[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20130511
burek021 at gmail.com
Sun May 12 02:05:01 CEST 2013
[03:00] <longbyte1> Hi
[03:01] <longbyte1> Does ffdshow have anything to do with ffmpeg?
[03:05] <longbyte1> Hallo?
[03:39] -:#ffmpeg- [freenode-info] if you're at a conference and other people are having trouble connecting, please mention it to staff: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gettinghelp
[06:57] <SRA> which codec is best suitable for .flv videos?
[12:32] <luca_> Hi! I created a mp4 from h264 raw data and timestamps for each frame (it is a vfr stream). The result anyway seems not to have the same speed and also vlc is not determining the entire length. Does this mean I set the timestamps wrong maybe?
[16:36] <luc4> Hi! I created a mp4 from h264 raw data and timestamps for each frame (it is a vfr stream). The result anyway seems not to have the same speed and also vlc is not determining the entire length. Does this mean I set the timestamps wrong maybe?
[19:06] <xlinkz0> i have a video container with no audio and want to add an audio track to it that will repeat for the whole duration of the video
[19:06] <xlinkz0> what options should i look up?
[19:31] <llogan> xlinkz0: maybe by using "amovie" multimedia source filter with its loop option. http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#amovie
[19:46] <xlinkz0> llogan: do you know where i can learn more about the notations inside [] ? like [in] [out] [over] etc
[19:47] <llogan> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#Filtergraph-syntax-1
[19:47] <llogan> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#Filtering-Introduction
[19:48] <llogan> read the second link first
[19:49] <llogan> a less elegant way would be to concat the audio enough times to create a long enough stream and then simply mux it with the video (and include the" -shortest" option)
[20:34] <xlinkz0> anyone still around?
[20:35] <xlinkz0> is -vf and -filter_complex the same thing?
[20:43] <llogan> vf is used for simple filtergraphs: http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#Simple-filtergraphs
[20:43] <llogan> filter_complex is for complex filtergraphs: http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#Complex-filtergraphs
[20:43] <llogan> although i think that can be confusing for users and i'd prefer one option that does either
[20:47] <llogan> xlinkz0: try: ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -filter_complex amovie=audio.flac:loop=0 out.mp4
[20:48] <xlinkz0> llogan: that filters seems to work with neither :(
[20:48] <xlinkz0> ah sry didn't see your last msg
[20:48] <xlinkz0> ffmpeg.exe -i video.mp4 -filter_complex=amovie=smallaufio.flac:loop=0 out.mp4
[20:48] <xlinkz0> Unrecognized option 'filter_complex=amovie=smallaufio.flac:loop=0'.
[20:49] <xlinkz0> there's a typo in the filename but that doesn't fix it :(
[20:50] <xlinkz0> i also get Error splitting the argument list: Option not found
[20:50] <llogan> remove the = after complex
[20:52] <xlinkz0> i get a lot of this : [mp4 @ 024893a0] st:0 PTS: 170432 DTS: 170432 < 445847 invalid, clipping
[20:53] <llogan> "Note that when the movie is looped the source timestamps are not changed, so it will generate non monotonically increasing timestamps."
[20:54] <llogan> i'm not sure how to deal with that.
[20:54] <llogan> maybe asetpts filter
[20:54] <llogan> maybe your player won't care
[20:56] <xlinkz0> llogan: so i stopped it after 2 minutes and it created a 120 MB file that takes only the first 19 seconds of the video file
[20:56] <xlinkz0> the audio sample is 1MB and the video is 30
[20:57] <llogan> we forgot "-c:v copy"
[20:57] <llogan> maybe the amovie method isn't the best way to do this
[20:59] <llogan> what is the duration of the video and the duration of the audio?
[21:00] <xlinkz0> llogan: for my current test the video is 60s and audio 10s
[21:03] <llogan> cat audio.flac audio.flac ... > cat.flac; ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i cat.flac -c:v copy -c:a aac -b:a 192k -strict experimental -shortest out.mp4
[21:03] <llogan> there. the retarded method.
[21:03] <llogan> oh, you're on windows. does it have cat? if not you can use ffmpeg to do that too.
[21:04] <llogan> ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i concat:"audio.flac|audio.flac|...|" -c copy output.mkv
[21:04] <llogan> that las tpipe is a typo
[21:05] <llogan> and of course i forgot -shortest
[21:05] <xlinkz0> thanks
[21:08] <CanuckTux> I have script that breaks because the line
[21:08] <CanuckTux> -af aresample
[21:08] <xlinkz0> llogan: any ideas on how to add the audiostream to an mp4 file instead of mkv?
[21:08] <CanuckTux> is in it, do you friendly folks have any idea how to get it working
[21:10] <CanuckTux> http://peerwire.de/?p=248 has the original script. I am using it to stream to twitch TV. OK llogan
[21:10] <llogan> xlinkz0: ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i concat:"audio.flac|audio.flac|...|...|..." -c:v copy -c:a aac -b:a 192k -strict experimental -shortest output.mp4
[21:12] <xlinkz0> is this good? ffmpeg -y -i video.mp4 -i smallaudio.flac -map 0:0 -map 1:0 out.mp4
[21:12] <xlinkz0> i'll create the audio file externally
[21:12] <CanuckTux> http://pastebin.com/PY6h9fRu <-- has my current attempt
[21:13] <CanuckTux> I took out the line that was drawing errors and put "-an /" and video streaming works fine.
[21:14] <llogan> CanuckTux: i need the acutal ffmpeg command and the complete console output (excluding your stream key of course).
[21:14] <CanuckTux> yeah, I prolly shouldn't of put that there...
[21:15] <llogan> you can/should reset it
[21:16] <llogan> xlinkz0: flac can't go in mp4 container
[21:16] <CanuckTux> probably only 200 people have seen it ;)
[21:17] <llogan> xlinkz0: ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i audio.flac -c:v copy -c:a aac -b:a 192k -strict experimental -shortest out.mp4
[21:17] <xlinkz0> i see, ffmpeg does seem to convert it automatically
[21:17] <xlinkz0> ok
[21:18] <llogan> add -movflags faststart if you're using the video with a flash player or whatever.
[21:18] <xlinkz0> thanks
[21:23] <CanuckTux> http://pastebin.com/FJnuHTx1
[21:23] <CanuckTux> aresample isn't a real thing, I don't know what too replace it with
[21:24] <llogan> you're not using ffmpeg
[21:24] <CanuckTux> ? thats confusing :(
[21:24] Action: CanuckTux rages at canonical devs messing stuff up again
[21:25] <llogan> yes, it is unfortunately, and my attempts to make it less so were ignored.
[21:25] <llogan> also, http://blog.pkh.me/p/13-the-ffmpeg-libav-situation.html
[21:26] <llogan> we do not support your fake ffmpeg, you can go to #libav for that, or you can compile real ffmpeg if you like (the static builds do not support x11grab).
[21:26] <llogan> http://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide
[21:27] <llogan> i need to update it for 13.04, but it should still work for that
[21:27] <CanuckTux> :(, so when I took out that line, added -an it worked, albeit slowly
[21:29] <llogan> it's odd that -af aresample is there with no options. i'm guessing it does nothing.
[21:30] <CanuckTux> hmmmm., so If I teake it out and fix the audio I should be able to get this working
[21:30] <llogan> i know nothing of your ffmpeg version. you'll have to ask in #libav.
[21:30] <CanuckTux> ok, I;ll go there
[22:15] <ackjewt> I have a MPEG-TS and want to find out if the video is encoded with open/closed gop, how can i see that with ex. ffprobe?
[00:00] --- Sun May 12 2013
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