[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20130714

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 15 02:05:01 CEST 2013

[00:07] <defaultro_> hey folks, I'm getting an error invalid option or argument: directpred=3  I got the error when I included -vpre veryslow. This works before
[00:10] <llogan> as usual
[00:10] <defaultro_> it's ok now. I found a log and I was the same person who asked it few months ago. LOL
[00:10] <llogan> use -preset, not -vpre
[00:10] <defaultro_> I should use -preset
[00:11] <defaultro_> yup
[00:11] <defaultro_> i'm still reading the irc log, hehehe
[00:12] <defaultro_> it's working now
[00:45] <Nunnsy> Hi there, I'm trying to get ffmpeg to encode an mkv file to mpeg2 using a Raspberry Pi GPU. Currently, it's using the CPU for encoding and running around 4fps for a file 700x400 in resolution size. I know using another package called omxtx I can encode the same file at around 150fps to h264 but cannot stream it to another device. So my question is do any of you know id there's a way to interface ffmpeg with the GPU encoding on the Ra
[00:45] <Nunnsy> I also have the MPEG2 license keys for it
[00:48] <durandal_1707> no gpu encoding
[00:49] <Nunnsy> No... it's not using it...
[00:50] <llogan> maybe you can pipe from the omxtx thing to ffmpeg
[00:50] <Nunnsy> I did try, but it seems it's just for playing on the Pi's video outputs.
[00:51] <MrE> Dont ever expect that to work with ffmpeg, those gpu transcoders are pretty basic, x264 is problary a 1000 times better at encoding than the H264 rpi can gpu encode...
[00:51] <Nunnsy> Ahh okay...
[00:51] <Nunnsy> and I'm guessing there's no way for ffmpeg or mencoder to do that...?
[00:51] <Nunnsy> to transcode to x264
[00:52] <llogan> "omxtx uses libavformat for demuxing, and then passes the video stream through an openmax decoder/encoder pipeline and writes the raw encoded video stream to the output file"
[00:52] <MrE> there is but not using a gpu
[00:52] <llogan> never heard of this omxtx before
[00:52] <MrE> Its been arround for some time
[00:52] <Nunnsy> Thanks MrE, and yeah, omxtx was able to transcode at around 150fps...
[00:53] <Nunnsy> on the Pi
[00:53] <Nunnsy> I'm just not sure how to stream the omxtx output to miniDLNA which is streaming the video to my media devices. (Mostly PS3)
[00:56] <MrE> Yeah it will do quite some fps, but just dont think that the output of raspi can be compared to x264, like i said x264 will encode much better q at the same rate.....
[00:57] <Nunnsy> Hmm, okay, thanks. So I guess I should be looking for ways to pipe omxtx to the media server instead...
[00:58] <MrE> uhm
[00:58] <MrE> why not pipe omxtx to ffmpeg
[00:59] <Nunnsy> That's possible..? o.O
[01:01] <Nunnsy> So if I just look into the ffmpeg executing command... I should be able to change it slightly from what the miniDLNA is currently using to pip from omxtx instead...? In theory?
[01:01] <MrE> omxtx -r 1280x720 in.mkv - | ffmpeg -i in.mkv -i - -map 1:1 -map 0:1 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -f mpegts out.ts
[01:01] <Nunnsy> *pipe
[01:02] <Nunnsy> Starting to get this now, thanks :)   So currently the command being executed to stream is
[01:02] <Nunnsy> -ss $STARTPOSITION -i $SOURCE -t $DURATION -v 0 -loglevel quiet -threads 2 -async 2 -target ntsc-dvd pipe:1
[01:03] <Nunnsy> there'd be an ffmpeg at that start of that...
[01:04] <Nunnsy> and then the media server fills the variables with the source file's attributes
[01:04] <MrE> you wont be able to seek with pipes
[01:04] <Nunnsy> that's alright, if I can get it working barebones, I'll be really happy
[01:06] <MrE> doh
[01:06] <MrE> omxtx -r 1280x720 in.mkv - | ffmpeg -i - -i in.mkv -map 1:1 -map 0:1 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -f mpegts out.ts
[01:06] <MrE> like that or the piped video will be 1:0
[01:08] <Nunnsy> Alright... but if you're piping from omxtx, is it then possible to directly get the output of omxtx to the media server if I execute it from there?
[01:08] <Nunnsy> So stream completely via omxtx instead of ffmpeg at all?
[01:08] <MrE> omxtx got no audio support from what i can see
[01:08] <Nunnsy> Because when I was looking up omxtx usage, I thought it could only output to a file or play onscreen...
[01:08] <Nunnsy> really?
[01:09] <MrE> and omtx can only output h264 bytestream as faar as i can see
[01:09] <Nunnsy> I transcoded a file and it had audio?
[01:09] <Nunnsy> ahh
[01:09] <MrE> You transcoded a file with audio and got audio on the target file, hmm must have been a copy of the raw audio stream then
[01:10] <MrE> Anyway if omtx can include audio and mux as dvd np then, but I doubt it :)
[01:10] <Nunnsy> So I'm trying to understand this all... What's the difference between omxtx's bytestream and ffmpeg's output to the media server using "ffmpeg -ss $STARTPOSITION -i $SOURCE -t $DURATION -v 0 -loglevel quiet -threads 2 -async 2 -target ntsc-dvd pipe:1" ?
[01:10] <MrE> -target ntsc-dvd pipe:1
[01:11] <Nunnsy> but ffmpeg doesn't output a bytestream?
[01:11] <Nunnsy> I'm not exactly sure on what the end result difference is...
[01:11] <MrE> That makes ffmpeg mux video as mpeg2 and audio as ac3 or mp2, on a vob container
[01:12] <MrE> haha well maybe you need to read up on video encoding then first :D
[01:13] <Nunnsy> And it's not possible for either ffmpeg or mencoder to mux to x264 or h264... But omxtx can but only as a bytestream which is usually writes to file. So ffmpeg is needed to pipe the data to the media server...
[01:13] <Nunnsy> I really have been looking as hard as I can
[01:13] <MrE> the diffrense is ffmpeg with those options encode a dvd target, omxtx will just output a h264 stream :)
[01:13] <Nunnsy> this was really a last resort...
[01:14] <Nunnsy> okay, but the PS3 can play both formats so it shouldn't matter..?
[01:14] <Nunnsy> oh
[01:14] <Nunnsy> ohhh
[01:14] <Nunnsy> nope, gotcha now
[01:14] <MrE> lol please dude read up on the encoding
[01:14] <MrE> a h264 bytestream = no audio no nothing just video
[01:14] <MrE> :)
[01:15] <Nunnsy> yep, I get that now
[01:15] <MrE> omxtx -r 1280x720 in.mkv - | ffmpeg -i - -i in.mkv -map 1:1 -map 0:1 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -f mpegts out.ts
[01:15] <Nunnsy> sorry, I'll go try some piping now :) thanks for all the help, I'll ask some more dumb questions later if this doesn't work >.>
[01:15] <Nunnsy> thank you
[01:16] <MrE> np ^^
[01:18] <MrE> im gona try it out myself aswell, if a raspi on the fly encode sd stuff without probs I have wasted seriously manny money on i7 machines todo live transcoding O_o
[01:20] <Nunnsy> ahahah, well, omxtx did look promising when I was messing around with it
[01:23] <MrE> Depends on how good it is to pack down sd stuff to 1500 KB/s without looking to crappy :)
[01:23] <MrE> Faster h264 encoders usualy mean worse quality..
[01:24] <Nunnsy> Too true... it's not great when you're trying to stream to a PS3 over a wireless connection too...
[02:38] <defaultro_> can ffmpeg display the total number of frames of a video?
[02:39] <defaultro_> maybe i'll just multiply total seconds times 29.97
[03:05] <defaultro_> i'm trying to fade an audio but it's failing, http://pastebin.com/NSWAzkNF
[03:12] <beastd> defaultro_: maybe wrong filter? try afade
[03:16] <defaultro_> ok
[03:16] <defaultro_> i used sox and i got it working
[03:16] <defaultro_> i'll try afade later
[05:11] <elkng> is it possible to convert video file into a *.png images ?
[05:11] <elkng> and at the same time resize them into 192x144 resolution ?
[05:14] <elkng> I found that one "ffmpeg -i file -c:v png "%d.png"" but it generates file names like 1.png 20.png 150.png is it possible to have them with leading zero like 001.png 020.png ?
[05:18] <elkng> "%3d.png" is working, but its adds two zeros even if I don't have files more than 99 and I don't need 001 just 01 or in case if I have more than 10000 files 3 zeros will not be enough
[05:20] <klaxa> just make it %5d then?
[05:29] <elkng> I mean you never know how much you need untill you get  all frames extracted
[05:39] <elkng> when I use options "-s 320x240" can I set only "width" part "-s 320" so it will calculate height on its own ?
[05:40] <elkng> I don't want to calculate it but if I set wrong "height" the image will be stretched vertically or horizontally
[05:40] <sacarasc> -vf scale=320:-1 or something.
[06:32] <fling> I have strange file when joining smaller H246+mp3 mkv files
[06:32] <fling> mplayer2 shows total length is 13 hours which is much longer
[06:33] <fling> And from some frame I'm not able to rewind
[06:33] <fling> Do I need to reencode?
[06:34] <elkng> mplayer2 ?
[06:34] <fling> elkng: yes.
[06:35] <fling> elkng: this is what I do > ffmpeg -f concat -i mylist.txt -c copy output.mkv
[06:35] <elkng> no idea
[06:36] <fling> tried to remux to ts from the resulting mkv, got the same behavior in mplayer2
[06:37] <fling> elkng: tried to remux to mp4, found this > [mp4 @ 0x13d9b30] Non-monotonous DTS in output stream 0:0; previous: -32, current: -32; changing to -31. This may result in incorrect timestamps in the output file.
[06:39] <fling> do I need -debug_ts?
[06:46] <fling> I need to fix Non-monotonous DTS somehow
[06:50] <fling> reencoded to huffyuw, got 97G output file still have wrong DTS :D
[06:52] <fling> avidemux crashed
[06:53] <fling> same output with mkvmerge but out of sync
[06:58] <fling> fixed DTS with pipe!
[06:58] <fling> ffmpeg -i test.mkv -c copy -bsf h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts - | ffmpeg -i - -c copy test2.mkv
[06:58] <fling> now rewind works fine
[06:58] <fling> but the total video length is longer, it shows 9 hours now hmm hmhmmhm
[07:03] <fling> should I split audio and video, encode to raw audio and video?
[07:03] <fling> and then reencode and mux together?
[14:50] <nnred73> hello
[14:50] <nnred73> how to use ffv1 on MAX compression?
[14:51] <nnred73> I exported help full file, but there is only one line about ffv1
[14:52] <nnred73> -slicecrc          <int>        E..V.. Protect slices with CRCs (from -1 to 1) (default -1)
[14:52] <nnred73> there is an avi file uncompressed
[14:53] <nnred73> execuse me for my english (if what)
[14:54] <fling> nnred73: if what :P
[14:54] <fling> Russia?
[14:57] <nnred73> yes)
[14:57] <nnred73> 40
[15:02] <Fjorgynn> :)
[15:19] <nnred73> so, how to use ffv1 on max level compression? there is a file (avi, unpompressed with audio wav PCM) and the goal is to encode video (whithout any resize,fps change, etc) to ffv1 format and "copy" audio without encoding to avi (maybe it must be other container)
[15:59] Last message repeated 1 time(s).
[16:03] <nnred73> how to use ffv1 on max level compression? there is a file (avi, unpompressed with audio wav PCM) and the goal is to encode video (whithout any resize,fps change, etc) to ffv1 format and "copy" audio without encoding to avi (maybe it must be other container)
[16:31] <iive> nnred73: ffv1 is lossless, so there are not many level of compressions.
[17:20] <mroman> http://codepad.org/zhKWzfFK <- I'm trying to pipe some png images to ffmpeg to convert them to a video
[17:20] <mroman> but it ain't working.
[17:40] <fling> Same problem with another file.
[17:40] <fling> [matroska @ 0x1ec5ea0] Non-monotonous DTS in output stream 0:1; previous: 3389550, current: 3389545; changing to 3389550. This may result in incorrect timestamps in the output file.
[17:40] <fling> So how to fix this dts?
[17:41] <mroman> puh
[20:37] <joecool> i have a couple of packages failing with this build error after installing ffmpeg 2.0
[20:37] <joecool> error: ‘AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE’ undeclared
[20:57] <Eduard_Munteanu> Hi. Is there an option to get more machine-readable output?
[20:59] <Eduard_Munteanu> I mainly want to parse the "time=" field of the progress output.
[23:03] <Macey> Hi All, i am trying to do a transcode and apply a BITC filter, if the target framerate is different to the incoming the resulting BITC is wrong
[23:04] <Macey> how do i make the bitc follow the outgoing fps?
[23:05] <Macey> http://pastebin.com/4wJPQP0w
[23:05] <durandal_1707> BITC filter?
[23:07] <durandal_1707> use fps filter?
[23:09] <Macey> durandal_1707, i'm using the drawtext filter
[23:09] <Macey> to do Burnt-In TimeCode
[23:10] <Macey> unsure as to what i would do with the fps filter.. I've tried it before putting fps=fps=25 in front of the drawtext filter to no avail
[23:52] <iive> there is bitcoin filter in ffmpeg :O ;)
[00:00] --- Mon Jul 15 2013

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