[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20130717

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 18 02:05:01 CEST 2013

[02:28] <johnsmith_> Hi all
[02:29] <johnsmith_> does anyone here have any experiance encoding through x264 to get a successful call of avformat_write_header()..?
[02:34] <bernie_> using -g 0 doesn't seem to supress I-frames
[02:36] <axorb> hey guys, I fixed my original TS thing thanks to a patch merged in 6 days ago
[02:37] <axorb> now I'm just missing some audio at the start of the clip for 0.2 seconds
[02:38] <axorb> ffmpeg -ss 10 -i input.avi -ss 10 -f ssegment output%d.ts
[02:38] <bernie_> I'm looking to force key frames with -force_key_frames, and not have any other key frames in the output file.  I have not found the right way of doing that.  I was experimenting with using -g as well, but that doesn't seem to help...
[02:39] <bernie_> example: ffmpeg -y -re -i video_f06b84659c33731fdb34d1d43b0ddb14.mov -g 0 -dn -sn -map 0 -f Matroska -codec:v libvpx -quality good -cpu-used 0 -threads 4 -b:v 400K -maxrate 400K -force_key_frames 00:00:00.000,00:00:03.000,00:00:04.300,00:00:12.375,00:00:15.375,00:00:16.675,00:00:16.333,00:00:19.333,00:00:20.633,00:01:02.083,00:01:04.483,00:01:26.166,00:01:29.166,00:01:30.466  -pass 1 -an /dev/null && ffmpeg -y -re -i video_f06b84659c337
[02:40] <bernie_> sorry -- should have only shown a single pass of that...
[02:45] <axorb> okay, let me rephrase the question
[02:45] <axorb> ssegment is not encoding the first 0.05-0.2 seconds worth of audio for each part
[02:53] <mark4o> bernie_: use a really big number after -g, and -scenecut 0 if you don't want keyframes on scene changes either
[02:53] <mark4o> I mean -sc_threshold 0
[03:00] <klaxa> bernie_: -g 0 means GOP size 0 meaning you have only I-Frames
[06:55] <ziadsa> hi guys, i was reading that we can now use ffmpeg with intel quick sync using libav? is that true? do i have to use h26 parameter instead if x264?
[09:04] <natrixnatrix89> Would you guys recommend the ffmpeg integrated hls segmenter, or would it be better to search for something else?
[09:05] <saste> natrixnatrix89, try it yourself, and see if it works for you
[09:05] <saste> look in trac for the related open issues (keywords: hls, segment)
[09:07] <natrixnatrix89> i tried it.. Opening the video on android caused the whole phone to crash
[09:08] <natrixnatrix89> I'm just wondering if i've entered the wrong settings. or should I try a third party segmenter
[09:19] <saste> natrixnatrix89, how are you opening the video?
[09:19] <saste> does android support HLS?
[09:19] <natrixnatrix89> yes it does..
[09:20] <saste> also what's the format of the video?
[09:20] <natrixnatrix89> I was opening a html page with videojs player
[09:20] <natrixnatrix89> video codec was h264.. and format obviously ts
[09:20] <natrixnatrix89> format basically is hls. which creates the manifest file and segments the video
[09:20] <natrixnatrix89> into ts files
[09:21] <saste> natrixnatrix89, make sure you're streaming yuv420p
[09:22] <natrixnatrix89> hmm. right.. i was streaming yuv422p
[09:22] <saste> but you should check the player resources to find what it accepts
[09:22] <saste> and a crash is always a (serious) bug
[09:22] <natrixnatrix89> well yeah.. especially because the whole OS crashed.. and phone rebooted
[09:22] <natrixnatrix89> when trying to play the video
[09:23] <natrixnatrix89> what's the main difference between yuv420 and yuv422?
[09:23] <saste> chroma sampling
[09:23] <saste> *chroma subsampling
[09:24] <saste> players are sometimes picky about that
[09:24] <saste> and they will refuse to play a video for no apparent reason
[09:24] <natrixnatrix89> ok
[09:25] <natrixnatrix89> saste: do you have experience with ffserver?
[09:25] <saste> no
[09:25] <natrixnatrix89> ok.. thank's anyway
[09:25] <natrixnatrix89> bye
[09:25] <natrixnatrix89> hope changing pix fmt helps
[10:14] <vincethechimp> Someone know any good article about ffmpeg filters?
[10:17] <relaxed> did you read the man page?
[10:20] <Mavrik> obviously not :P
[11:03] <chris___> can anyone point me to an actual centos guide to install ffmpeg? i tried to follow http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/CentosCompilationGuide but end up in error with opus
[11:21] <R0bin> ello
[11:21] <R0bin> im on a amazon distro of linux
[11:22] <R0bin> were can i get ffmpeg what kind of repos do they have?
[11:22] <R0bin> (warning noob preseant)
[11:23] <JEEB> "amazon distro of linux"
[11:23] <JEEB> might want to check what distribution they use as the base if they have their own distro :P
[11:23] <JEEB> also let me say this
[11:23] <JEEB> if you're using Amazon's "cloud"
[11:23] <JEEB> that will be costly as hell
[11:23] <JEEB> if you will start encoding on it
[11:24] <JEEB> low performance, high price, if you want the heavy stuff it will cost a fortune
[11:40] <Gnintendo> Hello, I'm having trouble syncing up the video and audio in a stream I'm using ffmpeg for
[11:40] <Gnintendo> the video is about 0.5 seconds before the audio
[11:41] <Gnintendo> however, no matter what I do, I can't get -itsoffset or -ss to do anything
[11:41] <Gnintendo> even when supplied longer times like 5s to verify, they appear to have no effect on the resultant video
[11:41] <Gnintendo> I suspect this may be due to the fact that my output video is a stream, but this leaves me without an apparent way to delay the video
[11:42] <Gnintendo> Here's what I'm currently doing:
[11:42] <Gnintendo> ffmpeg -f v4l2 -input_format mjpeg -s "320x240" -r 10 -i /dev/video1 -f x11grab -s "1920x1080" -r 25 -itsoffset 3 -i :0.0+0,0 -filter_complex '[1]scale=1280:-1[vid];[0]scale=1280/6:-1[pip];[vid][pip]overlay=main_w-overlay_w:0' -f alsa -ac 2 -i hw:4,0 -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset fast -vsync 1 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 196k -ar 44100 -threads 0 -re -f flv "rtmp://live.justin.tv/app/$(cat
[11:42] <Gnintendo> ~/.twitch_key)"
[11:42] <Gnintendo> however, the -itsoffset 3 (for 3 seconds), does not do anything
[11:42] <Gnintendo> I need to delay the x11grab input by a period of time that is approximately 0.5 seconds, but that time will be refined as soon as I can find a way to delay it; can anybody here help me delay it?
[14:59] <BoR0> any idea what might be causing this? I have this function seekpos() that does stream_seek, so if I do seekpos(50) it'll take me to the 50th second, but when I do seekpos(0) or seekpos(1) (up to 9-10) it takes me instantly to the 8th frame (audio is fine, i.e. starts from beginning, video is not)
[15:00] <BoR0> but what's strange to me is that if I do seekpos(50) or any other number that is greater than 10 it works fine
[15:01] <nerdshark> hey guys, can anyone clarify for me if the *priv* field in the avframe and avpacket structs are used by ffmpeg, or if they're meant to be used by end developers?
[15:02] <nerdshark> (i'm unfortunately running on ffmpeg 1.1, for reference)
[15:44] <mpfundstein> JEEB: thats not entirely true. you can create your own image, save it and than rent servers only if needed. I transcoded 30 000 vids this way for under 2k
[15:44] <mpfundstein> JEEB: but you need an amazing big pipe there.
[15:46] <JEEB> mpfundstein, I think it can still be costlier than dedicated servers from other places. Of course, if you need something you can take up/down quickly at will and as many instances as you want, then it can make sense -- even with the price tag
[15:47] <JEEB> and no, I was not talking at all about their own encoding service.
[15:47] <JEEB> Only VMs in their "cloud"
[15:50] <mpfundstein> JEEB: no their own encoding service is crap
[15:50] <mpfundstein> JEEB: they have a nice model where you rent instances for a certain price. lets say 0,19 cent / hour. if the demand rises the price rises
[15:50] <mpfundstein> but as long as demand is low you pay nearly nothing
[17:27] <Sythic> Hey, is FFProbe discussed here as well?
[17:30] <stix_> hi. followed the CentosCompilationGuide but when compiling FFMPEG, I get "ERROR: opus not found" - I can locate opus in $HOME/ffmpeg_build/include, so not sure why it's complaining.
[17:35] <mrAlmond> Hi everyone
[17:52] <Sythic> I'm looking for an updated version of FFProbe for debian, or a way to compile it. My version was compiled in 2009 and is not compatible with a PHP library im using. Is there a newer version?
[18:12] <teratorn> Sythic: it's not hard to compile
[18:13] <Sythic> teratorn: Finding it is honestly the hard part. FFProbe doesnt seem to exist lol. Does it have its own repo or are there separate options to use when compiling or what?
[18:13] <teratorn> Sythic: sudo apt-get build-dep ffmpeg; then ./configure and make the source
[18:14] <teratorn> Sythic: it's part of the ffmpeg distribution
[18:19] <johnsmith> hi all
[18:19] <johnsmith> anyone know how to encode mpeg4 with av_write_header(..)? I get the "broken ffmpeg settings" error
[18:39] <Sythic> teratorn: where exactly did apt put the source for me to build? or did i just install tools i need and still need to pull the code from git?
[18:39] <teratorn> Sythic: you just installed the build dependencies of the ffmpeg package
[18:39] <teratorn> Sythic: these will be more or less the same things that the source you need to get will want to link against
[18:39] <Sythic> gotcha
[18:40] <Sythic> teratorn: so do i just build as is or are there certain flags i need? I pretty much only need the meta-data and screenshot parts of this so transcoding stuff isnt really important
[18:41] <teratorn> Sythic: defaults are probably fine
[18:41] <teratorn> Sythic: thare are tons of --configure options
[18:41] <Sythic> perfect, and branch releases are stable?
[18:41] <Sythic> i noticed lol
[18:41] <teratorn> Sythic: i'm not sure you might have to do --enable-gpl and such to get all codecs
[18:42] <Sythic> teratorn: this is what i have now apparently http://codep.in/2q
[18:42] <Sythic> this is the ffmpeg build from febuary i guess
[18:43] <teratorn> do you need all those options?
[18:44] <Carraway> question for you guys - is there a video or audio filter where I can put in a series of timecodes (00:00:05.000, 00:00:10.000, etc) and it will split the input at those markers
[18:46] <Pet0r> I'm trying to compile ffmpeg with OpenCL support on Debian, I've compiled libx264 and configure for that outputs with opencl: yes, and ffmpeg compiles just fine with --enable-opencl, but when it comes to using it, I get "[libx264 @ 0x25b5920] OpenCL: not compiled with OpenCL support, disabling"
[18:46] <Pet0r> any ideas?
[18:52] <Mavrik> Pet0r, yeah.
[18:53] <Mavrik> You compiled ffmpeg with OpenCL support.
[18:53] <Mavrik> Not the x264 external library you're trying to use& x264 isn't part of ffmpeg so it doesn't give a darn about it's opencl support. :)
[19:09] <Pet0r> Hey sorry, was in x264's chan also
[19:09] <Pet0r> I feel like I'm missing something easy
[19:09] <Pet0r> an option to pass to configure or something
[19:10] <Pet0r> my ffmpeg check in configure is saying that opencl is disabled
[19:10] <Pet0r> my understanding of the configure file is that it looks for OpenCL/cl.h or CL/cl.h
[19:10] <Pet0r> this exists for me: /usr/include/CL/cl.h
[19:10] <Pet0r> it's just obviously not seeing it?
[20:16] <bernie_> hmm
[20:36] <PasqualeIV> Hey fellas.  I just preformed a fresh Ubuntu 12.04 server install, with instructions from UbuntuCompilationGuide.  Verbatim with all options (minus those of xwin), ffmpeg ./configure responds ~"Unable to find opus".
[20:37] <PasqualeIV> I confirmed that I had installed libopus.  tried again.  same issue.
[20:38] <ezekiel> did you only confirm that you ran the opus installation _commands_? Or did you also confirm that the opus installation commands were _successful_ and that the opus libraries were _actually_ installed into a directory on your system?
[20:39] <PasqualeIV> ezekiel, I confirm I ran the commands under a unprivileged user (as per the Comp guide).  I'll be happy to rerun the opus install again and confirm each executed w/o error.  standby.
[20:44] <PasqualeIV> alright -- so same error upon ffmpeg ./configure "ERROR: opus not found" -- however I think I understand what you're saying -- as the opus install made the ld notices very clear.
[20:46] <PasqualeIV> however, I would have expected the ffmpeg --extra-ldflags="-L$HOME/ffmpeg_build/lib" to compensate for this.
[20:57] <PasqualeIV> ezekiel, the bottom line is; per the ubuntu comp guide; the install does not work under 12.04.
[21:03] <PasqualeIV> adding more to the notes: opus-1.0.2.tar.gz does not include, what maybe an important file; autogen.sh
[21:05] <PasqualeIV> installing opus per ?version=55 of the Comp guide, and using 'sudo make install' (opposed to checkinstall) gets opus running on the 12.04 system, and allows ffmpeg to be installed.
[21:05] <mark4o> PasqualeIV: autogen.sh generates "configure".  If you already have "configure" then you shouldn't need to use autogen.sh.
[21:07] <mark4o> The tar.gz files should already have configure.  You should only need autogen.sh if you are using git.
[21:09] <PasqualeIV> mark4o, ok, so you think perhaps simply running "sudo make install" opposed to "make install" would have made the ffmpeg install successful?
[21:09] <mark4o> The old version of the comp guide installed system-wide, which didn't work for people that did not have root access.  The new guide installs in the home directory and does not require root/sudo.
[21:10] <PasqualeIV> gotcha.. then without a doubt, the new guide did not work for a non root user in 12.04
[21:12] <PasqualeIV> the new guide does work when libopus is left out of the ffmpeg compile, but will fail if included.
[21:13] <mark4o> I think it is for 13.04 but it is a wiki so if you figure out what is wrong with opus for 12.04 then please feel free to add a note for anyone else using 12.04
[21:14] <mark4o> btw there is now an opus 1.0.3 release, not sure if it would change anything for you
[21:17] <PasqualeIV> I think the guide is attempting to support all "supported releases".   I'll try 1.0.3 right now -- great suggestion.  Once I find "the" answer, I'll be happy to update the wiki.
[21:24] <Fjorgynn> when
[21:36] <PasqualeIV> bahh: ERROR: opus not found  -- even with 1.0.3.
[21:47] <mark4o> PasqualeIV: what does pkg-config --libs opus say?
[21:48] <PasqualeIV> No package opus found.
[21:49] <mark4o> is PKG_CONFIG_PATH set?
[21:50] <PasqualeIV> yes
[21:50] <mark4o> It looks like the guide says to set it but it doesn't export it; can you try "export PKG_CONFIG_PATH" and then pkg-config --libs opus
[21:51] <PasqualeIV> booyah! -L/home/ubuntu/ffmpeg_build/lib -lopus
[21:51] <PasqualeIV> configure success!
[21:51] <mark4o> cool
[21:52] <PasqualeIV> you want to update the wiki? or should I?
[21:52] <braincracker> ffmpeg!
[21:53] <mark4o> was it just adding an "export PKG_CONFIG_PATH" that did it?
[21:54] <PasqualeIV> once I did that -- the ffmpeg ./configure command worked.
[21:54] <mark4o> ok, did the rest of the build work?
[21:55] <PasqualeIV> I confirmed this by performing a fresh install of 12.04, following the guide from top to bottom, failing at the configure, did the export as you suggested, and make is running now.  give it a few mins to confirm the build was a full success.
[21:57] <mark4o> Ok, I can add that to the wiki.
[21:57] <PasqualeIV> make success, make install success
[21:57] <mark4o> Are you using opus-1.0.3 or 1.0.2?  If 1.0.3 works for you then I'll update that also
[21:59] <PasqualeIV> 1.0.3
[22:00] <PasqualeIV> it appears I have full success: built on Jul 17 2013 15:56:48
[22:00] <mark4o> very good; I've updated the wiki, thanks
[22:01] <PasqualeIV> thanks for your help mark4o!
[23:08] <johnsmith> Hi all, anyone have any experiance on how to convert mp3 files into mp4 (no video only audio) in aac?
[23:08] <johnsmith> I am getting "aac bitstream error"
[23:15] <ziadsa> guys can anyone guide me how to use intel quick sync.
[23:15] <Fjorgynn> quick sync what?
[23:19] <saste> johnsmith, command?
[23:21] <johnsmith> I am working with libav files
[23:21] <johnsmith> but if you know the command presets, information like that would be grateful
[23:44] <LunixA380> Hello all
[23:45] <LunixA380> I try to do spatial resampling with VP8/libvpx-vp8. How can I do it?
[23:50] <LunixA380> according to https://sites.google.com/a/webmproject.org/wiki/ffmpeg, it's -rc_resize_allowed
[23:50] <LunixA380> but -rc_resize_allowed doesn't work.
[23:51] <LunixA380> it says that the option doesn't exists
[23:53] <relaxed> LunixA380: look at $(ffmpeg -h encoder=libvpx | less)
[23:54] <mark4o> johnsmith: ffmpeg -i in.mp3 -acodec libfdk_aac out.mp4
[23:54] <mark4o> johnsmith: https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/AACEncodingGuide
[23:55] <LunixA380> The option isn't there, it's true relaxed
[23:56] <saste> -metadata title="Decode my Heart (Let's Mux)" => fun
[23:58] <relaxed> don't forget libass support
[23:58] <johnsmith> mark4o, thanks
[23:59] <LunixA380> libass ? Hm. I'll search about it
[23:59] <relaxed> LunixA380: that wasn't directed at you
[23:59] <LunixA380> Ops :(
[23:59] <LunixA380> Thanks for your help though :)
[00:00] --- Thu Jul 18 2013

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