[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20130926

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 27 02:05:01 CEST 2013

[00:18] <kolosos> JEEBsv: see -devel
[02:17] <goiken> I’m trying to get ffserver to work. I can manage to get ffserver running without any complaints. When I try to connect a source, however, it appears that I’m not sending any data. Here’s the details of what I did: On the remote host (monoceres.uberspace.de) i ran `ffserver -d -f etc/ffserver.conf`. My config is here: http://dimde.monoceres.uberspace.de/ffserver.conf
[02:17] <goiken> On my local machine I then ran `./ffmpeg/ffmpeg -f v4l2 -s 320x240 -r 25 -i /dev/video0 http://monoceres.uberspace.de:63894/feed1.ffm`. When I do this, my webcam’s lamp turns on and the server outputs something about an incomming connection. When I replace /dev/video0 with a file, I face the same problem: Requesting 'http://monoceres.uberspace.de:63894/live.mpg' with vlc (from my local machine) gives me an empty stream.
[02:30] <elBradford> I'm trying to statically build ffmpeg with librtmp for android
[02:31] <elBradford> I've built rtmpdump, and have a directory with librtmp.a and librtmp.so
[02:32] <elBradford> When I build I get errors such as "/tmp/FFMPEG/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.6/../../../../arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld: libavformat/librtmp.o: in function rtmp_get_file_handle:libavformat/librtmp.c:190: error: undefined reference to 'RTMP_Socket'"
[02:45] <elBradford> It actually looks like I might be missing header files... ?
[03:04] <elBradford> Does anyone know why ffmpeg would claim it can't find librtmp when pkg-config reports that it's available?
[03:06] <iive> elBradford: check the config*.log file
[03:21] <elBradford> Thanks iive - getting a warning: WARNING: arm-linux-androideabi-pkg-config not found, library detection may fail.  It's looking for a platform-specific pkg-config?
[03:22] <elBradford> Other than that, config.log looks OK...
[03:27] <iive> elBradford: are you doing native build or cross ?
[03:27] <iive> anyway... gtg. n8 ppl.
[03:32] <elBradford> I'm looking for help cross compiling ffmpeg with Android with librtmp. I'm offering a cash bounty. I'm following the following script to build: https://github.com/yixia/FFmpeg-Android - if you're interested email me at b.law [at] outlook [dot] com
[03:46] <elBradford> To be more specific, I'd pay$50-$100 for someone to provide working examples of using the script I linked, but with librtmp support. Get in touch if you're interested! Bradford
[03:55] <sisco> hi guys how you doing
[03:57] <sisco> i would like to know what's the best command line for converting hls to rtmp , because it seems to me (im newbie i know ) to get it work as well its always cutting and freezing but when i play the m3u8 with flash player it's smooth so plz any advice ? for a good command?
[04:02] <sisco> hellooooow folks
[04:02] <sisco> any one here can help? i posted my question
[04:02] <sisco> plz any advice
[09:48] <lishkay> How can the time scale (sampling interval) of audio be changed without changing the sample values?
[10:00] <roger21> hey
[10:00] <roger21> is there a simple way to remove all the metadata when transcoding
[10:00] <roger21> ?
[10:00] <roger21> like title, lang etc
[10:52] <kode54> bah, he left
[10:55] <lishkay> Since sample rate is a metadata, I presume changing it involves some functions to handle metadata.
[11:20] <roger21> i transcode a 16/9 file to 720x480 and set the ar to 19:9 but my player display it in 720:480 (by default)
[11:20] <roger21> while other 720:480 files are displayed in 16:9 by default
[11:20] <roger21> what did i miseed?
[11:20] <roger21> 16:9*
[11:22] <roger21> is there something else to set
[11:32] <excalibas> Hello, I want to compile ffmpeg on Ubuntu applying this patch: https://github.com/original-male/FFmpeg/commit/d02509d04d396a98646ca81e9ba327a501486130.patch
[11:32] <excalibas> But I am a bit of a noob. Can someone please help?
[11:33] <viric> that depends on the kind of help you need
[11:33] <excalibas> Do I need to uninstall ffmpeg first? If I try Ubuntu wants to uninstall lots of other software :(
[11:34] <viric> I don't think so
[11:34] <excalibas> Thanks viric. Next question. How do I apply the patch?
[11:35] <viric> curl URL | patch -p1
[11:35] <excalibas> This is inside ffmpeg source folder?
[11:35] <viric> yes
[11:36] <excalibas> And last question (I hope) How do I compile with vorbis and h264 support?
[11:38] <viric> check for libvorbis and libx264 flags, with "configure --help"
[11:38] <spaam> if you want to encode it
[11:38] <spaam> you can decode vorbis and h264 by default
[11:39] <excalibas> I want to encode. My quest is to make a screencast with audio coming from jack
[11:40] <excalibas> I found out it is not so easy but I have hopes to make it work by compiling ffmpeg
[11:40] <excalibas> Thank you
[11:46] <excalibas> ok, problem 1, I for vorbis I see --enable-libvorbis but for h264 I just find an option to enable decoding
[11:47] <excalibas> Do I need to install something?
[11:48] <spaam> as i said . you dont need to enable vorbis or h264 if you want to decode it.. if you want to encode it. you need to do what viric said
[11:49] <spaam> 113803 < viric> check for libvorbis and libx264 flags, with "configure --help"
[11:49] <excalibas> spaam, I think I need to encode
[11:50] <excalibas> With configure -- help  I see --enable-libvorbis but for h264 I just find an option to enable decoding
[11:51] <excalibas> --enable-libstagefright-h264 enable H.264 decoding via libstagefright [no]
[11:51] <JEEB> if you need H.264 encoding you need libx264
[11:51] <JEEB> so --enable-gpl and --enable-libx264
[11:51] <JEEB> this of course means you need libx264 as well
[11:52] <excalibas> :) Many Thnaks
[11:58] <excalibas> I think it is working. one more question. If I do make install it installs over the ubuntu instalation or I dont make install and use from this folder?
[12:02] <JEEB> the default prefix should be /usr/local so it shouldn't overwrite the libav ffmpeg binary installed by the repositories, but if you want to specify specifically where you want the stuff to go, you can configure with --prefix=/your/prefix/yo/
[12:03] <highgod> Hi, I want to ask a question that, I have got the sps and pps information from the input video, and I want to use the sps and pps information to init the libx264 encoder so that I can get the same sps and pps, how can I implement it? I know how to set the profile and level but how about the other parameters? I don't konw
[12:03] <highgod> Can someone give anyhelp?
[12:03] <excalibas> JEEB, And If I dont make install and use from the ffmpeg folder it also works?
[12:05] <JEEB> yup
[12:23] <excalibas> Oh, When I try ffmpeg -fflags +genpts+igndts -f x11grab -vsync 0 -r 30 -s 1440x900 -i :0.0+0,0 -vcodec h264 -f jack -ac 2 -r:a 48000  -i screencast -acodec pcm_s16le -r:v 30 -vsync 2 -async 1 -map 0:0,1,0 -map 1:0 -preset ultrafast -qp 0 aaa.mkv   It says: Option framerate not found.
[12:24] <excalibas> Any ideas?
[12:36] <excalibas> Ok, I think I was trying with ffmpeg from Ubuntu
[12:48] <lishkay> Can FFMPEG take 2 input videos and create an output video with one of the inputs above the other? How? I wish to do this to visually compare 2 inputs.
[13:14] <durandal11707> lishkay: see docs for overlay filter
[14:54] <lishkay> Thanks for pointing out which section (overlay filter).
[15:24] <diroots> hi there
[15:24] <spaam> everyone hide! diroots is here
[15:24] <spaam> :D
[15:24] <spaam> diroots: wzup? :)
[15:25] <diroots> hi spaam
[15:25] <diroots> ...encoding problems :p
[15:25] <diroots> when encoding from DVCPRO_HD to H264, I have a strange behavior : quality is very ugly for the 10-15 first seconds, then, for all files, quality is as expected. Do one of you already had this problem?
[15:26] <diroots> is this because of one-pass encoding?
[15:27] <lishkay> durandal11707: Are you sure? I have been unable to find any option to offset or relatively position the video so that one is above the other. When I write "above", I do not mean "in front of".
[15:27] <diroots> maybe it's an already reported bug, or am I the first to meet such a strange thing?
[15:28] <spaam> diroots: have you tried some other codec? :)
[15:29] <diroots> spaam: I need to solve with these codecs...
[15:31] <spaam> diroots: if you try with som other codec we can see if its a x264 problem or DVCPRO_HD problem
[15:31] <spaam> maybe the decoder is wrong
[15:32] <diroots> so I can only test to encode to another codec, as I will always have DVCPRO_HD files as source
[15:34] <diroots> spaam: which compressed codec could I test, which would be equivalent to x264?
[15:35] <klaxa> it doesn't need to be equivalent
[15:35] <klaxa> just use whatever, libtheora or mpeg4
[15:39] <durandal11707> lishkay: well you use comination of overlay and pad filter....
[15:40] <durandal11707> *combination
[15:49] <smjd> diroots: what settings are you using?
[15:51] <diroots> smjd: -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -b 6900k -profile main -coder 0 -g 24 -keyint_min 2 -x264opts colorprim=bt709:transfer=bt709:colormatrix=bt709:ref=2 -sc_threshold 0 -b_strategy 0 -refs 2  -bf 0 -ac 2 -ab 320k -ar 48k
[15:51] <diroots> spaam: klaxa : I tried to encode to flv, then with mpeg4, and it seems that there is still the problem dring the first 10seconds
[15:53] <spaam> diroots: okey. then it might be a problem with the decoder or the file it self :)
[15:53] <diroots> spaam: would this sound like it's the DVCPRO_HD decoder?
[15:53] <diroots> ok
[15:54] <diroots> this is with all files given... they did not notice it, as only some of their files have movements during these first seconds
[15:54] <smjd> how does the input file look with ffplay?
[15:55] <diroots> I don't know as it is remote. I call the person to ask how it looks, and she looks with quicktime pro (she's on a mac, and files are sent through final cut pro.
[15:57] <diroots> and as the ffmpeg version installed is 6 month old, maybe by updating it to latest version, the dvcpro decoder might have been improved... right?
[15:59] <diroots> smjd: I gave you my settings, and these are used within a single pass conversion. Do you think I can get improved conversion, is using a 2 pass encoding session?
[15:59] <diroots> or it would not change anything?
[16:02] <smjd> I don't really know enough details about H264 to say much to that
[16:08] <smjd> I'm not a professional, so I don't know about the limitations of specialized hardware, so presets are mostly enough for me
[16:13] <smjd> but from what I know about ABR, it seems logical for two-pass to fix too little bitrate allocated to the first few seconds
[16:15] <diroots> yes, my first try will be to try 2 pass encoding, then if I get the same result, i'll try to upgrade my ffmpeg, in case the is an improvement in decoding DVCPRO
[16:17] <mister_zombie> Hi, I use ffmpeg to capture images from mp4 videos, I wondered if there was any way to make those jpeg images interlaced (aka progressive jpeg)
[16:17] <mister_zombie> ?
[17:47] <smjd> mister_zombie, but you might be able to convert the jpg files losslessly to the progressive format with jpegtran
[17:48] <smjd> mister_zombie: maybe not, but you can convert the jpg files losslessly to the progressive format with jpegtran*
[17:48] <elBradford> I'm looking for help cross compiling ffmpeg with Android with librtmp. I'm offering a cash bounty. I'm following the following script to build: https://github.com/yixia/FFmpeg-Android - if you're interested email me at b.law [at] outlook [dot] com
[17:49] <mister_zombie> smjd: And it seems I have jpegtran installed on my server already! Nice!
[18:00] <defaultro> hey guys, this video was made by ffmpeg last night :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSJBYi8RdHs&hd=1 watch it in 1080p
[18:01] <durandal11707> yes and? what it have?
[18:02] <defaultro> is that for me durandal11707 ?
[18:03] <smjd> it has an intro spanning 45% of the video
[18:03] <defaultro> yeah, I think I put too much
[18:03] <defaultro> it's my first try
[18:03] <defaultro> i need to learn the accepted ways of making videos
[18:04] <defaultro> recommended ways
[18:12] <elBradford> vid looks good defaultro
[18:40] <viric> I never know how much kbps to target
[18:50] <defaultro> thanks elBradford :)
[19:15] <smjd> viric -b:v `echo FILESIZE_IN_MB*137/MINUTES|bc`k
[19:16] <smjd> replace FILESIZE_IN_MB and MINUTES with something
[19:16] <viric> 137?
[19:16] <smjd> 8192/60
[19:16] <viric> ah ok
[19:17] <viric> well, I don't have a definite file size in mind.
[19:18] <viric> does anyone use mlt here?
[19:22] <smjd> maybe MB*140000/MINUTES would be a bit more accurate,
[19:22] <smjd> what's mlt?
[19:23] <viric> melt
[19:23] <viric> it makes it easy to concatenate videos with fadein/fadout and overlap
[19:45] <lishkay> I'm merging with overlay 2 video streams of different frame rates. They are desynchronizing. How can I keep them synchronized in the output?
[20:41] <lishkay> I have found the fps filter. That might do it.
[20:51] <lishkay> No, it does not.
[20:58] <hendry> hi, I'm trying to make a video with lots of images. e.g. ffmpeg -i img%04d.webp -s 1440x1080 out.avi, however I want to show the time in the top right corner. How can I do that? watermark?
[21:00] <chrisballinger> hey if I can't use sizeof(AVStream) how can I malloc an array of AVStreams?
[21:02] <lishkay> https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/FilteringGuideBurnt in Timecode
[21:02] <lishkay> hendry: https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/wiki/FilteringGuide  | Burnt in Timecode
[21:23] <denysonique> ALSA buffer xrun.
[21:23] Last message repeated 2 time(s).
[21:23] <denysonique> I get when: avconv -f alsa -ac 2 -i hw:0,0 -f x11grab -r 30 -s 1280x800 -i :0 -vcodec huffyuv -acodec pcm_s16le  -threads 1  video.mkv
[21:33] <hendry> denysonique: in my experience that means your CPU isn't beefy enough
[21:33] <hendry> denysonique: have a look at https://github.com/kaihendry/recordmydesktop2.0/blob/master/x11capture
[22:00] <trem0r> Hey everyone.  I have a wav file that needs to be converted into another wav with 16 kpbs linear PCM encoding
[22:01] <trem0r> How can I accomplish this?
[22:10] <denysonique> hendry: I have i5
[22:12] <denysonique> hendry: also, don't forget to add support for ALSA input without pulseaudio
[22:12] <denysonique> not everyone is on n00buntu.
[22:13] <denysonique> lol, hendry I can hear you thinkpad keyboard.
[22:14] <viric> Can I add any 'id3tags' or so to webm?
[22:14] <viric> metainformation
[22:16] <lishkay> Using -r on the input does at least approximately what i want.
[22:22] <hendry> denysonique: i use archlinux. pulseaudio is the future
[22:22] <hendry> denysonique: sadly
[22:24] <denysonique> hendry: on my gentoo there is no need to bloat my system with pulseaudio. ;>
[22:33] <hendry> denysonique: i really thought the way you did... see previous versions. But pulseaudio is the only sane way to do complex recordings with say application audio output and microphone output
[22:34] <denysonique> hendry: in this case yes
[22:39] <andrew_> how do i get ffmpeg to write to the same file it read from? can i just do ffmpeg -i file.mp3 file.mp3
[22:40] <viric> you can't do that
[22:40] <viric> well, you should not
[22:40] <viric> that will probably destroy your file.
[22:41] <andrew_> basically i have a bunch of music thats missing a tag and i want to just add that metadata
[22:41] <andrew_> im not doing any transcoding
[22:41] <viric> but I think ffmpeg can't "modify" a file. From some, will create others.
[22:44] <andrew_> like i want to preserve the filename
[22:45] <andrew_> would something like this work: "for file in *; do mv "$file" tmp; ffmpeg -i temp -metadata disc=1 "$file"; done
[22:57] <Kirito> There's no alternative for -t that tells it to "end" at a specific time is there?
[22:57] <viric> Kirito: -to
[22:58] <Kirito> Ahh, thank you, that makes my life so much easier
[22:59] <viric> it is a bit recent. :)
[23:00] <Kirito> That explains why I couldn't find anything last time I looked.. ages ago at least. Thank you ><
[23:03] <viric> you are welcome
[23:04] <chrisballinger> hey all
[23:04] <chrisballinger> when manually doing a bitstream copy with libavformat all of my video pts/dts are 0
[23:12] <viric> is it possible to encode to VP9?
[23:13] <viric> encoding with libvpx gives vp8
[23:56] <mittens> try libvpx-vp9
[23:56] <chrisballinger> how do you get the proper PTS/DTS of a h.264 video stream AVPacket in an mp4 container?
[00:00] --- Fri Sep 27 2013

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