[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20131101
burek021 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 2 02:05:01 CET 2013
[01:36] <erpo> Which framerates are supported by the mpeg encoder? All I know is that 3, 10, and 15 aren't supported whereas 25 is.
[01:37] <bencoh> I'd say it's defined in ff_mpeg2_frame_rate_tab
[01:38] <bencoh> and .... 3, 10, and 15 should be afai can see
[01:39] <erpo> Here is what I get when I run fmpeg -f image2 -i %03d.jpg -r 3 mymovie.mpg : [mpeg1video @ 0x2372d20] MPEG1/2 does not support 5/1 fps
[01:40] <erpo> And, thanks. It's always great to get an answer from a person who can casually quote the source code.
[01:41] <bencoh> oh, that's mpeg1, not mpeg2, sorry
[01:42] <erpo> Trying ffmpeg -f image2 -i %03d.jpg -r 3 -vcodec mpeg2video mymovie.mpg gives "[mpeg2video @ 0x183bd20] MPEG1/2 does not support 5/1 fps"
[01:42] <bencoh> looks like hmm
[01:44] <bencoh> ffmpeg -i bar.ts -r 5 -vcodec mpeg2video foo.ts works here
[01:44] <bencoh> -r 3 works too
[01:44] <bencoh> (ffmpeg 1.1.5)
[01:45] <erpo> ffmpeg -version gives "ffmpeg version 0.8.7-6:0.8.7-1ubuntu2"
[01:45] <erpo> That must be ancient.
[01:45] <bencoh> yeah, a bit ;)
[01:51] <erpo> Is 0.10.9-7 unreasonably old?
[01:51] <erpo> It doesn't appear to work either, but it's the latest available in Jon Severinsson's repository.
[01:59] <erpo> Oh well. I ended up encoding to huffyuv at 3fps and then encoding to MP4 using handbrake. It's not MPEG1, but at least it works.
[03:01] <myndzi> i'm trying to prepare some mkv files (anime) for html5 video
[03:01] <myndzi> i've found various stuff on the web that helps, but my very first try gave me a really strange result
[03:01] <myndzi> the resultant video drops frames like crazy
[03:01] <myndzi> the original plays smoothly
[03:03] <myndzi> i didn't reencode anything, just copied the audio/video streams
[03:10] <myndzi> ...
[03:10] <myndzi> ffmpeg -i monster01.mkv -acodec copy -vcodec copy out.mkv
[03:11] <myndzi> that's not the first one, sec
[03:11] <myndzi> avconv -i monster01.mkv -map 0:0 -map 0:2 -c:v copy -c:a copy out.mkv
[03:13] <myndzi> i'm getting the output for you, relax
[03:13] Action: relaxed
[03:13] <myndzi> i just wanted to demonstrate to you that i was literally doing nothing but a copy
[03:13] <myndzi> http://pastebin.com/r3TzjGD6
[03:13] <myndzi> so in this case it seems rather pointless
[03:14] <relaxed> what users deem pointless is rarely that.
[03:15] <myndzi> i'll gladly be proved wrong...
[03:15] <relaxed> well, for html5 you need vpx/vorbis in webm
[03:16] <myndzi> mkv streamed fine, it just didn't give the correct audio and wouldn't enable the subtitles
[03:16] <relaxed> h264/aac belongs in the mp4 container
[03:16] <myndzi> so i didn't want to reencode it if possible
[03:16] <relaxed> webm is a subset of mkv
[03:16] <myndzi> when i say it dorps frames i mean locally
[03:16] <myndzi> in a video player
[03:16] <myndzi> not over the website
[03:17] <relaxed> also, avconv is from the libav project.
[03:17] <relaxed> /j #libav
[03:17] <myndzi> i ran ffmpeg and it says 'ffmpeg is deprecated, use avconv instead'
[03:18] <relaxed> because the libav project is focused on avconv.
[03:18] <relaxed> ffmpeg is still developed by the FFmpeg project
[03:18] <relaxed> pick you posion
[03:18] <relaxed> your*
[03:18] <myndzi> they seem to both run the same binary
[03:19] <myndzi> ffmpeg is what all the results i'm seeing in search refer to, so that's what i'm hoping to get working
[03:19] <relaxed> the commands are synonymous
[03:19] <relaxed> (for the most part)
[03:20] <myndzi> anyway, any idea why the framerate would go to hell from just a straight up video copy?
[03:20] <relaxed> you can try http://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/
[03:21] <relaxed> I have to run to work now. Will reattach in 30 minutes.
[10:59] <Kirito> Can a slower preset improve the output quality of a video when using CRF? Or it only ever impact file size? I know it's documented that it will improve quality when using a constant bit rate, but for constant quality I'm guessing there will be no difference?
[10:59] <Kirito> (with x264, sorry)
[13:29] <DX099> hello
[13:29] <DX099> does anyone knows of a way to play two videos at the same time ?
[13:29] <DX099> s/knows/know
[13:30] <DX099> I mean with starting time synchronized and so on ?
[14:18] <galex-713> Hello
[14:18] <galex-713> Ive a mkv container containing several audio streams in proprietary codecs.
[14:18] <galex-713> I would like to make one ogg audio file for each stream.
[14:19] <galex-713> But I dont know how to pick only one audio stream&
[14:19] <galex-713> Even looking at manual I didnt find how to do a such thing&
[14:19] <galex-713> How could I do it?
[14:21] <galex-713> Oh, and I already done it with the english stream using avconv -i movie.mkv -vn -codec:a libvorbis 'movie.en.ogg'.
[14:30] <galex-713> And tried to pick only the second stream, the italian one, with avconv -c:a:2 dca -i movie.mkv -vn -codec:a:2 libvorbis 'movie.it.ogg', but that still pick the english stream (the first)
[14:38] <relaxed> galex-713: ffmpeg -i input -map 0:a:0 -c:a libvorbis out.ogg
[14:39] <galex-713> Oh thank you
[14:39] <relaxed> where 0:a:0 is the first audio stream. 0:a:1 would be the second and so on.
[14:39] <galex-713> Which 0 should I replace with 2 to get the stream 2 ?
[14:39] <galex-713> Ok
[14:39] <galex-713> Thanks :)
[14:41] <galex-713> Oh, it says Unrecognized option 'c:a' and on the next line Failed to set value 'libvorbis' for option 'c:a'&
[14:41] <relaxed> -acodec
[14:41] <galex-713> Ok
[14:41] <galex-713> thanks :)
[14:42] <galex-713> Now it says Number of stream maps must match number of output streams and abort&
[14:42] <galex-713> *aborts
[14:43] <relaxed> I'm thinking your version is too old. http://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/
[14:52] <galex-713> relaxed, thank you! It works!
[15:12] <jarr0dsz> hi everyone i try to convert .flv to .mp4, local on osx it goes ok but on production server i have whole stacktrace https://gist.github.com/anonymous/520cf36f36f2b75cbaa3
[15:12] <jarr0dsz> anyone could help me fix , it doesent say to much to me
[15:13] <JEEB> welcome to old-as-hell ffmpeg
[15:13] <JEEB> the default x264 settings it sets are blocked
[15:13] <JEEB> just update your ffmpeg
[15:13] <jarr0dsz> okay i see, im using the yum version from centos locally indeed from source compiled
[15:14] <jarr0dsz> FFmpeg version 0.6.5 build on jan 12 2012
[15:14] <JEEB> 0.6.x is old
[15:14] <JEEB> just go look at when 0.6 release was done
[15:15] <JEEB> 3 years ago v0.6 Tag 0.6 Release tag | commit | shortlog | log
[15:15] <JEEB> yup
[15:15] <JEEB> welcome to 2010
[15:15] <JEEB> with something like centos you're better off by just compiling your own binary for ffmpeg
[15:17] <jarr0dsz> yes it seems to, if i want all the options, audio/video/ converting etc have as less problems lateron is there documented somewhere what compile options i should use?
[15:17] <jarr0dsz> i need to convert flv to mp4 and do several composition and audio related tasks with ffmpeg
[15:38] <JEEB> jarr0dsz, there's some basic documentation on compilation on the trac's wiki
[15:39] <JEEB> you most probably will only need fdk-aac and x264 for your usage?
[15:39] <jarr0dsz> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CentosCompilationGuide that seems to do it :P
[15:39] <jarr0dsz> i for now just compiled all the modules in , recompiling every time is so pesky
[16:02] <jarr0dsz> still trying to convert .flv to .mp4 with the full compile options it still fails and results in empty mp4 file
[16:02] <jarr0dsz> now used this command ffmpeg -i input.flv -sameq -ar 22050 output.mp4 resulting in zero byte mp4
[16:03] <Mavrik> sameq.
[16:03] <Mavrik> really.
[16:03] <jarr0dsz> like [flv @ 0x87b8850]Could not find codec parameters (Audio: 0x0000, 16000 Hz, 1 channels) what would be causing this?
[16:04] <jarr0dsz> im not sure im newbie with ffmpeg, i have an other conversion line that seems more legit but results in same error
[16:04] <jarr0dsz> this is the "official" conversion command ffmpeg -y -i $path -acodec libmp3lame -ar 44100 -ac 1 -vcodec libx264 $path.mp4;
[16:05] <jarr0dsz> full stacktrace is https://gist.github.com/anonymous/d59c9b63e58797b03d2a
[16:05] <jarr0dsz> im not sure why im getting missing codec problems
[16:05] <jarr0dsz> argh nevermind
[16:05] <jarr0dsz> i see now , its still using the yum version :S
[16:05] <JEEB> make sure the one you built and installed is in your PATH before the installed one
[16:08] <jarr0dsz> totally overlooked i forgot to deinstall the yum version that is all fine now
[16:08] <jarr0dsz> only with last conversion line it now throws error like [graph 1 input from stream 0:1 @ 0xb691d40] Invalid sample format (null)
[17:18] <snooky> hello
[17:19] <snooky> i dont really good speak english but i need help with use ffmpeg
[17:19] <snooky> everyone can helped me?
[17:20] <snooky> i wnat transcode an mp4 file to an avi file
[17:22] <snooky> the transcode make it so => ffmpeg -i /var/www/youtube/editfiles/$name.mp4 -vcodec mpeg4 -acodec ac3 -ar 48000 -ab 192k /var/www/youtube/fertig/$name.avi
[17:23] <snooky> it works fine, the audio quality was very fine but the video quality very very bad
[17:24] <snooky> when i use for the vcodec -sameq then was the audio very bad and the file was original 50mb and transcode as avi 173mb
[17:24] <snooky> how i can becam a good avi file?
[17:30] <snooky> no one can help me?
[17:31] <cbsrobot> snooky: read https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/How%20to%20encode%20Xvid%20/%20DivX%20video%20with%20ffmpeg
[17:31] <cbsrobot> snooky: did you read the page ?
[17:31] <snooky> i dont really good speak english
[17:33] <cbsrobot> snooky: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=de&u=http%3A%2F%2Ftrac.ffmpeg.org%2Fwiki%2FHow%20to%20encode%20Xvid%20%2F%20DivX%20video%20with%20ffmpeg
[17:34] <snooky> cbsrobot: mp4 is an devx format?
[17:34] <snooky> cbsrobot: mp4 is an divx format?
[17:36] <cbsrobot> mp4 is a container
[17:36] <cbsrobot> divx a codec
[17:36] <cbsrobot> avi is a container too
[17:37] <cbsrobot> mpeg4 consists of several parts: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MPEG-4
[17:38] <snooky> and mp4 is an container?
[17:38] <cbsrobot> part 2 is divx / xvid
[17:38] <cbsrobot> part 10 is h264
[17:38] <cbsrobot> atc
[17:38] <cbsrobot> etc
[17:38] <cbsrobot> yes mp4 is a container (same as avi, mkv, mov & )
[17:39] <snooky> ok
[17:39] <snooky> i want the same video quality
[17:39] <snooky> but "copy" dont work
[17:40] <cbsrobot> see the page
[17:40] <cbsrobot> I sent you
[17:41] <cbsrobot> Sie können eine Videoqualität mit-qscale wählen ( -qscale:v ), wobei n eine Zahl von 1 bis 31, wobei 1 die höchste Qualität / Dateigröße größte und 31 die niedrigste Qualität / kleinste Dateigröße.
[17:41] <cbsrobot> same quality is a difficult task when transcoding
[17:42] <cbsrobot> same quality and same filesize is what you want (I guess)
[17:42] <cbsrobot> just try different values
[19:44] <talcat> When trying to make a video from a sequence of color 8-bit tifs I get the error of: "Could not find codec paramaters for stream 0 (Video:tiff): Unspecified size. " Increasing analyzeduration and probesize options to their maximum did not help. Does anyone possibly have any ideas?
[20:51] <Ulfalizer> given that avcodec_encode_video() can return 0 to indicate that the frame was buffered internally, how come memory usage doesn't grow indefinitely while you're encoding video? it seems you'd get less frames back than you write, so that you'd start lagging more and more behind, until you finally flush all the frames at the end.
[20:52] <Ulfalizer> or rather, you'd encode more frames than you write
[22:09] <zvn3x_> hey can anyone reccomend the best way to batch convert flvs to mp4, without sacrificing quality?
[22:16] <Ulfalizer> zvn3x_: -c:v copy/-c:a copy perhaps
[22:16] <Ulfalizer> that should keep the streams as-is i think, only changing the container format
[22:27] <zvn3x_> found a script altman ] [ stein_ ]
[22:28] <zvn3x_> for file in *.flv ; do ffmpeg -i $file -acodec copy -vcodec copy ${file%.flv}.mp4 ; done
[22:29] <zvn3x_> worked for some videos but a couple gave errors
[22:29] <zvn3x_> track 0: could not find tag, codec not currently supported in container
[22:29] <zvn3x_> Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?): Operation not permitted
[22:32] <zvn3x_> Ulfalizer, also this script doesnt work if there is spaces in the filename. i will try your suggestion
[22:40] <Ulfalizer> zvn3x_: that should be the same as mine i think. to get around the spaces problem, put "$file" and "${file%.flv}.mp4" instead.
[22:41] <Ulfalizer> i.e., quotation marks
[22:41] <Ulfalizer> pretty sloppy of the author :|
[22:44] <Ulfalizer> not sure about the other error. perhaps it's just what it says - that it's using some codec that .mp4 doesn't support.
[23:14] <zvn3x_> Ulfalizer, thanks i fixed that script, which seemed to work on some files with the same containers. looks like im gonna have to convert the rest
[23:17] <zvn3x_> this is the new script im working, i tested it, seems to work, but very cpu intensive
[23:17] <zvn3x_> for i in *.flv; do name=`echo $i | cut -d'.' -f1`; echo $name; ffmpeg -i $i $name.mp4;
[00:00] --- Sat Nov 2 2013
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