[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20130909

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 10 02:05:01 CEST 2013

[00:02] <gregf> never mind, figured it out
[00:41] <Raccoon> Is there a flag or means to auto identify the audio stream type in an mp4 and specify the correct extension when using "-acodec copy"
[00:41] <Raccoon> if it's aac then tack on .aac, if mp3 then .mp3, etc
[00:44] <Max-P> Raccoon, you probably can wrap that in a shell script and use ffprobe to get it. I don't think ffmpeg plays with the file names at all unless assembling jpegs into a movie
[00:44] <Max-P> (with the %04d thing or something similar, can't remember)
[00:45] <Raccoon> Hmm.  Well I intend to write it as a windows batch script tbh
[00:46] <Raccoon> is there any concise output for -i that will just give the audio stream info, so it can be easier parsed?
[00:46] <Raccoon> or perhaps it'd be better to just patch ffmpeg to do this itself
[00:47] <Raccoon> eg: ffmpeg -demux audio1 [output_name_without_extension_optional_else_use_input_name]
[00:52] <Max-P> Raccoon, Your best bet would be to read the ffprobe manual, it can print the information in multiple formats
[00:53] <Max-P> ffprobe -loglevel panic -show_streams is getting close to returning the format
[00:56] <Max-P> Writing some sort of vbscript would probably still be easier than patching ffmpeg to support this, all you need is to find the line that contains the codec name, split the string to get the codec name and if elseif else on that to generate the extension
[01:49] <Raccoon> consider i'm not familiar with VB script, that sounds tedious :)
[02:00] <vlt> Hello. If I put a DV stream into ffmpeg and let it encode to h264 in realtime, how long does it take for a player to begin playback?
[02:01] <vlt> I mean how many frames must be present?
[02:05] <vlt> Or which ffmpeg options should I use when I need the smallest possible latency?
[02:33] <klaxa> vlt: probably intra-only encoding
[02:33] <klaxa> won't be small though
[03:06] <wiak> am trying to add a sequence of 00000001 png files, but it does not work :O
[03:14] <wiak> Could find no file with path '%04d.png' and index in the range 0-4
[03:15] <wiak> that message is funny
[03:40] <wiak> wohoo got it working :P
[08:33] <vlt> klaxa: Thank you. Size is no problem. I stream via 1GB/s LAN to a Raspberry Pi. Can you explain _why_ intra-only might be better? I mean, the first frame will be sent to the player anyway, wont it?
[11:54] <JoeGibken> Hi! I keep getting this error "error: undefined symbol `x264_cabac_encode_decision_bmi2.update_queue_low'" whenever I try to compile via "make" command the x264 from a git pull
[11:54] <JoeGibken> Any ideas how to resolve this?
[12:06] <xlinkz0_> if I compile and install a new version of x264 do i have to recompile ffmpeg to use it?
[12:23] <xlinkz0_> JEEB: sorry to trouble you but do you know if i need to recompile ffmpeg every time i change something in the x264 library?
[12:24] <smj> How do I re-encode losslessly a filtered H264 video, while preserving the profile and settings of the original one?
[12:25] <smj> I need to append them together and one of them is upside down
[12:29] <JEEB> xlinkz0_, if you didn't change the ABI and you use shared libraries you should be able to only recompile libx264
[12:29] <JEEB> otherwise you will have to recompile ffmpeg as well
[12:36] <xlinkz0_> thanks
[12:45] <smj> nevermind I threw it away
[13:38] <JoeGibken> Okay, I'm getting this error now when compiling ffmpeg - http://pastebin.com/v1i0L8sH
[13:38] <JoeGibken> This is the config.log - http://pastebin.com/EX4Vmebh
[13:39] <JoeGibken> I'm just following these instructions - http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide#ffmpeg
[13:39] <JoeGibken> Any help would be much appreciated
[13:39] <JoeGibken> Thanks!
[13:40] <cbsrobot_> JoeGibken: update libvpx or remove the --enable-libvpx configure option
[13:40] <JoeGibken> cbsrobot_:  I did tried that, but now there is a new error that it cannot find x264
[13:41] <JoeGibken> But I did everything from line to line as said here - http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide
[13:41] <JoeGibken> So I'm not sure if the instructions posted here - http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide#ffmpeg - is correct
[13:41] <JoeGibken> Or at the least path
[13:41] <JoeGibken> Lemme pastebin if I disable the libvpx
[13:43] <JoeGibken> *or at least the PATH indicated
[13:43] <JoeGibken> I'm not really sure I mean
[14:03] <JoeGibken> cbsrobot_: Here is the new error I get - http://pastebin.com/c0RWa1Ha
[14:04] <JoeGibken> cbsrobot_: This is the config.log of ffmpeg directory - http://pastebin.com/V1YH3csZ
[14:09] <bencc2> what codec can I user to create a loseless movie from png files?
[14:19] <viric> bencc2: h264 has a lossless part
[14:28] <JoeGibken> Any help regarding my current problem in compiling ffmpeg please?
[14:29] <mittens> JoeGibken: it says libx264 not found
[14:30] <mittens> either install it or disable it
[14:30] <JoeGibken> mittens: Yeah, but I compiled everything line by line from this tutorial - http://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/UbuntuCompilationGuide
[14:30] <JoeGibken> I need x264 that's why I'm compiling ffmpeg
[14:30] <JoeGibken> It's quite odd honestly
[14:31] <xlinkz0_> anyone have any idea how to modify the time_base of a stream?
[14:31] <JEEB> JoeGibken, is /home/me/ffmpeg_build/ the prefix you installed all of the prerequisites into?
[14:31] <mittens> JoeGibken: redo the steps for libx264, you may have missed something
[14:32] <JEEB> does /home/me/ffmpeg_prefix/include include x264.h and does the lib/ contain libx264.a or libx264.so?
[14:32] <JoeGibken> JEEB: Yeah, that's what I did
[14:32] <JEEB> if no, then you forgot something and you probably want a static library so re-configure, build and install x264 with --enable-static
[14:32] <JoeGibken> mittens: I did around 4 times already, as I discussed in the #x264 channel with the help of JEEB (thanks again!)
[14:33] <JEEB> also make sure your --prefix was set and you did make install at the end
[14:33] <JEEB> that's pretty much it
[14:34] <JoeGibken>  <JEEB> does /home/me/ffmpeg_prefix/include include x264.h and does the lib/ contain libx264.a or libx264.so? --> 1st question: No (crap - what the hell?!) ; 2nd question: No o_o (what the?!)
[14:35] <JoeGibken> Lemme try to redo x264 rebuilding and libvpx rebuilding - gaaah - 3 hours in and I'm still compiling T_T
[14:35] <JoeGibken> Appreciate your help cbsrobot_ , mittens and JEEB! Lemme try that again
[14:36] <sacarasc> Didn't relaxed make a script to compile ffmpeg and dependencies?
[14:39] <JoeGibken> sacarasc: I tried that but it gives me other errors I don't understand
[14:40] <JoeGibken> I think it was libvorbis error or something
[15:02] <xlinkz0_> i'm trying to set the time_base of a file i'm transcoding but i get the following error : Codec AVOption time_base () specified for output file #0 (newintro.mp4) is not an encoding option.
[15:04] <durandal_1707> explanation is clear, isn't it?
[15:04] <xlinkz0_> i'm sorry but i don't get it
[15:04] <xlinkz0_> i mean from what i understand ffmpeg doesn't allow me to reencode with a different timebase
[15:04] <xlinkz0_> is that what it means?
[15:04] <durandal_1707> not at all
[15:04] <durandal_1707> you do not set time_base with AVOption
[15:05] <durandal_1707> at least not for private encoder option
[15:05] <xlinkz0_> how do i set codec options?
[15:05] <xlinkz0_> docs say : Options may be set by specifying -option value in the FFmpeg tools, or by setting the value explicitly in the AVCodecContext options or using the libavutil/opt.h API for programmatic use.
[15:05] <durandal_1707> you can change time_base directly
[15:06] <xlinkz0_> then goes on to say time_base is an option
[15:06] <durandal_1707> avcodeccontext->...
[15:06] <xlinkz0_> i don't use the libs
[15:07] <xlinkz0_> how do i do it with ffmpeg tool?
[15:08] <durandal_1707> settb filter?
[15:09] <xlinkz0_> will try it, thanks
[15:15] <xlinkz0_> durandal_1707: i've set it to 1/90000 and the resulting file has 1/15360
[15:23] <durandal_1707> vide/audio ?
[15:28] <xlinkz0_> durandal_1707: video only
[15:28] <xlinkz0_> ffmpeg -y -i intro.mp4 -an -s 640x360 -r 30 -filter settb=1/90000 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuvj420p -profile:v baseline -x264opts level=41 newintro.mp4
[15:30] <durandal_1707> and what you use to see actual time base of video in output?
[15:32] <niksmac> hi
[15:32] <niksmac> i have installed ffmpeg why it says ffmpeg version git-2013-09-09-7d75fb3 Copyright (c) 2000-2013 the FFmpeg developers
[15:33] <niksmac> ask for any more info please
[15:35] <sacarasc> Because you installed from git, so that is the git version.
[15:35] <niksmac> so how can i identify the original ffmpeg version ?
[15:35] <niksmac> sacarasc can you help me to convert webm/mp4/ogg ?
[15:36] <sacarasc> Original ffmpeg version?
[15:37] <sacarasc> And if you ask specific questions, you'll get better answers. :D
[15:37] <spaam> niksmac: the git is the latest and the greatest. only the cool kids using it
[15:37] <niksmac> how can i identify it ?
[15:37] <sacarasc> By the version number you just posted.
[15:37] <niksmac> this one ? git-2013-09-09-7d75fb3
[15:38] <sacarasc> Yes.
[15:38] <niksmac> okay
[15:38] <niksmac> can i convert files to mp4 with this ?
[15:38] <niksmac> configuration: --prefix=/root/ffmpeg_build --extra-cflags=-I/root/ffmpeg_build/include --extra-ldflags=-L/root/ffmpeg_build/lib --bindir=/root/bin --extra-libs=-ldl --enable-gpl --enable-nonfree --enable-libfdk_aac --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libopus --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libx264
[15:39] <sacarasc> Yes, you can.
[15:40] <niksmac> but when i try keep getting errors
[15:40] <niksmac> but i am not using it from command line
[15:40] <niksmac> when i try this
[15:40] <niksmac>  /usr/bin/ffmpeg -i '/home/onevid/public_html/sites/default/files/videos/original/D India on four Wheels.avi.avi' -vf 'scale=320:240' -strict experimental -vcodec 'msmpeg4v3' -qscale '19' -acodec 'aac' -b '200k' -ac '2' -ar '11025' -pass '1' -passlogfile '/tmp/1378733175-522dcc77b3456-multipass'  -y /tmp/1378733175-522dcc77b3311.ogv
[15:40] <niksmac> FFmpeg returned an error. Note, however the error was encountered on the second pass of the encoding process and the first pass appear to go fine. The error is with the video codec of the input file. FFmpeg reports the error to be "Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height".
[15:40] <sacarasc> Where did you get that command line from? :\
[15:41] <niksmac> its from Drupal module
[15:41] <niksmac> is that wrong ?
[15:41] <niksmac> i can configure the preset form back end
[15:41] <niksmac> i will share a screenshot now
[15:42] <sacarasc> If you want an mp4, try something more like: ffmpeg -i input.avi -vf scale=320:240 -c:v libx264 -crf 22 -c:v libfdk_aac -ac 2 -a:b 200k -ar 11025 output.mp4
[15:42] <niksmac> http://pastebin.com/uA3GSX4q
[15:42] <niksmac> this is for ogg
[15:42] <niksmac> can you edit the file to match my ffmpeg config
[15:43] <niksmac> if yes i can import it to Drupal
[15:43] <sacarasc> Why do you want to use msmpeg4v3?
[15:44] <sacarasc> If you want an MPEG4, try just mpeg4.
[15:44] <niksmac> i don't know i have a configure screen like this
[15:44] <sacarasc> Also, you installed libfdk_aac, which is a good aac encoder, but you're not using it? :|
[15:46] <niksmac> http://s11.postimg.org/4upr25uo3/Ogg_123_Video.png
[15:46] <niksmac> i use this screen to configure codecs
[15:47] <niksmac> you want access to that site ?
[15:47] <niksmac> sacarasc you want access to that site ?
[15:50] <niksmac> sacarasc you busy or left ?
[15:50] <sacarasc> niksmac: Sorry, I am battling a rather severe headache at the moment and as such can't give my full attention.
[15:51] <niksmac> but can you help me later sometime ?
[15:52] <sacarasc> If no one else does in the meantime.
[15:52] <niksmac> okay
[15:54] <niksmac> i need help
[16:22] <xlinkz0_> durandal_1707: ffprobe -show_streams
[16:24] <durandal_1707> is there tool that can actually change that one?
[16:24] <durandal_1707> libx264 in ffmpeg uses codec time_base for frame rate thing...
[16:29] <kauwlna> i am on archlinux, how can i find out what settings ffmpeg uses when i specify "-preset slow" for libx264?
[16:30] <kauwlna> nvm, it's a x264 preset then, x264 --longhelp
[16:32] <xlinkz0_> durandal_1707: libx264 has a timebase parameter
[16:33] <durandal_1707> and that one changes timebase reported by ffprobe when you encode using x264?
[16:36] <xlinkz0_> no idea
[16:36] <xlinkz0_> wll try now
[17:35] <plitter> I'm trying to rip the subtitles from a bluray with ffmpeg -v 9 -loglevel 99 -analyzeduration 999999999 -probesize 999999999 -i File.m2ts -vn -an -scodec pgssub sub.srt this and get http://sprunge.us/hDBg I also tried with -scodec copy http://sprunge.us/XHSZ could anyone point me in the right direction?
[17:35] <plitter> wait a sec
[17:56] <xlinkz0_> durandal_1707: it does work with x264
[17:57] <durandal_1707> xlinkz0_: same container?
[17:57] <xlinkz0_> yes, mp4
[17:58] <durandal_1707> xlinkz0_: well create feature request...
[17:59] <xlinkz0_> where?
[18:00] <plitter> I'm trying to rip the subtitles from a bluray with  ffmpeg -v 9 -loglevel 99 -analyzeduration 999999999 -probesize 999999999 -i File.m2ts -vn -an -scodec copy -map 0:4 sub.sub with -scodec as copy, pgssub and hdmv_pgs_subtitle. but I get http://sprunge.us/jHjY, http://sprunge.us/DCbK and http://sprunge.us/jbBO could someone point me in the right direction?
[18:03] <plitter> the first adress should be http://sprunge.us/hBdL instead... any help
[18:05] <xlinkz0_> durandal_1707: but why do i get an error when i try to just supply it to libx264 using x264opts?
[18:09] <durandal_1707> even if you provide it via x264opts why you think it will apply if that is stored outside of video bitstream
[18:09] <xlinkz0_> hmm
[18:10] <durandal_1707> try x264-params instead
[18:10] <xlinkz0_> is it though? because i get that info with ffprobe -show_streams
[18:10] <xlinkz0_> i don't get it from the container, i get it from the stream
[18:11] <durandal_1707> then giving it via x264-params should work
[18:11] <xlinkz0_> anyway i'm cleaning up the current ffmpeg and going to compile latest brb
[18:34] <xlinkz0_> now i get [libx264 @ 0x18b4d60] Error parsing option 'timebase = 1/90000'.
[18:34] <xlinkz0_> :\
[18:37] <xlinkz0_> damn durandal quit
[18:37] <xlinkz0_> anyone got any ideas?
[18:37] <xlinkz0_> the ffmpeg tool call is
[18:37] <xlinkz0_> ffmpeg -y -i intro.mp4 -an -s 640x360 -r 30 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuvj420p -profile:v baseline -x264-params "timebase=1/90000:level=41" newintro.mp4
[00:00] --- Tue Sep 10 2013

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