[Ffmpeg-devel-irc] ffmpeg.log.20140824

burek burek021 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 25 02:05:01 CEST 2014

[00:00] <SmallMalePony> When I convert a file into a fixed-bitrate audio exact copy with this command: ffmpeg.exe -i %1 -c:a pcm_s16le -q:v 0 %1.avi
[00:00] <SmallMalePony> ... it doesn't have any sound once loaded into Premiere Pro. It does have sound when played in my media player. Any idea why that is? Premiere Pro doesn't give an error of any kind. The video fully works. Just no sound at all.
[00:04] <sacarasc> Does it support PCM?
[00:05] <SmallMalePony> Apparently not.
[00:06] <SmallMalePony> All I'm trying to do is get constant bitrate.
[00:06] <SmallMalePony> So it won't mess up the audio by drifting.
[00:08] <cbsrobot-> SmallMalePony: try to write a video and an audio separately
[00:08] <cbsrobot-> ffmpeg.exe -i %1 -c:a pcm_s16le -vn %1.wav -q:v 0 -an %1.avi
[00:12] <SmallMalePony> cbsrobot-: Trying it now. Will take quite some time.
[01:01] <SmallMalePony> cbsrobot-: Okay. Now it has finished and I have tested it.
[01:01] <SmallMalePony> It STILL produces lagged (drifted) audio in Pre.
[01:01] <SmallMalePony> Grrrr.
[01:01] <SmallMalePony> I HATE that issue.
[01:01] <SmallMalePony> How can that be even with this method?
[01:07] <SmallMalePony> ffmpeg.exe -i %1 -c:a pcm_s16le -vn %1.wav -q:v 0 -an %1.avi
[01:07] <SmallMalePony> Like above.
[01:07] <SmallMalePony> And the output... well...
[01:08] <SmallMalePony> It's long gone, but it was completed.
[03:34] <cbsrobot-> SmallMalePony: just paste the console output of: ffmpeg.exe -i %1
[03:54] <SmallMalePony> I already deleted the file. Sorry.
[06:06] <waressearcher2> in "man ffmpeg" it says: "You can use '-me zero' to speed up motion estimation", but if I use ffmpeg with that option it says: "Unrecognized option 'me'." "Error splitting the argument list: Option not found", so what is that "-me" option ?
[10:08] <Fjorgynn> varsågod
[13:45] <Mavrik> o/
[16:12] <feliwir> hello, does the demuxer provide subtitle stream packages at the correct time?
[16:12] <feliwir> (short before they play)
[22:18] <t4nk580> Hi =)
[22:21] <t4nk580> can someone say me how to "force" a subtitle tu be displayed at the launch of a video ?
[22:37] <Twoll> bof
[22:37] <Twoll> y'a personne
[22:37] <Twoll> t4nk580 :D
[22:46] <pie__> i have mp4 video files from youtube and i only want the audio, how can i strip video from the files?
[22:46] <sacarasc> ffmpeg -i blah.mp4 -vn -sn output.mkv
[22:47] <sacarasc> Or output.mp4 if you want.
[22:47] <pie__> ok thanks, also, any idea if androids media player will do mp4? though i suppose i could just look it up
[22:47] <pie__> and one would think it can
[22:48] <sacarasc> Yes, it will.
[22:48] <pie__> ok thanks :)
[22:49] <t4nk580> do you know for my question sacarasc ? ^^
[22:49] <sacarasc> No.
[22:50] <pie__> sacarasc: is it possible to modify in place?, ie omit the output file name
[22:50] <sacarasc> No.
[22:51] <pie__> im assuming specifying the same name as the input file will break things, i want to iterate over a folder of mp4 files and i was thinking of using find . -exec ... \;
[22:52] <sacarasc> You could output them to a different directory, then move them all in when you're done.
[22:52] <pie__> hm that should work with finds ./filename if i do somehting like otherfolder/./filename
[22:52] <pie__> ah, the problem is i dont have enough disk space :)
[22:52] <pie__> i suppose i could try making some :/
[22:54] <pie__> though all the audio files just might fit in 460mb
[22:57] <pie__> well hopefully this should work
[22:57] <pie__> gonna take a ton of cpu though
[22:57] <sacarasc> No it won't.
[22:57] <sacarasc> ffmpeg -i blah.mp4 -vn -sn -c:a copy output.mkv
[22:57] <sacarasc> I missed a bit.
[22:58] <sacarasc> It will take like no CPU, be 99% IO.
[23:02] <pie__> oh cool :) well one would think so when theres intuitively, no transcoding going on
[23:02] <pie__> but its using almost a full cpu core
[23:03] <pie__> (im on a core 2 duo 6600 or somesuhc)
[23:03] <pie__> or is it possible that simple io is bogging down the cpu like that?
[23:55] <benlieb> dig the new site!
[23:57] <benlieb> is there a way to generically specify end of file with -to ?
[00:00] --- Mon Aug 25 2014

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