB> if you grabbed one from the url I pointed at, it should say 4.7.2 for all
[19:16] <KeshlWare> ...I cna't paste into it? .É.
[19:16] Action: KeshlWare is just noticing this now.
[19:16] <JEEB> depends on which shell you're using with msys
[19:16] <KeshlWare> ...The normal one? .É.
[19:16] <JEEB> or well, terminal emu
[19:16] <JEEB> well, there is really no "normal" one :P
[19:17] <JEEB> they used to use rxvt, they used to use standard windows cmd and they could be using mintty as default now
[19:17] <KeshlWare> .É. Things are scary now cuz the guide's saying to poke the option with the scary red text and the red text says not to poke it unless I know what it does and Iunno what it does D:
[19:17] <JEEB> all of those could copy and paste in various ways
[19:17] <JEEB> KeshlWare, don't follow the guide
[19:17] <JEEB> it's old
[19:17] <KeshlWare> Then whus I do? D:
[19:18] <JEEB> well I just asked if the output of those commands I listed looks more or less ok?
[19:18] <KeshlWare> Si, oÉo, 4.7.2.
[19:19] <JEEB> ok, grab http://www.tortall.net/projects/yasm/releases/yasm-1.2.0-win32.exe and save it as yasm.exe in <msys root dir>/bin
[19:19] <JEEB> so you can call it out with just 'yasm' from the msys shell
[19:20] <JEEB> (I generally put it into the msys /bin because I switch around /mingw toolchains rather often at times, so I don't have to care about copying it around or rebuilding it)
[19:21] <KeshlWare> oÉo'd, oÉo.
[19:23] <JEEB> tell me after you've done that and can launch yasm from the msys shell with just 'yasm'
[19:23] <KeshlWare> I did, oÉo.
[19:23] <KeshlWare> Sorry, sometimes I forget that english exists <É<
[19:23] <JEEB> ok
[19:23] <JEEB> did you have git around already?
[19:24] <KeshlWare> Nu .É.
[19:24] <JEEB> okies
[19:24] <KeshlWare> On Linux yeah but, cross-compiling does /not/ happen in this ghouse. XD
[19:24] <KeshlWare> *house
[19:24] <JEEB> grab the newest 7z archive from http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/downloads/list
[19:24] <JEEB> then extract it somewhere like the mingw
[19:24] <JEEB> mount it to, say, /git
[19:25] <kode54> I'm attempting to cross compile it for you now
[19:25] <JEEB> (etc/fstab, similarily)
[19:25] <kode54> I already had mingw installed for some wine related thing
[19:25] <KeshlWare> kode54: 'Preciated, oÉo. (Watch it run fine on your system but not mine <.<)
[19:25] <JEEB> then add "export PATH=${PATH}:/git/bin" to the end of the msys etc/profile file
[19:25] <kode54> it's an i486 compiler, so it should be pretty safe
[19:25] <kode54> (watch it slow down your encodes)
[19:25] <KeshlWare> ...Yes.
[19:25] <KeshlWare> x.x
[19:25] <JEEB> *cough*
[19:25] Action: KeshlWare is bothered. Has AVX D:
[19:25] <kode54> it uses optimizations
[19:26] <kode54> I mean
[19:26] <kode54> i486 probably means it's built for i486
[19:26] <kode54> but can run AVX
[19:26] <kode54> ffmpeg has avx I think
[19:26] <KeshlWare> It does, oÉo.
[19:26] <kode54> it seemed to assemble that stuff just fine
[19:26] <JEEB> anyways, KeshlWare -- look at those lines of mine
[19:26] <kode54> I had to apply a fix for compiling it with gcc 4.7
[19:27] <JEEB> extract the git 7z similar to the mingw package, mount it as /git in fstab and add it to PATH in etc/profile
[19:27] <JEEB> after that you should be able to use 'git' in the msys shell
[19:28] <JEEB> tell me when you can launch git from the terminal, can launch yasm from the terminal and all of the gcc commands output their versions properly. That's pretty much all of the prerequisites you'd need :)
[19:28] <Nick-S> what image formats does ffmpeg image2 supports?
[19:28] <KeshlWare> Git works, oÉo.
[19:28] <KeshlWare> And other stuff /should/ work oÉo
[19:29] <JEEB> so you mounted and added it to PATH like I noted?
[19:29] <KeshlWare> Si, oÉo.
[19:29] <JEEB> great
[19:29] <JEEB> one little thing before we start grabbing code then
[19:29] <Nick-S> anyone knows? i see gif and jpg in the docs but i'm wondering about tif
[19:29] <JEEB> "git config --global core.autocrlf false"
[19:29] <KeshlWare> I use Linux from time-to-time so I'm not completely lost here, but I'd never handle this without hand-holding, so danks, oÉo.
[19:29] <JEEB> make sure you set this for git
[19:29] <KeshlWare> Nick-S: PNG works, dunno about TIFF.
[19:30] <JEEB> tell me after you've set that
[19:30] <KeshlWare> JEEB: Poked oÉo
[19:30] <JEEB> great
[19:30] <JEEB> now let's grab x264 to your home folder
[19:30] <JEEB> move to where you want to clone the source code, and then 'git clone git://git.videolan.org/x264.git x264'
[19:31] <JEEB> and it should start cloning x264's source code into a folder called x264
[19:31] <KeshlWare> Doing, oÉo.
[19:31] <KeshlWare> Is there verbose for this? I like seeing numbers do fancy stuff <É<.
[19:31] <Nick-S> KeshlWare, hmm...
[19:31] <JEEB> there's a verbose setting, but for whatever reason that seems not to be on by default on msys
[19:31] <JEEB> for whatever reason
[19:31] <KeshlWare> ...Okay is there verbose, cuz crap went wrong?
[19:31] <JEEB> oh well
[19:31] <JEEB> hm?
[19:32] <KeshlWare> ...Oh. Typo.
[19:32] <KeshlWare> Typed videolanD instead of videolan <É<.
[19:32] <JEEB> lol
[19:32] <KeshlWare> ... Scratch that, crap still goes wrong.
[19:32] <KeshlWare> Sec, screenshotting cuz I can't copy/paste and I have a feeling you're gunna asked if I typed it right first. <É<
[19:33] <KeshlWare> http://ompldr.org/vaDVqbA/crapwentwrong.png oÉo
[19:33] <JEEB> o___O
[19:33] <JEEB> also that seems like mintty
[19:34] <JEEB> you should be able to use shift+insert to paste
[19:34] <KeshlWare> Squee ^É^
[19:34] <JEEB> and ctrl+insert to copy
[19:34] <JEEB> (also in the right-click menu)
[19:34] <KeshlWare> There's no right0click meni.
[19:34] <KeshlWare> And ctrl + Insert dun do anything oÉo
[19:35] <JEEB> sure does have for me...
[19:35] <KeshlWare> OH, you mean in the... No, see, this is the standard shell with colors.
[19:35] <JEEB> oh
[19:35] <KeshlWare> Just cmd.exe.
[19:35] <Fjorgynn> nope
[19:35] <JEEB> so if you right-click the window border on the top
[19:35] <JEEB> you have no "options" there?
[19:35] <KeshlWare> Yes, that works, oÉo, but I thought you meant in the backgroundish area.
[19:36] <KeshlWare> Anyway, did I type stuff right? D:
[19:36] <JEEB> that seems correct for me
[19:37] <KeshlWare> So why error? D:
[19:37] <JEEB> try without the tailing x264 once
[19:37] <JEEB> (it will look for the repo name in the url)
[19:37] <KeshlWare> Same output, oÉo.
[19:37] <KeshlWare> Wait.
[19:37] <KeshlWare> ... Is windows stupid enough that I need to escape froward slashes?
[19:37] <KeshlWare> >w>
[19:38] <KeshlWare> Dang.
[19:38] <JEEB> no, and also you're in the msys shell
[19:38] <KeshlWare> Si, oÉo.
[19:38] <JEEB> not exactly windows's standard thing :P
[19:38] <KeshlWare> But isn't that just cmd.exe with colors? .É.
[19:38] <JEEB> no
[19:38] <KeshlWare> oÉo..
[19:38] <JEEB> or well, it might be but you'd be in a msys shell in any case :P
[19:39] <KeshlWare> oÉo.
[19:39] <JEEB> if you right-click the window border on top, click options and have an about menu there, then you are in mintty as the terminal emulator :P
[19:39] <KeshlWare> They dun has an about, oÉo.
[19:40] <KeshlWare> Regardless. o_o Is this my juju acting up? D:
[19:40] <JEEB> it sounds like something isn't letting git write
[19:41] <KeshlWare> (Again, I am literally cursed. It is very possible that I am the only person with this problem right now and that it's completely unsolvable. I'll just add it to the stack of other unsolvable juju-cursed problems I have. <É<)
[19:42] <kode54> I'm working on it
[19:42] <kode54> have patience
[19:42] <JEEB> you're far from the only one :P
[19:42] <KeshlWare> kode54: But I wanna try at least D:
[19:42] <JEEB> msysgit can be funky like that for some people
[19:42] <kode54> KeshlWare: you're welcome to
[19:42] <KeshlWare> JEEB: Should I mention that, on no system in my house, pywin works?
[19:43] <KeshlWare> Talked in #python about it. It's a known but, nobody knows what causes it or how to fix it. They told me that I just have to accept the fact that the computer in question can't ever run it. All 10+ of my computers can't run it. /that/ is the extent of my juju. <.<
[19:43] <JEEB> try to make sure there's nothing funky trying to block file system access?
[19:43] <kode54> lol mlp encoder
[19:43] <kode54> (yes I know that's a format)
[19:43] <KeshlWare> JEEB: There's not, oÉo.
[19:43] <JEEB> no antivirus or anything?
[19:43] <KeshlWare> Unless ClamAV is stupider than I thought.
[19:44] <KeshlWare> No, no on-demand scanning. Yeah, nothing blocking it.
[19:44] <JEEB> :s
[19:44] <KeshlWare> on-access*
[19:44] <JEEB> ok, let's try via cygwin then I guess :D
[19:44] <JEEB> that one's simpler to set up anyways
[19:44] <kode54> I think this is called i486 simply because it's i486 binaries so that just about any system can run them
[19:45] <JEEB> just grab the installer/package manager from http://www.cygwin.com/
[19:45] <KeshlWare> o_o Oh gosh I can go on for ages about the torture this things'b roughr upon me.
[19:45] <KeshlWare> Before I go on, is there a way to prevent it from screwing with %PATH%?
[19:45] <JEEB> yes, cygwin doesn't play with your general PATH at all
[19:45] <KeshlWare> *thing's brought
[19:45] <KeshlWare> ... I swear it used to. o_o
[19:45] <KeshlWare> Had to reinstall an OS once after installing Cygwin o_o
[19:45] <JEEB> I have cygwin installed and it hasn't modified my path at all
[19:45] <Nick-S> can't i find in the code somewhere what formats are supported?
[19:45] <JEEB> it's a completely separate ecosystem pretty much
[19:46] <KeshlWare> Okay, wish me luck.
[19:46] <JEEB> from the installer, when you get to the package selection
[19:46] <JEEB> use the search to locate git
[19:46] <JEEB> yasm
[19:46] <JEEB> mingw-w64
[19:46] <JEEB> that should be enough
[19:46] <KeshlWare> Just a note: Another of my unsvolable bugs is, on a recent system, the processor hangs unless I'm giving it constant input from a HID, OR unless Compiz is running and pouring rain down on the desktop.
[19:46] <KeshlWare> And it only happens when Linux is booted. Windows is fine.
[19:46] <JEEB> i686-w64-mingw32 and x86_64-w64-mingw32
[19:47] <JEEB> (for mingw-w64)
[19:47] <KeshlWare> Do not underestimate this juju. <.<
[19:47] <JEEB> that msysgit snafu doesn't sound like too weird
[19:47] <Hans_Henrik> can i use ffmpeg to make a copy of all frames with a specific pixel color? something close to that?
[19:47] <JEEB> either network or FS related, and I've seen others have similar things and google tells me others have had the same error pop up
[19:48] <JEEB> not to mention that one of my friends had msysgit just not work for him for months
[19:48] <JEEB> and then it suddenly worked later again
[19:48] <Hans_Henrik> (i realize it would probably be annoyingly cpu-intensive, but i don't care about that currently)
[19:48] <KeshlWare> JEEB: Reminds me of one of my laptops.
[19:49] <KeshlWare> Bad update to a kernel module kicked out network access on it. No wifi, no ethernet.
[19:49] <KeshlWare> Turned it off for a month, turned it back on.. Ethernet works fine now. Wifi's still dead.
[19:49] <Hans_Henrik> ouch,
[19:49] <KeshlWare> And nobody can fix it. It appears totally fine.
[19:49] <Hans_Henrik> am i still in #ffmpeg ?
[19:49] <KeshlWare> Correct module is loaded. Module's got the right checksum..
[19:49] <KeshlWare> Hans_Henrik: Yes oÉo
[19:50] <Hans_Henrik> KeshlWare: sounds like a problem for ##linux :o
[19:50] <Hans_Henrik> <KeshlWare> Turned it off for a month, turned it back on.. Ethernet works fine now. Wifi's still dead.
[19:50] <Hans_Henrik> sounds more like a hardware issue, if "turning it off for a month" fixed anything..
[19:50] <KeshlWare> JEEB: The MinGW packages you mentioned aren't in Cygwin, oÉo.
[19:51] <KeshlWare> Hans_Henrik: I doubt that. It works fine anywhere but Linux, as far as I'm able to test.
[19:51] <JEEB> KeshlWare, there should be mingw-w64 stuff
[19:51] <KeshlWare> JEEB: Nupe. oÉo.
[19:52] <Hans_Henrik> KeshlWare: anything inportant on the linux installation?
[19:52] <Hans_Henrik> important*
[19:52] <JEEB> mingw64-i686-gcc-core
[19:52] <JEEB> and mingw64-x86_64-gcc-core
[19:52] <JEEB> it seems
[19:52] <KeshlWare> Hans_Henrik: Yeah. Spent ages customizing it just right and, due to an intense reverse-juju incident, did something that should've been impossible.
[19:52] <KeshlWare> Somehow I replaced the kernel's bootsplash early on with another image, without recompiling it.
[19:53] <KeshlWare> I don't question it, and I'm afraid to get rid of it. <.<
[19:53] <KeshlWare> And it just matches the laptop so nice .É....
[19:53] <Hans_Henrik> what GUI thing did you put on it?
[19:53] <KeshlWare> JEEB: Dem's squeeful ^É^
[19:53] <Hans_Henrik> or, customize
[19:53] <KeshlWare> Hans_Henrik: ...oÉo?
[19:54] <KeshlWare> It's mainly the early boot splash, so, "none".
[19:54] <Hans_Henrik> hmm
[19:54] <JEEB> KeshlWare, speak English, please...
[19:54] <KeshlWare> Screen that comes directly after Grub.
[19:54] <Hans_Henrik> no idea what owo is :o
[19:54] <KeshlWare> JEEB: Found them.
[19:54] <KeshlWare> Hans_Henrik: :3 roated 90 degrees.
[19:54] <JEEB> alrighty
[19:54] <JEEB> also check what version yasm is in cygwin
[19:54] <JEEB> the package selector should show the version
[19:54] <Hans_Henrik> KeshlWare: seems correct
[19:54] <KeshlWare> 1.2.0-1.
[19:54] <JEEB> nice
[19:54] <JEEB> it's new enough
[19:55] <KeshlWare> Hans_Henrik: Well yeah. I know what oÉo is. XD
[19:55] <JEEB> git, those mingw tools, yasm
[19:55] <JEEB> should be enough
[19:55] <KeshlWare> Kay, wish me luck. <.<
[19:55] <KeshlWare> If I lag out, assume this set off a nuclear missile launch and it's aimed for my house and I had to evacuate.
[19:55] <Hans_Henrik> ah wait a sec
[19:55] <KeshlWare> That way you can't worry about something /worse/.
[19:56] <Hans_Henrik> KeshlWare: just, where do you live?
[19:56] <KeshlWare> Hans_Henrik: ... You're not near a silo are you? o_o
[19:56] <Hans_Henrik> KeshlWare: no, not really, but long-range-missiles can go pretty far
[19:56] <KeshlWare> .... The moon 8D
[19:56] <KeshlWare> Pennsylvania
[19:56] <KeshlWare> >W>
[19:57] <Hans_Henrik> hmm ok, i should be fairly safe then; (way up in cold norway here)
[19:57] <KeshlWare> Lucky. .É.
[19:57] <Hans_Henrik> yup
[19:57] <Hans_Henrik> why do you keep rotating :3  btw?
[19:57] <KeshlWare> So I can do stuff like <É<
[19:57] <Hans_Henrik> awesome!
[19:57] <KeshlWare> I know right? OÉO
[19:58] <KeshlWare> JEEB: Kay, it's in.
[19:58] <JEEB> nice
[19:58] <JEEB> start the cygwin shell
[19:58] <KeshlWare> o-o How do I make the cursor bigger tellmehow o_o!
[19:58] <JEEB> (now that should be mintty by default)
[19:58] Action: KeshlWare panics.
[19:58] <KeshlWare> Ogh, got it.
[19:58] <KeshlWare> Kay.
[19:58] <JEEB> options are under options when you right-click on the top bar
[19:58] <KeshlWare> Carry on.
[19:58] <JEEB> ok, so now you should be able to run git --version, yasm --version and i686-w64-mingw32-gcc --version
[19:59] <JEEB> and all should actually return some info
[19:59] <KeshlWare> 1.7.9, 1.2.0, 4.5.3 oÉo
[20:00] <KeshlWare> Old D:
[20:00] <JEEB> the gcc is a bit old, but that should be fine
[20:00] <JEEB> now you can get back to cloning x264
[20:01] <KeshlWare> oÉo.
[20:01] <KeshlWare> Whus address again, oÉo?
[20:01] <JEEB> git clone git://git.videolan.org/x264.git
[20:01] <KeshlWare> oÉo.
[20:01] <JEEB> (it grabs the x264 from the x264.git to be as the directory name)
[20:01] <KeshlWare> Squee numbers OÉO
[20:01] <KeshlWare> Ish good, oÉo.
[20:02] <JEEB> tell me when you've got x264 cloned
[20:02] <KeshlWare> It be.
[20:03] <JEEB> ?
[20:03] <KeshlWare> It's cloned, oÉo.
[20:03] <Fjorgynn> <3
[20:03] <JEEB> ok
[20:03] <JEEB> move to the x264 directory and do ./configure --cross-prefix=i686-w64-mingw32-
[20:04] <JEEB> see what that outputs
[20:04] <KeshlWare> with the - at the end, oÉo?
[20:04] <JEEB> yes
[20:04] <KeshlWare> oÉo.
[20:04] <KeshlWare> it says I can type make now, oÉo.
[20:04] <JEEB> pastebin what you got :)
[20:04] <KeshlWare> it also picks me up as X86. <É<
[20:05] <KeshlWare> http://pastebin.com/B8wsgWBT oÉo
[20:05] <JEEB> ahaha
[20:05] <JEEB> yeah, you got the usual derp
[20:05] <KeshlWare> oÉo..?
[20:05] <JEEB> see thread:
[20:05] <KeshlWare> Posix threads oÉo?
[20:05] <JEEB> it picked up posix
[20:05] <JEEB> add --enable-win32thread
[20:05] <KeshlWare> Where, oÉo?
[20:06] <JEEB> configure
[20:06] <KeshlWare> oÉo.
[20:06] <KeshlWare> Thread looks happy now, oÉo.
[20:06] <JEEB> sweet
[20:06] <JEEB> now to see what your prefix is
[20:06] <kode54> how many do you want it to be?
[20:06] <kode54> 250 is not enough
[20:06] <JEEB> 'which i686-w64-mingw32-gcc'
[20:07] <KeshlWare> kode54: Pretty much just "So high I'll never make a video long enough to hit it"
[20:07] <kode54> I'll just make it 2000 for starters
[20:07] <kode54> since it does add memory to several functions
[20:07] <KeshlWare> kode54: I need more than that. XD
[20:07] <kode54> because it scales the size of arrays
[20:07] <KeshlWare> Video's almost 20,000 frames.
[20:07] <KeshlWare> And I got 32 gigs of RAM, so, yeah. oÉo.
[20:07] <kode54> this is going to be a 32 bit binary
[20:07] <KeshlWare> ... Oh D:
[20:08] <kode54> but yeah, I don't think it will be much of a problem
[20:08] <kode54> I'll make it 50,000 then
[20:08] <KeshlWare> JEEB: That reminds me, I'm probably gunna need more than 2 gigs of RAM for what I actually want to do. Can I do a 64-bit build too oÉo?
[20:08] <KeshlWare> And the output's "/usr/bin/i686-w64-mingw32-gcc"
[20:08] <JEEB> KeshlWare, switch to x86_64-w64-mingw32- as the prefix
[20:08] <JEEB> that's the win64 one
[20:08] <KeshlWare> oÉo.
[20:08] <cbreak> ffmpeg works in 64 bit if that's what you mean
[20:09] <kode54> sure it does
[20:09] <KeshlWare> D:
[20:09] <JEEB> also I have a feeling that just disabling mbtree or setting qcomp a bit higher than 0.6 (the default)
[20:09] <KeshlWare> "No working C compiler found."
[20:09] <JEEB> do you have a x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc ?
[20:09] <KeshlWare> ... Maybe D:
[20:09] Action: KeshlWare gets.
[20:09] <JEEB> try launching it from the terminal
[20:09] <JEEB> if it's not there then it's not there
[20:10] <JEEB> mingw64-x86_64-gcc-core should be the package name for the x86_64 stuff
[20:10] <KeshlWare> It's there, oÉo.
[20:10] <JEEB> ok, so you can launch x86_64-w64-mingw32 from terminal?
[20:11] <JEEB> ugh
[20:11] <JEEB> x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc
[20:11] <KeshlWare> Si, oÉo.
[20:11] <KeshlWare> Says "no input files" so I figure it's there.
[20:11] <JEEB> yeah
[20:11] <JEEB> check config.log in x264's folder for what went wrong then
[20:12] <JEEB> also I have a feeling that you might as well disable mbtree or heighten qcomp to fix your "problem" >_>
[20:12] <JEEB> instead of making the lookahead lol long
[20:12] <KeshlWare> Yes but I wanna know what happens D:
[20:12] <KeshlWare> Curiousity sparks invention! Maybe I'm just a late bloomer! ...Really, really late.
[20:13] <JEEB> well, in any case the config.log should be telling you what went wrong with x264's configuration
[20:13] <KeshlWare> It's co ... ....Long.
[20:13] Action: KeshlWare pastebins.
[20:14] <KeshlWare> http://pastebin.com/fwXd4eqH oÉo
[20:15] Action: JEEB double-blinks
[20:15] <JEEB> oh right
[20:15] <JEEB> it tries to use 32bit flags or something?
[20:16] <KeshlWare> Iunno .É.
[20:16] <KeshlWare> This is normally the part I seek help and professional medication advice D:
[20:16] <JEEB> try adding --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32
[20:17] <JEEB> (this is without the tailing -)
[20:17] <KeshlWare> Ish happy now ^É^
[20:17] <JEEB> nice
[20:18] <JEEB> to change what you wanted
[20:18] <JEEB> you'll have to open up common/common.h
[20:18] <KeshlWare> Oh thank you o_o I just realized that I have no idea where it is.. XD
[20:18] <JEEB> and find a line that says #define X264_LOOKAHEAD_MAX 250
[20:19] <JEEB> I didn't remember either, but since it's hardcoded to 250 I just did 'git grep "250"' in a x264 repository folder :P
[20:19] <KeshlWare> oÉo.
[20:19] <KeshlWare> ...I wouldn't have done that right.
[20:19] <KeshlWare> >W>
[20:19] <KeshlWare> First though, just, cuz, I have this hunch it'll go wrong, how do I build as-is, oÉo?
[20:20] <JEEB> after you've run configure
[20:20] <JEEB> hit make
[20:20] <JEEB> and wait for a bit
[20:20] <JEEB> you haven't set a prefix yet so don't do make install
[20:20] <KeshlWare> D:
[20:20] <KeshlWare> "make: command not found"
[20:20] <JEEB> lawl
[20:20] <KeshlWare> Juju! D:
[20:21] <JEEB> time to close the cygwin shell and re-open the cygwin setup exe you installed some time ago
[20:21] <JEEB> it's the package manager
[20:21] <JEEB> so you just go through it until you get to the package selection and install make
[20:21] <KeshlWare> oÉo.
[20:21] <JEEB> gnu make should do
[20:21] <KeshlWare> Ish makin' now, oÉo. Maybe.
[20:22] <KeshlWare> yeah there it goes.
[20:22] <KeshlWare> Oh good, -O3. I was gunna probably ask about that next <.<
[20:22] <JEEB> also I think libtool and autoconf/automake should be useful if you want to compile in fdk-aac or something into ffmpeg
[20:22] <JEEB> not like O3 makes it any faster really >_>
[20:22] <JEEB> the yasm'ification does
[20:22] <JEEB> (and threads)
[20:22] <KeshlWare> Whus yasm oÉo? It sounds like yam. Yams are kewl -É-
[20:22] <JEEB> yasm is the assembler that you installed :P
[20:23] <JEEB> it compiles assembly code into binaries
[20:23] <JEEB> object files
[20:23] <KeshlWare> But dun GCC do that? oÉo
[20:23] <KeshlWare> Also, appearntly, it got made.
[20:23] <JEEB> GCC can only do inline asm, and that is evil and specific to GCC
[20:23] <JEEB> then you can launch it with ./x264 --version
[20:23] <JEEB> it's a normal windows binary
[20:24] <KeshlWare> It works OÉO!
[20:24] <JEEB> cool
[20:24] <KeshlWare> make clean; editcrap; make, oÉo?
[20:24] <JEEB> make clean, re-configure with a prefix set and --enable-static
[20:24] <JEEB> check contents of usr
[20:24] <JEEB> and see if you have the w64 directories there
[20:24] <KeshlWare> I dun .É.
[20:25] <KeshlWare> Well do and dun.
[20:25] <KeshlWare> "i686-w64-mingw32  lib      sbin   src    x86_64-w64-mingw32" (at the end)
[20:25] <JEEB> yeah, you have both
[20:25] <JEEB> although since cygwin has package management I guess we won't go using those as the prefix ^^;
[20:26] <KeshlWare> I confus. .É.
[20:26] <JEEB> we'll do it like it's done with *nix when you want to keep le usual folders pretty
[20:26] <JEEB> in other words, ./configure --enable-static --cross-prefix=x86_64-w64-mingw32- --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 --enable-win32thread --prefix=/home/yourusername/ownapps
[20:27] <JEEB> this will then install the static library and the x264 app into /home/yourusername/ownapps as the prefix (it will make the bin, lib, include etc. folders there)
[20:27] <KeshlWare> Ohhhh oÉo
[20:28] <KeshlWare> Den make, oÉo?
[20:28] <JEEB> after you've made your change?
[20:28] <KeshlWare> ohright <É<
[20:28] <JEEB> and then make install to install the stuff into the prefix
[20:28] <JEEB> I hope you set the prefix with tab-autocompletion
[20:29] <JEEB> lol
[20:29] <KeshlWare> Wai? .É.
[20:29] <JEEB> so you got it right?
[20:29] <KeshlWare> I'm decently sure, oÉo. Not like it's long.
[20:29] Action: KeshlWare is fixing stuff secretly. <.<'
[20:29] <JEEB> sure as long as it's correct
[20:30] <JEEB> and you know what you set the prefix as :)
[20:30] <JEEB> oh, and since you don't really need the separate x264 app
[20:30] <KeshlWare> Whus "make fprofiled" do oÉo?
[20:30] <JEEB> you could add --disable-cli
[20:30] <JEEB> make fprofiled runs the compiled stuff once through possible clips that you might or might not have around
[20:30] <JEEB> you probably don't have any raw YCbCr clips around so just ignore it
[20:31] <KeshlWare> oÉo.. Does it help make stuff sexier?
[20:31] <JEEB> not really
[20:31] <JEEB> placebo at best
[20:31] <KeshlWare> I use -preset placebo D:
[20:31] <JEEB> just ignore it since you don't have y4m files for it :P
[20:31] <KeshlWare> Are you telling me it's all.. Lies? D:
[20:31] <JEEB> you can play with it /later/
[20:32] <KeshlWare> Fiiiine <É< And I'll keep x264.exe, cuz documentation.
[20:32] <JEEB> http://mewiki.project357.com/wiki/X264_Settings
[20:32] <KeshlWare> So make && make install, oÉo?
[20:32] <JEEB> yes
[20:32] <KeshlWare> oÉo.
[20:32] <JEEB> make, check that it compiled correctly, then make install to install it
[20:33] <KeshlWare> Does Yasm work with all programs well, oÉo? Is it easy to make programs hug it?
[20:33] <KeshlWare> And installed, oÉo.
[20:33] <JEEB> it's one of the simpler things around, and x264 has a nice framework for using it with multiple architectures (32bit and 64bit, windows and linux etc.)
[20:34] <JEEB> both ffmpeg and x264 use x264's yasm framework :3
[20:34] <KeshlWare> Dang, so I can't just hand a blob of Yasm and go "Here'ya go! Make it sexy!"? D:
[20:34] <JEEB> uhh
[20:34] <JEEB> it needs asm code
[20:34] <KeshlWare> *a blob to Yasm
[20:35] <KeshlWare> .... Ffmpeg's written in Assembly?
[20:35] <KeshlWare> o_
[20:35] <KeshlWare> *o_o
[20:35] <JEEB> parts of it, yes
[20:35] <JEEB> just like parts of x264 as well
[20:35] <KeshlWare> oÉo..
[20:35] <JEEB> it switches between asm or compiled C depending on your CPU's capabilities
[20:35] <JEEB> function pointers, ho!
[20:36] <JEEB> anyways, you can now move back to the directory that contains the x264 directory
[20:36] <KeshlWare> So confused D: Task at paw, focusing..
[20:36] <JEEB> and clone ffmpeg
[20:36] <KeshlWare> Mindjynx <É<
[20:36] <JEEB> git clone git://git.videolan.org/ffmpeg.git
[20:36] <KeshlWare> "fatal: repository 'ffmpegjustfindtheURLformeplease' does not exist" doesn't -- Oh thanks, oÉo
[20:37] <kode54> my radar is getting lots of pings
[20:38] <kode54> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/14849789/x264-Keshl.7z try this
[20:38] <kode54> static zlib, ffmpeg (decoders only), and ffms2, and gpac
[20:38] <kode54> all cross compiled from arch linux
[20:39] <KeshlWare> kode54: Ish the syntax the same, oÉo?
[20:39] <kode54> should be, it's just a straight up compile, with that range increased to 50000
[20:39] <kode54> who knows
[20:39] <kode54> it may actually help
[20:39] <kode54> for your weird video
[20:39] <KeshlWare> JEEB: Clone'd, oÉo. Should I cryogenically freeze the clone now to preserve it in case of zombie invasion?
[20:40] <JEEB> no real need
[20:40] <kode54> the change in question is to X264_LOOKAHEAD_MAX in common/common.h
[20:40] <kode54> which does increase the size of some stack based arrays
[20:41] <kode54> who knows, maybe it will explode
[20:41] <KeshlWare> JEEB: Okay, what next then, oÉo?
[20:41] <KeshlWare> kode54: Perhaps. Or perhaps it'll hatch a raptor, oÉo.
[20:41] <kode54> stop pinging my furdar
[20:41] <KeshlWare> A raptor to fight the zombies. <É<
[20:42] <KeshlWare> kode54: It's pinging for a reason. XD
[20:42] <kode54> I already know
[20:42] <kode54> but really
[20:42] <kode54> try that binary
[20:42] <kode54> it may work
[20:42] <kode54> it at least runs
[20:42] <kode54> I haven't tried to encode anything with it yet
[20:42] <KeshlWare> Yes. The change was so crazy, that the results, miiiight just work. .... -Said with an Italian accent.-
[20:43] <JEEB> KeshlWare, I'm writing down a base configure line, just make sure to switch all instances of /home/yourusername/ownapps with whatever prefix you used with x264
[20:43] <KeshlWare> ...Wait the freak was I running before?
[20:43] <KeshlWare> JEEB: oÉo.
[20:43] <JEEB> ugh.. did xchat just copy what I selected and what I had just written went out of the window...
[20:43] <JEEB> meh
[20:44] <KeshlWare> D:
[20:44] <KeshlWare> kode54: Crap broke D:
[20:44] <KeshlWare> But not in the way you thought D:
[20:44] <KeshlWare> x264 -i IN.mkv -vcodec libx264 -preset medium -crf 18 -rc-lookahead 251 RC.mp4
[20:44] <KeshlWare> returns:    x264: invalid option -- c
[20:45] <JEEB> umm
[20:45] <kode54> ahahaha
[20:45] <JEEB> x264 is not ffmpeg
[20:45] <JEEB> :P
[20:45] <kode54> yeah
[20:45] <KeshlWare> But he said the syntax is the same D:
[20:45] <kode54> I built x264
[20:45] <kode54> oh
[20:45] <kode54> no
[20:45] <kode54> x264 has its own syntax
[20:45] <KeshlWare> .É.
[20:45] <kode54> I can try building an ffmpeg binary with encoders then
[20:45] <JEEB> I think we'll get to that before that finishes :)
[20:45] <KeshlWare> Aie's not the smartest thingy on the round shape .É.
[20:46] <kode54> imaginative enough to come up with that on the spot
[20:46] <KeshlWare> Imaginative yes, but smart questionable D:
[20:47] <KeshlWare> JEEB: So what do I -- Oh wait right Xchat ate your clipboard.
[20:47] <JEEB> anyways, ./configure --extra-cflags="-I/home/yourusername/ownapps/include -U__STRICT_ANSI__" --extra-ldflags="-L/home/yourusername/ownapps/lib" --prefix=/home/yourusername/ownapps --arch=x86_64 --target-os=mingw32 --cross-prefix=x86_64-w64-mingw32- --enable-gpl --enable-libx264
[20:47] <JEEB> there
[20:47] <KeshlWare> Oh good you got it back ^É^!
[20:47] <JEEB> I'm not sure if that -U__STRICT_ANSI__ if (still) needed, but I've needed when building for mingw at times
[20:47] <JEEB> s/if/is/
[20:48] <JEEB> if configure's output only derps at your because of the url you used to clone ffmpeg not being source.ffmpeg.org, then you should be fine
[20:48] <JEEB> s/your/you/
[20:48] <KeshlWare> It's taking a while. Either it's working or it's failing in slow motion, oÉo.
[20:49] <JEEB> yes, it will take a while
[20:49] <JEEB> shell on windows, fork() fork() fork() is not exactly fast
[20:49] <KeshlWare> Done now oÉo
[20:49] <KeshlWare> XDDD
[20:49] <KeshlWare> Yes, cuz, see, windows only has spoons. >w>
[20:49] <JEEB> you should be able to go through the configure's output
[20:49] <JEEB> and it should seem fine?
[20:49] <KeshlWare> meanwhile Linux has sprokives. ( http://savantemeritus.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/titaniumspork.jpg )
[20:50] <beastd> note that it is worth it to invoke configure with dash on Windows if you have it. it is noticably faster, at least factor 2...
[20:50] <JEEB> if the configure's output seems fine
[20:50] <JEEB> then you can try make :)
[20:50] <JEEB> and wait for a... while :D
[20:50] <KeshlWare> It says arch is x86, but C compiler is x86_64 D:
[20:51] <JEEB> if it uses the x86_64-w64-mingw32 compiler, it's fine
[20:51] <JEEB> it'll be x86_64 just fine
[20:51] <KeshlWare> oÉo.
[20:52] <KeshlWare> "WARNING: x86_64-w64-mingw32-pkg-config not found, library detection may fail."
[20:52] <JEEB> yeah, that's fine
[20:52] <JEEB> since you set the cflags and ldflags
[20:52] <KeshlWare> And it complains about the thingy you said oÉo
[20:52] <JEEB> yeah
[20:52] <JEEB> that's usual
[20:52] <KeshlWare> ...Uhoh .É.
[20:52] <JEEB> the ffmpeg repository is actually hosted on videolan, so it's not really anything incorrect
[20:52] <JEEB> if ffmpeg moves away from videolan, sure. But I don't see any reason for them to do it
[20:53] <KeshlWare> http://pastebin.com/MLA7wW85
[20:53] <JEEB> yup, looks just fine
[20:53] <KeshlWare> Scroll more D:
[20:54] <JEEB> oh
[20:54] <JEEB> lol
[20:54] <JEEB> at least you haven't done anything wrong so just for now disable indevs I guess
[20:55] <KeshlWare> How? D:
[20:55] <JEEB> --disable-indevs
[20:55] <JEEB> in the configure
[20:55] Action: KeshlWare doo-doo-sing's the Jeopardy theme while waiting for ./configure.
[20:56] <KeshlWare> Kay stuff's happening now, oÉo
[20:59] <kode54> I'm building the reverse now
[20:59] <kode54> ffmpeg that imports libx264
[21:00] <KeshlWare> Isn't that what this be do's, oÉo?
[21:00] <kode54> yup
[21:01] <KeshlWare> So how's you doing the reverse den? oÉo
[21:03] <kode54> I already built a decoder-only ffmpeg that x264.exe would import
[21:03] <kode54> but now I'm doing what you wanted in the first place
[21:03] <KeshlWare> Ohhhh oÉo
[21:03] <KeshlWare> JEEB: Uhoh .É.
[21:04] <JEEB> hm?
[21:04] <KeshlWare> http://pastebin.com/6HNBssUP
[21:04] <JEEB> ahahaha
[21:04] <JEEB> that's actually not a problem
[21:04] <JEEB> it tries to compile documentation with the cygwin compiler
[21:04] <JEEB> which you don't have installed yet
[21:04] <KeshlWare> Ohhh oÉo
[21:05] <JEEB> but it happens before linking ffmpeg itself
[21:05] <JEEB> although wait...
[21:05] <JEEB> yeah
[21:06] <JEEB> that /should/ be just the documentation
[21:06] <JEEB> now if I remembered the configure switch to disable that
[21:07] <kode54> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/14849789/ffmpeg-Keshl.7z
[21:07] <KeshlWare> Aw man, he beat us D:
[21:07] Action: JEEB wonders if --enable-cross-compile is actually needed
[21:08] <KeshlWare> kode54: Crap broke D:
[21:08] <JEEB> and --disable-doc disables documentation
[21:08] <kode54> how this time
[21:08] <KeshlWare> "x264 [error]: malloc of size 6857216 failed"
[21:08] <JEEB> yeah, it couldn't allocate memory
[21:08] <kode54> yeah, I figured that 50000 limit was too big
[21:08] <KeshlWare> So we needs x64 build? D:
[21:08] <JEEB> KeshlWare, try configuring with --enable-cross-compile and --disable-doc added
[21:09] <JEEB> then make clean
[21:09] <JEEB> and make
[21:09] <JEEB> or if you have more than one core, make -jX where X is the amount of cores you have
[21:09] <kode54> let's rule out errors here
[21:09] <KeshlWare> Do, do, do, doo doo do, do do..
[21:09] <KeshlWare> Si, but I've had bad experience with aything more than one job, oÉo.
[21:09] <KeshlWare> *anything
[21:10] <JEEB> sure
[21:10] <JEEB> also I'm testing here if that dshow indev fails to compile here too
[21:12] <kode54> redownload, to verify if I even made a working build (I dropped that limit back down to 250)
[21:12] <kode54> wait
[21:12] <kode54> it's not done uploading yet :[
[21:12] <kode54> there
[21:13] <kode54> 50000 frames may not be possible with a 32 bit build
[21:13] <kode54> since that's an awful lot of memory
[21:13] <JEEB> KeshlWare, how's it doing?
[21:14] <KeshlWare> .... Well.
[21:14] <KeshlWare> You know the enter key?
[21:14] <KeshlWare> It's important to hit dat. <É< Danks for reminding me.
[21:14] <JEEB> :P
[21:14] <KeshlWare> God gave us one mouth and two ears, because listening is twice as important as talking.
[21:14] <kode54> so does the new set of binaries work at all? remember, limit of 250
[21:14] <KeshlWare> Likewise.
[21:14] <KeshlWare> The keyboard has two enter keys.
[21:15] <KeshlWare> kode54: Nu, tried with 251, oÉo
[21:15] <kode54> I meant 250 period
[21:15] <kode54> hmm weird
[21:15] <kode54> maybe I fail at cross compiling
[21:15] <kode54> oh, right
[21:15] <kode54> maybe there's an issue
[21:15] <kode54> I don't know
[21:16] <kode54> I didn't want to install mingw in my vm because it doesn't have the free space
[21:16] <kode54> good luck with your compilation efforts, though
[21:16] <kode54> can't say I didn't try
[21:16] Action: kode54 gives up
[21:17] Action: kode54 boots VM to download more ponies with iTunes
[21:18] <KeshlWare> oÉo;
[21:18] <KeshlWare> .... Interesting.
[21:19] <KeshlWare> kode54: For trying to help, has dis, oÉo. http://boingboing.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/312345_143684242453080_525111742_n-300x300.jpg
[21:19] <kode54> haha, thanks
[21:22] <KeshlWare> Welcomes oÉo
[21:25] <JEEB> KeshlWare, how's it going?
[21:25] <KeshlWare> Crap worked OÉO
[21:25] <KeshlWare> JEEB: Whut now oÉo?
[21:26] <JEEB> then you should now have a ffmpeg.exe in there
[21:26] <JEEB> ./ffmpeg in the folder
[21:26] <JEEB> and check that it outputs something
[21:26] <KeshlWare> It does. oÉo.
[21:27] <JEEB> also if you check with ls -alh you'll probably find out that it's a bit bigger than you're used to
[21:27] <JEEB> it should have debugging symbols :D
[21:27] <KeshlWare> o_o Oh gosh do you expect me to commit code?
[21:28] <JEEB> no
[21:28] <KeshlWare> Good. It'd break.
[21:28] <KeshlWare> <.<
[21:28] <JEEB> you can now just use the ffmpeg binary
[21:28] <KeshlWare> And nu, it's /smaller/ than I'm used to, ow.
[21:28] <KeshlWare> But I has *_g.exe's that are bigger oow
[21:28] <KeshlWare> *oÉo.
[21:28] <JEEB> oh right
[21:28] <kode54> _g are -g builds, I presume
[21:29] <JEEB> yeah
[21:29] <JEEB> that haven't been stripped
[21:29] <kode54> aka debugging
[21:29] <KeshlWare> oÉo.
[21:29] <JEEB> the ffmpeg.exe is the one that's been stripped then
[21:29] <JEEB> kind of forgot that
[21:29] <KeshlWare> yay crap wo..
[21:29] <KeshlWare> D:
[21:29] <KeshlWare> Windows says it crash'd D:
[21:29] <JEEB> lul
[21:29] <KeshlWare> Even setting rc-lookahead to 60 D:
[21:30] <JEEB> you can test the _g one in a mingw gdb in a terminal
[21:30] <JEEB> http://x264.fushizen.eu/builds/gdb/gdb-7.5.7z
[21:30] <JEEB> extract that, open up cmd.exe or whatever
[21:31] <JEEB> fire up 'gdb filename.exe'
[21:31] <kode54> oops I just gave somebody a llama
[21:31] <JEEB> see it load up the symbols (pick the _g.exe one)
[21:31] <JEEB> then 'run -your -settings'
[21:31] <JEEB> and it should tell you where it crashed
[21:34] <KeshlWare> http://pastebin.com/SzmPzuBv oÉo
[21:39] <kode54> bronies are the new furries. good thing I'm not a brony.
[21:39] <KeshlWare> No. Bronies are mean D:
[21:39] <KeshlWare> They pick on furries a lot >É<
[21:39] <KeshlWare> In my experience anyway D:
[21:39] <JEEB> KeshlWare, do 'bt'
[21:40] <KeshlWare> http://pastebin.com/2PagfStv oÉo
[21:40] <JEEB> bt full?
[21:41] <KeshlWare> http://pastebin.com/Z9q4bX9V oÉo
[21:42] <JEEB> try... running it all outside cygwin
[21:42] <JEEB> although that might be a toolchain/compiler error :s
[21:43] <KeshlWare> you mean gdb outside too oÉo?
[21:43] <JEEB> yes
[21:43] <JEEB> it's a mingw compile after all
[21:43] <KeshlWare> oÉo.
[21:45] <KeshlWare> http://pastebin.com/5uupKzGD oÉo
[21:45] <JEEB> yeah...
[21:45] <kode54> nope, I just can't do it
[21:46] <JEEB> it seems like a problem with the toolchain or something
[21:46] <kode54> I can't watch cartoons on speaker
[21:46] <kode54> try another GCC package?
[21:46] <kode54> was that TDM or something?
[21:46] <JEEB> at least you can use those clones of x264 and ffmpeg to compile it with the mingw-w64 toolchain
[21:46] <kode54> oh, right
[21:46] <kode54> cygwin
[21:46] <JEEB> that you got for msys/mingw
[21:47] <JEEB> configure lines should be very similar, just remember to clean
[21:47] <KeshlWare> oÉo. Danks.
[21:47] <JEEB> (or you could build a new mingw toolchain for cygwin with zeranoe's scripts, lol)
[21:47] <KeshlWare> For your help, has dis, oÉo. http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/06/texas.html
[21:52] <kode54> so randum
[21:52] <KeshlWare> Si oÉo
[21:53] <kode54> which reminds me of a story I've heard a number of times
[21:53] <kode54> of one of my uncles
[21:54] <kode54> when he and my mom would go on road trips through california decades ago
[21:54] <kode54> they'd pass through the border checkpoints throughout the southern counties
[21:54] <kode54> not actually crossing into mexico, but still
[21:54] <kode54> my uncle
[21:54] <kode54> they'd ask him if everyone in the vehicle is american
[21:55] <kode54> he would respond "Si Señor"
[21:55] <kode54> he was obviously caucasian
[21:57] <KeshlWare_> .... HAH
[21:57] <KeshlWare_> Wait.
[21:57] <KeshlWare_> Lemme show you what I saw.
[21:58] <KeshlWare_> kode54: http://pastebin.com/04Rh7Zbz
[21:59] <kode54> what you missed
[21:59] <KeshlWare> A lot .É.
[21:59] <kode54> http://pastebin.ca/2304954
[22:00] <KeshlWare> .ca?
[22:00] <KeshlWare> Canada? OÉO?
[22:01] <kode54> I couldn't think of another handy pastebin at the moment
[22:01] <kode54> considering I've heard bad things about specifically pastebin, I don't know if the .ca is related to the mess
[22:01] <KeshlWare> But it's Canada right OÉO?
[22:01] <kode54> no
[22:02] <KeshlWare> D:
[22:02] <kode54> pastebin.ca is another entity
[22:02] <KeshlWare> But is .ca cCanada? D:
[22:02] <kode54> yes
[22:02] <kode54> dislike canada?
[22:03] <KeshlWare> Nu, I like dem moosen .É.
[22:04] <KeshlWare> What was the other idea you had, j0nr? oÉo?
[22:04] <KeshlWare> jee*
[22:04] <KeshlWare> ...
[22:05] <KeshlWare> JEEB: *
[22:06] <JEEB> <JEEB> at least you can use those clones of x264 and ffmpeg to compile it with the mingw-w64 toolchain <JEEB> that you got for msys/mingw <JEEB> configure lines should be very similar, just remember to clean
[22:06] <KeshlWare> I meant with tthe qthingy oÉo
[22:06] <JEEB> what
[22:06] <KeshlWare> Doing it the sane way rather than using a massive lookahead, oÉo?
[22:06] <JEEB> oh
[22:07] <JEEB> first try raising qcomp
[22:07] <JEEB> from 0.6 to 0.7
[22:07] <JEEB> and if that or 0.8 doesn't help, then just try disabling mbtree
[22:07] <KeshlWare> How's I do the second oÉo?
[22:08] <JEEB> same as the first one I'd think
[22:08] <JEEB> set a x264opt
[22:08] <JEEB> no-mbtree=1 it seems like?
[22:09] <JEEB> (or mbtree=0)
[22:11] <KeshlWare> ...Whus thingy? .É.
[22:11] <KeshlWare> The.
[22:11] <KeshlWare> Thingy SYNTAX
[22:11] <KeshlWare> That word.
[22:11] <KeshlWare> <.<
[22:12] <JEEB> -x264opts setting=value
[22:12] <JEEB> same for qcomp
[22:12] <KeshlWare> oÉo.
[22:12] <KeshlWare> ...Uups.
[22:15] <KeshlWare> What's the magical paramater that scales down the output, oÉo?
[22:16] <JEEB> in what sense?
[22:16] <KeshlWare> Preferably by a factor of two or four?
[22:16] <KeshlWare> Smaller output resolution, oÉo.
[22:16] <JEEB> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#scale
[22:16] <JEEB> has examples too
[22:16] <KeshlWare> oÉo.
[22:18] <KeshlWare> ...I'm bad at this D:
[22:19] <KeshlWare> "Unable to find a suitable output format for 'scale=iw/2:ih/2'"
[22:25] <KeshlWare> Oh gotet oÉo
[22:30] <kode54> would any of these videos be related to console gameplay recordings or emulator recordings?
[22:31] <kode54> or is this one of your 3D rendering projects?
[22:32] <KeshlWare> Not one of my projects, oÉo. The video is "Tears of Steel", made in Blender but I didn't have anything to do with it. When I play the .mkv the video is choppy. After converting it to h.264 it played fine at its full framerate, but then at the end weird crap happened. Trying to fix that now, oÉo.
[22:32] <KeshlWare> http://mango.blender.org/download/ if wanted, oÉo
[22:34] <kode54> did you encode the final video to a .mkv or .mp4?
[22:34] <KeshlWare> .mp4, oÉo.
[22:35] <kode54> and weird crap may depend on your video hardware, if you're using accelerated playback
[22:35] <KeshlWare> FYI, due to weird audio hiccups, I passed "-acodec copy"
[22:35] <KeshlWare> I am, but trust me it can handle it -- i7-3980qm and nVidia 680m.
[22:36] <KeshlWare> What's weird is, although the bitrate never goes far above 12 meg/second with -preset medium, Placebo actually plays nicer.
[22:37] <KeshlWare> The bitrate's about half, uses like 20 times the processing power to decode, but it's smoother somehow.. And the device it's playing off of can handle 80 meg bitrates fine.
[22:43] <kode54> heh
[22:43] <kode54> I only have i5 3570k and nvidia 670
[22:43] <KeshlWare> Not bad, oÉo.
[22:44] <kode54> and a 120Hz monitor
[22:44] <KeshlWare> Same here, oÉo. Shoulda mentioned that.
[22:44] <KeshlWare> But this's at 30 FPS. (I usually do 60 even on this screen, though.)
[22:44] <kode54> what are you using to play the video?
[22:44] <KeshlWare> VLC, oÉo.
[22:44] <kode54> VLC is kind of crap, in my opinion
[22:44] <KeshlWare> 2.0.5
[22:44] <KeshlWare> ...oÉo Really?
[22:44] <kode54> on Windows, you should probably be using MPC-HC
[22:45] <KeshlWare> But it's made by the same guys who made x264 ain't it? D:
[22:45] <kode54> I wasn't aware of that
[22:45] <JEEB> under the same videolan umbrella that's all
[22:45] <kode54> I know it uses ffmpeg for some things
[22:45] <KeshlWare> Ah, oÉo.
[22:45] <JEEB> but VLC 2.x is relatively OK
[22:45] <KeshlWare> kode54: Take what I say with a grain of salt. Often I make mistakes.
[22:45] <KeshlWare> Take that with salt too, oÉo.
[22:45] <JEEB> compared to previous one
[22:45] <JEEB> *ones
[22:46] <JEEB> and with 2.1 they seem to be fixing stuff
[22:46] <kode54> I think everyone should form their own opinions
[22:46] <kode54> and accept the word of others merely as suggestions
[22:46] <kode54> depending on the context
[22:46] <KeshlWare> oÉo.. Shiny way to live.
[22:47] <JEEB> it's just that directshow is a mess, I maintain a directshow playback pack too, so... :V
[22:47] <kode54> MPC-HC has built-in decoders for most formats anyway
[22:47] <JEEB> which suck
[22:47] <kode54> alternative being the decently produced LAV filters
[22:47] <JEEB> the splitters and decoders are much more hacked-up than f.ex. LAV's
[22:47] <KeshlWare> kode54: VLC has them bui;lt-in too, original reason I got it.
[22:48] <KeshlWare> But agreed, VLC's directshow is.. Blah.
[22:48] <KeshlWare> Especially on windows.
[22:48] <JEEB> the reason to use VLC
[22:48] <JEEB> is that you don't want to touch DShow
[22:48] <KeshlWare> oÉo
[22:48] <JEEB> MPC-HC on the other hand, even with internal filters is a DShow player
[22:48] Action: KeshlWare ish confus .É.
[22:48] <kode54> yeah, I know dshow is bad
[22:49] <kode54> if it didn't have awful frontends in Windows, I would recommend mplayer
[22:49] <kode54> all frontends for similar code
[22:49] <JEEB> mplayer2/mpv are nice, but yeah -- not exactly user-friendly. Even less because lachs0r is being derp with compiling windows binaries
[22:50] <KeshlWare> What do you recommend for general use, oÉo? See, I like sharing my videos when I make stuff, but a lot of my friends aren't.. Shall we say, "computer-competent"
[22:50] <KeshlWare> Some of them can only just barely use VLC, and I often have to remind them to use it to play my files.
[22:50] <JEEB> for least computer competent people you want to keep away from dshow and stuff
[22:50] <JEEB> so VLC is my general recommendation
[22:50] <KeshlWare> oÉo.
[22:50] <KeshlWare> Good, I didn't get it wrong then <É<
[22:51] <JEEB> with win7+ you at least have H.264 and AAC decoders, so in theory WMP should work too
[22:51] <JEEB> unless they have borked their MF/DShow
[22:51] <KeshlWare> It does, but WMP's decoder sucks.
[22:51] <JEEB> it sucks only if you try to feed 10bit H.264 at it or it tries to go and use DXVA too much
[22:51] <JEEB> that can derp
[22:51] <JEEB> and is hard to disable :V
[22:52] <KeshlWare> ....Yes exactly <É<
[22:52] <KeshlWare> And no, 8-bit, VLC can't do 10-bit either.
[22:52] <KeshlWare> But I usually give people 60 FPS with -crf 18, oÉo.
[22:52] <JEEB> uhh
[22:52] <JEEB> VLC should be able to do 10bit H.264 just fine
[22:52] <JEEB> and... 60fps content
[22:52] <JEEB> yeah
[22:52] <JEEB> you're just pressing for problems
[22:52] <KeshlWare> And then people cna't play it at speed unless I do Ultrafast, but then some won't download it cuz they're on DSL, or Placebo, but then most can't play it. So yeah. <.<
[22:55] <KeshlWare> 60 FPS just makes such a difference though .É.
[22:56] <KeshlWare> So does 120 but I'm the only one of my usual friends who has a 120 hz screen so <É<
[22:57] <kode54> no
[22:57] <kode54> not ultrafast
[22:58] <kode54> most people won't be able to play 60fps content at all without a beefy machine
[22:58] <kode54> or hardware assisted decoding on a modern video card
[22:58] <KeshlWare> What defines "modern" here, oÉo?
[22:58] <kode54> for instance, a 1080p60 video I encoded a few years ago
[22:58] <kode54> won't play back on a Core 2 Duo E8500 without multithreaded software decoding
[22:58] <KeshlWare> ...That's usually the systems these people have.
[22:58] <KeshlWare> .w>
[22:58] <KeshlWare> *>w>
[22:59] <kode54> with the paired GeForce 9800 Pro, hardware decoding doesn't work properly
[22:59] <gwenael> hello
[22:59] <kode54> it caps out at 45fps
[22:59] <KeshlWare> Ohai oÉo
[22:59] <kode54> yet
[22:59] <KeshlWare> kode54: Really? 9800 won't do it?
[22:59] <kode54> nope, not in hardware
[22:59] <KeshlWare> o_o Whus I do then?
[22:59] <kode54> but a Core i3 350M from 2010 can do it in hardware
[23:00] <kode54> GTS 250 and newer should be able to do it in hardware as well
[23:00] <kode54> for anyone whose system can't do it in hardware, they just need to be walked through disabling hardware decoding in their player
[23:00] <KeshlWare> ...These are usually played on systems with 8000-9000 nVidia cards. <É< Is there like, a way to have the vide build a massive pre-rendered buffer?
[23:00] <kode54> and unfortunately, if that player doesn't do multithreaded h.264 decoding, it will be even slower than their video card
[23:01] <kode54> btw
[23:01] <kode54> what I'm talking about
[23:01] <gwenael> I can not make a cutting video yet simple, can anyone give me some help?
[23:01] <kode54> is not the video card not handling 1080p60 raw frames
[23:01] <kode54> I'm talking about not being able to handle hardware accelerated decoding, DXVA style
[23:02] <kode54> a C2D E8500 or so should be able to handle full on software decoding, as long as you've got both threads working at the video at once
[23:02] <kode54> I don't know if that's an issue
[23:02] <KeshlWare> Could try it, oÉo.
[23:02] <kode54> back when I was on that system, popular players didn't quite have ffmpeg-mt merged into ffmpeg mainline
[23:02] <kode54> is ffmpeg-mt merged in now?
[23:02] <JEEB> yes
[23:02] <kode54> ah, good
[23:03] <kode54> yeah, VLC should handle that fine now
[23:03] <kode54> as long as it isn't trying to use DXVA
[23:03] <kode54> I don't know if it's capable of that
[23:03] <JEEB> I'll just have to note that 720p60 and 1080p60 rendering can be hard at times even with software decoding :P
[23:03] <KeshlWare> How's I do, oÉo? Maybe it's easy enough to explain to at least some of my friends.
[23:03] <JEEB> uhh
[23:03] <kode54> yes
[23:03] <JEEB> if you want something to play easily with non-knowledge'able people
[23:03] <JEEB> don't use 60fps
[23:03] <JEEB> seriously
[23:03] <gwenael> how I spend a 60fps video to 1fps with start at ... end N second ?
[23:03] <kode54> use 1080p24
[23:04] <JEEB> nah, 30fps is fine
[23:04] <kode54> or 30
[23:04] <JEEB> at least much, much less prone to fail
[23:04] <JEEB> since june or so of 2011, with first bits going in around march methinks @ ffmpeg-mt
[23:04] <KeshlWare> 30 seriously looks bad. o_o
[23:04] <KeshlWare> Here, lemme explain the siatuation.
[23:04] <KeshlWare> The videos in question that I run at 60 FPS are typically CG slow-motion shots of water falling.
[23:04] <JEEB> do some fancy thing with avisynth or ffmpeg with blurring or whatever
[23:04] <JEEB> motion compensation, herp derp
[23:05] <JEEB> I'm just going to say that if you're going to be using 60fps, you're not gonna get people to watch that shit easily
[23:05] <KeshlWare> I render the frames with Luxrender. The software produces extremely life-like images.
[23:05] <KeshlWare> Takes ages but it does.
[23:05] <KeshlWare> Thing is, the way it renders, it tends to produce a lot of noise in animations (Lest you feel like getting 1 frame per day done)
[23:05] <KeshlWare> Doubling the frame rate makes the noise almost impossible to notice.
[23:05] <KeshlWare> And blurring it absoutely kills it, since then you can't see the really tiny droplets of mist.
[23:06] <KeshlWare> So yeah. oÉo.
[23:06] <JEEB> well you can't just fight the fact that 720p60 or 1080p60 is just not gonna be an option for quite some time now :V
[23:06] <JEEB> for non-technical people to watch
[23:06] <KeshlWare> But at least now I know that you do actually need a decent system to use it. <É<
[23:06] <KeshlWare> So danks, oÉo
[23:06] <KeshlWare> *to watch it
[23:07] <KeshlWare> ....Semi-related question.
[23:07] <mudlord> What you trying to do may I ask?
[23:07] <mudlord> I have been trying to learn blender
[23:07] <mudlord> for some animation related stuff
[23:07] <KeshlWare> How bad do you think it'd play on a single core system, sub 2 ghz, with a 6800 GTX in it? XD
[23:07] <kode54> KeshlWare: 60fps would be impossible there
[23:07] <mudlord> well I thought those cards support HW video decoding
[23:07] <kode54> at least at 720 or 1080p
[23:07] <KeshlWare> kode54: Would it just chug along?
[23:07] <KeshlWare> Or would it just like, poop out?
[23:07] <kode54> indeedily doo
[23:08] <kode54> chug along
[23:08] <KeshlWare> mudlord: Lots of stuff, oÉo.
[23:08] <kode54> chop chop chop
[23:08] <KeshlWare> kode54: Okay, that explains some stuff then. I thought that'd just poop.
[23:08] <mudlord> KeshlWare: know much about blender?
[23:08] <mudlord> I want to learn
[23:08] <mudlord> but it does seem like ew
[23:08] <mudlord> the last time I checked it
[23:08] <KeshlWare> mudlord: Not a whole lot, but enough to get people started sometimes oÉo
[23:08] <KeshlWare> When is "last time"?
[23:08] <KeshlWare> What version? 2.49 or below?
[23:08] <mudlord> a few months ago
[23:08] <mudlord> yeh
[23:08] <KeshlWare> Okay, udnerstandable.
[23:08] <KeshlWare> 2.49 and below was evil.
[23:08] <mudlord> I just can't seem to render a single deformed cube
[23:08] <KeshlWare> Totally different now. Now regular people can use it. <.<
[23:09] <mudlord> Yay!
[23:09] <KeshlWare> Kay, so.
[23:09] Action: KeshlWare finds.
[23:09] <kode54> now maybe mudlord can generate some content other than that fractal shader
[23:09] <KeshlWare> http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro/Unit_1:_Knowing_Before_Making Read.
[23:09] <kode54> which, while impressive, could use some variance
[23:09] <KeshlWare> Don't skip arouund until you finish Unit 2 C.
[23:09] <mudlord> :D
[23:09] <KeshlWare> Just hit "next module" at the top right to turn pages, oÉo
[23:09] <mudlord> kode54: I swear, those fractals are the last time I am going to use raytracing in distance fields
[23:09] <mudlord> >_>
[23:09] <KeshlWare> mudlord: Shhhh.
[23:10] <KeshlWare> <.<
[23:10] <KeshlWare> >.>
[23:10] Action: KeshlWare finds.
[23:10] <KeshlWare> http://fav.me/d5lxxad
[23:10] <kode54> btw mudlord
[23:10] <KeshlWare> Caustics made from fractles on glass.
[23:10] <KeshlWare> <.<
[23:10] <kode54> I haven't slept
[23:10] <mudlord> Meds screwing up again?
[23:10] <kode54> I took my medication at dinner last night like usual
[23:10] <mudlord> oh
[23:10] <mudlord> weird
[23:10] <kode54> then I drank four shots of half caff espresso around 8:30pm
[23:11] <kode54> mixed with about 8 ounces of brown water variety of the same ground blend
[23:11] <mudlord> Nice refraction effects
[23:11] <mudlord> oh
[23:11] <KeshlWare> Si, oÉo.
[23:11] <mudlord> maybe I should post a screenshot of what I am working on
[23:11] <KeshlWare> It "only" took three weeks straight to render on a system with 12 cores at 4.4 ghz.
[23:11] <KeshlWare> =D
[23:11] <kode54> hey
[23:12] <mudlord> mine works on the gpu, only, in REALTIME
[23:12] <kode54> I did a fun render once
[23:12] <KeshlWare> ...But I was rendering at 4320x7680. So there.
[23:12] <kode54> check this
[23:12] <kode54> the CNCD/Fairlight demo, Agenda Circling Forth
[23:12] <kode54> which renders in realtime on video hardware
[23:12] <kode54> I was running it at 1920x1080
[23:12] <kode54> with .kkapture forcing it to render 60fps
[23:12] <mudlord> :D
[23:13] <kode54> it took roughly two hours to render a 4m55s video
[23:13] <kode54> full hardware
[23:13] <kode54> I know your raytracer is obscene
[23:13] <kode54> but this is something that was designed for real time presentation
[23:13] <KeshlWare> yes, it's.. Massive overkill. XD
[23:13] <kode54> oh
[23:13] <KeshlWare> Assuming you know what you're doing, you *cannot* tell the results apart from photographs.
[23:13] <kode54> and I sat there the whole time
[23:13] <kode54> moving my mouse so the screen saver wouldn't kick in
[23:14] <KeshlWare> kode54: ...Why not just turn the screen saver off?
[23:14] <KeshlWare> XD
[23:14] <mudlord> that is obscene
[23:14] <kode54> I couldn't at that point
[23:14] <kode54> because I already started it
[23:14] <mudlord> http://i.imgur.com/7GdvoTf.jpg
[23:14] <mudlord> my rendering
[23:14] <KeshlWare> Oh, you'r elike me?
[23:14] <mudlord> full raytracing in distance fields
[23:14] <KeshlWare> Start: ..."OH CRAP SCREESANVER. Whelp 7 seconds in, can't stop now!"
[23:14] <kode54> a bit OCD? maybe
[23:14] <KeshlWare> mudlord: I see dead people O.O
[23:14] <kode54> I also write C/C++ software
[23:14] <mudlord> http://imgur.com/HG52BPx
[23:15] <kode54> and I added multi-instance safety to a 68000 CPU emulator
[23:15] <mudlord> :D
[23:15] <KeshlWare> kode54: Hehe. <.< you wanna have an OCD war? XD I write in C and absutely refuse toi use pointers and structs.
[23:15] <kode54> which involved pasting somestate * m68k, into about 10000 functions
[23:15] <KeshlWare> Why? Because typically I compile for AtTiny chips with 256 *bytes* of RAM, and they simply take too much RAM.
[23:15] <kode54> ah
[23:15] <mudlord> And I almost finished a 52kb graphics demo which involves raytracing on the GPU *only* using shaders
[23:15] <kode54> I stick to my own PC
[23:15] <kode54> and maybe my router
[23:16] <kode54> I refuse to deal with any library that isn't reentrancy save
[23:16] <kode54> *safe
[23:16] <mudlord> I will copy and paste the actual render code, its braindead simple
[23:16] <KeshlWare> o_o Know what the three of us should do?
[23:16] <kode54> make a game or something?
[23:16] <KeshlWare> Yes, but make it the biggest AMOR possible.
[23:16] <KeshlWare> With the smallest executable size.
[23:16] <KeshlWare> ... Wait let me try to explain that better.
[23:16] <mudlord> http://pastebin.com/GJzKvggY
[23:17] <mudlord> thats literally the only C code in there
[23:17] <kode54> https://github.com/kode54 I made this stuff
[23:17] <mudlord> 09:09 <kode54> now maybe mudlord can generate some content other than that fractal shader
[23:17] <mudlord> bored?
[23:18] <KeshlWare> http://ideone.com/Y5hDv -- Average code I produce. I write directly in an obfusicated state from time to time <.<
[23:18] <kode54> not bored enough to come up with artistic ideas
[23:18] <kode54> when I knocked your shader
[23:18] <kode54> I remembered
[23:18] <KeshlWare> kode54: I can halps OÉO
[23:18] <kode54> I don't have the artistic inspiration to make anything like that
[23:18] <kode54> I make algorithmic code
[23:18] <kode54> a means to an end
[23:18] <KeshlWare> I'm not terribly artsy either oÉo
[23:18] <KeshlWare> I just do simple geometric art and focus on fractles.
[23:19] <mudlord> So you like the mandelbox fractal?
[23:19] <KeshlWare> That produces stuff like http://fav.me/d5mg6kc and http://fav.me/d5pdrdo oÉo
[23:19] <mudlord> and julia fractal?
[23:19] <KeshlWare> Somehow people like them. So there. oÉo.
[23:19] <kode54> KeshlWare: I did send you a llama already
[23:19] <KeshlWare> Omg llama OÉO!
[23:20] Action: KeshlWare didn't notice, doens't use DA often.
[23:20] <mudlord> neigh?
[23:20] <kode54> I only use it when I find something through google
[23:20] Action: kode54 cyberstalker extraordinaire
[23:20] <mudlord> oh yeh
[23:20] <mudlord> http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=60888
[23:20] <KeshlWare> oÉo? What do you mean?
[23:20] <kode54> I have an account
[23:20] <mudlord> Image rendered in 4kb
[23:20] <KeshlWare> mudlord: wat.
[23:20] <mudlord> it pisses on your modeller made art
[23:21] <mudlord> yes
[23:21] <mudlord> 4kb size coding
[23:21] <kode54> yes
[23:21] <kode54> but
[23:21] <KeshlWare> ...Wanna generate that at 16 mhz?
[23:21] <KeshlWare> =D
[23:21] <kode54> these people do the impossible
[23:21] <kode54> because they're mensa or something
[23:21] <kode54> bisqwit is mensa
[23:21] <mudlord> I just make shitty fractals
[23:21] <mudlord> D:
[23:21] <mudlord> with shitty motion blur
[23:21] <kode54> hey
[23:22] <kode54> whatever passes your time
[23:22] <kode54> makes you feel good
[23:22] <kode54> feel productive
[23:22] <mudlord> good point
[23:22] <kode54> my software makes me feel productive
[23:22] <kode54> I do things for other people a lot
[23:22] <kode54> it gives me things to pass the time
[23:22] <mudlord> actually, fizzer is not in mensa: he just is a graphics  coder who has art skills
[23:22] <mudlord> IF I had art skills, I will do 4k stuff
[23:23] <kode54> mudlord: may as well be in mensa with those skills
[23:23] <kode54> that's crazy awesome
[23:23] <KeshlWare> kode54: Any chance you know C# and/or .net 2.0, oÉo?
[23:23] <mudlord> but sadly I dont, so I focused on fractals in this prod
[23:23] <kode54> I've done a bit of that
[23:23] <mudlord> at least I understand fractals
[23:23] <kode54> I mostly do pure C/C++, and I've worked with WTL and Qt
[23:23] <kode54> but I've done a bit of C#
[23:24] <kode54> I'm the Code Doctor
[23:24] <KeshlWare> First of all, I love you for doing C <.<
[23:24] <kode54> I did a PSF loader in pure C
[23:24] <mudlord> KeshlWare: what models does blender now support?
[23:24] <kode54> heard of the console music format PSF?
[23:24] <mudlord> can it export to OBJ?
[23:24] <KeshlWare> Second.. Decrypt this for me: Don't read the output please. <.< >.>
[23:24] <KeshlWare> http://ideone.com/8WYOT
[23:24] <KeshlWare> mudlord: Si, oÉo. And import.
[23:24] <mudlord> Yay!
[23:24] <KeshlWare> It's been used to.. Here, sec.
[23:24] Action: KeshlWare finds.
[23:25] <KeshlWare> Kay.
[23:25] <KeshlWare> So.
[23:25] <kode54> oh hell
[23:25] <KeshlWare> The avreage movie in the US costs between $50,000,000 and $150,000,000 to produce, right?
[23:25] <mudlord> yes
[23:25] <mudlord> I make my demos on a $0 budget
[23:25] <KeshlWare> Kay.
[23:25] <kode54> from your embarrassment I was expecting erotic fiction or something
[23:25] <KeshlWare> And you know the industry standard for CG stuff is Maya, right?
[23:26] <mudlord> http://www.pouet.net/groups.php?which=11668
[23:26] <kode54> I remember bubba
[23:26] <KeshlWare> kode54: .... Errrrr... So, uh, anyway, decode that for me ^É^'
[23:26] <mudlord> thats what I done so far
[23:26] <kode54> do you remember buba?
[23:26] <kode54> you do know you can just cpp it, right?
[23:27] <KeshlWare> kode54: I mean, make the code plaintext.
[23:27] <kode54> I know
[23:27] <kode54> C preprocessor can decode the macros to plaintext
[23:27] <mudlord> eh, no: I am not decoding that
[23:27] <KeshlWare> Yes, but not far enough. xwx
[23:28] <mudlord> Oh
[23:28] <mudlord> do you know anyone that does fonts
[23:28] <mudlord> I need a small font for my prod
[23:28] <mudlord> preferably in TGA
[23:28] <mudlord> which I can then compress
[23:28] <KeshlWare> Nu, oÉo. Wish I did but I dun.
[23:28] <mudlord> darn
[23:28] <mudlord> :<
[23:28] <KeshlWare> If you need massive processing time though for some reason, ask me. Sometimes I loan my desktop out to people over SSH.
[23:29] <mudlord> http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=60756
[23:29] <mudlord> cracktro style
[23:29] <KeshlWare> Right now it's out of comission though. Bad RAM, waiting on an RMA>
[23:29] <mudlord> yay
[23:29] <mudlord> oh
[23:29] <mudlord> that prod was simple technically too
[23:29] <mudlord> around 3-4 FBOs
[23:29] <mudlord> rendered in layers
[23:29] <mudlord> then GLSL multitexturing to do lights
[23:30] <mudlord> the latest one is even simpler
[23:30] <mudlord> just fractals on GPU + extra framebuffer textures for motion blur
[23:31] <KeshlWare> I'll still never get how people make stuff like this. o_o Which is weird considering my line of hobby.
[23:31] <mudlord> just learn to code
[23:31] <mudlord> that simple
[23:31] <kode54> here it is expanded a bit
[23:31] <kode54> http://ideone.com/dSEIme
[23:31] <KeshlWare> Oh, I know how, sorta.
[23:32] <KeshlWare> I just mean like... Gah I cna't explain it.
[23:32] <mudlord> so you know about plotting pixels and stuff?
[23:32] <KeshlWare> Nu, oÉo. I cna't make GUI's. That's probablt why I can't grasp this. XD
[23:32] <kode54> bbl lunch
[23:32] <kode54> have fun you two
[23:32] <mudlord> yes, graphics API are a bit complicated
[23:32] Action: KeshlWare huggles kode54 -É-
[23:32] <mudlord> APIs
[23:32] <mudlord> Oh I like hugz
[23:32] <kode54> maybe hook up in another channel if this one isn't welcome to the off-topic discussion
[23:32] <mudlord> :3
[23:33] Action: kode54 huggles back
[23:33] <KeshlWare> mudlord: I mean, I know how computers work, and stuff, but for the life of me it's just.. Blargh./
[23:33] <mudlord> you mean demomaking?
[23:33] <KeshlWare> See, I've been descriubed as "Programming Assembly with the C syntax" numerous times.
[23:33] <KeshlWare> So appearntly I think too low-level for this stuff.
[23:33] <mudlord> yeah, its a art
[23:33] <mudlord> well
[23:33] <mudlord> C is not too low level
[23:33] <KeshlWare> *an o_o -tailtwitch-
[23:33] <mudlord> I just abuse the compiler
[23:33] <KeshlWare> The way I use it, it is. XD
[23:33] <mudlord> and have some custom tools to spit out small code
[23:33] <kode54> I code higher level C++
[23:33] <kode54> but yeah
[23:33] <kode54> later
[23:33] <KeshlWare> Anyway., demomaking I sorta get.
[23:34] <mudlord> trick is to not use C++ STL, etc
[23:34] <KeshlWare> I get how the code's compacted to crap and back.
[23:34] <mudlord> all those sorta tricks to get small exes
[23:34] <KeshlWare> I've done sort of OCDish compression too.
[23:34] <mudlord> oh
[23:34] <mudlord> so you dont get procedural content generation?
[23:34] <KeshlWare> The fierst thing I learnt to program on, and my first language, was C on an old PsP.
[23:34] <KeshlWare> 32 megs of RAM, 333 mhz clock.
[23:34] <mudlord> psp :3
[23:34] <KeshlWare> And with OS overhead, it's really 4 megs of RAM and 80 mhz.
[23:34] <KeshlWare> So I was already really compressed from the get-go.
[23:35] <mudlord> I heard indeed the PSP was quite pathetic
[23:35] <KeshlWare> And now I use Arduinos and Atmel chips.
[23:35] <mudlord> now that is awesome
[23:35] <KeshlWare> And I feel weird programming for a desktop/laptop <.< Cuz the RAM is just so freaking huge o_o (100 megs to me, is massive)
[23:35] <mudlord> I need to show you something which is done on those sorta stuff
[23:35] <KeshlWare> ((That coming from a guy with a laptop with 32 gigs of RAM <.<))
[23:35] <KeshlWare> So, anyway, my idea.
[23:36] <mudlord> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5W3b1gsnVI&noredirect=1
[23:36] <KeshlWare> Smallest demo program ever with the simplest, most useless thing like.. Gah sec.
[23:36] <KeshlWare> Crap like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z86V_ICUCD4
[23:36] <KeshlWare> And http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=aWRdSKIpkfM&feature=fvwp
[23:36] <mudlord> hahahah nice :3
[23:37] <KeshlWare> I love AMOR's. <.<
[23:37] <mudlord> then you will love the video i linked, its also on embedded hw
[23:38] <KeshlWare> Lately I've been doing.. Like.
[23:38] <KeshlWare> HERE WE GO
[23:38] <KeshlWare> kay
[23:38] <KeshlWare> best example
[23:38] <KeshlWare> totally got it worded right now.
[23:38] <KeshlWare> <.<
[23:38] <KeshlWare> Kay, so. My last project was http://ompldr.org/vZ2VvdQ/VertG1.mp4
[23:38] <KeshlWare> Looks nice, but it's bloated to heck and back, IMO.
[23:38] <mudlord> aw
[23:39] <KeshlWare> Rather than just running code that tells it to turn LED's on and off, the Arduino's listening via USB for char's being sent to it to tell it what to do.
[23:39] <KeshlWare> And the program dirivng it is like 10 megs.
[23:39] <mudlord> YAY
[23:39] <KeshlWare> *driving
[23:39] <mudlord> YAY!
[23:39] <KeshlWare> XDDD
[23:39] <KeshlWare> I wanna do this, but, all on one single chip. XD
[23:39] <KeshlWare> Music too.
[23:39] <KeshlWare> And bigger.
[23:39] <mudlord> looks alright so far
[23:39] <mudlord> needs a screen
[23:40] <mudlord> so you can program graphics
[23:40] <mudlord> and do 3D
[23:40] <KeshlWare> Heck. Got something better.
[23:40] <KeshlWare> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mXM-oGggrM
[23:40] <KeshlWare> (Not mine. <.<)
[23:41] <KeshlWare> So basically, something like that, synced with music, and small enough that it can be a standalone device with only 1-3 chips (Cuz I might go nuts and decide to use 12 volt LED's, thus need tlc5940's)
[23:41] <mudlord> I honestly seen better
[23:41] <mudlord> you need a screen
[23:41] <mudlord> :3
[23:41] <mudlord> do democoding on your own platform
[23:41] <mudlord> :3
[23:41] <mudlord> plz
[23:42] <KeshlWare> That's like a screen D:
[23:42] <mudlord> OH
[23:42] <mudlord> xF
[23:42] <mudlord> *XD
[23:42] <mudlord> silly me kind sir
[23:43] Action: KeshlWare ponders.
[23:43] <mudlord> hm
[23:43] <mudlord> thats what we need
[23:43] <mudlord> is there a offtopic channel to ffmpeg?
[23:44] <KeshlWare> Dunno. Wanna go toooooo....
[23:44] <KeshlWare> .....
[23:44] <mudlord> :O
[23:44] <KeshlWare> Iunno. #squee on furnet XD?
[23:44] <mudlord> whats the full url of the network
[23:44] <KeshlWare> Good question!
[23:44] <KeshlWare> Sec
[23:44] <KeshlWare> .w>
[23:44] <mudlord> :O
[23:45] <KeshlWare> irc://irc.furnet.org/#squee oÉo
[23:45] <KeshlWare> Assuming your IRC client is smart, you should just be able to click that.
[23:45] <KeshlWare> Dunno why I'm dragging you to Furnet actually, but, yeah.
[23:45] <KeshlWare> I'm spontanious. Why not?
[23:46] <mudlord> I like spontaneous people
[23:46] <mudlord> they are cool
[23:58] <mudlord> hm
[23:58] <mudlord> kode54 left
[00:00] --- Mon Jan 21 2013

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