[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20140806

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 7 02:05:01 CEST 2014

[02:10] <home> hey guys!
[02:10] <home> how do I read a ffmpeg RTMP stream?
[02:10] <home> vlc doesn't work :/
[02:16] <rjp421> -f flv -re -i "rtmp://jblive.videocdn.scaleengine.net/jb-live/play/jblive.stream"
[02:17] <rjp421> maybe -re before -f flv, if it matters
[02:31] <fling> I have a bunch of videos from a security camera.
[02:31] <fling> I want to keep only parts of videos containing movement.
[02:31] <fling> How to do so?
[02:32] <fling> the stupid option is to split videos into separate images and then compare these images, remove dupes and arrange them back.
[02:32] <fling> but I will loose sound this way.
[02:32] <fling> What is the smart solution? :P
[02:37] <c_14> The "smart" solution is writing a motion detection filter for FFmpeg, but you could try messing around with the select filter and scene detection. It might work. ymmv
[02:40] <fling> hmm mhmmmm
[02:40] <fling> c_14: thanks :>
[03:07] <home> rjp421, I am on my rpi
[03:07] <home> gonna try something with nginx
[03:07] <home> and hopefully I can point it to there :/
[03:16] <jrgill> How would you go about center panning the left channel in an m4v?  I encoded a stereo recording of a balanced signal and got an inverted right channel.
[03:17] <DopeLabs> https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/AudioChannelManipulation
[03:26] <jrgill> Ah, I think I just had the stream since video is 0.
[08:02] <chunyu> always get "input/outut error" when converting a amr file to a mp3 file
[08:02] <chunyu> I used the latest static binary on both Linux and Mac and all failed.
[08:03] <chunyu> Here's the detailed log.
[08:03] <chunyu> $ ffmpeg -i se_t630.amr se_t630.mp3
[08:03] <chunyu> ffmpeg version 2.3.1 Copyright (c) 2000-2014 the FFmpeg developers
[08:03] <chunyu>   built on Aug  5 2014 23:26:16 with Apple LLVM version 5.1 (clang-503.0.40) (based on LLVM 3.4svn)
[08:03] <chunyu>   configuration: --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/ffmpeg/2.3.1 --enable-shared --enable-pthreads --enable-gpl --enable-version3 --enable-nonfree --enable-hardcoded-tables --enable-avresample --enable-vda --cc=clang --host-cflags= --host-ldflags= --enable-libx264 --enable-libfaac --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libxvid --enable-libopencore-amrnb --enable-libopencore-amrwb
[08:03] <chunyu>   libavutil      52. 92.100 / 52. 92.100
[08:03] <chunyu>   libavcodec     55. 69.100 / 55. 69.100
[08:03] <chunyu>   libavformat    55. 48.100 / 55. 48.100
[08:03] <chunyu>   libavdevice    55. 13.102 / 55. 13.102
[08:04] <chunyu>   libavfilter     4. 11.100 /  4. 11.100
[08:04] <chunyu>   libavresample   1.  3.  0 /  1.  3.  0
[08:04] <chunyu>   libswscale      2.  6.100 /  2.  6.100
[08:04] <chunyu>   libswresample   0. 19.100 /  0. 19.100
[08:04] <chunyu>   libpostproc    52.  3.100 / 52.  3.100
[08:04] <chunyu> [amr @ 0x7fecc2021800] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
[08:04] <chunyu> Input #0, amr, from 'se_t630.amr':
[08:04] <chunyu>   Duration: 00:00:05.57, bitrate: 5 kb/s
[08:04] <chunyu>     Stream #0:0: Audio: amr_nb (samr / 0x726D6173), 8000 Hz, mono, flt, 5 kb/s
[08:04] <chunyu> Output #0, mp3, to 'se_t630.mp3':
[08:04] <chunyu>   Metadata:
[08:04] <chunyu>     TSSE            : Lavf55.48.100
[08:04] <chunyu>     Stream #0:0: Audio: mp3 (libmp3lame), 8000 Hz, mono, fltp
[08:04] <chunyu>     Metadata:
[08:04] <chunyu>       encoder         : Lavc55.69.100 libmp3lame
[08:04] <chunyu> Stream mapping:
[08:04] <chunyu>   Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (amr_nb (amrnb) -> mp3 (libmp3lame))
[08:04] <chunyu> Press [q] to stop, [?] for help
[08:04] <chunyu> se_t630.amr: Input/output error
[08:04] <chunyu> size=       6kB time=00:00:05.62 bitrate=   8.6kbits/s
[08:04] <chunyu> video:0kB audio:6kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: 4.531250%
[08:05] <ghospich> Lol, there is pastebin for that.
[08:05] <ghospich> Dunno what's wrong though.
[08:07] <chunyu> oh. forgot about pastebin. here's the url http://pastebin.com/qPZ4BrtM
[08:12] <chunyu> just tried some old version binaries, still no luck.
[09:27] <Binbo> what are the configure flags required to compile ffmpeg if I want to decode h264 stream only?
[09:28] <Binbo> my shared library size is as high as 42MB due to libavformat
[09:35] <Mavrik> Binbo, --disable-everything --enable-demuxer="demuxers,you,need" --enable-decoder="h264"
[09:35] <Mavrik> demuxers are dependant on formats of input files
[09:35] <Mavrik> also, remember, this will only decode video
[09:36] <Binbo> Mavrik : what if I only decode raw h264 stream?
[09:36] <Mavrik> you still need a demuxer that lets you do that
[09:36] <Binbo> from network
[09:36] <Mavrik> and input protocol that lets you read from network
[09:36] <Mavrik> pipeline is
[09:36] <Mavrik> [Input protocol] ----> [Demuxer] ---> [Decoders]
[09:37] <Binbo> Mavrik : I developed my input protocol. I only use ffmpeg to decode nal frame. so that means I only need decoder rite
[09:38] <Binbo> I construct the nal myself
[09:38] <Mavrik> Binbo, yes, if you only use calls to avcodec.h stuff
[09:38] <Mavrik> that means you don't even have to use anything from libavformat or link against it
[09:38] <Mavrik> (unless there's some internal dependency)
[09:38] <Mavrik> so you're right, you probably don't need any demuxers
[09:39] <Binbo> Mavrik : av_register_all wont compile if I remove avformat header
[09:39] <Mavrik> Binbo, yes, because that's the initialization function for libavformat :P
[09:39] <Mavrik> Binbo, https://www.ffmpeg.org/doxygen/trunk/group__lavf__core.html#ga917265caec45ef5a0646356ed1a507e3
[09:39] <Mavrik> you DID just tell me you don't use ffmpeg input protocols, muxers and demuxers? :)
[09:41] <Binbo> I have full control of the sender. The stream is send using pure tcp socket.
[09:41] <Mavrik> That's not what I asked - av_register_all initializes libav protocols, muxers and demuxers.
[09:42] <Mavrik> If you don't use any of those (and just call out to codecs) then you don't need to call it right :)
[09:42] <Binbo> Mavrik : I see
[09:42] <Binbo> lemme try
[09:42] <Mavrik> bbl
[09:45] <Binbo> Mavrik : I removed av_register_all and error " no codec provided to avcodec_decode_video2" was shown
[10:37] <dreamcat5> how to find when was removed 'attribute_deprecated int avcodec_decode_audio3' ???
[10:38] <dreamcat5> the removal isn't specifically-enough mentioned (not searchable) in APIchanges
[10:38] <dreamcat5> can't git blame something that isn't there anymore. binary search ?
[10:45] <ubitux> doc/APIChanges ’ git show 0eea212
[10:45] <ubitux> "Deprecate avcodec_decode_audio3() in favor of avcodec_decode_audio4()."
[10:49] <dreamcat5> ubitux: yeah nevermind,
[11:16] <tilak> Hello group! I have a question regarding ffserver delays and av_read_frame() processing.. We have a rendering application but we experience delays at the interface between ffserver and the webclient (uses vpx/webm/matroska)
[11:18] <tilak> Latency of 300-400 msec is observed from end to end.. I wonder if the server code can be optimized. I have some logs which shows that ffserver goes to WAIT_FEED for a considerable time and it causes some delay. In our use case, it would be ideal to flush the packets immediately with optimized frame processing or reading..
[11:20] <tilak> Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Thanks :)
[12:34] <ghospich> When i am encoding some segment of large video, before encoding start there is huge delay. Looks like this delay is depends on time skipped before segment in original video. Is there any way to fix this?
[12:35] <ghospich> I mean `-ss 1000.0` is very slow.
[12:49] <ghospich> Looks like mkvmerge can cut segment faster. Thanks anyway.
[12:53] <c_14> ghospich: use -ss as an input option instead of an output option
[12:57] <slowguy> is it possible that an I-frame is NOT a keyframe?
[12:57] <slowguy> i did ffprobe on a video and some frame are I-type but keyframe=0
[12:58] <slowguy> in that case i was wondering whether -ss fast seek will seek to a I-type frame or a frame for which keyframe=1?
[12:59] <ghospich> c_14, thanks, i'll try
[13:03] <ghospich> c_14, it's really starts faster that way! But subtitles are got screwed up. How to fix subtitles in that method?
[13:03] <c_14> Can you pastebin your commandline?
[13:03] <ghospich> ok.
[13:07] <ghospich> it's pretty messy. http://pastebin.com/z7qD3mD0
[13:14] <ghospich> So, if this http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#subtitles-1 had option "ss" everything would be nice.
[13:15] <c_14> Hmm, ye. I've had the problem before. Trying to remember how I fixed it.
[13:16] <ghospich> Would be nice to have some workaround.
[13:17] <c_14> iirc there are 2 options, either use the slow seeking which will seek both, or extract the subs from the mkv, delete all the sub lines up to the point you want and then adjust the times downward by your seek time. But that isn't all _that_ fun.
[13:19] <ghospich> Maybe there is some easier option?
[13:20] <c_14> hmm, what seems to work for me is cutting the mkv with ffmpeg -ss $time -t $time -i mkv -map 0 -codec copy out.mkv and then running ffmpeg -i out.mkv -vf subtitles=out.mkv [other stuff]
[13:21] <ghospich> Okay, that also can be done by mkvmerge. But what about external subtitles?
[13:22] <c_14> You mean if you have an ass or srt file and want to hardsub?
[13:22] <ghospich> Yep
[13:23] <ghospich> Pretty common for me, because russian subtitles usually come in different directory, not even inside mkv.
[13:24] <c_14> Either mux the subs into the mkv while seeking and do the second step as above, or use slow-seeking. Not many good options to be honest. You could try opening a feature request for an ss option for the subtitles filter, not sure how hard it would be but it can't hurt.
[13:25] <ghospich> Yep, i think i'll just mux subs into mkv, and then cut needed segment with mkvmerge.
[13:26] <ghospich> I'll look into ffmpeg bugtracker then. Thanks!
[13:26] <c_14> You can also mux with mkvmerge, so you might be able to cut and merge in one step. Not sure though.
[13:26] <ghospich> Two steps is okay too, as far as they are fast.
[14:28] <slowguy> suppose a group of picture is from 10sec to 15sec and i cut a video with -to 12 -c copy....  will it cut to 15 sec or 12 second?
[14:45] <klaxa|work> depending on the codec that could output 12 seconds
[14:45] <klaxa|work> have you just tried running it and see what happens?
[15:00] <Ganimede> Hi all!
[15:01] <Ganimede> anyone can help me ?
[15:02] <sfan5> just ask your question
[15:02] <sfan5> if someone can help, they will
[15:03] <Ganimede> ok so...
[15:04] <Ganimede> if i use ffmpeg to extract keyframes with the option -vstats, in the output vstats file there's a voice named "time"... but this is not the time of the extracted keyframe. What kind of time is that ?
[15:08] <Ganimede> i just want to know the timestamp of the extracted keyframe
[15:16] <Mavrik> Ganimede, I don't exactly know what vstats outputs, but perhaps it's PTS?
[15:17] <Ganimede> vstats give to me some informations about the generated keyframes
[15:17] <Ganimede> and the "time" seems to be a time slice instead of a timestamp
[15:18] <Ganimede> now i've tried to out a debug file during extraction
[15:18] <Ganimede> here is PTS and T
[15:18] <Ganimede> T is the param that i should use
[15:18] <Ganimede> i've discover it now
[15:19] <Ganimede> but the strange thing is that i must use the debug output to know the timestamp o single keyframes
[16:54] <Ganimede> goodbye! see ya!
[16:55] <Fjorgynn> good
[18:22] <ghospich> How to make audio tracks in mkvmerge to start from 0? Like in mpv, separate order for each type of track.
[18:23] <ghospich> Video tracks: 0; Audio tracks: 0, 1, 2; Subtitle tracks: 0, 1, 2, 3
[18:44] <ghospich> Looks like there is no way, except of parsing output of `mkvmerge -i file`
[18:45] <Bombo> hi i got a dvd.vob with subtitles, encoded it with ffmpeg to h264.mkv, played in vlc i see the subtitles are not centered, when i use mplayer the subs are centered
[18:45] <Bombo> is it a bug in vlc or maybe ffmpeg?
[18:47] <ghospich> softsubs? in which format? i guess you can check these subs with aegisub, and maybe problem would be spotted there.
[18:48] <sfan5> I'm pretty sure dvds don't use SSA/ASS subtitles
[18:48] <sfan5> aegisub will probably not load them
[18:48] <sacarasc> They're probably still vobsubs.
[18:49] <ghospich> okay, i'm silly
[18:51] <Bombo> Stream #0:3: Subtitle: dvd_subtitle (default)
[18:55] <Bombo> how can i extract them 'ffmpeg -i the.mkv -vn -an -c:s copy -map 0:3 the.sub' -> 'Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?): Operation not permitted'
[19:00] <Bombo> hm '-vn -an -codec:s:0.3 srt sub.srt' -> 'Error while opening encoder for output stream #0:0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height'
[19:01] <Bombo> Stream #0:3 -> #0:0 (dvdsub -> srt)
[19:07] <sfan5> Bombo: did you try 'ffmpeg -i the.mkv -map 0:3 -f rawvideo the.sub' ?
[19:11] <Bombo> sfan5: Stream mapping: Stream #0:3 -> #0:0 (dvdsub -> ?) Encoder (codec none) not found for output stream #0:0
[19:13] <sfan5> try adding -c copy
[19:14] <Bombo> sfan5: did dump something now, aegisub says 'unknown format'
[19:14] <Bombo> 'unknown file type'
[19:14] <sfan5> thats what I thought
[19:14] <sfan5> aegisub only opens ASS/SSA
[19:16] <Bombo> $ vobsub2srt the.sub
[19:16] <Bombo> VobSub: Can't open IDX file
[19:17] <sfan5> does the 'the.sub' file actually contain something?
[19:17] <Bombo> data
[19:17] <Bombo> $ file the.sub
[19:17] <Bombo> the.sub: data
[19:17] <Bombo> 212Kthe.sub
[21:10] <Tarjaizaid> Hello community, i've MP4 file, i've reencode it on MP4 for to add ass subtitle. Now, i want add two subtitle file, (can i use MP4 container ?) do you have any suggestion to help me ?
[21:12] <c_14> The MP4 container only supports 3GPP subtitles. If the subtitles are in that format or you can convert to that format, then yes.
[21:13] <Tarjaizaid> ass format, MKV is a solution ?
[21:13] <c_14> Ye
[21:13] <Tarjaizaid> do you know ffmpeg option ? xD
[21:14] <c_14> ffmpeg -i video -i sub1 -i sub2 -codec copy out.mkv
[21:14] <Tarjaizaid> Ohhh ! so KISS
[21:14] <Tarjaizaid> thx
[21:14] <Tarjaizaid> :)
[21:16] <Tarjaizaid> c_14: only one subtitle are in MKV :(
[21:16] <Tarjaizaid> is*
[21:17] <c_14> -map 0 -map 1 -map 2
[21:17] <c_14> Add those before out.mkv
[21:18] <llogan> and read http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html#Stream-selection
[21:29] <Tarjaizaid> yes, i've read, but...
[21:32] <Chillance> Im trying to convert a movie into a animated gif, and it works. however, I get this wierd line on the right when using 2.x. It works fine in 1.2.7, but then the compression isn't as good, and it uses rgb8/rgb16
[21:33] <Chillance> anyone here know about this
[21:33] <Chillance> ?
[21:34] <Chillance> the line looks like the image isn't stretched properly, covering the whole area
[21:36] <llogan> Chillance: can you show your command and complete console output for both 1.2.7 and 2.x?
[21:36] <llogan> (use a pastebin service)
[21:36] <Chillance> sure
[21:36] <Chillance> sec
[21:36] <Chillance> not sure if it helps, but sure
[21:37] <Chillance> move is 220x220
[21:37] <Chillance> *movie
[21:41] <Maverick|MSG> any idea what would cause a video to look like this after being encoded by ffmpeg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22Nw8_buHX0
[21:42] <Maverick|MSG> only happens on 480p encodings.  720 and 1080p encodings work fine.
[21:42] <Chillance> llogan, http://pastebin.com/qWkNPrKP - this works, but colors aren't as good. especially with fading, and the file is huge (17MB).
[21:45] <Chillance> llogan, http://pastebin.com/hrpaavJT
[21:46] <Chillance> that works too, but have this flickering line on the right.. like if the image didn't cover up the 220x220 properly
[21:46] <Chillance> also, last one is better quality. and 1.2Mb
[21:51] <Chillance> llogan, does it help?
[21:55] <llogan> Maverick|MSG: does it look like that with ffplay or other players?
[21:57] <Maverick|MSG> I'm piping in the tga images into ffmpeg
[21:57] <Maverick|MSG> haven't touched ffplay or anything else
[22:01] <llogan> Chillance: i don't see (or notice) a line when i tried it. does the line appear only with a certain input?
[22:04] <Chillance> well, actually, the line is like 5px wide from the right side
[22:05] <Chillance> just flickering
[22:06] <Chillance> it really seems like its missing image information
[22:06] <llogan> Maverick|MSG: what i mean is does the video only look like that on YouTube, or locally too?
[22:07] <Maverick|MSG> oh locally as well
[22:08] <Chillance> llogan, and I just use that input mentioned in pastebin
[22:08] <llogan> can you provide that input file?
[22:09] <Chillance> sure, where to send it?
[22:09] <llogan> dropbox, google drive, datefilehost, mediafire, your server?
[22:09] <Chillance> sec
[22:11] <Chillance> http://tempsend.com/02C98306C8
[22:12] <Chillance> llogan, included the flickering .gif there
[22:14] <ghospich> rghost.net is nice in my opinion.
[22:15] <ghospich> (not advertise, mercy me)
[22:25] <Chillance> llogan, how is it going?
[22:27] <llogan> Chillance: sorry, i've been working on boring work stuff. i'll try to take a look later after my lunch break.
[22:27] <llogan> i mean during
[22:27] <Chillance> so, in 4 hours?
[22:28] <llogan> usually i'm taking lunch now, but i'm still not done with something.
[22:29] <llogan> you can try ffmpeg-user mailing list if you want additional input if you don't want to wait (and I may not end up having an answer for you).
[22:29] <Chillance> are you one of the ffmpeg developers?
[22:29] <Chillance> I would like to have some feedback/confirmation from you if its in ffmpeg or not
[22:30] <Chillance> seems like it.. or in one of the used libraries
[22:52] <Maverick|MSG> llogan: ignore the above issue.  I'm certain this issue is occurring outside of ffmpeg.  sorry about that
[23:52] <Chillance> llogan, any progress?
[00:00] --- Thu Aug  7 2014

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