[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20130920

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 21 02:05:01 CEST 2013

[00:05] <smjd> what, SoX doesn't support floating point audio? why doesn
[00:06] <smjd> t it even warn me about it?
[00:07] <smjd> does ffmpeg use integers or floats for audio processing?
[00:11] <teratorn> smjd: it supports various formats including those
[00:16] <smjd> well, yeah, but what's the intermediate? do you think there's code for converting between each one of them?
[00:46] <smjd> fortunately it's a floating point format, tested it
[01:34] <r00trunner> hey guys. i want to make a slideshow based on pngs. every png should be display 2 seconds. any suggestions?
[01:36] <klaxa> use google first?
[01:37] <klaxa> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Create%20a%20video%20slideshow%20from%20images
[01:57] <r00trunner> klaxa: thx i've googled and found exactly the same side
[01:57] <r00trunner> klaxa: but it doesn't work
[01:57] <r00trunner> it says could not find codec parameters
[01:57] <klaxa> then you are doing it wrong
[01:58] <r00trunner> klaxa: obviously
[01:58] <r00trunner>  15 ffmpeg -r 1/5 -i screenshots/%.png -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.m    p4
[01:59] <r00trunner> ffmpeg -r 1/5 -i screenshots/%.png -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4
[01:59] <klaxa> use a pastebin-like site to post you commandline with complete output of ffmpeg
[02:04] <r00trunner> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6130478/
[02:07] <klaxa> wait... what are you doing? you are not doing it as described in the tutorial, you are also not using ffmpeg
[02:07] <klaxa> are your screenshots numbered?
[02:07] <klaxa> %03d is the posix string format for a zero-padded 3 digit integer
[02:08] <klaxa> that is used in the tutorial
[02:08] <r00trunner> yes and they are ordered. but with gaps in between. my filenames are timestamps. e.g. 1379634620098120.png
[02:09] <klaxa> just use -i screenshots/*.png then
[02:09] <r00trunner> klaxa: i'll try thx
[02:11] <r00trunner> http://paste.ubuntu.com/6130492/
[02:11] <r00trunner> another problem
[02:11] <r00trunner> ffmpeg command:
[02:11] <r00trunner> ffmpeg -r 1/5 -i screenshots/*.png -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4
[02:12] <klaxa> like i said, you are not using ffmpeg, you are using avconv, try asking in #libav instead
[02:13] <r00trunner> hm what do you mean i'm not using ffmpeg? shouldn't the command ffmpeg be ffmpeg?
[02:13] <klaxa> >This program is only provided for compatibility and will be removed in a future release. Please use avconv instead.
[02:13] <klaxa> you are using the ffmpeg fork avconv
[02:14] <r00trunner> so ffmpeg is not under development anymore?
[02:29] <r00trunner> what was the irc channel for avconv again?
[02:30] <relaxed> #libav
[02:30] <r00trunner> relaxed: thx
[02:33] <smjd> how do I downmix to mono in ffplay?
[02:33] <klaxa> r00trunner: ffmpeg and avconv are under active development
[02:33] <Mista_D> Anyway to relax defual VOB muxing rate to escape "packet too large, ignoring buffer limits to mux it" error messages?
[02:33] <Mista_D> default
[02:34] <relaxed> try -f dvd
[02:38] <smjd> can I downmix to mono in ffplay?
[02:45] <smjd> ffplay file.mkv -af aresample=ocl=1
[03:12] <oldfriend> anybody still here?
[08:30] <ferfe> hi
[08:32] <ferfe> I`m trying to use a named pipe on Windows Server as ffmpeg input but always getting error: \\.\pipe\DeckLink.ts: Invalid argument
[08:33] <ferfe> my command line: ffmpeg -i \\.\pipe\DeckLink.ts -c:v libx264 -bf 2 -refs 5 -subq 6 -crf 20 -pass 1 output.mkv
[08:33] <ferfe> could someone tell what`s wrong?
[08:34] <ferfe> I`m using ffmpeg which was build at 6 september 2k13
[08:36] <relaxed> ferfe: use the absolute path? C:\path\to\input
[08:36] <relaxed> I have no idea if windows even supports named pipes
[08:36] <ferfe> it`s named pipe, is it possible to use absolute path like you show?
[08:37] <ferfe> windows support named pipes
[08:38] <ferfe> it looks like ffmpeg doesnt recognize input path as pipe for me
[08:40] <relaxed> ffmpeg -i pipe:file
[08:42] <ferfe> if I put "pipe:" before path I always get error: pipe:\\.\pipe\DeckLink.ts: Not enough space
[08:42] <ferfe> ffmpeg -i pipe:\\.\pipe\DeckLink.ts -c:v libx264 -bf 2 -refs 5 -subq 6 -crf 20 -pass 1 output.mkv
[08:44] <ferfe> http://pastebin.com/NpGuT17U
[08:46] <ferfe> I can list all named pipes in system and DeckLink.ts is on that list, so I`m 100% sure that pipe is created
[08:52] <ferfe> http://vba-m.com/forum/Thread-new-video-recording-system-using-ffmpeg-named-pipes here is some example with input as named pipe
[08:53] <relaxed> sorry, I don't know much about pipes/scripting on windows
[09:54] <ferfe> ok, I found solution
[09:55] <relaxed> ferfe: what was it?
[09:56] <ferfe> syntax was good, it was problem with pipe
[09:56] <ferfe> hard to explain in details
[09:57] <relaxed> so it wasn't a problem with ffmpeg
[09:59] <ferfe> yes, but ffmpeg errors was not clear enough
[11:04] <simonsimcity> Hi, all
[11:04] <simonsimcity> I get some errors when trying to cut a VOB file into pieces ...
[11:05] <simonsimcity> The File has a video stream (mpeg2video), a subtitle-stream and an audio stream (ac3).
[11:06] <simonsimcity> I tried the following command:
[11:06] <simonsimcity> ffmpeg -ss 00:09:06 -to 00:09:25 -i dvd.vob -map 0:0 -c:v copy -map 0:2 -c:a copy clip1.vob
[11:06] <simonsimcity> but it failed after starting to write to file with the following error:
[11:06] <simonsimcity> Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?): Invalid argument
[11:08] <simonsimcity> If I leave out the audio, it works ... if I change the audio to something like libmp3lame, I get the following error-message:
[11:08] <simonsimcity> Value inf for parameter 'time_base' out of range [0 - 2.14748e+09]
[11:09] <simonsimcity> If I call ffmpeg -formats, I see, that ffmpeg has de- and muxing support for AC3 and MP3 ...
[11:09] <simonsimcity> Do you have any hint on what I may do wrong?
[11:09] <simonsimcity> I use Mac OS X and I installed ffmpeg using homebrew.
[11:17] <simonsimcity> relaxed, here is the complete console-output: http://pastebin.com/JZvESvE5
[11:17] <relaxed> ok
[11:19] <simonsimcity> Here is what I get when I try to just extract the audio: http://pastebin.com/QBiM2es4
[11:19] <simonsimcity> And try to convert it to MP3 :)
[11:20] <relaxed> ffmpeg -ss 00:09:06 -i ergo.vob -to 00:09:25 -map 0:v -map 0:a -c copy -f vob output.vob
[11:21] <simonsimcity> relaxed, same result ... http://pastebin.com/rayQyNwC
[11:22] <simonsimcity> Btw ... what's the difference between "-map 0:a -c copy" and "-map 0:2 -c:a copy"?
[11:23] <relaxed> they are synonymous
[11:23] <relaxed> hmm, " 5:21  simonsimc : relaxed, same result ... http://pastebin.com/rayQyNwC
[11:23] <relaxed> sorrym bad paste
[11:24] <relaxed> this looks strange --> Stream #0:1: Audio: ac3, 0 channels
[11:24] <simonsimcity> Right :D Also just saw it right now ...
[11:25] <relaxed> updating ffmpeg might fix it.
[11:25] <simonsimcity> relaxed, just ran a "brew update", which fetches the latest version of the homebrew library ... thought they were quite up-to-date ...
[11:26] <simonsimcity> > ffmpeg version 1.2.1 Copyright (c) 2000-2013 the FFmpeg developers
[11:27] <relaxed> can you stick a sample of the source video up somewhere?
[11:27] <relaxed> Then I can tell you whether it's a bug that's already been fixed.
[11:28] <simonsimcity> relaxed, you mean this one? :) https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/948
[11:29] <relaxed> huh? Did you file the bug?
[11:29] <simonsimcity> relaxed, nope ... Just found it on google when searching for "ffmpeg ac3 0 channels"
[11:30] <relaxed> Do you have dropbox? Upload a sample there and give me the link.
[11:31] <simonsimcity> let me see if I can get something ...
[11:32] <simonsimcity> relaxed, Now I know the issue :D
[11:33] <simonsimcity> I ran the following command to get the VOB file I now work with:
[11:33] <simonsimcity> cat /Volumes/Liem2/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_*.vob > ergo.vob
[11:34] <simonsimcity> And the clip VTS_01_0.VOB did not have any sound at all :D
[11:34] <simonsimcity> relaxed, yepp, I think it has been fixed.
[11:34] <simonsimcity> At least this here works for me: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/2691
[11:35] <simonsimcity> After raising "-probesize" and "-analyzeduration" to 500000000 :)
[11:54] <simonsimcity> relaxed, Any idea why the sound still is not in? :(
[11:54] <relaxed> do you hear sound when playing the vob?
[11:55] <simonsimcity> yepp.
[11:55] <relaxed> you're adding -f vob?
[11:55] <simonsimcity> But I think the mistake is, that I created the VOB by just binary merging a bunch of VOB files, where the first one had no audio at all.
[11:57] <relaxed> ffmpeg -i concat:1.vob\|2.vob\|3.vob -map 0:v -map 0:a -c copy -f dvd output.vob
[11:59] <simonsimcity> relaxed, is the "-f" for the input or output?
[11:59] <simonsimcity> Because I want the output to be mpeg ...
[11:59] <relaxed> -f dvd = mpeg ps
[12:01] <oldfriend> hello.
[12:01] <oldfriend> here is what I found in the docs: "Note that due to the way MSVC and ICL handle DLL imports and exports, you cannot compile static and shared libraries at the same time, and enabling shared libraries will automatically disable the static ones. "
[12:02] <oldfriend> anyway how can I get static and shared dlls?
[12:05] <simonsimcity> relaxed, if I call it with "-f vob" and name the file mpeg, it has no sound ... if I call the file "*.vob", it works.
[12:07] <relaxed> hmm, pastebin the output from both commands.
[12:08] <relaxed> oldfriend: compile it twice?
[12:19] <oldfriend> relaxed: how? ))
[12:47] <oldfriend> could someone guide me how can I get staticly linked ffmpeg dlls?
[12:51] <nlight> oldfriend, you can compile it yourself with static flag
[12:57] <oldfriend> nlight: but in this case I won't get dll, right?
[13:17] <oldfriend> any thoughts?
[13:18] <klaxa> DLLs are by definition shared
[13:18] <klaxa> dynamic link library
[13:19] <klaxa> not static link library, you should get a .a library with the compiled object files stored in it
[13:23] <oldfriend> klaxa: hello! as I wrore higher what I found in the documentation
[13:24] <oldfriend> klaxa: "Note that due to the way MSVC and ICL handle DLL imports and exports, you cannot compile static and shared libraries at the same time, and enabling shared libraries will automatically disable the static ones. "
[13:24] <klaxa> yes
[13:24] <klaxa> you want static libraries, right?
[13:24] <oldfriend> klaxa: yes, staticly linced dll
[13:24] <klaxa> download the source of whatever library you need, compile with --enable-static or LDFLAGS="-static"
[13:25] <oldfriend> I nead ffmpeg) compiled it and got a few .a files ... now I need to convert them do dll? how?
[13:25] <klaxa> the abbreviation "DLL" represents "Dynamic link library"
[13:25] <oldfriend> I know)
[13:25] <klaxa> it's shared by definition
[13:26] <klaxa> there is no static DLL
[13:26] <klaxa> there is static libraries though
[13:26] <klaxa> the .a files should suffice
[13:26] <klaxa> those are AR-archives containing the compiled object files
[13:27] <oldfriend> but the problem is that I need exactly dll ... and only them ... but these dll should contain inside all the other dependences ...
[13:29] <oldfriend> so I supose .a files contain inside zlib and everything else, but dlls don't ... right?
[13:32] <oldfriend> so I thing having .a libs and N@ files I can somehow get dlls ... but how?
[14:18] <oldfriend> help!
[14:38] <Sanky> hey, a command I've been using to stream my screen to twitch.tv seems to have broken with some recent upgrade of ffmpeg and I have no clue how to fix it:
[14:38] <Sanky> http://pastie.org/private/ocqdqzvhrobduf7hxjxaaw
[14:38] <Sanky> even if I begin moving options around I keep getting different errors, were there some major changes and is there something I can read about the differences?
[14:41] <Sanky> I..  already did??
[14:41] <durandal_1707> do you did not
[14:42] <Sanky> okay, one sec
[14:42] <Sanky> http://pastie.org/private/yoqv0pvsyvyf9slppbkzg
[14:43] <Sanky> (sorry about that)
[14:43] <durandal_1707> can you read what is written in that paste?
[14:44] <Sanky> do you mean the error?  yes
[14:45] <Sanky> okay, I figured I have to move -qscale and -b before the stream url
[14:45] <Sanky> since they apply to the output
[14:45] <Sanky> now I'm getting "Option show_region not found."-- did it disappear?  it was pretty useful
[14:47] <durandal_1707> i did not dissapear
[14:47] <durandal_1707> your arguments are probably in wrong order
[14:48] <oldfriend> tell me at least where can I get help in this if ffmpeg comunity don't know
[14:48] <Sanky> "Codec AVOption preset (Set the encoding preset (cf. x264 --fullhelp)) specified for input file #1 (looprec) is not a decoding option."
[14:48] <Sanky> now this I can't decode
[14:49] <Sanky> I don't have x264 anywhere
[14:50] <oldfriend> :(
[15:09] <Sanky> okay yeah I fixed it by reordering stuff but -show_region seems to be indeed gone
[15:37] <simonsimcity> Hi, all
[15:37] <simonsimcity> I tried to merge two files (vob and the audio of an avi-file) ... the call crashed after running a while.
[15:38] <simonsimcity> Here's the full commandline-output: http://pastebin.com/ZJLF3D1s
[15:38] <simonsimcity> Crashed after 2.8GB ... the vob file is 4.2GB and the avi-file is about 1.4GB
[16:03] <sky2> hello Litho
[16:03] <sky2> LithosLaptop:
[16:04] <sky2> hi relaxed
[16:05] <sky2> need some help LithosLaptop if u r around
[16:07] <vl4kn0> Hi, is it possible to get real timestamp of a frame? I understand pts it similar to that but expressed in AVStream->time_base. Is it possible to convert pts to real timestamp?
[16:20] <nlight> vl4kn0, multiply by time_base
[16:22] <vl4kn0> nlight: and that gives me unix timestamp? (seconds from 1.1.1970) or timestamp from start of the video?
[16:22] <nlight> timestamp since start of video
[16:23] <vl4kn0> oo
[16:23] <vl4kn0> cool
[16:27] <Mavrik> unix timestamp wouldn't make alot of sense :)
[16:27] <Mavrik> multiplying pts with time_base gives you seconds from start of video
[16:28] <xlinkz0> when cutting with stream copy how does ffmpeg process the segment duration? ( -t... )
[16:28] <xlinkz0> does it cut to the last i-frame before the duration ends?
[16:29] <Mavrik> xlinkz0, IIRC it goes to first I-frame after end
[16:29] <Mavrik> so it's conservative
[16:29] <xlinkz0> is there any way i can check this?
[16:29] <xlinkz0> i'd like it to be that way but i want to be sure..
[16:29] <Mavrik> by reading the source? -_-
[16:29] <xlinkz0> :(
[16:31] <oldfriend> could someone guide me how can I get staticly linked ffmpeg dlls?
[16:31] <Mavrik> statically linked dlls? wat?
[16:32] <nlight> oldfriend, compile with static flag
[16:32] <nlight> statically linked libraries i think
[16:32] <nlight> dll's are dynamically linked by definition
[16:32] <nlight> but i strongly advise against this
[16:32] <oldfriend> if I compile it staticly I won't get dll
[16:32] <nlight> duh?
[16:32] <oldfriend> I need dll without dependences
[16:33] <nlight> you want to link everything in a single dll?
[16:33] <Mavrik> xlinkz0, looking at the code now it seems that -t is always accurate
[16:33] <Mavrik> -ss isn't
[16:33] <xlinkz0> it can't possibly be accurate since i'm stream copying :\
[16:33] <xlinkz0> can it?
[16:34] <oldfriend> nlight: I need at least the same as zerano group does - single dll for avery compinent
[16:34] <Mavrik> xlinkz0, why? :)
[16:34] <Mavrik> xlinkz0, ffmpeg still reads the stream on frame-by-frame basis
[16:34] <nlight> oldfriend, why not use zeranoe's?
[16:34] <xlinkz0> hmm, ok
[16:34] <xlinkz0> thanks
[16:34] <Mavrik> xlinkz0, it's the start of the stream that's problematic
[16:35] <xlinkz0> i see
[16:35] <Mavrik> since you need an I-frame to reconstruct next frames
[16:35] <Mavrik> nlight, I think he want's to link it against something
[16:35] <nlight> i am not sure what he wants at this point
[16:36] <oldfriend> nlight: I don't need the latest builds of ffmpeg but some previous ones
[16:36] <oldfriend> nlight: and in any case I have to learn how to do this by myself
[16:36] <oldfriend> so ...
[16:36] <nlight> there is a FFMPEG_DLL compile flag
[16:37] <Mavrik> oldfriend, what you're trying to do is in best case highly problematic
[16:37] <Mavrik> since it involves mixing static and dynamic libraries
[16:38] <Mavrik> it will cause you bunch of problems you don't need
[16:38] <nlight> yep
[16:38] <Mavrik> since you can just copy those few damn additional .dlls with the libav* dlls
[16:38] <nlight> as a bonus you can update the dll's without recompiling
[16:39] <Mavrik> yeah, not with ffmpeg
[16:39] <nlight> really?
[16:39] <Mavrik> major revisions change the ABI
[16:39] <Mavrik> minor revisions tend to break it from time to time as well :)
[16:39] <oldfriend> well, open you a secret ... there was a code which made an app which uses ffmpeg (as dlls) ... and I need to update these dll with the newer version of ffmpeg ... that's it
[16:40] <oldfriend> but this coder made this, and there are no problems with his work
[16:40] <nlight> why not get zeranoe's builds then?
[16:40] <Mavrik> oldfriend, so just copy the supporting libraries together with those dlls and they will get loaded automatically?
[16:40] <nlight> and recompile?
[16:41] <oldfriend> Mavrik: nope ... final project contains avcodec-54.dll ... avformat-54.dll ... and so on
[16:41] <Mavrik> and?
[16:41] <Mavrik> now you'll rebuild ffmpeg
[16:41] <oldfriend> I need to update these dlls
[16:41] <Mavrik> and you'll get avcodec-54.dll, avformat-54.dll, libx264.dll, libz.dll
[16:41] <Mavrik> and you'll just overwrite them and be happy.
[16:41] <oldfriend> yes))) but his dlls don't have additional dependences
[16:41] <oldfriend> but my ones have! )
[16:42] <Mavrik> and?
[16:42] <Mavrik> those dependencies will get autoloaded with the main dlls
[16:43] <oldfriend> his dll don't need additional dlls like libz-1 and tons of others ...
[16:43] <oldfriend> I need the same - exclude necessity of additional dlls
[16:46] <oldfriend> so I thought having static builds of ffmpeg (libs) I can convert them somehow  together with header file to dlls
[16:46] <Mavrik> no you can't.
[16:47] <Mavrik> there's a fundamental difference in how static libraries are structured vs. how dynamic libraries are
[16:47] <Mavrik> you can compile your dependencies statically and hope to hell they work in PIC mode
[16:47] <Mavrik> and then try to link them statically into your ffmpeg dlls
[16:47] <Mavrik> but that's stupid as hell just for cosmetics
[16:48] <oldfriend> I don't think that coder was stupid doing this
[16:48] <oldfriend> wasn't))
[16:48] <oldfriend> he really wasn't stupid
[16:49] <Mavrik> he maybe also built a version of ffmpeg libs that don't need those dependencies mm?
[16:50] <oldfriend> probably, but I don't know this ... all I have from his now are 1) ffmpeg dlls 2) project dll 3) executing file  (app)
[16:56] <oldfriend> hopeless thing)
[17:04] <xlinkz0> Mavrik: this command : http://codepad.org/TcsK4Ink results in a 3.64 second video
[17:28] <KalD> \q
[17:52] <intracube> is it possible to get ffmpeg to split output during encoding when a file reaches a predefined size?
[17:52] <intracube> I know this can be done by way of a script to an already existing file using start/end time controls
[17:53] <intracube> but can it be done during an encode? it's also important is that there be no gap or disruption to the video/audio
[19:03] <xlinkz0> this command : http://codepad.org/TcsK4Ink results in a 3.64 second video
[19:03] <xlinkz0> someone said earlier that ffmpeg should not seek an i-frame at the end of the requested duration
[19:04] <xlinkz0> but .. it does
[19:04] <xlinkz0> can i make it not to?
[19:04] <xlinkz0> to have accurate duration?
[19:35] <smjd> does resampling do any damage to matrix-encoded signal?
[19:46] <leandrosansilva> Hello to all. Does anyone know when the hall of shame page will be reactivated?
[19:47] <leandrosansilva> I've found a probable lgpl violation and I don't know if it's listed in that page.
[19:49] <leandrosansilva> the closed source application CodecVisa (http://www.codecian.com/) seems do statically link to libav*
[20:47] <talcat> Is there a known bug using libx264 encoding on linux when converting a series of gray16be images to a video results in a considerably darker video than the source images?]
[20:48] <JEEB> make sure which colorspace you use when encoding with libx264, and make sure you convert the exact same way to it as well as from it to normal RGB during playback (or to whatever you check the result with)
[20:49] <JEEB> x264 itself does not change colors, and any changes to those are usually due to a mismatch between conversions
[21:27] <rcombs> LGPL query: http://plexapp.com/ <-- Plex Media Server comes with 2 transcoder binaries called "Plex Transcoder" and "Plex New Transcoder". They need to publish the source to both executables (but not to the server itself), right?
[21:28] <rcombs> also, both executables have x264 support (dynamically linked), and they bundle a libx264 binary
[21:28] Action: rcombs can't find any ffmpeg sources *anywhere*
[21:29] <rcombs> currently discussing this with their project lead, who seems to believe they don't need to (for some reason)
[22:38] <rcombs> yeah, the more I read this, the more sure I am that this is a GPL violation
[00:00] --- Sat Sep 21 2013

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