[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20130303

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 02:05:01 CET 2013

[00:23] <SubJunk> What's the command to see the list of AVOptions? The documentation says to use -help but I can't see where to go from there
[00:25] <relaxed> -h full
[00:26] <SubJunk> Thanks
[00:32] <creep> insane party music from sash? ;> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DByMrJCrz-M
[01:11] <Catoptromancy> cant believe there are no cue examples for flac
[01:11] <Catoptromancy> i fail at basic command line syntax
[01:13] <Catoptromancy> trying to embed cues in a flac
[01:13] <Catoptromancy> and also tried exporting label in audacity and importing cue sheet
[01:14] <relaxed> Catoptromancy: did you look at -attach in the man page?
[01:15] <relaxed> you may have to use matroska
[01:16] <Catoptromancy> "attach" doesnt grep
[01:16] <relaxed> version?
[01:16] <Catoptromancy>  flac -d Radio_Random.flac --cue=[1.1]-[2.1]  Radio_Random-with-cue.flac
[01:16] <Catoptromancy> just using random cue #s
[01:16] <Catoptromancy> but im sure something else is wrong
[01:16] <Catoptromancy> byt the error i get
[01:17] <Catoptromancy> flac 1.2.1
[01:17] <relaxed> oh, since we're in #ffmpeg I thought you were talking about it.
[01:17] <Catoptromancy> heh
[01:18] <Catoptromancy> #flac was empty on here
[01:18] <Catoptromancy> and ffmpeg people are quite knowledgable = )
[01:18] <Catoptromancy> maybe theres a flac channel on other network
[01:19] <Catoptromancy> yup
[01:19] <klaxa> Catoptromancy: huh, this is quite some coincidence, i'm currently writing a script to do automated .tta + .cue to .flac conversion with some specific tagging taken from the .cue file
[01:20] <klaxa> wait
[01:20] <Catoptromancy> im adding cues to cassette tape rips
[01:20] <Catoptromancy> heh
[01:20] <klaxa> waaaaait... this seems totally unrelated, lol
[01:20] <Catoptromancy> well cd audio eventually too
[01:21] <relaxed> Catoptromancy: A two second glance at the man page reveales --cuesheet=filename
[01:21] <relaxed> -e
[01:22] <Catoptromancy> i got worse errors
[01:22] <Catoptromancy> i shall reproduce
[01:23] <Catoptromancy> hmm
[01:23] <Catoptromancy> something worked that time
[01:23] <Catoptromancy> but still got an error
[01:27] <Catoptromancy> $ flac -d Radio_Random.flac --cuesheet="Label\ Track1"
[01:27] <Catoptromancy> i looked in audacity but labels are blank
[01:27] <Catoptromancy> it made a .wad apparently
[01:27] <Catoptromancy> wav
[01:33] <Catoptromancy> i got the syntax right finally
[01:38] <Catoptromancy> heh I shall attempt this later
[01:38] <Catoptromancy> getting closer
[01:38] <Catoptromancy> I know what doesnt work! always a good start
[02:12] <klaxa> is seeking in .tta files accurate if i place -ss before my -i ?
[02:26] <defaultro> why is this failing? -preset ultraslow
[02:28] <defaultro> slow works but not ultraslow
[02:51] <klaxa> i don't think there is a preset called "ultraslow"
[02:51] <klaxa> >Current presets in descending order of speed are: ultrafast,superfast, veryfast, faster, fast, medium, slow, slower, veryslow, placebo.
[02:51] <klaxa> http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/x264EncodingGuide
[02:51] <klaxa> defaultro: ^
[02:58] <defaultro> thanks
[02:58] <defaultro> i've always seen placebo, what does it mean?
[02:59] <defaultro> even on one of the bodybuilding supplement, it said, it was a placebo
[03:01] <klaxa> >It helps at most ~1% compared to the veryslow preset at the cost of a much higher encoding time.
[03:01] <klaxa> did you read that page?
[03:56] <defaultro> am i right that huffyuv is lossless?
[03:58] <klaxa> yes
[03:58] <defaultro> thanks
[03:59] <defaultro> btw, I'm making a title of my video. Which grammar is correct, "night skies in coron" or "night skies of coron"? Coron is a place
[04:01] <klaxa> i think both is possible? i'm not a native speaker though
[04:02] <defaultro> np :)
[04:04] <SubJunk2> Yeah both work
[04:12] <defaultro> Thanks SubJunk2 too
[04:13] <msmithng> are there any docs on using ffprobe to get details about an hls stream?
[04:32] <defaultro> hey folks, how come, this param doesn't work anymore? -loop_input
[04:32] <defaultro> I'm making a 12 sec video of a single image
[04:33] <creep> make 300 images then
[04:34] <defaultro> no, that's not efficient. That used to work
[04:35] <creep> oh, having a single image as a 12s video is very efficient lol
[04:35] <defaultro> ah, use -loop instead
[04:35] <defaultro> :)
[04:35] <defaultro> loop_input is depracated
[04:36] <defaultro> it worked
[05:41] <Maddie147> Hey
[09:14] <Fjorgynn> morning
[10:04] <kms_> can anyone help me with ffserver?
[10:10] <relaxed_> kms_: Maybe you should try the ffmpeg-user mailing list.
[10:20] <kms_> Maybe ..
[10:47] <BoBo_> Ok i am transcoding a file from a mpgv lpcm mpeg to a x264 aac mkv file it encodes fine and i can get it to play but when i launch the video it doesn't show the time remaning and it wont work when i hit play i have to actually on the scruber bar  to get it to start playing. But if i take the mkv file from ffmpeg and remux it with mkvmerge it works fine.
[10:47] <relaxed_> BoBo_: ffmpeg version?
[10:48] <BoBo_> n-45279-g1a104bf /
[10:49] <relaxed_> player?
[10:50] <BoBo_> vlc and my rokubox
[10:51] <BoBo_> vlc the video will start playing but it will say the time is at 101/100 until i click on it roku just wont play it untill i remux it
[10:52] <BoBo_> the comand i am using for %%a in ("*.avi") do ffmpeg -i "%%a" -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 20 -c:a libvo_aacenc "%%~na.mkv"
[10:55] <BoBo_> I tried looking up the problem but i don't even know what to search for as i am not sure what is erroring something with the way the time is put on the mkv file
[10:56] <relaxed_> BoBo_: try again with the most recent version from http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/
[11:01] <relaxed_> BoBo_: If it still happens file a bug report. http://ffmpeg.org/bugreports.html
[11:02] <AndrzejL> sacarasc: Hi Dude. I just wanted to say that the vid came out perfect. It was in superb quality and it fitted onto the pendrive as expected. Thanks again!
[11:10] <BoBo_> ok i feel stupid updating to the latest version seemed to fix the problem. On the first video at least.
[11:33] <sacarasc> AndrzejL: :)
[16:47] <kms_> huw i can disable output log to console when ffmpeg is work?
[16:55] <durandal_1707> -v 0 ?
[17:18] <Jiyuu|C2> is this the correct server for support on ffserver as well?
[17:18] <Jiyuu|C2> correct channel*
[17:23] <defaultro> hey folks, is transcode the same as encode?
[17:24] <defaultro> it's because I am converting series of jpg files to mp4. Not sure if that's transcoding or encoding
[17:25] <sacarasc> It's both.
[17:25] <defaultro> k
[17:26] <Jiyuu|C2> transcoding tecnically is converting formats
[17:26] <Jiyuu|C2> so everything which is an encode should fit that definition
[17:26] <defaultro> so transcoding is most likely what i did
[17:26] <defaultro> since it's jpg to mp4
[17:27] <Jiyuu|C2> though from what i know its usually reserved for implying the conversion was not from a raw\lossless source
[17:27] <Jiyuu|C2> yeah, that would fit that definition
[17:27] <defaultro> source is huffyuv
[17:27] <sacarasc> No, the source is jpegs. :p
[17:27] <defaultro> :D
[17:28] <defaultro> that's true, but when I made it as a stream. it was huffyuv
[17:28] <defaultro> then converted that to mp4 using -qp 0
[17:28] <defaultro> jpeg is lossy though
[17:28] <defaultro> i wish my camera supported png24
[17:29] <defaultro> or maybe even tif
[17:29] <defaultro> i haven't seen a camera that supports tiff format
[17:37] <Jiyuu|C2> can anyone tell me why would the video presets "veryfast"\"fast" etc. not work for me on windows?
[17:39] <JEEB> Jiyuu|C2, you're using a new enough windows build with libx264 built in, right?
[17:39] <Jiyuu|C2> i've been trying to find it
[17:39] <JEEB> http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/
[17:39] <Jiyuu|C2> to no avail
[17:39] <Jiyuu|C2> yeah
[17:39] <Jiyuu|C2> those
[17:39] <JEEB> if you mean "find builds", those are the usually most up-to-date ones
[17:40] <JEEB> those presets are a part of libx264, so they only work with libx264
[17:40] <JEEB> -c:v libx264
[17:40] <JEEB> and then you set them with -preset
[17:40] <JEEB> -preset fast f.ex.
[17:40] <JEEB> that's it
[17:40] <Jiyuu|C2> ah!
[17:40] <Jiyuu|C2> thanks a lot
[17:41] <JEEB> separate preset files for x264 were removed after support for x264's internal presets was added with the -preset option
[17:41] <defaultro> we have -ss. Do we have for ending?
[17:42] <defaultro> don't want to use -t
[17:42] <JEEB> not as far as I know
[17:42] <defaultro> ok. i'll calculate :)
[17:42] <JEEB> you're supposed to calculate the length of the clip
[17:42] <JEEB> but you could also issue a feature request
[17:42] <defaultro> -ee will be very cool
[17:42] <JEEB> 'cause this is not the first time someone's asked
[17:42] <defaultro> not sure how to do the request
[17:43] <JEEB> go hit the trac with a feature request ;)
[17:43] <defaultro> send me the link please
[17:43] <JEEB> create an issue that is of the type feature request
[17:43] <JEEB> https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/
[17:43] <JEEB> ^ the trac
[17:43] <defaultro> cool
[17:44] <defaultro> I'll do it later
[17:45] <cbsrobot_> defaultro: we have -to too !
[17:45] <Jiyuu|C2> how should i go about croping video?
[17:46] <defaultro> what is my -to
[17:46] <defaultro> what is -to?
[17:46] <Jiyuu|C2> i see usage of -i :0.0,x+y
[17:46] <cbsrobot_> -to is like "out point"
[17:46] <Jiyuu|C2> and stating the resolution using -s
[17:46] <defaultro> what is the input value?
[17:46] <Jiyuu|C2> but it gives me an error
[17:46] <cbsrobot_> you can use -ss as inpoint and -to as outpoint
[17:47] <cbsrobot_> instead of -t which means duration
[17:47] <defaultro> same format? -ss 00:00:35  -to 00:01:23
[17:47] <cbsrobot_> yes
[17:47] <defaultro> coolio!
[17:47] <defaultro> trying it now
[17:47] <cbsrobot_> but you need a a few day old build
[17:47] <defaultro> i updated about a week ago
[17:48] <klaxa> gah and here i was, calculating differences and using -t
[17:48] <defaultro> didn't work cbsrobot_ :)
[17:48] <defaultro> i'll use -t for now
[17:49] <cbsrobot_> do you mean you don't have it yet ?
[17:49] <cbsrobot_> just upgrade then
[17:49] <defaultro> http://pastie.org/6371866
[17:49] <defaultro> yup, I need to make a new pull
[17:50] <defaultro> looks like it's fun to join the ffmpeg team to learn the code
[17:50] <defaultro> what language does it use?
[17:50] <klaxa> good ol' C
[17:51] <klaxa> and i think there's some assembly in the code too
[17:51] <defaultro> :)
[17:51] <defaultro> do you think people will be able to help if I hit a wall?
[17:51] <cbsrobot_> sure
[17:52] <defaultro> cool
[18:39] <defaultro> any easy way to find the last frames I can use for -vf fade=out?
[18:40] <durandal_1707> inspecting duration of stream
[18:41] <defaultro> that's what I'm doing
[18:41] <defaultro> duration * 24 to get total frames since I use 24fps
[18:42] <defaultro> then i go from there
[18:42] <defaultro> but this didn
[18:42] <defaultro> didn't work. ffmpeg -i corontitle.mp4 -vf fade=in:0:30,fade=out:17250:30 output.mp4
[18:42] <defaultro> maybe I shouldn't use comma?
[18:42] <defaultro> the fade in worked
[18:42] <defaultro> but not the fade out
[18:43] <cbsrobot_> syntax is correct
[18:44] <cbsrobot_> use ffprobe -show_streams to get the total framenumber
[18:44] <cbsrobot_> and then do &.,fade=out:(totalframes-30):30 ....
[18:44] <defaultro> i'll try that
[18:46] <defaultro> oh, I was using a different duration :(
[18:46] <defaultro> lol
[18:46] <defaultro> i converted 12 seconds to 12 minutes, lOL
[18:46] <defaultro> thanks a lot :D
[18:46] <defaultro> that tool is cool
[18:47] <defaultro> it worked!!! :)
[20:41] <kittonian> hi all. i've got an MKV with burned in forced subititles on a separate stream. i want to create an appletv compatible MP4 with the forced subs burned in so that I do not have to "enable" the subs when watching. how do I do this from the CLI?
[20:41] <kittonian> there is no separate SRT file. this is within the MKV
[20:44] <Mavrik> kittonian, AFAIK ther is no way to do this in one pass in ffmpeg at the moment
[20:50] <kittonian> that's unfortunate
[20:55] <hackeron> hey, anyone know why ffmpeg cannot read this stream? < ffmpeg ""
[20:58] <llogan> also, you're forgetting "-i"
[20:59] <hackeron> llogan: I'm sorry, the error is " could not find codec parameters"
[21:00] <hackeron> llogan: the full command is ffmpeg -i "" test.mjpeg
[21:01] <hackeron> llogan: here's a pastebin: http://pastie.org/6373514
[21:04] <llogan> i don't have an answer other than "Consider increasing the value for the 'analyzeduration' and 'probesize' options"
[21:04] <hackeron> llogan: how do I do that?
[21:05] <Mavrik> ...
[21:07] <hackeron> llogan: is this a good start or does it need to be higher? < ffmpeg -analyzeduration 9999 -probesize 9999 -i "" test.mjpeg
[21:07] <hackeron> llogan: that command throws the same error - could not find codec parameters
[21:12] <llogan> -probesize 5000000 -analyzeduration 5000000 as input options (these are the default values, IIRC)
[21:12] <llogan> so increase those values
[21:15] <hackeron> trying -probesize 900000000 -analyzeduration 900000000 -- but this is an MJPEG stream, it should be recognised from the first jpeg image :/
[21:15] <hackeron> if I change the URL and add a &.mjpg at the end, it recognises it instantly
[21:16] <hackeron> shouldn't ffmpeg ignore parameters passed after the filename? or at least see the .mjpg before the question mark?
[21:21] <Almacira> hi , i need help to stream a recoreded events i filmed with my canon t4i with ffmpeg and ffserver
[21:21] <Almacira> can any one here help me ?
[21:22] <Almacira> with sample ffserver.conf
[21:22] <Almacira> and ffmpeg command
[21:22] <Almacira> please
[21:23] <Almacira> i m in Windows 8 as host machine and ffserver is installed in my ec2 ubuntu server
[21:35] <Jiyuu|C2> that would actually help me as well if anyone can help out with that
[21:35] <Jiyuu|C2> i have managed setting it up using webm and mp4 containing mpeg4 video
[21:36] <Jiyuu|C2> but i havent managed to configure it to run with zerolatency h264 encoding
[21:36] <Almacira> hi Jiyuu|C2
[21:37] <Almacira> i hope some one here can help us
[21:39] <Jiyuu|C2> yeah
[21:58] <llogan> Almacira: https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/Streaming%20media%20with%20ffserver
[21:59] <Almacira> llogan, I have i mp4 movie i need the propre command to stream it to ffmpeg in 720p
[21:59] <Almacira> and the conf file of ffserver if you can
[21:59] <Almacira> please
[22:02] <llogan> you must be a quick reader
[22:58] <defaultro> can ffmpeg also do a fade in/out on audio? If it does, I don't have to use sox
[23:00] <Mavrik> defaultro, there's an afade filter which should be able to do that
[23:03] <defaultro> awesome! Thanks a lot!
[00:00] --- Mon Mar  4 2013

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