[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20130614
burek021 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 15 02:05:01 CEST 2013
[00:07] <jdolan> alright, this is really annoying. the amerge filter appears to be broken for my test case:
[00:07] <jdolan> http://pastebin.com/T5TA48wf
[00:07] <jdolan> the inputs are two VFR .flv files.
[00:08] <jdolan> if i change the amerge filter to amix, those silly "Cannoy allocate memory" errors go away, and my mp4 file is generated correctly.
[00:08] <ubitux> jdolan: can you open a ticket?
[00:08] <jdolan> with amerge, it barfs out those nonsense errors and only outputs the first 1.0s of the merged mp4.
[00:09] <jdolan> sure i guess.
[00:09] <ubitux> note: make the command as simple as possible to reproduce
[00:09] <ubitux> (remove the video related stuff if they are note necessary to reproduce the issue)
[00:10] <ubitux> and make sure you update your git version, which is slightly outdated
[00:11] <jdolan> i'm just using the macports ffmpeg-devel.
[00:23] <brontosaurusrex> jdolan, try this one http://sourceforge.net/projects/ffdrop/files/ffmpeg/ffmpeg2013_2.zip/download
[00:23] <brontosaurusrex> native osx compile
[00:24] <brontosaurusrex> not that i know if it would make any difference
[00:32] <jdolan> my workaround for this would be for -vsync cfr to actually work.
[00:32] <jdolan> but it's broken too.
[00:33] <jdolan> it stops duplicating frames after the last video frame in the .flv file
[00:33] <jdolan> it duplicates frames in between 0.0 and last_frame just fine.
[00:33] <jdolan> but after the last video frame in the stream, no more video frames are written.
[00:47] <anonymou_> I'm using ffmpeg to take an mp3 and produce multiple outputs. One of the outputs is a jpg (the track artwork) from the video stream which may or may not exist. When it doesn't exist, none of my other outputs get written. Is there a way to force ffmpeg to continue processing and produce the other outputs?
[00:48] <jdolan> why not just use two invocations of ffmpeg?
[00:48] <jdolan> it sounds like your inputs and their respective outputs are completely unrelated.
[01:08] <arobin> Is there a tutorial of muxing audio and video for the modern libav api? I am having trouble with timing (a/v syncing).
[01:14] <llogan> arobin: did you see "doc/examples/muxing.c"?
[01:31] <pyBlob> I just built ffmpeg for the first time
[01:31] <pyBlob> why didn't it build ffplay?
[01:31] <ubitux> because you don't have the sdl headers installed, likely
[01:32] <ubitux> look for a sdl devel package
[01:36] <pyBlob> so ... downloading the devels
[01:36] <pyBlob> do I have to call ./configure before make?
[01:37] <ubitux> yes
[01:42] <pyBlob> ok, now it also says: "SDL support yes"
[01:53] <pyBlob> ubitux: compiling worked
[01:54] <pyBlob> how do I make ffplay read a png-stream from stdin?
[01:57] <pyBlob> http://pastebin.com/euQLbfcg
[01:58] <braincracker> h
[01:58] <pyBlob> h?
[01:58] <braincracker> +
[01:59] <pyBlob> where's a missing h?
[02:17] <pyBlob> what (codec)parameters do I have to add to ffplay, so that it can read the png-stream from ffmpeg?
[07:38] <n3rV3> hi, i am trying to transcode a mp4 video into an flv file with libx264 video codec, but ffmpeg keeps crashing
[07:38] <n3rV3> this happens for one particular resolution, for others it works fine
[07:39] <n3rV3> how can i find the reason for ffmpeg's crash
[07:40] <n3rV3> it just gives me a return code of 137, and says ffmpeg was killed
[07:51] <n3rV3> relaxed, thanks i got it, was running it on micro instance, aws and it was running out of ram
[07:51] <n3rV3> and to think i've been working as a sys admin for some years now
[07:51] <n3rV3> :)
[10:11] <highgod> Hi, all ,I want to ask a question, I have capture the audio using dshow of ffmpeg and save it to .pcm file, it displayed correct. I want to ask that how can I encode it to mp2 using ffmpeg API? I write the code referenced the sample in decoding_encoding.c, but the out put audio is not correct
[10:11] <highgod> I just copy the data to the encode buffer, should I have to do the resample operation?
[11:18] <phr3ak> how could I reencode a dvd with sub to avi,mkv ?
[11:22] <yoda1234> hiho
[11:23] <yoda1234> I try to compile ffmpeg with opus support and have a problem
[11:23] <yoda1234> ERROR: opus not found
[11:25] <yoda1234> last 2 lines in config.log are:
[11:25] <yoda1234> check_pkg_config opus opus_multistream.h opus_multistream_decoder_create
[11:25] <yoda1234> ERROR: opus not found
[11:27] <yoda1234> i have debian and run through this guide:
[11:27] <yoda1234> http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide
[11:29] <relaxed> yoda1234: did you use --enable-libopus
[11:29] <yoda1234> yep: ./configure --prefix="$HOME/ffmpeg_build" --extra-cflags="-I$HOME/ffmpeg_build/include" --extra-ldflags="-L$HOME/ffmpeg_build/lib" --bindir="$HOME/bin" --enable-libopus
[11:31] <relaxed> did you download libopus or use apt-get ?
[11:33] <yoda1234> via apt-get opus is on my Debian not available
[11:33] <yoda1234> i use wget http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/opus/opus-1.0.2.tar.gz
[11:34] <relaxed> hold on a sec
[11:34] <yoda1234> no problem :-)
[11:36] <relaxed> add --enable-gpl
[11:39] <yoda1234> same error
[11:39] <relaxed> It works here.
[11:39] <ubitux> libopus-dev ?
[11:40] <ubitux> or some similar debian insanity
[11:40] <relaxed> He downloaded and compile the source of libopus.
[11:40] <relaxed> compiled*
[11:40] <yoda1234> libopus-dev? where can i get?
[11:41] <ubitux> forget about that
[11:41] <relaxed> you don't need it if you installed libopus according to the guide you pasted.
[11:41] <yoda1234> ah ok
[11:41] <relaxed> Did you check out the latest ffmpeg using git?
[11:42] <relaxed> list the contents of $HOME/ffmpeg_build/include
[11:43] <relaxed> There should be a directory named "opus" there. If not, maybe you forgot to "make install" in the opus dir.
[11:43] <yoda1234> drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 13. Jun 23:33 .
[11:43] <yoda1234> drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 13. Jun 23:33 ..
[11:43] <yoda1234> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 13. Jun 23:33 fdk-aac
[11:43] <yoda1234> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 14. Jun 10:41 opus
[11:43] <yoda1234> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 13. Jun 23:24 vpx
[11:43] <yoda1234> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 234 13. Jun 23:12 x264_config.h
[11:43] <yoda1234> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 45342 13. Jun 23:12 x264.h
[11:44] <LordDoskias> hello, i want to use libavformat to extract the video stream from an mpeg4 source, so far i have opened the file and i have a loop which continually read frames and checks whether they are video, now i want to write those to a raw file
[11:44] <LordDoskias> which can then be played by vlc
[11:45] <yoda1234> opus dir:
[11:45] <yoda1234> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 14. Jun 10:41 .
[11:45] <yoda1234> drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 13. Jun 23:33 ..
[11:45] <yoda1234> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 27778 14. Jun 10:41 opus_defines.h
[11:45] <yoda1234> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 43785 14. Jun 10:41 opus.h
[11:45] <yoda1234> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 32765 14. Jun 10:41 opus_multistream.h
[11:45] <yoda1234> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4925 14. Jun 10:41 opus_types.h
[11:45] <ubitux> yoda1234: please use pastebin when you have more than 3 lines
[11:45] <LordDoskias> should i just do a normal fwrite on every video-related AVPacket i get and write its content to the file in binary format?
[11:45] <relaxed> yoda1234: ok, use pastie.org from now on.
[11:45] <relaxed> Sorry, I ask for that.
[11:45] <relaxed> asked*
[11:46] <relaxed> yoda1234: pastie.org your config.log file.
[11:46] <ubitux> LordDoskias: you should use a muxer with those packets
[11:47] <LordDoskias> ubitux, hmz
[11:48] <ubitux> LordDoskias: demuxing -> [decoding -> encoding ->] -> muxing
[11:48] <LordDoskias> ubitux, i do not want to use any type of processing on the video, just extract it
[11:48] <LordDoskias> that's the thing - i do not want to decode the data
[11:48] <ubitux> demuxing ` decoding
[11:48] <LordDoskias> at least not yet
[11:48] <ubitux> encoding ` muxing
[11:48] <LordDoskias> indeed
[11:48] <ubitux> so just do demuxing / muxing, aka what ffmpeg does with -c copy
[11:49] <LordDoskias> ubitux, basically currently i'm getting my feet wet with libavformat
[11:49] <LordDoskias> i will be doing decoding but it will be done via a hardware decoder
[11:49] <LordDoskias> for now i want to extract video and be able to write it to an arbitrary location e.g. a file or a memory buffer, doing as little fiddling as possible
[11:49] <bor0> is there a way to get progress in % using FFmpeg? for instance, it is easy to calculate progress when transcoding video from one type to another, but consider the case where a user inputs a command which generates 3 thumbnails from a given video. how could I calculate the current progress over total progress in that case?
[11:50] <ubitux> LordDoskias: muxing will use the !decoded data
[11:50] <LordDoskias> that;s the thing i do not want to do decoding!
[11:50] <ubitux> LordDoskias: see doc/examples btw
[11:50] <LordDoskias> i've been reading the example demux
[11:50] <LordDoskias> but i do not want to call any avformat_decode_ functions
[11:50] <ubitux> that doesn't exist
[11:50] <LordDoskias> i just want the raw bytes saved to a file and later i might decode them with a different player
[11:51] <ubitux> avformat_ is format, you won't have to deal with codecs
[11:51] <yoda1234> format with pastie.org and than past here?
[11:51] <ubitux> LordDoskias: then just demux with avformat, and mux with avformat
[11:51] <yoda1234> the config.log is very long
[11:52] <LordDoskias> ubitux, okay this might work in mu current sitation
[11:52] <relaxed> yoda1234: can you upload it somewhere? Dropbox?
[11:52] <LordDoskias> but later if i want to be doing on the fly demuxing and then feeding the data into, say a hardware decoder such as the raspberry pi which works only with memory buffers
[11:53] <LordDoskias> how can i just keep feeding encoded data from the demux to the memory bufer
[11:53] <yoda1234> the last 2 lines are:
[11:53] <yoda1234> check_pkg_config opus opus_multistream.h opus_multistream_decoder_create
[11:53] <LordDoskias> memcpy (mem_buf, packet.data, packet.size); < = would that work
[11:53] <yoda1234> ERROR: opus not found
[11:55] <relaxed> yoda1234: that's not enough.
[11:55] <yoda1234> ok
[11:56] <relaxed> yoda1234: run "make distclean" in the ffmpeg and try running configure again.
[12:02] <yoda1234> hope this works:
[12:02] <yoda1234> https://smartdrive.web.de/client/index.html?path=public%20von%20leudolph&token=E4F4CF38EED4EBFB&mandant=03&product=td&locale=de&viewType=1&lang=de&username=@nonymous&incarnation=web_de
[12:03] <yoda1234> there you can find config.log
[12:04] <ubitux> < LordDoskias> memcpy (mem_buf, packet.data, packet.size); < = would that work // it should yes
[12:05] <ubitux> note that if you decode, you will need to re-encode to get the new data for the muxer
[12:05] <highgod> Hi, all ,I want to ask a question, I have capture the audio using dshow of ffmpeg and save it to .pcm file, it displayed correct. I want to ask that how can I encode it to mp2 using ffmpeg API? I write the code referenced the sample in decoding_encoding.c, but the out put audio is not correct. I have done the resample
[12:08] <relaxed> yoda1234: Don't compile software as root.
[12:09] <yoda1234> yes ok, but is that the problem?
[12:11] <relaxed> No. Start from scratch as a regular user and try again. You must be making a simple mistkae I'm missing.
[12:12] <yoda1234> ok I will try, thank you
[12:27] <LordDoskias> ubitux, i tried the following: fwrite(packet.data, sizeof(*packet.data), sizeof(packet.data), output_file); but from an 40mb input file i get only 8kb output file :(
[12:33] <ubitux> LordDoskias: sizeof() doesn't do what you want to
[12:33] <ubitux> use packet.size
[12:33] <LordDoskias> for which of the 2 middle parameters?
[12:34] <LordDoskias> i tihnk i got it
[12:34] <ubitux> fwrite(packet.data, 1, packet.size, output_file)
[12:36] <LordDoskias> hmz, is this 1 correct ? ;\
[12:37] <ubitux> yes
[12:38] <ubitux> why don't you use the muxer btw?
[12:39] <ubitux> i'm pretty sure what you are doing will result in an unreadable or at best broken file most of the time
[12:39] <LordDoskias> ubitux, THANKS !
[12:39] <LordDoskias> ubitux, because i do not want to create file, instead i will be feeding memory buffers
[12:39] <LordDoskias> currently i'm just doing POC code to see whether my plan will work
[12:40] <ubitux> you will replace the fwrite with a memcpy to your hardware buf?
[12:40] <LordDoskias> yep
[12:40] <ubitux> you know you can make ffmpeg write directly into your buffer, right?
[12:40] <LordDoskias> not really
[12:40] <LordDoskias> can you give me some documentation
[12:40] <ubitux> also, you could contribute to ffmpeg to add r-pi support
[12:41] <ubitux> mmh documentation& :)
[12:41] <LordDoskias> i'm not gonna be working with files, but satellite streams
[12:41] <LordDoskias> and then decode those via the broadcom hw accelerated chip
[12:42] <ubitux> we have various hwaccel, i recommend to have a look to it
[12:42] <LordDoskias> the thing is i don't really know whether ffmpeg itself will do any good for me
[12:43] <ubitux> why not?
[12:43] <LordDoskias> well i've been doing this work for 3 days now :D
[12:43] <ubitux> it has some hw accel support, various input and output protocols, etc
[12:43] <LordDoskias> i'm not really into the multimedia world so i'm still learning
[12:43] <LordDoskias> but isn't this essentially what i'm using via libav ?
[12:44] <ubitux> sure
[12:44] <ubitux> but contributing is better ;)
[12:44] <LordDoskias> true
[12:44] <LordDoskias> but i don't feel confident for now in getting the whole thing to work
[12:44] <LordDoskias> + i will learn tons of stuff :D
[12:44] <ubitux> anyway, is it really a r-pi you're using?
[12:45] <LordDoskias> yeah
[12:45] <LordDoskias> why?
[12:45] <ubitux> do you know if the proprietary blob thing is reversed or not yet?
[12:45] <LordDoskias> i'm currently on windows and compiling on the pi and running this directly on it
[12:45] <LordDoskias> you mean the actual implementation ?
[12:45] <LordDoskias> of the firmware
[12:45] <ubitux> yes
[12:45] <LordDoskias> afaik there are efforts in this direction
[12:45] <LordDoskias> but so far nothing is complete i think
[12:46] <LordDoskias> https://github.com/hermanhermitage/videocoreiv
[12:46] <LordDoskias> oh, check this: http://lwn.net/Articles/520930/
[12:47] <LordDoskias> ok, scratch the alst thing it is just the driver :D
[12:47] <ubitux> ok, interesting
[12:47] <LordDoskias> are you one of the devels of ffmpeg/libav
[12:48] <ubitux> it appears so
[12:48] <LordDoskias> i will be hanging around i guess as i battle more with libav
[12:48] <ubitux> project or the libraries?
[12:49] <ubitux> (libav is a fork name)
[12:49] <LordDoskias> well currently i'm using libavformat
[12:49] <ubitux> right ok, the libraries
[12:52] <LordDoskias> ubitux, but when you said that ffmpeg can write to my memory buffer you meant that it is possible to invoke ffmpeg to do demuxing and just set via an option that the endpoint is some sort of a buffer? e.g a unix socket or something?
[12:54] <ubitux> yeah well sorry i mixed up with direct rendering capabilities of some of our decoders
[12:55] <ubitux> forget about it unless you want to work with libavcodec
[12:56] <LordDoskias> well no
[12:57] <LordDoskias> the idea is for the chip to do the decoding :D
[12:57] <LordDoskias> essnetially i'm using libavformat just to do pid filtering
[13:32] <xlinkz0> has anyone used axis cameras?
[14:35] <yoda1234> < relaxed> No. Start from scratch as a regular user and try again. You must be making a simple mistkae I'm missing.
[14:35] <yoda1234> same error
[14:36] <yoda1234> with this paket it works:
[14:36] <yoda1234> http://pkgs.org/debian-squeeze/debian-backports-main-i386/libopus-dev_0.9.14+20120615-1~bpo60+1_i386.deb.html
[14:37] <yoda1234> package
[16:08] <mrAZ> is there a chance to get VC1 interlaced m2ts to decode ?
[17:04] <jdolan> i have a variable framerate FLV stream (there's a single video keyframe at the very beginning of the stream). i'm trying to convert it to constant framerate .FLV.
[17:04] <jdolan> my command is ffmpeg -y -i foo.flv -codec:a copy -r 24 -vsync cfr foo_.flv
[17:04] <jdolan> the resulting file still has just the single video frame at the beginning (inspecting the output with flvtool2)
[17:05] <jdolan> how can i get ffmpeg to _actually_ duplicate the frames?
[17:06] <jdolan> here is the entire output: http://pastebin.com/6uxRVJZJ
[17:06] <jdolan> i can upload the sample .flv file if anyone is interested.
[18:47] <Computer_Hobby> I was having some confusion on the scaling filter. It seems to work as I expect when the output is a jpg, when the output is a mp4 or other movie format it seems to be scaling down my video, but keeping the same aspect ratio
[18:47] <Computer_Hobby> ffmpeg -y -i smaller.mp4 -vf scale=280:90 -t 1 -vframes 1 z.mp4
[18:47] <Computer_Hobby> I would expect z.mp4 to look stretched out like z.jpg does: http://i.imgur.com/aFOC74y.png
[18:48] <Computer_Hobby> adding `-s 280x90` args doesn't help. Am I doing it wrong?
[20:05] <Sirisian|Work> Is the package on ubuntu 12.04 for ffmpeg missing codecs?
[20:05] <Sirisian|Work> Or is the most complete collection of everything?
[20:14] <Plorkyeran> I assume it doesn't include stuff enabled by --enable-nonfree
[21:07] <llogan> Sirisian|Work: it does not contain everything, and it isn't even from FFmpeg
[21:08] <llogan> but you also have to ask yourself if you need *every* encoder and decoder available.
[21:10] <Sirisian|Work> I do. I was curious why my coworker chose to build from source. Makes sense.
[21:23] <llogan> Sirisian|Work: this might be useful for next time: https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide
[21:24] <Sirisian|Work> yeah I have that. It's what my coworker used.
[21:34] <phr3ak> where is the incoming directory on ftp?
[22:35] <bunniefoofoo> is it OK to call swr_convert with the dst or src pointer being AVFrame.data ? The reason I ask, is because this works, but valgrind says I have invalid reads on the src pointer when it is AVFrame.data
[22:36] <bunniefoofoo> oh and sometimes I seem to crash in swr_convert...
[23:33] <bunniefoofoo> what is the correct way to pass flags through avoptions? av_dict_set(&options, "mpv_flags", "strict_gop|skip_rd") ??
[00:00] --- Sat Jun 15 2013
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