[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20130317

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 18 02:05:02 CET 2013

[00:10] <f0x> llogan - Demon_Fox http://pastebin.com/SdcAFHLN
[00:12] <Demon_Fox> f0x, I can't help you with that.
[00:17] <f0x> Demon_Fox , np :) thanks
[00:19] <llogan> f0x: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/StreamingMediaGuide/UsingHTTPLiveStreaming/UsingHTTPLiveStreaming.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008332-CH102-SW1
[00:20] <Xgates> relaxed: you still around? I ran  mkvmerge -o combined.avi xvid_ac3.cd1.avi +xvid_ac3.cd2.avi it joined ok and in VLC on my computer it plays ok, but when I try to play the avi on a ps3 it says corrupted data and does nothing on a smartTV wondering if you might know something?
[00:20] <llogan> i'm not sure why it is pausing on your device, but the link shows details of what each iDevice can deal with
[00:21] <llogan> i mostly wanted to console output to see if you were using recent real ffmpeg (and not the old, crappy fork version)
[00:21] <f0x> llogan , thanks - appreciate the link; will go through it
[02:10] <Xgates> hi guys
[02:11] <Xgates> I use WinFF for converting videos, hope no boos and hisses hehe, but when I try to convert any formats in the presets that use chroma it craps and gives me this message;  http://pastebin.ca/2333961
[02:11] <Xgates> and if anyone could please look at these presets how I can fix it, I'd greatly appreciate it; http://pastebin.ca/2333959
[02:12] <Xgates> I tried using these presets with ffmpeg 1.1.2 & 1.1.3 same problem
[02:21] <burek> relaxed, no problem :) can you just give me the specs what exactly you need so i can add it
[05:23] <echo083> hello
[05:23] <echo083> i used "cat" to concatenate mpeg files
[05:24] <echo083> i tried to convert the final file to avi with mencoder but it says "New video file has different resolution or colorspace than the previous one"
[05:24] <echo083> how to make a proper mpeg file with ffmpeg so that i can convert it ?
[05:24] <zap0> use ffmpeg
[05:25] <echo083> zap0, what is the appropriate command please ?
[05:26] <zap0> the topic is ffmpeg user "SUPPORT" channel.   not ffmpeg user "DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU" channel.
[05:26] <zap0> the commands are in the manual
[05:27] <echo083> zap0, ok if all what you are intending to tell me is read the manual you can go and do something else
[05:28] <zap0> no.
[13:09] <Kingsy> if I use -i input.wmv output.avi  what kinda avi will that be? uncompressed? divx? if the wmv is say 600MB what can I expect as the output size?
[13:11] <Mavrik> it's gonna be default, depending on ffmpeg version
[13:11] <Mavrik> it'll tell you in the output what it's encoding to
[13:11] <Mavrik> I strongly recommend against using defaults and specifying the format explicitly
[13:11] <JEEB> you generally don't want to leave the format selection to ffmpeg indeed :)
[13:11] <Kingsy> what format would I choose for AVI ?
[13:12] <JEEB> what are your needs for an AVI?
[13:12] <Kingsy> tbh none, I need to get it converted from wmv because most of the players in my house don't support it, which means I cant stick it on a usb stick and play it on my TV or dvd players.
[13:13] <Kingsy> so I guess my needs are to make the file playable by as much as possible.
[13:13] <JEEB> I would guess most of those support the mp4 container with H.264/AAC
[13:14] <JEEB> ffmpeg -i welp.wmv -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -preset fast -c:a aac -strict experimental -b:a 192k out.mp4 or something :)
[13:14] <Kingsy> I thought mp4 was more supported?
[13:14] <Kingsy> sorry avi
[13:14] <JEEB> it generally isn't by now
[13:15] <JEEB> also encoding for most devices that support MPEG-4 Visual and MP3 in AVI don't really have any "specs" for them :P
[13:15] <JEEB> with H.264 you can at least set profile and level :)
[13:15] <Kingsy> I wish I knew more about this stuff.. is the best way to learn this typa thing just by "doing" or is there books I can read>
[13:16] <Mavrik> usually you start by checking manual for your device and checking "supported video formats"
[13:16] <Mavrik> and then finding out how to encode them :)
[13:17] <Kingsy> I didnt mean the manual part, I just meant about learning how to encode them.. I really don't know anything about different formats and what they mean tbh
[13:17] <Kingsy> I am trying that mp4 now, seems to be working alright.
[13:18] <Mavrik> yeah
[13:18] <Mavrik> I have talk slides for that but sadly in my native language :\
[13:18] <Kingsy> its taking a while to encode tho, I would have thought it would be going faster given I have a intel i7 24GB of RAM and its being done on an SSD
[13:19] <JEEB> Kingsy, what's your version of ffmpeg?
[13:19] <Kingsy> 1.1.13
[13:19] <JEEB> by default at least libx264 should be gratuitiously threaded
[13:19] <JEEB> no idea about the wmv decoder
[13:20] <JEEB> try adding -threads 4 before -i
[13:20] <Kingsy> cool will do.
[13:20] <JEEB> (that sets the amount of threads for decoding)
[13:20] <Kingsy> Mavrik: damn, you don't have any resources in english?
[13:20] <JEEB> (after -i sets for encoding, but libx264 should be threaded already by default, and the aac encoder should be fast enough not to matter)
[13:21] <JEEB> also depending on how limited all those devices you have are on H.264 decoding, you might have to limit the H.264 profile (features used) and level (amount of memory needed to decode the stream, you will have to limit the reference frames manually as well because libx264 for whatever reason doesn't do this automagically)
[13:21] <JEEB> also -crf is the "quality" switch for libx264
[13:22] <JEEB> 23 is the default
[13:22] <JEEB> Higher values will use higher quants and attain higher compression, but possibly can lower quality. Lower values will use lower quants and will thus compress less, but possibly can heighten quality.
[13:23] <JEEB> The idea is to find the highest crf value that still looks good for you :)
[13:23] <Kingsy> I see, I assume quality only comes into play if you wish to save on the file size.
[13:28] <JEEB> well, just noting it to have you note it in case the output looks bad :P Also the -ss and -t options are for testing, the first one will seek to a timestamp, and the second will let you set a length on how long you want to encode. For tests I generally use ~1.5-2 minutes of content
[13:32] <Kingsy> cool
[13:33] <Kingsy> out of curiousity, on a linux mint pc I tried to convert a wmv using default values and I got an error saying that either the bit rate height or width were incorrect... it didnt attempt to convert at all, is that because it was an old ffmpeg version?
[13:34] <JEEB> you should never, ever do just ffmpeg -i input output unless the output can only do one thing that does not need any settings
[13:34] <JEEB> and the older the ffmpeg build is
[13:34] <JEEB> the less you should "leave such things to it"
[13:35] <JEEB> I mean, ffmpeg -i file -vn out.wav is in /most cases/ what you want
[13:35] <JEEB> it will decode the audio to raw pcm and put it into wav
[13:35] <Kingsy> the reason that I leave the defaults is because I don't understand the application settings.
[13:35] <JEEB> because there almost is nothing else for it to try to do :P
[13:35] <JEEB> well, yeah -- don't do that with ffmpeg
[13:35] <JEEB> lately it has gotten some "OK" defaults for some formats
[13:35] <JEEB> but still
[13:36] <Kingsy> JEEB: what I mean is, the defaults didnt work on that pc but the same command does on mine.. why?
[13:36] <Mavrik> different ffmpeg versions :)
[13:36] <Kingsy> so, say I was still using the old ffmpeg version, how would you make it work?
[13:36] <JEEB> do I look like an esper? Also if your debian-based system's ffmpeg says "Libav developers" you should use the 'avconv' binary, they are using a fork
[13:37] <JEEB> and the ffmpeg binary in the fork is way outdated :P
[13:37] <JEEB> (and was then removed in the next release after 0.8)
[13:37] <JEEB> Kingsy, also in general we aren't espers, if you ask such questions you pastebin both your command as well as the terminal output
[13:37] <Kingsy> JEEB: yeah I tried using avconv, I got the same error, I mean this doesnt really matter, but it was just weird that the command didnt work at all on an earlier version
[13:38] <Kingsy> ok np
[13:38] <Kingsy> its not important.
[13:38] <JEEB> it's all in there, and the reason for the error you pasted is further up in the log :P
[13:39] <Kingsy> well I couldnt understand it, but I am a total noob at this.
[13:40] <JEEB> <JEEB> Kingsy, also in general we aren't espers, if you ask such questions you pastebin both your command as well as the terminal output
[13:40] <JEEB> :P
[13:40] <Kingsy> yeah gotcha, like I said the error really isnt importnat, I was just wondering.
[13:41] <Kingsy> I guess the moral is don't use outdated versions of ffmpeg.
[13:41] <JEEB> no, even with non-outdated versions of ffmpeg you shouldn't be doing what might have been doing
[13:41] <JEEB> but we have no idea of that now do we
[13:41] <JEEB> (´
[13:41] <Kingsy> haha
[13:42] <JEEB> anyways, I'll go have a shower o/
[13:43] <Kingsy> so that command I am working with..    -i input.wmv specifys the input file,  -c:v libx264  I am assume is specifying the video codec of the input file? so what code the file is currently in?
[13:45] <Kingsy> code/codec*
[13:48] <darsie> hi
[13:50] <darsie> -qscale has no effect.
[13:51] <darsie> avconv -ss 80 -i MVI_6790.MOV -vf transpose=1 -qscale 1 -t 10 x1qscale.mp4
[13:51] <darsie> -q 1 and -q 31 produce identical files.
[13:57] <Jordan_> Is there any reason why dar is rounded to 2 decimal place. should be 1.81818181..., and it must be rounding to 1.82
[13:58] <Jordan_> Second, why is ffmpeg writing it's output to stderr?
[14:00] <JEEB> stderr is generally used for terminal output in most similar applications, leaves stdout for output of actual data if the user wants it
[14:00] <Jordan_> so it will never write to stdout
[14:01] <onto> Hi! Is it possible to record audio using libavcodec?
[14:01] <Jordan_> and what do you mean actual data
[14:02] <Jordan_> i'm using scale=trunc(320/hsub)*hsub:trunc(ow/dar/vsub)*vsub
[14:03] <JEEB> actual data as in actual data, in order to pipe it to another app
[14:04] <JEEB> <Kingsy> so that command I am working with..    -i input.wmv specifys the input file,  -c:v libx264  I am assume is specifying the video codec of the input file? so what code the file is currently in? <- ffmpeg should output you what the input file contains in the log
[14:04] <JEEB> -i sets the input file, yes. After it all settings are meant to set settings that affect what happens /after/ the input is decoded
[14:05] <JEEB> -c:v libx264 sets the video encoder, in this case the best open source H.264 encoder :)
[14:05] <JEEB> -crf sets the x264-specific rate control mode that is the closest we have to "constant quality level"
[14:06] <JEEB> -preset sets x264-specific presets that set compression vs speed kind of settings, setting it to 'fast' (default is 'medium')
[14:06] <JEEB> (list of presets can be found here http://mewiki.project357.com/wiki/X264_Settings#preset )
[14:07] <JEEB> -c:a sets the audio encoder to the internal AAC encoder, and since it is still set as "experimental" in libavcodec,  -strict experimental lets you use it (otherwise it will tell you 'if you really want to use this, set this setting)
[14:07] <Jordan_> 720x480 [SAR 40:33 DAR 20:11] i'm trying to scale down and it should be 320x176 but I get 320x174, the only explanation is dar was rounded to 1.82
[14:08] <JEEB> and -b:a sets the audio rate control to bit rate based
[14:08] <JEEB> 192k should be enough for the internal AAC encoder to provide enough quality
[14:08] <JEEB> Kingsy, that's it pretty much :)
[14:18] <JEEB> Jordan_, I would have thought that you could get the X and the Y of the SAR/DAR?
[14:18] <JEEB> so it wouldn't round it to anything
[14:18] <Jordan_> what
[14:18] <JEEB> not sure if the rational numbers are available for both, though
[14:19] <JEEB> I mean, it clearly has rationals in there that it's showing to you
[14:19] <JEEB> from the terminal output
[14:19] <JEEB> so there must be a way for you to use them
[14:19] <JEEB> if there is no such way, you should report it as an issue
[14:20] <Jordan_> well if you look at setdar or setsar you can give it a max value so the num and dem won't go over the max
[14:21] <Jordan_> I don't know how exact 40:33 is
[14:21] <Jordan_> default is 100
[14:21] <JEEB> 40:33 is exactly the SAR that is set for DVDs and BDs
[14:21] <Jordan_> well then i don't know
[14:22] <JEEB> ask on #ffmpeg-devel if there's any way to use the rational parts of SAR or DAR from the scale filter?
[14:22] <JEEB> and if not, report it as an issue, because I see it as one
[14:22] <JEEB> there is no need to start float'izing stuff :P
[14:23] <JEEB> also I think setsar and setdar are something completely different :P
[14:23] <JEEB> you just need to get the SAR/DAR from the input
[14:24] <Jordan_> why am i converting it anyway
[14:24] <Jordan_> why do i want a sar of 1:1
[14:24] <Jordan_> what's the advantage
[14:24] <JEEB> you are now losing less information when downscaling?
[14:25] <JEEB> also some things, esp. hardware players, don't like aspect ratios
[14:25] <Jordan_> don't like aspect ratios?
[14:25] <JEEB> it just doesn't really make sense to start keeping the aspect ratio if you are downscaling :P
[14:25] <Jordan_> you mean sar
[14:25] <JEEB> SAR or DAR, which is set in the container or video stream depends on the format
[14:26] <JEEB> usually video streams contain a SAR
[14:26] <JEEB> while containers can have either SAR or DAR set in there
[14:26] <JEEB> depends on the format
[14:26] <JEEB> same information in the end though
[14:26] <Jordan_> well i guess, i could get the sar from the output 40:33
[14:26] <Jordan_> and parse it before i do that
[14:27] <JEEB> yeah, but you shouldn't have to do that :s
[14:27] <JEEB> I can't believe the filter doesn't let you get that information because it's right there :s
[14:27] <Jordan_> well even the dar should be more accurate
[14:27] <Jordan_> it is rounding to 1.82
[14:28] <JEEB> they should both be rational numbers :s
[14:28] <JEEB> so the fact that it is converting them to float at all is derp
[14:29] <JEEB> you should have sar_num/sar_denum or something
[14:29] <JEEB> and possibly the same for dar
[14:33] <JEEB> if you really need to get the exact data separately, you could use ffprobe for example, that can f.ex. output information in JSON and such formats :)
[14:34] <Jordan_> well ffmpeg -i input works too
[14:34] <JEEB> yeah
[14:34] <JEEB> whichever is easier to parse for you
[14:34] <JEEB> ffprobe is just made for such things IIRC
[14:34] <Jordan_> well, its 20mb
[14:35] <Jordan_> i don't know why it needs a separate cdoe base to ffmpeg where both are 20mb each
[14:35] <JEEB> that's because you have both as statically linked
[14:35] <JEEB> if you have single shared libraries that both use
[14:35] <JEEB> then the actual ffmpeg and ffprobe binaries will be small
[14:36] <Jordan_> well not important atm
[14:36] <JEEB> just stating the reasons :)
[14:40] <Hfuy> Anyone know if ffdshow is up-to-date enough that it'll let WMP give me thumbnails on ProRes quicktimes?
[14:41] <JEEB> I'm not sure when clsid last updated his copy of the hacked up ffmpeg, but I'm pretty sure that's not the only thing you'd need to create thumbnails
[14:42] <Hfuy> I suspect you're right.
[14:42] <Hfuy> I was just working on the basis of getting WMP to play them was Stage One.
[14:42] <Hfuy> Right now, they're using the WMP "wtf" icon.
[14:42] <JEEB> for decoding in DShow I recommend LAV Filters
[14:42] <JEEB> that uses an almost-vanilla ffmpeg
[14:42] <Hfuy> The thing is, under win7, I'm not sure if directshow is even the relevant API anymore.
[14:42] <JEEB> and doesn't have ten years' worth of hacks in there :)
[14:43] <JEEB> for thumbnails?
[14:43] <Hfuy> I don't know what win32 API is used for generating thumbnails.
[14:43] <JEEB> or for what?
[14:43] <JEEB> because WMP will still use DShow for playback if it doesn't find any MF filters that it could use
[14:43] <Hfuy> Right.
[14:43] <Hfuy> That's what I thought.
[14:43] <JEEB> as for thumbnails, that is left to a separate system, as was with XP as well
[14:43] <JEEB> and possibly with even older systems
[14:43] <Hfuy> I've installed ffdshow and WMP still won't play prores quicktimes, so that was a waste of time.
[14:44] <Hfuy> There is a reg entry which points the shell to an app for generating the thumbnails, but I don't know what entry points said app is required to support.
[14:44] <JEEB> it's an explorer addon thingy, there are a couple now that use ffmpeg for it
[14:44] <JEEB> not using dshow at all
[14:45] <Hfuy> That'd be nice.
[14:45] <Hfuy> I'm not deeply enough into win32 to understand what the calls are behind the scenes, or this might be easier to fix.
[14:46] <JEEB> one of the people who create those things did break the GPL at one point, but nowadays he seemingly switched to LGPL'd ffmpeg and now is releasing sources for it
[14:46] <JEEB> at least that's how it seems
[14:46] <Hfuy> not really something that bothers me either way to be honest.
[14:47] <Hfuy> The ffdshow UI doesn't mention ProRes in the codecs list in any case.
[14:47] <Hfuy> I suspect it's insufficiently recent.
[14:47] <JEEB> yeah, not surprising :P
[14:47] <Hfuy> wtf is the point in that
[14:47] <Hfuy> the whole idea is to support obscure stuff!
[14:47] <JEEB> ffdshow-tryouts is dead now
[14:47] <JEEB> and before that it was just mostly dead
[14:47] <Sashmo> I'm using FFmpeg for live encoding from a transport stream, every once and a while the audio video goes out of sync, is there a way to fix it with out having to restart the encoding process?
[14:48] <JEEB> I and a friend of mine hacked on ffdshow-tryouts to support 10bit H.264 back in 2011
[14:48] <JEEB> but after that I've seen absolutely no reason to hack on it
[14:48] <JEEB> LAV Filters are much less hack-ridden and easier to maintain
[14:48] <Hfuy> It took VLC long enough to incorporate ProRes.
[14:48] <Hfuy> And ProRes is not a particularly complicated thing.
[14:49] <Hfuy> (Not that the free prores implementations are actually all that good, but still)
[14:49] <JEEB> well, VLC only changes the version of libavcodec in use between major versions or so
[14:49] <Hfuy> You can sort of understand why.
[14:49] <Kingsy> JEEB: how do you know which video decoder to use? is there a list in the documentation?
[14:49] <JEEB> Kingsy, decoders are usually auto-set because it can be parsed from the input file
[14:50] <Hfuy> Did you say there was some project to use ffmpeg for windows thumbnail generation?
[14:50] <JEEB> as you could see we set no decoders and so
[14:50] <Kingsy> JEEB: so why are we manually setting it in this example?
[14:50] <JEEB> Kingsy, we are not
[14:50] <JEEB> everything after -i is done after the content is decoded
[14:50] <Kingsy> we are with -c:v libx264
[14:50] <JEEB> no, that's an encoder
[14:50] <Kingsy> ah right
[14:50] <JEEB> <JEEB> -i sets the input file, yes. After it all settings are meant to set settings that affect what happens /after/ the input is decoded
[14:50] <JEEB> <JEEB> -c:v libx264 sets the video encoder, in this case the best open source H.264 encoder :)
[14:50] <JEEB> I actually said that already :P
[14:51] <Kingsy> so how do we choose which encoder to set? is that determined by which file type we are encoding to?
[14:51] <JEEB> just scroll up and read those things I wrote to you P
[14:51] <JEEB> :P
[14:51] <JEEB> then come and ask again
[14:51] <Hfuy> You talking to me
[14:51] <JEEB> no
[14:51] <JEEB> to Kingsy
[14:51] <Hfuy> Right.
[14:51] <Hfuy> I did wonder :)
[14:52] <Hfuy> Aha, are we talking about "Media Preview"
[14:52] <JEEB> Hfuy, two projects that I know of that do thumbnails with libav* libraries, something called Icaros (uses .NET) and something called Windows Media Preview from "Babelsoft"
[14:52] <Hfuy> There we are.
[14:52] <JEEB> yes, the media preview is the one I had herp and derp with the developer
[14:52] <JEEB> because he was using a GPL ffmpeg at one point
[14:52] <Kingsy> JEEB: yeah you said "-c:v libx264 sets the video encoder, in this case the best open source H.264 encoder"  does the libx254 video encoder work for ALL file types? so if I was converting   .avi to .mpg ? or .wmv to .avi   you would still use the same encoder?
[14:52] <JEEB> while not wanting to release his source code
[14:52] <Kingsy> 264*
[14:52] <Hfuy> I can't imagine it's THAT complicated is it?
[14:53] <Hfuy> Once you have ffmpeg.
[14:53] <JEEB> anyways, now he's using LGPL and seems to be releasing his source code
[14:53] <Hfuy> I couldn't care less. I don't WANT the source code, I want a compiled executable!
[14:53] <JEEB> let's just say that it wouldn't be wise to advocate such software here :P
[14:53] <JEEB> just saying
[14:54] <JEEB> not that I am, those are just the two apps I know of that do this thing
[14:54] <JEEB> (not to mention that it's just dumb that one does that thing, because by default ffmpeg is configured as LGPL anyways, not GPL)
[14:54] <JEEB> yet people like to copy their configuration from someone else :P
[14:54] <JEEB> and then act all surprised when they've derped -_-
[14:54] <Hfuy> To be honest I couldn't care less about the minutiae of open source politics.
[14:55] <Hfuy> It doesn't help anyone achieve anything.
[14:55] <JEEB> it's not really open source politics
[14:55] <Hfuy> media preview appears to work.
[14:55] <Hfuy> And he's giving it away, so really who cares.
[14:55] <JEEB> it's just that if a piece of software is licensed in a way, you should really respect the creators at least as much to follow their wishes. And in this case the guy was specifically selecting a more "restrictive" license for himself
[14:55] <JEEB> anyways, now he seems "OK"
[14:56] <Hfuy> I would agree other than that I don't see the GPL as being particularly useful.
[14:56] <JEEB> should be using an LGPL ffmpeg and he seems to follow the license (give out the source code of the shared library)
[14:56] <Hfuy> But it's an old argument.
[14:56] <JEEB> Hfuy, the point is that ffmpeg is NOT GPL by default
[14:56] <JEEB> the guy selected the license by himself
[14:56] <JEEB> --enable-gpl
[14:56] <Hfuy> Attempting To Care
[14:56] <Hfuy> 1%.... 2%...
[14:56] <Hfuy> Failed To Care. Fatal Exception In CareAboutOpenSourcePolitics().
[14:57] <JEEB> why is this politics?
[14:57] <JEEB> I see it as just "Why would you do this?"
[14:57] <JEEB> for his usage the LGPL configuration would have been just fine and all
[14:57] <Hfuy> I would say that media preview isn't particularly FAST.
[14:58] <JEEB> I just can't understand how people who seemingly want to possibly later sell their software don't even look at the licensing of the software they are using
[14:58] <JEEB> or even less, copy configuration options from someone else ad verbatim
[14:58] <JEEB> but yeah
[14:58] <JEEB> people are derp
[14:58] <Hfuy> I know a guy who makes most of his living out of selling software that has ffmpeg in it, although as far as I can tell he's doing his best to follow the rules.
[14:58] <JEEB> yes, and that's just fine
[14:59] <JEEB> it's just the usual "You know, if you don't want to release your own source code you know that you could've just not used --enable-gpl, right?" kind of thing that I see WAY too often :s)
[14:59] <Hfuy> If it doesn't make any technical difference why is the option even there.
[14:59] <JEEB> certain little parts of ffmpeg are GPL, and many external libraries are GPL
[14:59] <JEEB> that's why it's there
[14:59] <JEEB> even better when people blindly add --enable-version3
[15:00] <Hfuy> Oh. Right. So in order to be in any way useful, you have to use GPL libraries?
[15:00] <JEEB> nope
[15:00] <saste> "any way useful" -> usefulness is a relative concept
[15:00] <JEEB> for decoding there are just some MPEG-2 decoding assembly optimizations from ye olde libmpeg2 that are still GPL
[15:00] <darsie> Why is 'avconv -i MVI_6790.MOV -b 10000k x.mkv' giving me this error: 'Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:1 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height' ?
[15:00] <saste> even if most people interpret it their way: "not useful to me, not useful at all"
[15:01] <JEEB> basically most of the stuff inside ffmpeg itself is LGPL
[15:01] <JEEB> in most cases if you need to enable GPL
[15:01] <JEEB> you need it for some encoder
[15:01] <Hfuy> Hmm. Certainly the Mac app store entry for the software I'm thinking of doesn't make any mention of ffmpeg.
[15:01] <Hfuy> But to be honest, most of the people who would see the page wouldn't have any idea what to do with source code in any case.
[15:02] <JEEB> I'm not even sure about LGPL, but I think it just has you mention that the thing's used somewhere. And then if asked, provide the source code so the library used can be switched *shrug*
[15:02] <JEEB> that's the idea of LGPL, if the user really wants to switch the library, you have to provide the means for that
[15:02] <JEEB> (in the worst case it's object files for your app and sources for the LGPL thing)
[15:03] <JEEB> (if it's statically linked)
[15:03] <Hfuy> The reason I object to all this is that there's really no circumstances under which it's not a far better idea to get source from the people who wrote it anyway.
[15:03] <JEEB> many people modify their versions of the libraries
[15:03] <darsie> Is the ffmpeg command supported here? it says "This program is only provided for compatibility and will be removed in a future release. Please use avconv instead. "
[15:03] <JEEB> if you don't you might as well link the git commit that you used
[15:04] <JEEB> darsie, those are both from libav
[15:04] <JEEB> anyways, join #libav and I'll see your command and its output
[15:04] <JEEB> if you pastebin it
[15:05] <Hfuy> Media Preview seems pretty solid.
[15:05] Action: Hfuy thumbs up
[15:05] <JEEB> Hfuy, basically I don't care how the LGPL is complied to, as long as the creator is not dumb or doesn't specifically go against the license that the software was given to him under :)
[15:05] <JEEB> and yes, media preview now seems to be complying
[15:05] <Hfuy> I don't mean that. I mean it actually WORKS.
[15:05] <Hfuy> Which is more important.
[15:05] <JEEB> yes
[15:05] <JEEB> it's an additional good thing that he actually seems to be complying
[15:06] <JEEB> because it's not hard
[15:06] <JEEB> with LGPL :)
[15:07] <Kingsy> JEEB: as it turns out the dvd player doesnt support mp4
[15:07] <JEEB> hah, let me guess. Some cheap'o DVD player from early 2000s?
[15:07] <Kingsy> yeah must be
[15:08] <JEEB> because that's the literally only type of thing that supports MPEG-4 Visual and MP3 in AVI while not supporting H.264/AAC in "mp4"
[15:09] <Kingsy> so, it looks like the dvd player doesnt support the h264 encoder?
[15:09] <JEEB> format
[15:10] <JEEB> H.264 is a video format
[15:10] <JEEB> but yes
[15:10] <Kingsy> ah right.
[15:10] <Kingsy> so what would be the alternative?
[15:10] <Jordan_> speaking of gpl, i can use it and distribute it in proprietary software if I only use the command line?
[15:10] <JEEB> the thing I said, MPEG-4 Visual and MP3 in AVI
[15:10] <JEEB> Jordan_, I'm not 100% sure of that, but you're not linking to ffmpeg, right?
[15:11] <Jordan_> no i'm using the command line
[15:11] <Mavrik> Jordan_, if you're invoking it as an executable you can use it
[15:11] <JEEB> IANAL and I have no idea how the ffmpeg project reads the license regarding "derivative works", but if you keep the sources for ffmpeg and the libraries it's using
[15:11] <JEEB> then it's fine
[15:11] <Kingsy> JEEB: see this is the part I don't understand, say I chose "Mpeg4 visual" how do I know which parts of the command to change and what to change them to? I assume -c:v libx264   would be changed but to what? is there a list of available encoders?
[15:11] <Mavrik> Jordan_, of couse, when asked, you will hav eto provide source code of your ffmpeg
[15:11] <Mavrik> but not the invoking application
[15:11] <JEEB> Kingsy, ffmpeg -codecs
[15:12] <JEEB> Mavrik, ffmpeg and the possible libraries he's linking to it (like libx264 and such)
[15:12] <Mavrik> indeed
[15:12] <Kingsy> wow there are ALOT
[15:12] <JEEB> Kingsy, anyways there are two encoders for MPEG-4 Visual
[15:12] <JEEB> mpeg4 (internal) and libxvid
[15:13] <Kingsy> JEEB: if you didnt know that how would you find out that information?
[15:13] <Kingsy> ffmpeg -codecs | grep mpeg4 ?
[15:13] <JEEB> ffmpeg -codecs |grep -i "mpeg"
[15:13] <JEEB> then look what looks like MPEG-4 Visual
[15:14] <JEEB> (or MPEG-4 ASP depending on how it's called)
[15:14] <Jordan_> Mavrik, that's what i've read too just making sure i'm solid
[15:14] <JEEB> ASP is a profile in MPEG-4 Visual
[15:14] <Jordan_> Mavrik, i didn't actually build it, can i just link to git
[15:14] <Jordan_> i'm using the prebuilt ones
[15:14] <JEEB> you would have to link to the specific commits used in every component
[15:15] <JEEB> basically, for your own good, I would recommend you build ffmpeg with only the stuff you need
[15:15] <Kingsy> JEEB: its actually not called either --> DEV.L. mpeg4                MPEG-4 part 2 (decoders: mpeg4 mpeg4_vdpau ) (encoders: mpeg4 libxvid )
[15:15] <JEEB> or in a way that you know the versions of everything
[15:15] <Mavrik> Jordan_, GPL doesn't care how you deliver the source, as long as you deliver the ACTUAL source you're using
[15:15] <JEEB> Kingsy, yes MPEG-4 Part 2 is the other name of the specification :)
[15:15] <Mavrik> so right commit versions
[15:15] <Mavrik> Jordan_, also, keep a local copy in case git dies
[15:16] <JEEB> Kingsy, I think http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/How%20to%20encode%20Xvid%20/%20DivX%20video%20with%20ffmpeg would be useful to you :)
[15:16] <Jordan_> http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/  this is where i got i
[15:16] <Mavrik> would be a rather humiliating case if you'd have gotten a source code request and ffmpeg git would be dead :)
[15:16] <Kingsy> JEEB: so if I were to pick libxvid as the encoder I am assuming all of the other information is wrong? -crf is for H264 how about -preset ?
[15:16] <JEEB> both -crf and -preset are x264-specific
[15:16] <JEEB> see the wiki entry I linked
[15:16] <JEEB> it has the general gist
[15:17] <JEEB> Jordan_, basically the contents of that page change
[15:17] <JEEB> in case you really, really want to take builds from there
[15:17] <JEEB> I would recommend you would take the source code archives of the exact versions used in your ffmpeg build
[15:17] <JEEB> and keep them around
[15:17] <JEEB> which is why I would generally recommend building your own :P
[15:17] <JEEB> because you most probably only need a couple of libraries
[15:18] <JEEB> and not the whole lot that zeranoe builds with
[15:18] <JEEB> would make it much simpler
[15:18] <Kingsy> thanks will do.
[15:18] <Jordan_> well i want to make sure i can decode anything and only really need one encoder
[15:19] <Jordan_> so for each of those external libraries i have to also provide the source
[15:19] <JEEB> yes
[15:19] <Kingsy> JEEB: so how would you go about getting the general values for libxvid? a default command looses alot of quality
[15:19] <JEEB> also let's just say that there are very few things that actually get decoded with a library
[15:19] <JEEB> Kingsy, see the wiki article I linked
[15:20] <JEEB> it's pretty obvious you didn't read through it :P
[15:20] <JEEB> if you are asking me that
[15:20] <Kingsy> ah yeah got ya
[15:20] <JEEB> Jordan_, I think pretty much the only things that actually provide a decoder to ffmpeg
[15:20] <JEEB> are libopus and that amr thing
[15:21] <JEEB> possibly speex?
[15:21] <JEEB> and schroedinger for dirac I guess?
[15:21] <JEEB> everything else are encoders
[15:22] <JEEB> or simplifications/support for something else (like libass/fontconfig/libbluray)
[15:22] <Kingsy> JEEB: I have tried that..   -qscale:v 1  and -qscale:v 31   give exactly the same quality output.
[15:22] <Kingsy> the audio at this point isnt really important
[15:23] <Jordan_> JEEB would you be interested in setting the build up and source I need for a fee
[15:23] <JEEB> you're setting it after -i, right?
[15:23] <JEEB> Jordan_, sure
[15:23] <Kingsy> JEEB: ffmpeg -i in.wmv -c:v libxvid -qscale:v 31 out.avi
[15:23] <Jordan_> i'm on windows
[15:24] <JEEB> yes, I have mingw toolchains for both win32 and win64 around
[15:24] <JEEB> as well as capability to build with msvc 2010
[15:25] <Kingsy> I mean I could try the two pass example but surely it shouldnt be this bad quality.. its pretty much unwatchable
[15:25] <JEEB> it shouldn't
[15:26] <JEEB> do both -q:v and -qscale:v give that?
[15:26] <Kingsy> lets see
[15:27] <Kingsy> yep.. both are terrble.. could it be because I am just letting the command run for a few moments then crashing out of it and viewing the partial file? I know it was mentioned using a specific flag in the command to only output the first minute or so of the file... that wouldnt have an impact would it?
[15:28] <Kingsy> the output of the h264 conversion was goooood quality tho :D which is nice.. shame it doesnt work
[15:29] <JEEB> nah, -q:v and -qscale:v just apply a certain QP
[15:29] <JEEB> (quantizer)
[15:29] <JEEB> so it shouldn't need any time for it
[15:30] <JEEB> that's a bug ^^;
[15:30] <Kingsy> ah ok
[15:30] <JEEB> also in the logs
[15:30] <JEEB> <darsie> -qscale has no effect.
[15:30] <JEEB> <darsie> avconv -ss 80 -i MVI_6790.MOV -vf transpose=1 -qscale 1 -t 10 x1qscale.mp4
[15:30] <JEEB> <darsie> -q 1 and -q 31 produce identical files.
[15:30] <Kingsy> trying mpeg4 now
[15:30] <JEEB> seems like you're not the only one :)
[15:30] <Kingsy> ah
[15:30] <durandal_1707> it depends on vide encoder
[15:31] <durandal_1707> actually just encoder
[15:31] <Kingsy> yeah mpeg4 as -c:v is the same
[15:31] <Kingsy> durandal_1707: well I have tried mpeg4 and libxvid
[15:34] <durandal_1707> i dont think all encoders make use of that option
[15:34] <durandal_1707> usually they just use quality
[15:34] <Kingsy> durandal_1707: they both do
[15:34] <Hfuy> Who writes this ProRes encoder, anyway?
[15:35] <Kingsy> JEEB: are there any other formats I can use that are widely supported?
[15:35] <Kingsy> this encoder obviously has issues :D
[15:36] <durandal_1707> Kingsy: encoder name please
[15:37] <Kingsy> durandal_1707: mpeg4 and libxvid
[15:37] <durandal_1707> i dont think so, is it regression?
[15:37] <durandal_1707> Hfuy: what ProRes encoder? there are two
[15:38] <Kingsy> I have no idea, my knowledge of all this is very very limited.. the command I am running is
[15:39] <Kingsy> ffmpeg -i in.wmv -c:v mpeg4 -q:v 31 out.avi      I also tried      ffmpeg -i in.wmv -c:v libxvid -q:v 31 out.avi          I also tried both of those using   -qscale:v 31   rather than -q:v 31  both yeild the same output quality
[15:39] <Kingsy> yield*
[15:40] <durandal_1707> how you compared quality?
[15:41] <Hfuy> durandal_1707: Three, apparently.
[15:42] <Kingsy> comparing the video as its playing through vlc. all avi outputs have been the same and unwatchable.. the mp4 example was very close to the original in quality
[15:44] <durandal_1707> Kingsy: did you provided flkl uncut output?
[15:44] <durandal_1707> *full
[15:46] <Kingsy> durandal_1707: no sorry here --> http://pastie.org/6582150 <-- The signal termination happened because I manually stopped the process with Ctrl+C
[15:47] <durandal_1707> and using -qscale:v 0 doesnt help?
[15:48] <Kingsy> let me see
[15:48] <Kingsy> yes it does!
[15:49] <Kingsy> its pretty good using 0 actually.. why is that?
[15:49] <Kingsy> I assumed as per that wiki the values it takes are 1 - 31
[15:49] <Kingsy> i.e  != 0
[15:50] <durandal_1707> what wiki?
[15:51] <Kingsy> http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/How%20to%20encode%20Xvid%20/%20DivX%20video%20with%20ffmpeg
[15:51] <Kingsy> oh FFS
[15:51] <Kingsy> I misread it
[15:51] <Kingsy> I assumed 31 would be the highest qulaity and 1 the lowest
[15:51] <Kingsy> its actually opposite.
[15:51] <Kingsy> DAMN
[15:52] <Kingsy> well I feel like a fool
[15:52] <Kingsy> sorry about that
[15:52] <durandal_1707> it's mess, each encoder qscale params scale differently and have different ranges
[16:01] <Kingsy> is there a way to tell ffmpeg to use mpre CPU? at the moment its using 13%...I want to get this done as fast as possible
[16:01] <Kingsy> adding -threads 4 hasnt made any difference
[16:03] <Kingsy> I mean I am using an intel i7, I have loads of ram and its reading / writing to an SSD, its should be FLYING
[16:04] <durandal_1707> what are you doing?
[16:04] <Kingsy> durandal_1707: running this command --> ffmpeg -threads 4 -i in.wmv -c:v libxvid -qscale:v 10 out.avi
[16:05] <durandal_1707> that encoder have no support yet for multiple threads afaik
[16:05] <durandal_1707> so its that slow
[16:06] <durandal_1707> dunno if libxvid lib support multithreading
[16:06] <Kingsy> damn.. are there any mpeg4 encoders that support more than one thread?
[16:06] <Kingsy> how would I find out?
[16:06] <durandal_1707> native one?
[16:07] <durandal_1707> once upont time -codecs had that info but it got removed
[16:07] <Kingsy> native one? you mean -c:v mpeg4 ?
[16:07] <durandal_1707> yea, something like that
[16:07] <Kingsy> durandal_1707: seems to be running at the same speed
[16:07] <Kingsy> 25% of the cpu, lets incease the thread number
[16:08] <Kingsy> yep.. -threads 10  CPU is still at 25% :S
[16:10] <durandal_1707> it appears once in time default thread type switched from slice to frames
[16:10] <durandal_1707> try -thread_type slice
[16:10] <Kingsy> durandal_1707: exactly the same load %
[16:11] <durandal_1707> then your build is crippled
[16:11] <durandal_1707> eg. without pthreads
[16:11] <durandal_1707> on what os are you?
[16:11] <Kingsy> how do you mean? the binary is broken? or the encoder doesnt support what I am attempting?
[16:12] <Kingsy> durandal_1707: arch linux
[16:12] <durandal_1707> and you build it manually or?
[16:12] <Kingsy> installed via the package manager
[16:13] <durandal_1707> pastebin full/uncut output with -v debug added
[16:13] <Kingsy> ok
[16:14] <Kingsy> adding -v causes it to error --> http://pastie.org/6582421
[16:15] <durandal_1707> i said "-v debug"
[16:15] <durandal_1707> not just -v
[16:15] <Kingsy> sorry
[16:17] <Kingsy> durandal_1707: I terminated it after a second or so because the output was too large --> http://pastie.org/6582456 <--
[16:21] <Kingsy> durandal_1707: any of that mean anything to you? its just random information to me
[16:21] <Kingsy> I really do need to speed this up. I have 30 files, all 2 hours in length at this rate it would take lirerally DAYS of encoding
[16:25] <Kingsy> could this be a usable solution --> http://superuser.com/questions/538164/how-many-instances-of-ffmpeg-commands-can-i-run-in-parallel/547340#547340
[16:28] <durandal_1707> depends...
[16:28] <Kingsy> hrm perhaps now
[16:28] <Kingsy> not
[16:29] <FlowRiser> Kingsy, it can be done faster that way, but isn't the default -threads set to 0 ?
[16:29] <Kingsy> FlowRiser: I would assume so, but if I run the command by default it uses 25% of the CPU.. thats not alot.. why not make use of everything I have got available?
[16:30] <durandal_1707> Kingsy: did you compared time with 1 and 8 threads?
[16:30] <FlowRiser> Kingsy, try pumping it up to 8 threads
[16:31] <durandal_1707> if it's same somethins is really wrong
[16:32] <Kingsy> durandal_1707: no I am comparing CPU usage percentage and its the same across the board. the fps according to the output is 295~
[16:32] <Kingsy> these values don't change no matter if -threads 8 or 10 or 50 or 0
[16:32] <durandal_1707> for both cases?
[16:32] <FlowRiser> and for all cores ?
[16:32] <durandal_1707> michaelni: ^
[16:33] <Kingsy> FlowRiser: its a %Cpus's in top.
[16:33] <Kingsy> the load average is 1.6 so thats really low
[16:33] <Kingsy> perhaps its only using one core your right?
[16:34] <Kingsy> the output of top is 14113 chris     20   0  268m  25m 6212 R 190.5  0.1   5:17.57 ffmpeg
[16:34] <Kingsy> so thats 190% CPU on that process
[16:34] <Kingsy> 22.5% overall
[16:34] <Kingsy> that sounds like its only using one core.
[16:34] <FlowRiser> it might be so, like i said pump it up to 8 threads, see if anything changes
[16:35] <FlowRiser> Oh, and what CPU are you using ?
[16:35] <Kingsy> FlowRiser: the numbers I just gave was using -threads 8
[16:35] <Kingsy> FlowRiser: intel i7
[16:36] <FlowRiser> Kingsy: run sudo cat /proc/cpuinfo see the core numbers
[16:36] <FlowRiser> see if they display correctly
[16:37] <Kingsy> yep.. I have 8 cores
[16:37] <Kingsy> umm I think
[16:37] <Kingsy> FlowRiser: http://pastie.org/6582656
[16:38] <FlowRiser> Ok, so you have 4 real cores and 8 virtual, that means each real core has 2 virtual ones
[16:38] <Kingsy> ah I see
[16:38] <FlowRiser> 8 threads should be optimal, indeed
[16:39] <FlowRiser> Kingsy, tried pumping the threads setting even higher ? like 16 or 32 ?
[16:39] <Kingsy> lets see
[16:40] <Kingsy> on 16 the load average is the same
[16:40] <Kingsy> 32 its the same
[16:41] <Kingsy> 290 fps
[16:42] <FlowRiser> Do you have hyper threading turned on from the bios ? (should be on by default)
[16:42] <Kingsy> I have no idea, I guess I would need to restart to find out.. can you find out in the os?
[16:42] <FlowRiser> i'm not sure about that
[16:43] <FlowRiser> try it with it on/off with 0,8 threads
[16:43] <FlowRiser> if this fails
[16:43] <FlowRiser> maybe it's intended behavior
[16:44] <Kingsy> hrm
[16:45] <FlowRiser> https://lists.ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-user/2011-March/000076.html
[16:45] <FlowRiser> Kingsy, might be the same as your problem
[16:46] <Kingsy> trying to get more info on it through the os
[16:47] <FlowRiser> KIngsy, there's also one other thing you could try if you have enough ram O.o
[16:48] <Kingsy> FlowRiser: I have 24GB
[16:48] <FlowRiser> Move those videos to a ram partition, make the magic happen there
[16:49] <FlowRiser> i'm not sure how to do this, but it can be done for example for builds/compiling
[16:50] <Kingsy> FlowRiser: I shouldnt be getting an IO bottleneck, like I said I am on an SSD which has a 600MB/s write speed
[16:51] <FlowRiser> Kingsy, that's seriously impressive :D
[16:51] <Kingsy> hehe yeah, its a vertex4
[16:51] <Kingsy> OCZ
[16:52] <FlowRiser> Kingsy, well, if you are stuck to 22% you can always run multiple instances of ffmpeg
[16:52] <FlowRiser> 3 instances should be safe for you i think
[16:52] <Kingsy> yeah, not sure how thats setup tbh.. I didnt understand the examples
[16:52] <FlowRiser> Kingsy, it's not an actual setup :D
[16:53] <FlowRiser> I think you just run it multiple times, but for different files
[16:53] <Kingsy> well "trick"
[16:53] <Kingsy> ohhh.
[16:53] <Kingsy> so just do 3 files at once.
[16:54] <FlowRiser> You could do a script, that for example runs ffmpeg for the first 10 files, and another script that runs ffmpeg for the next 10 files, and so on
[16:54] <FlowRiser> then run them at the same time
[16:55] <FlowRiser> make sure you put the -threads to 1 or 2
[16:57] <FlowRiser> Anyway, good luck; I have to go now :)
[17:05] <xlinkz0> does av_read_frame align pkt->data ?
[17:05] <Sashmo> I'm using FFmpeg for live encoding from a transport stream, every once and a while the audio video goes out of sync, is there a way to fix it with out having to restart the encoding process?
[18:42] <Kingsy> which encoder is the best in terms of compression? libxvid and mpeg4 arnt great. the player I am using to play the file doesnt support h264 so thats out
[18:45] <Fjorgynn> Kingsy: is it a software or hw player?
[18:45] <Kingsy> tbh I don't know
[18:46] <Kingsy> I am just trying to reduce the qscale now to save on file size
[18:46] <Kingsy> using lixvi
[18:46] <Kingsy> d
[18:48] <Fjorgynn> aha
[18:48] <Kingsy> trying it using qscale 4 lets see what kinda space we are looking at
[18:48] <Fjorgynn> Do you play the movies on your PC or in a hardware player on your TV?
[18:49] <JEEB> Fjorgynn, he has an old DVD player that only takes in MPEG-4 Visual + MP3 in AVI it seems :P
[18:49] <Kingsy> oh, no in this case its a dvd player.
[18:49] <Fjorgynn> yaha
[18:50] <Fjorgynn> okay
[18:50] <Kingsy> I am just gonna try it with qscale4 should be alright I think
[18:50] <Kingsy> probably looking at 700 - 800 MB per file.. not that bad
[18:50] <JEEB> you could try editing various encode parameters, but good luck with that with MPEG-4 Visual
[18:50] <JEEB> because there are no clear specs
[18:50] <Fjorgynn> you can borrow my 14" tv with vcr otherwise
[18:50] <Fjorgynn> PAL
[18:51] <JEEB> unlike H.264/MPEG-4 AVC which generally has well-supported profiles (feature limitations) and levels (amount of memory the decoder needs to decode it)
[18:51] <LithosLaptop> back in the day xvid always gave me better quality than divx
[18:52] <JEEB> and now I can't it even follow my rate requests when I try to test it ^^;
[18:56] <LithosLaptop> Kingsy: libxvid is probably your best bet with two pass encoding
[18:57] <LithosLaptop> ,but I don't know all the settings
[19:00] <LithosLaptop> calculate the average bitrate that you will need - audio bitrate based on the length of the movie to achieve 700MB
[19:00] <Jordan_> does ffmpeg automatically drop all the frames that aren't I frames at the beginning of a video
[19:00] <LithosLaptop> you could also maybe lower the resolution a bit
[19:01] <JEEB> Jordan_, if they are in the beginning in the decoding order, then yes
[19:01] <JEEB> at least I think so
[19:01] <JEEB> because they don't have the frames that they reference
[19:02] <Jordan_> k, i think there is something wrong with my windows, sometimes it shows blackish frames at the beginning
[19:03] <JEEB> try testing with VLC or mplayer2/mpv
[19:03] <Fjorgynn> :)
[19:03] <LithosLaptop> Kingsy: btw if you get weird audio sync issues on your dvd player then you might need to use CBR MP3 insted of VBR MP3
[19:03] <JEEB> or in aegisub with ffms2
[19:03] <JEEB> to see what frames are shown
[19:05] <Kingsy> LithosLaptop: I hope I don't.. I am hammering them all at once using a script.. I am doing 5 at a time
[19:07] <LithosLaptop> luckily if there is a problem with the audio it shouldn't take too long to just re-encode the audo track and mux it into the video
[19:07] <LithosLaptop> don't have to re-encode the video track
[19:08] <Kingsy> LithosLaptop: I honestly would have no idea how to do that.. I have learned the little I do know today
[19:08] <Kingsy> hehe
[19:09] <LithosLaptop> :)
[19:15] <LithosLaptop> back in 2002 I used to wait about +/- 7 hours for the encoding to complete
[19:16] <LithosLaptop> one movie
[19:35] <Spec[x]> Heya. I'm using ffmpeg to transcode video for streamings. I've got two versions of ffmpeg (one provided by debian, one statically linked). Both transcode video fine -- but only seems to work with my streaming software (to actually stream. I can see the other ffmpeg working when it's called, but streaming never happens).
[19:35] <Spec[x]> So, how can I go about determining the differences between the two ffmpegs, and figuring out why the one doesn't work.
[19:41] <Spec[x]> for reference, if it helps: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=JBX09mrd
[19:43] <klaxa> can you elaborate in how far the "streaming never happens" ?
[19:44] <Spec[x]> Well, jwplayer spins forever -- and i can see ffmpeg working in the background on the server (ps)
[19:45] <Spec[x]> i see no network traffic from the streaming server to my web client though
[19:45] <Spec[x]> if the explicit transcode command i'm using helps, i can pastebin that, too
[19:46] <klaxa> it would probably help
[19:46] <Spec[x]> i'm trying to compile a new version of ffmpeg from git with the statically compiled version ffmpeg's arguments, so we'll see how that goes
[19:46] <klaxa> that's generally a good idea
[19:46] <Spec[x]> it's not much of a problem, i'm just curious, really.
[19:46] <Spec[x]> ('cause i CAN just use the static ffmpeg, it works :p)
[19:47] <Spec[x]> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=0Uv9Xtat
[19:48] <klaxa> using "-" to transcode to stdout is not the correct way to transcode to stdout :X
[19:48] <klaxa> use :pipe instead
[19:49] <Spec[x]> i claim no expertise in anything :D
[19:49] <klaxa> well retry with :pipe it might just work
[19:49] <Spec[x]> just :pipe ?
[19:49] <klaxa> instead of - yeah
[19:52] <Spec[x]> uhh, trying that on the command line it just returns immediately
[19:52] <Spec[x]> oh, -v0
[19:52] <Spec[x]> the error is ":pipe: Protocol not found"
[19:52] <klaxa> wut
[19:52] <klaxa> that's... odd
[19:53] <Spec[x]> that's ffmpeg 1.0.5, distributed with debian sid
[19:53] <klaxa> mmmh that probably is avconv then
[19:54] <Spec[x]> the static ffmpeg just says :pipe: No such file or directory
[19:54] <Spec[x]> both seem to stream to my console just fine with -
[19:55] <Spec[x]> which is weird, as one doesn't stream over http and the other does.
[19:55] <klaxa> wha-
[19:55] <Spec[x]> and by 'stream to console', i mean, shove a bunch of random crap to my terminal, of course.
[19:56] <klaxa> maybe that got added after the version of the static build you have and got removed before the version of your package-manager ffmpeg
[19:56] <klaxa> hmm in that case - should be correct after all...
[19:56] <klaxa> i'm confused right now, maybe using :pipe has been removed lately and i haven't noticed
[19:58] <Spec[x]> this might shed some light
[19:58] <xlinkz0> does av_read_frame align pkt->data ?
[19:58] <Spec[x]> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Ex0CDntx
[20:00] <klaxa> that's funny, i have no clue, lol
[20:00] <klaxa> well i'm not really an expert though
[20:03] <Spec[x]> thanks anyways, i'm certainly not an expert ;)
[20:16] <Spec[x]> man it's a pain to compile ffmpeg :p
[20:18] <JEEB> not... really
[20:18] <JEEB> it only needs yasm and a compiler, basically
[21:26] <f0x> Hi there, is there anyone with some experience using FFMpeg to publish RTMP stream to IIS Smooth Streaming?
[21:27] <f0x> ie. isml
[21:30] <Spec[x]> klaxa: it's pipe:1 btw :p
[21:31] <f0x> This is what im currently using: http://pastebin.com/Z1CFLuGE
[21:33] <f0x> as well as with these flags : http://pastebin.com/kFfjzdK7
[22:11] <klaxa> ah lol
[22:19] <Demon_Fox> Anyone know how to change the metadata in mkv files?
[22:42] <Spec[x]> well, new version from git works great, so..thanks :D
[22:52] <schtinky> right now I'm using "images%9d.jpg" to record a series of images with ffmpeg from a digital TV tuner card
[22:53] <schtinky> but I'd like to save the .jpg files as unixtimestamp.jpg instead
[22:53] <schtinky> is there any way to do that with ffmpeg? (And renaming after the fact is not what I'm looking for)
[00:00] --- Mon Mar 18 2013

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