[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20140407
burek021 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 8 02:05:01 CEST 2014
[00:02] <DoomBoom> I downloaded the latest build of real ffmpeg and it works
[00:02] <DoomBoom> hurray
[00:14] <DoomBoom> btw is there anyway to speed up the video a bit so it stays below a certain duration?
[00:15] <klaxa> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/How%20to%20speed%20up%20/%20slow%20down%20a%20video
[00:15] <DoomBoom> thanks!
[00:15] <klaxa> literally the first result on google, has 4chan not taught you?
[00:15] <DoomBoom> doh
[00:15] <DoomBoom> was looking in the ffmpeg documentation and couldn't find it
[00:16] <DoomBoom> I actually forgot to google
[00:16] <klaxa> remember it next time ;)
[00:16] <JEEB> yeah, the setpts filter I noted #elsewhere :)
[00:16] <JEEB> should speed up/slow down stuff nicely
[00:19] <yeraze> Hey.. Anyone here know some filter-fu to take a movie file & individually shift each of the 3 color channels by some static x/y offset on playback?
[06:16] <darius77> is there any way to rotate a video 90 degrees without transcoding?
[06:16] <darius77> without re-enconding
[06:17] <sacarasc> I don't think so. But you might find some weird option in some container that can do it...
[06:18] <darius77> ok
[06:18] <darius77> is there any way to re-encode with all the same codec and formatting?
[06:18] <darius77> some replicate options, with digging around to figure out exactly what the original was
[06:19] <darius77> using -vcodec copy prevents it from rotating video
[06:19] <sacarasc> http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#rotate
[06:36] <mohit_chauhan> hi, folks
[06:37] <mohit_chauhan> i am using ffmpeg in android
[06:38] <mohit_chauhan> I am getting error No such filter: 'null'
[06:38] <mohit_chauhan> http://pastebin.com/vYMrDG1L
[06:38] <mohit_chauhan> I am using this function for configure http://pastebin.com/7Z6t7Weq
[09:35] <mrskman> Hi, I'm trying to build ffmpeg with --enable-shared but there is a problem with binaries after doing that - libav* libs are not properly linked. Am i doing something wrong? Here is my configure line and ldd output. http://pastebin.com/7QnC5Sgx
[10:28] <relaxed> mrskman: run: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/ffmpeg-2.2.0-test/build/lib /opt/ffmpeg-2.2.0-test/build/bin/ffmpeg
[10:28] <relaxed> also, --bindir by default is $prefix/bin
[10:30] <mrskman> relaxed: thanks
[10:30] <relaxed> your system doesn't know where ffmpeg's libs are located
[10:31] <relaxed> mrskman: man ldconfig
[10:31] <mrskman> yes, I get it now... I thought it is linked with absolute path
[10:31] <relaxed> ok
[11:42] <tmartiro> hi folks
[11:42] <tmartiro> I need your help
[11:43] <tmartiro> is there any example how to cut video by startime and endtime using C API ?
[11:52] <username12565> repeating my question from yesterday: hey, i am not sure what happened. i was successfully making a video out of still frames and an audio track before but if i do it now, media players first play the audio and only later start the video. i used: ffmpeg -i frames/%04d.png -i music.mp3 -vcodec libx264 -crf 25 -preset veryfast -pix_fmt yuv420p -acodec copy out.mkv . i use ffmpeg version 2.2 on archlinux
[11:54] <relaxed> username12565: see if -async 1 after the last input corrects the issue
[11:55] <username12565> will do, thanks
[12:05] <username12565> relaxed: no luck, same behaviour: http://pastebin.com/H27WMwh5 (i stripped filenames)
[12:18] <relaxed> username12565: hmm, I don't know. try with my static build http://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/
[12:18] <relaxed> username12565: does you have the delay with ffplay?
[12:20] <relaxed> or try with mplayer -ao alsa input.mkv
[12:27] <username12565> relaxed: with ffplay video and audio started together. video plays too slow though. then some seconds in it quickly "warps" to a later point in time, audio stays playing properly. "-ao alsa" changes nothing, i use ossv4 and it is usually fine.
[12:27] <username12565> i should add that my mp3 is longer than the frames/video
[12:27] <username12565> previously mplayer just kept the last video frame and played the rest of the audio
[12:28] <relaxed> add -shortest if you want the audio to stop once the video stream is over
[12:30] <username12565> oh nice
[12:30] <username12565> i now downgraded to ffmpeg-1:2.1.4-1, lets see what happens
[12:30] <relaxed> upgrading is usually the desired direction
[12:33] <username12565> yeah but :\
[12:38] <username12565> i downgraded ffmpeg, mplayer and x264 to the last archlinux versions before march 24. now i get the desired outcome again.
[12:45] <relaxed> oh, 2.2 is the latest. you should file a bug report on that issue.
[12:58] <username12565> i dont have the time to properly investigate this :(
[14:10] <ubitux> username12565: found a regression?
[14:11] <ubitux> username12565: can you provide all the samples you used?
[14:11] <ubitux> i will report the issue if i can reproduce
[14:20] <username12565> i'll pm you
[15:02] <Bombo> Guest11536: yes.
[16:39] <john3voltas> greetings. i have a call recorder outputting g729a call recordings to a folder on a network share. i need to convert those recordings to wave file so that they can be played on a regular media player without g729 codec. i know g729 is proprietary. i'd like to try the conversion using ffmpeg. where can we get the ffmpeg decoder for g729?
[16:39] <john3voltas> oh, forgot to add that we're using windows 7 x64.
[16:41] <john3voltas> PS2: if it works fine and if we can create some scripts that can automate the conversion, we are interested in buying g729 codec.
[17:11] <ValdikSS> Hello. How does http output works?
[17:12] <ValdikSS> Is it designed only for streaming or I can use it for file uploading?
[17:12] <ValdikSS> ffmpeg -c:s ass -i http://localhost:8000/input.mkv -map 0 -c copy -c:v libx264 -preset veryfast -tune animation -crf 21 -chunked_post 1 http://localhost:8000/output.mkv
[17:12] <ValdikSS> This command uploads output file only after complete encoding process
[17:13] <ValdikSS> If the input file is big (more than ~400 frames), then encoding process just hangs.
[17:13] <ValdikSS> Oh, sorry, this could be my mistake in server. Just a minute.
[17:15] <ValdikSS> Sorry. Everything works as expected.
[17:33] <john3voltas> Hi ValdikSS . could I possibly PM you with an off-topic matter?
[17:53] <ValdikSS> john3voltas: sure
[21:28] <dvnl> Hello Everybody! Does anybody knows what to change in the config.h to disable time-related functions in ffmpeg? I'm trying to use the API on an embedded platform standalone - so I get a link problem "undefined reference to ´times' during the build process (without any specific info)
[21:29] <dvnl> I've tried disabling have_gettimeofday, have_unistd, have_windows_h and some others, which are included in libavutil/time.c
[22:01] <austinbv> Hey everyone, we are trying to make a distinction between audio and video files. The naive way we have approached it is checking if ffprobe has any streams with a codec_type of video.
[22:01] <austinbv> We realized that this is incomplete because mp3
[22:02] <austinbv> with album art have video streams of the art. Is there a better way to figure out if a file is a video or audio?
[22:49] <someday> if you want just audio/video grep for mvhd
[22:57] <someday> btw this is a good indication
[22:57] <someday> Stream #0:0(und): Video: h264 (Main)
[22:57] <someday> for eg
[22:58] <someday> it is doing what we are supposed to do.
[23:27] <austinbv> someday: mvhd in the ffprobe output?
[23:41] <ac_slater> hey guys, wikipedia doesnt have a good description on MJPEG. Is it just a a "codec" where each frame is a jpeg? Is there metadata? A preferred container?
[23:41] <ac_slater> thanks!
[23:44] <ac_slater> also, is there audio?
[23:45] <Stalkr_> Playing with FFmpeg and webm, but it won't hardcore subtitles. Any idea why? `ffmpeg -i psych.mkv -vf subtitles=psych.srt -ss 00:00:31.000 -to 00:00:43.000 -c:v libvpx -crf 4 -b:v 1800K -vf scale=-1:480 -an test.webm` -- I followed https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/How%20to%20burn%20subtitles%20into%20the%20video, which looks easy enough. What am I missing?
[23:45] <Stalkr_> I tried with .avi too
[23:47] <sacarasc> ac_slater: Most of the MJPEG files I've seen have been in AVI from not very good cameras with MP3 audio.
[23:48] <ac_slater> sacarasc: interesting.
[00:00] --- Tue Apr 8 2014
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