[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20130128

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 02:05:02 CET 2013

[01:15] <Jake_> Hello
[01:15] <Jake_> I'm trying to run ffmpeg and then try to change its audio recording under pulse audio control, but it isn't showing up.
[01:16] <Jake_> I don't know what's the problem, maybe I should use pulse syntax under my command?
[01:16] <Jake_> But that'll lead it to saying that pulse audio doesn't exist.
[01:16] <Jake_> Any help will do.
[01:18] <klaxa> what command line are you running?
[01:18] <klaxa> does it look anything like this?: ffmpeg -f alsa -i pulse output.wav
[01:19] <Jake_> more like this: ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -f x11grab -r 25 -s 712x366 -i :0.0+229,186 -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast -threads 0 output.mov
[01:20] <Jake_> klaxa: more detail in this link: http://pastebin.com/iJj66Anm
[01:20] <klaxa> pulse is running though? does your soundcard support recording?
[01:21] <klaxa> it doesn't really look like an ffmpeg related error to me
[01:21] <Jake_> Yes, pulseaudio is running identified by system monitor. It uses my microphone as default recording device.
[01:22] <Jake_> klaxa, I thought so , since it's concern around Pulse. But even when i run ffmpeg replacing hw:0,0, it still won't show under the pulse audio control recording tab
[01:23] <klaxa> i think that shouldn't even work with pulse running...
[01:23] <klaxa> because pulse would be blocking the alsa devices
[01:24] <Jake_> I've tested with sound recorder (default gnome applet), it's properly identified with pavucontrol and able to select between input/monitor
[01:25] <klaxa> what ffmpeg version are you running?
[01:25] <Jake_> It should be in the pastebin, if you haven't read it.
[01:25] <Jake_> 0.7.13
[01:25] <Jake_> Not compiled, install pre-packaged
[01:25] <klaxa> ah right forgot i could check there, i suggest you get a newer version that one is ancient
[01:27] <klaxa> either compile from source (recommended, but takes some time) or download a static build
[01:27] <klaxa> you can get static builds either here: http://ffmpeg.gusari.org/static/ or here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24633983/ffmpeg/index.html
[01:27] <klaxa> but really, if possible compile from source
[01:30] <Jake_> Ok, I've considered that option multiple times. But I'm not sure if that'll resolve the issue.
[01:31] <klaxa> given that your ffmpeg version is from 2011 or even older, it's very likely
[01:35] <Jake_> Sounds to me like it's a bug of somekind that's prominent in my version.
[01:35] <klaxa> i'm not sure, but it's not impossible
[01:37] <Jake_> So if I manage to compile it successfully, then how would I update if ffmpeg release another version? Is it related to something about git pull?
[01:38] <klaxa> hmm... i would install it into a seperate directory
[01:38] <klaxa> during ./configure specify a directory for the binaries with --prefix=/some/dir
[01:39] <klaxa> there's a lot of flags you'll probably want to activate during configuration
[01:44] <Jake_> Ok. Thanks I'll see what I can do.
[03:21] <mate364> i have recently changed from ubuntu 12.10 to linux mint Cinnamon 14... now my webcam capture is out of sync... would this have anything to do with the OS?
[03:22] <mate364> doing everything exactly the same?
[03:36] <mate364> http://pastie.org/5892282
[03:37] <mate364> it is exactly what i did when running ubuntu 12.10 no syncing problems then
[03:40] <lodenrogue> hey guys can anyone help me one minute? I am getting an error in a script. It says "Incorrect Frame Size. Failed to set value '"1680x1050"' for option 's'.
[04:14] <lodenrogue> which audio codec can I use with ffmpeg?
[04:43] <zap0> anyone you want.
[06:41] <TAFB> can anyone help me to get ffmpeg to recognize my virtual capture card "AmaRec Video Capture"? Here is my vfw and dshow list: http://pastie.org/pastes/5894139/text
[06:45] <zap0> ffmpeg doesn't recognize a "AmaRec Video Capture"
[06:49] <TAFB> oh, bummer :(
[06:49] <TAFB> I wonder how ffsplit uses ffmpeg to do it? it works fine with AmaRec Video Capture but only encodes in h264 which is too much for my cpu :(
[06:54] <TAFB> I'm off to bed. I'll worry about it tomorrow.
[06:54] <n3rV3> hi, i am working on building a video streaming server. i am reading the documentation and links online and found that youtube asks for 1080p videos with bitrates ~50 Mbps
[06:55] <n3rV3> i know that its needed for the uploads to have 3 times the recommended bitrates
[06:55] <n3rV3> but isn't 50 mbps a bit too much?
[06:55] <n3rV3> or have i missed out something
[08:23] <Ycarene> I want to capture an application window with ffmpeg, but I don't want to write it at the same dimensions, how do I scale it down so that it captures a 1440x900 screen and writes a 720x450 video file?
[08:42] <SubJunk> When cross compiling FFmpeg (on Linux for Windows) how can I make the enable-avisynth flag work? It gives an error something like error can not find vfw32 (from memory)
[12:40] <antonello> I'm trying to run the  resampling_audio example, but I display the following error "The value set by option 'in_sample_fmt' is not a sample formatThe value set by option 'out_sample_fmt' is not a sample format". I want know if  this comes from one of my bad installation?
[14:51] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[16:10] <TAFB_afk> so I can't use my Blackmagic Intensity Pro in ffmpeg? :( [dshow @ 0000000000324ae0] Unknown compression type. Please report verbose (-v 9) debug information.
[16:10] <TAFB_afk> video=Blackmagic WDM Capture: Not yet implemented in FFmpeg, patches welcome
[16:33] <sam_> how to setup rc parameter libx264 through ffmpeg by default it takes rc=abr
[16:34] <sam_> http://pastebin.com/nn25GzuC
[16:35] <Mavrik> sam_, -x264opts rc_lookahead=40
[16:36] <sam_> if you look the commandline i mentioned rc_lookahead=40
[16:37] <sam_> is this not sufficient?
[16:37] <sam_> i want to set it like / rc=crf
[16:39] <JEEB> just set a crf value via -crf
[16:39] <JEEB> that's it
[16:39] <JEEB> that will set rc to crf :P
[16:39] <JEEB> actually, crf is the default nowadays, and you only get something else if you set a bit rate
[16:40] <sam_> means we dont need to set rc_lookahead=40 then?
[16:41] <JEEB> no... that's completely unrelated
[16:41] <JEEB> that's the lookahead length
[16:41] <JEEB> in frames
[16:41] <sam_> let me try that and update you
[16:41] <JEEB> you should leave that be and just set a preset to control speed/compression related settings
[16:41] <JEEB> (and a rate control mode)
[17:20] <svt_raiden_> hi all
[17:21] <svt_raiden_> where can I find information about the compatibility of mss1 and mss2 codecs with ffmpeg?
[17:21] <svt_raiden_> does anyone knows?
[17:21] <svt_raiden_> Please help
[17:34] <klaxa> svt_raiden_: ffmpeg -codecs | grep mss
[17:34] <klaxa> both codecs are supported for decoding only
[17:34] <svt_raiden_> ok - I will check it now.
[17:34] <svt_raiden_> thank you klaxa
[17:42] <praedo> hello
[17:43] <praedo> i want to copy an audio stream to another stream which has silence
[17:43] <praedo> how should that be done?
[17:43] <praedo> using -map
[17:47] <svt_raiden_> I have another question... :)
[17:47] <svt_raiden_> how can you discover weather a .wmv video uses mss codec or not?
[17:48] <svt_raiden_> is there a terminal command that gives you all info on a wmv file?
[17:59] <durandal_1707> svt_raiden_: ffprobe/ ffmpeg -i to see what codecs are in streams....
[18:00] <svt_raiden_> durandal_1707: you mean:   ffmpeg -i <filename>
[18:00] <svt_raiden_> ?
[18:01] <durandal_1707> yes
[18:01] <svt_raiden_> OK thanks.
[18:01] <svt_raiden_> it worked
[18:02] <svt_raiden_> but apperantly the file that I have is not with the mss codecs, that I need.
[18:02] <svt_raiden_> can anyone could tell me where can I download a sample video file with mss codecs?
[18:02] <svt_raiden_> I need to run an experiment
[18:04] <praedo> hello
[18:04] <praedo> i want to copy an audio stream to another stream which has silence
[18:04] <praedo> how should that be done?
[18:04] <praedo> using -map
[18:09] <Mavrik> um
[18:09] <Mavrik> why not replace the other stream?
[18:29] <Zeeflo> I use this command ./ffmpeg -i input.avi -sn -aspect 16:9 -vf "scale=1280:720,subtitles=file.srt" -c:v libx264  -b:v 1800k -maxrate 1800k -bufsize 3200k -c:a aac -strict experimental -ac 2 -b:a 128k -movflags +faststart output.mp4.
[18:29] <Zeeflo> My question is, will the preset Baseline do any difference?
[18:29] <Mavrik> profile you mean?
[18:29] <Zeeflo> yes
[18:29] <Mavrik> it's gonna make your movie look like garbage
[18:29] <Zeeflo> i thought so
[18:30] <Mavrik> and it still won't work on devices that don't support Main and High profiles :)
[18:30] <Zeeflo> i cant understand why Longtail videos suggest using that profile for encoding video..
[18:30] <Mavrik> Zeeflo, some older devices don't support Main or High profile
[18:30] <Mavrik> but also... those certanly won't be able to play 720p baseline video either :P
[18:31] <Zeeflo> as you can see I dont even use a profile..
[18:31] <Mavrik> it's being autoselected
[18:31] <Mavrik> you see the chosen one at the start of encode
[18:31] <Zeeflo> ok
[18:31] <Zeeflo> I wont be making any changes today then ;)
[18:32] <praedo> Mavrik, yes i want to replace the other stream, how is that done?
[18:33] <Mavrik> praedo, just specify streams you want to keep with "-map"
[18:34] <praedo> yes
[18:35] <praedo> but how?
[18:35] <praedo> i tried -map 0:1 -map 0:2
[18:39] <praedo> i want to copy an audio stream to another stream which has silence
[18:40] <praedo> how should that be done?
[18:40] <praedo> using -map
[18:40] <Zeeflo> praedo,
[18:41] <Zeeflo> you need to put " around your streams
[18:41] <Zeeflo> like this -map "0:1" -map "0:4"
[18:47] <praedo> that means 0:1 will be copied to 0:4
[18:47] <praedo> ?
[18:47] <praedo> do i understand correctly?
[18:48] <Zeeflo> no
[18:48] <Zeeflo> you have an input file with streams in it
[18:48] <Zeeflo> you tell ffmpeg to take stream number 1 and stream number 4 and put that in your output file
[18:51] <Zeeflo> lets say you have a MKV file, with a video stream (stream 0:0 for an example) and have 10 audio streams, but you only want 1 of them (stream 0:3 for an example) in your OUTPUT.MKV/avi/mov what ever..
[18:51] <Zeeflo> Thats where you use the -map commands
[18:52] <Zeeflo> if you dont use a map command, ffmpeg will automatically chose the best audio stream if you dont make a MAP selection to tell it which audio/video stream to use in the output.avi/mkv file
[18:53] <Zeeflo> got it?
[19:05] <praedo> i have a mp4 with sound only on one speaker
[19:06] <praedo> i want to double that track to both channels
[19:06] <praedo> i don't know if that's a stream, a track or a channel exactly
[19:06] <praedo> or it's all the same
[19:06] <Zeeflo> you can use ffprobe to find out
[19:06] <Zeeflo> ffprobe file.mp4
[19:10] <praedo> only one audio:
[19:10] <praedo> Stream #0.1(und): Audio: aac (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 48000 Hz, stereo, s16, 62 kb/s
[19:11] <praedo> then how can i duplicate that to a second channel?
[19:11] <praedo> -map "0:1" -map "0:2"
[19:11] <praedo> would work?
[19:11] <Zeeflo> you dont need to
[19:12] <Zeeflo> its a stereo audio file
[19:12] <Zeeflo> perhaps you should fix your speaker instead ;)
[19:23] <klaxa> is there a way to autodetect all available libraries?
[19:24] <klaxa> for configuration i mean
[19:32] <klaxa> nvm
[19:51] <praedo> Zeeflo, it's not the speaker
[19:51] <praedo> it's the file that has silence on one channel
[19:51] <praedo> i want to duplicate the good channel to the bad one
[19:51] <praedo> how is that done?
[19:51] <Zeeflo> I dont know. I have never done something like that.. I dont even think FFmpeg can do that. You would need some sampling software?
[19:56] <durandal_1707> praedo: there are many audio filters that can do that: pan, amerge
[19:59] <praedo> ffmpeg must be able to copy streams
[19:59] <praedo> from one to replace another
[20:02] <Zeeflo> does ffmpeg perform just as well on a windows operating system as it would on a linux?
[20:02] <Zeeflo> correction: as it DOES on a linux ;)
[20:03] <cbreak> windows has many shortcommings
[20:04] <Zeeflo> ok
[20:04] <cbreak> and ffmpeg has many pecularities, such as C99 requirement
[20:04] <cbreak> if you can get your hands on a binary it should work
[20:04] <Zeeflo> hmm
[20:04] <cbreak> if you want to compile it yourself, prepare for a puzzle hunt
[20:04] <Zeeflo> nono
[20:04] <Zeeflo> we are getting a new encoding server tomorrow.
[20:04] <cbreak> last time I did that it took me a day or so to get it to compile
[20:05] <Zeeflo> I was just wondering if I for once should try a windows o/s
[20:05] <cbreak> server? With windows? Is that a joke? :/
[20:05] <cbreak> I do use ffmpeg on windows, so that works
[20:05] <cbreak> but... it's windows...
[20:05] <Zeeflo> i dont know.. Last time I had a windows server it was 2003 web edition..
[20:06] <Zeeflo> I can only assume its been developed since then.
[20:06] <Mavrik> Zeeflo, there's no difference in performance between Linux and Windows
[20:06] <Zeeflo> Mavrik, ok
[20:06] <Mavrik> if you have it compiled for same arch
[20:06] <Zeeflo> ok
[20:06] <Mavrik> Zeeflo, grab Zeranoes static builds
[20:07] <cbreak> I had to compile ffmpeg myself since I make closed source software
[20:07] <Zeeflo> Ill give it a go :)
[20:07] <cbreak> so the GPL parts of ffmpeg were a hindrance
[20:07] <cbreak> most precompiled ffmpeg come with those though
[20:07] <Mavrik> mhm
[20:07] <Zeeflo> its no worse then wiping windows and get debian on it if its shite.
[20:07] <Mavrik> isn't it possible to actually compile ffmpeg with MSVC now?
[20:07] <cbreak> not sure if ffmpeg's GPL parts are GPL 2 or 3 though
[20:07] <Mavrik> I had to use mingw-64 last time I did it.
[20:08] <cbreak> Mavrik: last time I checked: no way.
[20:08] <Mavrik> cbreak, both, there's a special switch for v3 stuff
[20:08] <cbreak> it required C99
[20:08] <cbreak> and it required cygwin
[20:08] <cbreak> which I had to compile with some custom gcc
[20:08] <Mavrik> hmm
[20:08] <cbreak> ... I don't even remember :/
[20:08] <cbreak> was ... around last spring or so
[20:09] <Mavrik> it doesn't really need cygwin, usually people compile it with mingw to avoid performance penalties and dependencies
[20:09] <durandal_1707> ffmpeg now compiles with MSVC just fine, read documentation
[20:09] <cbreak> could be.
[20:10] <cbreak> then msys required some ancient gcc 3 or so? :)
[20:11] <cbreak> what ever. Maybe it's easier nowadays :)
[20:11] <durandal_1707> http://ffmpeg.org/platform.html#Microsoft-Visual-C_002b_002b
[20:17] <Zeeflo> Does any of you guys encode on a Xeon E5620 cpu ?
[20:22] <Peace-> ffmpeg compiled from git
[20:22] <Peace-> ./ffmpeg -s 1280x800 -f x11grab -r 25 -i :0.0 -vcodec ljpeg -threads 2 -y /home/sem/output.avi
[20:22] <Peace-> core dumped
[20:22] <Peace-> compiled now
[20:34] <Peace-> btw http://paste.ubuntu.com/1583353
[20:35] <Peace-> this is the debug
[20:36] <durandal_1707> reproduced here
[22:26] <jiippe> is v4l2 broken in ffmpeg?
[22:28] <Mavrik> nop
[22:29] <jiippe> im trying to capture video from easycap dc60, it works perfectly in vlc and other players.. but when i try to capture and encode to mpeg2 or mpeg4 ... it just fails
[22:34] <jiippe> http://pastebin.com/tX50JRzH
[22:34] <jiippe> okay there
[22:52] <jiippe> no ideas?
[22:57] <Mavrik> jiippe, on some devices you have to manually enable input over ctl command of whatsit
[22:57] <Mavrik> also
[22:57] <Mavrik> [video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x1e4d6c0] The v4l2 frame is 391680 bytes, but 829440 bytes are expected
[22:57] <Mavrik> is seems your input configuration is wrong
[22:57] <Mavrik> and your device is streaming in different format than what you're setting
[23:02] <jiippe> YUV rawvideo
[23:02] <jiippe> l420
[00:00] --- Tue Jan 29 2013

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