[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20140822

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 23 02:05:01 CEST 2014

[00:00] <vlatkozelka>  http://pastebin.com/pRWBaSad
[00:00] <vlatkozelka> i also tried -use_wallclock_as_timestamps since its a live stream ... still no luck
[01:11] <rjp421> c_14, ah ok ty, ill look it up
[03:11] <kingbeowolf> wow it is taking hours to convert a video from mp4 to avi
[03:41] <kingbeowolf> OMG this is taking hours!!!!
[03:42] <kingbeowolf> only at 605MB on a 3GB file!!
[03:42] <kingbeowolf> been going for like 4 hours
[03:42] <kingbeowolf> I have an AMD 8950
[03:56] <c_14> What does your video card have to do with encoding?
[03:56] <c_14> What codec are you using?
[03:56] <c_14> What resolution is the source/destination?
[03:56] <c_14> What codec specific settings are you using?
[03:56] <kingbeowolf> the codec is xvid
[03:56] <kingbeowolf> 1080p
[03:57] <c_14> I don't know much about xvid encoding, but 1080p video is going to take a while.
[03:58] <kingbeowolf> "C:\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe" -y -i "C:\test\2014_08_16_16_00_09.mp4" -f avi   -r:v 56 -vcodec libxvid -vtag XVID -filter:v scale=1920:1080 -aspect 4:3 -maxrate 1800k -b:v 1500k -qmin 3 -qmax 5 -bufsize 4096 -mbd 2 -bf 2 -trellis 1 -flags +aic -cmp 2 -subcmp 2 -g 300 -acodec libmp3lame -ar 48000 -b:a 128k -ac 2  "C:\test\2014_08_16_16_00_09.avi"
[04:03] <c_14> Also, XVID might be single-threaded by default.
[04:03] <c_14> not sure
[04:03] <c_14> never used it
[04:03] <c_14> Might be worth checking out.
[08:35] <K4T> hi
[08:40] <K4T> I am using ffmpeg to encode all my video files. I need to have the resulting video file to have 25 fps. I am using "-r 25" argument to force that fps.
[08:40] <K4T> Problem is that when input video have for example 23.976 fps, and I reencode it to 25 fps than I can see that output video have some little freezes during playback (from time to time, around one second interval).
[08:40] <K4T> I prepared some examples
[08:41] <K4T> original file (23.976fps): http://artnmedia.pl/damian/fps/orginal-23.976fps.mp4 and reencoded, jerky one (25fps): http://artnmedia.pl/damian/fps/reencoded-forced-25fps.mp4
[08:42] <K4T> can someone help me to find solution for that problem? I really have to reencode all my files to 25fps ;/
[08:49] <alina-emergency> is it possible to cut a piece of movie giving the [start] and the [end] and save that part as mp4 with ffmpeg system?
[09:06] <{Q}> alina-emergency: similiar to this?: http://superuser.com/questions/377343/cut-part-from-video-file-from-start-position-to-end-position-with-ffmpeg
[09:07] <K4T> is there any difference when I put -r argument before -i from -r after -i?
[09:09] <Mavrik> K4T, yes
[09:09] <K4T> can you explain?
[09:09] <Mavrik> before -i it means "read this file as it would have FPS of N"
[09:09] <Mavrik> and after -i it means "encode this file to fps N"
[09:09] <Mavrik> K4T, all parameters before -i set (force) parameters on the input, parameters after -i set it on output
[09:09] <K4T> output file in both scenario will have 25fps, yes?
[09:10] <K4T> ok
[09:10] <Mavrik> depends.
[09:10] <K4T> hmmm can you givde me advices how I can solve my problem from above?
[09:10] <Mavrik> you almost never want to put -r before -i
[09:10] <Mavrik> K4T, you probably need to telecine your output
[09:11] <Mavrik> because now you're just getting duplicated frames which cause freezes
[09:11] <Mavrik> there's a guide on switching fps on ffmpeg wiki
[09:11] <K4T> what about using fps filter instead of -r?
[09:12] <Mavrik> -r injects fps filter.
[09:12] <Mavrik> go read the guide.
[09:15] <K4T> I can not find that guide about switching fps on wiki :/ Blind man I am ;[ I also always trying to search docs before asking
[09:15] <K4T> If I ask that means that I did not find what I need in docs or I dont understand something
[09:15] <K4T> or I want to be sure :P
[09:17] <K4T> but thank you for hint with telecine
[09:17] <Mavrik> Someone posted the link here awhile ago, don't have time to look for it now.
[09:21] <K4T> ok
[09:24] <techtopia> hello
[09:25] <techtopia> i have been using ffmpeg to do some encodes
[09:25] <techtopia> and my encodes end up with a variable frame rate instead on constant
[09:25] <techtopia> how can i stop this happening
[09:28] <techtopia> ffmpeg.exe -y -i test.ts -sws_flags spline -sn -vf yadif=1:0,crop=1916:1080:2:0 -s 1280x720 -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 23 -acodec copy out.mkv
[09:28] <techtopia> this is me line
[09:32] <K4T> use -r FPS_VALUE
[09:33] <ffmpeghelpneeded> hi
[09:33] <ffmpeghelpneeded> I was asking yesterday about overlaying videos with images and have it working with the following command
[09:33] <ffmpeghelpneeded> ffmpeg -loop 1 -r 24 -i image.jpg -i video.mp4 -strict experimental -filter_complex '[0:v]scale=180:-1[watermark];[1:v]scale=360:-1[background];[background][watermark]overlay=main_w-overlay_w-0:main_h-overlay_h-0:shortest=1[video]' -map [video] -map 0:a:0 -c:v libx264 -profile:v baseline -acodec aac output2.mp4
[09:34] <ffmpeghelpneeded> I'm running this on Android using ffmpeg4android (ffmpeg4android.netcompss.com)
[09:35] <ffmpeghelpneeded> when I run this on an image file + video file, it takes about 45 seconds to process an 8 second video
[09:35] <ffmpeghelpneeded> if I change the codec to mpeg4, it takes about 20-25 seconds, which is much better, but still too slow
[09:35] <ffmpeghelpneeded> if I run two videos together, it takes about 8 seconds, which is still better, but still not ideal
[09:35] <ffmpeghelpneeded> on my computer running the same command takes about 1.5 seconds
[09:36] <ffmpeghelpneeded> and on iOS using avfoundation, I can do the same thing also in about 3 seconds.
[09:36] <ffmpeghelpneeded> any idea what I can do to improve the performance of the ffmpeg command without losing too much quality of the video?
[09:56] <K4T> that damn fps conversion, cant sleep because of it ><
[13:43] <ubitux> rudi_s: feel free to upvote http://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/2391
[13:45] <rudi_s> ubitux: Thanks.
[13:46] <ubitux> rudi_s: writing a vobsub demuxer was a horrible experience, so good luck with the muxer; work on this really is appreciated
[13:46] <ubitux> rudi_s: feel free to comment in the ticket, Cigaes (Nicolas) can probably help guide you
[13:46] <ubitux> he started writing a muxer but never got done with it
[13:47] <rudi_s> That doesn't sound good ..
[13:47] <ubitux> rudi_s: it's not an easy issue
[13:48] <ubitux> see http://git.videolan.org/?p=ffmpeg.git;a=blob;f=libavformat/mpeg.c;h=056db2ebc2bea516d3b96e684ed5b536678e93f3;hb=HEAD#l661 for the vobsub demuxer
[13:48] <ubitux> better discuss that on #ffmpeg-devel though
[13:49] <rudi_s> ubitux: Thank you, I'll have a look.
[15:02] <Buddy2> how can I demux all audiostreams from a ts file without specifying outputfiles? Just dump everything that's audio? :)
[15:11] <anshul_mahe> I am unable to compile code on windows
[15:12] <anshul_mahe> to see error detail http://pastebin.com/ev5e74w1
[15:13] <anshul_mahe> All things were working, before I added libavutil/bprint.h and used some of those feature
[15:14] <anshul_mahe> the same code is working on linux
[15:52] <ubitux> Buddy2: not possible
[15:52] <ubitux> Buddy2: you can use ffprobe though to identify the number of streams you'll have to extract, and construct a cmd line from this
[16:17] <ionoy> what is the easiest way to stream video from one PC to another inside LAN (wifi)? I'm using this on server side: "ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="Syntek STK1150" -vcodec mpeg4 -f mpegts udp://" and "ffplay -i udp://" on desktop PC. Server is sending data, but client just stops at first line...
[16:17] <ionoy> I see packets flowing via the Wireshark
[16:18] <fajung> does ffplay display subtitle(srt or ass)?
[16:18] <ionoy> nan: 0.000 fd= 0 aq = 0KB vq= 0KB sq= 0B f=0/0                      (output from client)
[16:21] <c_14> ionoy: is the ip of the pc playing the stream?
[16:21] <ionoy> yes
[16:21] <c_14> any firewalls that might be making mischief?
[16:22] <ionoy> turned off
[16:22] <fajung> if so, how can I do to make it visible?
[16:24] <c_14> ionoy: does outputting dshow to a file work? Can you use a file as source to stream to udp?
[16:25] <ionoy> hm, I'll try
[16:48] <ionoy> c_14: Nevermind, I tried to stream with -f rtp rtp:// and it works now. Although it only works when I encode it with libx264 and default settings. When I tried -qp 0 for lossless, received stream became really scrambled :(
[17:24] <gugusama> hi anyone tried building ffmpeg statically with x11grab ?
[17:27] <gugusama> i was trying to build it but got this error message: Xext not found
[17:31] <gugusama> CFLAGS="-I$TARGET_DIR/include" LDFLAGS="-L$TARGET_DIR/lib -lm" ./configure --prefix=${OUTPUT_DIR:-$TARGET_DIR} --extra-cflags="-I$TARGET_DIR/include -static" --extra-ldflags="-L$TARGET_DIR/lib -lm -static" --extra-version=static --disable-debug --disable-shared --enable-static --extra-cflags=--static --disable-ffplay --disable-ffserver --disable-doc --enable-gpl --enable-pthreads --enable-postproc --enable-gray --enable-runtime-cpudetect --enable-libfaac --
[17:52] <thomas_sch> I got a mkv file which chapters and subtitles.Is there a clean/easy way to convert this mkv to a dvd?I tried googling but all I got was devede and co
[18:07] <Puffton> Is it possible to stream PNG images stored in-memory in C++ to disk as a movie using ffmpeg? The PNG images will never be stored on disk themselves (could be about a million of them so it would be a lot easier to stream them straight to a movie to avoid overhead)
[18:09] <c_14> maybe look at the image2pipe demuxer
[18:13] <Puffton> ok, will look into it, thanks!
[19:11] <Puffton> Are there any benchmarks on the compression rate of ffmpeg? Like, the difference between saving a single frame as a PNG compared to saving it as part of a movie using ffmpeg?
[19:12] <c_14> Depends on the codec you're using.
[19:13] <Puffton> Was hoping to find a couple of benchmarks of the most common ones
[19:15] <sfan5> a single png is likely in almost any case bigger than a single frame of a movie (for non-lossless codecs like h264, hevc, mpeg4video, etc.)
[19:17] <Puffton> that's what I'm hoping to show, but I'm writing a report
[19:17] <sfan5> you could do the benchmarks yourself
[19:18] <Puffton> I suppose, but setting up a realistic environment for that would take me a little more time than I have right now, and the report is already too long
[19:24] <Puffton> (it's not about video compression vs storing raw PNGs at all, it just happened to be a really neat feature in the future)
[19:47] <optix2> I'm trying to create standard DV-AVI files from AVCHD mts-files. Interlaced AVCHD is TFF whereas DV has to be BFF. when using the fieldorder command the resulting file has 2x bitrate and is therefor not a valid dv file, see http://fpaste.org/127804/14087294/ and http://fpaste.org/127805/72947814/
[19:47] <optix2> omitting the fieldorder command produces a TFF DV avi with correct bitrate
[19:47] <optix2> or am I missing something?
[23:14] <CyberKitsune> Hey guys, I have a rather, particular problem. I have an mpeg file with some elementary streams in it, that look completely valid in a hex editor, but it can't be decoded by ffmpeg, or anything else for that matter!
[23:15] <CyberKitsune> I'm more than fairly certain there is no corruption, but it may be an odd kind of mpg?
[23:16] <CyberKitsune> ffmpeg in particular just thows a "Invalid data found when processing input" on the file when it tries to decode it-- I'm willing to upload it as a sample too, if somebody more skilled in video files and formats would like to take a look
[00:00] --- Sat Aug 23 2014

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