[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20130321
burek021 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 22 02:05:01 CET 2013
[00:28] <docmur> How to you convert a .rm file to anything else, I tried ffmpeg -i video.rm video.avi and ffmpeg -i video.rm video.mpg but both produced unplayable videoes
[00:42] <dmonjo> hello
[00:43] <dmonjo> i need some help converting ogv to webm
[00:43] <dmonjo> -i http://localhost:8000/event1.ogv -b:v 96k -s 320x240 output.webm
[00:43] <HorizonXP> i see that there is a libstagefright.cpp file in ffmpeg to allow HW decoding of H.264.
[00:43] <dmonjo> how can i copy the sound as is?
[00:43] <HorizonXP> Is there an equivalent for encoding on Android?
[00:43] <dmonjo> it is a vorbis sound
[00:43] <ubitux> dmonjo: -c:a copy
[00:43] <dmonjo> ubitux: i get this error Automatic encoder selection failed for output stream #0:0. Default encoder for format webm is probably disabled. Please choose an encoder manually.
[00:44] <dmonjo> Encoder (codec none) not found for output stream #0:0
[00:47] <dmonjo> sure
[00:49] <dmonjo> ubitux: here is my console and output
[00:49] <dmonjo> http://pastie.org/6644606
[00:50] <Jordan_> how do i run a test encode, to get estimate file size, time to encode? i'm trying to run -x264opts select_every:1000,10,0 i get bad option 'select_every': '1'
[00:50] <ubitux> dmonjo: Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (theora -> ?)
[00:50] <ubitux> you didn't configure the video codec
[00:50] <ubitux> though, with webm it should be automatically configured
[00:51] <ubitux> but you didn't build ffmpeg with libvpx
[00:51] <ubitux> so it won't be able to encode it
[00:51] <ubitux> rebuild ffmpeg with --enable-libvpx
[00:51] <dmonjo> shouldnt it check the extension of the file output?
[00:51] <dmonjo> ok sure
[01:50] <Jordan_> does ffmpeg output how long it took
[01:51] <klaxa> i think not
[01:51] <klaxa> you can just run it with time though, i.e. "time ffmpeg <whatever options>"
[01:51] <klaxa> that will display how long it took
[01:55] <Jordan_> well my test 10,15,20 sec, encode is way off, i'm estimating 3.8mb it's coming out 5.4mb
[01:58] <Jordan_> how I still can't get x264opts to work anyone ever use it?
[01:58] <llogan> there is the -benchmark global option
[02:00] <llogan> it shows CPU time
[02:00] <llogan> Jordan_: what options exactly?
[02:01] <Jordan_> select_every:1000,10,0
[02:01] <Jordan_> i'm trying to do a test encode to get aproximate file size, time to encode
[02:02] <Jordan_> and benchmark is off, 15.6s, it's taking around 5 seconds
[02:02] <llogan> that's CPU time
[02:03] <llogan> use time instead as mentioned by klaxa
[02:03] <llogan> why not just use -vf select?
[02:03] <llogan> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#aselect_002c-select
[02:03] <Jordan_> i was not aware of that
[02:04] <llogan> you can use ffmpeg to deal with your filtering. it allows you to make a filterchain so you can order the filters in the way you want them to work
[02:04] <llogan> for example "-vf select,scale,pad"
[02:08] <llogan> see "ffmpeg -filters" for a list of filters supported by your ffmpeg build
[02:26] <Demon_Fox> Has faac caught up in quality yet?
[02:26] <Jordan_> select='lte(mod(n\,1000)\,50)' that did a worse job
[02:27] <llogan> Demon_Fox: compared to what?
[02:28] <Demon_Fox> neroaac
[02:28] <Demon_Fox> or
[02:28] <Demon_Fox> when everyone was saying that lamemp3 was better
[02:28] <llogan> use libfdk_aac instead
[02:28] <Demon_Fox> I just wanted to know
[02:30] <llogan> faac is worse than nero
[02:31] <Demon_Fox> I know
[02:31] <Demon_Fox> Nero was voted the best
[02:31] <Demon_Fox> I kind of wanted to know how close it has gotten to it
[02:31] <llogan> they must have forgotten qaac
[02:32] <Demon_Fox> in fedora I don't think you can get libfdk_aac
[02:32] <llogan> sure you can. just compile.
[02:33] <llogan> https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/CentosCompilationGuide#libfdk_aac
[02:33] <Demon_Fox> I know that
[02:33] <Demon_Fox> oh I get it now
[02:33] <Demon_Fox> llogan, Does CentOS have more packages than fedora?
[02:33] <Demon_Fox> By more
[02:34] <llogan> hell if i know
[02:34] <Demon_Fox> I mean number of programs
[02:34] <Demon_Fox> ah, sorry
[02:34] <llogan> i would guess fedora has more
[02:34] <Demon_Fox> elifino = elephant + Rhino
[02:35] <Demon_Fox> Sorry, I just wanted to provide some comic relief
[02:37] <llogan> corndog = corn + dog
[02:50] <praveenmarkandu> hi question about mpeg patents
[02:50] <praveenmarkandu> is mpeg-ts patented?
[02:50] <praveenmarkandu> not entirely clear, but from what i understand it falls into the mpeg2 pool
[03:11] <sashmo> does anyone know if the isight can be used a capture device with ffmpeg?
[04:34] <sinusss> hi
[04:34] <sinusss> anyone awake?
[04:35] <relaxed> just ask your question
[04:37] <sinusss> relaxed, do you have a sample commandline to encode a video in h.263?
[04:37] <sinusss> I am using Pandastream.com (http://www.pandastream.com/docs/encoding_profiles_1)
[04:40] <relaxed> you mean h.264?
[04:41] <klaxa> lol and here i was encoding a test-video to h263
[04:43] <Jordan_> if i set yadif, does it only deinterlace if the input is interlaced?
[04:44] <relaxed> Jordan_: I assume it's forced if the filter's in your chain.
[04:44] <Jordan_> well what would happend if the input wasn't interlaced?
[04:44] <Jordan_> and how do i know if it is interlaced?
[04:47] <ubitux> vf idet if you want to automatize
[04:47] <ubitux> otherwise just look at the video
[04:47] <relaxed> it's usually easy to tell if it needs it.
[04:52] <sinusss> h.263
[04:52] <relaxed> ubitux: how would idet automate it? or are you saying "easily scriptable"?
[04:52] <sinusss> relaxed i meant h.263
[04:52] <sinusss> for gingerbread android :/
[04:57] <ubitux> relaxed: maybe not "easily" but if you plan to automatize it with a script yes
[04:59] <relaxed> sinusss: try, ffmpeg -i input -c:v h263 -s 352x288 -c:a aac -b:a 96k output.mp4
[05:02] <mark4o> -c:a aac needs -strict experimental
[05:03] <relaxed> I think it requires a spcific frame size
[05:04] <relaxed> so, -filter:v scale=352:-1,pad=352:288 would probably be best.
[05:05] <klaxa> is h263 supported in mp4? i get errors saying: track 0: could not find tag, codec not currently supported in container
[05:06] <relaxed> oh, then use output.flv :)
[05:07] <mark4o> android doesn't support h.263 in flv container http://developer.android.com/guide/appendix/media-formats.html
[05:08] <mark4o> why not use MPEG-4 SP instead of h.263?
[05:11] <sinusss> relaxed trying it out now
[05:11] <sinusss> mark4o, hmmm dunno. this guy at work said encode it using h.263 for android devices
[05:11] <sinusss> *gingerbread
[05:20] <mark4o> sinusss: ffmpeg -i input -c:v h263 -s 352x288 -c:a aac -strict experimental -b:a 96k output.3gp
[05:21] <sinusss> trying it out
[05:22] <sinusss> mark4o can I use .mp4 for the extension?
[05:22] <mark4o> if you put -f 3gp before the filename
[05:23] <klaxa> i think in that case you could also just rename the file after encoding
[05:23] <sinusss> ffmpeg -i input -c:v h263 -s 352x288 -c:a aac -strict experimental -b:a 96k -f 3gp output.mp4 that?
[05:23] <klaxa> would have the same effect
[05:23] <mark4o> that should do it
[05:23] <sinusss> sweet let me try it out
[05:26] <sinusss> holy mother of god it worked
[05:26] <sinusss> um, no errors but blank
[05:26] <sinusss> so didn't work lol
[05:27] <relaxed> use " -filter:v scale=352:-1,pad=352:288" instead of "-s 352x288"
[05:29] <sinusss> ffmpeg -i input -c:v h263 -filter:v scale=352:-1,pad=352:288 -c:a aac -strict experimental -b:a 96k -f 3gp output.mp4 <-- this
[05:29] <sinusss> will try it out as soon as the other test is done
[05:30] <mark4o> are you trying to play it on an android gingerbread device? if it is blank then your player probably doesn't support h.263
[05:31] <mark4o> or it may assume .mp4 is h.264 and may require .3gp extension for h.263
[05:31] <sinusss> mark4o, this file: https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/samsunginsider/191ed7c1ab530c9a537e22d8eef0f536.mp4
[05:31] <sinusss> it plays it but blank
[05:32] <sinusss> downloading the file and playing it in vlc
[05:32] <sinusss> and it plays!!!!
[05:32] <mark4o> I don't think most web browsers support h.263
[05:32] <mark4o> unless you have quicktime plugin or something
[05:35] <sinusss> sweet
[05:41] <sinusss> Thanks so much guys. so helpful :D
[05:41] <LithosLaptop> for what device is that?
[05:45] <LithosLaptop> I don't get it
[05:45] <relaxed> sinusss: my last phone had gingerbread and it could play h.264 video
[05:46] <LithosLaptop> the source file is already h.263 andaac audio
[05:47] <LithosLaptop> the source file is already h.263 and aac audio
[05:47] <LithosLaptop> maybe you can just remux the streams
[05:48] <mark4o> that was his output file not source file
[05:48] <LithosLaptop> ooo
[05:48] <LithosLaptop> woops
[05:50] <sinusss> hmmm
[05:50] <sinusss> i will test it tomorrow
[05:50] <sinusss> gettin late
[05:51] <sinusss> someone is bringing a gingerbread device tomorrow :P
[05:51] <LithosLaptop> what version of android is gingerbread?
[05:51] <LithosLaptop> is that for HTML5?
[05:51] <sinusss> LithosLaptop 2.3 (?)
[05:51] <sinusss> i am not an android developer though :P
[05:52] <LithosLaptop> oh, Thora/Vorbis and VP8/Vorbis is supported in 2.3
[05:52] <LithosLaptop> *Theora
[05:52] <zap0> what version of ---use--google---- is ---use--google-----
[05:52] <LithosLaptop> yeah well if I can wait a few minutes
[05:52] <mark4o> according to http://developer.android.com/guide/appendix/media-formats.html h.264 is only guaranteed to be supported in Android 3.0+. But probably some 2.3 devices support it.
[05:52] <LithosLaptop> faster to ask here
[05:53] <sinusss> if 2.3 support theora, that would be great... because I have it ready
[05:53] <sinusss> i will check with the other guy tomorrow
[05:54] <mark4o> oh 3.0+ is encoding, all should support h.264 decoding?
[05:55] <LithosLaptop> don't know
[05:55] <sinusss> Theora is sure in 2.3??
[05:55] <LithosLaptop> yip
[05:55] <sinusss> sweet
[05:55] <LithosLaptop> and vp8, might also be sure
[05:55] <LithosLaptop> vp8 better quality
[05:56] <mark4o> I though it was vp8 only, not theora, on android
[05:56] <sinusss> there is no vp8 built-in Pandastream
[05:56] <sinusss> so I would have to create that...
[05:57] <sinusss> anyways, gtg! see u guys later... thanks so much really
[06:00] <grepper> -select_streams appears to have been removed from ffprobe. Has something replaced it ?
[06:03] <ubitux> it's not removed
[06:09] <grepper> hm
[06:10] <ubitux> what version are you using?
[06:10] <grepper> oops
[06:11] <grepper> downloaded ffmpeg 2013-02-26 and symlinked it to ffmpeg in ~/bin, but didn't do the same for ffprobe
[06:11] <grepper> I see the option now
[06:11] <grepper> thanks
[06:12] <grepper> the ffprobe in /usr/bin was only 1.0.5 and didn't have it
[06:38] <steeve> hey guys, i'm having issues with rtmpdump, is that the right place to ask? given that it's hosted on ffmpeg's git..
[06:39] <steeve> basically, rtmpdump, *sometimes* goes haywire and leaks massive amounts of memory
[06:51] <renevolution> Hi all, i have a more legal question. Is it allowed to use the FFmpeg logo in blog posts?
[07:03] <zap0> yes.
[07:03] <zap0> just don't misrepresent what FFMPEG is
[07:11] <Jordan__> anyone ever use fittobox?
[07:12] <Jordan__> actually i can't get any x264opts to work
[07:12] <Demon_Fox> ubitux, How would I copy over dvdsubs from a file over to its own file?
[07:15] <ubitux> parse error
[07:15] <Demon_Fox> I mean
[07:15] <Demon_Fox> ffmpeg -i input.vob -an -vn -scodec copy output.sub
[07:15] <Demon_Fox> does not work
[07:15] <ubitux> oh shit you're still trying to do that?
[07:16] <Demon_Fox> You said something about that and ocr
[07:16] <ubitux> yes i first said you won't be able to do what you want with ffmpeg currently
[07:16] <Demon_Fox> the thing is though
[07:16] <Demon_Fox> I don't want to ocr the file
[07:17] <ubitux> ?
[07:17] <Demon_Fox> I just kind of want to get the subtitles into its own file for muxing
[07:17] <ubitux> i said you won't be able to mux the sub to a vobsub file either
[07:17] <ubitux> because ffmpeg doesn't have a vobsub muxer yet
[07:17] <Demon_Fox> mkvmerge
[07:17] <ubitux> mkvextract more likely
[07:18] <ubitux> assuming your input is mkv
[07:18] <Demon_Fox> I was talking about a muxing program
[07:18] <Demon_Fox> not mkv
[07:18] <ubitux> i don't know any vobsub muxer
[07:18] <Demon_Fox> mkvmerge does almost everything
[07:19] <ubitux> so what do you want from ffmpeg?
[07:19] <Demon_Fox> to extract the sub files
[07:19] <Demon_Fox> I mean
[07:19] <Demon_Fox> extract the subtitles into a file
[07:20] <Demon_Fox> or some usable form
[07:20] <ubitux> ok
[07:20] <renevolution> Thanks zap0 & of course not, it's usually blog posts about how to do whatever in FFmpeg
[07:20] <ubitux> so let me tell you again properly
[07:20] <Demon_Fox> sorry
[07:20] <Demon_Fox> I thought you were only address the ocr issue
[07:20] <ubitux> not only ocr
[07:20] <ubitux> but vobsub muxing either
[07:20] <Demon_Fox> I missed that, very sorry about that
[07:21] <Demon_Fox> How would I get it into an idx file?
[07:21] <ubitux> oh FFS
[07:21] Action: ubitux &
[07:21] <ubitux> Demon_Fox: VobSub is the couple .sub/.idx
[07:22] <ubitux> .sub contains the dvd packet for the subtitles (the bitmaps), and the .idx the timestamps, palette and various other meta
[07:22] <ubitux> but ffmpeg can not produce (mux) such file yet
[07:22] <ubitux> (it can read them though)
[07:22] <Demon_Fox> I know
[07:22] <Demon_Fox> I said it clever like:
[07:22] <Demon_Fox> How would I get it into an idx file?
[07:23] <Demon_Fox> from the first to the idx
[07:23] <ubitux> i'm not sure if i understand your question or if you're actually joking
[07:23] <Demon_Fox> ubitux, When I said clever I mean't I might have been the cause of the misunderstanding
[07:24] <Demon_Fox> So do you know of any way to get the subtitles from my vob file into idx, using any program.
[07:24] <Demon_Fox> ?*
[07:24] <ubitux> no
[07:25] <ubitux> but they exist, just look on your favorite search engine
[07:25] <Demon_Fox> I did
[07:25] <ubitux> mencoder was able to do that iirc, transcode aussi iirc
[07:25] <ubitux> but they are old softwares
[07:25] <ubitux> what you can do though
[07:25] <Jordan__> sar = 40:33 width = 720, height = 480. dar = 20:11. How is that possible if dar = sar*width/height
[07:25] <ubitux> is open a trac issue to request the feature
[07:26] <ubitux> or maybe i can open it myself actually
[07:26] <Demon_Fox> I just like subtitles on my Doctor House rips
[07:26] <Jordan__> 40/33 * 720/480 = 2
[07:26] <Jordan__> not 20/11
[07:27] <Jordan__> ok what's the deal someone is holding out on me
[07:27] <Demon_Fox> I had a season around here I have been messing with
[07:27] <Demon_Fox> Jordan__, ?
[07:28] <Jordan__> check my math
[07:28] <Demon_Fox> (40.0/33.0) * (720.0/480.0)
[07:28] <Demon_Fox> 1.8181818181818183
[07:29] <Demon_Fox> according to python
[07:29] <Jordan__> oops i had 44 in my calculator
[07:29] <ubitux> Demon_Fox: https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/2391
[07:29] <ubitux> here you go
[07:29] <Demon_Fox> thanks
[07:29] <ubitux> you can follow this ticket
[07:29] <ubitux> you can also +1 if you are registered
[07:30] <Demon_Fox> Bookmarked it
[07:31] <Demon_Fox> (Has to be logged into the bugzillia)
[07:31] <Demon_Fox> I logged in
[07:31] <dmonjo> morning community
[07:32] <Demon_Fox> I hope my vote came through
[07:32] <Jordan__> does anyone know if i can get dar numerator and denominators?
[07:32] <Demon_Fox> dmonjo, I need your help
[07:32] <Demon_Fox> jk
[07:32] <Demon_Fox> sorry
[07:32] <Demon_Fox> wrong nick in the wrong channel
[07:32] <Demon_Fox> tab complete is evil
[07:32] Action: Demon_Fox won't shut up
[07:32] <dmonjo> i am trying to play a webm convered file on the internet ffmpeg -i http://localhost:8000/event1.ogv -c:a copy -b:v 96k -s 320x240 output.webm
[07:32] <dmonjo> for some reason it plays fine on my local video player but on the webserver it doesnt
[07:33] <dmonjo> do i need to encode in a different way?
[07:33] <Demon_Fox> From what I understand there is one profile/preset that is used widely on the internet that you might not be using
[07:33] <LithosLaptop> your webserver also must register the correct MIME type for .webm files
[07:34] <Demon_Fox> I am talking about feature set, but LithosLaptop might have more experience
[07:36] <renevolution> dmonjo: what do you mean by "but on the webserver". Do you mean it's not playing on the browser?
[07:36] <renevolution> in the browser of course
[07:37] <dmonjo> renevolution: yes
[07:37] <renevolution> which browser are you using?
[07:37] <dmonjo> i added mimetypes and addtypes to apaches so the play button shows on the webbrowser
[07:37] <dmonjo> but when i press play it says loading and takes forever
[07:37] <dmonjo> chrome
[07:38] <LithosLaptop> from what I understand if the HTTP response of the /output.webm request doesn't include Content-Type: video/webm then it will ignore the video
[07:38] <LithosLaptop> oh
[07:39] <LithosLaptop> hmm
[07:39] <LithosLaptop> what browser?
[07:39] <dmonjo> Chrome
[07:39] <dmonjo> Firefox the same
[07:39] <LithosLaptop> yeah that should work
[07:39] <dmonjo> if i copy the file locally it works
[07:39] <dmonjo> the thing is ffmpeg -i http://localhost:8000/event1.ogv -c:a copy -b:v 92k -s 320x240 output3.webm
[07:39] <renevolution> So, you can play them locally via Chrome?
[07:39] <dmonjo> is reading from a live stream so event1.ogv is a live stream
[07:40] <dmonjo> does it matter?
[07:40] <dmonjo> i can play them locally using vlc
[07:40] <renevolution> try using chrome, simply drag and drop
[07:40] <LithosLaptop> maybe add -c:v libvpx
[07:41] <renevolution> @Lithos: That was my thought too & additionally if it's a livestream he should add -re option in front of -i .. too
[07:44] <LithosLaptop> are the html tags correct? :)
[07:44] <dmonjo> <source src="wp-content/livefeeds/output3.webm" type="video/webm" />
[07:45] <ubitux> can you open the video directly?
[07:45] <ubitux> (with your browser)
[07:45] <dmonjo> let me try that
[07:46] <ubitux> the tag is "video" btw, not "source".
[07:46] <mark4o> Also make sure your web server handles byte range requests and isn't applying gzip compression (Content-Encoding)
[07:49] <dmonjo> mark4o: if i point to the ogv file directly example: <source src="http://localhost:8000/event1.ogv" type="video/ogg" /> it works fine on chrome
[07:49] <dmonjo> the probl;em is when i am converting to ogv
[07:49] <dmonjo> sorry to webm
[07:50] <dmonjo> so i think the webserver already handles these range requets
[07:50] <ubitux> change "source" into "video"
[07:50] <dmonjo> ok
[07:50] <ubitux> also check your link, if absolute url works, your original href is just wrong
[07:51] <dmonjo> <video src="wp-content/livefeeds/output.webm" controls></video>
[07:51] <ubitux> and you did say if you were able to play the video by opening it directly
[07:51] <mark4o> what version of ffmpeg are you using? you may need -avoid_negative_ts 1 for webm if you don't have one where that is now the default
[07:51] <dmonjo> i am copying it locally
[07:51] <ubitux> what's this "controls"?
[07:51] <ubitux> run chromium wp-content/livefeeds/output.webm
[07:51] <dmonjo> ubitux: the webm file plays fine if i drag and drop it into chrome
[07:52] <ubitux> then your link is just broken\
[07:52] <mark4o> are you sure your Content-Type is correct? Try curl -I URL
[07:52] <dmonjo> i can point you guys to the url if you dont mind
[07:53] <ubitux> also make sure you clear your browser cache when switching mime types
[07:53] <ubitux> because browsers are stupids
[07:53] Action: ubitux &
[07:54] <dmonjo> i am changing the name of the file on the webserver every time i am streaming to avoid this caching problem
[07:58] <dmonjo> http://www3.hipernation.com/live-pato/2013/03/15/
[07:58] <dmonjo> this is the link
[07:58] <Demon_Fox> ubitux, I swore that software did not have a plural form.
[07:58] <Demon_Fox> Well in English
[07:58] <Demon_Fox> though
[07:59] <Demon_Fox> THe oxford english dictionary add too many words to itself.
[08:00] <mark4o> curl -I http://www3.hipernation.com/live-pato/2013/03/15/wp-content/livefeeds/output10.webm
[08:00] <mark4o> HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
[08:01] <dmonjo> so something in hthis <video src="wp-content/livefeeds/output10.webm" controls></video>
[08:01] <dmonjo> the directory is fine and the file is growing in size
[08:06] <dmonjo> ok it is fine ubitux you were right the link was broken
[08:06] <dmonjo> ok now when i try to play the webm file it plays from point 0 in time everytime, ogv just plays in realtime and shows the realtime stream
[08:18] <dmonjo> hmm i think i need to convert the ogv to some ts files pointed by an m3u8
[08:18] <dmonjo> can i created webm in ts? ;/
[08:18] <dmonjo> since it is a live stream it needs a kind of playlist
[08:23] <dmonjo> so the issue is ok, i can convert a live stream from ogv to webm but when browsers are pointed to the webm generated file, the file plays from the very start everytime and they are not catching up with the live stream
[08:23] <dmonjo> need a good consultative approach on that one :)
[08:50] <dmonjo> trying that avconv -i -c:v libvpx -c:a libvorbis -b:v 92k -flags -global_header -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -hls_time 10 -hls_wrap 64000 -hls_list_size 999 wsot11.m3u8
[08:50] <dmonjo> makes sense ? :////////
[08:51] <dmonjo> sorry tis avconv
[09:27] <dmonjo> what kind of segment_format can i use with -f segment?
[09:27] <dmonjo> io cant find documentation
[13:17] <Kirito> ffmpeg -threads 8 -i concat:"out.ogv|out-1.ogv" -vcodec libx264 -crf 27 -preset veryslow -an out.mp4 // should concat two ogv files together and encode them into a single mp4 output file, right?
[13:18] <Kirito> Or I guess they have to be mpg or ts still, nevermind.
[13:41] <Mavrik> Kirito, use concat demuxer
[13:43] <Kirito> Mavrik, I ended up using the concat filter, which worked, thanks
[13:44] <Kirito> I'll make note of that for next time though
[14:24] <TheSashmo> has anyone been able to get the apple isight as a capture source?
[15:19] <hughmanwho> Hello, I am trying to a camera connect via command line and stream rtsp. I've only worked with programming before Where do I get started with command line stuff?
[15:38] <hughmanwho> Anyone know how I can go about streaming H264 via rtsp from a camera I have setup to a file?
[16:23] <renevolution> hughmanwho: Are you using OS X or Linux on your Mac?
[16:27] <hughmanwho> Using Windows 7
[16:28] <hughmanwho> So I have done a little bit of googling and found the basics and have setup this command: ffmpeg -i rtsp:// -t 30 output.mpg
[16:29] <hughmanwho> Basically it doesn't seem to do much that I can see, anyone know why?
[16:29] <hughmanwho> No file is output either
[16:32] <renevolution> Oh, i was still on the iSight point
[16:32] <renevolution> Can you play the rtsp stream?
[16:32] <renevolution> using ffplay
[16:33] <hughmanwho> I am able to play it using vlc... let me try ffplay
[16:34] <hughmanwho> Actually do I need to download or build ffplay separately?
[16:39] <hughmanwho> Ok, so I downloaded ffplay... Is it supposed to be popping up with a window showing streaming video or something like that?
[16:39] <hughmanwho> Just shows me the configuration information then a line with variables and a bunch of 0s
[16:43] <DeXa> ffplay -i <input> , thats it...
[16:43] <DeXa> (never tried that on Windows...)
[16:56] <hughmanwho> Still may be having a problem but it helps if I don't mistype the ip address...
[17:03] <hughmanwho> ffplay is successfully streaming, ffmpeg generates error found here: http://pastebin.com/h66Qsx2N
[17:04] <JEEB> well yeah, uhm
[17:06] <JEEB> sounds like your build is missing things, to say the least :P Although I'm not exactly sure what your options led to
[17:09] <JEEB> because that null and other stuff just looks like "shit not found", and so forth
[17:09] <JEEB> maybe you would try the ffmpeg from that damn package you grabbed the ffplay from :P
[17:09] <JEEB> if it works, then you are going back to the drawing board with your derp with regards to configuring ffmpeg
[17:13] <hughmanwho> sure I'll give it a go...
[17:16] <hughmanwho> Tried that version and tried increasing probesize, I updated the pastebin to that output: http://pastebin.com/h66Qsx2N
[17:18] <JEEB> looks like it's mostly stumbling on the audio, if there is any coming from the camera
[17:18] <JEEB> try removing the probesize and adding -an after -i
[17:22] <hughmanwho> what does -an do? tells me '-an: No such file or directory'
[17:24] <JEEB> ugh
[17:24] <JEEB> don't tell me you did literally -i -an
[17:24] <JEEB> instead of -i input -an
[17:24] <JEEB> I just meant that you set it after you've set your input -_-
[17:30] <hughmanwho> Thanks, still new at this :)
[17:40] <hughmanwho> Actually I may have figured out what was going wrong... I was trying to use this to debug a program I was writing. Thanks for the help, especially Jeeb.
[18:00] <elkng> how to mirror video left to right ? should I use option "mp=mirror" or there some other ?
[19:18] <Sashmo_> anyone have a good example of a very low latency web cam encoding command line?
[19:18] <Sashmo_> I want to build a two way chat example, but the qulaity sucks with what I am doing now
[19:59] <Megapixar> How come encoding to .mp4 or to .h264 shows libx264 SEI; if I output to .ts - libx264 SEI is not shown? using ffmpeg 1.2.
[19:59] <Mavrik> probably because one uses global headers and the other doesn't
[20:00] <Mavrik> which means x264 works in slightly different mode
[20:01] <Megapixar> Mavrik: so displaying transcoding setting depends on output encpsulation?
[20:01] <Mavrik> actually yes :D
[20:01] <Mavrik> I've noticed that some time ago :)
[20:01] <Megapixar> Mavrik: how so?
[20:02] <Mavrik> Megapixar, lines 566-574: http://ffmpeg.org/doxygen/trunk/libx264_8c_source.html
[20:02] <Mavrik> Megapixar, encoding string is output only if CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER is set
[20:03] <Mavrik> when using MPEG-TS it isn't
[20:03] <Megapixar> so TS makes everyone to shut up :)))
[20:05] <Fjorgynn> :)
[20:06] <Megapixar> its fine, just amking sure I'm not messign up .ts muxing with some unseen setting...
[20:08] <Mavrik> Megapixar, do make sure the SPS/PSS units are added to the stream though ;)
[21:30] <Demon_Fox> ubitux, Look at the priority on your bug report/feature request
[21:30] <Demon_Fox> https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/2391
[21:30] <Demon_Fox> it says with
[21:30] <Demon_Fox> I mean
[21:30] <Demon_Fox> wish*
[21:33] <ubitux> yes?
[21:33] <ubitux> isn't it a wish?
[21:58] <Fjorgynn> good night
[22:54] <addisonj> hrm... anyone here famaliar with getting ffmpeg and libav to coexist in ubuntu? I need ffmpeg because libav blows up on me, but some software I need links against libav
[22:55] <JEEB> well, having ffmpeg's command line binary (statically linked to the ffmpeg libs) in /usr/local or something shouldn't be a problem, no?
[22:56] <JEEB> and if you need the libraries too, you could just use static (or shared) libraries from some other prefix (and/or from /usr/local)?
[22:56] <JEEB> I don't really see any problem with them co-existing, esp. if you only need the ffmpeg tool from the ffmpeg package
[22:56] <addisonj> yeah, I figure i can do it compiling by hand, but apt-get doesn't allow it
[22:56] <addisonj> as soon as you install one, the other gets removed
[22:56] <llogan> just don't install it
[22:57] <JEEB> uhh
[22:57] <JEEB> if you want to install it as a package, don't make it go under the same name as that other package?
[22:57] <llogan> you can move the make-d binary into a directory and ad it to your $PATH
[22:57] <JEEB> I don't really get the problem :D
[22:57] <llogan> you have several options
[22:57] <JEEB> and what llogan is saying is just doing 'make install' into the prefix of your choice that is not already occupied >_>
[22:57] <addisonj> I am already building libav and am just going to add it to my LDPATH
[22:58] <JEEB> anyways, I really, really don't see the problem unless you are trying to do something really specific (and possibly weird) o_O
[23:00] <addisonj> so, ubuntu doesn't have ffmpeg by default just libav, so I have ffmpeg through a PPA, but for whatever reason, since avconc is still called ffmpeg, the dependencies end up removing one package and all its deps if you try to install the other
[23:00] <addisonj> totally fine to take care of outside of the package manager, just lazy :O
[23:01] <llogan> what is offered in the PPA (Jon's I assume) is kind of old.
[23:01] <llogan> just use a recent static build since you're lazy
[23:01] <llogan> (no libfdk_aac however)
[23:05] <addisonj> llogan: did not know about those... interesting
[23:06] <JEEB> addisonj, in other words if you only need the ffmpeg command line tool you might have just built ffmpeg with the things you needed into the --prefix of your choice (or just /usr/local which is the default IIRC), and then made sure that was in PATH before the libav binaries...
[23:06] <JEEB> no need to make it sound harder than it is
[23:06] <JEEB> lol
[23:06] <JEEB> or use the static builds, yes
[23:06] <llogan> eventually ill get off of my ass and change the compile guide to not interfere with system shit
[23:18] <addisonj> just installed libav to a prefix dir, but, while I have attention of very smart people, so my use of ffmpeg is to capture thumbnails from an iptv stream, which is encoded as h264, even though I just want thumbnails its a suprisingly high amount of CPU usage... any ideas on optimizing that?
[23:19] <addisonj> here is the command I use ffmpeg -deinterlace -i ip?fifo_size=100000&overrun_nonfatal=1 -r 1 -f image2pipe -vcodec png pipe:
[23:22] <Mavrik> addisonj, do you want to grab a single frame?
[23:22] <addisonj> yep, single frame once every second
[23:23] <addisonj> I tried just using iframes, whcih kinda works for mpeg2, but with h264 and variable i-frames so far apart, I am not sure it would work (but haven't tried it yet)
[23:23] <Mavrik> hmm
[23:23] <Mavrik> even though you're grabbing only one frame per second whole stream has to be decoded for that to work
[23:24] <addisonj> iframes on mpeg2 drops load by a lot, but the rate isn't as consistent, as it seems to ignore -r
[23:24] <Mavrik> of course
[23:24] <Mavrik> since there's no guarantee on where I-frames will come :)
[23:24] <addisonj> for mpeg2 isn't it just one frame every 15 frames?
[23:24] <Mavrik> no
[23:24] <Mavrik> it's on whatever the person sending you set it
[23:25] <Mavrik> on H.264 it can be anything up to GOP size
[23:25] <addisonj> while, NTSC mpeg2
[23:25] <Mavrik> and GOP size can be anything the guy on the other end of the stream set :)
[23:25] <addisonj> (these are television streams FYI)
[23:25] <Mavrik> yeah
[23:25] <Mavrik> as I said
[23:25] <Mavrik> whatever your content provider set :)
[23:25] <llogan> select='eq(pict_type\,I)'
[23:25] <Mavrik> usually they have at least one I-frame per second
[23:26] <llogan> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#aselect_002c-select
[23:26] <Mavrik> but... I've seen things like GOPs of 250 frames, one frame every 5-seconds with I-frame on 25 of those etc. :)
[23:26] <Mavrik> llogan, hmm, does this fix the decoding penalty?
[23:26] <addisonj> hrm, will fprobe give me that info?
[23:27] <Mavrik> addisonj, nope, since H.264 can have variable everything
[23:27] <llogan> Mavrik: i doubt it, but it's worth looking at
[23:28] <llogan> we overheated his router
[23:29] <addisonj> bah, dang internet, anyways,
[23:30] <llogan> wasn't -deinterlace removed? too lazy to check. you should consider yadif instead anyway.
[23:30] <llogan> also, i don't know if -deinterlace can be used as an input option
[23:32] <addisonj> output of ffprobe for the stream, how do you tell what GOP size is and i-frame rate? Video: h264 (High) ([27][0][0][0] / 0x001B), yuv420p, 1280x720 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 59.94 fps, 59.94 tbr, 90k tbn, 119.88 tbc
[23:33] <Mavrik> you can't
[23:33] <Mavrik> since it's variable.
[23:33] <llogan> Mavrik: did you ever get to try frameserving from Premiere to ffmpeg?
[23:34] <Mavrik> nope :\
[23:36] <llogan> audio was out of sync last time i tried, so i just also exported audio and remuxed. other than that no issues.
[23:36] <llogan> i was under a deadline so i didn't look into further, but it was nice avoiding AME
[00:00] --- Fri Mar 22 2013
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